International Organizations
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (E.S.A.) Headquarters: 8–10 Rue Mario Nikis, 75738 Paris, CEDEX 15, France phone 011–33–1–5369–7654, fax 011–33–1–5369–7651 Chairman of the Council.—Alain Bensoussan (France). Director General.—Antonio Rodota (Italy). Member Countries: Austria Germany Portugal Belgium Ireland Spain Denmark Italy Sweden Finland Netherlands Switzerland France Norway United Kingdom Cooperative Agreement.—Canada. European Space Operations Center (E.S.O.C.), Robert Bosch-Strasse 5, 61, Darmstadt, Germany, phone 011–49–6151–900, telex: 419453, fax 011–49–6151–90495. European Space Research and Technology Center (E.S.T.E.C.), Keplerlaan 1, 2201, AZ Noordwijk, Zh, Netherlands, phone 011–31–71–565–6565; Telex: 844–39098, fax 011–31–71–565–6040. Information Retrieval Service (E.S.R.I.N.), Via Galileo Galilei, Casella Postale 64, 00044 Frascati, Italy. Phone, 011–39–6–94–18–01; Telex: 610637, fax 011–39–94–180361. Washington Office (E.S.A.), Suite 7800, 955 L’Enfant Plaza SW. 20024. Head of Office.—I.W. Pryke, 488–4158, fax: (202) 488–4930, INTER-AMERICAN DEFENSE BOARD 2600 16th Street 20441, phone 939–6041, fax 939–6620 Chairman.—MG Carl H. Freeman, U.S. Army. Vice Chairman.—Brigadier General Jose´ Mayo, Air Force, Paraguay. Secretary.—Col. Robert P. Warrick, U.S. Air Force. Vice Secretary.—CDR Carlos Luis Rivera Cordova, Navy. Deputy Secretary for Administration.—LTC Frederick J. Holland, U.S. Army. Conference.—Maj. Robert L. Larson, U.S. Army. Finance.—Maj. Stephen D. Zacharczyk, U.S. Army. Information Management.—Maj.
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