Publikasjonsliste 1997

Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt

UIO/PHYS/98-03 Received: 1998-04-02 ISSN-0332-5571 REPORT SERIES

29-23 Publikasjonsliste 1997

Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt

UIO/PH YS/98-03 Received: 1998-04-02 ISSN-0332-5571 FORORD

Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra FYSISK INSTITUTT er for 1997 oppdelt i seks hoved- kategorier. Publikasjonslisten er sortert etter hoved- og underkategorier og etternavn på første forfatter fra instituttet. Forfattere med arbeidsplass ved Fysisk institutt er uthevet. I tillegg har vi tatt med en tabell som viser kategori-inndelingen for insttituttets arbeider, samt to tabeller som viser fordelingen av arbeidene på forskningsgrupper og kategorier. En tabell som angir en forenklet beregning av instituttets totale normerte produksjon innen forskning og formidling er også inkludert.

Heidi Bruvoll og Øivin Holter PUBLIKASJONSUTVALGET





1. Vitenskapelige publikasjoner 5

2. Vitenskapelige og tekniske rapporter 17

3. Vitenskapelige foredrag 23

4. Populærvitenskapelige arbeider 39

5. Pedagogisk/didaktiske arbeider 44

6. Fagpolitiske arbeider 46 KATEGORI-INNDELING FOR ARBEIDER FRA FYSISK INSTITUTT 1. VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 1.1. Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med referee. 1.2. Artikler i proceedings fra store internasjonale konferanser. 1.3. Artikler i proceedings fra mindre møter/workshops og symposier. 1.4. Artikler i vitenskapelige bøker. 1.5. Vitenskapelige bøker. 2. VITENSKAPELIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 2.1. Vit./tekn. arbeider i Fysisk institutts rapportserie. 2.2. Andre rapportserier (CERN, IFE, etc). 2.3. Interne rapporter, uregistrerte rapporter uten ISSN-nummerc o.l. 2.4. Redigerte proceedings/fagbøker/årsrapporter 2.5. Artikler i nasjonale fagtidsskrift. 2.6. Innvilgede patenter. 2.7. Artikler/rapporter på internett. 3. VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 3.1. Foredrag ved store internasjonale konferanser. 3.2. Foredrag ved mindre konferanser /møter/workshops. 3.3. Andre vitenskapelige foredrag, gjesteforelesninger, o.l. 3.4. Forelesninger eksterne vitenskapelige kurs/sommerskoler etc. 4. POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 4.1. Populærvitenskapelige bøker. 4.2. Populærvitenskapelige artikler. 4.3. Populærvitenskapelige foredrag. 4.4. Korte populærvitenskapelige notiser/artikler. 4.5. Produksjon av radio- og TV-programmer. 4.6. Avis-, radio- og TV-intervjuer/mindre utstillinger. 4.7. Store faglige utstillinger. 4.8. Populærforelesninger ved eksterne kurs. 5. PEDAGOGISK/DIDAKTISKE ARBEIDER 5.1. Lærebøker. 5.2. Artikler av pedagogisk/didaktisk karakter. 5.3. Kompendier (UNI«PUB). 5.4. Foredrag av pedagogisk/didaktisk karakter. 5.5. Uformelle forelesningsreferater/lab. veiledninger/oppgavesamlinger. 6. FAGPOLITISKE ARBEIDER 6.1. Fagpolitiske artikler. 6.2. Fagpolitiske foredrag. 6.3. Fagpolitiske innlegg v/konferanser/ Radio/TV/aviser. PUBLIKASJONSSTATISTIKK: FYSISK INSTITUTT 1997 FORDELING ETTER GRUPPER OG KATEGORIER KAT BIO ELE FAS EPF KJE PLA STR TEO SUM 1.1 15 5 31 18 21 11 7 21 130 1.2 1 3 5 7 2 2 2 0 22 1.3 6 1 1 0 0 0 6 3 17 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 1 10 2.2 0 5 0 16 9 0 0 0 30 2.3 2 1 2 0 5 0 4 0 14 2.4 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 5 2.5 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 10 2.6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 3.1 5 10 21 1 11 17 3 0 68 3.2 16 10 22 11 26 10 11 5 111 3.3 5 2 9 4 6 3 3 3 35 3.4 3 1 3 0 3 0 2 0 12 4.1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4.2 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 2 9 4.3 10 0 1 3 15 5 0 6 40 4.4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 8 4.5 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 5 4.6 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 3 14 4.7 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4.8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5.1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5.2 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 5.3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5.4 15 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 17 5.5 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 6.1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 6.2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6.3 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 SUM 100 41 95 74 134 58 43 48 595 PUBLIKASJONER FRA FYSISK INSTITUTT 1997 Fordeling etter hoved-kategorier og grupper

KATEGOR [ GRUPPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUM BIO 22 7 29 16 25 1 100 ELE 9 7 23 0 2 0 41 FAS 37 2 55 1 0 0 95 EPF 25 21 16 11 1 0 74 KJE 23 26 46 29 1 9 134 PLA 13 5 30 9 1 0 58 STR 18 4 19 0 1 1 43 TEO 24 1 8 14 1 0 48 Fl 172 73 226 80 32 11 595

Fysisk institutts publikasjonsprofil: Forfatterindeks: 0.733 Sideindeks: 1.028

Forenklet beregning av vektet forsknings- og formidlingsinnsats Vitenskapelig virksomhet Kategori- Profil- Års- Kategori Antall Vekt vektet vektet verk Tidsskrift m/referee1 130 1.000 130.0 98.0 56.0 Proceedings/bøker2 42 0.400 16.8 14.4 8.2 Vitenskapelige bøker3 0 2.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 Rapporter o.a.4 70 0.200 14.0 12.0 6.9 Foredrag5 226 0.060 13.6 11.6 6.6 Sum vitenskapelig 174.4 136.0 77.7 kategori: 1.1; 2Kategori: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4; 3Kategori: 1.5; 4Kategori: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, IA ,2.5, 2.6; 5Kategori: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.4; Formidlingsvirksomhet Kategori- Profil- Års- Kategori Antall Vekt vektet vektet verk Artikler1 19 0.100 1.9 1.9 1.1 Bøker2 3 1.000 3.0 3.0 1.7 Foredrag3 59 0.030 1.8 1.8 1.0 Notiser o.l.4 28 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.1 Kompendier5 7 0.200 1.4 1.4 0.8 Utstillinger6 7 0.025 0.2 0.2 0.1 Sum formidling 8.4 8.4 4.8 1 Kategori: 4.2, 5.2, 6.1 2Kategori: 4.1, 5.1; 3Kategori: 4.3, 4.8, 5.4, 6.2; ''Kategori: 4.4, 4.6, 6.3; 5Kategori: 5.3, 5.5; 6Kategori: 4.5, 4.7: 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER

1 Vitenskapelige publikasjoner P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. 1.1 Internasjonale tidsskrifter A precise measurement of the B° meson lifetime using a new technique. J.O. Andersen Zeit. Phys. C74, 19-44 (1997). The Electric Screening Mass in Scalar Electro- dynamics at High Temperature. Z. Phys. C75, 147-154 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Search for excited leptons in e+e~ collisions at B.S. Avset y/s = 161 GeV. Metastable Hole Traps in High-Resistivity Sili- Phys. Lett. B393, 245-267 (1997). con. Semiconductor Science and Technology 12, 284- 290 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. A Measurement of a from the Scaling Violation K. Berg, H. Anholt, 0. Bech, and J. Moan s in e+e~ Annihilation. The Influence of Iron Chelators on the Accumu- Phys. Lett. B398, 194-202 (1997). lation of Protoporphyrin IX in 5-aminolevulinic Acid-treated Cells. Br. J. Cancer 74, 688-697 (1996). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Search for stable heavy charged particles in 0. Bech, K. Berg, and J. Moan e+e~ collisions at y/s = 130-136, 161 and 172 The pH Dependency of Protoporphyrin IX For- GeV. mation in Cells incubated with 5-aminolevulinic Phys. Lett. B396, 315-333 (1997). Acid. Cancer Lett. 113, 25-29 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. A.E. Bergan and J.O. Eeg Identified Particles in Quark and Gluon Jets. Momentum Dependence of the Penguin Interac- Phys. Lett. B401, 118-134 (1997). tion. Zeitschrift fiir Physik C73, 669-676 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. A.E. Bergan and J.O. Eeg Search for Neutral Heavy Leptons Produced in The self-penguin Contribution K —)2TT. Z Decays. Phys. Lett. B390, 420-426 (1997). Zeit. Phys. C74, 57-84 (1997).

P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Search for Lepton Flavour Number violating Z°- Measurement and interpretation of the W-pair Decays. + cross-section in e e~ interactions at 161 GeV. Zeit. Phys. C73, 243-264 (1997). Phys. Lett. B397, 158-174 (1997).

P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne. T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali. S. Stapnes et al. Measurement of Event Shape and Inclusive Dis- Measurement of Correlations between Pions tributions at y/s — 130 and 136 GeV. + + from Different W's in e e~—^W W~ Events. Zeit. Phys. C73. 229-252 (1997). Phys. Lett. B401, 181-196 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER

P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Ø.L. Bø and Yu. Galperin O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Phonon-assisted resonant-magneto-tunneling in Measurement of the transverse spin correlation double barrier heterostructures. in Z —> T+T~ decays. Physica scripta 69, 206-210 (1997). Phys. Lett. B404, 194-203 (1997). G. Lazzari and F.V. De Blasio P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Thermodynamic properties of superfluid neu- O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. tron star matter. Measurement of the Multiplicity of Gluons Split- Physica Scripta 56, 221-225 (1997). ting to Bottom Quark Pairs in Hadronic Z° De- cays. D. Barberis, K.M. Danielsen, T. Jacobsen Phys. Lett. B405, 202-220 (1997). et al. A kinematical selection of glueball candidates in P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, central production. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Phys. Lett. B397, 339-344 (1997). A study of the reaction e~^~e~ —y /i"*~/i~7isR at LEP and search for new physics at annihilation D. Barberis, K.M. Danielsen, T. Jacobsen energies near 80 GeV. et al. Zeit. Phys. C75 581-604 (1997). A study of the centrally produced Tc+7r~n+n~ channel in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c. P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Phys. Lett. B413, 217-224 (1997). O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Measurement of the Spin Density Matrix for the D. Barberis, K.M. Danielsen, T. Jacobsen p°, K*°(892) and Produced in Z° Decays. et al. Phys. Lett. B406, 271-291 (1997). A study of the KKn channel produced centrally in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c. P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Phys. Lett. B413, 225-231 (1997). O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Observation of Charge-Ordering in Particle Pro- N.C. Maynard, E.J. Weber, D.R. Weimer, J. duction in Hadronic Z° Decay. Moen, T. Onsager, R.A. Heelis, and A. Ege- Phys. Lett. B407, 174-188 (1997). land How wide in Magnetic Local Time is the Cusp? P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, An Event Study. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 4765-4777 (1997). Search for the Bc Meson. Phys. Lett. B398, 207-225 (1997). N.C. Maynard, W.J. Burke, G.M. Ericson, M. Nakamura, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, T. Ya- P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, mamoto, B. Jacobsen, A. Egeland, J.C. Sam- O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. son, D.R. Weimer, G.D. Reeves, and H. Liihr Search for New Phenomena Using Single Pho- Geotail Measurements compared with the Mo- ton Events at LEPl. tions of High-Latitude Auroral Boundaries dur- Zeit. Phys. C74, 577-599 (1997). ing Two Substorms. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 9553-9572 (1997). Ø.L. Bø and Yu. Galperin Low-fequency shot noise in phonon-assisted res- onant magnetotunneling. Phys. Rev. B55. 1696-1706 (1997). I VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER

N. Sandulescu, R. Liotta, J. Blomqvist, T. En- M. Kirkengen and Yu. Galperin geland, M. Hjorth-Jensen, A. Holt, and E. Nonlinear acoustic and microwave absorption in Os nes glasse. Generalized seniority scheme in light tin iso- Phys. Rev. B56, 13615-13618 (1997). topes. Phys. Rev C55, 2708-2710 (1997). A. Knabchen, O. Entin-Wohlman, Yu. Galperin, and Y. Levinson L. Engvik, M. Hjorth-Jensen, R. Machleidt, Absorption of surface acoustic waves by quan- H. Miither, and A. Polls tum dots: Discrete spectrum limit. Modern nucleon-nucleon potentials and symme- Europhys. Lett. 39, 419-424 (1997). try energy in infinite matter. Nuclear Physics A627, 85-100 (1997). F.A. Må and Yu. Galperin Acoustoelectric effects in quantum construc- F.V. De Blasio, M. Hjorth-Jensen, 0. El- tions. garøy, L. Engvik, G. Lazzari, M. Baldo, and Phys. Rev. B56, 4028-4036 (1997). H.-J. Schulze Coherence lengths of neutron superfluids. K. Gjønnes Physical Rev. C56, 2332-2335 (1997). On the integration of electron diffraction inten- sities in the Vincent-Midgley precession tech- L. Engvik, M. Hjorth-Jensen, T.T.S. Kuo, nique. and E. Osnes Ultramicroscopy 69, 1-11 (1997). Nuclear and Neutron Matter Calculations in Different Model Spaces. A.E. Gunnæs, A. Olsen, and H. Herø Nuclear Physics A622, 553-572 (1997). Dental gallium alloy composites studied by SEM and TEM. S. Straumsnes, P. Dommersnes, E.G. Flekkøy, J. of Microscopy 185, 188-198 (1997). and S. Roux Damage due to self-similar micro-cracking. H. Haugerud, T. Haugset, and F. Ravndal European J. of Mechanics: A Solids, 16, 993- A More Accurate Analysis of Bose-Einstein 1009 (1997). Condensation in Anisotropic Harmonic Traps. Phys. Lett. A225, 18-22 (1997). O.I. Frette, K.J. Måløy, J. Schmittbuhl, and A. Hansen H. Haugerud, G. Uimin, and W. Selke Immiscible Displacement in 2D Porous media From Microscopic Description to Statistical Me- With a Viscosity Contrast Equal to One. chanics of CuO Chain Fragments in high-Tc Su- Phys. Rev. E55, 2969-2975 (1997). perconductors REBa

E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, W.H. Nelson, and B. Holme D.M. Close Morphology and Crystallographic Relationships Radiation Damage to DNA base pairs. I. EPR in Reduced Magnetite; A comprehensive Struc- and ENDOR study of single crystals of the tural Study of the Porous Iron Ammonia Syn- complex 1-methylthymine: 9-methyladenine x- thesis Catalyst. irradiated at 10K. J. of Catalysis 167, 12-24 (1997). Radiat. Res. 146, 425-435 (1996). B. Holme, P. Saugset, and J. Taftø A. Holt, T. Engeland, M. Hjorth-Jensen, Microstructure of Reduced Magnetite as a Func- E. Osnes, and J. Suhonen tion of Aluminium Content and Reduction Tem- Extended Shell Model Calculation for Even N perature. = 82 Isotones with a Realistic Effective Interac- Applied Catalysis A162, 149-159 (1997). tion. Nuclear Physics A618, 107-125 (1997). S.B. Isakov, G.S. Canright, and M.D. Johnson Exclusion Statistics for Fractional Quantum I. Huseby, T.S. Tveter, L. Bergholt, M. Hall States on a Sphere. Guttormsen, E. Melby, J. Rekstad, and S. Phys. Rev. B55, 6727-6730 (1997). Siem K hindrance in primary 7 decay after thermal S.B. Isakov and S. Mashkevich and average resonance neutron capture. Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics for Phys. Rev. C55, 1805-1809 (1997). Multispecies Exclusion Statistics. Nucl. Phys. B504, FS 701-718 (1997). R. Halvorsrud, I. Giæver, and J. Feder Growth and synchronization of Physarum plas- S.B. Isakov and S. Viefers modia on a lattice of disconnected nutrient Model of Statistically Coupled Chiral Fields on drops. the Circle. Biological Rhythm Res. 28, 358-364 (1997). Int. J. Mod. Phys. A12, 1895-1914 (1997).

