Yearbook 2014-15 Eng.Pdf
Key Statistics Unit 2013-14 2014-15 PLANT & EQUIPMENT Capital-at-charge ` in crore 2,08,844.28@ 2,42,116.97# Total Investment ” 3,24,662.40 3,68,758.21 Route Length Kms. 65,808 66,030 Locomotives Nos. 10,499 10,773 Passenger Service Vehicles ” 59,589 61,558 Other Coaching Vehicles ” 6,792 7,000 Wagons ” 252,833* 2,54,006 Railway Stations ” 7,112 7,137 OPERATION: Passenger: Train Kms. Millions 733.4 759.3 Vehicle Kms. ” 23,542 24,802 Freight: Train Kms. ” 418.8 401.9 Wagon Kms. ” 19,546 18,930 VOLUME OF TRAFFIC: Passengers Originating Millions 8,397 8,224 Passenger Kms. ” 1,140,412* 1,147,190 Tonnes Originating:$ Revenue Earning Traffic ” 1,051.64 1,095.26 Total Traffic (incl. non-revenue) ” 1,058.81 1,101.09 Tonne Kms.$ Revenue Earning Traffic ” 665,810 681,696 Total Traffic (incl. non-revenue) ” 666,728 682,612 EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES: Regular Employees Thousands 1,334 1326 Wage Bill of Regular Employees ` in crore 75,893.05 84,748.01 Average Annual Wage per Regular ` 5,85,620 6,57,829 Employee FINANCIAL RESULTS: Revenue ` in crore 1,39,558.18 1,56,710.54 Expenses ” 1,30,320.76 1,42,995.88 Miscellaneous Transactions ” 2,511.65 3,123.83 Net revenue (before dividend) ” 11,749.07 16,838.49 Rate of Return on Capital Percent 5.63 6.95 Dividend on Capital ` in crore 8,008.67 9,173.55 Shortfall(-)/Excess(+) ” 3,704.40 7,664.94 * revised @ Includes investment (` 38,675.93 crore) from Capital Fund.
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