
VOL, 40, NO, 4 (DECEMBER 1987) P. 321-345 Forty Years of Arctic: The Journal of the Arctic Institute of ROMAN HARRISON’ and GORDON HODGSON’

(Received 6 August 1987; accepted in revised form 28August 1987)

ABSTRACT. When the ArcticInstitute of North America was established in 1945as a membership institution, it was understood that the membership expected the Instituteto publish a journal. It appearedfor the first time in 1948, as Arctic, The Journal ofthedrcticlnstitute ofNorth America,and has been published continuouslyfor 40 years since then. It is now a leading academic journal publishing research papersfrom a variety of disciplines on a wide range ofsubjects dealing with theArctic. Over the 40 years it published40 volumes comprising123 1 research papers andother related material. The present study reports a content analysis of the 1231 papers revealing that trends over the last 40 years of research in the North were guided by the economic and academic pressuresof the dayfor northern research. The bulk of the papers in the 40 years involved three major areas: biologicalsciences, sciences and socialsciences. The proportion of research papers earthin sciences showed a decline, accompanied by a strong growth in biological science papers anda modest growth in social sciencepapers. Over the 40 years, subjects sited in the Canadian Arctic alwaysdominated, with a steady growth from 23% of thetotal papers per volume to 42%. In particular, significant increases in the numbers of papers in the last10 years came from resource-related work in the North, as well as from political, educational, cultural and sovereignty-relatedresearch. Research in the North leading to publication inArctic was conducted largelyby biologists andearth scientists. Canadian and American authors accountedfor most of thepapers, with the proportion being roughlyequal. American authorshipwas nearly constant during 40the years, while Canadianauthorship increased slightly. Numbers of pages per volume and numbers of papersper volume increased over the40 years to about400 and 45respectively. Papers becameshorter during the 40 years, and the number of authors per paper increased steadily to1.8 near the end of theperiod. Numbers of manuscripts received by Arctic increased steadily over theyears, except for a hiatus associated with the move ofInstitute the from Montrealto Calgary. Acceptance rates declined slightly over the years to the present rate of60%. Most of the authors appearing in Arctic wrote only a single paper; 14 wrote more thanfive papers in Arctic. Arctic appears to be a reasonably viable academic publication functioning asa unique multidisciplinary vehicle for a wide range of northern topics. Key words: Arctic Institute of North America, Arctic, content analysis, trends, subject matter, location of study area, author’s discipline, author’s nationality

RÉSUMÉ. Quand l’Institut arctique de l’Amérique du Nordfut établi en1945, en tant qu’organisme composéde membres, il était entendu que l’Institut devait publier un journal. I1 parut pour la premiere fois en 1948sous le nom de Arctic, The Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America, et il a été publié sans interruption depuis 40 ans. C’est maintenant un journal académique de premier plan, qui publie des articles de recherche dans diverses disciplines sur des sujets très variés se rapportantà l’Arctique. Au cours de ces 40 années, le journal a publie 40 volumes comprenant 1231 articles de recherche et d’autres documents connexes. La pdsente étude offre une analyse du contenudes 1231 articles, qui révèle qu’au cours des 40 dernières années, les sujets de recherche dans le Nord ontété influencés parles pressions économiques et académiquesde l’heure. La majorité des articles publiés au cours de ces40 ans couvrent trois domaines principaux:les sciences biologiques, lessciences de la terreet les sciences sociales. L’analyse montre une diminution de la proportiondes articles de recherche sur les sciences de la terre, accompagnée d’une forte augmentation du nombre d’articles sur les sciences biologiques etd’une augmentation modeste de ceuxsur les sciences sociales. Pendant ces 40 ans, les sujets situés dans l’Arctique canadienont toujours dominé, avec une croissance soutenue de 23% B 42% des articles par volume. En particulier, l’augmentation importante du nombre d’articles dans les 10 dernieres annéesest due aux travaux reliés aux ressources naturelles dans le Nord, aifisiqu’aux recherches sur les questions de politique, d’éducation, de culture et de souveraineté.La recherche dans le Nordqui a donné lieuB des publicationsdans Arctic a été menée engrande partie par des biologistes etdes spécialistesen sciences de la terre. Les auteurs canadiens et américainsont été responsables de la majoritédes articles, en proportionsà peu près égales. Le nombre d’auteurs américainsest resté presque constantau cours des 40 années, tandis quecelui des auteurscanadiens a légèrement augmenté. Pendant la mêmepériode, le nombre de pages et le nombred’articles par volume ont augmenté et ils atteignent maintenant respectivement environ 400 et45. Les articles sont devenus plus courts durant ces 40 années, et le nombred’auteurs par articles’est accru continuellementpour atteindre 1,8 vers la finde cette période. Le nombre de manuscrits reçus par Arctic a augment6 de façon continue aucours des années, sauf lors d’une intemption causée par le déménagement del’Institut de Montréal à Calgary. Le taux d’acceptationa diminué légèrement pendantcette période jusqu’au taux actuel de 60%. La plupart desauteurs ayant publiédans Arctic n’ont écrit qu’un seularticle et 14 auteurs en écritont plus de 5. On peut considérerArctic comme une publicationviable car elle est un véhicule uniqueen son genre qui permet de faire circuler des informationsmultidisciplinaires sur un grand nombre de sujets reliés au Nord. Mots clés: Institut arctique de l’Amérique du Nord,Arctic, analyse ducontenu, tendances, sujet, emplacement de la zoned’étude, discipline de l’auteur,. nationalité de l’auteur Traduit pour lejournal par Nésida Loyer.

INTRODUCTION Arcticestablished was Arctic theInstitute bv of NorthAmerica The major publicationof the Arctic Institute of North Americais in 1947, shortly after the fnstitute was founded in late1945. As noted byWilson (1948), Chairman of the Boardof Governors of the journalArctic; other publications includeInformation North the Institute at thetime, the journal was launched“as a means of and monographs in a technical paper series. Arctic is an aca- communicating information about the Arctic and the activities demic journal with a regular peer review system and receives manuscripts submitted by researchers pursuing northerntopics. of the Institute to all its members and to the wider public that may be interested in the ends of the earth.” It has been publishing for40 years andis now running about400 pages of text per year in four quarterlyissues plus the occasional The parliamentary act to found the Institute (Arctic Institute supplementary issue. Book reviews, letters to the editor, obitu- of North AmericaAct, 1945) listedthe objects of the Institute to be, in general: aries and special items, including “Arctic Profiles,” make up the remainderof the text. The textof Arctic is presently made6 (a) to initiate, encourage, support and advance by financial largely of research papers, short papers and researchnotes. grants or otherwise the objective studyof arctic conditions and

‘The Arctic Institute of North America, The University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, , T2N 1N4 @The Arctic Institute of North America 322 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

problems,including such as pertain to the natural sciences, good deal of leadership to the Institute and someof the editors sciences generally and communication; achieved recognitionas scholars in their ownright, as indicated, (b)to collect, arrange and preserve records and material for example, by several of them being listed inAmerican Men relating to the arctic , and especially to such areas thereofand Womenof Science over the years. as form part of or are contiguous to the of North Arctic was the journal of a society that began with a substan- America; tial membershipof scientists and scholars dedicatedto northern (c) to make such records and material available for pureand appliedscientific use by properly qualified individuals and research. While they came together from a wide variety of organizations, including governmental agencies; disciplines, there wasa common compelling interest in the (d) to arrange for or to assist in the publication of reports, challenges of the North that unified them. The Arctic Institute maps, charts and other documentary material relating to the was not the only society for professional researchers; in fact it arctic regions; was only one of many at the time. The traditional professional (e) establish and maintain close contact with other Arctic society of the late forties wasa gathering of scholarsin a Institutes and organizations engaged in similar or related fields particular discipline, for example, in the field or profession of of study. chemistry. Thus the American Chemical Society was estab- The act did notcall specifically for a journal to be published, lished in its day to promote the study of chemistry and the but it was surely in the minds of the foundingfathers to publish a interests of chemists. In due courseit established theJournal of journal. theAmerican Chemical Society. So, also, physicistscame Charter membership in the Institute numbered 1204 in May together in their society, as did virtually all other disciplinary 1948 (Arctic Institute of North America, 1948), and the Institute groupings. was able to report on its 20th anniversary (Reed, 1966) that It was at this point that the Arctic Institute and most other Arctic was “published quarterly and had a circulationof about professional societies parted company. Chemists, and all other 2400 in 3 1 countries. . . .” The ArcticInstitute set out strongly professional groupings, moved to greater and greater specializa- to fulfill its objectives by supporting northern work and by tion, and this was expressed in a proliferation of specialized establishing a major northernlibrary. Its grants in aid were used journals. Thus, theAmerican Chemical Society established by many faculty and students for conducting northern studies, specialty journals, for example, the Journal of Analytical Chem- and the results of these studies in due course appeared in the istry, the Journal of Physical Chemistry,the Journal of Environ- pages of Arctic. Leadership was given to the Institute by a mental Science and Technologyand many othersover the years, succession of executive directors, as listed in Table 1. During each responding to another field of specialization. thesame time the position of editor washeld by an equal The Arctic Institute, on the other hand, took a stand, either number, as listed in Table 2.It is importantto note that both the implicitly or explicitly, against specialization, and Arctic itself executive directors and theeditors of Arctic were drawn from a expanded to embrace broadening interests developing in the wide variety of disciplines. The executive directors brought a North, rather than fragmenting into a variety of different and apparently unrelateddisciplines and subdisciplines. While doing so, itretained its objective ofpublishing primary research. TABLE 1. Executive directorsof the Arctic Instituteof North America, Thus, it developed into a multidisciplinary research journal. 1945-present Clearly, it was running against the , and while the Arctic Institute suffered some kind of identity crisis during the latter Timespan Discipline part of the 40 years, the journal continued and prospered during A.L. Washburn 1945-51 geomorphology, Quaternary geology the entire period. R.C. Wallace 1952-54 geology Arctic of course wasonly one of anumber of northern T.H. Manning 1954-55 mammology,ornithology A.T. Belcher 1957-60 RCMP,Arctic journals, as indicated inTable 3, but it was predated only by the John C. Reed 1960-67 geology Polar Record,founded in 1931 and published by Scottthe Polar H.W. Love 1968-75 engineering Research Institute. Robert C. Faylor 1975-77 engineering The objective of the present communication wasto look back John S. Tener 1977-79 biology Peter Schledermann 1980-86 archaeology over the fourdecades of the journal in aneffort to assess how the Michael P. Robinson 1986- law, anthropology journal developed and grewover that time and howit reflected the science and scholarship of northerntopics. The focus of the study was the content of the research papers in the journal. TABLE 2. Editors of Arctic Fiscal considerations were deemed to be outside the present study, but it might be noted that the journal has been only a Volume minor burden on theInstitute, with membershipdues, subscrip- (issue) Discipline Years tion fees, publication grants (Natural Science and Engineering Trevor LloydTrevor l(1)-2(3) 1948-49 geography Research Council and, lately, Social Science and Humanities Diana Rowley 3(1)-8(4) 1950-55 geography Research Council) and page charges providing the bulk of the Moffat 9( 112) 1956 (editor)Anna1956 112) V. Moffat9( funds required to cover editorial and publication costs. Paul F. Bruggemann 9(3)-17(4) 1956-64 engineering A.P.B. Monson 18(1)-27(1) 1965-74 journalism, library science M.V. Hambly 27(2)-31(1) 1974-78 science, technology, METHOD economic geography James B . Cragg 31(2)-32(2) 1978-79 biology It seemed reasonable to approach the analysisof the content LRonard V. Hills 31(2)-35(4) 1978-82 geology of Arctic in two ways: one, a standard, objective, technical ClaudetteReed Upton 36(1)-38(1) 1983-85 English approach of subdividingthe subject fieldand counting the Gordon W. Hodgson 38(2)- 1985- chemistry components, measuring them and comparing them, generally FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 323

TABLE 3. Principal journals publishing academic papers on arctic subjects

Year Issues Pages Issues Year Journal Institution Country established per year per established Country Institution Journal Content per year Arctic Arctic Institute of North America Canada 4 1948 400 academic,general Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado United States4 1969 460 academic,general Arctic Anthropology University of Arkansas United States2 1962 350academic, specializing in anthropology, archaeology Holarctic Ecology Nordic Society Okos 4 1978 420 specializingacademic, in ecology Musk-ox Northern for Institute Studies, Canada 2 1967 200 generalacademic, University of North Department of IndianCanadaand 4 1953 250 popular,general Northern Affairs Oikos NordicSwedenOikos Society 9 1950 900 academic,general Polar Geography and Geology AmericanGeographical Society/United States 4 1977 360academic, specializing in National Science Foundation geography, geology geography, Foundation Science National Polar News JapanPolar Research Association Japan 2 1965 academic,120 general Polar Record ScottPolar Research Institute United Kingdom 3 1931 academic,320 general

attempting to synthesize acoherent understanding from thedata individual researchpaper in Arctic, and the system of enumera- so gathered of the role and function ofjournal the over the years. tion was a count of number of papers in each category per The other approach was to be more subjective, to place the volume. analysis against a general chronologyof events in the40 years, To explore eachtopic dealing with subjectmatter, location of and to seeto what extent the material in journalthe reflected the study area and so forth, categories were established to provide events of the day or, at least, the events of the decade. Clearly, comprehensive descriptions. Thus, each paper was examined the scientific, technical, political andsocial climate of the North and described in terms of a numbercharacteristics, of including changed substantially over the 40 years, and the content of the subject matter, location, author discipline and so on. Categories multidisciplinary journal Arctic would be expected to mirror werechosen to beboth exhaustive andmutually exclusive those changes. (Holsti, 1969; Krippendorff, 1980). To maintain a systematic Content analysis is a technical specialty designedto provide approach, the setof categories was determined priorto analysis a framework forobjective and systematic analysis of communi- of the complete data set. This was accomplished through a cations, “a highly developed special purpose technique usedby pretest examinationof a small numberof Arctic papers and was experts, and it is generally found largely within the disciplines modified during the actual analysis as the need arose. Correc- of communications, political science, psychology and social tions were madeto the earlier coding when modifications were anthropology” (Carney, 1979). While some observers feel that introduced during theanalysis. The general trendof the modifi- content analysisis most useful in ferreting out hidden meanings cations was to insure that allsubjects, nationalities and so forth and between-the-lines understanding, it was felt to be useful in were represented, while at the same time minimizing the prob- the present study, where hidden meanings were of little con- lem of an unwieldly number ofcategories. cern, as a way of simply organizing the content evaluation in a Whilethe categorization indicatedin Table 4 developed systematic way. naturally,a problem arose when a particular datum (i.e., In the present study it was deemed important to look at the research paper) spanned more thanone category. For example, nature of the research papers and also at the discipline and in relation to subject matter, some papers encompassed more nationality of the authors. This would give a picture of the than one category, such as biology, archaeology and geology subjectmaterial and the people who worked on it. Itwas (three distinct categories). The question facing the coder was important to give an accountof editorial details, indicating both which one to assign thepaper to? One solution would have been the way the journal grew over the years and the way material to weight each paperout of a total of1 .O and assign a fractional came together in terms of page counts and author counts. value to each subject, saya third each, or more precisely, Subject matter wasdealt with in terms of topic and location ofweighting based on the indicated balance within thepaper, for study area. Editorial characteristics evaluated were numbersof example, 20%, 30% and 50%. Such an approach, however, pages perpaper, number of pagesper volume (one-year spanof was too complex for the present study, and an alternqtive path- four issues), number of papers per volume and numberof pages way was followed of assigning subject by the most prominent per paper. Alltopics were followed for the 40 volumesof descriptor. Thus, if it appeared in a given paper that biology was Arctic, which comprised 1231 research papers. An immediate the dominantdescriptor, the paper waslisted under the category objectivewas to follow changes in all characteristicsas a biology. On other occasions, when a dominant descriptor was function of time - a search for temporal trends. very difficult to assign because of multiple and approximately Carewas taken to meetthe three main requirements of equally stressed subjects, a general category was assigned. objectivity, a systematic approach and generality set out by In dealing with multiple authorship, a similar difficulty was Holsti (1969), Krippendorff (1980) and Rosengren (1981). An encountered in the case of author’s discipline and nationality. attempt was made, therefore, to maintain an objective perspec- Again, whilea weighting approach based on seniority and tive while consideringthe data through formulating and adher- number of authors could have been used, to do so would have ing to a systematic approach. First, the basic topics as outlined been very difficult. Instead, attention was focusedon the senior above were definedas the foci ofattention. Second, a systemof author (the fist listed), and it was the discipline and nationality coding was established. The unit of data collection was the of this person that was recorded inconstructing the database in 324 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

