

Chemical targets to deactivate biological and chemical toxins using surfaces and fabrics

Christia R. Jabbour, Luke A. Parker , Eline M. Hutter and Bert M. Weckhuysen ✉ Abstract | The most recent global health and economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2​ outbreak has shown us that it is vital to be prepared for the next global threat, be it caused by pollutants, chemical toxins or biohazards. Therefore, we need to develop environments in which infectious diseases and dangerous chemicals cannot be spread or misused so easily. Especially, those who put themselves in situations of most exposure — doctors, nurses and those protecting and caring for the safety of others — should be adequately protected. In this Review, we explore how the development of coatings for surfaces and functionalized fabrics can help to accelerate the inactivation of biological and chemical toxins. We start by looking at recent advancements in the use of and metal-​-​based catalysts for the inactivation of pathogenic threats, with a focus on identifying specific chemical bonds that can be targeted. We then discuss the use of metal–organic frameworks on textiles for the capture and degradation of various agents and their simulants, their long-term​ efficacy and the challenges they face.

Pathogens Throughout our daily lives, our health is exposed to handle and destroy CWAs. The Chemical Foreign agents, such as many invisible risks, most of the time unknowingly. Convention aims to restrict the misuse of warfare agents or viruses, that These risks can be human-​made or natural, present by banning the production and stockpiles of chemical cause disease. intentionally or unintentionally and differ across the weapons by State Parties through the intergovernmental world. Pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, threaten Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons lives worldwide through the diseases they cause. They (OPCW), which is constantly working on achieving a can spread through the collective use of common sur- world free from chemical weapons. For their efforts in faces (such as doorknobs, automated teller machines this field, the OPCW received the Nobel Peace Prize or traffic lights for pedestrian crossings), a lack of san- in 2013. itation and in limited healthcare facilities1. Many small Unfortunately, the progress made on the develop- chemicals, even smaller than pathogens, also cause ment of materials for protective clothing has not kept the

illnesses and fatalities. NOx, COx and particulate aris- same pace as the progress made on the general tools and ing from the excessive use of fossil fuels, and indoor air ways for the destruction of CWAs. masks that were caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) used to protect military and non-​military personnel in released from many modern materials to numerous WWI were made of charcoal filters that work mainly health problems2. on the adsorption of toxins to prevent their inhalation. Despite their ban many decades ago3, the intentional However, clogging can affect such filters, making these release of toxins used as chemical weapons still occurs. masks effective only for a few hours7,8. -​based Inorganic and Chemical warfare agents (CWAs) are toxic substances systems are still the standard used today, showing the , Debye that were first used during World I (WWI) as necessity for more advanced protective equipment that Institute for Nanomaterials destructive weapons. In the years following, these weap- not only adsorb but also permanently and selectively Science, Faculty of Science, ons were developed into new hazardous substances that degrade toxins. The same can be said for protective Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. we now know as choking agents, blood agents, nerve clothing, as we elaborate further in the later sections. ✉e-mail:​ b.m.weckhuysen@ agents and blister agents. Most of these agents are Currently, these are large chemical-​resistant suits with uu.nl tasteless and odourless, and, despite being banned, self-​contained breathing apparatus that prevent expo- 4–6 https://doi.org/10.1038/ are, unfortunately, still being used in attacks . In recent sure to chemical toxins at the expense of overall mobility. s41570-021-00275-4 years, great progress has been made in finding ways to Further progress is needed to design ‘smart’ materials

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Degradation that not only rely on protection from the threat but also Biological toxins and their remediation The breakdown of a molecule actively degrade the threat and could be incorporated The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic that does not necessarily into suits that offer more mobility to the wearer. Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) divides biological war- render it harmless, as attacks have been carried out in fare agents (and biological substances in general) into unselective degradation routes 9,10 can produce further toxins. many major through the last millennium , even as three main categories. Those that fall under category A far back as the Middle Ages, when corpses were used cause the most damage, as they are highly lethal and Antipathogenic as catapult ammunition to spread disease in besieged toxic, and have the ability to spread widely. However, A substance that to the cities11. Still, in the current era, bioterrorism is consid- diseases caused by agents that fall in category B have a neutralization of pathogen ered a larger threat12. Although the (ab)use of biologi- lower mortality rate than those caused by category A threats. cal hazards in warfare is rare compared with the use of agents. As for category C agents, those are pathogens Neutralization chemical weapons, the former poses arguably a larger that can be easily produced in laboratories and have a The process by which a public risk than chemical pollutants because of their nat- high rate of infection and death. biological or chemical threat ural abundance in the environment. Viruses and bacte- Viruses are some of the smallest biological entities, becomes harmless. ria can spread quickly through populations both locally typically in the nanometre size range, and their main and internationally, leading to enormous fatality rates. components are: genetic material, which can be either During the West African Ebola outbreak of 2013–2016, RNA or DNA, a protective protein surrounding the more than 10,000 people died and the ongoing genetic material, known as a capsid, and, in some cases, outbreak in Yemen has infected over 2 million people a phospholipid coating protecting it all, known as a viral and claimed the lives of almost 4,000 as of January 2020 envelope. The viral envelope protects the virus when it (ref.13). Internationally, the SARS-​CoV-2 outbreak that is in the environment, waiting to be transferred between spread dramatically at the beginning of 2020 has had hosts. However, phospholipid bilayers are susceptible to the most profound effect on communities worldwide attack from surfactants and, therefore, washing hands in recent times, leading to countries enforcing popula- with soapy is enough to kill some of the most tions to remain indoors, international travel becoming infectious viruses, such as SARS-​CoV-2. Developing almost entirely prohibited and worsening economic materials or coatings that facilitate the destruction of this crises evolving in most countries. phospholipid bilayer will, in the future, retard the spread It is vital that, as a global population, we are pre- of such infectious viruses through the environment and pared for the next global biological or chemical threats. shared objects. In the absence of the phospholipid enve- Especially those who put themselves in situations of lopes, viable pathways for virus neutralization are offered most exposure — doctors, nurses, military person- by inhibiting enzymes, or by the disruption of the capsid nel and those protecting and caring for the safety of proteins or degradation of the genetic material. Bacteria others — should be adequately protected and we should are larger than viruses, typically in the micrometre develop environments in which infectious diseases range, and are prokaryotes — single-​celled organisms and dangerous chemicals cannot be spread or misused without membrane-bound​ organelles, such as a nucleus. so easily. Bacterial cells contain genetic information in a single Here, we discuss several approaches to achieve a circular chromosome in the cytoplasm within the cell more effective protection against biological or chemi- membrane. This cell membrane is typically a phospho- cal threats. On one hand, we look at the development of lipid bilayer and, thus, also bacteria can be neutralized coatings for surfaces and functionalized fabrics that will by disrupting this phospholipid membrane. accelerate the inactivation of bacteria and viruses, thus, Despite their different biological risk, viruses and preventing their spread and, on the other, we explore bacteria share similar chemical building blocks how to attain a complete degradation of chemical toxins. and properties. For example, both contain proteins, lipid In the first part of this article, we describe the chemi- bilayers and genetic material. It is the chemical bonds cal nature of bacteria and viruses, before investigating within these components that have to be targeted when mechanisms by which these hazards may be neutralized developing materials and coatings that accelerate the and the materials that can achieve this. In each case, we neutralization of the risks in the environment of virus look at the progress made towards applying these mate- and bacteria. Biological threats do not have simulants rials to a functionalized society. We then offer a per- in the same way as CWAs; however, for bacteria, sev- spective on how materials scientists, who do not have eral standard strains are typically used. These are easily access to the necessary biological methods to screen for handled strains with well-established​ assaying protocols antipathogenic activity, can, instead, use chemical tar- and represent both gram-​positive and gram-​negative gets as models to predict the activity of new materials. bacteria (that is, in the simplest form, bacteria with a In the second part, we focus on recent advancements in thick cell wall and a thin cell wall, respectively). Such the use of porous catalysts, specifically metal–organic strains are Escherichia coli14 and Staphylococcus aureus15 frameworks (MOFs), for the degradation or capture for gram-​negative and gram-​positive bacteria, respec- of the most used classes of chemical weapons — nerve tively, but many others are also routinely used. Viruses agents and blister agents. We highlight the most recent are often investigated using model viruses, such as implementations of MOFs on textiles and their uses in bacteriophage P22 (ref.16) and MS2 (refs17,18); however, the degradation of various CWAs and simulants. We they are also investigated more specifically, for example, also discuss the applicability and efficiency of these rotavirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) catalysts on textiles in the long term and the challenges coronavirus19 have both been used to test antipathogenic they face. catalytic substrates.

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a b c



d e f

S Fe Fe S S−Cys Cys−S

Fe S

S Fe Cys S S S Cys Fe Fe Cys−S S−Cys Cys S S S Cys

Fig. 1 | Target bonds for antipathogenic activity. a | The amino contains a thiol group that acts as the catalytic site of a number of respiratory enzymes. b | It also plays a key role in the structure of proteins by forming bonds. These disulfide bonds also occur in the viral envelope of viruses (panel c), where they are found on the glycoprotein knobs that facilitate binding with host cells. Fe–S clusters (panels d and e) and DNA (panel f), in particular, the guanine , are targets for oxidation.

