The President Will See Whom Now? Presidential Engagement with Organized Interests*
The President Will See Whom Now? Presidential Engagement with Organized Interests* David Miller June 29, 2021 Abstract Though presidents often publicly criticize organized interests, they also expend substantial effort engaging with those interests. Utilizing original elite interviews, a survey of lobbyists, and large-N administrative data, I consider how engagement manifests, what motivates presidents to engage interests, and with which interests presidents engage. Unlike in other institutions, presidents, not interests, exercise primary control over engagement decisions, and they engage to mobilize interests' institutional resources in service of their goals. To optimize mobiliza- tion, presidents focus engagement on interests with large resource endowments and who share presidents' preferences. Pairing over 7 million White House visitor log entries from two presiden- cies with lobbying and campaign finance records, I demonstrate that presidential engagement is informed by interests' electoral and policy resources and partisan alignment. My findings highlight coalition-building with interests as an under-appreciated utensil in the presidential toolkit and suggest that presidential engagement amplifies the political voice of well-resourced and copartisan interests. Word Count: 11,978 *I thank Dan Butler, Josh Clinton, Thomas Holyoke, David Lewis, Kenneth Lowande, Yu Ouyang, Andrew Reeves, Erin Rossiter, Andrew Stone, Katie Tenpas, Sharece Thrower, participants in the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions seminar series at Vanderbilt University and Political Science Data Lab at Washington University in St. Louis, and panel members at the 2018 Southern Political Science Association annual meeting and the 2020 American Political Science Association Money in Politics pre-conference for helpful guidance and feedback on this project. I also thank the organized interest representatives and former White House officials who completed interviews and/or surveys with me as part of this project.
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