Sept. 12, 1933. R. E3, FAGEOL 1,926,274 MULTIWHEEL VEHICLE OF THE TANDEM TYPE Filed April 26 1930 35 Sheets-Sheet lil



t Sept. 12, 1933. R. B. FAGEOL 1,926,274 MULTIWHEEL VEHICLE OF THE TANDEM AXLE TYPE Filed April 26, 1930 3. Sheets-Sheet 2


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rtcly Sept. 12, 1933. R. B. FAGEOL 1,926,274 MULTIWHEEL VEHICLE OF THE TANDEM AXLE TYPE Filed April 26, 1930 3. Sheets-Sheet 3



criteus Patented Sept. 12, 1933 1926,274

UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 1926,274 MIUL IWH IEEL VEHIC LE OF IHE ANDEM AX,E TYPE Rollie B. Fageol, Los Angeles, Calif., assignor, by mesne assignments, to Automotive Engineer ing Corporation, a corporation of Delaware Application April 26, 1930. Serial No. 447,542 11 Claims. (Cl. 180——22) This invention relates to suspension arrange multiwheel spring suspension embodying rela ments for multiwheel Venicles. The invention tively light springs in combination with an addi is particularly concerned with tandem axle com tional set of springs which assists said light binations wherein one of the is dead and Springs Only to support relatively heavy loads or S the other is a drive axle. to resist relatively great road shocks. 60 When multiwheel vehicles, of the type having Another object lies in the provision of means a single drive axle, are driven in substantially un directly associated with a drive axle for increas loaded condition over uneven wet roads, or over ing the traction of the driven under cer soft or slippery ground, it often becomes difficult tain conditions of operation of the vehicle. In this O or impossible to secure sufficient traction for the connection, it is a more specific object to asso 65 driven wheels to move the Vehicle. It is a major ciate a traction spring with the frame and the object of the present invention to remedy this driven axle in Such manner that said spring re situation by providing means associated with sists upward movement of said axle, and may the chassis frame for automatically regulating bear down upon said driven axle with a force in 5 the traction by maintaining the driven wheels in creasing in proportion to increase in distance be 70 effective engagement with the ground under sub tween the frame and the axle. stantially all operating conditions. A further object of the present invention is to Suspension systems for tandem axles must be provide mechanism for neutralizing drag by pre of a requisite fiexibility. Quite often, in Securing venting the axles from shifting in the direction of 20 the necessary flexibility and simplicity of design, their longitudinal axes. 5 the suspensions permit a certain amount of drag Still another object is that of providing a multi on the tiras at times, due to shifting of an axle suspension with a traction regulating de laterally relative to the frame to place the tan vice that may function also as a torque neutral dem wheels slightly out of alignment. This drag ae. 25 may be substantially eliminated by utilizing very It is also an object of this invention to devise a 80 heavy springs. With somewhat rigid axle connec multiwheel vehicle having desirable operating tions, but the gaii is more than offset by the re characteristics under light load as well as when Sulting undesirable riding qualities of the vehi fully loaded. More specifically it is an object to cle when unloaded, and the resulting loss of flexi provide, in a tandem axle combination, a main 30 bility. I prefer to utilize relatively light springs and an auxiliary Suspension, and means for neu 85 to support the vehicle in its unloaded condition tralizing drag and automatically regulating trac in order that it may be driven for great dis tion. tances at high Speeds (when unloaded or lightly A further object resides in the utilization, in a loaded) with comfort and Without Subjecting it trailing axle attachment unit for a standard to destructive shocks and stresses. In order to four-Wheel chassis of a spring suspension con 90 carry out this preferential design, I add a second sisting of the standard springs of the four-wheel set of springs which come into action under pre vehicle unchanged in form but so connected to determined load conditions, and I provide means the drive axle as to distribute more of the load for neutralizing the drag that might otherwise thereon than on the trailing axle. 40 result from the use of the light primary springs. Other objects of my invention will appear from 95 A single device may be effectively utilized to the following detailed description when studied function dually as a drag neutralizer and a trac in connection with the