Johnson Asks Bills, Oooemugh, Coveaitry; Alfred Upon the People of the New Re- Standards of Living Unknown in Maas., During the 1958-59 Sea Previprevious History
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V * TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1963 PAOB KGHTEEN JJIanrIrPHtpr i|praliit MAHRC Fund Drive Draws to Close-Have You Mailed Your Donation? AJ.f7. .Brayn GiM, aon of fleld, who served as Beekwith's Mr. and Ifoa. Oharlea Gill, 18 Beckwith Feted a e r g a a n t-at-aima, was In HAVE YOU AN A rm g e Daily N«t Prcan Rm The Weather Hospital Notes A b o u t T o w n charge of arrangements for the Fereenat ot C. 8. Weather Margaret Rd., la home on a tan- Superb EVENT SCHEDULED Foir the Week Ended day leave from Thule Air Force By Bristol YD dinner, aaalstad by a commit TM tliH hour* «r« > to 8 p.m. Ben Eara Chapter o f B’nai Base, Greenland. .He ia to be tee from the Brlatol YD Chap t h a t c a l l s for Nevenbsr If, IMS Mostly cloudy tonight and tom-, ter and Its auxUlaty. tag colder by morning. Low 88 IB ■> BTMM, except meternity B'rith hais canceled Its meeting afoignad to Sacramento, CaW. Clyde Beckwith 8r. of 291 FOOD? w hen li»«f mre * to 4 p.m., end scheduled for tonight at Wlck- m rE m o to 40. ThnrtMlny partly snany Highland St., past national 1 3 ,8 9 1 and aensonably cold. High Ui 6:M *0 8 p.m. end privete room* iMm Memorial Ubrary, Bast Town barbarahopa will be It may be a wedding, a baa- _______theyj ere_____ 10 e.m. t o ^“ ^ Hartford, <»>an ail day tomorrow due to ccmimander of the Yankee Di- Light Installed Sm/QE qdet or juat an taiformnl gnt- r af tba Andtt the 40a. VWtortt ere r e q n w ^ J ^ eJosing Monday. vision Veterans Association, together of n society, lodge m o t d n oln tton Manchetter— A City o f Village Charm te BBieke In petlente' John Mather Chapter, Order was honored at a taatlmonial At Parkade Road some friendly group. than tw’o vtaltora et one of DeMolay, will have a drill diipter given at the Elks Club, tOme per petient. beam praotioe tomorrow at 7 Visiting Couple Brlatol, Saturday evening. Pre We Are Prepared to BIANCTIESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1963 (Claartflid Adfsetlslng m Fags 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTg p.m. at the Masonic Temple. ceding the dinner, executive The Manchaeter IPoJloe De- VOL. LXXXm, NO. 50 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PaiUMite Today! 888 meetings were held. peurtmeient maintenance crew Wed 57 Years [day metaUad a new set of Serve \ou to Your XtXMTrTBJD YBBTEHlDAy: Manchester Lodge of Maaons The tables were decorated TOday will meet tonight at 7:30 at the with miniature YD berets and overhead traffic signals on Complete 'Satiefoetion Oft*. Auguete KWiwchniKH, M Broad St. at Green Manor AntUUS, Moves in Caracas^ Bogota Wetti et.; Mrs. Anna lywe, IftO Masonic Temple. Twenty-five- Mr. and Mra. Luther Glidden' flowers in the traditional blue MioKee a t : Mns. SopiMe Zasto- yeaf- membership pIna will be of North Leeds, Maine, will and gold of the division. An Blvd., a private roadway. Our catering servtoe la not np 'anor Estates (Flrrt 17 River St., Rodcvillc; presented after a business celebrate their 57 th wedding arm bouquet of gold chrysan Green Ma to be flexible enough to no- Hertford Realty) purchased the Jehn Jacknpaic, Mourdeln St., meeting. ajnntvor,<«ry tonight at the home themums was presented to commodatc any tlae gnttieitng. slgnala for installatton under RookvUle; Mre. Genrfrine Vince, of their daughter, Mra. Joyce Mrs. Beckwith by her daugh Why not call us and talk ovnr M 7 KcKee St.;. James MulH- The Chapel Choir of BmaTiuel Bobtin. 63 Branford St., with ter. Guests were present from new regulationa which require the details T Kennedy’s Thanksgiving Message ThompeonvMe; David Lutheo'an Church will whom they are visiting. the six New England states separate heads of green, yel tomorrow at 6:30 pm In Luther They wore married on Nov. and New York. low and caution lights facing U.S. Officer Kidnaped fctoiafaalH, 70 Crestwood Dr.; James Rdhiggr. 