As mentioned above, bacteria and viruses share some targets found in many proteins, therefore, catalysts common attributes. By identifying specific chemical that can break these Fe–S cages (Fig. 1d,e) cause protein moieties that are common sites of attack for antipath- damage that can lead to cell death20. These cages could ogenic catalysts, it may be possible to use small model be mimicked in the lab by simple molecules, such as

molecules for the screening of promising materials FeS2 but, also, more usefully, by larger biomimetic Fe (Fig. 1). Bacteria — like all other living organisms — clusters21. Finally, -​containing bonds are need to respire, therefore, cell death can be induced numerous in these biological systems, as they are pres- by targeting enzymes involved in the respiratory pro- ent in DNA, for example. It has been suggested that, cess. The activity of these enzymes is often inhibited by because these are ‘soft bases’, they can become the target the binding of metal atoms to their active site. One of the of ‘soft ’, such as Ag+ that bind to them, and inhibit most common functional groups that can be targeted genetic replication. DNA bases, especially guanine, in this way is the thiol group (–SH) in enzymes that may be sites of attack through mechanisms such as contain cysteine in the catalytic centre (Fig. 1a). Another oxidation (Fig. 1f). target bond, again containing , is the disulfide bond (R–S–S–R), which results from the oxidation of Biological toxin degradation with metal nanoparticles two thiol groups of cysteine residues. This is one of the Ag nanoparticles are some of the most commonly used most important bonds in proteins (Fig. 1b), because it antipathogenic nanomaterials. Their proper- enables protein folding and stabilizes their structure. ties have been recognized for centuries, with numerous Cleavage of disulfide bonds can denature proteins, civilizations applying to wounds. More recently, leading to cell death. These bonds also appear in gly- Ag has found application in common plasters to stop coproteins in the viral envelope (Fig. 1c), where they infection. Ag is not the only antipathogenic metal; Cu mediate the interaction with host cells, therefore, bind- (ref.22) and Zn (ref.23), among others, have also been ing to disulfide moieties inhibits viral action. Both of well investigated. There are various mechanisms of these functional groups can be effectively mimicked in pathogen neutralization by , including oxidative the lab using simple molecules like thiols and . attack through the production of reactive spe- However, most organic disulfides are symmetrical and cies (ROS), which is described in further detail in the Cell death (Fig. 2a) Death of a cell that, in bacteria, those found in nature are asymmetric, thus, care should next section, and metal poisoning . The latter equates to death of the be taken to make sure that relevant model compounds can occur through numerous mechanisms that involve organism. are used. Fe–S clusters are other sulfur-​containing the binding of metal to either pathogen proteins

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a b c − + O2 H2O2 H O2


e− hυ


H+ HO· H2O

Fig. 2 | Antipathogenic properties of metal–organic frameworks. a | Antipathogenic activity of metal–organic frameworks can originate from the leaching of metal ions, which neutralize pathogens through the breaking of proteins, inhibition of respiratory enzymes and disruption of genetic replication (panel b). c | Reactive oxygen species formed by photocatalysts can also neutralize pathogens by causing the rupturing of cell membranes or viral envelopes.

or membranes23, binding to genetic material, which of a number of metal ions make them ideal candidates. prevents replication24, or binding to the active site of MOFs in this field are generally used as metal ion reser- enzymes23. voirs, whereby active metal ions (Ag+, Cu2+, Zn2+ or Co2+) Ag and Cu nanoparticles immobilized on metal-oxide​ leach from the MOF and neutralize pathogens through supports have been shown to neutralize viruses, bacte- catalytic oxidation or metal poisoning. Examples of such ria and fungi25. Following the first SARS outbreak in MOFs are the popular Cu-​containing HKUST-1 (also 30,31 2003, Al2O3-​supported Ag and Cu were investigated for known as Cu-​BTC or MOF-199) , Zn-​containing the neutralization of SARS coronavirus, E. coli (bacte- BioMIL-5 (ref.32), several Co-​containing imidazolate rium) and Debaryomyces polymorphus (fungus). The frameworks (ZIF-67 and Co-​SIM-1)33 and a Ag-​MOF, (ref.34) study showed that five minutes of exposure to the Ag Ag3 . Although these MOFs work as metal ion nanoparticles inactivated all three pathogens, whereas reservoirs, antibacterial activity can, in some cases, be exposure to Cu nanoparticles completely inactivated attributed to the linkers, as it was reported for a Zn-MOF​ the bacterium and virus and severely, but did not com- featuring hydrazinebenzoate linkers35. A downside of pletely, destroyed the fungus. Although the mechanism the use of MOFs is that, in order for them to function was not fully investigated, it was suggested to be catalytic as antipathogens, their structure needs to be compro- oxidation rather than metal poisoning, because Au and mised: a release of metal ions (or active linker) leads to Cu inactivate bacteria, virus and fungi only under aer- the collapse of the structure; therefore, these materials obic conditions25. The generation of ROS and catalytic may only be used as temporary antipathogenic surfaces. oxidation is studied further in the context of photocat- However, Co-​ZIF structures were shown to maintain alysts in the next section; therefore, the subsequent dis- their antipathogenic properties for three months, mean- cussion on the use of metals will focus on the metal ion ing that it may be possible to obtain antipathogenic MOF poisoning mechanism. surfaces with long-term​ activity33. The effect of the liber- Ag nanoparticles have been shown to neutralize ated linker, which, in these tests, is released in solution, both bacteria and viruses through metal ion binding has also been investigated for Co-​ZIF and Ag-​MOFs, and numerous reports have detailed the effect of nano- and, in all cases, it was shown to have no antibacte- particle size and facet on antipathogenic activity26,27. For rial activity33,34,36. Recently, a Mn-​based MOF, UoB-4, example, HIV-1 is inactivated only by Ag nanoparticles has been shown to exhibit antibacterial properties with sizes in the range of 1–10 nm that bind to the gp120 against both gram-positive​ and gram-​negative bacteria, receptors, which feature nine disulfide bonds27. It has although the cause of this activity and its mechanism also been speculated that bacteria can absorb Ag+ ions were not investigated37. from Ag nanoparticles, which can inhibit respiratory MOFs have also been used as sensors for the detec- enzymes by binding to the –SH functionality or can tion of biomarkers for anthrax, an infectious disease neutralize soft bases, such as S and P in DNA bases, as caused by Bacillus anthracis. Biomarkers, such as dip- Antibacterial Ag+ is a soft acid28,29. icolinic acid (DPA), can be released into solutions by A substance that makes a bacterial threat harmless MOFs have also been widely researched for antipa- physical or chemical lysis of the bacterial spores and can through either inhibition thogenic purposes. Their modular design with high be used for the identification of anthrax. A luminescent or cell death. surface areas, tunable functionalities and incorporation anionic MOF featuring a Tb3+ cation has been

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used for the ratiometric luminescence sensing of DPA Several methods have been investigated to enhance

molecules. The presence of DPA in solution leads to the the antipathogenic properties of TiO2 photocatalysts formation of a Tb–DPA complex, which enhances Tb3+ and these usually involve the inclusion of dopants. For

emission. High selectivity and sensitivity were attained example, Ag nanoparticles incorporated within TiO2 with the Tb–MOF sensor, with a 3.6-​nM detection films have been shown to increase the virus-inactivation​ 46 limit. However, this sensor works in solution and is not properties of TiO2 photocatalysts . This increase in practical for surface sensing38. virucidal activity was mainly attributed to the increased A number of MOFs have also been grown onto or production of HO˙, which was confirmed using incorporated into fibres that provide antipathogenic scavengers and t-butanol​ 17, in addition to con- functionality. Cu-​BTC (HKUST-1) MOF has been tribution from the leaching of active antiviral Ag+ ions. grown onto synthetic fibres, including polyethylene This work, consistent with previous literature47, also terephthalate (PET) and nylon, and shown to inactivate showed that bulk HO˙ plays a more prominent role than three different bacterial pathogens: E. coli, S. aureus and surface HO˙ species for virucidal purposes. This is sug- Candida albicans39. Importantly, the activity of these gested to arise from the unfavourable electrostatic inter- MOF–fabric composites showed comparable antipath- actions between the tested bacteriophage and surface, ogenic activity to the commercial MOF powder. One leading to repulsion and a lack of surface adsorption47. concern that must be addressed is the ecotoxicity of Similarly, it has been shown that Fe3+ ions can enhance

such functionalized fibres, which can be dangerous to the antipathogenic activity of TiO2 up to a certain dopant other life forms (humans or animals) in the environ- by acting as electron and hole traps that ment. Ecotoxicity was tested by exposing shrimp hinder electron–hole recombination44. Pd has also been