E. Haslund K. Iranpour, H.L. Pécseli, J. Trulsen, A. Dielectric Dispersion of Salt-Water Saturated Bahnsen, F. Primdahl, and K. Rinnert Porous Glass containing thin Glass Plates. Propagation and Dispersion of Electrostatic Geophysics 61 (3), 722-734 (1996). Waves in the Ionospheric E-region. Ann. Geophysicae 15, 878-889 (1997). A. Andraud, A. Beghdadi, E. Haslund, R. Hilfer, J. Lafait, and B. Virgin B. Jensen Local entropy characterization of correlated ran- Number of Particles Released in Gauge Cosmic dom microstructures. String Formation. Physica A235, 307-318 (1997). Phys. Lett. B391, 53-58 (1997).

R. Hilfer, T. Rage, and B. Virgin B. Jensen Local percolation probabilities for a natural Geometries of relativistic strings and other p- sandstone. branes. Physica A241, 105-110, (1997). J. Math. Phys. 37, 1329-1346 (1997).

B. Jensen and H.H. Soleng Anisotropic Domain Walls. Class. Quant. Grav. 14, 1821-1829 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER

B. Jensen and U. Lindstrøm H. Kjønsberg and J.M. Leinaas Classical Interactions for Tensionless Strings. On the Anyon Description of the Laughlin Hole Phys. Lett. B398, 83-87 (1997). States. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A12, 1975-2001 (1997). L. Uspen- skaya, V.K. VlaskoVlasov, V.I. Nikitenko, and X. Kong and F. Ravndal T.H. Johansen Radiative Corrections to the Casimir Effect. Magneto-optical studies of magnetization of Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 545-548 (1997). melt processed Y Ba,2CuzO7-&. Phys. Rev. B56, 11979-11988 (1997). B. Krane, H.L. Pécseli, and J. Trulsen Finite Larmor Effects and Velocity Correlations S.-L. Huang, M.R. Koblischka, K. Fossheim, in Two-dimensional Electrostatic Plasma Tur- T.W. Ebbesen, and T.H. Johansen bulence. Increased flux pinning in both pure and carbon- Phys. Rev. E55, 982-990 (1997). nanotube-embedded Bi-2212 superconductors. Physica C282-287, 2279-2280 (1997). U. Lindstrøm and R. von Unge A Picture of D-Branes at Strong Coupling. M.R. Koblischka, S.-L. Huang, T.H. Jo- Phys. Lett. B403, 233-238 (1997). hansen, H. Bratsberg, and K. Fossheim Flux pinning and grain A. Andrighetto et al. (WA94 Collaboration) (... coupling studied by magneto-optical visualiza- A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, P. Sennels) tion in BiiSr2CaCuiO%s ceramics. Charged Particle Production in S-S Collisions at Physica C282-287, 1469-1470 (1997). 200 GeV/c per Nucleon. Phys. Lett. B412, 148-154 (1997). M.R. Koblischka, T.H. Johansen, and H. Bratsberg C.P. Burgess and C.A. Liitken Bending of silver-sheated (Bi,Pb)-2223 tapes in- One-Dimensional Flows in the Quantum Hall vestigated by magneto-optical flux visualization. System. Supercond. Sci. Technol, 10, 693-701 (1997). Nucl. Phys. B500, 367-378 (1997).

T.H. Johansen, M.R. Koblischka, H. S. Abatzis et al. (WA94 Collaboration) (... Bratsberg, and P.O. Hetland A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden) Critical-state model with a secondary high-field Hyperon Production in Proton-Sulphur Colli- peak in JC(B). sions at 200 GeV/c. Phys. Rev. B56, 11273-11278 (1997). Phys. Lett. B400, 239-243, (1997).

T. Johnsen and R. Hilfer D.G. Burke et al. (G. Løvhøiden) Statistical prediction of corrosion front penetra- Search for stable octupole deformation in 225Fr. tion. Nuclear Physics A612, 91-142, (1997). Phys. Rev. E55, 5433-5442 (1997). W. Kurcewicz et al. ( G. Løvhøiden ) T. Johnsen. A. Jøssang, T. Jøssang, and P. The nuclear structure of 227Fr. Meakin Nuclear Physics A621, 827-852, (1997). An experimental study of the quasi-two- dimensional corrosion of aluminium foils and a comparison with two-dimensional computer simulations. Physica A242. 356-376 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 10

B. Jakobsson et al. (CHIC Collaboration) J. Schmittbuhl and K.J. Måløy (M. Guttormsen, G. Løvhøiden) Direct observation of a self-affine crack propa- Gross and Fine Structure of Pion Production gation. Excitation Functions in p-Nucleus and Nucleus- Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3888-3891 (1997). Nucleus Reactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3828-3831 (1997). H. Auradou, D. Bideau, A. Hansen, and K.J. Måløy A.L. Shuvalov and J. Lothe Motion of a ball dropped onto a one-dimensional The Stroh formalism and the reciprocity proper- self-afflne surface. ties of reflection-transmission problems in crys- J. Phys. A30, 4915-4924 (1997). tal piezo-acoustics. Wave Motion, 25, 331-345 (1997). R.A. Olsen, P.H.T. Philipsen, E.J. Baerends, G.J. Kroes, and O.M. Løvvik L. Wang and J. Lothe Direct subsurface absorption of hydrogen on Self-orthogonal sextic formalism for simple re- Pd(lll): Quantum mechanical calculations on flection and mode conversion at free surface of a new two-dimensional potential energy surface. anisotropic elastic media. J. Chem. Phys. 106, 9286-9296 (1997). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A453, 897-911 (1997). R.A. Olsen, G.J. Kroes, O.M. Løvvik, and J. Moan, G. Streckyte, S. Bagdonas, 0. Bech, E.J. Baerends and K. Berg The influence of surface motion on the direct Photobleaching of Protoporphyrin IX in Cells subsurface absorption of H2 on Pd(lll). Incubated with 5-aminolevulinic Acid. J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10652-10661 (1997). Int. J. Cancer 70, 90-97 (1997). M. Scheistrøen, C. Trope, J. Kærn, E.O. Pet- Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and O.H. tersen, G.C. Alfsen, and J.M. Nesland Sveen DNA Ploidy Expression of p53 and C-erb-2 in Dielectric properties of some keratinized tissues. Extramammary Paget's Disease of the Vulva. Part. 1: stratum corneum and nail in situ. Gynecol. Onclogy 64, 88-92 (1997). Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 35(3), 172-176 (1997). 0. Åmellom, T. Stokke, J.A. Sandvik, L. Smed- shammer, and E.O. Pettersen Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and E.S. Hypoxia Induce Apoptosis in Human Cells with Kongshaug Normal p53 Status and Function, without any Dielectric properties of some keratinized tissues. Alteration in the Nuclear Protein Level. Part 2: human hair. Exp. Cell Res. 232, 361-370 (1997). Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 35(3), 177-180 (1997). J.M. Lopes, Ø.S. Bruland, B. Bjerkhagen, M.C. Silva, R. Holm, E.O. Pettersen, Ø.P. Solheim, T. Holten, B. Jamtveit, P. Meakin, M. Cortini, M. Sobrinho-Simoes, and J.M. Nesland J. Blundy. and H. Austrheim Synovial Sarcoma. Immunohistochemical Ex- Statistical characteristics and origin of oscilla- pression of P-glycoprotein and Glutathione S tory zoning in crystals. Transferase-pi and Clinical Drug Resistance. American Mineralogist 82, 596-606 (1997). Patol. Res. Pract. 193, 21-36 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 11

H.L. Pécseli and J. Trulsen E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, S.R. Haugedal, Eulerian and Lagrangian Velocity Correla- and W.H. Nelson tions in Two-dimensional Random Geostrophic Alanine Radicals. Structure Determination Flows. by EPR and ENDOR of Single Crystals X- J. Fluid Mech. 338, 249-276 (1997). Irradiated at 295K. J. Phys. Chem. A101, 9763-9772 (1997). H.L. Pécseli, B. Lybekk, J. Trulsen, and A. Eriksson N.M. Salih, A. Sanderud, E. Sagstuen, O.I. Lower Hybrid Wave Cavities detected by Instru- Eid, and A. Lund mented Spacecrafts. ESR, ENDOR and FSE Studies of Hippuric Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 39, A227-A236 Acid Single Crystals X-irradiated at 295 K: A (1997). Reinvestigation. J.Phys. Chem. A101, 8214-8220 (1997). CP. Escoubet, A. Pedersen, R. Schmidt, and P.A. Lindqvist M. Øieroset, P.E. Sandholt, H. Liihr, W.F. Density in the Magnetosphere inferred from Denig, and T. Moretto ISEE-1 spacecraft potential. Auroral and Geomagnetic Events at J. Geophys. Res. 102, 17595-17609 (1997). Cusp/Mantle Latitude in the Pre-noon Sector during Positive IMF By Conditions: Signatures Å. Rabbe and S.H.H. Larsen of Pulsed Magnetopause Reconnection. Two examples of how the total ozone is influ- J. Geophys. Res. 102, 7191-7205 (1997). enced by the upper air circulation pattern. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 59, 753-759 (1997). M. Øieroset, P.E. Sandholt, W.F. Denig, and S.W.H. Cowley A.B. Riise, T.H. Johansen, and H. Brats- Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field Cusp berg Aurora and High-Latitude Magnetopause Re- Critical state magnetization of hard type-II su- connection. perconductors with rectangular and cylindrical J. Geophys. Res. 102, 11349-11362 (1997). crossections. J. of Superconductivity 10, 151-158 (1997). T.K. Yeoman, M. Lester, S.W.H. Cowley, S.E. Milan, J. Moen, and P.E. Sandholt H. Li, A. Lund, M. Lindgren, E. Sagstuen, and Simultaneous Observations of the Cusp in Opti- H. Yahiro cal, DMSP and HF Radar Data. Motional Dynamics of NO2 on Na-ZSM-5. An Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 2251-2254 (1997). ESR-investigation. Chem. Phys. Lett. 271, 84-89 (1997). P.E. Sandholt, C.J. Farrugia, M. Øieroset, P. Stauning, and W.F. Denig E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, S.R. Haugedal, A. Auroral Activity associated with Unsteady Mag- Lund, O.I. Eid, and R. Erickson netospheric Erosion. Observations on December EPR and ENDOR Analysis of X-irradiated L- 18, 1990. Alanine and NaHC'204 • H2O. Simulations of J. Geophys. Res. 22, 675-684 (1997). Microwave Power Dependence of Satellite Lines. Nukleonika 42, 85-104 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 12

N. Pietralla, O. Beck, J. Besserer, P. von R.A. Bark, J.M. Espino, W. Reviol, P.B. Brentano, T. Eckert, R. Fischer, C. Fransen, R.- Semmes, H. Carslon, I.G. Bearden, G.B. D. Herzberg, D. Jager, R.V. Jolos, U. Kneissl, B. Hagemann, H.J. Jensen, I. Ragnarsson, L.L. Krischok, J. Margraf, H. Maser, A. Nord, H.H. Riedinger, H. Ryde, and P.O. Tjørn Pitz, M. Rittner, A. Schiller, and A. Zilges Signature inversion in semi-decoupled bands: The scissors mode and other magnetic and elec- Residual interaction between h9/2 protons and tric dipole excitations in the transitional nuclei i13/2 neutrons. 178,180jjf Phys. Rev. Lett. B406, 193-199 (1997). Nucl. Phys. A618, 141-165 (1997). H.J. Jensen,.... P.O. Tjørn et al. The SMC-collaboration and A. Schiller Loss of alignment gain in 2 167 The spin-dependent structure function gi(x) of the TT/I9/2 [5411/2"] (g)/^13/2) band in Tm the proton from polarized deep-inelastic muon and neighbouring odd-Z N=98 nuclei. scattering. Zeitschrift fur Physik A359, 127-132 (1997). Phys. Lett. B412, 414-424 (1997). M. Mattiuzzi, A. Bracco, F. Camera, W.E. Or- S. Abatzis et al. (WA85 Collaboration) (... mand, J.J. Gaardhøje, A. Maj, B. Million, J.A. Lien, T. Storås) M. Pignanelli, and T.S. Tveter Hyperon Production in Proton-Tungsten Inter- Angular momentum dependence of the GDR actions at 200 GeV/c. width in Sn nuclei at fixed excitation energy. Phys.Lett B393, 210-213, (1997). Nucl. Phys. A612, 262-278 (1997).

A.R. Sørnes and N.P. Benetis Y. Zhu and J. Taftø The Methyl-Rotor Electron-Spin Dynamics in Measurement of charge transfer in YBo^CusOy the Smoluchowski Drift-Diffusional Framework. using a novel electron diffraction method. J. of Magnetic Res. 125, 52-64 (1997). Phil. Mag. B75, 785-791 (1997).

A.R. Sørnes, N.P. Benetis, R. Erickson, A.S. S.S. Lim, J.E. Tibballs, and P.L. Rossiter Mahgoub, L. Eberson, and A. Lund An Assessment of Thermodynamic Equilibra in Effect of Isotopic Substitution on the Electron the Ag-Al-Cu-Mg Quaternary System in Rela- Spin Dynamics of the CH3C*(COOH)2 Radical tion to Precipitation Reactions. in X-Irradiated Methyl Malonic Acid Powder: Z. Metallk 88, 236-245 (1997). Intrinsic Potentials and Activation Energies. J. of Physical Chemistry 101, 8987-8994 (1997). S.S. Lim, J.E. Tibballs, and P.L. Rossiter Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ag-Mg Bi- T. Sun, P. Meakin, T. Jøssang, and J. nary System. Feder Z. Metallk, 88, 162-169 (1997). Possible control of natural channel initiation processes by a minimum energy dissipation prin- H. Totland and Yu. Galperin ciple. Giant oscillations of the acoustoelectric current Europhys. Lett., 36, 509-514 (1997). in a quantum channel. Physica scripta 69, 302-305 (1997). I VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 13

P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew-Kallne, T. Shizuma, G. Sletten, R.A. Bark, I.G. Bear- M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki Franzen, P. Sannes, den, S. Leoni, M. Mattiuzzi, S. Mitarai, and L. Veseth S.W. Ødegård, S. Skoda, K. Stråhle, Photoionization Processes in NO in the Thresh- J. Wrzesinski, and Y.R. Shimizu old Region. Multi-quasiparticle states and K-forbiddenness Chem. Phys. Lett. 273, 239-246 (1997). in 177W. Nuclear Physics A626, 760-798 (1997). P. Sannes and L. Veseth Doubly Excited Autoionizing States in N2. Phys. Rev. A56, 2893-2902 (1997). 1.2 Proceedings fra store internasjon- ale konferanser A.I. Vistnes, G. Ramberg, L.R. Bjørnevik, T. 0. Bech, Q. Peng, K. Berg, and J. Moan Tynes, and T. Haldorsen Photosensitisation of Tumor Cells in vitro and in Exposure of Children to Residential Magnetic vivo using Endogenous Porphyrins induced with Field in . Is proximity to Power Lines Exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid. an Adequate Predictor of Exposure? Photodynamic Therapy and Biomedical Lasers, J. Bioelectromagnetics 18, 47-57 (1997). Eds.: P. Spinelli and R. Marchesini, Elsvier, Italy, 521-525 (1992)(1997). A.I. Vistnes, T. Strand, and G. Thommesen Focusing of Cosmic Radiation by Power Lines? W. Dabrowski, O. Dorholt, S. Stapnes, B. J. Radiol. Prot. 17, 185-193 (1997). Sundal et al. Performance of the Binary Readout of Sili- P. Ermann, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew- con Strip Detectors Using the Radiation Hard Kallne, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki Franzen, P. SCT128B Chip. Sannes, and L. Veseth Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symp., Albu- Ultrashort-lived non-Rydberg doubly excited querque, New Mexico, USA, Nov. (1997). resonances in diatomic molecules. Phys. Rev. A55, 4221-4229 (1997). Yu. Galperin, U. Hanke, P. Hessling, M. Gis- selfalt, V.S. Shumeiko, R. Shekhter, K.A. Chao, B. Virgin, E. Haslund, and R. Hilfer M. Jonson, and G. Wendin Rescaling relations between two- and three- Excess Noise in Mesoscopic Superconducting dimensional local porosity distributions for nat- Structures. ural and artificial porous media. In Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctua- Physica A232, 1-20 (1996). tions, Eds.: C. Claeys and E. Simoen, World Scientific, Singapore, 295-300 (1997). G. Wagner, P. Meakin, J. Feder, and T. Jøssang M.E. Gaevski, Yu. Galperin, V.A. Solov'ev, Invasion percolation on self-affine topographies. S.G. Konnikov, D.V. Shantsev, A.V. Bobyl, S.F. Phys. Rev. E55, 1698-1703 (1997). Karmanenko, T.H. Johansen, and H. Brats- berg G. Wagner, A. Birovljev, P. Meakin, J. Spatially-resolved investigation of magnetic flux Feder, and T. Jøssang fluctuations in current-biased High-Tc films. Fragmentation and migration of invasion perco- In: Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctu- lation clusters. ations, Eds.: C. Claeys and E. Simoen, World Phys. Rev. E55, 7015-7029 (1997). Scientific, Singapore, 317-320 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 14

R. Haakenaasen, A.W. P. Meakin, T. Rage, G. Wagner, J. Feder, Hunt, J.A. Golovchenko, R.H. Howell, F.A. Se- and T. Jøssang lim, K.G. Lynn, T.E. Cowan, and L.V. Hau Simulations of one- and two-phase flow in frac- Single-Quantum Annihila- tures. tion and Two-Quantum Annihilation-in-Flight Fluid Flow and Transport in Rocks: Mecha- Measurements of Electron Distributions Using nisms and Effects, Eds.: B. Jamtveit and B. Channeled Positrons. Yardly, Chapman and Hall, London, 251-261 Materials Science Forum, November (1997). (1997).

