The Libertarian Monthly (Vol.3 No.6)

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The Libertarian Monthly (Vol.3 No.6) The Libertarian Monthly Volume III, Number 6 Etcetera Contents Note: Editorial Walter Block 4 Outlook is published monthly by the News Notes Ralph Fucetola III 4 Abolitionist Association. Volume I, Number 1 through Volume II, Number 11 were published letters 5 as "The Abolitionist." Heresies Jerome Tuccille 7 Addresses: Doctor Tuccille prescribes·re.sistance to the state for medicinal purposes, among others. • Business 20BA Mercer Street "-Nix on McGovernment New York, N.Y. 10012 Our regular columnist, master cntlc of Nixonomics, takes on Editorial fastest redistributionist in the West. 505 West 122nd Street New York, N.Y. 10027 The Case for McGovern Irvin Markoff 11 McGovern is less of a statist than Nixon in matters that count, says Outlook's Advertising (Display & Classified) 124 West 81st Street newest Contributing Editor, and libertarians should therefore give him their New York, N.Y. 10024 conditional and cautious support, Advertising Inquiries: A Pox On Both Your Houses David Nolan 12 The National Chairman of the Libertarian Party argues that the Hospers/Nathan All advertising inquiries should bE' addressed to (eket represents the future of freedom in America. Gary Greenberg at the abovE' advertising address. 11 Ain't Worth 11 Louis Rossetto, Jr. 13 Voting is not only an unnatural act, it's a bad investment. Manuscripts Advertising and the Free Market Interview All submissions should be double-spaced, and 14 should include " word counl and a short An exclusive Outlook interview with Professor Israel Kirzner, conducted by autobiography of the author. For return of Walter Block' and Walter E. Grinder. Professor Kirzner tackles sin, fraud, manuscripts, please enclose a stamped, self­ Galbraith, Chamberlin, aspirin and automobile tail fins. addressed envelope. All manuscripts should be mai led to the above editorial address. The Night They Raided Atlas Elton Chalmers 18 We understand that Ayn Rand has insisted upon final cutting rights for the Subscriptions: projected movie to be based on Atlas Shrugged. Perhaps this was out of fear that Single copies-bO cents just such a speculative fantasy could actually come to pass. One year-$b The limits of Naderism Ralph Fucetola III Two years-$ll 19 Threeyears-$15 Naderism has done much good in pointing out the perfidies of our regulatory agencies, but do we want any more of them? Bulk Purchases: looney Tunes & Merry Melodies John Large 20 A forty per cent discount is applicable to all The ;azz-rock synthesis, successfully accomplished by Soft Machine, is examined orders of 10 or more copies of a single issue. by critic Large in his review of their latest album. Classified 26 Interior artwork by King Kong Graphics, with the exception of pages 7, 13,19 & 21 by Philip Rossetto. Cover design: From The Pogo Party, ©Copyright 1955, 1956 by Walt Kelly. Reproduced by permission of Simon and' Schuster, Inc. Staff Editor·in-chief: Walter Block Special Editors: Murray N. Rothbard. Robert Baker Karl Hess, Roy Childs, Jerome Tuccille Copyright 1972 Abolitionist Association. Contributing Editors: Gary Greenberg, Irvin Markoif Frank X. Richter, Ralph Fucetola 111 William Stewart, Ron Schwarz Contributors: Steve Halbrook, Roy Halliday John Brotschol, Bill Danks Louis Rossetto, ir. Managing Editor: Stan Lehr Contributing Artists: Lindsay Barrett, Philip Rossetto Product ior,: King Kong Typography Art Direcllo:l: King Kong Graphics Photography: Jerry Klasman Publisher: Ron Schwarz President: Louis Rossetto, Jr. Circulation and Subscriber Services: John Mull"" 8 ..... NixOn McGovernment by Murray N Rothbard Having denounced Richard Nixon since George McGovern would take us into a the beginning of his administration; still further and drastic leap, a leap from having pioneered in a dump-Nixon which America might take decades, movement upon the black day of August generations to recover: a new 15,1971 (Nixon's wage-price controls); "revolution" into compulsory having urged one and all to "throw the egal itarianism. rascal out;" I must now confess to hoping for a smashing ',xon victory this Item: George McGovern's proposals to ovember. Ho\\ compl What has brought increase taxes heavi lyon everyone' a life-long and increasing anti-Nixonite to maktng more than the mod('st mOl of this particular passl The ,1nswpr is simple: $12,000 a Year, in order to provide a high George McGovern and the McGovernite Income floor, and a $1.000 gift to every movement. I cannot swallow man, woman, and child in America. ever McGovernism, I regard the McCovernites mind that McGovern has vacillated and as by far the greater danger to American backtracked on the specific proposals; - liberty. If the McGovernites arp this is where his heart and mind obviously pulverized, if thpy arp smashed to are. And he is there, trying to place a ceiling of $500,000 on