STATESMAN Novmfber 10, 1972 Changes in Ed Requirement Puzzle Studk;Nts

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STATESMAN Novmfber 10, 1972 Changes in Ed Requirement Puzzle Studk;Nts - - - -- 'AMpwl- 017 VOLUME 16 NUMBER -17 _____ STONY BOK N. ____ RDANVME Hase:S he Breaks Boot er s Fouir More Years-erfectl Clar By MATT CAHANEY The Stony Brook soccer team lost to Fairleigh Incumbents Take Local Races Dickinson University on Tuesday, 3-1. Because the match started nearly an hour late, the second half See Story on Page 2 was played in semi-darkness. FDU's first goal came eariy in the first half. It was the result of a fast 9raand Stony Brook didn't have time to cover on dfne Environmental Bond Passes For a while, the gae rocked back and forth it still between the two teams, and it'looked like See Story on Page 2 migh be any onels game. But then FDU surrounded Stony Brook's goal, and as they began came to U-4t-ghe n their hold, Pat goalie Mark Wilke out of the goal. He made a poor attempt at helping One Person's Election Sorrow hi temmates, as FDU quickly scored. Pats, Dejected Commentary on Page 5~ Behind 2-0, Stony Brook looked dejected. The Patriots,, however, got their first brealc when Soloman Mensah was awarded. -an indirect free kick. He passed the ball- to Aaron George,, who A Disheartening. Experience kicked it between two defenders for a goal, making .the swore 2-1. Stony al Stony Brook had the wind at ON THIS KICK: Patriot booter Aaron George helped Featu re on Page 7 In the second "Brook avert a shutout as he knocked the ball between the its back, and hopes were high for a comet--7ck goalposts for the Pat's only tally. victory like the one at Albany. On one good the offensive play, Hector Fabrelle and Peter SfmRamsey complained to his players on List of State ]Legislators, to pass that Goldschmidt got the ball to George., who was far ;^csaying, &(I never taught them downfield. 'Me FDU goalie, meanwhile, came out, ^"wray on offense." A good See Page 5 -and accidntly ran into one of his teammates,. FDU got their goal on a lucky break. While the goalie lay stunned on the ground, George shot was taken at the goal, and as Wilke went to and misdan open shot on the goal. It was a tough stop it, the ball hit Patriot Alex Tettah side of the goal. There IT'S ALL OVERK: Not WO TId M1 rPIU LII v«<*=co c III*«*.» ***II-- - braas Stony Brook could have -tied the score. deflected to the opposite of the toteboard at Repubfican Headquarters at Blue Point years." Goalie Number Two was no way Wilke could. stop it, and FDU went iI posts what seems to be the final outcomne:6"four more FDU put in another goalie, a break Stony Brook ahead, 3-1. should have aptalized on. Since they-only took a Goldschmidt kept FDU from, scoring a fourth .I an FDU player couple of weak shots in the remainder of the game, goal. As Wilke came out of the goal, the goal. however, the new goalie remained untested. fired a shot right at the middle of was Stony Brook's offense had trouble making Goldschmidt, realizing that the goal to kick it Rtequisites Cause C o sfuson effective passes all game. They stopped passing on unprotected, got to the ball just in time New Secondo Ed-j the ground, and FDU always seemed to be in the away. (Continued on page 13) rigt sotto pick off the air balls. Patriot coach See Story on Page 3 I L - - mmwmovl ^----%----------------------- W i Incumbents Sweep Local Races News Briefs 1 Pikes Costigan, Giuffreda Win By JONATHAN D. SALANT endorsed by President Nixon on Cstigan attributed his victory The local candidates in this the latter's campaign trip in to his seven year record in area were once again returned to Suffolk, and stood to benefit Albany. On the other hand, office. Representative Otis greatly from a Nixon landslide in Linton said that "Nixon's International Pike, a Democrat, received the county, but the Republicans coattails" pulled Costigan into White House emissary General Alexander Haig arrived in Saigon another two year term in the continued to vote for Pike office. He claimed that in an Friday morning (SouthVietnam time) for crucial talks with President House, State Senator Leon instead of the GOP flagbearer. off-year election, "we probably Nguyen Van Thieu. The talks could determine the fate of Henry Giuffreda (R) won easily, and Boyd attributed his defeat to could have won," but Costigan Kissinger's proposed Vietnam peace agreement. Haig's blue and white State Assemblyman Peter the fact that Pike was well got a lot of support from those U.S. Air Force Boeing 707 touched down at 8:25 a.m. American Costigan (R) topped Democratic known in the district. He said people who came to the polls to officials met Haig at the airport, but no South Vietnamese officials challenger Floyd Linton. that Pike would say one thing in vote against George