L.V. Hau, A.W. Hunt, J.A. Golovchenko, R. A. Behrman, T. Myklebust et al. Haakenaasen, and K.G. Lynn First measure- Development of Fast Positrons as a Solid State ment of Cross-sections and Forward-Backward Probe of Valence and Spin Densities. asymmetries from Fermion pair production in Materials Science Forum, November (1997). e+e~ annihilations at 182.6 GeV. Proc. Int. Europhysics Conf. on High Energy T.H. Johansen, M. Baziljevich, H. Brats- Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, 19-26 Aug., DELPHI berg, Y. Shen, P. Vase, and M.E. Gaevski 97-139 CONF 113, Aug. 18 (1997). Direct observation of current distributions in thin superconductors using magneto-optic imag- A. Behrman, T. Myklebust et al. ing. DELPHI results on the Measurement of High Temperature Superconductors: Synthe- Fermion-Pair Production at LEP energies from sis, Processing and Large-Scale Applications II, 130 to 172 GeV. Eds.: U. Balachandran and J.P. McGinn, TMS, Proc. Int. Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Warrendale, 99-108 (1997). Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, 19-26 Aug., DELPHI 97-132 CONF 110, July 20 (1997). H. Kristiansen and J. Liu Advances in Conductive Adhesives for Direct P. Billoire, O.M. Røhne et al. Chip Attach Applications. Search for B°B° oscillations and measurement Invited paper, SEMICON West 97, Packaing of the B° lifetime. Materials Conference, San Jose, California, July Contr. Int. Europhysics Conf. on High energy 16 (1997). Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, 19-26 Aug., DELPHI 97-75 CONF 61, July 20 (1997). H. Kristiansen and R. Apsimon Binary Ice, a Novel Technique for High Perfor- C.J. Farrugia and P.E. Sandholt mance Phase Change Cooling, ASME. Auroral Signatures of Dayside Solar Wind - Proc. 32nd National Heat Transfer Conf. 12, Magnetosphere Interaction Processes. 135-143 (1997). Proc. The Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Sys- tem 2, the Int. Workshop, Graz, September 27- H. Kristiansen and J. Liu 29, 1995, Eds.: H.K. Biernat, H.P. Ladreiter, Overview of Conductive Adhesive Interconnec- S.J. Bauer, and C.J. Farrugia, Verlag der Oster- tion Technologies for LCD's. reichishen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, First IEEE Int. Symp. on Polymeric Electron- 223-238 (1997). ics Packaging, Stockholm, 223-232, Oct. (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 15

M. Pudovkin, S.A. Zaitseva, P.E. Sandholt, G. Wagner, V. Frette, A. Birovljev, T. and A. Egeland Jøssang, P. Meakin, and J. Feder Relationship between the Cusp Aurora Pole- Fractal structures in secondary migration. ward Motion Velocity and Solar Wind Param- Fluid Flow and Transport in Rocks: Mecha- eters. nisms and Effects, Eds.: B. Jamtveit and B. The Third International Conf. on Substorms, Yardley, Chapman and Hall, London, 203-212 ESA SP-389, 737-743 (1997). (1997).

C. Bourgeois, E. Steinsland, N. Blanc, and N. de Rooij 1.3 Proceedings fra mindre møter- Design of Resonators for the Determination of /workshops/symposier o.l. the Temperature Coefficients of Elastic Con- stants of Monocrystalline Silicon. J.K. Bording, E. Sørbrøden, and J. Taftø The Frequency Control Symp. 97, Orlando, Trends in the study of the atomic arrangement USA, 791-799 (1997). of thin amorphous films. Proc. of SCANDEM-97, Goteborg, Sweden, 82- 83 (1997). E. Steinsland, T. Finstad, A. Ferber, and A. Hanneborg J.O. Eeg, K. Kumericki, and I. Picek In Situ Measurement of Etch Rate of Single + Crystal Silicon. Short comment on the K —>• /n fJ,~ amplitude. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors and Proc. of the "Workshop on K Physics", Orsay, Actuators (Transducer 97), Chicago, USA, June France, 30th May - 4th June (1996), Ed.: L. 16-19, 707-710 (1997). Iconomidou-Fayard, 369-373 (1997).

O. Sveen, J.O. Høgetveit, and A.O. Aasen J. Gjønnes, V. Hansen, C. Gilmore, K. EWICUM, an Early Warning Monitoring Sys- Gjønnes, and B.S. Berg tem for Data Presentation in the ICU. Three-dimensional electron diffraction intensi- Proc. 4th Int. Con. Immune Consequences of ties can be used for structure determination. Trauma, Shock and Sepsis, Monduzzi Editore, Proc. of SCANDEM-97, Goteborg, Sweden, 92- 717-720 (1997). 93 (1997).

S. Siem, T.S. Tveter, L. Bergholt, M. Gut- K. Gjønnes, S. Jørgensen, and V. Lynum tormsen, E. Melby, and J. Rekstad Structural and transport properties of Level Densities in Rare Earth Nuclei. SrFeCoQ.5Ox. Acta Physica Polonica B28, 419-422 (1997). Proc. of SCANDEM-97, Goteborg, Sweden, 94- 95 (1997). T.S. Tveter, I. Huseby, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, E. Melby, J. Rekstad, V. Hansen, L.K. Berg, G. Waterloo, M. S. Siem, and R.K. Sheline Knutson-Wedel, and J. Gjønnes Number of degrees of Freedom in Primary 7- Early stages in precipitation hardening of an in- Decay after Neutron Capture. dustrial Al-Zn-Mg alloy. Acta Physica Polonica B28. 185-188 (1997). Proc. of SCANDEM-97, Goteborg, Sweden, 96- 97 (1997). 1 VITENSKAPELIGE PUBLIKASJONER 16

S.B.Isakov I. Tittonen, G. Breitenbach, T. Kalkbrenner, T. Mutual Statistical Interactions: Exclusion Muller, R. Conradt, S. Schiller, E. Steinsland, Statistics and Anyons in the Lowest Landau N. Blanc, and N. de Rooij Level. Noise measurements of a high-finese cavity with Symmetry and Structural Properties of Con- a moving mirror. densed Matter, Eds.: T. Lulek, W. Florek, and Anmeldung fiir Friihjahrstagung der Deutschen B. Lulek, World Scientific, 425-434 (1997). Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Mainz, March 3-6 (1997). T.H. Johansen, M. Baziljevich, and M.E. Gaevski E. Sørbrøden, P. Runde, and A. Olsen Magneto-optic imaging - a method to observe Design of a computer controlled precession sys- current distributions in thin superconductors. tem attached to a JEOL 2000 FX TEM. Textbook of 3rd Int. Summerschool on HTS, Proc. of SCANCEM-97, Goteborg, 130-131 Eger, Hungary, 70-90 (1997). (1997).

J.M. Leinaas R. Torgersen, E.O. Pettersen, and A.I. Generalized Statistics and the Algebra of Ob- Vistnes servables. Influence of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Proc. 4th Int. School on Theoretical Physics, Magnetic Fields on in vitro Cell Growth. Symmetries and Structural Properties of Con- Proc. 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Ef- densed Matter, Zajaczkowo, Poland, August 29 fects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, - September 4 (1996), World Scientific, 391-414 Trondheim, April, 59-60 (1997). (1997). T. Tynes, A.I. Vistnes, M. Hannevik, Aa. An- J. Løvlihaugen, A. Olsen, E. Helium, and R. dersen, T. Haldorsen, J. Reitan, and F. Land- Wallenberg mark HREM study of dispersion-strengthened alu- Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer. What did minium. we learn from the Norwegian Studies? Proc. of SCANDEM-97, Goteborg, Sweden, Proc. 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Ef- 108-109 (1997). fects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Trondheim, April, 65-66 (1997). 0. Åmellom, T. Stokke, J.A. Sandvik, and E.O. Pettersen A.I. Vistnes, K. Skyberg, and K. Skulberg Hypoxia Induce Apoptosis in Human Cells with Presence of Electrostatic Hot Spot on Computer Normal p53 Status and Function, without Any Terminals and how to Measure Their "Effective Alteration in the Nuclear Protein Level. Potential". Proc. 33th Norwegian Biochemical Contact Proc. 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Ef- Meeting, January 23-26, 105, (1997). fects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Tronheim, April, 75-76 (1997). E. Røhne and A.I. Vistnes Electric Fields Inside Houses located Close to High Voltage Power Lines. Proc. 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Ef- fects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Trondheim, April. 93-94 (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 17

P. Ferman and A.I. Vistnes 2 Vit./tekn. rapporter; artik- Electric Fields and Water Beds; Induced Cur- ler i nasjonale fagtidsskrifter rents in the Body. Proc. 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Ef- 2.1 Fysisk institutts rapportserie fects of Low Freqyency Electromagnetic Fields, Trondheim, April, 87-88 (1997). S.E. Hjelmeland and U. Lindstrøm Duality for the Non-Specialist. Report, UIO/PHYS/97-03, University of 1.4 Artikler i vitenskapelige bøker (1997).

J. Gjønnes K.Ingeberg Definition, Measurement and calculation of in- Back - shifted Fermi gas model. tensities in electron diffraction. Report UIO/PHYS/97-11, UiO (1997). Electron Crystallography, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Eds.: D.L. Dorset, S. Hovmoller, and T. Jacobsen X. Zou, 55-64 (1997). Particle dissociation and the uncertainty rela- tion. J. Gjønnes Report, UIO/PHYS/97-04, Univ. of Oslo, Convergent beam electron diffraction. (1997). Electron Crystallography, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Eds.: D.L. Dorset, S. Hovmoller, and T. Jacobsen X. Zou, 65-75 (1997). Yukawa-dissociation and the deuteron binding energy. P.T. Zagierski Report, UIO/PHYS/97-05, Univ. of Oslo, Etching for microscopy. (1997). Surface Characterization, Eds.: D. Brune, R. Hellborg, H.J. Whitlow, and O. Hunderi, Wiley- T. Jacobsen VCH, 101-108 (1997). A small bang model. Report, UIO/PHYS/97-06, Univ. of Oslo, (1997).

M. Leuthold Report on Software Installation for the HERA- B Group at the Unversity of Oslo. Report, UIO/PHYS/97-10, Univ. of Oslo, ISSN-0332-5571 (1997).

E. Melby, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, I. Huseby, J. Rekstad, A. Schiller, S. Siem, and T.S. Tveter A'-avhengighet i 7-henfall etter nøytroninnfangning. Report, Dept. of Physics Report UiO/PHYS/97-11, UiO (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 18

A. Schiller, G. Munoz, M. Guttormsen, L. P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Bergholt, E. Melby, J. Rekstad, S. Siem, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. and T.S. Tveter Measurement of the Quark and Gluon Fragmen- Simulation of Statistical 7-Spectra of Highly Ex- tation Functions in Z° Hadronic Decays. cited Rare Earth Nuclei. Report, CERN-PPE/97-108, August 8 (1997). Report UIO/PHYS/97-07, Univ. of Oslo, ISSN- 0332-5571 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. A. Skedsmo and A.I. Vistnes Measurement of the Triple Gluon Vertex from Focusing on Cosmic Radiation near Power Lines double quark tagged 4-Jet Events. - A Theoretical Approach. Report, CERN-PPE/97-112, August 11 (1997). Report, UIO/PHYS/97-02, University of Oslo (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. S.W. Ødegård Charged Particle Multiplicity in e+e~ -> qq Triaxial Super-Deformation. events at 161 and 172 GeV and from the De- Report UiO/PHYS/97-11, University of Oslo cay of the W Boson. (1997). Report, CERN-PPE/97-113, July 17 (1997).

W. Adam, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, 2.2 Eksterne rapportserier (CERN, O.M. Røhne, TJB. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. IFE o.a) Search for B° - B° oscillations. Report, CERN-PPE/97-114, August 18 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Rapidity Correlations in A Baryon and Proton P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Production in Hadronic Z° Decays. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Report, CERN-PPE/97-27, March 5 (1997). mi, at Mz- Report, CERN-PPE/97-141, October 22 (1997). P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Measurement of B° - B^ oscilliations. Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e~ colli- Report, CERN-PPE/97-51, May 12 (1997). sions at y/s = 172 GeV. Report, CERN-PPE/97-145, November 20 P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, (1997). O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Search for neutral and charged Higgs boson in P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, e+e~ collisions at y/s= 161 GeV and 172 GeV. O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. Report, CER.N-PPE/97-85, July 17 (1997). Measurement of the W-pair cross-section and of the W mass in e+e~ collisions at yfs = 172 GeV. P. Abreu, L. Bugge, T. Buran, A.L. Read, Report, CERN-PPE/97-160, December 16 O.M. Røhne, T.B. Skaali, S. Stapnes et al. (1997). Search for charginos, neutralinos and gravitinos at LEP. Report. CERN-PPE/97-107, August 8 (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 19

L. Bugge, T. Buran, A. Read, S. Stapnes A. Behrmann, A.L. Read et al. et al. DELPHI results on the Measurements of ATLAS Inner Detector Technical Design Re- Fermion-Pair Production for Zo-peak and port. Higher Energies at LEP for the Winter 1997 Report, CERN-LHCC/97-16, ATLAS TDR 4 1, Conferences. April 30 (1997). Report, DELPHI 97-31 PHYS 684, April 4 (1997). L. Bugge, T. Buran, A. Read, S. Stapnes et al. M. Biasini, A.L. Read et al. ATLAS Inner Detector Technical Design Re- Lower bound for the SM Higgs boson mass: port. combined result from the four LEP experiments. Report, CERN/LHC/97-17, ATLAS TDR 5 2, Report, DELPHI 97-150 PHYS 729, August 21 April 30 (1997). (1997).