TABLE 4. Categories used in constructing the database a retired military persondealing with the use of submarines for transport in arcticwaters,” in whichcase the discipline, purpose 1. Subject matter and location would have been difficult to assign. Clearly, a earth sciences: geology and geophysics; physical geography; reliable study must be able to withstand tests of stability and oceanography and limnology reproducibility (Krippendorff, 1980). In other words, reanalyz- biological sciences: botany and zoology; ecology, agriculture and horticulture ing the data should give the same results, either from a single resource management: non-renewable; renewable coder or multiple coders. social sciences: anthropologyand archaeology; sociology; In the present case, the coder was reasonably familiar with human geography and demography; history and multidisciplinary research. While there was some possibility ; economic growthand development politics: political evolution; sovereignty assertion that personal bias or personal lack of appreciation of the finer defence research: military activities points of disciplinary distinction may have been present, the general and other nature of the basic data was such that little effect would have 2. Location of study area resulted from such imperfections. Still, total objectivity is an Arctic (general) elusive target. Alaska Finally, care was taken that the study had a good appreciation Canadian Arctic: , , Canadian Arctic Islands waters, Hudson and James bays of external validity. This is a measure of the relevance of the Canadian provinces findings to realphenomena: does the study adequately and accurately address the original questions? For example, in the Arctic matter of location, are the categories relevant and useful in northern : Bering , , , defining the designationof study location? Wasit reasonable to , , , , , , , , separate northern seas fromthe and subdivide the , , , North seas into , Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea and so on? Pacific, North Atlantic While reference toearlier work is important in thisregard, care no geographic orientation and other: ,U.S.S.R., must be takento avoid the introductionof biases from that work in the current study, thus reducing reliability (Krippendorff, 3. Senior author’s discipline 1980; Holsi, 1969). In thepresent study, theselection of earth sciences: geology and geophysics; geography; oceanography and limnology locational boundaries was obviously based onearlier divisions biological sciences: botany and zoology; ecology, agriculture (R.Goodwin, pers. comm. 1987)but the actual design of and horticulture; forestry, fish and wildlife management; boundaries was made in the belief that they best suited the environmental studies objectives of the present study in an attemptto balance validity arctic studies and reliability. social sciences: psychologyand sociology; anthropology and archaeology; economics; history,classics and On the other hand, there is always potential conflict between exploration theorists and pragmatists in this kindof analysis. The theorists political science tend to introduce more and morecontrol to achieveobjectivity, defence research while the pragmatists rely more and more on good judgement other: chemistry; physics; medicine; engineering; archival, library and information science; law; literature, art and andprofessional intuition. Thus, theanalyst who insists on music; journalism statistical reliability can often obscure the obvious, while the 4. Senior author’s nationality personrunning on natural wisdom can often prove hidher Canada preconceptions. Analysts in the present study tried to steer a United States course between the twoextremes. Denmark The present analysisof the content of Arctic over its 40-year United Kingdom life began with the construction of a detailed database through other the examination of each research paper in40 the volumes of the journal. Most of the papers were full-length researchpapers, but the content study. Even then, difficulty was encountered in short papers and notes were includedalso if they were deemed to determining discipline and nationality in some cases. In such be reports of research activities. A total of 1231 papers was cases, “best-guess” estimates were made by the authors of the included, and each paper gaverise to a single database record present study. witha number of fields, including title, author(s), volume Such estimates broughtto the fore a potential problem involv- number,issue number, initial page, final page, number of ing the objectivityof the persons codingthe data (Krippendorff, pages, number of authors, discipline andnationality of the 1980). Ideally, two or more coders should have independently senior author, location of the study area, subject matter and, evaluated the manuscripts in order to reduce the possibility of finally, key words (for index of key words see Appendix 1) as coder bias. In an ideal situation, each coder should be totally chosen by the authors of each paper and printed as such in the objective and rigidly systematic to achieve a high degree of papers. Inthe earlier volumeswhere no key words were consistency. This is particularly important whencontent analy- provided, the authors of the present study formulated suitable sis involves latent messagesor implied meanings in material of key words. Inall, this provided adatabase of 1231 records with complex significance, for example, in political statements. In data in 13 fields lodged in a personal computer (MacintoshSE). the presentstudy, this was notan important consideration since Allpapers from volumes 1-40 were included, including much of the material was reasonably objective: for example, issues 3 and 4of volume 40 (September and December 1987), “This paper was written by an American geologist studying even though they were still in press. Relevant data were avail- glaciers in the Alaskan range,’’ a straightforward, objective able for these two issues, however, and they were included reporting of the obvious, rather than“This paper was written by (even for this paper) in theoverall analysis. FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 325

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the disciplinary focusof the journal, such correlation - if any - was not great. The results of the content analysis are best examined in two Papers in the earth sciences showed a very differentpattern, groupings: one dealing with the major studycharacteristics, and with a strong increase in proportion of the totalArctic papers in the other dealing with the characteristics of publication, sepa- the fist 15 years of publication. The most dramatic increase rated by ashort section dealing with a selected key word withinthe earth sciences laywith geology and geophysics analysis to explore further the effects of recent industrial and during this period. Physical geography also contributed to the cultural activity in the North. rapid growth at the same time. Subject Matter Duringthe next 20 yearsthere was a steady decline in proportion for earth science papers but not in absolute numbers; Figure 1 shows the distributionof subject matter as a propor- the absolute numbers of papers per volume remained virtually tion or percentage of thewhole. Tosmooth variations occurring constant duringthis period. The decline in proportion wasdue to from year to year, the data are presented as running five-year a steady increase in ecological papers and, to a lesser extent, averages, with thefirst set of data points refening to the fist five anthropology and archaeology papers. volumes of Arctic. In this way, the second set of data points Papers in the social sciences showed an overall increase from refers to the averages for volumes 2-6, and so on, to the endof 22 to 29% over the 40-year period. An initial increase from 22 the publication period at the endof volume 40. to26% was followed by a decline to 13%in the running average period ending with volume 14. From that point on ( 1961), papers inthe social sciences gained in proportionto the total, from 13 to 29% at the end of the 40-year period. The - EARTH SCIENCES ---- BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES reason for the early popularityof the social sciences is notclear, - SOCIAL SCIENCES but it may be related to the fact that most of those social science .““ DEFENCE RESEARCH - ARCTIC STUDIES papers dealt with history andexploration. The general gain after 50 .”“ OTHER y., ; e-\ the early 1960s’slump may be generally attributed to increased attention to other components of the general classification of social sciences, particularly to anthropology and archaeology, as well as to subjects resulting from new economic growth and development in the North. Minor classifications included resource management, poli- ticsand defence research. Resource management (including both renewable and non-renewable resources) showed an increase from virtually nothingto about 6%in the second 20 years. This agrees well with increased interest in development matters in that period and aligns well with increased interest in ecological topics during that time.There was verylittle distinction between VOLUME (running overage) numbers of non-renewable and renewable resource manage- ment papers. FIG.I. Distribution of papers in Arctic by subject matter as percentages of the Papers on defenceresearch maintained low proportions (never total. To smooth the year-to-year variations, dataare presented in the form of exceeding 1%) throughout the entire 40-year period, after an 5-year running averages. initial period in which they accountedfor about 3% of the total research papers. The initialperiod was undoubtedly due to The bulk of the editorial content of Arctic over the 40 years research flowing from wartime investigations in the North. was accounted for by papers in the earth sciences, biological Papers involving political issues started at 3% and fell off to sciences and socialsciences. During partof the period they were virtually nothing until volume24 was reached, at which point a evenly split, i.e., during the veryearly years (up tovolume 7), mild increaseto 2% occurred for the next 10 years, after which a during the period for running averages ending volumes 29-33, decline to zero occurred. This appears to be related to attention and finally at the end of the 40 years. After the second period, that was being paid by the federal government to northern papers in the biological sciences dominated. Between the first matters leading to political devolution as a result of increasing two periods of approximately equal distribution, papers in the political awareness on the part of native people in the North. It earth sciences dominated, reaching 60% of the totalin the may also have been related to the passage of the Manhattan runningaverage ending withvolume 14 (1961). The earth through the NorthwestPassage in 1969, bringing to the fore the science proportion declinedfrom this pointonwards, falling to a question of arcticsovereignty. Transfer from Ottawa to Yellow- running average value of only 23%of the total papers published knife of authority for the Eastern and High Arctic took place in at the endof the 40-year period. 1970. The early papers in biological sciences focused on classical A final increase in proportionto 4% for political papers in the wildlife studies, whereas in later years ecological matters came last few years took place as a result of increased awarenessof to thefore as a result of increased human contact with wildlife insovereignty problems precipitated by the passage of the Polar northern regions, which served to increase the proportion of Sea in 1985. papers in the biological sciences in relation to the total. In this “General and other” papers in Figure include 1 wide-ranging way, the early proportion of about 20% for biological papers papers for the most part, e.g., the “Geological Survey in rose to about 45%at the end of the 40-year period. While there Alaska:Field season of 1949”; the “other” sub-category may be some connection between thediscipline of the editor and includes very specialized topics, e.g., linguistics. 326 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

Location of Study Area initiated studies conducted during and immediatelyafter World War 11, when Greenland became open to international contact. Figure 2 breaks down the papers appearing in Arctic by Home rule was instituted in 1979, but this was not reflected in location. Eight general areas are accounted for, covering the increased Greenland research publications in Arctic, perhaps entire northern polar of the earth. Of the 1231 papers instead by a decrease. includedin the study, about 57 wererelated to non-arctic Research sited in Canadian provinces, i.e., in the northern regions and dealt with alpine, , South American and boreal forest for the most part, generally accounted for about American Midwest locations. 510% of the papers in Arctic during the 40-year period. A Paperson the Canadian Arctic accounted for the largest diffuse peakin the period1957-64 might be attributed to proportion of the total throughout the 40 years. During this increased interest in those areas occasioned by the establishment period the proportion increased steadily, from about 23 to 42%. of the DEW Line andassociated radar lines, as well as to major The grouping of papers in the Canadian Arctic comprised two funding for a program for pinpointing mineral wealth in the subgroups - Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories. Canadian Shield. The latter was further subdivided into the of Mackenzie, The Arctic Ocean was featured in about 5% of the Arctic District of Keewatin, HudsonBay (including ), papers until volume 26, after which it declined to about 1% to District of Franklin andthe Canadian Arctic Islands waters. The the present. The basis for the researchinterest before 1976 District of Franklin (comprising the Arctic Islands for the most included a general attraction to studies dealing with the ocean part) saw most of the research activity throughout the 40-year floor surface. Work on the Arctic Ocean surely continued at a period, accounting for about half of the Canadian Arctic total. level higher than indicated by the publication density in Arctic, Conversely, the District of Keewatin hadrelatively little research leading to the conclusion that either the results of the work were activity. The and Yukoneach constituted not published or they were published in some other, probably about 15% of the Canadian total. more specialized, vehicle. An abundance of wildlife and exposed geology in the Arctic Northern seas (coastal seas surrounding the Arctic Ocean, Islands undoubtedly attracted northern researchers and led tothe including, for example, the Beaufort Sea) varied between 1 and establishment of a number of research stations in the High 5% throughout the first 32 years, after which a substantial Arctic. As a result, over the years a good deal of research was increase to 18% of the total took place, followed by a decline to conducted in theislands, creating an abundance of publications an 11% running average at the end of the 40-year period. This relating to those areas. substantial increase in papers relating to the northern seasduring Over the first 30 years of the publication of Arctic, research the late seventies was associated with an increase in oil andgas papers relating to Alaska represented about 20-25%of the total exploration in the Beaufort Sea. So, also, the drop-off in the (a low of 18% and a high of 30% in the running averages). In mid-eighties was due to the energy industry recession at that the last few years the proportion fell off noticeably, to about time. 13-14%. This fall was apparently due to a decline in funding for Papers classed as “arctic general” (including those dealing North Slope studies following a strong surge of funding in the with areas encompassing a wide geographic range within the late seventies. Arctic, for example, the in general) Greenland was the focus of more than 15% of the papers of experienced an overall net decrease from about 15 to 5% of the Arctic in the first 5 years and fell to about 5% and remained at total papers in Arctic. This reflects a tendency toward more that level throughout the subsequent volumes. Research interest specialized study localities as opposed to wide-ranging topics in the early years related to post-war publication of military- over that period. Finally, the “other” category includes studies with no geo- graphic orientation and studies in areas outside of the Arctic (for example, Antarctica, , the American Midwest - CANADIANARCTIC and alpine regions). The “other” category accounted for a .---e .AI. - .ASKA ._. . . . 60 - GREENLAND significant number of papers (about 5-15%), particularly in the 70: 70: .---.ARCTIC (GENERAL) CANADIANPROVINCES early years. .”_.- ARCTIC OCEAN 50 - NORTHERN-SEAS The results of the key word analysis are helpful in extending e---* OTHER the understanding of more specific topics and subtopics. The choice of topics searched was based upona conception of more 5 40 W popular subjects during the 40-year period. Table 5 shows three a0 classes of these popular subjects grouped by their change in k! 30 publication frequency over time. Two calculations were made: publication frequency of papers per volume over the entire 2c 40-year period, and publication frequency over the final decade. Class A includes those popular subjects with little or no fre- IC IC quency change; Class B includes those subjects showing a significant increase in publication frequency in the last ten C years; and Class C gives those subjects showing a significant decrease in frequency. In order to qualify for a significant VOLUME (runningaverage) increase or decrease in the final decade, publication frequency had to have changed from the 40-year average by a factor of at FIG.2. Distribution of papers inArctic by locationof study areaas percentages of the total. To smooth year-to-year variations, dataare presented in the form of least two or one-half respectively. 5-year running averages. Class A study area locations include Greenland, District of FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 321

TABLE 5. Key word search for papers published inArctic ordered by 5 presents the analysis for only a limited numberof key words, frequency of occurrence and grouped in three classes of change with but it is obvious that a variety of other key words would show the time, presented in terms of average numbers of papers per volume same effect of burgeoning arctic interest in the last 15 years. It is interesting to note that the term Inuit increased signifi- Papers per volume cantly in publication frequency thein last 10 years, presumably K ey word Key average40-year 1977-87 average because it is now the preferred termfor natives indigenousto the Class A: Key words of manuscripts with little or no frequency change with time Eastern Arctic. However, the older term, Eskimo, failed to glaci (e.g., glacier, glaciology,1.47 1 .oo show a significant decrease in publication frequency, as might glaciation) have been expected, and remained in the no-change Class A Greenland 1.25 1 .OO grouping above. This may be due to a significant number of Eskimo 0.98 1 .OO development 1.60 0.95 “native” papers from Alaska in lastthe few yearsor to a general Mackenzie 1.40 0.88 insensitivity about nomenclature. buds 1.30 0.85 Class C subtopics - those decreasing in publication fre- U.S.S.R. 0.90 0.68 quency in the last 10 years - were few. The term exploration sea 0.50 0.55 mammal 0.42 (3.70 refers to historical exploration, as in Franklin exploration. “Ice 0.70 0.42 island” refers specificallyto the ice island-based researchof the region 0.40 0.30 fifties. Similarly, a fascination with lemmings in thefifties and native 0.40 0.38 earlysixties caused a higher publication frequency of this James Bay 0.30 0.28 subject at that time. 0.40 0.28 resources 0.40 0.25 Discipline of Senior Author Class B: Significant increase in publication frequency in last ten years Beaufort 0.75 2.50 Figure 3 shows thediscipline of senior authors through the40 caribou 2.10 0.75 volumes of Arctic. Papers whose senior author was in the earth oil 2.00 0.75 sciences (for example, as identifiedwith a department of whale 2.20 0.68 Yukon 0.65 1.30 geologywithin a particular institution) accounted for about bear 0.60 1.30 30% of the total papers at the beginning of the 40-year period, ecology 2.00 0.58 rose to about 42%at about volume20 and then declinedto 30% culture 0.48 1 .oo in the final years. This indicates a strong base in earth science environment 0.90 0.40 muskoxen 0.80 0.40 research throughout the 40-year period. community 0.90 0.33 Papers from researchers in the biological sciences increased social 0.80 0.30 significantly, from 520% in the early years to 45-50%at the economic 0.60 0.30 end of the four decades. The increase in the last decade was fish 0.60 0.28 clearly due to the increase in environmental awareness and Mackenzie River 0.60 0.22 politics 0.50 0.20 ecological concerns associated with northern resource develop- petroleum 0.70 0.18 ment. Inuit 0.70 0.18 Authors in arcticstudies (those associated with specific arctic pipeline 0.30 0.15 institutes but not with particulara department or discipline, for ecology and petroleum0.50 0.12 example, with the Scott Polar Research Institute) accounted for transportation 0.12 0.30 sovereignty 0.30 0.10 about 10-12% of thepapers, decreasing generally in lateryears. education 0.20 0.10 pack ice 0.30 0.08 military 0.10 0.05 .” Class C: Significant decrease in publication frequency in lastten years - EARTH SCIENCES *--“ BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES exploration 0.10 0.50 60 ’ - SOCIAL SCIENCES ice island 0.05 0.35 ”-- DEFENCE RESEARCH - POLITICS District of Mackenzie 0.10 0 .”“ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT lemmings 0.10 0 50. - GENERAL AND OTHER defence policy 0.05 0 ,&, , .* ‘.