all inheritance and smithereens, as seems vpry likply, then WI" t~x can quickly rid ourselvps of the 11(' still persists in trying to close thp McGovernite dpbris and e1p,lr the dpcks "Ioopholps," to increasp corporat" taxes, for going back to our JHpviously happy to eliminate oil and mining dE'pletion task of hating the Nixon administration. allowances. etc. Ludwig von ,"'ises once wrote in proper exasperation: Perhaps the bpst way of gptting at thp reasons for my drastic shift (in a "What is a loophole/If the law does not forthcoming Reason int"rvipw, hpld in punish a definite action or does not tax a June,l was still for McGovprn, "lbpit very definite thing, this is not a loophole. It is reluctantly), is to pondpr why it is that the simply the law. Great Britain does not vast ranks of Middle Anwrica havp shiftpd punish gambling. This fs not a loophole; it in the same way. For dpspitp ,\\cCovprn's is a British law. The income-tax clear advantage in the arpas of ppacp ,'nd exemptions in our income tax are not secondaryconsiclt'rations; Ipi' us press on loopholes. The gentleman \\ ho civil liberties, I have swung against to the ground of principiI". McGovern for many of thp sanw rpasons complained about loopholes in our income tax. .implicity starts from the that have impelled the shift among Jews, Pprhaps thp major rpason for Middlp assumption that income O\'er fifteen or Catholics, ethnics,labor Ipadprs, workPrs, Anll'ric,,'s rejpction of McCovprn's twenty thousand dollars ought to be et a/. For all their fuzziness and lack of progr,lm is that hI" '1l1d his movpnwnt confiscated and calls therefore loophole clarity or consistency, the instincts of have come on strong and h,'rd for a the fact that his ideal is not ret attained. Middle America are sound, and they arp compulsory egalitarianism all thp \\',ly Let us be grateful for the fact that there this year operating full blast. If, as I shall down thp line. To tl1(' Old lpft, socialism are still such things as the honorable try to explain further bpiow, it is the and collpctivism \\,,'rp largply ,1 mattpr of gentleman calls loopholes. Thanks to libertarian task to articulate and st,ltp control ,'nd pl,1I1ning; but no\\' tlw these loopholes this country is still a free intellectualize the sound instincts of pmphasis has shiftpd, ,lnd \\'hilp country and its \\orkers are not yet Middle America, then this explanation "'cGovern's social '1l1d economic policips reduced to the status and the distress 0; takes on particular importance. arp statist to til(' core (there is no Nt'\\' Lt'ft decentralization '1l1d ,1nti-burt'auCf,1CY their Rllssian colleagues:" Let us set aside as important but here). the central ('mph,lSis has shiftpcl to It is tl", task of libprt,lri,lns to ",iden all secondary Middle America's rejection of the inner hard core of socialist ,lSpiration tl1l' la, "loopholE's" not to r10sp thpm. to the personality of George McGovern, of since the days of Karl "',H~: tr", use of m"kt' of our inCOlllf' t~l' ~vstl\ln onl?' his undoubtedly sorry record of compulsion to rendpr ('very individu,ll gigantic loopholp; Ct'orge ,\ tcCOI'prn vacillation, personal betrayal (a la and every group pqual and uniform to \\'ould do til(' \ t'r\' oppositE' Eagleton). and his role as a rather each other. It is here, in thp ,1rpa of cretinous front man for the McGovernite opposition to c.galitarianism, in its sav,lge Itpm: Cporgp ,\\cCO\'ern is tl1l' on'" militantes. In a few short months, George attempt to suppress the most basic nature politician br,wp or ;tupid or ianatical McGovern has performed a seemingly of man (diversity, di!iprences, . pnough in '1C)7~ to e1ing to his support of bll~ing. ~lg~ll11, ~ln impossible feat: he has made Richard "inequality"). that libertarians are dosest cOlllpubor\, 1311'ing. IS Nixon seem like a model of honesty, to our friends and enemies, thp attempt b\' pg,llit,lrilll1 Id(\ologllllS to forcE:' probitY,and courage. But these are conservatives. For while conservatives ,lre tl1l' compulsof\' uniformit\ ,lnd tragically statist in many areas, they ;Ire at intpgration of the r,Kt's through ;orclng dan~lPr. least sound and firm in their opposition to little childrt'n into arpas of [Dr. Murray N. Rothbard is the author of Man the egalitarian menace. And so while \\h,1tt'\t'r little "d\lc,'tion thest' kIds Me Economy and State, POWl'( and Markpt and ' Richard Nixon is responsible for the gE'tting in tht' public schools \\ 011 bt' America's Creat Depression among ma'n y, greatest single leap into statism since lllO\\ Ig \ 011 .\lIS('S III .\ Dlrf'(tor. ~d . many others. He is Professor of Economics at Franklin Roosevelt's New 0('.11 (wage­ the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, editor of Oe;pnsp. Concrols. and In;/ation ,Chicago' price controls,.Lockheed, and the libertarian rorum and a regular bi-monthly L'111\ t'rsitv oi Chi..- ,'~O Pft\:"s.
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