S. Abatzis et ai (WA94 Collaboration) A.L. Read (... A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden) Optimal statistical analysis of search results Hyperon Production in Proton-Sulphur Colli- based on the likelihood ratio and its applica- sions at 200 GeV/c. tion to the search for the MSM Higgs boson at Report, CERN-PPE/96-165 (1997). y/s= 161 and 172 GeV. Report, DELPHI 97-158 PHYS 737, October 29 W. Kurcewicz, G. Løvhøiden et al. (1997). The nuclear structure of 227Fr. Report, CERN-PPE/97-29, 1-15, (1997). P. Bock, A.L. Read et al. Lower bound for the SM Higgs boson mass: B. Jakobsson et al. (CHIC Collaboration) combined result from the four LEP experiments. (M. Guttormsen, G. Løvhøiden) Report, DELPHI 97-167 PHYS 743, November Gross and Fine Structure of Pion Production 3 (1997). Excitation Functions in p-Nucleus and Nucleus- Nucleus Reactions. A.W. van Weers, I. Pace, T. Strand, I. Lysebo, Cosmic and subatomic Physics report LUIP I. Watkins, T. Sterker, E.I.M. Mejne, and K.R. 9601, Oct. 1996, ISRN LUND6/NFFK-7153- Butter SE+11P ISSN 0348-9329 (1997). Current Practice of Dealing with Natural Ra- dioactivity from Oil and Gas Production in EU M. Meir und J. Rekstad Member States. Sonnenkollektoren aus hochwertigen Kunststof- Contract ETNU-CT94-0112 with the Euro- fen. pean Commission, Directorate-General, Envi- Erneuerbare energie. Nr. 3, 16-18 (1997). ronment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection, EUR 17621, (1997). T. Myklebust et al. Preliminary Cross-sections for Quark-Antiquark T. Strand, I. Lysebo, D. Kristensen og A. Pair Production in e+e~ Annihilations mea- Birovljev sured by DELPHI around 183 GeV. Radioaktive avleiringer i olje og gassproduksjon. Report, Team 4, Note 97-2, November 6 (1997). Statens strålevern, Rapport 1997:1 1 - 140 (1997). J. Rekstad New plastic solar collector from Norway. OPET News - The newsletter of the OPET Net- work, Issue 2, 6-7, July (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 20

Aa.K. Midtgård, D. Banks, T. Strand og B. R. Halvorsrud Lind Culturing and maintenance of the slime mold Kjemisk kvalitet av grunnvann i fast fjell. Physarum plycephalum. Geological Survey of Norway, Reportseries ISSN Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series, 0800-3416, 1997; 97-1 (1997). Report 97.157, 117 p. (Østfold fylke), 97.162, 117 p. (Agderfylkene), 97.163, 115 p. (Roga- V. Hansen, M. Knutson-Wedel, L.K. Berg, land fylke), 97.164, 117 p. (Hordaland fylke) og and J. Gjønnes 97.168, 117 p. (Trøndelagsfylkene) (1997). Utskillelse av herdepartikler på et tidlig stadium i utherdingen av formede profiler av legeringen T. Strand 7108.70. En elektronmikroskopiskundersøkelse. Lung Cancer Risk from Residential Radon Ex- Report, UIO/PHYS/97, University of Oslo posure in Norway. (1997). Report, Norwegian Radiation Protection Au- thority, August 15, (1997). V. Hansen and J. Gjønnes Karakterisering av presipitatfrie soner i 7030.60. T.B. Skaali et al. Report, UIO/PHYS/97, University of Oslo Simulation of the ALICE DAQ System with (1997). GALISM. Proc. CHEP '97, Int. Conf. on Computing in B. Holme High Energy Physics, Berlin, April 7-11 (1997). Occurrence and Activity of Structures in the In- dustrial Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst. T.B. Skaali et al. Report, Norsk Hydro (1997). Simulation and Design of a SyncLink Memory Controller. F. Lapique Proc. EMAC '97 - European Microelectron- Polymer fracture project: first results. ics Appl. Conf., Barcelona, Spain, May 28-30 Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series, (1997). 97-2 (1997).

T.B. Skaali et al. T. Lindem A Prototype DAQ System for the ALICE Ex- An assessment for possible sites for an acoustic periment Based on SCI. salmon counter in Tana River. Proc. Xth IEEE Real Time Conf. RT-97, Rapport, Fylkesmannen i Finmark, (1997). Beaune, France, Sept. 22-26 (1997). M. Meir, L. Henden, and J. Rekstad New solar collector in plastics for building inte- 2.3 Uregistrerte rapporter u/ISSN- gration. nummer Proc. of the NORTH SUN '97 conf. on solar energy for high latitudes, 67-74 (1997). A.E. Gunnæs and A. Olsen High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) of four mesoporous materials. T. Strand, C. Reimann, V. Chekushin, M. Report, UIO/PHYS/97, University of Oslo Ayrås, I. Bogatyrev, P. de Caritat, T.E. Finne, (1997). J.H. Halleraker, G. Kashulina, H. Niskavaara. and V. Pavlov Surface Activity of 137Cs in an Area of 188,000 km2 of the Barents Region. Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Environm. Radioact. in the Arctic. Tromsø. Norway, June 1-5 (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 21

I. Lysebo and T. Strand Holter, 0. (red.) NORM in the Oil Industry. Publikasjonsliste 1996; Vitenskapelige og faglige Proc. Int. symp. Radioactivity in the arbeider fra Fysisk institutt. Non-Nuclear Industry. Amsterdam, Nederland, Report, UIO/PHYS/97-09, University of Oslo September 6-8 (1997). (1997)

A. Birovljev, T. Strand, and A. Heiberg F. Ingebretsen and T.S. Tveter (red) Radon Concentrations in Norwegian Kinder- Section for Nuclear and Energy Physics: Annual gartens: Surevy planning and Preliminary Re- Report 1996. sults. Dept. of Physics Report UiO/PHYS/97-08, Int. Radiat. Prot. Assoc, IRPA, Regional UiO (1997). Symp. on Radiol. Prot in Neighbouring Coun- tries of Central Europe, Prague, Czech Repub- E. Melby and S. Siem (red.) lic, Sept. 8-12 (1997). Studentkonferanse i anvendt kjerneforskning, 1.- 3. oktober 1997. T. Strand Report UiO/PHYS/97-11, UiO (1997). Sources of environmental radioactivity and nu- clear safety in the Northwestern part of Russia L. Bugge, B. Rostad og S. Stapnes - future challenges to prevent discharge of ra- Hadroner for helse. dioactivity from nuclear installations. Brosjyre oversettelse, Utstillingen Hadroner for 47'th Annual Pugwash Conf., Lillehammer, Nor- helse, Fysisk institutt, UiO, 25. aug. - 14. sept. way, August 1-7 (1997). (1997).

A.I. Vistnes Måling av lavfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt 2.5 Artikler i nasjonale fagtidsskrifter ved Elkem ASA, Salten Verk. Teknisk rapport, 1-35 (1997). T. Holtsmark Sophus Lie og berøringstransformasjonenes ge- A.I. Vistnes ometri. Lavfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt ved en del Symmetri, NTNU, (1997). arbeidsplasser i Flerkameraseksjonen, NRK- Fjernsynet, Oslo. T. Holtsmark Teknisk rapport, 1-42 (1997). Fantasisens tre stadier. Parabel, Tidsskrift for filosofi 1, NTNU, 1-8 (1997). 2.4 Redigerte proceedings/fagbøker o.l. E.O. Pettersen, 0. Bruland, and D.R. Olsen Strålebiologi-forskning vil gi fremskritt for H. Bruvoll, 0. Sørensen, 0. Holter og G. strålebehandlingen. Løvhøiden Kreftnytt, 9-12 (1997). Årsrapport 1996. Fysisk institutt. Universitetet i Oslo, 1-26 E.O. Pettersen (1997). Barn og angst for ioniserende stråling - en kreft- forskers syn. Barn 2, 46-56 (1997). 2 VIT./TEKN. RAPPORTER; ARTIKLER I NASJONALE FAGTIDSSKRIFTER 22

J. Rekstad K. Bjorvatn, A. Bårdsen, C. Reimann, G. Mor- Soloppvarming ved Ranten høyfjellshotell. land, H. Skarphagen, O. Sæther, U. Siewers, G. Ny Teknikk, 78-79, Aug. (1997). Hall og T. Strand Grunnvann og helse - Refleksjoner på grunnlag J. Rekstad av analyser av vannprøver fra Hordaland og Vannbåren varme i norske boliger. Vestfold. Moderne Produksjon nr. 3, 12-13 (1997). Tidsskriftet for den norske lægeforening nr. 1, 117, 61-65 (1997). J. Rekstad Vannbåren varme i norske boliger: En forutset- ning for utstrakt energiøkonomisering. 2.6 Patenter NORSK VVS 2, 32-35 (1997). Ø.G. Martinsen og S. Grimnes Måling av fuktighet i hud. J. Rekstad Norsk patent nr. 180024, bevilget 29. januar Velg solenergi og spar energi på det. (1997). Enøkkelen 2, Nr.l, 7 (1997).

G. Morland, C. Reimann, T. Strand, H. 2.7 Artikler/rapporter på Internett Skarphagen, D. Banks, K. Bjorvatn, G.M. Hall, m/www - adresse and U. Siewers The Hydrogeochemistry of Norwegian Bedrosk A. Austeng, S. Holm, P.K. Weber, N. Aakvaag, Groundwater - Selected Paramaters (pH, F, Rn, and K. Iranpour U, Th, Na, Ca) in Samples from Vestfold and ID and 2D Algorithmically Optimized Sparse Hordaland, Norway. Arrays. NGU-BULL 432, 103-117 (1997). Proc. the 1997 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 5-8 Oc- tober (1997). ieee97.

A. Eriksson, R. Bostrom, P.O. Dovner, A. Målkki, H.L. Pécseli, and D. Knudsen Electrostatic Microstructures in Space Plasmas. U/sat/group/aie/ipels/main.html, (1997).

A. Eriksson, P.O. Dovner, D. Knudsen, and H.L. Pécseli Lower Hybrid Wave Cavities: Freja Results. U/sat/group/aie/iaga/, (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 23

3 Vitenskapelige foredrag J. Feder, V. Frette, K. Christensen, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, T. Jøssang, and P. 3.1 Foredrag/posters v/internasjonale Meakin kongresser Avalanche Dynamics in a Pile of Rice. The Dynamics of Complexity, ICTP, Trieste, M.R. Koblischka Italy, Aug. 26-29 (1997). Pinning in bulk high-Tc superconductors. Eucas'97, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands, June 30- July 3 (1997). K. Gjotterud Experimental Manifestation of Quantal Coher- ence in Ordinary Space and in Isospace. E.S. Bergstrand, E.O. Hole, and E. Lecture, Nordic Seminar on Basic Problems in Sagstuen Quantum Physics, Baroniet Rosendal, June 4- EPR/Alanine Dosimetry: A Simple Method for 10 (1997). Estimating Dose Uncertainties. Third European ESR Meeting, Modern As- Yu. Galperin pects of Structure and Dynamic Investigations Fractional pumping of energy into a ballistic of Paramagnetic Systems by EPR, Leipzig, Ger- quantum dot. many, August (1997). Proc. Int. Conf. on Mesoscopics and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Moscow, June 16- L. Bugge 23 (1997). A limit on the tau neutrino mass. Talk, Int. Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, Aug. 19-26 (1997). Yu. Galperin Noise in Mesoscopic Systems. Invited talk, 7th Int. Conf., Hopping and Re- A. Egeland lated Phenomena (HRP7), Rackeve, Hungary, Auroral Research in the Space Age. Aug. 19-22 (1997). Talk, IAGA Meeting, Uppsala, August (1997). Yu. Galperin, U. Hanke, P. Hessling, M. Gis- A. Egeland and P.E. Sandholt selfålt, V.S. Shumeiko, R. Shekhter, K.A. Chao, Dayside Auroral Activities vs. IMF Orientation M. Jonson, and G. Wendin Paper. Excess Noise in Mesoscopic Superconducting Talk, European Geophysics Meeting, Vienna, Structures. April (1997). Invited talk, Int. Conf., Noise in Physical Sys- tems and 1/f Fluctuations (ICNF'97), Leuven, T. Engeland, M. Hjorth-Jensen, A. Holt, Belgium, July 14-18 (1997). and E. Osnes A Generalized Seniority Model in an m-Scheme A. Knåbchen, O. Entin-Wohlman, Yu. Representation for Identical Particles in Nuclei. Galperin, and Y. Levinson Invited talk, Int. Symp. Shell-Model 1997, Absorption of Surface Acoustic-Waves by Quan- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Oc- tum Dots: Discrete Sectrum Limit. tober 29 - November 1 (1997). 16th Gen. Conf. of the Cond. Mat. Div., Leu- ven, Workbook, 10 (1997). A. Egeland Professor Leiv Harang: The man and the Scien- tist. Talk, IAGA Meeting, Uppsala, August 4-15 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 24

M.E. Gaevski, Yu. Galperin, V.A. Solov'ev, M. Hjorth-Jensen S.G. Konnikov, D.V. Shantsev, A.V. Bobyl, S.F. Pairing in Infinite Matter and Finite Nuclei. Karmanenko, T.H. Johansen, and H. Brats- Invited talk, Condesed Matter theories 21, Luso, berg Portugal, September 21-27 (1997). Spatially-resolved investigation of magnetic flux fluctuation in current-based High Tc films. M. Hjorth-Jensen Talk, 14th Int. Conf. on Noise in Physical Sys- Relation between NN phase shifts and pairing tems and 1/f Fluctuations, Leuven, Belgium, in neutron matter and finite nuclei. July 14-18 (1997). Invited talk, Shell-Model 97, Stockholm, Swe- den, October 29 - November 1 (1997). Yu. Galperin, H. Totland, and F.A. Må Acoustoelectric effects in quantum constriction. E. Haslund and B. Nøst Invited talk, Proc. Int. Symp., Nanostructures: Frequency Dependent Dielectric Constant of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg, June Composite Media Related to Local Porosity 23-27. Published by loffe Physico-Technical Theory. Inst., ISSN 5-86763-106-09, 531-536 (1997). Talk, Progress in Electromangetics Res. Symp., Cambridge, Mass., USA, July 7-11 (1997). H. Matsuhata and J. Gjønnes Outer electrons rearrangement in SrTiO3 stud- A. Roux, O. Le Contel, R. Pellat, S. Perraut, ied by electron diffraction. and 0. Holter Poster, Int. Centennial Symp. of the Electron, Mi-coupling before and after break-up. Cambridge, Sept. 15-17 (1997). Invited talk, Cambridge Symp., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Oct. (1997). J. Gjønnes, V. Hansen, K. Gjønnes, Y.F. Cheng, and C.J. Gilmore 0. Holter, S. Perraut, A. Roux, and A. Ped- Ab initio structure determination from three- ersen dimensional electron diffraction intensities col- Development and structure of geosynchronous lected from inorganic crystals of moderate thick- substorms oscillations. ness. Invited talk, the Nato Adv. Study Institute Poster, Int. Centennial Symp. of the Electron, on Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena, Longyear- Cambridge, Sept. 15-17 (1997). byen, Svalbard, June 4-13 (1997).