Mackenzie, U.S.S.R., Hudson Bay andJames Bay,indicating a stable and continuing interest in these areas over 40 years. In the same class were a number of subtopics dealing with ice, native and developmentissues, mammals and birds. These key words clearly relate to subjects and locations little affected by resource activities in the seventies and eighties. Class B, indicatingan increase in publication frequency, includes a numberof subtopics reflecting resource development and socio-political changes in theNorth in thelast decade or so. Thus, activities that began in theearly seventies inthe Canadian VOLUME (running average) Arctic(as revealed in the chronology of current eventsin FIG.3. Distribution of papersin Arctic by discipline of senior authoras Appendix 2) werereflected by substantial increases in publica- percentages of the total. To smooth year-to-year variations,data are presented in tion frequency inArctic in thelate seventies and eighties. Table the form of 5-year running averages. 328 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

Authorsinvolved in defence research(identified by their Danishauthors declined from an initial high of 18% to association witha defence establishment) wrote about6% of the approximately 2% by volume 12, after which time this level papers in Arctic over the 40-year period, with the exception of was maintained. This initial high level of Danish authors was the Cold War period of the fifties, during which the defence due to Danish research in Greenland precipitatedby new interest research proportion reached20% of the total. Further, in thelast in Greenlandic affairs in the post-war period. few years authors associated withdefence establishments have British researchers maintained a constant portion of about declined to virtually nothing in Arctic. This decline may be 5% throughout the entire 40-year period. attributed to a tendency for such people to publish in more Finally, “other” includes Norwegian,Swedish, Finnish, specialized journals, for example, those dealing with strategic Icelandic, Soviet, French, German and still others, including studies. one Venezuelan. These writers constituted a constant 5% pro- Contributions of social scientists increased from about2% at portion through the first three decades. During the first half of the start of the 40-year period to 15% in the last decade. The the fourth decade there were virtuallyno authors in the“other” heightened interest in the last decade was caused by a greater category. However, in the final four volumes the numbers of awareness of cultural and social affairs during the search for papers by “other” authorsincreased sharply, to 7% inthe natural resources at thattime. It is interesting that papers in the running average, largely because of a substantial number of social sciences increased to nearly 30% of the total papers in papers in volume37 devoted entirely to “Unveiling the Arctic” Arctic at the end of the 40-year period, but the senior authors written by an unusually wide variety of scholars. recognized as social scientists rose only to about 12% of the total authors. This seems to indicate that some of the social Editorial Details papers were writtenby author groupings where thesenior author Figure 5 shows a number of characteristics describing the was not a social scientist. editorial details of the papers in Arctic over the 40 years. The Authors of “other” disciplines include chemistry, physics, foci of interest were number of authors per paper, number of medicine, engineering, information sciences, law, literature, pages per paper, number of papers per volume and numberof art, music, journalism and religion. Papers by suchwriters pages per volume. It is important to note that the format of maintained a fairly constant proportion, varying between 5 and Arctic was changed in 1981 (volume 34) from a small to large 20% throughout the four decades. This was a non-negligible size, i.e., from about 600 words per page to 900. proportion of the papers in Arctic and therefore represents the A steady increase marked the number of authors per paper.At wide array of disciplines included. the beginning of the 40-year period, authorship figures showed 1.15 authors per paper, increasing to 1.80 authors per paperby Nationality of Senior Authors the end of the 40 years. This reflects a universal trend toward Figure 4 shows the nationality of authors (as inferred from increased cooperative research over timein all fields. This location of employment) through the40 volumes of Arctic. Two appears to be a common trend in scientific publications, as nationalities dominatethe scene, American andCanadian, with noted, for example, by Satyanarayama (1987) for a journal of roughly equal numbers of papers in a mirror-image pattern. In medical research where the increase in authors per paperover a 40-year period was from 1.87 to 3.65. The number of pages perpaper showed an overall decrease, from 11 in the earlier volumes to 8 in the final volumes. Such a decrease seemsto be general, as noted againby Satyanarayama ( 1987), who reportsa changefrom 13.21 to 5.67 for the medical journal. An early increase in pages per paper in Arctic was due to a specialissue in volume 7 entitled “Arctic Research.” Similarly, volume 33 containedthe special issue “Eskimo Archaeology,” causing an increase in the running average for pages per paperlate in the 40-year period. The change in page size in volume34 appears to have little effect on the numberof pages per paper. - CANADA The number of pagesper volume increased from about200 at 0---• UNITED STATES - DENMARK the beginning to approximately 400 in the final volumes. This *---9 UNITED KINGDOM - OTHER increase was notregular. An initial slow increase throughout the 10 first three decades was followed by a sharp increase of 200 2ol\ pages per volume between volumes3 1 and 34. This is not what would be expected,because withthe change tolarger format in volume 34, thenumber of pages per volumeshould have decreased. However, it increased. The reason for the increase may lie in thefact that a special issue on archaeology occurred in FIG.4. Distribution of papers in Arctic bynationality of seniorauthor as volume 33, with 800 pages, and was followed by volume 34, percentagesof the total.To smooth year-to-year variations, dataare presented in with 400 pages. the form of 5-year running averages. Papers per volume increased from about 15 to 45 over the 40-year period. The increase was reasonably steady exceptfor a general they each account for about 45% of the papers. Cana- depression early in the second decade and another early in the dian authors tendto show a slight increase during the 40 years, fourth decade. The reason for the fitdepression is not clear, while Americans remain nearlyconstant. but the second maybe related to the Arctic Institute’s move from FORTY YEARS FORTY OF ARCTIC 329

“ CI

A 1 2.0 - 50.0 Y1 6oo Y1 a- W W Wz a 5 1.8 aQ - 42.0 3 3 500 a- 0> 0 W > a U a 1.6 34.0 W - 8 a a 400 0- m m I a W W (3 1.4 5 - 26.0 a i? i? a i? k 300 a mW I 2 200 VOLUME (running average)

FIG.5. Editorial details of Arctic during its 40 years of publication. To smooth year-to-year variations,data are presented in the form of 5-year running averages.

Montreal to Calgary in 1975 and Arctic’s move in 1978. The could only be explainedif the editor had a substantial backlogof decline in the numberof papers per volume occurredprior to and manuscripts to work with during this period. during these moves. Subsequent to the moves, the number of papers per-volume increased. Repeat Authorship This observation is reflected in the total number of manu- It was possible to search the database to determine the pattern scripts received. Figure 6 shows a steady increase until 1974; of repeat authorship in Arctic. The central questions were, fromthen until 1978, coincident with Arctic movingfrom “How many authors in Arctic wrote more than one paper in Montreal to Calgary, a decrease from 50 to 43 manuscripts Arctic, and how many wrotetwo, three, four and so forth?” The received per year occurred. This decreasewas apparentlydue to results are shown inFigure 7. About 210 out of a total of 1200 uncertainty on the part of potential contributors as to the future authors in Arctic (including both senior and junior authors) of the ArcticInstitute. However, after 1978, the total numberof wrote more than singlea paper. There was a geometric decrease manuscripts received per yearonce again increased, indicating in number ofauthors with increasing repeat authorship, falling renewed contributor confidence in the Institute and its journal. from 161 authors involved in two papers to one instance in Figure 6 also shows variation in the rate of acceptance of which there were 14 papers from asingle repeat author. Repeat manuscripts received. The acceptance rate here is defined and authors with the greatest number of papers in Arctic are William calculated as those manuscripts accepted expressedas a propor- Barr, Max Dunbar, Erik Hohn, L.K. Coachman,Lawrence tionof total manuscriptsreceived (including manuscripts Bliss, D.M. Atlas,PeterSchledermann, JohnReed,J.R. Mackay accepted, rejected, withdrawn and still in limbo). and G. Hattersley-Smith. There has been a general decrease in acceptance rate in the A striking aspect of Figure 7 is that the bulk of the authors last 20 years, indicating either higherstandards or poorer (920) contributed only a single paper to Arctic over the “year papers. Currently, the journal’s acceptance rates are showing period. The significance of this figure becomes clearer when running averages of about5560%. one considers the proportion of papersdealing with arctic The general decrease was unsteady, however, with a more matters published in Arctic versus those published in other clear-cut decrease in the periodending in 1977, coinciding with journals. A possible reason for many potential arctic papers themove from Montreal to Calgary.This decreasein the appearing indisciplinary journals is that many authors preferto acceptance rate during the same period that fewer manuscripts contribute to a publication specializing in their particular disci- were received wouldbe expected to lead to a reduced numberof pline instead of their study area (i.e., the Arctic). papers per volume. However, this was not thecase. Instead, an It is interesting to comparethis situation with that revealedby increased number of papers per volume was published. This two other major generalized publications, American Scientist 330 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

930 920 loo; loo; 910

80 160 w 70 140 t ACCEPTED /*\. v) a TOTAL RECEIVED 's, a 8 60 - ', 120 I'.\, ,.' .","" ,,"\ ' z " \ 3 a e' U li & 100 8 50 a 0 W a m I g 80 40 z 0 a 60 ' 30 40 20 20 10 TOTAL MANUSCRIPTS RECEIVED 0 -/- 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 NUMBER OF PAPERS PER AUTHOR IN ARCTIC

FIG. 7. Repeat authorship inArcric over the 40-yearperiod. All authors, including senior and junior authors, were included in the analysisof repeat authorship. FIG.6. Acceptance rates for manuscripts received by Arcric during the last 20 years. To smooth year-to-year variations, data are presented in the form of 5-year running averages. neglect afforded the Northby the South; it was not just simple inattention on the part of the media. Throughout the years the and Scient@ American. Both of these major journals publish in number and density of entries dealing with northern topics a multidisciplinary way. Eachissue contains a similar varietyof increased steadily, but it was always the extensionof southern material as Arctic. Repeat authorship is very small both. in One interests that caught the attention the of reporters: the search for is the publication of a professional society- Sigma Xi-that non-renewable resources, militarismand sovereignty. Only came together more than 100 years ago to promote a common nine items in the last ten years related directly to indigenous purpose, interest in science. The other is a straight commercial northern cultural, political or social topics. It isquite likely that operation that has existed for more than 100 years. Neither a similar summaryof events could be compiledfor Alaska and publishes primary research. In that sense, Arctic is unique in other northern regionsas perceived by relevant southernregions. that it publishes exclusively primary research. It is equallyclear that virtuallyall the research work conducted How Topical Is Subject Matter? inthe North was done bysoutherners (Lange, 1987). The number of northern native authors Arctic in seems to have been The content of Arctic over the years obviously reflects the only one, Elmer Ghostkeeper, in 1987: interests and concernsof scieltists and scholars located primar- It is obvious that the publication of research results lags far ily in theSouth. In order to compare the interestsof such people behind the times. By the time a subject becomestopical, in the with thoseof ordinary southerners, we extracted northern items North or anywhere else, the urgency has been obvious for a from two general chronologies of Canadian events over the number of years. Funding for the work typicallylags a few years same 40 years. Thus, Appendix 2 gives a northern chronology behind the recognition of the "urgency," and the actual time drawn from general news items as perceived and compiled by required by the researchers - faculty and students, or profes- southern Canadian newsobservers (Pepperand Martland, 1985, sionals - is often several years to complete the first stages of 1986, 1987; Myers, 1986). Although 75 OOO people live in the work. This is commonly followed by a write-up time of , the most significant northern event noted by another yearor so, and then by another year before it appears in southern Canadian observers in 1947 was that the lowest tem- Arctic. The net result is that by the time of publication, 5-10 peraturerecorded in North America was -64°C at Snag, years elapsed since thefirst serious recognition of the research Yukon.In 1949,1952, 1956, 1962and 1966 nothing was topic. This is obvious in comparisons of the content of Arctic perceived by southern Canadian news observers to have hap- with the chronology of the area. For example, the surge in pened in the North.Clearly, this wasan expression of the benign biological papers in thelast five volumes relates directlyto the FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 331 threat of environmental damage from exploration for oil and gas subdiscipline of the researcher. It seems reasonable to conclude beginning in the early seventies. So, also, the rise of papers in that mostnorthern researchers choose therefore to treatArctic as “politics” in the last few volumes relates to devolution pro- a non-regular publication vehicle, perhaps as a vehicle that cesses taking place since the early seventies. Rising militarism permits a refreshing departure from the regular. in the North(cruise missiles, Star Wars, nuclear submarines and Finally, the trends revealed in this study are not unexpected: the North Warning System) in the past few years has yet to the general increase in biological papers, a decrease inthe appear in Arctic. Sovereignty concerns are appearing in key proportion of earth science papers and asteady increase in social word searches in the last ten years but not in more general science papers. Geographic preferences are increasingly for groupings. Canadian venues. Finally, this relates to the stress between “objective” and “subjective” approaches. Granted that there is no such thingin ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS reality as trulya objective approach -even quantum physicists are recognizing this now (Gribbon, 1986) - the search for We are grateful to the Alberta Career Development and Employment objectivity can often obscure important trends. This is obvious Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) for funding that in manyfields of study, such asepidemiology, where groupings made this study possible. can be designed in such a way that minor aberrations become invisible, whether it is an environmental effect or the signifi- cance of alcoholism. Objectivity can give broad picture views, REFERENCES but in so doing it can miss vital instances of sickness, which ARCTIC INSTITUTE OF NORTH AMERICA.1948. Arctic Newsletter l(1). although small in number are of vital concern to the individual ARCTIC INSTITUTEOF NORTH AMERICA ACT.Statutes of Canada 1945. persons involved. Chapter 45, section 2. CARNEY, T.F. 1979. Content Analysis: ATechnique for Systematic Inference from Communications. : Universityof Press. 344 p. CONCLUSIONS GRIBBON, J. 1986. In Search of the Big Bang. New York Bantam Books. 413 p. Arctic hasbeen publishing papers arising from northern HOLSTI, O.R.1969. Content Analysisforthe Social Sciences andHumanities. research over the last 40 years. The journal is multidisciplinary, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. 235 p. with anever increasing numberof disciplines. Itis peerreviewed, KRIPPENDORFF, K. 1980. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Metho- with an acceptance rate of about 60%. The supply of manu- dology. Beverly Hills: Sage Comm. Text Series. Vol. 5. 189 p. LANGE, L. 1987. Native Views on the Conduct of Research in the N.W.T. scripts has risen steadily over the years (except for the 1975-78 Information North 13(3):1-3. period) but seems to have reached a plateau atthe present time. MYERS, J. 1986. The Fitzhenry & Whiteside Book of Canadian Facts and A reflection of the research structure of the day shows a Dates. Markham: Fitzhenry & Whiteside. 354 p. steady increase in the number of authors per paper, nearly PEPPER, S.,and MARTLAND,B., eds. 1985. Canadian News Facts19:3223- doubling over the 40-year period. 3372. -. 1986. Canadian News Facts 20:3373-3558. Probably the most striking feature of authorship is the great -. 1987. Canadian News Facts 21:3559-3670. dominance of single-paper authors. The reason for this seems to REED, J.C. 1966. Yesterday and Today. Arctic 19(1):19-31. be that most arctic authors publish regularly elsewhere, presum- ROSENGREN, K.E., ed. 1981. Advances in Content Analysis. Beverly Hills: ably in single-discipline journals, i.e., in specialty journals. Sage Annual Reviews of Communication Research.283 p. SATYANARAYANA, K. 1987. Whose Name and How Many Names Should Again, this is a reflection of the pressures of the day, where a Be on a Scientific Paper? European Science Editing30:3-5. major measure of professional success lies in the publish-or- WILSON, J.T. 1948. A Message from the Arctic Institute of North America. perish concept, which focuses primarily on the discipline or Arctic 1(1):3.