to these MOF–fibres, and no negative effects were shown to enhance the virucidal properties of TiO2, with observed39. HKUST-1 was also used to functionalize cel- a -​modified -​doped oxide lulose fibres using an aqueous ethanolic solution30. The (PdO–TiON) nanofibre demonstrating >99% removal use of as a solvent is an important step forward, of MS2 from solution48. 95% of the initial concentration as the preparation of such composites often requires the was shown to be removed owing to physical adsorption use of toxic solvents, such as N,N-​dimethylformamide of the virus onto the fibre under dark conditions, and (DMF). Other MOFs that have been used to prepared ~95% of the remaining virus was then removed by the MOF–fibre composites include Co-​SIM-1, which has subsequent activity of HO˙ formed under visible light been used to functionalize polylactic acid (PLA) fibres illumination. 40 through electrospinning . TiO2–chitosan composites have also been inves- tigated, as these show promising synergistic effects Biological toxins degradation through ROS for antipathogenic uses. Chitosan has been widely − 49 ROS, such as peroxide (H2O2), superoxide (O2 ) and researched for its antipathogenic properties , especially hydroxyl radicals (OH˙), react with many biological in the food industry because of its biocompatibility50. moieties and can, therefore, be used to neutralize both The polycationic nature of the chitosan surface ena- bacteria and viruses. In this section, we discuss the mate- bles it to bind to the negatively charged cell walls of rials that show promise for ROS generation, the oxida- gram-​negative bacteria and it is believed that this tion mechanisms by which these neutralize bacteria increases the permeability of the cell wall, facilitating and viruses, and how such materials can be modified neutralization51. When combined with the photocatal-

to provide more desirable properties, before showing ysis by TiO2, the enhancement of bacterial neutraliza- how these have been (and can be further) developed tion was observed to be greater than the sum of both 52 into functionalized materials that can be integrated into individual components . Chitosan–TiO2 composites living and working environments. have also been shown to exhibit enhanced hydrophilic- 41,42 TiO2 is one of the best known photocatalysts . ity, which is desirable, as it increases contact between Upon irradiation with light, ROS are formed through the pathogen and the antipathogenic surface, as well as (Fig. ) reaction of O2 with electrons or water with holes . an increased activation wavelength of the TiO2 into the As previously described, bacteria and viruses account for visible light region53.

numerous organic compounds that can be oxidatively Finally, TiO2 catalysts must be integrated into func- attacked by these species, leading to bacterial cell death tional materials for everyday-​life use — powders and or virus inactivation. It is widely agreed that the mech- thin films that operate in controlled environments are Virus inactivation Umbrella term for processes anism of bacterial cell death caused by TiO2 photoca- far from being easily applied elsewhere. To this end, that lead to a virus becoming talysis begins with the oxidation of the cell membranes these catalysts should be incorporated into fibres that harmless to humans. by hydroxyl radicals that lead to the disruption of the can be used in soft furnishings or as coatings for steel

membrane and subsequent spilling of cytoplasm and or surfaces. TiO2–fabric composites with cotton Virucidal A substance that inactivates genetic material. Further oxidation of these cellular com- and polyester have been reported. Of particular inter- 43,44 a virus through physical ponents accelerates the rate of death . In the case of est is the TiO2–PET composite, in which TiO2 is pres- destruction of the capsid and membrane-​based viruses, (photocatalytic) destruction ent as anatase nanowires and rutile nanorods54. This encapsulation. of this membrane leads to neutralization of the virus composite showed excellent antibacterial properties, particle through virucidal action. ROS can also liberate reaching 100% sterilization of E. coli and S. epidermidis Antiviral (Fig. 1d,e) A substance that inactivates a Fe from Fe–S cages that can damage DNA and after 15 min of visible light irradiation and remarkable virus through inhibiting binding produce radicals through Fenton reactions, which can, antibacterial properties in dark conditions. The anti- or reproduction. again, damage cell membranes45. bacterial activity in the dark was attributed to the strain

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of electrostatic adsorption onto the rough anatase sur- for antipathogenic activity of metal-​containing catalysts. face leading to bacterial death, although a mechanism ROS generation in desirable environments is the key for such adsorption-​stress-​induced cell death was not property for photocatalysts. In this way, materials scien- discussed. The visible light activity was attributed to tists and chemists can focus on optimizing catalysts and nitrogen doping (introduced during synthesis), which functionalized materials with these desired properties,

significantly lowered the TiO2 band gap. This fabric which can then be tested and used by bioscientists in composite was also shown to remove VOCs under ultra- a collaborative manner. Furthermore, some approaches violet (UV) irradiation and showed moderate resistance can be used to tackle both chemical and biological to washing in simulated washing tests. hazards. For example, HKUST-1 is biologically active 2+ Photoactive coatings that feature TiO2 have also been through poisoning by Cu ions and can also degrade prepared using substrates such as glass55, tiles56 and chemical hazards posed by . ROS steel44. These coatings have been prepared mainly using have been shown to oxidize many organic pollutants, sol–gel and dip-​coating methods. Photoactive stainless such as VOCs and warfare agents, like sulfur mustard. steel is of particular interest because of its role in assist- A cotton-based​ fabric functionalized with a β-cyclodextrin​ ing the spread of the recent SARS-​CoV-2 virus. It has was shown to capture organic contaminants been shown that virus particles survive for a number from air and water60. Despite the narrow window of indi- of days on surfaces, as opposed to only vidual research topics, the materials used have a broad hours on surfaces such as cardboard or copper57; there- spectrum of applications and, already, the introduction fore, often-​touched street furniture, such as benches of a couple of these into smart materials would lead to a or pedestrian crossing buttons, can help facilitate the safer society. Finally, it is worth noting that these prod- spread of infection. Coating these objects with a material ucts are already available, demonstrating that these ideas that inactivates viruses could help reduce the likelihood are already becoming a reality. The idea of using con- of future pandemics. ventional textile materials for environmental purposes The functionalized materials presented so far show has inspired the product developers at IKEA to design the potential of Ti-​based photocatalyst composites for indoor air-​purifying curtains that reduce indoor air a safer living and working environment. In , pollutants61 by using -​based photocatalysts that where drug-​resistant bacteria and highly infectious are activated by natural light. Similarly, sportswear com- viruses pose an enormous threat to those most vul- panies are starting to use similar catalysts to keep clothes nerable, functionalized steel surfaces and scrubs man- odour-free​ and fresh.

ufactured from TiO2 composites could help limit the spread by neutralizing these threats before they have Chemical toxins and their remediation the chance to infect. Furthermore, kitchen surfaces Chemical toxin degradation using MOFs made from coated steel and tiles would increase the MOFs are capturing the prime focus of many research- safety of food preparation, whilst self-cleaning​ and anti- ers for the detoxification of CWAs and their simulants62. bacterial curtains and upholstery would lead to cleaner, They offer a promising platform because of their vast higher-​quality living areas. However, the mismatch tunability: the different combinations of metal clusters between indoor light spectra and the absorption spec- and organic allow these materials to be tuned 63 trum of TiO2 urges the development of photocatalyst depending on the application . Many recent reviews materials with similar activity but higher absorption of have been devoted to the activity of MOFs against toxic visible light. chemicals in general, including an in-depth​ description Ti-​based photocatalysts have also been investi- on their role as CWA catalysts64–66. gated in the context of MOFs for the inactivation of the Several catalysts with high activity and selectivity 58 SARS-CoV-2​ virus . Ti-based​ MOF, MIL-125(Ti)–NH2, for the adsorption and/or detoxification of these toxic dispersed on stainless steel was shown to inactive the agents have been explored and, yet, the rate of detoxifi- SARS-​CoV-2 virus when exposed to UV-​C irradiation. cation remains a big challenge. Even though academic An earlier report also highlighted the ability of another research is limited by the danger of conducting experi- Ti–MOF, Ti–TBP, to generate ROS59, demonstrating ments with actual agents, simulants are being exploited, that Ti combined with MOFs can be effective against instead of actual toxins, in many studies to safely but chemical threats, which are described in depth in the accurately mimic the reactivity of these agents. These following sections. simulants are chosen to match the structure of the orig- inal agent as much as possible. However, because the Bridging the gap between biological and materials behaviour of simulants is not always representative of science the real agent and because of the lethal properties We have discussed two mechanisms for the neutraliza- of CWAs, certified laboratories with adequate facilities tion of bacteria and viruses: poisoning through metal and personnel are needed to validate such studies67–69. ions and attack by ROS. By using model compounds or target bonds, new catalysts that can neutralize pathogens Nerve agents and their simulants. -​ through these pathways can be investigated by many based CWAs, when inhaled or come into contact with research groups, not only by those with the capability the skin, the nervous system, hence, they are for biological screening. For example, ability to degrade referred to as nerve agents, and are known to be the Fe–S cages, binding affinity with thiols and asymmetric most lethal of the classic CWAs, having the ability to disulfide bond cleavage could all be used as predictors be fatal within a few minutes70. Nerve agents operate