accompanying drawings, in tion regillator, which: From the foregoing discussion it will be seen Figure 1 is a plan view of the rear end of a that great importance has been attached to the multiwheeler, showing a preferred form of my 100 operation and riding characteristics of a multi invention incorporated therein. Wheel road vehicle at such time that the latter Figure 2 is a vertical longitudinal sectional view is unloaded or only lightly loaded; and rightly of the construction disclosed in Figure 1, the sec so, since it is not infrequent in actual practice tion being taken immediately inward of the ad 50 that modern vehicles (especially light ) jacent wheels and with the adjacent side men 105 are driven empty or but lightly loaded during ber of the frame removed. more than fifty per cent of their full operating Figure 3 is a detailed Sectional view taken sub time. Accordingly, Some of the major objects of stantially on the plane indicated by line 3-3 in my invention are as follows: Figure 1. It is an object of this invention to provide a Figure 4 is a partial Section taken on line 4-4, 10

1980.74. 3 of connecting the auxiliary S1S to thereof and to provide a support for the spring trunnion mounting. The forward end of the flat suspension, the following apparatus is added: spring 31 is here clamped into position Ol An an 63, having a ball end 64 universally upper surface of the spring 25 instead of against carried in a spherical socket 65 on a special for the lower surface of spring 26. Spring 31 serves Wardly disposed cross frame member 86, is rigid as a stabilizer, a drag neutralizer (and may serve ly secured between the converging ends of a as a torque rod when the ball hanger 22 is pinned pair of channel beans 67. The diverging ends to the axle) for the rear trailing axle. A trac of the beams 67 carry, adjacent the ends of the tion regulating and drag neutralizing spring, as drive axle, a pair of channeled arms 68 which O in Figure 2, may be added in Figure 5 if desired. are recessed on their lower surfaces, as at 69, In Figure 6 there is shown a modified form of to receive the rectangular portions of the axle spring suspension and a modified type of traction housing that surround the live shaft 71. A short regulating means. The suspension, which per se solid rod 72 is projected into the rear end of each forms no part of the present invention, comprises channeled arm 68, and a U-bolt assembly 74 5 at each side of the frame a single spring beam clamps this rod, the rectangular axle ends and 43 having its forward end pivoted as at 4. On a the arms 68 in locked position with respect to hanger lug 23, its rear end pivoted as at 45 and one another. The rear end of rod 72 carries slidably received within a specially shaped hanger an integral cylindrical extension 73 having lug and bracket 46, and its intermediate portion mounted thereon a bearing and spacing sleeve pivoted upon a transverse trunnion 47 carried by 5. The latter is journaled in a substantially 95 a bracket 48. This suspension is so designed that cylindrical hanger 76 which has a bifurcated the trunnion is closer to the drive axle than to depending portion 77 that carries a pivot bolt the trailing axle, whereby the former supports 8. A washer 79, larger in diameter than the the greater portion of the load that is divided sleeve 75, is drawn against said sleeve and the between the two. A 16 is united extension 73 by a stud bolt 81. The hanger 76 00 with a worm housing 49 carried by the differen thus is free to oscillate upon the surface of the tial housing 15. bearing sleeve 75. A flat-topped bar 51 is rigidly secured upon the The bolt 78 pivotally receives the upper end upper Surface of the Worm housing 49, and upon of a curved shackle 82, the lower end of which 38 the flat top of this bar there is firmly attached, pivotally supports, as at 83, one end of a standard 05 as by stud bolts 52, the heavy end of a cantilever Spring beam 84. This beam 84 is centrally trun leaf Spring 53. The leaves of this spring are nioned upon the frame and connected to the of various lengths and project rearwardly with trailing axle in substantially the same manner the rear end of the longest one connected, as at as Was Spring 25 in Figure 5. The elements 54, to One end of a shackle 55. The opposite 73-83 ine., constitute, in efect, a universal con 0. Shackle end is pivotally pinned at 56 to an eye nection between the spring beam and the drive bolt 57 that Swivels on a horizontal axis through axle to permit freedom of swinging and tilting a cross frame member 58. This shackled and of the latter. These elements, moreover, so co 46 