McGovern. were on hand. No reason was given for the absence of a South Pike Wins Again Suffolk and vote a different way "They crossed over to vote for Vietnamese contingent. A reapportioned district and a in D.C., lamenting that he did Pike, but then voted the straight Nixon landslide could not defeat not have enought time to get Republican ticket," explained *The United Nations General Assembly has approved a Russian Pike. The veteran this point across to the residents LInton. His biggest goal was to proposed resolution to establish international guidelines in television representative's career in of the First Congressional achieve a name recognition so broadcasts via satellite directly into the homes of foreign countries. Washington has been marked by District. Boyd charged that his that Republicans would cross The United States was the lone dissenter in the 102-1 vote, the first a large degree of independence, Democratic opponent personally over to vote for him, and to time the U.S. has voted alone in the 27 years of U.N. history. There and thousands of Republican attacked him in advertisements, achieve this, he "campaigned were seven abstentions. The Soviet Union arguedvthat unrestricted voters crossed over to support adding that "that is not the way very hard." Linton did run television transmissions from space would onstitute an invasion of him. to run a campaign." The ahead of McGovem in his sovereignty which could bring into a country subersve material, Trying to deny a seventh term Republican candidate will district, but did not pull enough and incentive to crinme, revolution or -even promugation of to Pike were Republican remain active, and promises to crossover votes to win. pornography. The U.S. said such regulation is not needed now candidate Joe Boyd and criticize Pike when he votes Giuffrhda An Easy Victor because such transmission is many years in the future. Comervaive Robert David against the interests of the East In the First - Senatoral Gardiner. Gerdiner entered the End residnts. District, incumbent State The U.S. and North Vietnam disaee on when peace will come to race solely because Pike had C n Defeats Linton Senator Leon Giuffreda won an Vietnam. The head of the U.S. delegation in Paris says he expects proposed legislation aing Incumbent Peter Costigan easy victory over Democrat agreement at the next meeting between Henry Kissinger and Hanoi Gardiner's Island a national regained his seat from the Joseph Sullivan. The large GOP officials. However, the North Vietnamese sad therewill be no early park. The Gardiner family has Second Assembly District, edge in enrollment had made peace in Vietnam. They say the agreement has been jeopardized by owned the island for three fending off a strong challenge Giuffreda the heavy favorite in Washington's delay in signing the treaty. centuries. Boyd was personally from Democrat Floyd LUnton. that race. The U.S. Command in Saigon reports Vietnam fighting last week took the lives of 17 American G.'s. The Command sa the figure is Environmental Bond Act Passes* XM highest for American casualties in a month and the third highest Xs year. Both sides in the Vietnam War are racing to beat the still-unsigned Voters Defeat Two Amendmennts peace agreement. 'Me Communists and Allies are both reinforcing The $1.15 billio n their own supply stock. A cease-fine would ban importation of new environmental bond issue was weapons. passed by the voters of New PROPOSrITON NUMBER ONE York State by a 2-1 gn.Environmental Quality Bond Act Those who went to the polls on yes 2,688,279 no 1,312,107 National Tuesday also gave their approval to an amendment to the State AMDNEMDMENT NUMBER ONE Constitution allowing the state Terms of DistrictAttrneys Democratic National Chairwoman Jean Westwood yesterday legislature to set the terms of yes 2,281,713 barred newsmen from the Columbia Broadcasting System, whose no 1,519,359 district attorneys at three or . electricians are' on strike from her post-election news four years, but defeated two coriference.CBS News President Richard Salant called the action an AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO * amendments, one providing for A dmeBER to t "outrageous" attempt to manipulate the news. the next constitutional Amendments to the Constitution In a telegram from New York to Westwood, Salant said, "What convention to be held in 1985 yes 1,281,004 no 2,032,750 you are doing involves fundamental free press, free access and news instead of in three years, and manipulation issues, an effort gratuitously to discriminate among one calling for the establishment AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE those who normally cover you by trying to exclude one news of a fifth judicial district Judicial District organization.
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