S. Grimnes, Ø.G. Martinsen, F. Lilleås, G. 0. Holter, A. Roux, S. Perraut, P.H.M. Galo- Gholizadeh, and H. Piltan peau, A. Korth, and A. Pedersen Perception phenomena in an open MRT proto- Geosynchronous Substorms Dipolarization De- type. velopment. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng. / 11th Invited talk, 8th IAGA Scientific Ass., Uppsala, Int. Conf. Med. Phys., Med Biol. Eng. Corn- Sweden, August 4-15 (1997). put., 35, part 1, 41 (1997). A. Roux, S. Perraut, A. Korth, 0. Holter, and S. Grimnes, Ø.G. Martinsen, F. Lilleås, H. A. Pedersen Piltan, and G. Gholizadeh What triggers breakup? Role of non-adiabatic Metal objects and image distortion in an open effects. MRT prototype. Invited talk, AGU Conf., San Fransisco, Dec. 8- Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng./llth 12 (1997). Int. Conf. Med. Phys.. Med. Biol. Eng. Corn- put., 35. part 2, 770 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 25

A. Austeng, S. Holm, P.K. Weber, N. Aakvaag, M.R. Koblischka and K. Iranpour Pinning forces and scaling in high-Tc supercon- ID and 2D Algorithmically Optimized Sparse ductors. Arrays. Talk, M2S-HTSC V, Beijing, China, Feb. 28 - Talk, 1997 IEEE International Ultrasonic March 4 (1997). Symposium, Toronto Marriott Eaton Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 5-8 (1997). G. Knorr and B. Krane L and H Modes in the Guiding Center Plasma. G.S. Hosseinali, W. Streif, B. Starchl, K. Talk, International Sherwood Fusion Theory Kundzins, H.W. Weber, S.L. Yan, M.Manzel, E. Conference, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis- Stangl, S. Proyer, D. Bauerle, R. Cherubini, and consin, USA, April 28-30 (1997). T.H. Johansen Critical currents in Tl-based films. M. Kono, B. Krane, H.L. Pécseli, and J. Invited talk, Int. workshop on Microwave Appl., Trulsen Oxford, UK, June 15 (1997). Localization and vortices in strongly magnetized plasma. G.S. Hosseinali, W. Streif, B. Starchl, K. Talk, Int. Topical Workshop on Plasma Physics, Kundzins, H.W. Weber, S.L. Yan, M. Manzel, New Perspectives of Collective Effects. ICTP, E. Stangl, S. Proyer, D. Bauerle, R. Cherubini, Trieste, Italy, Nov. 10-14 (1997). and T.H. Johansen Critical currents in Tl-based films. G. Løvhøiden Talk, Int. Workshop on Tl and Hg-based Su- On Physics and Models. perconducting Materials, Cambrige, UK, May Nordic Symp. on Basic Problems in Quantum 26-29 (1997). Physics, Rosendal, June 4-10 (1997).

T.H. Johansen, M. Baziljevich, H. Brats- E. Melby berg, Y. Shen, P. Vase, and M.E. Gaevski Conservation of quantum numbers and order vs. Direct observation of current distributions in chaos in nuclei. thin superconductors using magneto-optic imag- Nordic Symp. on Basic Problems in Quantum ing. Physics, Rosendal Barony, Norway, June 4-10 Invited talk, TMS Ann. Meeting, Orlando, (1997). Florida, USA, Feb. 9-13 (1997). E. Melby, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, M.R. Koblischka, T.H. Johansen, and H. I. Huseby, J. Rekstad, S. Siem, and T.S. Bratsberg Tveter Magneto-optical imaging of vortex penetration A'-hindrance in primary 7-decay after ARC and into high-Tc superconductors. thermal neutron capture. Invited talk, 16th Gen. Conf. of the Condensed Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Matter Div. of the European Phys. Soc, Leu- Thessaloniki, Greece, July 8-12 (1997). ven, Belgium, Aug. 26 (1997). A. Malthe-Sørenssen, K. Christensen, V. S.H. Kjus, H.L. Pécseli, B. Lybekk, J. Frette, and J. Feder Holtet, J. Trulsen, and A. Eriksson Avalanches and Correlations in a Pile of Rice. Lower hybrid waves observed on FREJA. Symp. on Localization Phenomena and Dynam- NATO Adv. Study Institute on Polar Cap ics of Brittle and Granular Systems, Columbia Boundary Phenomena, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Univ., New York, Aug. 6-9 (1997). June 4-13 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 26

A. Malthe-Sørenssen, V. Frette, K. Chris- B. Nøst tensen, P. Meakin, J. Feder, and T. Jøssang Electric response of water saturated porous Front Dynamics in a Pile of Rice. material, experimental verification of the self- GdR Meeting on Dry Granular Media, Jussieu, similar theory. Paris, April 30 (1997). SPWLA Topical Conf., Petrophysics in Three Dimensions, Taos, New Mexico, USA, Oct. 13- Ø.G. Martinsen 17 (1997). The risk of misleading interpretations when modelling multiple dispersions with Cole-plots B. Nøst and E. Haslund in the complex plane. Dielectric Dispersion of Water-filled Porous Ma- Lecture, 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng./llth terial with Platy Grains Compared with an Ex- Int. Conf. Med. Phys., Nice, France, Sept. 16 tension of the Self-similar Model. (1997). Talk, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp., Cambridge, Mass., USA, July 7-11 Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and S.H. (1997). Nilsen The risk of misleading interpretations when 0. Åmellom, T. Stokke, J.A. Sandvik, L. Smed- modelling multiple dispersion with Cole-plots in shammer, and E.O. Pettersen the complex plane. Hypoxia Induce Apoptosis in Human Cells with Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng./llth Normal p53 Status and Function, without any Int. Conf. Med. Phys., Med. Biol. Eng. Co- Alteration in the Nuclear Protein Level. mut., 35, part 1, 332 (1997). Proc. 11th European Cell-Cycle Conf., Eur.J. Cell Biol. Suppl. 44 72, 17 (1997). Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and P. Høyum A. Eriksson, P.O. Dovner, D. Knudsen, and Disturbance of electrosurgery current distribu- H.L. Pécseli tion by passive metallic implants. Lower hybrid wave cavities: FREJA results. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng./llth 8th IAGA assembly, Uppsala, Sweden, Aug. 4- Int. Conf. Med. Phys., Med. Biol. Eng. Corn- 15 (1997). put., 35, part 1, 8 (1997). W.H. Nelson, E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, and Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and S.H. D.M. Close Nilsen Proton Transfer Behavior of Primary Ionization New measuring cells for absolute water content Products in Adenine Derivatives. and electrical admittance of keratinised tissues. Int. Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng./llth Techniques, Quantication and Mechanism, Win- Int. Conf. Med. Phys., Med. Biol. Eng. Corn- dermere, Lake District, UK, April (1997). put., 35, part 1, 348, (1997). E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, S.R. Haugedal, P. Meakin, T. Walmann, A. Malthe- and W.H. Nelson Sørenssen, J. Feder, T. Jøssang, and H.H. The Natur of Stable Radicals in Polycrystalline Hardy and Single Crystals of 1-alanine X-Irradiated at Scaling relations for the lengths and widths of 295K. EPR and ENDOR Studies. fractures. Third European ESR Meeting, Modern As- Poster NIST Conf. on the Fundamentals of pects of Structure and Dynamic Investigations Fracture, Gaithersburg, Md. USA, Aug. 17-21 of Paramagnetic Systems by EPR. Leipzig, Ger- (1997). many, August (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 27

P.E. Sandholt O. Skjæraasen, H.L. Pécseli, and J. Trulsen The IMF Dependence of the Dayside Aurora. Weakly nonlinear high frequency waves in mag- Invited Talk, NATO Advanced Study Institute, netized plasma. Longyearbyen, Svalbard, June 4-13 (1997). Invited talk, Int. Topical Workshop on Plasma Physics, New Perspectives of Collective Effects. P.E. Sandholt, C.J. Farrugia, J. Moen, M. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, Nov. 10-14 (1997). Lester, and W.F. Denig Cusp Region Auroral Structure under North- O.H. Sveen, J.O. Høgetveit, and A.O. Aasen ward IMF Conditions: Relationships with IMF EWICUM, an Early Warning Monitoring Sys- By and Plasma Convection. tem for Data Presentation in the ICU. Talk, NATO ASI, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, June 4th Int. Con. on the Immune Consequences of 4-13 (1997). Trauma, Shock and Sepsis, Suppl. Shock, 7, 10 (1997). P.E. Sandholt, C.J. Farrugia, and W.F. Denig On the Correspondence between Poleward - A.O. Aasen, R. Solberg, J.O. Høgetveit, and Moving Auroral Forms and Stepped Cusp Ion O.H. Sveen Dispersion. Protease cascades in intraabdominal infection. Talk, NATO Advanced Study Institute, 4th Int. Con. on the Immune Consequences of Longyearbyen, Svalbard, June 4-13 (1997). Trauma, Shock and Sepsis, Suppl. Shock, 7, 136 (1997). P.E. Sandholt Dayside Auroral Manifestations during Passage O. Sveen, J.O. Høgetveit, and A.O. Aasen of the January 1997 Interplanetary Magnetic EWICUM, Early Warning Intensive Care Unit Cloud. Monitoring System. Talk, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala, 7th World Con. of Intensive and Critical Care Sweden, August 4-15 (1997). Medicine, Final program, Abstract no. 286, 89 (1997). A. Schiller, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, E. Melby, S. Messelt, E. Olsen, J. Rekstad, A.O. Aasen, J.O. Høgetveit, and O.H. Sveen S. Siem, T.S. Tveter, and J.C. Wikne EWICUM - Early Warning Intensive Care Unit First in-beam test measurements of the SIRI Monitoring. AE — E particle telescope array. Talk, 6th Vienna Shock Forum, Shock (1997). Poster at VI Int. School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics, Dubna, Russia, Book of contrbutions, J. Taftø, Y. Zhu, and L. Wu p. 197 (1997). Locating Valence Electrons in Crystals by Diffraction of fast Electrons. A.R. Sørnes and N.P. Benetis Int. Centennial Symp. on the Electron, Cam- The EPR Spectrum of the > C - CH3 Quantum bridge, Sept. 15-17 (1997). Rotor. 3rd European ESR Meeting, Modern Aspects of H. Totland, Ø.L. Bø, and Yu. Galperin Structure and Dynamic Investigations of Para- Giant oscillations of acousto-conductance in a magnetic Systems by EPR, Leipzig, Germany, quantum channel. Aug. (1997). 12th Int. Conf. on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dim. System (EP2DS-12), Workbook, 21- 24 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 28

A. Maj, M. Kmiecik, A. Bracco, F. Camera, E. Aker, K.J. Måløy, and A. Hansen M. Mattiuzzi, B. Herskind, J.J. Gaardhøje, and A Simualtion Model for Two-Phase Flow in T.S. Tveter Porous Media. Hot Nuclei - Effective Shapes and Entrance Talk, STAT-PHYS Network Meeting, Channel Effect. NORDITA, Denmark, November 28 (1997). Talk, Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Shapes, De- brecen, Hungary, May 12-17 (1997). E. Aker, K.J. Måløy, and A. Hansen Measuring the Temporal Evolution of the Pres- M. Kmiecik, A. Maj, B. Herskind, A. Bracco, sure in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Using R. Bark, F. Camera, G. Hagemann, a Network Simulator. N. Hashimoto, A. Holm, S. Leoni, T. Saitoh, Poster, Seminar i Petroleumfysikk, Fevik, 21.- and T.S. Tveter 23. august (1997). Entrance Channel Effects in Reactions Leading 170 to W. E.S. Bergstrand Talk, Symp. on New Spectroscopy and Nuclear ESR-dosimetri - en oversikt over metoder og an- Structure 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. vendelser. 16-20 (1997). Foredrag på Biofysikk-møtet på Hjerkinn, 12. mars (1997). T.S. Tveter, L. Bergholt, A. Bjerve, J.I. Holmen, M. Guttormsen, K. Inge- E.S. Bergstrand berg, E. Melby, S. Messelt, E.A. Olsen, ESR-alanindosimetri for lineærakselleratorer - J. Rekstad, A. Schiller, S. Rezazadeh, halvveis i målingene. S. Siem, and J.C . Wikne Foredrag på dosimetrimøtet i Trondheim, Studies of thermally excited nuclei at the Oslo november (1997). Cyclotron Laboratory. Jyvaskyla, Finland, April 29 (1997). E.S. Bergstrand, T. Furre, E.O. Pettersen, and E.O. Hoie G. Wagner, H. Amundsen, U. Oxaal, P. Application of ESR/Alanine Dosimetry for Mea- Meakin, J. Feder, and T. Jøssang suring Doses in Cell Survival Experiments. Slow two-phase flow in a single fracture: Frag- Talk, Workshop on ESR Dosimetry and Radi- mentation, migration, and fractal patterns mod- ation Chemistry of Solids, Kungs Starby, Vad- eled using invasion percolation. stena, Sweden, December 4-6 (1997). 3rd Int. Symp. on Fractals and Dynamic Sys- tems in Geoscience, High Tatras, Taranska Lom- A. Bjerve noica, Slovakia, June 18-20 (1997). Sortering og analyse av data fra reaksjonen (3He, a). Student conf., Dept. of Physics Report 3.2 Foredrag/posters v/mindre møter- UIO/PHYS/97-11, UiO (1997). /workshops o.l E. Aker, K.J. Måløy, and A. Hansen M. Baziljevich, Y. Abulafia, H. Bratsberg, A Simulation Model for Two-Phase Flow in D. Giller, T.H. Johansen, M. McElfresh, R. Porous Media. Prozorov, J. Schneck, and Y. Yeshurun Foredrag, Faglig gruppe for kondenserte fasers The influence of changes in anisotropy on the fysikk, Rondablikk, 11.-14. september (1997). phase diagram of high-Tc superconductors. Talk, Conf. Cond. Mat. Phys. and Chem., Rondablikk, Sept. 11-14 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 29

J.K. Bording and J. Taftø J.A. Eriksen Revealing fine details in the crystal structure of A preliminary study on Experimental Design of Si and Ge by molcular dynamics. a Solar-Hydrogen Data Acquisition and Control Poster, Rondablikk seminaret, 11.-14. septem- System. ber (1997). Talk, Proc. from the 3rd Nordic Symposium on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for Energy Storage, A. Egeland Helsinki, Finland (1997). Auroral Research in Norway. Talk, lOth European Optical Meeting at Andøya E.G. Flekkøy and S. Pride Rocket Range, August (1997). Reciprocity and cross coupling in two-phase flow in porous media. 0. Elgarøy Foredrag, Petroleums fysikk konf., Fevik, 21.-23. Pairing in /3 stable matter. august (1997). Talk, EEC* workshop, Trento, Italy, May 27 - June 10 (1997). E.G. Flekkøy and K.J. Måløy Granular flows and continuum models: Theory 0. Elgarøy and experiments. Superfluidity in neutron stars. Talk, GDR Meeting, Dry granular flows, Human Talk, BONTT mini-workshop, Dept. of Physics, Capital and Mobility, Université Pierre et Marie University of Oslo, March 12-13 (1997). Curie, Paris, April 30 (1997).

T. Engeland E.G. Flekkøy and K.J. Måløy Large shell model calculations. Granular Flows and sedimentation processes. Talk, BONTT mini-workshop, Dept. of Physics, Talk, NFRs ProPetro meeting, November 13 University of Oslo, March 12-13 (1997). (1997).