Swiveled connection to the frame permits the operate with the other mechanism that the driven axle to Swing and tilt without binding and, standard spring 84 may be taken from the four 5 when properly designed, may cooperate with the wheel and pivoted at its center and yet Spring to Serve as a drag neutralizer. be adapted to provide a greater distance between The spring 53 preferably has in its normal, un the forward axle and the trunnion than between deflected position, an appreciable concave curva the trailing axle and the trunnion. The differ. ture so that when the frame is Supported on the ence in these distances is indicated at “di”, Fig 120 shackled end thereof to straighten the spring ure 8. In spite of this difference “d', a greater Somewhat (to reduce the Camber) there is a re portion of the load is carried upon the drive axle Sulting downward component upon the driven than on the trailing axle, this resulting from axle to resist rising movement of the latter. This the fact that the load supported upon the sleeve is so, because of the rigid interconnection of the 75 reacts at a distance 'D' to the rear of the 125 spring and axle and the forward conventional driven axle upon the end of a rigid lever (ele connection (not shown) of the torque tube 16 ments 63, 6, 68, 72, 73) that is pivotally full with the frame. Thus the spring 53 always tends Crumed on the frame at 64, 65 and reacting be to secure proper traction for the driven wheels by tween its ends upon the axle housing. It will 5 5 resisting upward Oscillation of the driven axle be observed that the magnitude of “D' deter to cause said driven wheels to hug the road sur mines the proportional distribution of the load face. In the illustrated position the vehicle is upon the tandem axles. under full load, or substantially so. - A traction regulating mechanism substantially In Figures 7 and 8 there is disclosed a fur identical to that of Figures 1-4 is employed in ther modification of the present invention, show Figures 7 and 8, the only difference being that ing the method and apparatus for converting a the stirrup casting 42 has been redesigned to four-wheel vehicle of the Hotchkiss drive (such form a casting 85 adapted to be secured upon as the Willys truck) into a multiwheeler having the differential housing 61 of the Hotchkiss drive 65 a trailing tandem axle. The frame 9 is a built ake 59. up structure similar to that of Figures 1 and 2. The invention may be embodied in other 140 A standard Hotchkiss drive axle 59 and an added Specific forms without departing from the spirit trailing axle 14 are arranged in tandem beneath Or essential characteristics thereof. The present embodiments are therefore to be considered in all the rear extended portion of the frame. The respects as illustrative and not restrictive, the drive axle includes a differential 61 into which Scope of the invention being indicated by the 45 projects a flexible Hotchkiss driving assembly in appended claims rather than by the foregoing dicated generally by the numera 62 (not shown description, and all changes which come within in Figure 8, for convenience and clarity of illus the meaning and range of equivalency of the tration). In order to hold the drive axle in claims are therefore intended to be embraced 5 proper position, to take the torque reactions therein. 150 4. 1,930,974 What claim and desire to secure by United 7. Ins roadvehicle, a frame; a par of tandien States Letters Patent is:- axles arranged beneath one end of said frame; a * 1. In a multwheel road vehicle, a frame; a suspension at each side of said frame. for sup pair of tanden axles, at least one of which is a porting the latter upon said axles, said suspen drive axile, arranged beneath said frame; a sus sons including spring beams pivotally mounted pension system resiliently supporting said frame on a transverse axis; a leaf spring longitudinally upon said axles; and an automatic traction regul disposed centrally of the vehicle frame and rock lating mechanism connected at two points with ably mounted intermediate its ends on a trans the frame and including a spring mounted at one verse axis substantially aligned with the first O end on said frame and directly connected, at its mentioned axis; One end of said spring being con other end, to said drive axle; said tractOn regum nected to the middle of One of said axles and the lating spring being designed and arranged to other end being supported by said frame. resist upward movement of said drive axle. 8. In the combination defined in claim , the 2. In the road vehicle defined in claim 1, means rockably mounted portion of said leaf