Note: Appendices 1 and 2 follow. 332 R. HARRISON and HARRISON R. 332 G. HODGSON


This cumulative index for Arctic, volumes 1-40 inclusive, is based on key words as listed by authors (or assigned in the present study for early articles before the general use of key words in Arctic). Key words are listed by volume and initial page; thus, 39:82 refers to key words of a paper appearing in volume 39 beginning on page 82. Papers in supplementary issues of Arctic are listed, for example, as 40s:34 for page 34 in a supplementary issue in volume 40. aboriginal traditions 39:20 southeastern 8:83,28:143 bibliography 15:247.40:244 acidrain 37:210 southwestem 20:227.30:225 coast ll:7O acoustics 36:361 subarctic tundra20:104 eastern 35:149,35:170 actinomycetes 22:130 AlaskaGeological Survey 2:174 jurisdiction, management39:338 active layer 34:325, 38:310 Alaska Highway lead 26:208 thickness 40178 development27:74 research 1:4, 1:84,23:147, 40:249 active me 36:198 economic feasibility 21:215 research vessel 256 adipocere36:356 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 25:232, Slope 11:43,22:333, 27:41 administration 40:191 28:201 Territories. transfer 1453 Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar Center 23:205 AlaskaPeninsula 34:286 Upper Water, optical properties 26:303 aerial surveys 39:24,40:33, 40:93 AlaskaPipeline 24:3 Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research agriculture 1:75,7:249, 7:275, 35395 haul road34:48 Institute, Leningrad16:215 development7:236 AlaskanScience Conference 457 Arctic Bay32:122 settled 258 albedo 14:188 Arctic Coastal Plain 10:230,39:47, 3959 air masses 3959 Alberta 7:3. 35:282 Arctic Institute of NorthAmerica 19:19. 19:32, frequencies 24:177 northern27:15 19:77,40:244, 40:249. 40:252, 40:254, air photographs39:15 alcohol abuse 2753 40:321 air quality26:292 Aleutian Islands 4:75.28:159. 34:43, 34:318, financing 17:147 aircraft 15:9,29:201 37:37,39:109 middle north tour 20:263 AivilikEskimos 26:198 Aleutian village 7:102 origins 195 Aklisuktuk Pingo, sub-pingo water lens Aleuts28:159 Roster Project2:43 34:270 algae Arctic Islands 40:274 Alaska 1:19, 1:75,1:97, 3:27. 3:75, 3:105, benthic marine 2632 Arctic journal40321. 4239, 4:147,5:34, 6:35, 6:44, 652. 6:91, ice 40~266 content analysis 40:321 6:205, 7:159. 7:165, 7:236,7:266, 8:37, all-terrain vehicles35:317 Arctic Ocean3:178, 5:67, 7:195, 15:205, 8:148, 8:177, 8:215, 9:191, 9:238, 10:130, Alle alle 35:118,35:126, 37:288 15:251.16:8, 19:244, 21:27,22:195, 11:70. 11:102, 12:66, 12:87, 12:214, alluvial fan 38:244 22:214,22:246, 23:134. 23:175 13:266, 14:82, 14:176, 14:210, 15:145, AlphaRidge 4O:l basin14:188, 36:121 16:26,16:46, 16:134, 16:181, 16:239, alpine Bering Sea contribution 14:147 17:41,17:48, 17:177, 17:203. 18:37. lake 23:136 coastal waters 16239 18:105, 18:213, 18:231,18:261, 18:262, zone39:82 exploration 20:266 19:39,19:145, 19:162. 19:319, 19:343, amino acids, free 40s:220 floor, geographic names 19215 20:77,20:86, 20:134, 21:6,21:12. 21:98. amphipods 3513. 40~201 Arctic ResearchLaboratory 1:97 21:106,21:127, 21:161, 21:255, 22:25, arctic 30% Arctogadus 3455 22:333, 22:413, 22441, 23:24. 23:47, 35519 ArrigetchPeaks 34:158 23:82,23:201. 23:254, 24:19, 24:62, Amundsen,Roald 12:221, 15175 arsenic 35:417 24:304, 25:83. 25:115, 25:203, 25:225, anaerobic decay36:356 art, Eskimo24:155 25:272,25:291, 26:68. 26:79, 26:138, AnaktuvikPass 4:147 arthropods 25: 107 26:186,26:292, 27:41. 27:69, 28:62. anatids 8:138 tundra,seasonal abundance 24:19 28:263, 28:274, 29:169, 30:41, 3154, Anchorage-MatanuskaValley 9:238 artifacts 33:815. 39:s 3159. 31:155. 31:158, 31:170, 31:219. Anderson,Rudolf 38:129 AskinukMountains 18:261 31:242,31:408, 31:448. 32:76, 32:152, Angirraq 19:192 asphalt pavement 40s:109 32:161.32:207, 32:224, 32:237. 32:248, Angnasheotik, spiritual entity 15:288 Athabaska River 38:133.38:231, 38:324, 32:275, 32:374, 33:184,33:316. 33:343, Antarctic development project 1:88 39:68, 39:164 33:385.33:739, 34:108, 34:158, 34:325, Antarctica 12:151,13:135, 14:120, 15:231, Athapaskan Indians 21:6 34:366, 35291,35312, 35:349, 35:386, 17:33. 17:99, 24:41,32:189 northern 35:429 36:227, 36275, 36:282,36:328, 36:365, expeditions 39:368 Atkasook32:207 37:91, 37:148, 37562, 38:194, 38:310, national claims 17:15 Atkinson Point River25240 39:39,39:43, 39:82, 39:150, 39:247. seas 21:39 Atlantic water 39:267, 40:300 anthropology 4:75, 37:l circulation 27:297 centennial 2063 antiquity, late 37:353 movement 163 coast 15228 apontic 37:234 Atlin region 33:357 economy18:3 applied sciencelengineering 39:20 atmospheric circulation 22:185 elections 20:269 APT satellite imagery 27:307 Atu 3443 interior 21:223,22:403, 23:14. 27:242. aquatic habitats 2027. 28:295 Avayalik Island 33:607 27:273, 3062 Arachnida 16175 aviation, arctic 38:219 nonh coast 3:166.10:45, 13:257, 25:279, arboretum 3952 AxelHeiberg Island 8:96,10:2, 15:161. 26:244,32:277 archaeology 4:75, 517. 17:126,22:153, 17:261, 28:300 northeastern 2854, 30:28, 30:lOl 26:256,28:245. 29:165, 30:243, 30:246, Ayles Ice Shelf39:15 northern 10:230, 11:43. 15:27,15:109, 31:459. 32:76, 37:91. 37:195, 37:276, 16:109, 17:269, 22:283. 22:315, 23:131, 39:8. 39:39,39:92. 40:184 31:7. 32:329,39:47 fauna 2953 BachePeninsula 30:243, 31:459 northwest coast 34:37 from-site 35:358 bacteria 29:138,40s:80 northwestern 10194, 17:84.22:153, 29:7, North American Arctic 7:296 arcticmarine 40x172 33:246 sites, elevations, sea level changes24:210 populations 3 1:97 purchase20:63 arctic 40:239,40:254, 40258, 40:292 soil 20:104 south coast 18:7 basin22:233 water 20104 FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 333

BaffinBay 19:244, 26:73, 33:724, 3528, Beechey, Rear Admiral Frederick William, bryophytes 37:133 35:41, 35:75, 35:88, 35:118, 35:141, drawings. watercolours 33:117 bryowa15228 35:149, 35:159, 35:180, 35:201,35:211, Belcher Islands20:154 Buldir Island39:109 35:219, 35:234, 365, 36:162, 40:219 beluga 26:162 burin-spallartifacts 9:229 Baffii Current 35180 juvenile 2956 butterflies. behavioural thermoregulation Baffii Island 3:108,5:104. 5:118, 7:81, 8:96. benthos 38:281, 40~149 23:268 8:138, 8:224, 16:101, 17:69, 17:279, communitystructure 35:61 Byam Channel 34:141 19:296, 22:130, 26:230,29:168, 32:122. sampling design 40s:080 Bylot Island8:166, 32:165 32:165, 3350, 33:464, 35531, 37:155, bentonitic materials34:325 37:288, 38:214, 38:244, 38:264, 38:271, benzo(a)pyrene 33:807 caims 39:92 39:92, 39:232, 40~34.40x42, 40s:80, Bering Sea 24:64.33:226, 33:330, 34:318, Calamagrostis 38:61 40s:184, 40s:201, 40s:211, 40s:258, 36:275, 36:361, 37:166, 39:109, 40:33 Calanoida, morphology, distribution 3556 40s:266 37:244, 37528,37574 Calanus 256,36143 eastern 2213, 23:61, 24:144, 26:172, Beringia 39:109, 39:297 expeditions 9:178 27:244, 28:145 binationalism 40:254 hyperboreus 39:158 northern 32:22 biochemistry 40s:220 Callorhinus ursinus34:318 southeastern 33505, 34:133 bioclimate 10:130 Cameron Bay 38:133, 38:231. 38:324, 39:68, southern 33:487 biodegradation 31:158, 40~162 39:164 BaffinIsland :131.6:227 biogeography, arctic 36:65 Camp Century ice core 39:304 BaffinIsland Oil Spill Project 40~51, 40~66, biology 21:39, 40258 Canada 4:18.18:207. 19:48, 40:292 40s:71, 40s:100, 40~133 Greenland7:284 arcticmarine 40851, 40~66.40s:71 Bailey Point 34:34 Biosphere Reserves 38:194 Basin27:297 BakerLake 22:73 birch, Dwarf, distribution 3350 northern 3:14, 7:188, 7:275, 15151, Balaena mysticetus 35:386, 365, 40:93. Mountain 3952 15294, 16:93. 27:91, 34:103 40105 bird-banding 9:258,23:217 northern development 20:261, 21:291 benthic prey 37:166 birds17:263, 21:201. 23:190, 24:64, 26123, social scienceresearch 21:291 BanksIsland 3:45, 9:2, 16:275, 21:260, 26:163, 26:186,34:286 Canada-U.S. relations 39:327, 39:350 25:171, 27:256, 31:125. 34:175 behaviour 11:93 Canadian Arctic 1:34.2:45, 5:175, 5:183, circumnavigation 6 17 1 biomass relationships 2451 7:119.7:176. 7:191, 7:249. 7:336, 13:20, southern 33:400 breeding 32:122.39:109 16:17. 23:138, 23:281, 26:32, 27:225, southwestem 22146 coastal breeding 39:285 28:209,31:75. 32:179, 33:30,33:303, Barents Sea9:249 densities 2451 33:768. 33:794, 34:34, 3556, 36:l. 39:133 Barnes icecap 5:118 gastroliths 23:14 administration 19:354 Barrow1:97, 6:44, 8:37. 8:177, 14:210. migrant 39:109 eastern 9:229. 16129.32345. 37:224 16:239.17:48, 19:162, 19:343, 2036, migration,radar observation 2583 government 19:354 21:161, 24:19, 24:304. 25:272, 25:291, naming 6:35,11:117 sovereignty 29:87 33:184,40:105 nesting 2451 studies29:131 geomorphology 18:37 numbers 16:lOl Canadian Arctic :129 pedology18:37 overwintering 21:295 Canadian Arctic Islands 23:150. 33:168, basal oxygen consumption 12:194 phenology, nestingdensity 36:65 34:225, 38:43, 39:350 Base Gabriel Gonzalez Videla 15:231 range extension 33:369 central 34:379 Basque,cod fisherman 37520 reproductive success 19:185 eastern33:38 BathurstIsland 23:197 bison 38:61 waters 13:194.14:3. 22:69. 32:91. 32:140. bathymetry 30217. 36:121, 4O:l behaviour, social organization 13:3 33: 189 beaches BisonAntiquus 23:132 Canadian HinhArctic 33:292. 36:82 arctic34:62 biting flies,control 3:14 Canadian Rsearch Centre for hhropology cleaning techniques 40s:244 BlueDolphin 4:3 21:42 freezeup processes 27:215 Blue FiordFormation 39:89 Canadian studies2:28 bear Blue glacier 10139 Canadian Subarctic 16158, 29:38.30:135 age distribution 38:316 Bluenose Lake23:190 eastern 40221 Grizzly (vrsus arctosrichardsoni) 35545, bogs 12:3 canineteeth 39:180 39:195, 15:294, 29:194 permanently frozen 16270 Canis lupus 39:119 mortality rates 38:316 33:73 cannibalism 38:303 Polar 2053, 24:9,26:78, 26:162. 2956, boreal canoe 6171 32:165, 35:422, 35504, 36:90.38:303 forest 2451, 24:177 Canol's Mackenzie AirFields 32 :366,33:273 Polar. cardiac physiology 23:130 limits6: 149 Cape Dorset 33:464 Polar, conservation 20:147 regions 5157 Cape Hatt 40s:lO. 40x34 Polar, denning, reproduction 37:169 Boreogadus saida 3455.3575, 40:43 Cape Parry 38:112 Polar, distribution 35159 Borgarfjordur 38:210 Cape Prince of 2583 Polar. food habits28:117 botany 2:45,4:46. 668. 7:229 Cape Searle 5104 Polar. mark-recovery, movement 36:282 bottom ice20:213 Cape Thompson 18:231 Polar,protection 20:147 botulism, type E, northern concerns 13:230 capelin36:204 Polar, winter dens 23:130 Boulder Patch 35:465, 38:18 captivity, Varying lemming 7:36 Beaufort Plain23:229 boulder ridge, marine, ice-pushed 35312 carcinogenicload 33:807 Beaufort Sea 7:93,17:150, 27:297, 30:93, bradycardia 26:78 Carex 38:61 31:97, 32:42, 33:686, 33:807, 34108, Brant 38:43 caribou 34:321.37:23. 3853. 39:47,39:195, 34:186, 34:314, 35291,35312, 35:465. Breton, cod fisherman 37520 39:216 35519, 36:328, 36:341. 38:112, 39:2, brine, isotopic composition 25155 albino 32374 39:360,40:43. 40:93, 40:274 13:75.33:203. 33:357. Barren Ground12:158. 29:201. 34:180. coast32:275. 32:329 35537 39:85 islands34:168 north central 33:349 Barren Gmd, brow-tine 19:111 western 33:326, 35485, 37:290.38:201 northeastern 30:61 Barren Ground, group cohesion 25193 Beaulieu. Paul "King"38:231. 38:324. 39:68, Brodeur Peninsula17:279 diets 37:161 39:164, 38:133 Brooks Range 4:147.11:43. 26:79. 34:158. distribution 39:24 beds, pht-bmring19~296 38:194,39:247 disturbance 36:227.37:7 BeechBay 36:198 Bryobrittonia pellucida,distribution 27:238 feeding sites 30101 334 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

hunt 5178 College Orientation Program for Alaska Natives scientificwork 450 island,population regulation, social 20138 Daphniamiddendorffiana 36:365 organization39:21 Collembola16:175 dating37:91, 39:253 Kaminuriakherd, distribution 32:266 colonization37:359 Davis Strait 26:73, 35234,35531, 365, microdigestion33:757 Colorado23:136 36:143, 37934.37528, 38:281. 40919 movements,disturbance 36:193 Columbiaglacier 16:134 DDT34:255 nutrition 37:3 1 ColvilleRiver 15:27 death 2953 Peary 1353, 27:256,40:131 delta 17:41 DeceptionBay 33:369 Peary,diet 31:125 communications7:188 defence 40:292 predation39:145 radio-wave 15224 defencepolicy, Canada 23:215 trails 2854 communities Defence Research Board, second :2 Woodland,altitudinal movements 3359 Arctic26: 149 deglaciation 22373 camivors 35266 development23:281 degradation 40~149 carryingcapacity 38:116 economicstructure 40:204 delevelling19:349 cartographers, European, pre- Alaska northernCanadian, lifestyles 22:90 demography28:274 37562 organization16:93 DenaliNational Park 37:161, 39:195 cartography22:151, 37:334 self-determination38:116 DenbighFlint Complex 9:229 Dutch37:493 community-based development 40: 138 DenmarkStrait 21:181, 21967 early 37574 conifers6: 149 denning35:159 history37:389 conservation 32179,35358 dentinewidth 39:180 ScandinavianArctic, development 37552 northern 34281 depuration 40x149 Cenozoic,Middle 31:108 construction7:153 development40:239, 40:292 CentralArctic 759 contentanalysis 40:321 DevonIsland 14:197, 25:158, 2658. 27:95. CESAR1983 :l convergingice 23:285 31:108,35:112, 40:184 cetacea 35519,3858, 40:33 CookInlet, lower 36:251 lowlands28:92 ChagvanBay 20:227 Cook,Frederick A.17:219 northeastern19:263, 24249 char,Arctic 40:198 Copepoda:Calanoids 21:172 Programs19:201, 20:44, 21:45.22:158. chert,prehistoric sources 33:628 copepods38:201. 40:105 265, 21.56, 26231 Chesterfield Inlet 2273, 23:49 ice40s:258 Devonian 21334 ChipewyanIndians 27:154, 36:174, 38:133, CopperEskimos 27:68.28:298 DIA.4 33553 38:231,38:324. 39:68. 39:164 coppermetabolism, sex differential 27:lll habitationfeatures 33569 chlorophyll14:197, 18:118, 35:13, 37:224 Cordillera,eastern 39:29 DianaIsland 33553,33569 typea 35485 Coregonus diatoms37:172 Chthamalid,intertidal 20:8 artedii 35524 growth of20:114 ChukchiSea 14944, 17:198, 20:8, 31:428, autumnalis 34:3 14 interglacial39:304 3391, 33:330, 37244, 3858, 399 clupeaformis 35524 Dickens, "Punch32 :366 Chukchis40: 16 sardinella34:314 Dictyosiphonfoeniculaceus 40s:211 Chukotka40:16 cores 3959 diet32: 135 Chukotsk 14244 CornwallisIsland 24:195, 32230 Diptera 25: 107 Churchill19:185, 25:131, 27901, 36:198, 34:261 discipline40:321 36232 cosmology37:334 DismalLake, prehistory 11:218 circadianrhythms 24:124, 25916 country food disposalproblems 33:794 circumpolarmonitoring 3952 harvest 4060 District of Keewatin22:73, 23:49 Cirripedia,intertidal 20:8 northern29:105 northern33:73 cisco,Arctic, Least 34:314 Coureun desBois 37590 District of Mackenzie4:112, 5224, 15:299, civilization40:239 CreeIndians 27:154, 3246, 36:185.36:350 23: 132 Clangulahyemalis 35403 fish names31:489 diumal surface thermal regime 25:306 classicalgeographers 37:353 acculturation 15191 division 40939 Clavus 22151 CrozierStrait 29:165 dog40:184 ClearwaterFiord 37255 CNStaCea domestic,paleoeskimo 32:263 ClearwaterRiver 38:133, 38:231, 38:324, freshwater 1527 domeshelter, installation 33:33 39:68,39:164 intertidal 2023 Donjekglacier, hypsithermal position 25:302 Clethrionomysrutilus 37:148, 39:204 ctenophores38:39 Dorset culture 3:63,17:120, 28:300, 3222 cliffs, waveeroded 24:304 cuclopoids 38201 dwellings 33542 climate 23.12214, 28:62.34:64, 34:225, cultivated plants Early33:427 37963 acclimatization 2352 faunalanalysis 33553 CanadianArctic 39:309 northernlimit 2352 Middle 33607 change25:272, 29:183, 34:225 Culture subsistenceand settlement 33:659 gradients21:161 change 16965,39223, 40:300 variation 33505 modification39:316 conflict 3920 Douglas,George M. 38:231,38:324, 39:68, northern34:147 transitions 25203 39:164.38:133 seasonalfluctuations 26:230 cumacea18:213 dovekie summer 27973, 29:159 curlew,Bristle-thighed, nesting 1:113 breeding 37288 winter 279,2149 currents 37944, 40s:20 rnorphometrics,chick diet 34941 climatology 17261, 40s:42 sub-surface.surface 35:180 springmigrations 35:118 coalresources 33:38, 40974 temperature,seasonal variation 35211 trophicrelationships 35:126 coastal tidal35:201 Drepanopusbungei 21:172 erosion 25272. 31:428 Cygnusbuccinator 36:76 driftcontrol 22112 jet3321 cytophagus27:309 Drift Station coastlines35:170 ARLIS I 20247 configuration32: 152 T-3 17272 cod 351 dIberville Fiord26:222 driftwood4:122 Arctic35:28, 35:75, 4043 Danish drillingfluids 38:292 coldacclimatization 7:343 ArcticIonosphere Research 25:251 drum dance. 27:68 coldair. drainage 35537 meteorologicalservice 127 DNV Report 35457 PearylandExpedition 3:3 DubawntLake 24233, 2559 FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 335

