The specialist in psychiatry and pioneer in neurology H. LUNDBECK A/S LUNDBECK H. ANNUAL REPORT 2007 annual R E PORT PORT 2007 H. Lundbeck A/S Ottiliavej 9 2500 Copenhagen - Valby Denmark Corporate Reporting Tel. +45 36 30 13 11 Fax +45 36 30 19 40 DESTINATION
[email protected] NEXT DECADE CVR nr. 56759913 DESTINATION NEXT DECADE DESTINATION NEXT DECADE Cover photo: Eric Wainwright is a psychiatrist and works as Medical Advisor for Lundbeck Argentina where he is responsible Design: Bysted A/S for education about depression in Argentina and Chile. Annual Report photos: Nicky Bonne and Lars Bech Read about Eric Wainwright and his work in the Print: Quickly Tryk A/S Lundbeck Magazine 2008. March 2008 Lundbeck at a glance H. Lundbeck A/S is an international pharmaceutical company with more than 50 years of experience in research, development, production, marketing and sale of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). The Group employs more than 5,300 employees in 54 countries. ocus on research and Cipralex®/Lexapro® (escitalopram) Ebixa® (memantine) development Cipralex®/Lexapro® for the treatment of de- Ebixa® for the treatment of moderate to F One of Lundbeck’s most important pression and anxiety was launched in 2002 severe Alzheimer’s disease was launched in tasks is to develop new and innovative phar- and is currently the most frequently prescribed 2002 and is marketed in cooperation with maceuticals to help people who suffer from branded antidepressant in Europe and the Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH. Memantine is CNS diseases.