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a Nerve agents simulants b V agent (VX)

O Hydrolysis O O O N F P N P + F O S O OH HS P P P OH OH O O P O O O O MPA DMMP GB GD O Oxidation O HO P N P + N O S O OH S O O2N O O O P S O N P P G agent (GD) O N O O O HO O F Hydrolysis N P DMNP P O O + HF GA VX O O

Fig. 3 | Degradation pathways of nerve agent simulants. a | Molecular structure of some nerve agents (left) and their simulants (right). b | An example of the hydrolysis and oxidation pathways of V agent venomous agent X (VX) and the hydrolysis products of G agent (GD). DMMP, dimethyl methylphosphonate; DMNP, dimethyl p-nitrophenylphosphate;​ GA, ; GB, ; MPA, methylphosphonic acid.

by inhibiting the enzyme, which Zr-​based UiO-66 was the first system to be investi- breaks down the neurotransmitter , lead- gated for the hydrolysis of the phosphate-​based nerve ing to asphyxiation caused by the hindrance of muscle agent simulant DMNP81. The combination of strong contractions71. G-​series nerve agents, such as tabun Lewis-​acidic Zr(iv) and bridging anions (GA), sarin (GB) and soman (GD), are more volatile in UiO-66 led to the active and selective hydrolysis of

than V-​series agents, mainly venomous agent X (VX). DMNP, with an approximate half-​life (t1/2) of 45 min. 72 The latter is considered the most lethal of CWAs . The Following studies revealed that t1/2 for the DMNP detoxification of nerve agents can be realized through hydrolysis could be decreased by a factor of 10 when either hydrolysis or oxidation73. Some research groups UiO-67 was used in place of UiO-66. UiO-67 has larger have been able to hydrolyse nerve agents and their pores compared with UiO-66 because of the extended simulants with MOFs through bioinspired catalytic length of its linker82. Such minor modification in the routes. However, nerve agents are preferably detoxified catalyst shows the vast improvement in DMNP hydrol- through oxidation because their breakdown through ysis, giving rise to promising application in the fast hydrolysis results in the formation of more toxic prod- degradation of such toxins. This shows that catalyst ucts. Hence, each degradation pathway will depend on modification is important and unique to every applica- the type of nerve agent and is limited by the toxicity of tion. Similarly, Zr-​based MOF-808, UiO-66 and UiO-

some of the intermediates and final products formed 66-NH​ 2 have been shown to be excellent candidates for during degradation73. Nerve agent simulants such as the decomposition of nerve agents, even under high rel- dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), which retains ative humidity83. Building on their previous findings84, similar volatility and polarity properties as sarin, and de Koning and co-​workers have also recently designed dimethyl p-​nitrophenylphosphate (DMNP) are mainly a detection kit for VX-​contaminated surfaces, which used experimentally, because they are safer to handle. uses a combination of the Zr-based​ NU-1000 MOF and However, reported values of tested simulants are often 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-​ nitrobenzoic​ acid) (DTNB)85. inimitable when tested on actual CWA agents, and addi- Realistically, chemical attacks occur in dry or humid tional modifications are often required, owing to unsim- conditions, and toxic substances are released in the gas ilar behaviour of the actual nerve agent to the simulant. instead of buffered solutions, thus, experimental An overview of the degradation pathways of simulants of conditions should be adjusted accordingly when stud- V-series​ and G-series​ nerve agents can be found in Fig. 3. ying the detoxifications of CWAs. Also, the chemical The first MOFs investigated for the detoxification of deployed is often unknown and deadly, hence, CWAs have been Zn-MOF​ 74 and Al-MOF​ 75. More recent the need to quickly detoxify and identify the toxin is studies have focused on Zr(iv)-​based MOFs for the essential in order to control its dispersion and properly hydrolysis of nerve agents and their simulants, as these treat it if exposed to humans. Dual-function​ catalysts are were found to be highly stable at elevated temperatures ideal in such situations and they will be further discussed and at different pH values65,76–78. The hydrolysis reaction is the coming sections. is driven by the Zr(iv) metal node centres that act as strong Lewis acid sites79. The two-​step reaction mech- Blister agents and their simulants. Also known as vesicant anism first involves the nucleophilic addition of OH agents, blister agents were first used during the WWI as groups to the nerve agent, which are coordinated to a Zr a chemical warfare weapon. Upon contact with the skin, metal centre of the MOF. This will lead to the formation eyes, lungs or any other mucous membrane, chemical of a penta-​coordinated phosphorus intermediate. The burns such as large blisters filled with fluid will form on final product, phosphonic acid, is then obtained through the exposed area. These agents fall under three major cat- an elimination step, which also produces hydrofluoric egories: sulfur mustard (HD), also known as acid or isopropanol as final products80. and (HN-1,2,3), oxime (CX)

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and (L)72. In the Iran– war (1980–1988), HD CEES to non-toxic​ products, such as 2-chloroethyl​ ethyl

was used as a . As a result, more than sulfoxide (CEESO), without the formation of CEESO2 100,000 poorly protected people suffered from severe (ref.91). The catalyst was dispersed in methanol and injuries and about one-​third continued to suffer long-​ the solution was purged with oxygen for 20 min. CEES lasting consequences after exposure86. Sulfur mustard was then added using a micro syringe. The detoxifi- acts as an alkylating agent by stopping protein synthesis cation half-​life of CEES was 14 min. Even though this in the body through the inhibition of the transcription of photo-oxidation​ reaction was a success, one should keep DNA into RNA. These toxins are characterized by their in mind that HD is less soluble in methanol compared yellowish colour and strong odour, and are often released with CEES. Hydrophobic MOFs are preferred for cap- through bombs, explosives, rockets or spray tanks. Even turing hydrophobic sulfur mustard and its simulants. though blister agents are less vigorous than nerve agents, However, ideally speaking, an amphiphilic catalyst is signs of injury may not directly appear after exposure. preferred, as these chemicals are used in dry as well as It might take several hours and sometimes days, depending humid conditions. on the exposure concentration87. An extensive amount of research has been done on Chemical toxins degradation by dual-​function MOFs the capture or degradation of mustard gas. Catalytic HD Bifunctional MOFs for the detoxification of chem- detoxification through hydrolysis is one of the proposed ical toxins are ideal when the type of chemical attack approaches. However, this can be limited by the forma- is unknown, which is often the case. Because differ- tion of toxic by-​products, such as HCl, that inhibit the ent agents react differently to the same degradation catalyst during degradation. Such a restraint may lead route, improvements have been made in designing to incomplete degradation of HD and the formation dual-​function catalysts that can simultaneously detox- of dangerous side products. Furthermore, the surface of ify nerve agents and blister agents. Dual-​function MOF HD droplets can be coated by products formed during catalysts have been explored on CWA simulants. hydrolysis, leading to a delay in further HD dissolution87. Nanoporphyrin-​based Zr(iv)–MOFs were used for A more promising route is the oxidation of HD to the simultaneous detoxification of nerve agent simu- sulfoxide. However, a selective oxidation is needed lant DMNP and mustard gas simulant CEES at room to control the formation of undesired products. The temperature92 (Fig. 5). The degradation of the simu- over-​oxidation of HD (Fig. 4) leads to the formation of lants occurred under visible (blue LED) irradiation bis(2-chloroethyl)​ sulfoxide (SO), which bears one oxy- through the simultaneous hydrolysis of DMNP and

gen and is considered benign, and bis(2-​chloroethyl) oxidation of CEES (t1/2 of 8 and 12 min, respectively).

sulfone (SO2), which has similar blistering proper- This versatile MOF features Zr6 nodes combined with ties as mustard gas88. Effective simulants for HD are photoactive porphyrin linkers. Such structure enables 2-​chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES), 2-​chloroethyl ethyl a phosphotriesterase-​like activity, which is fundamen- ether (CEEE) and 2-chloroethylphenyl​ sulfide (CEPS)89. tal for the hydrolysis of organophosphate, and the These simulants have been used in many preliminary photoactive porphyrin linkers enable the oxidation of experimental studies for security reasons and usage sulfur-​containing substances. Such a system is useful restrictions of the HD agent90. for CWA spills or detoxification of stockpiles, but it is Nanoporphyrin-​based MOFs (Por-​MOFs), com- inconvenient for fast on-site​ detoxification. bined with blue light-emitting​ diode (LED) irradiation, Ten different Zr-​based MOFs with distinct surface were used to selectively decompose the HD simulant area to pore volume ratio, secondary building unit connectivity and open metal sites have been used to investigate the influence of topology on the capture and Mustard gas (HD) degradation rate of GB, a nerve agent simulant, S and CEES, a simulant93. Breakthrough Cl Cl experiments and dose-​extraction tests were compared Oxidation Hydrolysis Dehydrogenation for all ten MOFs. The results show that higher load- O ings of GB and CEES were obtained for catalysts with S S the largest surface areas and pore volumes. This can be S HO OH Cl CH2 Cl Cl explained by the facile diffusion of the molecule into the + + + MOF. In humid conditions, water molecules interact O with the active site, leading to fewer available active sites S 2 HCl HCl Cl Cl for CEES to bind to the secondary building unit. In both O humid and dry conditions, NU-1000 showed the lowest desorption amount of CEES. The micropores of UiO-66 HD simulants S may have limited the diffusion of GB, which led to a S O Cl Cl Cl smaller desorption percentage. Such a study shows that some MOFs are ideal for decontamination purposes, CEES CEEE CEPS while others fit best filtration applications. Therefore, a careful selection of linker or node functionalization can Fig. 4 | Mustard gas and its simulants. The different catalytic degradation pathways of help to effectively capture hydrophobic molecules, such sulfur mustard (HD) and the molecular structure of some HD simulants. CEEE, 2-chloroethyl​ as CEES, and simultaneously hydrolyse nerve agents ethyl ether; CEES, 2-chloroethyl​ ethyl sulfide; CEPS, 2-​chloroethylphenyl sulfide. (which requires water).