Dutch,arctic activities 37:473 Eschrichtiusrobustus 35:386, 36:275. 3858 subsistence 35524 Eskimo3:108, 7:343, 21:123, 23:24, 28:21, fission products,concentration 17:198 EarthResources Technology Satellite 26:337 28:155,29:20, 35:386, 36:232, 40:111 Flaxmanboulders 35:465 earth-potential11:211 administration20:269 floebergs,grounded 29:169 earthflows34:325 Alaskan10:194 fluorite39:89 EastGreenland current 17:111, 21:181. 21:267 Asiatic40:16 fluorometry40s:124 EastSiberian Sea 3858 birdnames 22:73 food 4060 micronutrientdistributions 21:67 Canadian affairs 40: 191 chain38:23 echinoderms 40~201 children,visual memory 24:132 retailing40:123 EclipseSound 40x20 demography23:82 traditionalsector 40:204 ecology2:98, 6:75, 15:179, 17:237, 22:3, ecology20:154 web36:328 22:333,23:112, 23:138, 26:32, 26:95, economy19:319 forage plants,chemical composition 25:21 26:253,27:201, 34:281 language,orthography, phonemic principle foraminifera 23:lOO marine7:213 13:20 arenaceous39:232 winter12:158 language, Roman letters, standard phonemic calcareous39:232 economy 2:3 spelling12:203 forest community20:134 mobility20: 154 arctic 19: 114 development4:27, 17:105 northAlaskan 16:265 ecosystem22:441 developmentstrategies 40:204 personality28:87 regions12:214 Greenland 4050 populationsystems 23:3 succession9:238 native30:225 sealing20:267 FortChurchill 10:151 northern 4060 settlement20:154 FortCongeer 37:255 policy 40: 19 1 skulls 27: 151 FortNelson 35537 ecosystems22:341 society 2837 FortRae 37:255 arctic26:179 songs 29:7 Fort Smith 38:133.38:231. 38:324, 39:68, stability38:167 village23:82 39: 164 eddies37:244 estuaries36:275 fortyyears 40258 education 37: 1 arctic19:343 , Arctic cross-cultural22:367 ethnoarchaeology36:174, 36:350 feces, site variation,summer foods 33:366 development28:147 ethnography32:355 migrations29:147 Greenland 4050 ethnohistory35:358 FoxeBasin 3:63, 3:108, 11:156, 365, 39:285 northern26:160 ethnopolitics39:208 freeze-thawfrequencies 12:40 eggcapsules 17:48 Eumetopiasjubatus 34:318 FrenchExpedition 2:134 eider35:291, 38:43 euphausiid40:105 FrenchGeographical :202 Common35:149, 35:403 EurasianBasin 15:251 FrenchNaval operations 37544 King 35:149.35:403 EurekaSound Formation 28:llO freshwater34:62 Eldorado38:133, 38:231. 38:324, 39:68, European Economic Community, Greenland budget24:308 39:164 4050 pool 32:161 Eleginus 3455 evangelization37:324, 37590 FrobisherBay 8:138. 28:155, 38:39. 39:177 ElizabethLake 33:lOO Evenk, 22:71 frost EllefRingnes Island 18:73 evolution37:284 blisters35:243 EllesmereIsland 5:199, 8:96. 10:214:236, ExpeditionsPolaires Francaises 17:3, 2159 mound38:310 16:175.17:237, 18:21, 20:255, 21:172, exploration6:171, 30:3. 37590, 38339. table 30:155 23:112,25:155, 26:222, 28:110, 30:243, 39:92,40:66 frozenground, perennial 18:262 31:459,3:112, 36:289. 37:49, 37:210, 20th century34:85 fulmar 5104, 35:88 39:78 polar18:246 northern35:112 eastcoast 33:454 Soviet21:39 functionaltitle 40:285 northcoast 19:337, 26:256 fungal biomass31:394 northern 8:2,8:109, 9:154. 9:166, 10:32. Fairbanks26:292, 28:99, 28:274. 33:316 fur trade35:429 11:3, 1351, 17:109,19:153, 26:314, economiccommunity 20:134 27:155,28:295 falcon27:71 gadidfishes 3455 emergence19:349 Peregrine,eggs 26:257 Gadus 3455 emigration8:37 Peregrine,survey 25:309, 33:199 gammaridamphipods 37:166 EncyclopediaArctica 1:44 fauna27:201, 39:297 Gardar 37:324 Engigstciakarchaeological site 14:25 shore8:224 gardening35:395 engineering22:312 faunal analysis37:276 compost piles37:64 geology10:230. 11:102 federal northernadministration 40:310 Gamy Island27:287 planning15:151 female infanticide 40111 gas 40:274 England37:453 fens12:3 gas chromatography40s:124 entericdiseases 6:205 fertility 40: 111 gasoline 3 1: 180 entomology7:275, 16:175 fieldequipment 21:92 gastropod17:48 entrepreneurship40:138 Finland25:s GatesheadIsland 37:169 environmental fiord38:264, 38:271. 39:232 geese 35149 assessments39:240 fire 37:133 Ross' 27: 1 11 conditions15:117 breaks34:188 Snow38:43 impact 3 8: 104 records,history 38:194 wild, native hunting10:211 isotopes 35243 first international polar year34:370 wild,incubation patch 12:139 limits38:116 fish 2:165 geodesy7:191 protection39:350 distribution15:179 geographicnames, Soviet 14:244,15:162 quality 28:99 juvenile35:75 geography40:239 reviews39:240 larval 3575 geology5:199. 7:129. 10:2. 11:198,12:87. eoliandeposits 439 fisheries 14:25,15:231, 19:270, 2256, 22:283, epibenthos. arctic 40s:201 domestic 3246 36232 erosion 393 Eskimo14:119 glacial 15:74.23:254, 38:210 control34:147 potential23:lSO submaMe7:93 Escamillacase 24933, 24:139 research6:252 336 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON geomorphology 7:129, 13:133, 15:74, Gulf of St. Lawrence 1751 hydrocarbons 31:180, 36:251, 39:158 17:120, 22283, 23:254, 32152, 35:170 Gulkanaglacier 1646 atmospheric 33:316 processes 28:159, 31:7 :74, 14:237 baseline 40~51. 40~66,40s:71 geophysics 7:159, 7:165, 7:176. 9:154,2256 gull exploration,offshore 32:3 review 22:225 Glaucous 35403 hydroxylase 31:355 surveys 35:465 Ivory 34:122, 35141, 40211 petroleum 40.~133 GeorgeRiver 1:93 Ivory.colonies 36:370 spills, ecologicaleffects 31:155, 31:408 Basin 18:189 Ross's(Rhodostethia rosea) 34:122 uptake 40s:162 Germanweather stations 2:108 Sabme's(Xema sabmi) 34:122 hydroelectric projects, environmental impact, Gibson,William 36:232 socialimpact 35524 glacial HamiltonRiver 16:273 hydrology 38:104 activity 8:83 Hanse, early exploration 37539 Hypomesusolidus 39:260 boulders 11 :70 hare,Snowshoe 40:175 chronology 22:13, 38:210 harpacticoids 38:201 IBP High Arctic ecosystem study 25:158 geomorphology 14:75 HarrisonBay 27:69 ice 2:79,2:149. 39:65 history 22:106, 29:48 HaughtonAstrobleme 31:108 algae 35:485, 37:234, 38:167 ice, deformation 9:218 hawk,Rough-legged 9:202 anchor 34:62 lake 17:109 Ham camparea 17:237 black 37:270 movements 11:156 health break-up 30:234. 40~34 sequence 22:25 arcticand subarctic 18:151 conditions 24:90. 38:174 snow 26:336 circumpolar, second international symposium cores 38:174 winds 21:98 25:3 cover 39:264 glaciation 1056, 11:43, 20:227. 24:277, problems 21:3 drilling 1851 39:309 HealyLake 28:62 dynamicmeasurement 13:123 final 31:24 HeartLake 24:124 extent 9:249 Holocene 34:158 heatbudget 22:195 fast 23:45. 35:13 Glacier Bay National Monument 23:47 heatflow 15205 fauna 35:13, 38:23 glaciers 9:78 arctic 22:300 flora 20:114 Antarctica 14:120 heavymetals 35417 fog 10538 classification,distribution 9:78 accumulation 32:42 freeze-up 40s:34 fronts 35:112, 35:141 HerschelIsland 38:68. 38:336 Greenland 37:172 measurement,movement 6:260 HighArctic 23:268, 27:304, 30:109, 33:427. grounded 28:213 polar(cold), retreating 37:49 35:61. 37:23, 37:121, 39:119 landfast 36:328 glaciology 7:141, 8:96, 13:75. 21:127 eastern 33333 meiofauna 40s:258 reconnaissance 16:134 HighMountain Environment Project 22:163 microalgae 3513 glycogen 40.~220 HighPlateau glacier 26:336 movements 19:337 goldmines 35:417 highways 2668 moving 23:45 Good Fridayearthquake 18:3 histopathology 40s:220 observations 15:9 goose, Greater snow (Anser caerulescens historic title 40285 oil spills 23:286 atlanticus),habitat use 37:155 history and classical studies, moulding of man platforms,floating 33:168 graffito(i).Eskimo 18:199 37:321 regime 26:282 Graham,Andrew 1353 Hoh glacier 10139 regions 23:134 GRAND Canal,diversion 39:316 holarcticdistribution 39:82 saline 38:174 grasslands,semi-arid 37:141 Holmen 32:135 spirals, satellite 33:184 graveldeposits 24:304 Holocene 23:14. 26:314. 27:155. 39:150 survey 37:270 gravimeter 17:272 Early.warm interval 23:131 . transport 17:111, 26:282 gravity 40: 1 emergence 31:415 verticaloscillation 17:272 measurements 5:l 18, 12:66, 17:150 Late 28:62 white 37:270 GreatBear Lake 24:157, 38:133, 38:231, Honfleur 37533 ice age 5135, 7:31 38:324, 39:68, 39:164 Hood,Robert 27:251 ice cap 27:225, 38:214 history 28:23 1 Hopedale 11:134 ice drift Great Slave Lake 22:34. 23:35, 38:133, Homby,John 38:133, 38:231, 38:324, 39:68. fall 32:283 38:231, 38:324, 39:68. 39:164 39:164 measurement 27:47 Grew-Roman conception 37:341 hone kius 37:276 iceedge 35:l. 35:13, 35:28, 37:244 , geographicalperceptions 37:347 horticulture,limitations, potentials 32:248 no-stressboundary 2558 Greenland 1:27, 2:3. 2:134,336, 4:12, 450. hotsprings 27:242, 28:143 ice ridges 5:17, 5:45, 6:3, 7:284, 8:158, 9:258, houses grounded 31:133 15:155, 16:263, 17:33, 19:62, 19:349, arctic 19:192 near-shore,characteristics 25:182 23:217, 24:269. 25:1M, 27:71. 27:151, cotnmunal 29:27 ice island 5:67, 5183. 6:263, 11:3. 13:32, 29:67, 29:76.2933, 30:76. 37;23. 37:61. HudsonBay 3:95. 163. 20:154, 24:90, 14:188, 21:103, 24:309 39:119, 39:304, 40300 26:123. 27201. 28:170, 28:195, 365. davings 39: 15 eastern 1566, 15:74, 18:199,4052 36:198, 38:121, 39:65, 39:285, 39:316 Fletcher's, T3 5:211, 11:3, 1851, 24:83 northcoast, historical records, relics 20203 Lowland 12:3, 36:185 WH-5 16205, 19:244 northeastern 18:49, 32:71 southwest 28:117 iceshelf 9:166. 11:3. 13:32 northern 6:263, 34:255 HudsonStrait 37:284, 38:121 rolls 10:32 northwestern 24:140, 34:241 Hudson'sBay Company 35429, 40:123 stratigraphy 8:109 policy 26:334 Hudson-JamesBay 10211 S~NCWR 8:109 post World War II 153 human ice-covered lakes 31:448 southwestern 4:46 ecology, Nod AmericanArctic 7:3M icedammed lakes 1626, 39:267 western 11:198, 25309, 263, 26:257, geography, North AmericanArctic 7:321 ice-pushramparts 18: 189 33:199, 365 resources 37:l icebergs 35234 wintering 2:108 hummocks 3541 1 drift, statisticalanalysis 27:121 growingrange 37:64 Hutchiis, Thomas 1353 motion 35219 grumusol 19:145 hydatiddisease 5157 16:3, 35:317, 38:l guillemot 3588 hydraulic uplift 35243 IcefieldRanges Research Project 20:49, 2150, 24:308 hydroacoustics 22:246 22:161. 2356, 24:68, 25:60,26258 FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 331

