(Tonwttnit Hatty (Eamjma I Serving Storrs Since 1896
(tonwttnit Hatty (Eamjma i Serving Storrs Since 1896 . • VOL. LXVIII NO. 99 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Monday, April 19, 1971 sen. muskie: 'here to challenge policies9 By CATHY CONNOR The motor of a light plane droned over some 18,000 people gathered on the steps of the Rhode Island State House In Pro- vidence, Sunday, trailing a banner reading "YAF says 'Why Support Hanoi?' ■ Below, cars became littered wits green paper* that said, "Your wind- shield has been washed courtesy of the R.I. Federation of College Republicans. Now that you can see more clearly, we hope that you will join President Nixon In working for a full generation of peace." The bi-partisan "Dump Nixon" rally sponsored by Citizens for Alternatives Now, drew speakers and entertainers from all over the country including three prospective presidential candidates. Sen. Edmund S. Muskle, D-Malne, told blanketed, shivering crowds, "We are here to challenge policies, not person- alities — to seek solutions, not scape- goats." Rep. Paul N. McClosky, R-Cal., has pledged "to fight President Nixon in the primaries if Nixon doesn't move to end the war," and Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind. told the crown the nation 'can- not afford four more years of the bank- rupt policies of Richard Nixon." Muskle drew the loudest reaction from the crowd when he said that If America wants its problems solved, "then It must vote this administration out of office in 1972." He told the rain- soaked crowd that the single purpose of the rally was "to demonstrate our faith that the people's will can still determine our country's course." "We are here to restore moral leadership to our country," he said.
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