42 Tercoe Rd.; Hall and the Emanuel Choir at 26, 1906, in Woodstock. New All plans for entertainment in each cMrectian. Bradford Bachrach photo ITve new installation was America's tragic -Civil War, humility, which they possessed Lao John**!, 206 HWiard St.; 8:30 in the same place Bninuswlck, Canada, and are the were canceled. Instead, a trib WABHmilTON (AP)—Here is nrtade to handle the increasing GARDEN GROVE Pre'Sldent Lincoln proclaimed and which we must seek every parents of 13 oh'.ldren, 11 of ute and memorial service for the text of the Thnnkeglvlng pay CARACAS, Venezuela (A P )— .jens. Alicne Hinee, 16 Oiurch the last Thursday of November, day to emulate. As we express CARACAS, Venezuelatcame his Ve,peiuelan chauffeur.t A chauffeur and neighbors sawf a t, Yeamori:V ---------rL»*«- Ralph Gaites, 187 Engaged The American Legion will whom are living. They also have the late President John F. Ken flow of traffic to and from the TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-.'5314 proclamation issued by Preei- - - - - - Chenault seised snd telephoned Police increased their vigilance Martchester Shopping Parkade 1863; ns a day to renew our our gratitude, we must never disabled th4 engine of his car. Miapile e t ; Mtb. Columbia De- The engragement of Miss hold a business meeting tonight 65 grandchildren and 5 1 'great nedy was held. dent Kennedy on Nov. 5 which (AP) — Armed terrorists the police. today after pro-Cfcmmunlst ter at 8 at the Legion Home. Arthur Evans of Wethers- through the private roadv/ay. President Johnson urged be gratitude for America’s "fruttfur forget that the highest apprecia- then sped off with him in a 1962 Ctotl, 88 Biasell St.; Lynn grandchildren. Uon Is not to utter words but to seized Col. James K. Chen rorists made an unsuccessful at Kathryn Gene Callaghan of 5.3 read in the naUon’e churches on fields” for our "national model white car. The car later The U.S. Army mission is Oomeau, Wappop; Arthur live by them. ault of the U.S. Army mis was found abandoned. tempt to kill the three major Hilltop Dr., Manchester, and Thursday: strength and vigor” and for our here at the request of the Ven- ■nioinpnofi. 40V4 Florence St.; "singular deliverance and bless Let us therefore proclaim our sion today and spirit^ him Chenault, 46, Is from Sher exuelan government to train and presidential candidates with Belmont, Mass., to Charles Tal- Over three cmiUirlee ago our bombs disguised as Christmas Mm Dorothy Trotter, 575 ings.” gratitude to Providence for man, Tex., and his wife is from advise the Veneiuelan army. Oaodner St.; Nelson L^rec, oott Orkrff of Dover, Maas., has forefathere In Virginia and In away. presents. MassachuMtta far from home In Mucl4uch time has passed since manifold blessings — let us be Council Bluffs, Iowa. Similar U.S. missions are in Bant Hartford; Alfred Boldtic, been atnnmmced by her aunt, "We just want him for Three other top Venezuelan a lonely wilderness set aside a the first coloniets came to rocky humbly thankful tot .inherited Presumably his selsure is the i other_ Latin American countries. 80 FVwt! et.; John Griffin. Mias Helen Blair Sulhivan of propaganda purposes,” a time for thankeglvtnf. On the shores and dark forests of an ideals — and let us rekolve to work of the Armed Forces for Mission members sre not per- political figures and a U.S. Em Wapping;; Ehriest Beniby, 18 Beimont and yarmouthport. share those blessings and fitpse bassy official also were intend Maas. She is the daiighter of applied day, they gave rever imknown continent, much Ume f.? Spanish speaking caller NaUonal UberaUon — FALN— | mitted to carry arms, 2 AiPCh et.; Larraline Trudeau. since Preeidept Washington led ideals with our fellow humcln which is carrying out a terror' Chenault, who was wearing ed victims of similar bomb ManstMd Depot; Mrs. Patricia the late Mr. and M??. John W. ent thanke for their safety, for later telephoned the em the health of their children, for a young people into the experi beings throughout the world. campaign bn an attempt to sab- his uniform at the time of the packages, police .said. BaJdeen, CSiaphn. Callaghan of Fairhavwi. Maas., Now, therefore. I. John F. bassy. “ Don’t worry. We the fertility of their fields, for ence of naUonhood, much time h a r m ! ^ presidential kidnaping, was the ranking of- The plot was discovered Tues aovl granddaughter of Mrs. Eu Kennedy, President of the Unit are not going to AIDMinTEa) TODAY: Brad- gene J. Sullijvan o f New Bed the lawe which bound them to- since Prerident Lincoln saw the ; gjjctlon and to overthrow pro- fleer of the mission when FALN day. after one of the packages iord AlAott, 627 Center St. American nation through the ed States, In consonance with ford, Mass. THANKSGIVING WHK SPECIALS! gethw and for the faith which him.” U.S. President Romulo Betan- members raided mission head failed to explode when opened. BERTHB yjOtmURDAY: A united them under their Ood. ordeal of fraternal war — and the joint resolution of Congress Four men seized Chenault as court. The FALN has sworn a l-! quarters snd burned the bulld- Her flanxie is the aon of Mrs. approved Dec. 26, 1941, 56 Stat. son to Iftr. and Mia. ABan G41- So, too, when the colonies In these years our populaUon, he ste p p e from his horns, over- legiance to Fidel Castro's Cuba. Ing several months ago. (See Page Seven) Vladimir I.