Iceland37:389 Joint Arctic Weather Project 4:18 Larushyperboreus 35:403 western38:210 jokulhlaup 39:267 , maximum extent 31:24 ichthyoplankton 35:75 Jones Sound28:209 law37:481 icingmound 15:145 lead 3959 icings 33:343, 35:243 KachemakBay, prehistory 33:385 leading lines 34:108 igloo, natural bridge, structural considerations Kamchatka 37:441 legal traditions 37:481 26276 Kara Sealittoral 36:311 lemmings8:37 Ikaite 16:263 Karluk Island 29:165.33:427 Varying 7:36, 10:105 Ile a la Crosse38:133. 38:231, 38:324, KatmaiNational Monument 9:191 cyclic decline 3:166 39:68, 39:164 kelp 35:465, 38:18 LenaRiver 35317 Independence I 33:443 beds10:45 ship convoy33:3 Indians11:117, 22:71 KmguaFiord 37:255 Lepusamericanus 40:175 names26:163 kittiwake 35:88 Lesser Scaup, summer foods 23:35 trapping 16: 158 Black-legged35:112 Liard River 23:132 wildlife kill 36:185 Kluane lichenometry 39:253 indigenousrights 39:360 NationalPark 37:141 lichens 37:31.40:221 industrialization, arctic 39:360 Ranges 3359 communities 24:269 infauna, arctic 40~184 KnobLake 18:123 reindeer forage 21:255 information exchange, arctic 18:207 Knutsen36:311 lie expectancy, Varyinglemming 7:36 infrared37:244 Kobuk River 32:248 life mes 1:93 Inglefield Land37:23 Kokolii River 3154 light toxicity 36:365 inner shelf38:264 Kolchan21:6 Limestone Hills 25:234 insects 18:73,16:175 Koryaks. discovery 37:441 Limnocalanusmacrurus grimaldii 21:172 aquatic 3 1:229 Kuparuk Oil Field 3853 limnology 6:198.7:206, 17:69 biology5:175 KushtakaGlacier 22441 winter37:270 fossils 39:150 Kutchm 35429 linear-patterned slopes 27:265 harassment 3853 liquid process wastes, characteristics. sources Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 2237 La Grande hydroelectric project 30: 169 32:3 Instituto Antartico Argentino 16:83 labour force, Greenland 4050 Little Ice Age37:49 intellectual culture 11: 117 Labrador 2:36,11:134, 14:75, 16:273, Little Whale River 21:153 interbiotic zone38 178 22:106, 22:373, 29:27, 29:194. 32:201, littoral me 30:155 international 33:100, 37:133, 37:270, 37515, 39:145, Livingston Island,glacial history 24:41 cooperation 1:4. 36:95.40:244, 40:249 40:60 Livingston, Duncan 30:187 law40:285 Expeditions 4:3 location of study area 40:321 law of the sea39:327 northern 1066. 29:48, 33585, 33:607, lodge plans 16219 PolarYear 36:204 33:628, 33:646, 33:659 logistics 12:77 straits 40:285 Peninsula 2: 165 Lomonosov Range 7:108.36:121 WhalingCommission 33:686 precipitation 22:140 Long Strait 21:27 intersexuality 38:68 LabradorSea 35531, 36:143 longspur, Lapland34:366 intertidal northem 2256 loons, Arctic. Red-throated 30:41 oscillations 35201 Labrador-Ungava18:189, 28:245 LOREX 36121 zonation14:224 Lac LaLoche 38:133. 38:231. 38:324, 39:68. Louis XIV 37544 Inuit 32:135,32:281, 37:291, 39:8, 40:204, 39:164 Luzulaconfusa 37:121 400:300 lacustrine strands 21:12 culture, hunting36:90 lag deposits 35:465 MClure Strait 23:100, 37:llO economy 3 1:3 lake Mackenzie Inuk32:281 ice 37:270 basin, lower 28:35 Inuvik 24:162, 2027 ice, decay18:123 delta 14:91. 1551, 15:278, 16:229, invertebrates 38:281 ice, growth18:123 17:162, 2695. 27:175, 31:475, 33:807. petroleum effects 40s:162 ice, subarctic 23:201 37:263, 39:8, 40:274 research7:266 sediments 20:213,27:309. 31:180, 3959 Mountains 25:308. 35512 terrestrial 18:73 snow37:270 River 30234, 38:133,38:231, 38:324. ionosphere 7: 188 waters 29:138 39:68,39:164 research22:200 LakeAthabasca 26:163 valley 17:222,18:256, 20:21. 27:265, ironore 3:86 LakeGeorge 16:26 27:309.28:284, 37:195 Isachsen 24:307 Lake Hazen14:236, 16:175, 18:21. 23:112 Mackenzie-Great Slave Lakehighways 21:295 islands 28:213 Lake Indicator area 16219 Macoma clacarea 40s:220 isopods 38:336 Lamiiria macroalgae, arctic 40~211 arctic 38:68 saccharina 38:18 macrobenthos 40~184,40s:201, 40~211 distribution 36:341 solidungula 35465, 38:18 macrozooplankton, caloric content 38:39 isostatic Lancaster Sound35:28, 35:41, 35:75. 35:88, magnetic field 372% movement, postglacial 19:263, 24:249 35:118.35:141, 35:149. 35:159, 35:180, magnetic 12:28 uplift 36198 35211.35219, 365 location 1:8 isotope 38:214 lance head 16129 Makiison Inlet 26:77,27:157 land Mala River Valley38:244 Jacobsen-McGill University :161 commitments28:263 Mallotus villosus 36:204 jaeger, Long-tailed emergence 20: 176 mammals4:112, 4:147. 652, 6:91. 8:166, ecology23:112 use33:794, 36:350 9:191, 10:130, 17:263,21:223, 23:49, nesting 26:253 regulations 38:292 23:190. 2464. 26:163,31:475. 33:815 JamesBay 3:95, 4:122, 27:lO. 28:117, landforms 16:273 food consumption, preference 652 28:170, 28:195, 30:169, 35524, 39:316 LANDSAT marine 33:724, 35:1, 40:219 eastern 31:489 imagery38:194 postglacial distribution 18:7 Jarvis voyage 25:75 interpretation 38:104 small, overwintering 22:34 Jenness.Diamond 23:71, 38:129 landscape mapping28:284 speciation 7:3 1 JennyLmd Island 203 Lapland 258, 37:373 mammoth24:9 Johansen. Frits 38:129 Laptev Sea, micronutrient distributions 21:67 338 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

Manitoba10:151, 19:185, 25:131, 2:189, Missionaries37:590 nearcticdistribution 39:82 29: 147 MissionsPaul-Emile Victor 21:59 nematodes 16903 northern 13910, 26:7 MistassiniIndians 12130 ice 40~258 mapping7:191 modernization29:67 Neo-Eskimo groups aesthetic 3839 molars,mandibular 27:151 economicand social interaction 33:646 marine 38281 mollusks,terrestrial 34:43 occupations 34261 biology6:75, 22265 molt35:126 neoglacialsolifluction 27:128 ecosystems, arctic 36251 migration 35149 neoplasia40s:220 platform18:23 1 monocots37:155 nephelinesyenite 3:86 submergence,post-glacial 13:178 moose(Alces alces) 31:499, 39:195 Neptuneexpedition 29:87 systems, arctic 35:126 effects of development,movements 39:138 Nerravak(Esatkuat) Lagoon 19:343 transport28:183, 35:317, 39:338 hunting36:174 NettillingLake 17:69, 39:92 MartinRiver Glacier 23:254 moraines 39253 next (iiormation and service) economy Marvin's journey 9:166 MorfeeMountain 33:349 40:138 massmovement processes 28:130 mosquitoes,hosts 19:153 Nichols,David A. 36232 Matanuskaglacier 14:82 mosses25:308 NicholsonPeninsula 9218 :3 11 Motagnais36:350 Nimbusmeteorological satellite 18246 McCallGlacier Project 1277 motortoboggan sled trains 17:99 Nordaustlandet 6913, 14:lOl McCallvalley 12237 MouldBay 24:307 Nordvik 35317 McCormick Inletsite 17:126 MountKennedy region, survey 18:71 NormanWells 3753 Meade River sand bluffs 31:7 MountLogan 21945, 26:336,33:33 Norman,cod fisherman 37:520 Mealy Mountains, eastern, glacial history MountMacKinley 18:262 Norse fiids 33:454 22: 106 MountWrangell 21:127, 39932 North 40292 medievalperiod 37:353 multidisciplinary 40954 NorthAmerica 5135, 6:198,7:31 30:93 multivariateanalysis 36:65 Arctic7:199, 7206, 7:255,7:307 MeighenIsland, access 18:193 standingcrop 3561 eastcoast 31:24 Melabakkar-Asbaddar382.10 murre35:88 northern 22444 MelvilleIsland 17:120, 17:126, 31:415. Thick-billed38:112, 35:531, 37:284 Subarctic7:206 38:188 muskeg38:104 NorthAtlantic Territory 22:151 MelvillePeninsula 36:65 (Ovibos moschatus) 16275,27956, NorthGeorgia Gazette 38:65 northern13:178 30:135, 30946.35545, 37:61,40:131 NorthPeaty Land, crossing 8:158 southern 14241 abundance24:157, 3052 NorthPole 37:402 mercury31:75, 34:255, 35:422 albino 25240 North Slope 23:82,31:448 Mertensiaevum 38:39 bull23:197 River33:343 Mesidotea38:336 distribution24:157 North Water entomon,sabini, sibirica 36:341 habitat39:78 geographicalposition 22439 Mesolithic38:178 harassment38:188 satellitephotographs, spring ice cover metabolism39:158 population34:175 25263 invertebrates40s: 162 refuge 34:34 scientificreconnaissance 25151 MetallineCreek 28:130 muskoxbone, Wisconsin age 21:260 NorthWest Company 30:187 metals 37210 MustelaErminea, winter predation 24:142 NORTH-67 20264 metamorphiccomplex 1351 Mya truncata40s:220 northern 40958 meteorologicalservices 1:19 mycology16:17 NorthemArchaic tradition 39:47 meteorology7:119, 14936,22185, 34925 mycorrhizal northernCanada 40:300 research 1:34 coldacclimation, root respiration 31:381 northerndevelopment 15:3. 223, 28:3, mice,Deer 24:124. 39904 structure and composition31:366 29:67,29:183, 32170, 35:524.39:20 micro-relief26:130 MyoxocephalusScorpius 35:302 environmental impact 3 1:69 microalgae Mysisrelicta 16109 northernpassage, England 37:453 benthic35:485 northernpipelines 24243 seaice 33:768 Nagurskiy 38219 ecologicalimpact 30:199 microbial Nain-Okak Bay 22373 northern research, non-professional indigenous activities 3 1: 180 naleds,distribution 3028 staff 26271 populations 3 1: 170 names northernroute, China 37:446 microbiology 15155, 18:256, 2097, 27:309, animal, temporal stability27:154 northernscholarship 40954 28:295 Indianlanguages 15999 northernscience 40954 microclimate24:307, 25991 nanataks 40211 NorthernSea Route 355 microfauna,distribution 8:115 NansenSound Fiord system 18:158 Soviet 20266 Microgadus 3455 Nares Strait 19944,26282, 32283 NorthwestPassage 38:65, 39:350, 39:360 microheterotroph40s:80, 40s:172 NarwhalIsland 3159 NorthwestTerritories 3:63, 9918, 11:156, micrometeorologicaltower 16:198 Nascopie 36932 11218, 13:133,14:238, 14941, 15:161, microorganisms24:162. 31:324, 31:348, Naskape36:350 15:308.16:198. 16275. 17:120,17:126, 36251 nationality40:321 17:162,17:222, 17961, 18:193,19:220, longevity 24930 native40:145 20:21.20:27. 20913. 21:172. 21260. microrelief8:177 Americansocieties 3920 22:34I 22:15j. 23:wO.23:202, 24:ni. Microtus assimilation 54,545 24:162.24:195. 24:229, 24233,2521, gregalis37: 148 economic development 40:138, 29: 105 2559,25240, 25:308,27:287, 28:74, miurus 39:204 harvesting 35524 29:165,31:108. 31:125, 31:133. 32:80, oeceonomus 37148 population28:274 32135, 33:400.33:427, 33:443. 33342, midden36:356 voting24:62 34:261, 35457. 37:169.38:43. 38:112, MiddleAges 37:324, 37:385 welfare 1:93 38:188,39:85. 39:300. 40:123. 40:131, migratorybehavior 23:199 natural resource exploration, environmental 40145 militaryactivities 15:155 impact27:234 boundaries13:132 Milne Ice Shelf39:15 naturalist,Arctic 2691 northeastern39:24 minerals40:274 NavalArctic Research Laboratory 22177, NortonSound 36951 mineralprecipitation 33:343 22265, 22:327. 22356 Norway19:70 mink 17903 navigation 2183, 35:317, 38:l northern27:128 FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 339

NovayaZemlya 38:219 pipeline 3853, 39:138 NunamiutEskimo 4:147, 6:35 PacificOcean, north 36:369. 39:43, 40:33 Plainsnotched points 37:195 nunataknesting sites 36:370 packice 36:162, 37234 40:219 PlaistedPolar :134 Nunataksexpedition 6:3 Pagophilaebumea 35141, 36:370,40:211 plankton 1597 Nungavik site 32:22 PAHs 37210 planktonicprotozoa 20247 nutrients35:13 palaeobiology 28:llO plant/waterrelations 37:121 NuvagapakPoint 26:186 palaeoecology29:48, 19:343, 21223, plants 22341, 26:324,30:118 NuwakLake 14210 22233,35966 alpine 24:301, 15117 Nycteascandiaca 35:282 palaeomagneticmeasurements 12151 arctic 15:117,28:70, 33:757 paleobotany37:49 communities3 1242 obsidian 22153 paleoenvironments39:150 diversity39:133 hydration37:91 paleoeskimooccupation 33:400 ecology25:115. 37:37 ocean paleohistory,circumpolar 37:359 edible6:15 circulation patterns 3 1 :85 palsa38:310 flowering28:92 currents 2127 stratigraphy33:357 growth24:307 developmentand management 39:327 paludification37:133 halocline38:167 oceanography 2:28, 7:195,9:178, 13:194, palynology 20213, 28:62 ice-buried 37:49 18:158,26:77, 26222, 30:169, 35180, Paneak,Simon 29:58 phenology37: 121 36:328, 37944, 4Os:ZO parasites38:303, 38:336, 40s:220 succession 17203, 25:99 arctic7:108 Parathemistolibellula 38:39 vascular 17937, 24:140, 25234,2658, physical3:178. 7:9, 22914, 26:73 ParryChannel, western 27:47 27:146,31:355. 37:37 Odobenusrosmarus rosmarus 34255 ParryExpedition 38:65 WrangellMountains 21:106 OgotorukCreek 17234 Parry, Sir William Edward 1298 Pleistocene23:14, 39997, 39:304 Ogotorukvalley 16:181 patternedground 15:109, 25:154 deposits 2549 oil 31:158,31:229, 31260, 40s:149. 40274 PCB34:255 Late17:177, 21:223, 2225. 24977 arcticshore 24929 PearyLand 5:17 Upper34:329 beached40s:109 Peary'sExpedition 5:178 plover,Upland 4:204 chemicallydispersed 40s:l peat38:310 podzols 25154 crude31:348, 31:355, 31:366, 31:381 PeelSound Formation 21:84 PointHope 10:194 crude and refined 31:339 PellyLake 20213 PointSpencer spit 11:102 dischargesystems 4Os:lOO perchedponds 29:223 polar dispersant40s:124, 40x162 periglacial13:133 deserthabitats 28:70 dispersed,effects 40s:184 features33:349 oases39:78 experimentalreleases 40~80,40s:184, permafrost 213, 4:196,7:153, 10:230, research,programs 16:151 40s:201. 40~211 11:102,11:211, 18:256, 24930, 27:189, semi-deselts30:118, 37:121 exploration33:168, 35:317, 40:93 35943,35411, 36:198,38:104, 38292, Year37:255 hotcrude 31:324 38:310 PolarisBay 24:140 industry 36:l alpine 3999, 40:178 PolishSpitsbergen Expedition 2556 maximumloading 40s:230 depths 2021 politicaldevelopment 153, 4:12, 3076, pelturbatedtundra 31:394 discontinuouszone 2726.5, 27:189 35:457,40:191 pollution39:158 distribution13:163. 17:162, 30:61, 321148, Greenland 4050 production facilities, offshore32:42 39:29 pollen38:214 retention 40~230 occurrence 15: 15 1 diagrams16:229 seep39:158 seismicevidence 34:168 rain 3350 sensitivitymaps 3 1:242 soils17:222 pollution snow spills 28:9 thermalstability 3929 air 10:88,33:316 toxicity 31219 zonation34:64, 3929 oil 40s:1, 40~133 oil andgas 39:360 permafrozenpeat, sampling 2054 Polunin,Nicholas 36232 oil slicks,toxicity 3035 Peromyscusmaniculatus 39204 Poluostrov 35:3 17 oil spills28:9, 30:93.31:192. 31:305, PerryRiver region 17263 polychaetes, ice 40s:258 40s:109, 40~124,40s:230, 40~258, pesticides 26:336. 37210 polynyas27:157. 33292,4021 1 40~266 Petitot 5224 biologicalimportance 33:303 BaffinIsland 40~162 petroleum39:158, 40s:172 PondInlet 3513, 3528 cleanup23:286, 28:140 development 36:193,36:227, 3753, 3853 ponds14:210, 30:109 countermeasures 40s: 1 hydrocarbons 31:170 arctic36:365 crude and diesel 31942 public policy 35:349 shallow,temperatures 24:113 dispersant40s:220 Phalaropes,breeding behaviour 21:41 populationsystems 23:3 ecologicaleffects 31977 pharmacognosia 26324 PortLeopold 39264 effects,dispersant 40~172 phenology,overwintering 30:118 PortRefuge 33:443 experimental40s:133 philosophy22:312 postglacial Okpilakglacier, recession, thinning 14:176 Phippsexpedition 37:402 delevelling15:66 Okstindan27:128 photogrammetry13:75 uplift20:255 OldBelievers 39:223 photosynthesis, net 37:121 Pre-Dorset16:129 OldCrow 11:117 photosyntheticorganisms 23:201 Pre-Sangamonianaltefacts 34:3 Oldsquaw35:149, 3.5291, 35:403, 38:43 physicalprocesses. surface 22:425 precipitation 22140,37210. 39:177, 40~42 Ontario15:191 physiologicalresearch 22:3 15 measurementtechniques 22140 Oonark 24: 155 phytoecology19:220 pressureridges 37:llO ophthalmology27:91 phytogeographicalregions 236 fragment 3 159 organisms 40s:71 phytoplankton 16239. 31:192,35:485, multi-year,structure 2622 ornithology18:261 38:167.39:316, 40~80 preycarcasses 35266 osteo-archaeology39:39 distribution37:224 PribilofIslands 3:75. 24:9 osteology, faunal 40: 184 marine, generation times, growth rates Prince of WalesIsland 21:84, 2225, 33:366 otolith 3455 38:31 Princess Royal Islands39:89 Ottar37:373 Pilayella littoralis 40s:211 protozoaninfection 38:336 owl,Snowy 35:282 pingos 15278, 17:203, 38244, 39:47 PrudhoeBay 29:169. 31:158, 31919,31942, OxfordExpeditions 6213 subsidence34:270 32:224,36:193 340 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