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Toxic Non-toxic pollutants. More relevant examples and recent studies on the use of MOFs on textiles for the detoxification O S O of CWAs are discussed in the following sections. It is Cl S + Cl S CEES O worth mentioning that the detoxification during an attack may need to be handled differently in different O O2N O circumstances, and light-activated​ degradation may not P O2N + P O O always be the preferred protection route. O O O O OH It has traditionally been difficult to bridge the gap DMNP between potential interesting applications of MOFs and their actual use, often because of their poor thermal sta- bility or uncertain stability in aqueous environments. However, we want to stress that this is not the case for all MOFs and that these materials should not be discarded too easily. In the following section, we set out to discuss Light source how these materials can also be manipulated and applied Buffer solution in different ways to suit the numerous applications in MOF catalyst CWA degradation. We do this by discussing also the unique challenges presented by CWA degradation in different situations. Treating a barrel of CWA found in a Fig. 5 | Dual transformation of chemical toxins. The dual transformation of chemical warfare agent simulants (red) 2-​chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES) and dimethyl stockpile is very different than safeguarding against the p-nitrophenylphosphate (DMNP) to non-toxic​ oxidative and hydrolytic products, same molecule when airborne during an attack. As such, respectively (green), through a MOF-​catalyzed dual reaction. The degradation of CEES we look at three broad scenarios: destruction of stock- and DMNP occurs under visible irradiation (light source) through the simultaneous piles, protection in the event of an attack and decon- hydrolysis of DMNP and oxidation of CEES. MOF, metal–organic framework. tamination of land and surfaces after an attack. In the context of each of these situations, we discuss how MOFs have been applied to tackle these situations, how this can As has been discussed thus far, MOFs offer an incred- be built upon in the future and their unique challenges. ibly cheap, versatile and active solution to degrade or adsorb CWAs. However, there is a huge gap between Destruction of stockpiles of chemical toxins. As of 31st showing their activity in a test tube or in a small-scale​ lab December 2019, the OPCW states that 193 countries experiment versus taking them into a war zone for active (accounting for 98% of the world’s population) are com- use. For the latter application, the powder-​form MOF mitted to the Chemical Weapons Convention and that are far from ideal and they must be adapted 97% of chemical weapons stockpiles declared by these to be suitable for any desired application. The follow- countries have been verifiably destroyed. That is over ing section summarizes the most recent development 70,000 metric tons of chemical agents destroyed with a in the application of MOFs on textiles for actual use in little over 2,000 metric tons yet to be destroyed. Despite war zones. their abundance, the destruction of stockpiles probably presents the least amount of challenge. Although much Chemical toxins degradation by textile–MOF progress has been made in their destruction, research composites is ongoing to find safer and more efficient ways to We previously mentioned the examples that prove render them unusable. One such method is the use of the concept of textiles as detoxication materials, such MOF-​loaded cellulose sponges for the degradation 95 as indoor air-​purifying curtains. Similar studies have of a nerve agent simulant . In this case, UiO-66-​NH2 been conducted on CWA simulants and have shown was synthesized onto a highly porous cellulose sponge that catalysts integrated into fabric are more effective through chemical crosslink of the powder form of the than their isolated powder form94. These results have MOF. The detoxification of DMNP was relatively fast,

been corroborated by the study of Al–porphyrin-based​ with t1/2 < 9 min. Despite these promising results, nerve MOF (Al-PMOF)​ powder and Al-PMOF​ integrated into agent simulants do not always behave similarly to the polypropylene (PP) fibre composite (PP@Al-PMOF)​ for actual agent. Therefore, a more recent technique has

the photo-​oxidation of CEES under O2 and LED irradi- been proposed in which a Zr-​based MOF immobilized ation. MOFs’ linkers containing photosensitive groups on a sponge was used for stockpile degradation96. This were used to achieve a fast degradation of CEES, with functionalized material facilitates the rapid neutral-

t1/2 of 16 and 4 min for the powder form and PP@Al– ization of VX barrels through immobilization of the PMOF, respectively94. CEES was degraded only under agent, followed by hydrolysis. A 0.68 mol% loading of irradiation, which indicates that such technology could MOF-808 (relative to VX) was shown to degrade VX in

be promising if integrated in everyday textiles for the the presence of water, with t1/2 < 1 h. This approach seems detoxification of the surrounding environment from to be promising for bulk absorption and will definitely CWAs. The concept behind such applications should be ease the decontamination process of CWA stockpiles incorporated on other textiles, such as clothes for per- and spills. sonal protective equipment (PPE), blankets, Despite an estimated 97% of stockpiles being destroyed, multipurpose cleaning wipes and so on, to limit primary chemical weapons attacks are still a threat and continue and prevent secondary exposures to toxic chemicals and to be used despite their prohibition, taking countless

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a b c d

Fig. 6 | The four different types of personal protective equipment categories. Classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). a | Suit used to protect from unknown agents that offers maximal protection. b | Suit used for high respiratory protection that does not offer complete skin protection. c | A splash suit that features an air-purifying​ . d | The common work uniform used by medical personnel.

lives. Therefore, it is paramount that, as well as using degrade CWAs has mainly focused on the UiO-66 fam-

MOFs to destroy stockpiles, we find applications that ily (including UiO-67 and UiO-66-​NH2) discussed ear- can protect those most vulnerable to attack. lier and attempts to incorporate these into fabrics and membranes to create functionalized protective clothing Functionalized protective clothing against attacks with to withstand chemical attack. There have been numer- chemical toxins. The US Environmental Protection ous methods by which MOFs have been introduced into Agency (EPA) classifies PPE in four different levels97 fibres or fabrics, including electrospinning, atomic layer (Fig. 6). Level A PPE is mainly used to protect from deposition combined with solvothermal preparation unknown agents and offers maximal protection. This and post-​synthetic polymerization (PSP). Illustrations includes a self-​contained breathing apparatus and a of these, examples of the materials that can be prepared chemical-​resistant suit. Level B PPE is used when the and their catalytic performance compared with regular agent poses high respiratory risks and not as much skin fabrics are shown in Fig. 7. For an in-​depth summary protection is needed. A splash suit is used as level C PPE of these methods and their use, we direct the interested for the same skin protection level as in B, but an air-​ reader to recent, comprehensive reviews by Phadatare purifying respirator is used instead of a self-​contained and Kandasubramanian99 and Ma and co-​workers100. breathing apparatus. Level D is the common work A MOF–fabric composite is prepared by first deposit- uniform used by medical personnel. ing a layer of metal oxide on the fibre using atomic layer MOFs have been widely used in various forms deposition, followed by MOF growth using solvother- of PPE, including masks, membranes and fabrics98. mal methods (Fig. 7a). This approach has been used to 94 Furthermore, two types of MOF-​functionalized fab- grow PMOF on an Al2O3 layer deposited on PP and

rics have been explored: those that chemically degrade to grow UiO-67 on a TiO2 layer deposited on polyamide-6 the CWA and those that merely stop contact, either by (PA-6)101 (Fig. 7b). PP itself has no activity towards CWAs adsorption or repulsion94,99–104. Most desirable is a fab- (Fig. 7c). However when prepared as a composite fibre

ric that can both absorb and degrade CWAs in a suit- with Al2O3 and PMOF, it selectively converts 100% of the able timescale. Materials that simply repel or shed the sulfur mustard simulant CEES to the non-toxic​ CEESO CWA are the less desirable because of the persistence within 20 mins. The same DMNP hydrolysis rates

of CWAs in the environment, which we discuss in more were reported for UiO-67 in the PA-6@TiO2@UiO-67 detail later. composite and UiO-67 in powder form (Fig.7d). A process for the decontamination of military nerve Fast protection was also observed by spray coating a and blister agents was patented by Cowsar and col- MOF–polymer hybrid catalyst onto a nylon and cotton leagues in 1988. The process involves the oxidation of blended fibre (Nyco fibre)102. However, this technique can these agents to non-​toxic products with gaseous only be applied to amine-​terminated through or dioxide through direct contact of the con- PSP that leads to the formation of a thiourea bond, taminated items, such as clothing. The decontamination thus, resulting in UiO-66–isothiocyanate polythiourea takes a few minutes and does not affect the quality or (UiO-66–NCS-​PTU) (Fig. 7e,f). Although the catalytic the composition of the fabric98. However, several ways activity of this MOF–fibre composite was maintained, the have later emerged to detoxify toxins from textiles94,99–104. hydrolysis rate of DMNP through thiourea MOF was four The application of MOFs to create PPE with the aim to times slower compared with UiO-66–NCS102 (Fig. 7g).

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Electrospinning is another approach for the prepa- MOF. This was attributed to the clustering of crystals on ration of MOF–fibre composites, by which an electri- the composite and illustrates one of the great challenges cal charge is used to draw polymer droplets into fibres in functionalizing such MOFs, namely, the limited diffu- (Fig. 7h). This approach was used to prepare a UiO-66-​ sion of the agent within the pores of the MOF–fibre com-

NH2 matrix with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), dub- posite. Remarkably, when MOFabric was tested for GD bing the resultant fabric MOFabric105. This fabric was degradation, the composite with higher loadings of MOF

tested for the degradation of both DMNP (VX simulant) (19–33%, t1/2 = 161–131 min) resulted in being more

and GD. Although MOFabric was active for the degra- active than the powdered MOF (t1/2 = 315 min). This was dation of DMNP and its activity scaled with MOF load- attributed to the low surface energy of PVDF that aids ing, none of the composites were as active as the powder dispersibility of GD through the fibre. These promising a b c d Metal Metal–organic 100 100 Fibre oxide framework 80 80 60 60 sion (%) sion (%) e r e r 40 40

Con v 4μm 1μm Con v 20 20 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min) PP@Al-PMOF Al-PMOF UiO-67 powder (0.7 mol%) (0.2mol%) PA-6@TiO2@UiO-67 H2TCPP PP@Al2O3 (0.8 mol%) (0 mol%) e f g UiO-66 Nyco NCS Nyco PTU Nyco UiO-66–PTU PSP Nyco UiO-66–PTU Post wash Jeffamine Nyco UiO-66– T3000 NCS-PTU Nyco UiO-66– Post wash NCS-PTU 0 50 500 μm 500 μm 500 μm 500 μm 100 150 200 250 300 350 Hydrolysis rate, k (×10−6 mM s–1) h i j High-voltage 100 power supply MOF 80 solution 2 µm 2 µm 60 sion (%)

+ + e r 40 + + Jet + + 2µm 1µm Con v 20 + + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + 0 50 100 150 200 250 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Fibrous Reaction time (min) mat 1 µm 1 µm PVDF–Ti(OH)4–UiO-66 PVDF–Ti(OH)4–UiO-66–TEA PVDF–UiO-66


Fig. 7 | Methods of incorporating metal–organic frameworks into fabric. polythiourea (PTU) on Nyco, UiO-66–PTU on Nyco and UiO-66–NCS-​PTU Three different techniques are used to functionalize fibres with metal– on Nyco. Bottom: corresponding SEM images102. g | DMNP hydrolysis organic frameworks (MOFs): atomic layer deposition (ALD), post-synthetic​ rates before and after conducting the wash simulation102. polymerization (PSP) and electrospinning. a | ALD. b | Scanning electron h | Electrospinning. i | SEM images of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)– 94 microscope (SEM) images of Al-​based polypropylene–MOF (left) and Ti(OH)4–UiO-66–triethanolamine (TEA) (top left and right), PVDF–Ti(OH)4– 101 103 Ti-​based MOF, polyamide (PA)-6@TiO2@UiO-67 (ref. ) (right) obtained UiO-66 (middle left and right) and PVDF–Ti(OH)4 (bottom left and right) . through ALD. c | Oxidation profiles of 2-chloroethyl​ ethyl sulfide (CEES) to j | Conversion of soman with PVDF composite samples103. NCS, 2-​chloroethyl ethyl sulfoxide (CEESO) — conversion over time — using isothiocyanate; PMOF, porphyrin-​based MOF. Parts b (left) and c adapted various photocatalysts94. d | Conversion of dimethyl p-nitrophenylphosphate​ with permission from ref.94, Elsevier. Parts b (right) and d adapted with (DMNP) versus reaction time using MOF powder and MOF–fabric101. e | PSP. permission from ref.101, Wiley. Parts f and g adapted with permission from f | Top: optical images of swatches of Nyco fibres (left to right): pure Nyco, ref.102, Wiley. Parts i and j adapted with permission from ref.103, ACS.

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a UiO-66 UiO-66-AM6 b Composite hydrolysis rate, k (×10−6 mM s–1) 0 10 20 30 40 50

PA-66 Composite O MOF PA-66@ HN UiO-66

PA-66@ UiO-66-AM6 UiO-66-AM6COOH UiO-66-NH2

OH PA-66@ UiO-66-AM6COOH O PA-66@ O UiO-66-NH 2

NH H2N 0 40 80 120 160 200 MOF hydrolysis rate, k (×10−6 mM s–1)

Fig. 8 | Metal–organic framework–nylon composites. a | Different metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) used for post-synthetic​ polymerization in nylon (PA-66) composites. b | Hydrolysis degradation rate of dimethyl p-​nitrophenylphosphate by MOF powders and PA-66–MOF composites (measured by an ultraviolet–visible absorption at 407 nm). Adapted with permission from ref.107, Wiley.

results show that it can be possible to produce PPE that They prepared a MOF@silk composite by spraying a can degrade CWAs. However, much shorter degradation methanolic solution of LiOtBu–MOF onto silk fibroin times are needed in order to guarantee sufficient protec- fibres and reported that DIFP, DMMP and CEES in con- tion. Therefore, further research in this topic has focused tact with this composite exhibited half-lives​ of 20, 50 and on the introduction of other additives to MOF compos- 8 min, respectively. ites to increase activity. UiO-66 was also deposited on More recently, UiO-66 MOFs were used to prepare both polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and PMMA– a nylon–MOF composite through PSP for the break- 107 Ti(OH)4 and tested for the degradation of DMNP. In this down of DMNP . Nylon 6,6 is a polyamide polymer work, it was shown that the composite outperformed the (PA-66) especially used in high-​durability textiles and powdered MOF, which was attributed to the increased many plastic industries. The results show that the rate dispersion of the MOF within the fibre, overcoming of DMNP degradation is almost three times higher for the diffusion limitations. This work also showed that the UiO-66 and UiO-66-​AM6 powders compared with

inclusion of Ti(OH)4 decreases the half-​life of DMNP UiO-66-​AM6COOH and UiO-66-​NH2. However, the even further, 29 versus 72 min compared with the incorporation of these MOFs into PA-66 composites PMMA–UiO-66 composite, and this was suggested to also showed some promising results, with PA-66–

arise from the presence of both acidic and basic sites UiO-66-​NH2 showing much higher activity compared (ref.106) in the Ti(OH)4 . In a similar way, UiO-66 was with other cases in which UiO-66 is non-​covalently also added to a polymer solution and then incorporated incorporated into PA-66 (Fig. 8). Although these materi- 103 to obtain the PVDF–Ti(OH)4–UiO-66 composite als lose their catalytic activity after four cycles, these pre- (Fig. 7i). This MOF–fibre compound resulted in being liminary results are encouraging and the performances more active than PVDF functionalized with the indi- of these materials will need to be tested when engineered vidual components103 (Fig. 7j). Triethanolamine (TEA) into textiles. was also used to create a self-​buffering, basic compos- Similarly, a 2D water-​stable Cu–tetrakis ite similar to the buffered solutions in which simulant (4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin­ (TCPP) MOF with both tests are performed. However, only the degradation of polar and apolar characteristics and controlled the simulant required the addition of TEA. When this arrangement was deposited on PP fibre108. This specific MOF–fibre composite was tested for the degradation MOF can capture water-​immiscible toxins that are pres- of soman, higher activity was reported in the absence of ent in humid conditions, as well as polar toxins, owing to TEA. This was attributed to the difference in P–F bond the presence of both hydrophobic porphyrin linkers and strength between the simulant and the agent. open coordination sites. The CEES uptake of the MOF One of the first examples of modified UiO-66 com- under both humid (80% relative humidity) and dry con- posites for the degradation of CWAs was proposed by ditions was about 3 mol kg−1. The growth mechanism of López-Maya​ and co-workers,​ who enhanced the activity the MOF on the fibre was not affected when submerged of UiO-66 by the insertion of LiOtBu and investigated in water for 17 h at 25 °C and Cu–TCPP maintained this for both nerve agent simulants (diisopropyl phos- its original 2D structure, even after water treatment108. phorofluoridate (DIFP) and DMMP) and blister agent The uptake of polar molecule increases when the water simulants (CEES)104. It was shown that the insertion of uptake is higher because of the enhanced intermolec- alkoxide increases the hydrolysis for all three ular bonding between the polar molecule typical CWA bonds investigated: P–F, P–O and C–Cl. and the water film109. However, the water uptake of

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the Cu–TCPP–fibre composite was found to be double volume and ability to adsorb CWAs or they have been compared with that of MOF in its powder form. treated in such a way to create superhydrophobic sur- Another MOF that has been widely investigated faces that repel CWAs. While these are useful for the for such applications is MOF-808, with the pioneer- protection of the wearer, they are less desirable than ing work of Omar Farha and colleagues leading to a materials that degrade CWAs, as the persistent threat of spin-out​ company NuMat Technologies, which has suc- the CWA remains. cessfully designed uniforms to absorb nerve agents110. Military PPE is normally tested to check if the fab- NuMat is working with the US Army to produce PPE ric can withstand CWAs. An Aerosol Vapour Liquid that also destroys CWAs110. Their first attempt to deposit Assessment Group (AVLAG) test cell is used to meas- MOF-808 coatings on polyester fibres for the capture of ure the level of CWA permeation through the fabric. CEES and hydrolysis of GD was based on a three-​phase For example, the permeation of HD and GD through

growth mechanism that enabled a uniform coverage UiO-66-NH2 deposited on cotton fibres (16 and of the fibre111. A comparison of the activity of UiO-66- ​ 5 μg cm−2 for HD and GD, respectively) resulted to be

NH2–fibre and MOF-808–fibre showed that the latter is substantially hindered compared with pure cotton ten times faster in the degradation of DMNP, owing to fibres (184 and 120 μg cm−2 for HD and GD, respec- the more open Zr sites available for the reaction. Based tively)114. Even though previously discussed studies

on these findings, Farha and colleagues managed to have shown that UiO-66-​NH2 can degrade CWA sim- incorporate MOF-808 onto polyethylenimine (PEI) fibre ulants, amine-​functionalized MOFs tend to behave by simply mixing the MOF powder with ground PEI differently when in powder form or when integrated in particles in a solution112. These textile materials main- fabric material. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these tained their catalytic activity and resisted real-life​ atmos- MOF-​modified cotton fibres need to be tested in var-

pheric conditions, such as humidity, atmospheric CO2, ious climate conditions. Another cotton-​fibre-​based heavy contaminants (such as octane) and sweat112. While textile has been proposed for the simultaneous adsorp- most research has been focused on UiO-​MOFs for the tion, sensing through a gradual visible colour change degradation of CWAs and their simulants, more com- and degradation of the nerve agent simulant dimethyl parative studies are needed to verify the effectiveness of chlorophosphate (DMCP). This smart textile consists such catalysts compared with other MOFs. of a combination of HKUST-1, a Cu-​based MOF and A bio-​inspired fabric using polydopamine (PDA) graphitic carbon nitride in its oxidized form (gCNox),

as a mediating layer between UiO-66-​NH2 and PA-6 which resulted in a nanocomposite (MOFgCNox). The nanofibres for the degradation of DMNP has also high dispersion of the MOF crystals within the textile been proposed. This self-​detoxifying filter membrane and the addition of gCN promotes the activity of copper can photothermally degrade DMNP when irradiated centres, allowing the adsorption of almost 7 g of DMCP (ref.113) under simulated solar light, with t1/2 = 0.5 min . per gram of Cu. However, the morphology of the textile This shows that scientific research is making progress changed after three days of DMCP exposure115. towards eco-friendly​ solutions to fight CWAs. Still, such Although materials for the CWA absorption and improvements are not fully applicable to the designing repulsion serve a great purpose and any material that of textiles for PPE when we consider other environ- can safeguard the public against such attacks is a suc- mental conditions, such as in the absence of simulated cess, they suffer from some key drawbacks. The first is solar light. that they do not degrade CWAs, and, as a result, these Even though these results sound promising, there are dangerous molecules remain present. In the case of downsides to the use of simulants instead of the actual superhydrophobic materials, although the wearer is pro- agents. Simulants are very suitable for experiments, tected, CWAs will still end up running off onto surfaces because they are safer to work with and, at the same time, or land. The persistence of such chemicals in the envi- tend to mimic the behaviour of the actual agent. How­ ronment is addressed in the next section, but this then ever, they often degrade faster than the actual agent in requires a secondary effort to remove or degrade these similar conditions. There are still a few unanswered chemicals and, until removal, secondary exposure to questions concerning the long-​term performance and such hazards may occur. The second downfall is one that the effectiveness of catalytically embedded fabric for PPE has been discussed throughout this article, which is the if they are constantly being exposed to such toxic chem- issue of reusability. Once a fabric is full of CWA, it will icals. We assume that the duration of exposure, the type need to be sent for thorough decontamination to remove and the concentration of the warfare agents will have a or deactivate the CWA or there will need to be a special major effect on the fabric or the material of construction destruction procedure for such materials. Therefore, we of PPE. Still, previously mentioned findings are crucial argue that, although these materials have a vital role in steps towards the efficient implementation of MOFs in protecting vulnerable populations against attack, they protective gear. have limitations and are inferior to those materials that Class B PPE against CWAs are protective gear actively degrade the warfare agents whilst protecting that repel CWAs but do not degrade them to safer the wearer. by-​products through routes such as hydrolysis. These adsorbants share many similarities to those discussed Decontamination of land and surfaces after an attack above, in that they are often based on MOFs grown on with chemical toxins. We previously mentioned the similar fibres or fabrics. The difference is that these mate- extant danger of secondary exposure of toxic com- rials either exploit the MOF’s incredible microporous pounds on humans. In addition, animals and wildlife

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are also susceptible to certain forms of deadly agents. means that threat to humans and animals still exists long Specifically, domestic animals that live in proximity to after an attack has happened. A recent example of how human populations are affected by the same kind of persistent and dangerous organophosphate-​based nerve threat. Maintaining a clean wildlife for a healthy food agents are after an attack can be seen after the Novichok source as well as materials for garments and other attack in Salisbury, UK, where an attending officer necessities is crucial116,117. fell seriously ill and 48 other members of the public were Organophosphates in particular are incredibly per- assessed in hospital over the following days120. In this sistent in the environment, and their adsorption is often situation, there are two types of material that would be irreversible with a half-life​ of several years118. , needed: wipes active for CWA degradation to clean sur- for example, is an organophosphate compound that acts faces and devices for removing persistent nerve agents 119 as an and has a t1/2 of 16 years in . This from land and soil. Recent work has focused on using

Table 1 | Most recent applications of metal–organic frameworks-embedded​ textiles for the detoxification of some nerve agents and their simulants, and the blister agent simulant 2-chloroethyl​ ethyl sulfide

Target moiety Catalyst Composites Reaction type t1/2 Remarks Nerve agents and their simulants UiO-66 Polymethyl methacrylate Hydrolysis 29 min O2N PMMA–UiO-66 t1/2 = 72 min O (PMMA)/Ti(OH) (ref.106) 4 PMMA–Ti(OH) sample without P 4 O O UiO-66: no degradation O 105 UiO-66-​NH2 Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 12 min With 33 % mass loadings of MOF DMNP GPTMS-​modified cellulose < 9 min – sponge95 Polyamide (PA-​Nylon)107 Rate k, An order of magnitude more 35 × 10-6 mM s−1 active than the non-covalently​ incorporated composites Amidoxime-​modified polymers 84% in 48 h Reaction in basic buffer solution of intrinsic microporosity (PIM)123 Polypropylene124 <5 min MOF mass loading 30% Graphene oxide fabric125 3.4 min 27.7% mass loadings of MOF Polyamide nanofibres113 Photocatalysis 1.6 min Simulated solar light irradiation 0.5 min Simulated solar light MOF-808 Polyester111 Hydrolysis 0.5 min MOF mass loading 6.5% Polyethylenimine (PEI)112 24 min MOF mass loading 12%, RH = 50% UiO-66 PVDF103 Hydrolysis 35 min TEA added to composite to give alkaline buffering environment

105 F UiO-66-​NH2 PVDF 131 min MOF mass loading <13%, P t1/2 > 20 h O O UiO-67 Polyamide-6 (PA-6)101 2.3 min MOF mass loading 15.4% GD MOF-808 Polyester111 2 min MOF mass loading 6.5% PEI112 12 min Mass loading of 12%, RH = 50% 96 MOF-808 Polystyrene monolith Hydrolysis <1 h (in excess Ambient humidity (t1/2 ∼7 days) S O water) N P O

VX Blister agent simulant

94 S Al-​PMOF Polypropylene Photo-oxidation​ 4 min Photo-​oxidation under O2 and Cl light-emitting​ diode irradiation UiO-66-LiO​ tBu Silk fibroin fibres104 Hydrolysis 8 min CEES in MeOH 2D Cu–TCPP Polypropylene fibre106 Adsorption ∼3 mol kg−1 Dynamic loading in wet and dry MOF conditions ZIF-8/ZIF-67 Cotton121 95% adsorbed at 25 °C in a 9:1 (v/v) water– within 1 min ethanol solution CEES, 2-chloroethyl​ ethyl sulfide; DMNP, dimethyl p-nitrophenylphosphate;​ GD, soman; GPTMS, γ-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane;​ MOF, metal–organic framework; PMOF, porphyrin-based​ MOF; RH, relative humidity; t1/2, half-life;​ TCPP, tetrakis(4-​carboxyphenyl)porphyrin; TEA, triethanolamine; VX, venomous agent X; ZIF, zeolitic imidazolate framework.

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Spanish flu COVID-19

WWI WWII chemical Sarin Destruction of Black Death development chemical weapons

1350 1600 1900 2020

Bird mask First Medical Air Chemical face mask purification neutralizers

Fig. 9 | Timeline. This timeline summarizes some notable catastrophic events, the progress of protective equipment and presents a perspective on the future with fabrics and surfaces functionalized with chemical neutralizers that can self-detoxify​ biological and chemical toxins. WWI, ; WWII, World War II.

zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), a subclass of was observed against both gram-positive​ (S. aureus) and MOF with zeolitic topology, for the removal of blister gram-negative​ (E. coli) bacteria on CaO-​functionalized agent simulant CEES and actual blister agent HD121. The flax fabric. This example shows that, whether the cat- specific ZIFs chosen (for example, ZIF-8 and ZIF-67) alyst material is a MOF or any other porous material, showed remarkable uptake and were subsequently inte- certain limitations are expected for each application. The grated onto cotton wipes. It was shown that the wipes ultimate goal is to be able to design a functional porous perform better under higher of water material that can detoxify both chemical and biological (in a 9:1 (v/v) water–ethanol solution) and can remove toxins in a fast and reliable manner. 95% of CEES within one minute. One of the downsides Recent research has shown that MOFs offer an active of this approach is that these wipes do not degrade HD, and promising solution to degrade CWAs. However, merely adsorb it. However they are reusable and were the activity of these porous materials in a test tube or a demonstrated to recover 95–100% capacity after cen- small-scale​ lab experiment is often quite different from trifuging in acetonitrile. This is promising, as it gives a taking these into a war zone for active use. Zr-​based pathway by which the site of an attack may be quickly MOFs show promise for efficient degradation of CWAs and safely decontaminated, with the HD being destroyed and their simulants. From the examples discussed in this at a secondary location. Review, we realize that a good catalytic performance of Table 1 summarizes the most recent advancements MOFs lies in increasing pore volume, by creating defects on the incorporation of MOFs in textiles for the deg- that arise from decreasing connectivity. Furthermore, radation of CWAs and their simulants, with the target MOF–textile composites are still challenging to design moiety being the main focus of such application. and to maintain for long-term​ uses. However, scientific progress is being made on these aspects and more is to Conclusions and perspective be expected in the near future. The timeline in Fig. 9 provides a summary of some Yet, bridging the gap between simulant-​based exper- notable events related to the exposure of mankind to iments and real-​world conditions remains a real chal- biological and chemical toxins, including ways for their lenge. Relevant environmental conditions encountered remediation. Ongoing research efforts are really needed on a battlefield should be kept in mind when designing to find reliable and promising solutions to the events proper experimental tests. In addition, the detoxification related to both the unintentional and intentional expo- of toxic agents should be fast and complete decompo- sure to biological and chemical toxins, as recently shown sition is required at ambient conditions. Realistic and by the COVID-19 outbreak. Finding common ground human-friendly​ texture should also be considered when between different types of toxins is essential, as we have designing protective suits and clothing, as these fabrics seen that each application and catalyst material has a will be worn for extended hours. Alongside the need to specific degradation pathway and that activity for one protect against chemical and biological toxins, general type of agent does not guarantee a similar activity for requirements include the following: waterproof, air another. For example, a flax-based​ fabric functionalized permeability, insulation, low weight for easier move- with CaO nanoparticles has been initially synthesized ment and durability. The challenge still lies in design- for the degradation of both organophosphates and anti- ing a multifunctional protective suit that can detoxify bacterial activity122. Despite the positive degradation of both biological and chemical toxins, by simultaneously DMNP under UV irradiation, no antibacterial activity killing pathogens and degrading toxic chemicals in the

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most realistic conditions. A material needs to protect absorbs light in the UV region; therefore, work should primary exposed victims and those who are affected focus towards more efficient absorption of visible light. by secondary exposure. Understanding the limitations As these materials work through the photogeneration of of the catalyst material is important when designing ROS and photoactive porphyrins feature in a number such materials. Realizing functionalized materials that of MOFs active for CWAs, these linkers may provide the will protect against biological hazards faces the same key to a more universal MOF that can provide antipath- challenges. MOFs again present an interesting solution, ogenic protection, as well as clean-​up of pollutants and with their vast tunability. However, their manipulation protection from warfare threats. onto fibres is still challenging and degradation through Finally, we stress the importance of bridging the gap the leaching of metal ions leads to a loss of activity over between materials science and chemical reactivity for the

time. Photocatalysts, such as doped TiO2, appear to offer detoxification of some harmful chemicals and the need the most promising path forward. Not only have these to create proper applications to disinfect common areas been shown to inactivate both bacteria and viruses but or to create surfaces that can self-​detoxify for a safer they can also absorb and degrade harmful chemicals. living and working environment. Clearly, there is a lot Photocatalysts do not rely on a leaching system, so they that chemists can contribute to when materials science is have longer lifetimes and, through doping or forming combined in a clever way with catalysis science. composites, can also exhibit tunable properties such

as band gap and wettability. However, TiO2 mainly Published online 5 May 2021

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120. BBC News Russian spy poisoning: What we know so Acknowledgements Publisher’s note far. BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43315636 This work is part of the Advanced Research Center for Chemical Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional (2018). Building Blocks, ARC CBBC, which is co-founded and claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 121. Son, Y. R., Ryu, S. G. & Kim, H. S. Rapid adsorption co-financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific and removal of sulfur mustard with zeolitic Research (NWO) and the Netherlands Ministry of Economic imidazolate frameworks ZIF-8 and ZIF-67. Affairs and Climate Policy. This work was supported by the Related links Chemical warfare agents: https://www.un.org/disarmament/ Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 293, 109819 Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion wmd/chemical/ (2020). (MCEC), an NWO Gravitation programme funded by the ebola virus disease: https://www.who.int/en/news-​room/ 122. Pereira, J. F., Ferreira, D. P., Pinho, E. & Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the government fact-​sheets/detail/ebola-​virus-​disease Fangueiro, R. Chemical and biological warfare of the Netherlands and the US Army Research Office (ARO), NuMat Technologies: https://www.numat-​tech.com/ protection and self-decontaminating flax fabrics and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova- OPCw: https://www.opcw.org/media-centre/opcw-numbers based on CaO nanoparticles. Key Eng. Mater. 812, tion programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant OPCw Article iv Chemical weapons: https://www.opcw.org/ 75–83 (2019). agreement no. 801359. The authors thank T. Hartman (Utrecht chemical-​weapons-​convention/articles/article-​iv-​chemical- 123. Jung, D. et al. Reactive porous polymers University) for the graphical illustrations. for detoxification of a chemical warfare agent weapons simulant. Chem. Mater. 32, 9299–9306 OPCw by the numbers: https://www.opcw.org/media-​centre/ Author contributions opcw-​numbers (2020). B.M.W. conceived the theme. C.R.J. and L.A.P. contributed 124. Lee, D. T., Zhao, J., Peterson, G. W. & Parsons, G. N. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2013: https://www.nobelprize.org/ equally to the writing of the manuscript. E.M.H. and B.M.W. con- prizes/peace/2013/press-r​elease/ Catalytic “MOF-​Cloth” formed via directed tributed with insights and discussions. All authors contributed supramolecular assembly of UiO-66-NH The National Center for emerging and Zoonotic infectious 2 data and insights, and discussed and edited the manuscript. crystals on atomic layer deposition-​coated Diseases (NCeZiD) Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases: https:// textiles for rapid degradation of chemical warfare emergency.cdc.gov/agent/agentlist-​category.asp agent simulants. Chem. Mater. 29, 4894–4903 Competing interests Office for Affairs: https:// (2017). The authors declare no competing interests. www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/chemical/ west African ebola outbreak of 2013–2016: https://www. 125. Song, L. et al. Photothermal graphene/UiO-66-NH2 fabrics for ultrafast catalytic degradation of chemical Peer review information who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ebola-virus-disease warfare agent simulants. J. Hazard. Mater. 393, Nature Reviews Chemistry thanks the anonymous reviewers 122332 (2020). for their contribution to the peer review of this work. © Springer Nature Limited 2021, corrected publication 2021

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