spring be 15 carried by said frame intermediate the ends of ing held against transverse movement relative to said traction regulating spring to provide a full the vehicle frame. crun for the latter, whereby said traction spring 9. In a vehicle construction, a frame; a set of acts as a resilient lever when the frame and axles tandem axles comprising a drive axle and an idle move vertically relative to one another. axle; disposed at one end of said frame; a sus 3. In the combination set forth in claim 1, pension system, including relatively light springs means for preventing lateral movement of said flexibly connected to the axles for restliently supa traction regulating spring relative to the frame, porting said frame upon said axles; a set of Over whereby said last mentioned means serves as a load springs connected to said frame and associ drag neutralizer for said drive axle. ated with said axles, said overload springs being 25 4. In a multiwheel road vehicle, a frame; a designed to support an appreciable portion of the 100 pair of tandem axles disposed beneath one end load upon said axles Only when said relatively of said frame; a suspension system supporting light suspension springs become deflected a sub said frame upon said tandem axles in a manner stantial predetermined amount; a torque tube permitting the axles to swing during operation assembly for driving said drive axle and stabiliz and to approach the frame upon increase in ing the latter relative to said light springs; and 105 ried load; and traction regulating mechanism drag neutralizing means connected between a connected between said frame and One of said portion of the frame and said idle axle to sta axles; said mechanism including a leaf spring bilize the latter and to resist that movement of directly connected to said one axle and designed said idle axle laterally with respect to the longi to vary the load distribution ratio upon said tan tudinal axis of the frame, which would otherwise 110 dem axles automatically in response to relative be permitted by said light suspension springs, vertical movement between said frame and said 10. In a vehicle construction, a frame; a set of saxles. tandem axles disposed at One end of said frame; a 5. In the combination specified in claim 4, said suspension system, including relatively light 40 leaf spring being arranged longitudinally of the springs for resiliently supporting said frame upon 115 vehicle; and said mechanism including a trans said axles; a set of Overload springs connected to verse member providing a pivotal fulcrum for an said frame and associated with said axles, said internediate portion of said spring, whereby the Overload springs being designed to support an spring acts as a deformable lever when said frame appreciable portion of the load upon said axles and said one of said axles move toward and from only when said relatively light suspension springs 120 each other. become deflected a substantially predetermined 6. In a multi-wheel road vehicle, a chassis amount; and drag neutralizing means connected frame; a pair of tandem axles disposed beneath between a portion of the frame and the center one end of said frame; a suspension at each side of One of Said axles to prevent endwise movement of said frame; each suspension comprising a rela of said one axle laterally with respect to the 12 tively light spring flexibly interconnecting said longitudinal axis of the frame. axles and pivotally mounted on said frame, and 11. In a multi-wheel road vehicle, a frame; a an overload spring swingingly mounted with its set of tandem axles, at least One of which is a ends projecting Over the axles, said springs being drive axile, arranged beneath said frame; a sus 55 so designed that relatively light loads are sup pension system resiliently supporting said frame 130 ported substantially wholly by said light spring upon said axles; and a combined traction regul and that the ends of Said Overload spring react lating and drag neutralizing spring arranged against said axles to Support a portion of the centrally of the vehicle and extending from said load upon material deflection of said light spring; frame to one of said axles; said spring being de means flexibly suspending one end of said light signed to ensure sufficient traction for said drive 135 spring from one of said axles; and a resilient axle as the total load is varied, and to resist stabilizing arm connected to said means and lateral movement of said one of said axles. securely connected with the mid-portion of one of said springs. ROLLE B. FAGEOL. 85 140

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