Pseudocalanus38:201 bank erosion 17:41 conditions 26:44.32:345 psychiatric problems25:203 discharge 34:141 decay14:3. 16:142 psychology, westem39:20 meander, migrating32:148 dynamics 26337 ptarmigan suspendedsediment 34:141 extent, seasonal variations 3:434 fat deposition 3 1:496 Riviere La Ronciere-Le Noury 5:224 floes 32:140 Rock, chicks, brooding26:138 roaddesign 38:104 formation 14:3 Willow 20:77, 23:240.39:300 Rocher River22:157 grounding 8:177 pynocline 39:316 rock shelter, ice-cored, movement33:842 growth8:60, 14:3 pyrite 35:417 rocks6:260 insulating effect 8:60 Pymlofusus deformis(neptuneidae) 17:48 RockyMountains 35:411 light penetration 25:28 Pytheas37:341 rodenra physical properties 11 : 134 habitat 37:148 pressures 25:34 Quaternary17:269, 33:815. 38:264 tundra17:177 salinity 15:92 glaciation 38:271 Romans. geographical perceptions 37:347 SLAR imagery 40:l Late 19:296, 20:176,28:159 Ross, John 4066 snow cover 8:60 18:123, 19:114, 20:176,21:153, Royal Canadian Air Force 3:150 structure 7:201 33:369, 33553,33569 Royal policy 37:385 thermodynamicmodel 26:208 northern 22:140, 32:46, 35524, 39:145, Ruin Island characteristics 34:133 thick, growth 39:15 39:172 rumen33:757 sea level 39:264 south central 12:130,16:219 Russekeila. Vestspitsbergen 14:112 changes17:279 24:307,27:234. Russian relative 22:13 28:74. 34:141 Antarcticstudies 21:204 sea lion Imperial Navy27:3 pups22:438 radar PolarExpedition 34:201 Steller 34:318 aerial surveys34:108 settlement 14:lOl. 14:112 sea otters, captive environment 8:46 sideways-looking airborne 32:283 seawater, pumping 16:142 tracking 35:219 Sadlerochit River 15:145 sea-ducklings, behaviour 13:201 radiation 40s:42 Saduria 36341, 38:336 seabirds 34:241, 35:l. 36:l budget39:172 Sagavanirktok River Delta32:161 arctic 3528 flux 22:425 Sagitta elegans 38:39 colonial 35531, 27:95 net16:41 sailing, earlyNorwegian, development 37:385 distributions 27:95 radio echo sounding27:225 salinity 35:211. 40~20 ecology, pelagic 35126 radiocarbon dating 1566, 15:278, 18:37, salmon 14:119 subarctic 39:109 19:349, 21:12, 33:815, 37:49 Atlantic 11:86.12:194, 26:3. 26:112 seaducks, moult migration 35:291 standarddeviation 22:13 Chum39:2 seafloor, photographs 23:175 radionuclide Pacific 26112 seals flux 3959 Pink39:2 Bearded31:75, 33:330, 36:82, 36:262 distribution 24:269 Salmon glacier 13:75 fat 36:356 Rai-Edw 39:20 Salticidae 35:426 Fur 3:75.34:318. 39:39 rainfall 34:325 SamLake 29:159 Harp20:267, 31:3 tracemeasurement 32:80 Sami 39:208 Hooded33:326 Rangifer 33:757,34:321. 37:31, 37:161. discovery 37:373 pups22:438 39:24 sandpiper, Buff-breasted20:3 Ribbon 36:369, 37:290 tarandus granti 36:193 Sangamonage 18:231 Ringed 14:162,22:120. 25279. 28:170, tarandusgroenlandicus 39:85 Sanikiluaq 40:204 31:75, 3528, 36:162, 36:262 ravens,winter food habits 27:41 sanitary landfill, subarctic 25:40 Sealer's Finger 5:235 Recent 14:82,23:14 sanitation 15:155 seawatches 34:108.35:291 recurrentgroup analysis 36:143 Sarcee 15299 Second"Manhattan" Voyage 25:34 regional development23:281 Saskatchewan glacier 7:3 secular variation 37:255 reindeer Saskatchewan sediment 38:264, 40~51,40s:80. 40s:172 domestic 33:739 northern 35:307 arctic 40s:133 forage 21:255 northwestern 32355 disturbed 23:136 herding33:246 satellite 15:9, 35504, 37:244 sedimentation 22233, 36:251 industry3:27 imagery30:234 sedimentology 34:3,38:271. 4Os:lO populationdynamics 14:91 tracking 35234 seeds 24:230 Preserve 2521 vidicon data 26:44 dispersal 39:247 Swedish23:199 Scandinavian 37:341 germination, alpine andArctic species wild33:739 scavengers,winter 25225 11:180 relief, characteristics 26:244 Scheffewille 18:123,16:41 seismic religious values 39:223 science ethics 3071 exploration 40:93 remote detection 31:448,32:161 scientific profiling, continuous 38:271 remote sensing 37:224 cooperation 39:360 selenium 3 1:75 reproduction,Varying lemming 7:36 reconnaissance.winter, No& Water 25151 concentration 38:61 research, arctic40244, 40:249 research 153 settlement 7:336 research funding 40244, 40:249 traditions 39:20 patterns. prehistoric 33:292 reserves23:138 Scorcsby Land,northern 37:61 survival 22:157 Resolute 14:238.16:198, 24229, 39:264 scoter35291 types 1693 research projects 21:43 Scott15175 Seward Glacial Research Station 1:107 Resolute Bay3:95, 8:237. 36:90 Scott Polar Research Institute 5153 21:255,32:76, 34:188 resourcedevelopment 23:202, 23:147 scrapedsurfaces 27:304 sex ratio.Varying lemming 7:36 Greenland 4050 sculpin. Shorthorn, antifreeze proteins 35:302 sheep, Dall's (Ovis dalli) 37:141,39:195 marine39:360 seadepths. machine-readable file 34:379 seasonal ranges 35512 retail structure 40: 123 8:60.14:188. 14:197. 18:118, 22:195, shelf38:281 review 40:258 33:768. 37:llO. 38:23. 38:121,38:167. shipping 23285 rice, wild 35307 38:201. 40:239 ships' log-books 38:121 river behaviour7:201 shoreliie FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 34 1

changes6:44 Arctic 355, 4:27,33:671 morphology 40x10 drifting ice station20:264 37:341 processes, catastrophic, normal 2036 easternArctic 38:l taiga 10130 recession16:195 Expedition 759 subarctic 23:35 shrub canopies26:95 high- :205 Taku Inlet 8:83 Siberia 22:71,29:3, 38:178 northern planning28:217 TananaValley 23:201 economic development17:105 Northem Sea Route 35317 TanquaryFiord 20:255 sea route search 37:429 timber 32:308 taphonomy 35:266, 37:276 sibirica 38:336 Soviet-American :3 technological change 7:102 side-scan sonar 35465 sparrow, Tree, food 267 telemetry 35504 Silene acaulis 33:203 Spekk-Finger 5235 television 28:155 sipre ice-corer 16:270 Spence River phase 37:195 temperature 3062. 34:325.37:244. 40s:42 Skeldal 19:349 Sphagnum37:133 air 13:163. 14:238, 22:425, 32:224, skeleton 26:79 growth conditions, tundra community34:48 37:263 Slave Indians 27:15 spiders 32:71, 3932 airborne survey27:69 Slave River 38:133,38:231. 38:324, 39:68, Jumping, distribution 35:426 averages. extremes 15308 39: 164 spiritual entity 15288 fluctuations 18:105 sleep paralysis 29:20 Spitsbergen 6:213.14:101, 31:496. 37544 ground 27:287 slope 38:281 spring thaw, string bog genesis 25:237 lowest.North America 14:247 Small TreeLake 19:220 SPNCe mean annual 2:13 smelt, pond39:260 forests 3 1:305, 34:60 trends 18:105 Smith Sound, northern31:85 growth 2559 water40s:20 Snag-Klutlan area 24:277 northern limit 24:233 winter22:403 snow White 18:262,39:247 Tener Report 39:360 cover 27:287,34:64 squatters 18:173,23:202 tern dens, summer 32:165 squirrel, Ground, male/female differences Arctic, reproductive activities 25:131 depth39:309 34:249 Common.breeding success 1751 facies, diagenetic, distribution 17:33 St. EliasMountains 24:301 terrace deposits 18:231 movement22: 112 St.Lawrence Island 33:226 tenacene 39:267 patches39:309 St. MatthewIsland 24:64 terrain disturbance 38:292 shelters, structural and thermal characteristics starling 22:444 territorial political development40:310 12:20 Stictyosiphon tortilis 40~211 Tertiary 33:38 snow and ice stone houses3::108 TeshekpukLake 32:152 cover, spatial patterns 33:lOO Storkersen Point 30:4 1 Tessam36:311 roads30:13 storm surges, effects 32:329 Teutonic-Nordic areas 37:481 Snow Cornice, Project 1:lM strain gauge technique13:123 thawdepths 30155 snow-melt 25291, 39:172 strainmeter 38:174 Theragra 3455 snow-pack37:210 strand lines 4:122,39:267 thermal contraction cracks 25:142 Snowbird II 2:91 strategy 40:292 thermograph16:201 snowfall 30:62,39:309 strategy and science policy 32:170 Thetis. exploration 30:3 snowmobiles 25171, 38:188 stratigraphy 15278, 34:3 thin ice 39:85 maintenance32:189 stream, management 40:198 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans 35:417 socialsurveys 40:145 strontium, brine 25155 8:202,24:269 society. problems 29:76 subarctic 6:68.6:75, 7:129,7:213, 14:224. culture 3:63.29:27, 33:487, 33333, soil 7:249,18:256, 22:130. 24:162, 28:35, 26:253,28:35, 30:246, 37:195. 38:281 40: 184 31:355 airborne oceanographic survey27:307 district 37:23 acidity 32:224 western37:91 dwelling 36:356 active layer 10:151.23:229 subject matter 40321 Eskimo,whale use 33517 arctic brown18:49 submarine house 34:133 cellulase 3 1:355 cables 22:413 meaning 29233 formation, classification 11:166.15:109 nuclear 1537 Thysanoessa inermis 38:39 frost 5:34 research22:69 4:122.7:199. 27:104, 39:264 fungi 13:266 submergence, postglacial marine14:241 internal 40s:20 horizons 35411 subsistence 28:21 modification 39:65 landscape. evolution 32:207 native 30225 observations 3:95 North Slope 31:339 Sukkertoppen Taseniaq area 25107 variability 33:30 resources7:236 surface time-lapse photography 35:243 subarctic taiga31:324 (at-grade) camps 22: 112 Tiros II 159 temperature 8:237,10:151. 14:238, 16:181, circulation 33:189 Tofty Placer district 17:177 23:229,38:310 layer 22425 tool assemblages terrain units24:195 materials 28:74 functional analysis 33:464 tundra 3 1:348 temperature, winter 8:148 stone 33:443 variation 16:181 water 15251 tooth analysis 2953 solifluction lobes 22:395 circulation 23:lOO topography, subarctic 40:221 Somateria mollissima, spectabilis 35:403 surgedammed lake 30217 Tomgat Somerset Island 19:270,31:133 surveying, photographic 3:150 Archaeological Project 33585 sonar 37:llO Sverdrup Pass39:78 Mountains 1056. 14:75 Soper, Dewey39:92 Sverdlup, Otto 27:3 tourist cruise 33:671 Sorte-Hjorne 15:74 SWM LakePortage 38:133, 38:231, 38:324, trace elements39:177 soundrecordings 37:291 39:68, 39:164 trade, Greenland 4050 expedition 15175 swan transponation 7:336,32:189, 40:274 SouthamptonIsland 26: 123 Trumpeter, breeding. distribution, migration routes34:147 waters27:27 36:76 trapping 25171 sovereignty 29:87,39:350, 39:360, 40:292 Whistling28:195 tree assertion 40:285 sylvotundra 19:220 canopies26:95 Soviet 38: 1 synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation 31:434 growth 9:238 342 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

limit,northern 32:201 change 3 1:7 3858, 40:16 provenances39:52 classification33:73 Greenland (Bowhead), annual catch 32:91 treeline29:38, 3952, 39:247 development37:133 Killer(Orcinus orca) 36:361 research36:95 distribution13:146 White,migrations 32:275 trends40:321 gradient40:221 WhaleIsland 15:51 triangulation-trilateration 19:337 HighArctic 39:78 WhaleRiver 14:119 Triassic26:79 nitrogenfixation 26:130 whalers37:533 Trichinella38:303 recovery3 1:296 American28:298 trichinosis2:98, 3:105 regularities13:146 whaling40:33 tritium,dispersal 27:27 shoreline34:37 aboriginal40: 16 trophicrelationships 35:l zonation13:210 Basque37:515 TrueloveInlet 26:58 VictoriaIsland 3:45, 20:3 commercial37:528 tuberclebacilli, tuberculosis 8:215 VictoriaLand, traverse 13:135 history36:5 TuborgLake 25:155 Vikings37:590 subsistence 35386 tundra11:211, 13:266, 16:101, 19:114, villageand bush economies 40:138 WhirlLake, Indian site 27:175 24:177,25:154, 25:291, 38:292, 40:221 village,problems 23:287 Whiteglacier 10:139 arctic13:146, 22:425, 25:142, 38:194 VinlandMap, sources and origins 19:287 whitewomen, wilds, Arctic 27:167 burned34:366 ViscountMelville Sound 23:45, 37:llO Whitehorse18:173 coastal26:130 visitorattitudes 39:195 wifetrading 23:24 fires 29:213,31:54, 32:76, 34:71 vitaminC 32:135 wildlife 7:255. 40:145 mudflows 2599 vitamins,recent studies 4:62 conservation34:103 oil damage 3 1:296 volcanicash 23:47 viewing39:195 ponds31:158, 31:229 age 17:259 wind32:224. 40s:42 regions12:214 volcano 37:37 verticalprofile 18:21 relief19:162 vole Winisk, 15:191 soils31:260, 34:71 Red-backed25:216, 39:204 WinterChronicle 38:65 vegetation34:71, 34:188 Singing39:204 wintersnow layer, stratigraphy 21:245 Tungsten33:842 von Toll, Baron Eduard 34:201 Wisconsin,Late 14332 tussockreplacement 34:188 vonWesten, Thomas 37:373 witchcraft26:198 TuvaalukProgramme 33:542. 33:569 voyage2:91 wolf(Canis lupus) 23:197,37:276. 38:129, TwinGlacier 37:49 39: 145 WalakpaBay 25:115 attacks31:499 walrus distribution,migration 39: 119 U.S.,arctic affairs 35:241 Atlantic34:255 food habits30:189 Ubekendt Ejland 1 1: 198 carnivorous 13:lll HighArctic 28:209 UmnakIsland 28:159 distribution,vocalizations 36:262 predation 37:7 under-ice35:13, 36:328 naturalmortality 33:226 pups,yearlings 39:180 UngavaBay 54, 14:119,15:288, 36:204, Pacific33:330 Wood Buffalo National Park 13:3 38:281,40:198 WardHunt Ice Shelf 19:337. 21:103, 38:174 woodland.open 39:172 eastern1:93 evolution 35542 World War 11 2108 northern 19: 11 4, 20: 176 front changes36:289 UnitedKingdom 6:252 Washingtonstate 10:139 UnitedStates 4:18 wastedisposal 26:149 Yellowknife29:138, 38:133, 38:231, 38:324, University of Alaska14:74, 14:237, 16:46 water 40~66 39:68,39:164 University of Colorado,field season 23:61, balance15:205, 30:109 Yukon14:25, 15308, 18:173,24:277, 24:144, 2564, 26:172,27:244, 28:145, chemistry37:210 25:234.25:302, 26:68, 28:130, 29:159, 29:168.30:122 open 279, 2:149 33:33.33:59, 34:108, 35:291, 36:76, University of Ottawa Expedition, Somerset supply 11: 102, 26: 149 37:64.37:141, 38:68, 39:204. 39:260 Island 18:55. 19:270 Water-pipit,survival problems 7:81 boundaries13:132 UpperChurchill River, drainage 32:355 waterbirds,migration 34:108, 35:403 central34:60 upper marine limit, Little Whale River 21:153 waterfowl19:319 mast 25:49 urbancentres, arctic 10:88 distribution38:43 northcoast 16:195 Una lomvia37:284 harvest27:15, 36:185 northern32:148, 34:3, 34:329 Ursidae38:303 waves 40~20 southern37:276 Ursus38:316 weather 19:185 southwestern 4204, 17:259 maritimus38:303 forecasting,stations:40s:42, 40:274 Yukon-Kuskokwimdelta 17:203. 18:261, U.S. government.Arctic research 22:445 weathering 40~149 19:319 U.S.Navy 1:88 mechanical 1240 USCGC POLAR SEA Drift Project '81 34:377 natural oil 40s:109 U.S.S.R.18:207, 23:52 Weichselian,Late 38:210 Zizania35:307 wellsites33:794 zoogeography34:286. 36:143. 39:109 wetmeadows 37:155 zoology22:327 valleyasymmetry 17:84 wet spots 27:304 zoonoses,Arctic 13:lll vegetablecultivation 35:395 whale zooplankton31:219. 35:1, 35:56, 36:143, vegetatingblockfields 22:395 Bowhead32:277, 33:686, 35:386, 35:519, 3823, 38:201,39:158 Vegetation1:93, 2:13, 5:34,21:161, 365, 37:166,40:16, 40:93, 40:105 arctic,marine 34:307 24:177.28:62,28:74, 32:224 Californiagrey 13:257 communitystructure 32:237 alpine 40178 fat 36:356 verticaldistribution 35:41 Gray34:186, 35386, 36:275,36:361, FORT Y YEARS FORTY OF ARCTIC 343


This chronology of northern events was selected and editedby the present study fromCanudian Facts and Datesfor 1947-84 (Myers, 1986)and from CanudianNews Facts(Pepper and Martland, 1985,1986,1987) for items for 1985,1986 and 1987. This basic listing reflects the judgement of Myers and of Pepper and Martland as representative observers of Canadian events in^ the 40 years. Other compilers might have shown a different weighting of current events. Note that in the following listing “government” refers to the Government of Canada.