T. Engeland E.G. Flekkøy and K.J. Måløy Effective three-body forces and shell model stud- Continuum modelling of slow granular flow: ies. Simulations and experiments. Talk, EEC* workshop, Trento, Italy, May 27 - Talk, GDR Meeting, Dry Granular media, Hu- June 10 (1997). man Capital and Mobility, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, April 30 (1997). T. Engeland Large shell model calculations and the general- G. Løvold, E.G. Flekkøy, and K.J. Måløy ized seniority approximation. Force networks: Experiments and simulations. Talk, EEC* workshop, Trento, Italy, May 27 - Talk, GDR Meeting, Dry Granular media, Hu- June 10 (1997). man Capital and Mobility, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, April 30 (1997). L. Engvik Beta-stable matter and neutron star properties. K. Gjotterud Talk, EEC* workshop, Trento, Italy, May 27 - Is Quantum Theory a Question of Geometry and June 10 (1997). Symmetries Only? Jubileumsseminar ved Johannes Mathias Hansteens 70-årsdag. Fysisk institutt og Senter for vitenskapsteori UiB og del av sem- inarserien Grunnlagsproblemer i fysikk, 7. mars (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 30

J. Gjønnes and V. Hansen E.O. Hole Structural changes and precipitation sequences Health Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radia- in Al-Mn-Si and Al-Mg-Zn alloys. The role of tion; What is documented? quasicrystals. Invited lecture, Røntgen Kongress - 1997 - the Lecture, The Early Stages of the Age-hardening Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Radiological of Aluminium Alloys. Workshop, University of Society, Tromsø, Norway, September 4-6 (1997). Oslo, May 15 (1997). S.R. Haugedal, E.O. Hole, and E. Sagstuen S. Grimnes, Ø.G. Martinsen, and P. ESR, ENDOR and FSE Studies of Irradiated Høyum Single Crystals of 1-Alanine. Sources of error in skin hydration electrical mea- Talk, Meeting for Norwegian Biophysics, surements - influence of frequency on measur- Hjerkinn, March 12 (1997). ments depth. Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Irritant Contact Der- E.O. Hole, E. Sagstuen, S.R. Haugedal, matitis/Eur. Symp. Int. Soc. Bioeng. Skin, and W.H. Nelson Experimental Dermatology, 6(5), 265 (1997). Stable Radicals in Irradiated Alanine. Talk, Workshop on ESR Dosimetry and Radi- A.E. Gunnæs, O.B. Karlsen, B. Klewe, A. ation Chemistry of Solids, Kungs Starby, Vas- Olsen, and P.T. Zagierski tena, Sweden, December 4-6 (1997). Structure determination of Ag^Ga by combin- ing single crystal X-ray diffraction and analyti- T. Holtsmark cal electron microscopy. Funksjon og transformasjon i vitenskaps- Foredrag, Rondablikk seminaret, 11.-14. historisk perspektiv. september (1997). Forelesning, Biofysikkgruppen, Universitetet i Oslo, 16. oktober (1997). M. Hjorth-Jensen Self-energy of baryons in finite nuclei. A. Holt Talk, the BONTT mini-workshop, Dept. of The Effective Interaction and Nuclear Structure Physics, University of Oslo, March 12-13 (1997). Calculations. Talk, BONTT Workshop, Oslo, Norway, March M. Hjorth-Jensen 13-14 (1997). From finite nuclei to neutron stars. Talk, Dept. of Physics, University of Trond- A. Holt heim, Norway, April 18 (1997). Results of large-scale shell model calculations in the light and heavy Sn isotopes. M. Hjorth-Jensen Talk, Workshop on Large Scale Nuclear Struc- The effective interaction in the Sn isotopes. ture Calculations far off Stability, Oslo, Norway, Talk, Workshop on Large-Scale Nuclear Struc- December 3-4 (1997). ture Calculations far off Stability, Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo, Dec. 3-4 (1997). H. Høgåsen Baryon Spectroscopy and the Nucleon Spin M. Hjorth-Jensen Problem. Shell-model calculations of the Ni isotopes. Talk, Ringberg Workshop on High Energy Po- Talk, Workshop on Large-Scale Nuclear Struc- larization Phenomena, February 24 - 28 (1997). ture Calculations far off Stability, Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo, Dec. 3-4 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 31

R. Haakenaasen, J.E. Tibballs, J. Taftø, G. S.H. Kjus, H.L. Pécseli, B. Lybekk, J. Waterloo, D. Nicholson, and S. Jørgensen Holtet, J. Trulsen, and A. Eriksson EXAFS Studies of Nucleation and Growth of Solitary waves in the Earth's upper ionosphere. Precipitates in Al-Zn-Mg Alloys. Solitons and Coherent Structures in Physics and Talk, Rondablikk seminaret, Sept. 11-14 (1997). Biology (SOLPHYS), Techn. Univ. of Den- mark, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, May 30 - June H. Hauglin and G.P. Lafyatis 3 (1997). Atomic beam studies of vortex lattice structure in high Tc superconductors. S.H. Kjus, H.L. Pécseli, B. Lybekk, J. Talk, Conf. Cond. Mat. Phys. and Chem., Holtet, J. Trulsen, and A. Eriksson Rondablikk, Sept. 11-14 (1997). Lower-hybrid waves and wave cavitation in the Earth's upper ionosphere. B. Holme, K. Knudsen, R. Haakenaasen, F. Talk, 24th Annual European Meeting on Atmo- Mo, and J. Taftø spheric Studies by Optical Methods, Andøya, Synchrotron Studies of Al-Zn-Mg Alloy. Norway, Aug. 18-22 (1997). Poster, Rondablikk seminaret, 11.-14. septem- ber (1997). B. Krane, I. Christopher, G. Knorr, and M. Shoucri 0. Holter, A. Roux, and S. Perraut Shear Suppression of Coherent Structures in Synthetic multi-satellite substorm studies. Electrostatic Plasma Fluctuations. Invited talk, the CLUSTER workshop on Cusp Talk, IUTAM-symposium: Simulation and Iden- and Magnetotail Substorms location, Darm- tification of Organized Structures in Flows stadt, June 17-19 (1997). (SIMFLOW) Technical Univ. of Denmark, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, May 25-29 (1997). T.H. Johansen Superledning innen NFR's Materialprogram. E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) Talk, Conf. Cond. Mat. Phys. and Chem., (... K. Fanebust, J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, Rondablikk, Sept. 11-14 (1997). G. Løvhøiden, P. Sennels) Strange Particle Production in Pb+Pb Colli- sions at 160 GeV/c per nucleon. M.R. Koblischka, T.H. Johansen, and H. The 12th Nordic Meeting on Intermediate and Bratsberg High Energy Nuclear Physics, Graftåvallen, MO investigations of Bi-2223 tapes. Sweden, presented by K. Fanebust, Jan. (1997). NKT Res. Center. Brøndby, Denmark, April 4 (1997). E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) (... J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, M.R. Koblischka, T.H. Johansen, and H. P. Sennels) Bratsberg Production of !E~ and Ci~'m heavy-ion collisions Magneto-optic visualization of flux penetration in Bi-2223 tapes after bending. at the CERN SPS. Eucas'97. Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands, Workshop on QCD Phase June 30 - July 3 (1997). Transitions, Hirschegg, Austria, January 13-28 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 32

E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) Ø.G. Martinsen, S. Grimnes, and S.H. (... J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, Nilsen P. Sennels) Absolute water content and electrical admit- Production of E~ and fi~ in Heavy-Ion Colli- tance of human nail. sions at the CERN SPS. Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Irritant Contact Der- Proc. Workshop on QCD Phase Transitions, matitis/Eur. Symp. Int. Soc. Bioeng. Skin, Hirschegg, Austria, January 13-28 (1997). Experimental Dermatology, 6(5), 264 (1997).

E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) P. Meakin (... J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, The diffusion-limited aggregation model and ge- P. Sennels) ological pattern formation. Strange Baryon Production in Pb-Pb Interac- The 11th Seminar on Growth and Dissolution tions. in Geo-systems, Kongsberg, Norway, May 7-9 Proc. XXXIIth Rencontres de Moriond - QCD (1997). and high energy hadronic interactions, Les Arcs 1800, France, March (1997) P. Meakin The University of Oslo Strategic University Pro- E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) gram (SUP) on Fluid Rock Interactions. (... J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, The Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics and P. Sennels) Chemistry, Rondablikk, Norway, Sept. 11-14 Production of Multi-Strange Particles in Pb-Pb (1997). interactions at 158 AGeV/c. Int. Symp. on Strangeness in Quark Mat- H. Auradou, K.J. Måløy, J. Schmittbuhl, and ter, Santorini, Hellas, presented by A.K. Holme, A. Hansen April 14-18 (1997). Two phase flow in fractures. Foredrag, Petroleums fysikk konf., Fevik, 21.-23. E. Andersen et al. (WA97 Collaboration) august (1997). (... J.A. Lien, A.K. Holme, G. Løvhøiden, P. Sennels) J. Schmittbuhl, S. Roux, J.P. Vilotte, and K.J. Strange Baryon Production in Pb-Pb Collisions Måløy at 158 A GeV/c. Direct observation of a self-afflne crack propa- Proc. Int. Europhysics Conference on High En- gation . ergy Physics, Jerusalem, Israel, August (1997). Poster, Petroleums fysikk konf., Fevik, 21.-23. august (1997). Ø.G. Martinsen Bioimpedans og impedanstomografi. K.J. Måløy, E.G. Flekkøy, and T. Le Pennec Invitert foredrag, Medisinsk Teknisk forenings Silo hiccups: Dilatency in granular flows. landsmøte, Tromsø, 29. mai (1997). Talk, GDR Meeting, Dry Granular media, Hu- man Capital and Mobility, Univ. Pierre et Marie Ø.G. Martinsen Curie, April 30 (1997). Måling av fuktighet i hud. Invitert foredrag, Nordisk konf. for dermatolo- E. Osnes sykepleiere, Tanumstrand, Sverige, 1. juni Unified Microscopic and Realistic Description (1997). of Finite Nuclei, Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars. Talk, BONTT Workshop, Oslo, March 13-14 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 33

A. Olsen M. Kono, H.L. Pécseli, and J. Trulsen Recent TEM studies of precipitation i 7000- Point Vortex Dynamics in 2D: Collapse and series alloys. Crystallization. Lecture, The Early Stages of the Age-hardening 32nd Nordic Plasma and Gas Discharge Sympo- of Aluminium Alloys., Workshop, University of sium, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, March Oslo, May 15 (1997). 2-5 (1997).

A. Olsen A. Eriksson, R. Bostrom, P.O. Dovner, A. New possibilities in microtechnology with field Malkki, H.L. Pécseli, and D. Knudsen emission transmission electron microscopy. Electrostatic microstructures in space plasmas. Seminar, Microtechnology and its applications, Invited talk, IPELS'97 workshop, Maui, Hawaii, University of Oslo,October 3 (1997). June 23-27 (1997).

C.B. Dunsæd and E.O. Pettersen A. Pedersen, B. Jacobsen, B. Popielawska, Introduction of DNA-Fragmentation and Cell F. Mozer, B. Pfaff, C. Russel, and J. Scudder Cycle Inhibition by Benzaldehyde Derivatives. Electric and Magnetic Fields and Plasma in the Proc. 33rd Norwegian Biochemical Contact Outer Cusp on POLAR. Meeting, 110, January 23-26 (1997). Study Institute of Polar Cap Boundary Phenom- ena, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, June 4-13 (1997). E.O. Pettersen Maintaining Extremely Hypoxic Conditions in F. Ravndal Cell Cultures in Relation to Radiobiological Re- Applications of Effective Lagrangian. search. Talk, Beyond the Standard Model 5, Balholm, Meeting of the Nordic Normoxia Research Norway, April 29 - May 4 (1997). Training Network (Normox), Radisson SAS Ho- tel, Oslo, March 15 (1997). F. Ravndal Radiative Corrections to the Stefan-Boltzmann E.O. Pettersen Law. Dualistic Effect of Benzaldehyde on Cell Cul- Talk, Strong and Eletroweak Matter, Eger, Hun- tures. gary, May 21-25 (1997). Talk, Mansford Associated, London, UK, November 12 (1997). J. Rekstad and M. Meir Solar Combi-systems in Norway. E.O. Pettersen IEA-Expert-Meeting, Gleisdorf-Austria, Oct. Liquefaction of Grafted Human Tumours in (1997). Nude Mice by Continuous Treatment with Ben- zaldehyde Derivatives. A.L. Read Minisymposium at Biochem Therapeutic Inc., Naturally Optimal Multidimensional Search Montreal. Canada, November 20 (1997). Method. DELPHI seminar, CERN, July 23 (1997). H.L. Pécseli and J. Trulsen Eulerian and Lagrangian Velocity Correla- A.L. Read tions in Two-dimensional Random Geostrophic Use of the Likelihood Ratio to Set Limits on the Flows. Higgs Cross-Section as a Function of its Mass. Invited talk. Transport Processes in Atmosphere Pres., DELPHI Search Limits group, Feb. 18 and in the Oceans (TAO), 1st Annual Work- (1997). shop, Pal ma de Mallorca. Spain. January 8-11 (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 34

A.L. Read E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, W.H. Nelson, and Search Limit. D.M. Close Pres.. DELPHI Search Limits group, March 12 Protonation/Deprotonation Processes for Pri- (1997). mary Ionic Radicals in DNA Base Pairs. Talk, Meeting for Norwegian Biophysics, A.L. Read Hjerkinn, March 12 (1997). Search Limits with the Likelihood Ratio Tech- nique. T. Baine and E- Sagstuen Pres., DELPHI Search Limits group, May 13 An ESRand ENDOR Study of X-Irradiated Sin- (1997). gle Crystals of /3-Glycerophosphate. Talk, Meeting for Norwegian Biophysics, A.L. Read Hjerkinn, March 12 (1997). Naturally Optimal Multidimensional Search Method (preparation for DELPHI seminar in- A. Sanderud, N.A. Salih, E. Sagstuen, and dicated below). A. Lund Pres., DELPHI Search Limits group, July 23 Single Crystal ENDOR Studies of Hippuric Acid (1997). X-Irradiated at 295 K. Talk, Meeting for Norwegian Biophysics, A.L. Read Hjerkinn, March 12, (1997). Computing Exclusion Limits with the Likeli- hood Ratio. P.E. Sandholt Pres., LEP working group for Higgs Bosons Coordinated Studies of Daytime Aurora in the Searches, April 8 (1997). Arctic and Recent Results. Invited Talk, 24th Ann. European Meeting on A.L. Read Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, An- SM Higgs Search Limits with Modified Frequen- denes, August 18-22 (1997). tist Likelihood Ratio, Monte Carlo Integration. Pres., LEP working group for Higgs Boson A. Schiller, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, Searches, May 27 (1997). E. Melby, S. Messelt, E. Olsen, J. Rek- stad, S. Rezazadeh, S. Siem, T.S. Tveter, A.L. Read P.H. Vreim, and J.C. Wikne Updated MFLR Higgs Search Results, Com- Performance of the CACTUS-Detector Array. ments on other Methods. Student conference, Dep. of Physics Report Pres., LEP working group for Higgs Boson UIO/PHYS/97-11, Univ. of Oslo (1997). Searches, July 2 (1997). T.B. Skaali A.L. Read ALICE Various Points on Combining Search Results, et CERN-prosjekt for ultrarelativistiske atom- Thoughts on Discovery Mode. kjernereaksjoner. Pres. LEP working group for Higgs Boson SAT-seminar, Norsk Teknisk Museum, 17. april Searches, Oct. 3 (1997). (1997).

P. Runde, E. Sørbrøden, and A. Olsen T.B. Skaali Design of a Precession System for a JEOL PHOS Readout Electronics. 2000FX TEM. ALICE Technical Board Meeting, 15. april Foredrag, R.ondablikk seminaret, 11.-14. (1997). september (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 35

T.B. Skaali T.S. Tveter, L. Bergholt, M. Guttormsen, PHOS DAQ - LHCC Milestone Presentation. E. Melby, S. Messelt, E.A. Olsen, J. Rek- CERN, June 4 (1997). stad, A. Schiller, S. Siem, J.C. Wikne, and S.W. Ødegård T.B. Skaali Studies of thermally excited nuclei by means of PHOS DAQ - LHCC Milestone Presentation. particle-7 coincidences - new perspectives. RT-97 Conf., Beaune, France, Sept. 22-26 Abstract: New Spectroscopy and Nuclear Struc- (1997). ture 1997, Copenhagen, Sept. 16-20 (1997).

S. Stapnes J. Taftø The SCT testbeam programme. Bond-valence betraktninger omkring avvik fra ATLAS seminar, UC Santa Cruz, Aug. 2 (1997). kubisk symmetri i perovskitter. Foredrag, møte Petrovskitt-relatert oxidker- S. Stapnes amer, Selbusjøen, 17.-18. april (1997). A complete systemtest at CERN 1998-2000. ATLAS seminar, CERN, Dec. 3 (1997). J. Taftø Studies of the valence electron distribution in T. Sun, G. Parker, and C. Paola oxides by electron diffraction. Dynamics of alluvial fan deltas. Foredrag, møte Perovskitt-relatert oxidkeramer, Talk, Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics and Sundvollen, 26.-28. oktober (1997). Chemistry, Rondablikk, Norway, Sept. 11-14 (1997). J. Taftø and R. Haakenaasen Early-stage precipitation studied by electron en- O. Sveen, J.O. Høgetveit, and A.O. Aasen ergy loss and x-ray absorption spectroscopy. SICUM, A New Monitoring System for Data Foredrag, Workshop on the early stages of the Presentation in the ICU. age-hardening of aluminium alloys, Oslo, May 7th Ann. Meeting of the Soc. for Techn. 15 (1997). in Anesthesia, J. of Clinical Monitoring, Nov. (1997). L. Veseth Correlation Effects in Molecular Dynamics. Talk, Seminar in Atomic-Physics, Institute of O. Sveen, J.O. Høgetveit, and A.O. Aasen Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus, Denmark, May The EWICUM Data Presentation System. 6 (1997). Proc. European Res. Network on Surgial Infec- tions, Heidelberg, Sept. (1997). P. Sannes and L. Veseth Doubly Excited Autoionizing States in N2. A.R. Sørnes and N.P. Benetis Poster, 29th EGAS-Conf., Berlin, Germany, > C - CX Tunneling Rotors in EPR Spec- 3 July (1997). troscopy. Workshop on ESR Dosimetry and Radiation Chemistry of Solids, Kungs Starby, Vadstena, G. Wagner, A. Vedvik, J. Feder, T. Sweden, Dec. (1997). Jøssang, and U. Oxaal Immiscible fluid-fluid displacements in viscous pressure gradients: experiments and simula- A.R. Sørnes and N.P. Benetis tions. C3 Radical Fragment Rotation in EPR. NFS - Biofysikkseminar, Hjerkinn. 12. mars Talk, Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry, Rondablikk, Norway, Sept. 11-14 (1997). (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 36

T. Walmann, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, J. J. Feder, T. Walmann, A. Malthe- Feder, T. Jøssang, and P. Meakin Sørenssen, T. Jøssang, P. Meakin, and H.H. Scaling Relations for fractures in laboratory ex- Hardy periments. Fractals in geology. Talk, Seminar in Petroleum Physics, Fevik, Nor- MIT, Cambridge, USA, May 23 (1997). way, Aug. 21-23 (1997). E.G. Flekkøy and K.J. Måløy T. Walmann, A. Malthe-Sørenssen, J. Granular flows and continuum models: Theory Feder, T. Jøssang, and P. Meakin and experiments. Scaling Relations for fractures in laboratory ex- Talk, Theoretical Physics, Oxford, April 24 periments. (1997). Talk, Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry, Rondablikk, Norway, Sept. 11-14 K. Gjotterud (1997). Kvanter og sunn fornuft. Forelesning Biologisk institutt, UiO, 20. januar S.W. Ødegård, P.O. Tjørn, F. Ingebretsen (1997). et al. First Observation of the Unfavoured Signature K. Gjotterud + and Yrare Extension of the 7n13/2 [660 l/2 ] Symmetrier i fysikken på vei mot en mer grunn- Nilsson Configuration. leggende betydning. Abstract: New Spectroscopy and Nuclear Struc- Forelesning, Sophus Lie seminaret, Matematisk ture 1997, Copenhagen, Sept. 16-20 (1997). institutt, UiO, 25. november (1997).

J. Gjønnes 3.3 Gjesteforelesninger og andre fore- Strukturbestemmelse av en intermetallisk fase drag ved elektrondiffraksjonsdata. Forelesning, Arrhenius laboratoriet, Stockholm E.S. Bergstrand Universitet, Sverige, 29. oktober (1997). ESB on ESR or Who am I? What do I come from? What am I doing here? Seminar on Avdeling for radiofysik, University E.K. Henriksen of Halso, Lindkoping, Sweden, April (1997). Lekfolks forhold til radiaktivitet og stråling. Invitert foredrag, Statens strålevern, kurs på Sentralskolen for sivilt beredskap, Asker, 8.-10. A. Egeland april (1997). Dayside Auroral Characteristics. Lecture, Dep. of Astrophysics, University of Calgary, Canada, March 3, (1997). M. Hjorth-Jensen From finite nuclei to neutron stars. Lecture, the Nordita Master class, København, A. Egeland Denmark, July 28 - August 1 (1997). Dayside Auroral Activities vs. IMF Orientation. Two Lectures, Dep. of Physics, University of Saskatoon, Canada, March 4-5 (1997). M. Hjorth-Jensen Effective interactions and the nuclear shell model. A. Egeland Talk, Dept. of Physics, University of Lund, Swe- Nordlysforskningen i Norge. den. Nov. 11 (1997). Foredrag. Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt. Kjeller. 28. november (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 37

M. Hjorth-Jensen Ø.G. Martinsen Superfluidity in infinite nuclear matter. Strøm gjennom mennesker - elektrisk ledning- Talk, Dept. of Physics, University of Barcelona, sevne i bilogisk vev. Spain, Nov. 23 (1997). Foredrag, lunchkollokvium i biofysikkgruppen, Fysisk institutt, UiO, 9. oktober (1997). T. Holtsmark Intuisjon og anskuelighet i optikkens P. Meakin grunnlagshistorie. Computer simulation of branched and meander- Forelesning, Universitetet i Tromsø, 13. mars ing rivers. (1997). University of Essen, Febr. 5 (1997).

T. Holtsmark P. Meakin Funksjon og transformasjon i vitenskapshis- Computer simulation of branched and meander- torisk perspektiv. ing rivers. Foredrag, Biofysikkgruppen, Radiumhospitalet, Univ. of Duisburg, Febr. 7 (1997). 6. november (1997). K.J. Måløy, H. Auradou, J. Schmittbuhl, and T. Jøssang A. Hansen The Norwegian Shelf. A Maturing Area of Sig- Two phase flow in cracks and pores. nificant Future Petroleum Potential. Talk, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, May 28 Norwegian Petroleum Society / NPF, 25 Years (1997). Anniversary, Stavanger Forum, April 8-9 (1997). E. Osnes J.M. Leinaas Professor dr. techn. Tangen 1912-1997. Vortex Dynamics in 2 Dimensions. Minnetale i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Felleskollokvium, Institutt for fysikk, NTNU, 13. november (1997). 19. september (1997). A. Olsen J.M. Leinaas Electron microscopy of dental gallium alloys and Quantized Vortices - in Two Dimensions. its related crystalline phases. Joint Colloqvium, Fysikum, Stockholm Univer- Invited lecture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, sity, November 13 (1997). Japan, August 20 (1997).

A. Malthe-Sørenssen A. Olsen Granulære materialer. Transmission electron microscopy studies of al- NLH, As, Norge, 21. april (1997). loys and other inorganic materials. Invited lecture. National Institute of Inorganic A. Malthe-Sørenssen Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, August 19 (1997). Uorden og pulverfysikk. Fysikkforeningen, UiO, Norge, 6. mai (1997). E.O. Pettersen Klinisk flowcytometri: Betydningen av DNA- Ø.G. Martinsen ploiditet som prognostisk parameter. Ny metode for bestemmelse av fuktighet i hud. Seminar, Avd. for Patologi, Radiumhospitalet, AlPharma AS, Oslo. 14. mai (1997). 22. oktober (1997). 3 VITENSKAPELIGE FOREDRAG 38

A.L. Read J. Gjønnes Optimal Statistical Analysis of Search Results Convergent beam electron diffraction; an intro- based on the Likelihood Ratio and its Applica- duction. tion to the Search for the MSMS Higgs Boson Lecture, Int. School of Crystallography, Erice, at y/s = 161 and 172 GeV. Italy, May 22 - June 2 (1997). Partikkelfysikk-seminar, Univ. , 9. de- sember (1997). J. Holmen The experimental average statistical 7 - multi- A. Strandlie plicity and its width vs. the theoretical model Line detection in particle detectors: how Physics ZigZag. becomes Image Processing. Student conf., Dept. of Physics Report Lecture, Gjøvik College, Sept. (1997). UIO/PHYS/97-11, UiO (1997).

A. Strandlie T.H. Johansen The randomized Hough transform applied to Magneto-optic Imaging used in studies of simulated ATLAS data. HTSCHs. Lecture, Inst. of High Energy Physics, Austrian Invited talk, 3rd Int. Summer School on High Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Nov. (1997). Temp, superconductors, Eger, Hungary, July 19-27 (1997). A. Strandlie Track reconsstruction in the ATLAS Inner De- T.H- Johansen and A.B. Riise tector. Magnetic levitation with superconducting thin Lecture, Dep. of Informatics, Univ. Oslo, Dec. films. (1997). Invited talk, 3rd Int. Summer School on High Temp. Superconductors, Eger, Hungary, July L. Veseth 19-27 (1997). Molecular Physics - Can Computation replace Experiment? Ø.G. Martinsen Institute Colloqvium, Fysik 1, KTH, Stockholm, Theory and applications of low frequency prop- March 14 (1997). erties of skin. Invited lecture, Summer Univ. of Stock- A. Ved vik holm: Noninvasive diagnostics with electrical Sakte inntrenging av en væske i en annen som impedance, Stockholm, Sweden, June 26 (1997). strømmer i en porøs modell. Institutt for tekniske fag, NLH, Ås, Norway, K.J. Måløy, T. Le Pennec, E.G. Flekkøy, May 26 (1997). D. Bideau, J.C. Messager, X.-L. Wu, and A. Hansen Granular flow in hoppers and tubes: Gas grain 3.4 Forelesninger v/vitenskapelige kurs interaction. Invited lecture, NATO ASI summer school, J. Gjønnes Cargese, September 23 (1997). Definition, measurement and calculations of in- tensities in electron diffraction. Lecture, Int. School of Crystallography, Erice, Italiy, May 22 - June 2 (1997). 4 POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 39

E.O. Pettersen 4 Populærvitenskapelige Radiobiologi. arbeider 4 forelesningstimer i kurset "Strålingsfysikk del 1", (Stråleterapi, Strålebiologi og Nukleærme- 4.1 Bøker disin). Dette kurset inngår som del av videre- og etterutdannelse av leger innen oncologi, Ra- A.I. Vistnes diumhospitalet, 10.-11. mars (1997). 27th International Physics Olympiad. Report, 27th International Physics Olympiad, E.O. Pettersen Oslo, Norway, June 30 - July 7 1996, 1-288 Reparasjon av potensielle stråleskader. (1997). En forelesningstime innen biofysikk i forbindelse med labkurs for sivilingeniørstudenter fra NTNU, Radiumhospitalet, 9. april (1997). 4.2 Artikler L. Bugge E.O. Pettersen Diverse artikler om fysikk. Tumor radiobiologi og stråleterapiens 5 R-er. Kunnskapsforlagets ett-binds leksikon, ny ut- 2 forelesningstimer i forbindelse med kurs gave (1997). i videreutdannelse av radiografer i regi av Høyskolen i Oslo, Radiumhospitalet, 14. okto- ber (1997). L. Bugge and A.L. Read Luminositetsbestemmelse i DELPHI-eksperiment ved LEP-akseleratoren. S. Rezazadeh Fra Fysikkens Verden 59, Nr 2, 31-36 (1997). Gamma-Ray Angular Distributions and Po- larization Measurements of the 163Dy(3He, M.B. Mærli, L. Bugge og A.L. Read a7)162Dy Reaction. Naturens innerste hemmeligheter. Student conf., Dept. of Physics Report APOLLON 8, Nr 3, 39 (1997). UIO/PHYS/97-11 (1997). A. Egeland A. Schiller Uvær på Sola koster milliarder. Statistical 7-decay of rare-earth nuclei at mod- erate temperatures. Artikkel, Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 5, 46-47 (1997). Talk, 4th Nordic Summer School in Nuclear Physics, Falsterbo, Sweden (1997). A. Egeland Romværvarsling. Artikkel, Teknisk Ukeblad nr. 5, 48 (1997).

A. Egeland, E.K. Henriksen, and T. Hen- riksen Nordlys. Artikkel, Temahefte 3, Fysisk institutt, UiO, 1- 40 (1997).

0. Grøn Vår tids fysikk og troen på Gud. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel, Kirke og kultur no. 4, 167-175 (1997). 4 POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 40

H.L. Pécseli A. Egeland Vejrforudsigelser i det ydre rum. Auroral Research in the Space Age. Kvant, Fysisk Tidsskrift 8, 18-28 (1997). Talk, Hamburg Planetarium, the Opening of The Aurora Exhibition, September 8 (1997). L. Veseth Nobelprisen i fysikk 1997. J. Feder Fra Fysikkens Verden, 109-110, desember Kausialitet, paradigmer og atomistisk filosofi. (1997). Kreftretgistret, Oslo, Norge, 8. januar (1997).

K. Gjotterud 4.3 Foredrag Kvantefysikken i dag. Hvor er vi og hvor går vi? Foredrag, Faglig-pedagogisk dag, UiO, 3. januar J. Baarli (1997). Kjerneenergien i dag. Hva med den? Foredrag, Faglig-pedagogisk dag, Universitetet i K. Gjotterud Oslo, 3. januar (1997). Mellom skepsis og tillit. Vi er ofre for vår for- siktige forstand. L. Bugge Kåseriforedrag, Lions Club Eiksmarka, 12. mars Bakgrunnen for SAT prosjektet. Vitenskapelige (1997). resultater. Foredrag, SAT-seminaret, Norsk Teknisk Mu- K. Gjotterud seum, 17. april (1997). Kvantefysikk i går, i dag og i morgen - noen re- fleksjoner L. Bugge Forelesning, Landskonferansen om fysikkun- Hvor mange elementærpartikler finnes det? dervisning, Hafjell, 5.-8. august (1997). Foredrag, Realistforeningen, Univ. i Oslo, 18. august (1997). K. Gjotterud Fra Plancks formel for sort stråling til super- A. Egeland strenger - snart 100 år med kvantefysikk. Naturvitenskap i grenseland. Forelesning, Forskningsdagene 1997 Høgskolen i Foredrag, NRK-P2-Akademiet, mars (1997). Buskerud, Kongsberg, 24. september (1997).

A. Egeland og T. Widerberg K. Gjotterud Nordlys i ord, bilder og musikk. Refleksjoner over kvanter, strenger og ryktene Foredrag, Oslo Folkeakademi, 7. januar (1997). om at fysikken har nådd veis ende. Foredrag, Fysikkforeningen, UiO, 4. november A. Egeland (1997). Nordlys. Foredrag, Polarklubben, Polhøgda, 22. oktober 0. Grøn (1997). Tvillingparadokset i relativitetsteorien. Foredrag, Fredagsseminar, NTNU, 10. oktober A. Egeland (1997). Nordlys. Foredrag, Norsk Teknisk Museum, 13. novem- 0. Grøn ber (1997). Er det mulig å reise bakover i tiden? Foredrag, Høgskolen i Oslo, Avdeling for In- geniørutdanning, 27. november (1997). 4 POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 41

0. Grøn T. Holtsmark og J.H. Wold Mørk materie i universet. Fargens kulturhistorie. Foredrag, Åpen dag. Universitetet i Oslo, 2. jan- Foredrag, Norsk Lektorlag, , 5. desember uar (1997). (1997).

0. Grøn A. Holt Mørk materie i universet. Ballett og fysiske lover. Foredrag, Fredagsseminar, NTNU, 14. mars Foredrag, Realistforeningen, Universitetet i (1997). Oslo, 22. mars (1997).

0. Grøn G. Løvhøiden Gud og moderne fysikk. Materiens minste bestanddeler. Foredrag, Kirkeforum, Birkeland, 23. septem- Furuset Rotary, Oslo, 6. januar (1997). ber (1997). G. Løvhøiden 0. Grøn Big Bang og jakten på Urstoffet. Generell relativitetsteori. Avd. for Generell Fyiologi, Oslo, 13. januar Foredrag, Realistforeningen, Universitetet i (1997). Oslo, 3. oktober (1997). G. Løvhøiden E.K. Henriksen Kvark-Gluon Plasma og Big Bang- Jakten på Holdninger til andres kunnskap: Kan vi snakke Urstoffet. om "vitenskapelig analfabetisme"? Realfagsdagen på Kvarteret, UiB, 3. april Forelesning, Faglig-pedagogisk dag, Univer- (1997). sitetet i Oslo, 3. januar (1997). G. Løvhøiden E.O. Hoie Kvark-gluon plasma. Our Radioactive Environment; do Low Doses of Furuset Rotary, Oslo, 13. mai (1997). Ionizing Radiation have any health Effects? Invited lecture, Realistforeningen, University of O.M. Løvvik Oslo, March 20 (1997). Kort presentasjon av solenergiforskningen ved Fysisk institutt. T. Holtsmark Foredrag, Møte for rådgivere ved den Fargen og stedets problem. videregående skole, Universitetet i Oslo, 10. juni Forelesning, Arkitekthøyskolen i Oslo, 17. (1997). februar (1997). E. Osnes T. Holtsmark Trender i moderne kjernefysikk. Fargens glans gjennom skiftende tider. Foredrag, Faglig-pedagogiske dag, UiO, 3. jan- Foredrag, MBL Landsmøte, Trondheim (1997). uar (1997).

T. Holtsmark E.O. Pettersen Komplementaritet etc. Tanker omkring kunnskaper og holdninger til Foredrag, Faglig-pedagogisk dag, Universitetet i ioniserende stråling. Oslo, 3. januar (1997). Foredrag, Faglig-pedagogisk dag, UiO, 3. januar (1997). 4 POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 42

J. Rekstad K. Gjotterud, E. Tunstad, P. Andersen, I. Solenergiprosjektet på Universitetet i Oslo. Mysterud, I. Nordal, S. Sjøberg og P. Strømholm Foredrag, Kong Harald, 9. mai (1997). Vitenskap og livssyn - en forsker-enquete. Artikkelen er basert på intervjuer ved Erik Tun- J. Rekstad stad og ført i pennen av Tunstad, HUMANIST Informasjons- og introduksjonskampanje for nr. 3 (1997). vannbåren varme i norske boliger. Teknologikonkurranse om vannbåren varme, 0. Grøn Høyskolen i Oslo, 12. januar (1997). Diverse mindre artikler. Store Norske Leksikon, Kunnskapsforlaget J. Rekstad (1997). Konkurransedyktig oppvarmingssystem med maksimal energifleksibilitet - Kodeord: Varme- 0. Grøn fleks. Hva sier relativitetsteorien om tid? Teknologikonkurranse om vannbåren varme, Samtale, 30 minutters, NRK-P1 Verdt å vite Høyskolen i Oslo, 12. januar (1997). (1997).

5. Stapnes F. Ingebretsen ATLAS-eksperiment ved LHC. O. Wormnes og A. I. Vistnes: Kan vi stole på Foredrag, SAT-seminaret, Norsk Teknisk Mu- vitenskapen? J.W. Cappelens Forlag A.S. 1994 seum, 17. april (1997). Bokanmeldelse, Fra Fysikkens Verden 59 nr. 1 (1997). A.I. Vistnes Høgspentlinjer. Elektromagnetiske felt og helse. O. Øgrim Foredrag, Norsk fysikklærerforening på Hafjell, Bruksanvisninger, veiledninger og fysisk bak- 6. august (1997). grunn for utstillingsenheter ved Teknoteket. Norsk Teknisk Museum (1997). J.H. Wold Lys, skygge og kontrastvirkninger. Nordisk kongress for landskapsarkitektstuden- 4.5 Radio, TV-programmer, store ut- ter, NLH, 6. mars (1997) stilliger

S.L. Andersen og O. Øgrim 4.4 Notiser/korte innlegg Fysikkforsøk for Videregående skoler, Del 1: Krefter. J.O. Eeg Video: ISBN 82-90904-40-1, Tekst: ISBN 82- Diverse mindre artikler. 90904-39-8 (1997). Store Norske Leksikon, Kunnskapsforlaget (1997). L. Bugge og Marianne Moen Manus og opplegg for, samt deltakelse i, pro- T. Engeland og E. Osnes gram om elementærpartikkelfysikk og målingen Ivar Espe 1927-1997. av antall lepton/kvark-generasjoner ved LEP. Nekrolog i Aftenposten 4. juli 1997 / Fra Del 1, NRK P2 Verdt å vite, 30. nov. og 2. des. Fysikkens Verden 59. 61-62 (1997). (1997).

K. Gjotterud In memoriam Gustav Marthinsen (1922- 1996). Fra Fysikkens Verden 59, Nr. 1 (1997). 4 POPULÆRVITENSKAPELIGE ARBEIDER 43

L. Buggeog Marianne Moen K. Gjotterud Manus og opplegg for, samt deltakelse i, pro- Å leve i det vitenskapelige og det religiøse rom. gram om elementærpartikkelfysikk og måling av Intervju, Marianne Moen NRK P2 Verdibørsen, antall lepton/kvark-generasjoner ved LEP. 20. desember (1997). Del 2, NRK P2 Verdt å vite, 7. des. og 9. des. (1997). 0. Grøn

K. Gjotterud Innslag, Schrødinger Spesial, NRK-TV 1, 10. Manhattanprosjektet og vitenskapens bidrag november (1997). til utviklingen av atombomben. Et moralsk dilemma. E.K. Henriksen Foredrag, NRK P2-Akademiet, 15. og 22. Stråling. november (1997). Intervju, NRK-P2-Wok, 6. november (1997).

A.I. Vistnes T. Holtsmark Jordstråling. Jakten på fargenes aura. Diskusjonsprogram, NRK-radio, 6. april (1997). Intervju, bransjeorganet Maleren, nr. 5 (1997).

H. Høgåsen 4.6 Intervjuer i TV/radio/aviser Om kvarker. L. Bugge Innslag, NRK-P1 Verdt å vite, november (1997). Innslag i forbindelse med utstillingen "Hadroner for helse". F. Ingebretsen NRK P2 "Verdt å vite", 31. aug. og 2. sept. Fysikk og "Rollerblades". (1997). Medvirkning i "Newtons Hage", NRK TV-1. (1997). J.O. Eeg Antimaterie. E. Osnes Innslag, NRK-P1 Verdt å vite, juni (1997). Utstillingene "Hadrons for Health" og "Science Bringing Nations Together" ved UiO. K. Gjotterud Intervju, NRK/Østlandssendingen, 25. august (1997). Mistillit til vitenskap - tillit til det alternative. I samtale med Erik Thunstad NRK P2 Wok, 28. april (1997) E.O. Pettersen Skuffelser bak hvert fremskritt. Intervju om kreftforskning i forbindelse med K. Gjotterud innsamlingsaksjonen for Den Norske Kreftforen- Ved veis ende. ing, Hamar Arbeiderblad, 1,22 og 23, 6. novem- Intervju, i oppsett vedrørende John Horgans bok ber (1997). The End of Science, Universitas, 13. august (1997).

K. Gjotterud og T. Skard Dokka Når teologi og fysikk møter kvarandre. Intervju ved Aslaug Veum i APOLLON - tidsskrift fra UiO nr. 4 (1997) 5 PEDAGOGISK/DIDAKTISKE ARBEIDER 44

E.O. Pettersen 5 Pedagogisk/didaktiske arbei- Målet er å vinne over alle krefttyper. der Innlegg, avisen Demokraten, Fredrikstad, 26, 8. november (1997). 5.1 Lærebøker

T. Henriksen og T.M. Svendby 4.7 Større utstillinger Ozonlag, UV stråling og helse. Fysisk institutt, UiO, 1-175, ISBN 82-992073-9- S. Stapnes, K. Danielsen og H. Bruvoll 8 (1997). Hadroner for helse. Faglig utstilling, Fysisk institutt, UiO, 25. aug. Ø.G. Martinsen og I. Espe - 14. sept. (1997). PC-basert instrumentering. AdNotam Gyldendal. ISBN 82-417-0821-1 E. Osnes, E. Lillestøl, S. Stapnes og H. Bru- (1997). voll Science bringing nations together. Faglig utstilling, Fysisk institutt, UiO, 25. aug. 5.2 Pedagogisk/didaktiske artikler - 14. sept. (1997). E.K. Henriksen Ozonlaget og UV-stråling. 4.8 Forelesniger v/eksterne kurs Kapittel, Natur, samfunn og miljø, Læreverk for lærerutdanningen, Universitetsforlaget (1997). K. Gjotterud Vitenskapelig og religiøs erkjennelse. E.K. Henriksen Foredrag med samtale i en gruppe elever i 2. Museet som læringsmiljø for miljølære. klasse ved Nesbru videregående skole hos lektor Norsk museumspedagogisk forenings tidsskrift Jon Døhl, 12. juni (1997). Pedimus nr. 2/3,49-54 (1997).

T. Holtsmark 35 oppslagsartikler. Store Norske Leksikon,(1997).

T. Holtsmark 25 oppslagsartikler. Konsulentoppdrag, Norsk Biografisk Leksikon (1997).

T. Holtsmark Virkelighetens tre stadier. Festskrift for Karl Brodersen, 1-10 (1997). 5 PEDAGOGISK/DIDAKTISKE ARBEIDER 45

O. Øgrim E.K. Henriksen Lek med el, men vær forsiktig. Museet som læringsmiljø for miljølære. Artikkel skrevet for Kirkedept. (1997). Innlegg, Museumspedagogisk fagdag, De naturhistoriske museer, Universitetet i Oslo, 17. mars (1997). 5.3 Avsluttede kompendier E.K. Henriksen J. Frøy land Miljøfysikk. Oppgavesamling i FYS212. Forelesning, Etterutdanningskurs for lærere Kompendium, UNIPUB, 1-35 (1997). (1997). T. Henriksen, E.K. Henriksen og T.M. T. Holtsmark Svendby Fargelære. Deilig er den himmel blå. Foredrag, Manglerud v.g. skole, 21. januar Temahefte, Fysisk institutt, UiO (1997). (1997). A.I. Vistnes T. Holtsmark Lavfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt. Fargens kulturhistorie. Kompendium, nasjonalt forskerkurs "Ikke ionis- Foredrag, Mølla Kunstskole, Moss, 22. januar erende stråling og dens biologiske virkning" Del (1997). B, 1-105 (1997). T. Holtsmark 5.4 Didaktisk/pedagogiske foredrag Farge og glans. Foredrag, SHKS-Kunsthåndverksskolen, 19. J. Baarli februar (1997). Atomtrusselen mot våre nordområder i dag. Forelesning for fysikkstudenter, Fysisk institutt, T. Holtsmark Universitetet i Oslo, 6. mai (1997). Intuisjon og fantasi. Foredrag, SHKS-Kunsthåndverksskolen (1997). L. Bugge FYS 115 Et laboratoriekurs i fysikk. T. Holtsmark Invitert foredrag, Undervis- Billeduttrykkets kulturhistorie. ningsforum, Fysikum, Stockholms Universitet, Forelesningsserie, 11. des. (1997). SHKS-Kunsthåndverksskolen, april/mai (1997).

E.K. Henriksen T. Holtsmark Miljøundervisning på museum. Eksperimenter med lys og skygge. Innlegg, Naturfagundervisning Forelesning for Østfold Ingeniørhøgskole, Uni- utenfor klasserommet, Arrangert av Høgskolen versitetet i Oslo, 13. mai (1997). i Telemark og Nasjonalt Nettverk for Naturfag- undervisning, Nordsjø Hotell, 27.-30. oktober T. Holtsmark (1997). Materialets glans og tingens identitet. Forelesning, SHKS, 19. november (1997). E.K. Henriksen Fysikk for folk flest. Noen betraktninger om fysikk og allmenndannelse. Innlegg, Landskonferanse for fysikkundervis- ning, Hafjell, 5.-8. august (1997). 6 FAGPOLITISKE ARBEIDER 46

T. Holtsmark 6 Fagpolitiske arbeider A Short Lecture at the "come together" for stu- dents Sunday June 30th. 6.1 Artikler 27. Int. Olympiade, Oslo, June 30 - July 7 1996, in official Report, ed.: A.I. Vistnes, Dept. J. Gjønnes of Physics, Univ. of Oslo (1997). Forskningsrådet og fysikken: dialog eller kon- frontasjon? FraFysikkens Verden 59, 78-79 (1997). T. Holtsmark og J.H. Wold Fargenes kulturhistorie. 0. Holter og F. Ingebretsen Forelesning, Nansenskolen, 22. september (1997). Fra redaktørene. Fra Fysikkens Verden 59 Vol. 1,2,3,4 (1997). A. Olsen Erfaringer med gruppeundervisning i hovedfag- E. Osnes og dr.gradskurs. Bestyreren har ordet. Foredrag, Kringsjå konferansesenter, 14. okto- Årsrapport 1996, Fysisk institutt, Universitetet ber (1997). i Oslo, 3 (1997).

J.H. Wold E. Osnes, E.O. Pettersen og A.I. Vistnes Lys, skygge og kontrastvirkninger. Ad "Hvor tverr kan man være?". Friundervisningen i Oslo, februar (1997). Uniforum nr. 9, s. 13, 29. mai (1997).

6.2 Foredrag 5.5 Forelesningsreferater- /oppgavesamlinger/lab. veiledninger K. Gjotterud o.l. Førstesemesterstudiene: visjon og virkelighet. Innlegg og deltagelse i debatt med Lucy Smith, E.O. Pettersen Kolbein Brede, Erik Boe og Carl Erik Grenness, Cellulære strålingseffekter. Lederforum, UiO, 15. september (1997). Kompendium, FYS 395, (utvidelse) 96-133 (1997). 6.3 Innlegg H.L. Pécseli v/konferanser/møter/radio/TV Electrostatic Drift Waves. Lecture notes, 61 (1997). K. Gjotterud Førstesemesterstudier. T.B. Skaali Diskusjonsinnlegg ved konf. om Forelesningskompendium for FYS 326 inkl. lab. førstesemesterstudier ved høyskoler og univer- oppgaver. siteter i Norge, Tromsø, 25. september (1997). (1997). E.K. Henriksen og T. Henriksen A.I. Vistnes Strålekunnskap. Magnetfelt nær kraftledninger eller jernbane. Innlegg, Dagbladets spalte Debatt, 15. januar Ny øvelsestekst for FYS115: FG10 (øvelser i (1997). forskningsgruppene), 1-12 (1997). 6 FAGPOLITISKE ARBEIDER 47

E. Osnes Welcome Speech. 27th International Physics Olympiad, Oslo, June 30 - July 7 1996, in Official Report, ed.: A.I. Vistnes (Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo), 42-44 (1997).

E. Osnes After Dinner Speech. 27th International Physics Olympiad, Oslo, June 30 - July 7 1996, in Official Report, ed.: A.I. Vistnes (Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo), 75-77 (1997).

E. Osnes Welcoming Address. NATO ASI on Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, June 4-13 (1997).

E. Osnes Opening Address. Workshop on Large-Scale Nuclear Structure Calculations far off Stability (1997). FYSISK INSTITUTT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FORSKNINGS- GRUPPER RESEARCH SECTIONS

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