1947 February 3: Thelowest temperature in North America was by the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys and the army recorded at Snag, Yukon, at-64°C. survey establishment.November 18: The fiist shipmentof lead-zinc 1948 The Mackenzie highway was opened from Hay River, N.W.T., ore left Pine Point, N.W.T., for smelters in Trail and Kimberley, to Grimshaw, Alberta. B.C.,over the recently completed Great Slave Lake Railway. 1950 April29: The RCMP shipSt. Roch reached Halifax after passing November 20: One of the highest unnamed mountains in Canada, on through the Panama Canal from Vancouver. It was the first ship to the Alaska-Yukon border, was named Mt. Kennedy in memory of circumnavigate North America. Item: Alert, a joint Canada-U.S. the late U.S. president. weather station, was established at the northern tip of Ellesmere 1965June I: The CCGS , the world’s fiist Island. It was the northern-most permanent habitation in the world. cable-repair ship, was commissioned in Montreal for the Canadian 1951 January15: Michael P. Robinson, future executive directorof the Coast Guard. October 18: Abraham Allen Okpik of Yellowknife Arctic Institute of North America, born. June 15: The Northwest became the fiist Inuit to be appointed to theN.W.T. Council. TerritoriesAct was amended to provide for a partially elective 1966 council. Thefist election for the N.W.T. Council was held Septem-1967 January 18: Yellowknife became the capital of the N.W.T. ber 17. Administrative functions were transferred from Ottawa on Septem- 1952 ber 15. June: CKYK-TV in Yellowknife, N.W.T., became thefist 1953 December 16: A bill to establish the Department of Northern television station to subscribe to the CBC’s “frontier package” Affairs and Natural Resources was given royal assent. service. It consisted of a four-hour videotape delivered dailyair. by 1954 February5: The most northerly group of Canada’s arctic islands December 12: It was announced that the government would join a were named the Queen Elizabeth Islands.November21: The HMCS consortium of Canadian oil and mining companies for oil exploration Labrador arrived in Halifax, after completing a 29OOO km voyage in the Arctic. through the and around North America via the 1968March 7: It was announced that Canada would participate with the PanamaCanal. Item: ThePinetree Line of early-warning radar U.S. in developingan airborne radar system to replace all or partof station went into operation. the DEW Line radarstations in northern Canada.March 30: Canada 1955 June3: CP Airlines inaugurated the first service between Vancou- and the U.S . agreed to renew the NORAD agreement for five years. ver and Amsterdam over the North Pole.September 30: Operation April 20: A Canadian-U.S. expedition reached the North Pole after Franklin, a geologicalsurvey of Canada’s Arctic Islands, was 42 days on four snowmobiles.It was thefiit indisputable arrival at completed. Item: Aylmer, Quebec, passed a law regulating “peace, the Pole over sea ice. order and good morals” that banned, among other things, swearing,1969 March 4: The RCMP announced that its remaining dog teams fortune telling and roller skating. would be replaced by snowmobiles.August 24: The U.S. oil tanker 1956 Manhattan left Chester, Pennsylvania, on a trial voyage through the 1957 July31: The Distant Early Warning (DEW) ofLine radar stations Northwest Passage to prove the feasibility of the route for transport- wasput into operation as a joint US.-Canada defence project. ing arctic oil. Withthe assistance of the Canadian icebreaker CCGS September I2 :The North American Air Defence Command (NORAD)John A. Mucdonald and the U.S. USCG Westwind, the Manhattan was formed by the U.S. and Canada to coordinate air defence for reached Sachs Harbour, N.W.T., on September15. TheManhattan North America. stopped at Halifaxon November 8 on its return voyage.September 1958 The U.S . nuclear submarineNautilus was the fiist vessel to travel 22: The highest mountain in the Canadian Arctic, on Ellesmere under the North Pole. Island,was named after the late Marius Barbeau, Canadian 1959August 17: The fiist discovery of oilthe Yukonin was announced. anthropologist. October: Canada’s largest icebreaker, the 11 800 1960 July I: Canadian Treaty Indians were given the right to vote. tonne CCGSLouis St. Luurent, was completed by Canadian Vickers October 12: It was announced thatthe unnamed sound between Axel Ltd. in Montreal.November IO: The government announceda plan Heiberg Island and Amund Ringnes Island in the Arctic would be to restore historic propertiesin the Yukon Territory. November 19: named Massey Sound after the former governor-general.Item: The The Canadian scientific vesselHudron left Halifax for an1 1-month most famous Inuit print,The EnchantedOwl, was drawn by Kenojuak voyage of the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic to examineOcean (born 1927) at Cape Dorset, N.W.T. currents and resource potential. December 2: Canada, the U.S., 1961 February 20: The government announced a federal-provincial Denmark and the U.S.S.R. agreed to participate in a permanent program of aeromagnetic surveys over the following 12 years to secretariat dealing with problems of the Inuit. pinpoint mineral wealth in the Canadian Shield. July 21: Prime 1970 March9: Prime Minister Trudeau opened Canada’s fiist Arctic Minister Diefenbaker opened the government-built arctic town of Winter Games in Yellowknife, N.W.T.April 1: Responsibility for Inuvik, N.W.T. July 22: The largest single microwave project in governing the easternand upper Arctic was transferred to the Canada, the Northwest Telecommunications System, was inaugu- N.W.T. Government, from the Department of Indian Affairs and rated at Whitehorse, Yukon. Northern Development. April IO: Plans were announced for the 1962 creation of two new national parks, one at Artillery Lakeof northeast 1963 May 3: Hay River and Fort Simpson, N.W.T., were struck by Yellowknife, N.W.T. June: Parliament passed the Arctic Waters severe floods, forcing more than 1600 residents to be airlifted to Pollution Prevention Bill in an effort to protect the Arctic from safety. May 29: A new permanent exhibit at the National Museum of pollution by foreign supertankers. Canada, the Hall of Canadian Eskimos, was opened.December 10: 1971 Januury20:Radio Tuktoyaktuk (N.W.T.) began broadcasting, in Canada’s fist permanent research laboratory north of the Arctic English and . January 24: Panarctic Oils Ltd. capped a Circle was completed in Inuvik, N.W.T. natural gas well atKing Christian Island, N.W.T., which had been 1964 October: The most detailed mappingof Canada ever made, ona burning out of control forthree months. Item: An exhibitionof Inuit scale of four to the inch, was completedafter 19 years of work art assembled by the Vancouver Art Gallery begana tour of Vancou- 344 R. HARRISON and G. HODGSON

ver, Copenhagen, Moscow, Leningrad, London, Philadelphia and dismantled. August 18: The Dempster Highway was opened, from Ottawa. Dawson,Yukon, to Inuvik, N.W.T. November 12: TheMetis 1972 February24: Panarctic Oils Ltd. announced thefist oil discovery Association of the N.W.T. offered $160 million for the govern- in the Arctic, on . March 7: The Yukon Territory ment’s one-third interest in Imperial Oil’s Norman Wells operation. gavefive square miles to the N.W.T. as compensation for a 1980 November: The world’s first heavy icebreaking cargo vessel, the surveying error. The land was used to create a game preserve.April Arctic, arrived in Churchill, Manitoba, to take on wheat for Italy. 28: Thegovernment announced the construction of a highway December 1: A new television network was begun in the N.W.T., extending 1690 km from the Alberta border to Tuktoyaktuk,N. W.T. broadcasting Inuktitut to the Eastern Arctic. May 5: The Quebec Indian Association announced that it had filed1981 a March 10: PanarcticOils Ltd. announced that an offshore legal action to stop Quebec’s James Bay Power Project.August 2: exploratory natural gas well in the Eastern Arctic had produced oil, The proclamation of the Arctic Waters Pollution Act made ship and only the second time a well in the Arctic Islands had doneso. May cargo owners completely liable for pollution in theNovember Arctic. 12: The North American Air Defence Command (NORAD) became 9: Anik-1 , Canada’s (and the world’s) first geostationary domestic the North American Aerospace Defence Command after the five- communications satellite, was launched to improve telephone and year renewal of the NORAD agreement.May 26: Lawren Harris’s radio service and provide television to communities in the .South Shore, BafJin Island set a new record price for a Canadian November 24: The Quebec National Assembly introduced legisla- painting at $240 OOO. October I: The fist shipments of Canadian tion to create13 electoral in northern Quebec, providing the natural gas toLos Angeles through the “pre-built” western section vote to 1500 Inuit, 3500 Indians and several hundred whites. of the Alaska gas pipeline began.November3: Dome PetroleumLtd. 1973 January 14: Prime Minister Trudeau agreed on the formation of aannounced the discovery of huge new oil deposits in the Beaufort committee to negotiate Indian land claims in the Yukon.September Sea, about 109 km north of the Mackenzie River Delta.December: 7: The N.W.T. Supreme Court permitted the Indian Brotherhood ofThe government announced its intention of setting aside more than the N.W.T. to file a claim for approximately one-third of the land$4 inbillion and large tracts of land in the Yukon and N.W.T. to settle the Territories. native land claims by 1985. 1974 February 13: The Quebec Court of Appeals refused to allow an 1982 March 5: The Canada Oil and Gas Act became law, intended to Indian-Inuit coalition to proceed in its request for a permanent speed oil and gas development off the north, east and west coasts of injunction against the James Bay hydro-electric development while Canada. May 10: A $600 million oil and gas exploration program in awaiting the outcome of an earlier appeal. March 13: Offshore the Beaufort Sea was announced by the Department of Energy and drilling in the Beaufort Sea was banned until the summer1976 in of MineralResources and the Department of Indian and Northern order to conduct environmental studies. November 15: An agree- Affairs. ment was signedin Montreal giving native people of the James Bay1983 February 10: It was announced that Canada and the U.S. had region about$150 million as compensation for land lost to the Jamessigned an agreement allowingU.S. testing of military equipment in Bay hydro-electric project. Canada,including the cruise missile. November 3: TheSenate 1975 October 23: Paul Lucier (born1923), mayor of Whitehorse, was approved a constitutional accord on aboriginal rights, making the named the fist senator from the Yukon. first amendment to the Canadian constitution possible. 1976 March 15: The government gave final approvalto Dome Petro- 1984 March 8: The cruise missile was first tested over . leum Ltd.,of Calgary, todrill the fitoffshore wells in the Beaufort April 25: Canada and the Soviet Union signed an agreement for Sea. May 8: The Berger Inquiry into the social and environmental cooperation in scientific research in the Arctic, including the areas of effects of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline ended its hearings. resource development and environment. 1977April5: Willy Adams (born1931), ofRankinInlet, N.W.T., was 1985 July 25: The U.S. Coast Guard said the American icebreaker appointed senator for the N.W.T. and becamefit theInuit to sit in Polar Sea was to enter northern Canadian waters in August for a Parliament. May 9: The Berger Commission recommended10-year a two-week voyage through the Northwest Passage. August 11: The moratorium on a Mackenzie Valley pipeline, to allow time to settle Polar Sea left Canadian-claimed waters 10 days after starting its native land claims and solve technical and environmental problems. controversial voyage through the Northwest Passage.September 10: It also suggested a permanent ban on any pipeline from Alaska The first-ever shipload of Canadian crude dispatched by Panarctic across the northern Yukon.August 8: The government gave tentative Oils Ltd. arrived in Montreal- 100 OOO barrels of crude from Brent approval to the Foothills Pipe Lines (Yukon) Ltd. proposal for an Horn oil field on .September 11: Canada will make Alaska Highway pipeline through the southern Yukon, pending the $450 OOO available during the nextthree years for the Inuit Cultural outcome of negotiations with the September20:U.S. Canada and the Institute to help draft arctic policy.September23: The luxuryWorld U.S. signed an agreementin Ottawa for the construction of a naturalDiscoverer arrived at Halifax on its way for visits to remote Inuit gas pipeline across the Yukon for the shipment of Alaska gas to thevillages, glaciers and the habitat of polar bears, whales and puffin. U.S. October 31: The James Bay Land Claims Agreement, the first October 30: The government announced new incentives for frontier modem treaty with Canadian native people, became law. and offshore oil exploration, saying they were far less generous than 1978 January 28: Cosmos 954, a nuclear-powered Soviet satellite, the scheme they would replace.November 8: The government issued re-entered the atmosphere and crashed in the N.W.T. July 6: The a call for proposals for exploration rights in the Fort Good Hope area government prohibited all new development in38 a 850 km2region of the Mackenzie Valley, N.W.T. December 20: The government of northern Yukon Territory,so that a national wilderness area might introducedlegislation to replace grants givento oil companies be established. The government announced the creation of a task exploring for oil and gas in the offshore and the newNorth tax with a force to establish a management program for a 110 OOO-140 OOO credit. The new plan would cost Ottawa$150-250 million per year, animal caribou herd that migrates through the northern Yukon.July compared to the$1.7 billion the treasury spent 1984 in to encourage 15: In negotiations with the Committee for the Original Peoples’ exploration. Entitlement, the government offered$45 million to2500 Inuit in the 1986 March 26: Legislation was passed ending the multibillion-dollar western Arctic from 1981 to 1994. July 19: The U.S. announced a petroleum incentive program that helped underwrite oil and gas 10-year program to pave and rebuild the Alaska and Haines high- exploration in the frontier and offshore areas.April 28: The govern- ways in the Yukon. ment tabled a bill in the Commons to assert Canadian sovereignty 1979 June IO: Project Lorex, or the Lomonsov Ridge Experiment-a over the .September: The External Affairs Min- temporary scientific station built on an floeice that had drifted240 ister, Joe Clark, announced that the government anticipated sover- km across the North Pole from mid-March to June 10 - was eignty legislation two months after theU.S. icebreaker entered the FORTY YEARS OF ARCTIC 345

Northwest Passage without seeking Canada’s permission. October Statistics Canada reported the N.W.T. population as 52 328, up 2: The government said it would permit the resumption of cruise from 45 741 (in 1981); Yukon, 23 504, up from 23 153. April 22: missile flightsby the U.S. Air Force in the Arctic during the comingThe Canadian government said it was keeping an eye on the Soviet winter. December 8: Canada protestedUS. hearings on an expanded Unionto ensure it did not follow the US. leadand challenge oil exploration program in the North in territory where Ottawa and Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. April 16: The N.W.T. banned Washington disagreed on the international boundary. smoking in all government buildings effective June 1. April 28: 1987 January 15: Native groups in the N.W.T. finally reached an Canada was considering buying a fleet of nuclear-powered subma- agreement on division of the tenitory, subject to a referendum. rines to help enforceits claim of sovereignty in the Arctic.April 18: January 22: GulfCanada said it would resume drilling in the Amoco Corporation of Chicago agreed to buy Dome Petroleum for Beaufort Sea. Work would centre on the Amauligak discovery and $5.1 billion. expenditureswere expected to be $150-200 million. April 13: