www.uptunotes.com Content: - Special Purpose two terminal Devices: Light-Emitting Diodes, Varactor (Varicap)Diodes, Tunnel Diodes, Liquid-Crystal Displays. 1- Light Emitting Diode (LED) Light Emitting Diode is a photo electronic device which converts electrical energy to light energy. It is heavily doped P-N junction diode which under forward biased emits spontaneous radiation. The diode is covered with a transparent cover so that the emitted light may come out. Construction- In an LED, the upper layer of p-type semiconductor is deposited by diffusion on n-type layer of semiconductor. The metalized contacts are provided for applying the forward bias to the P-N junction diode from battery B through resistance R which controls the brightness of light emitted. Fig: LED construction Working of LED The LED works on the principle of electroluminescence. When a P-N junction is forward biases, the electrons in N- region cross the junction & recombines with holes in P-region. When electrons recombine with the holes, they move from conduction band to valence band which is at lower energy level. While moving, the additional energy is released by the free electrons which appear in the form of light due to the special material used in the LED. The energy released depends on the forbidden gap energy which determines the wavelength & the colour of the emitted light. Materials of LED The materials which are the mixtures of Gallium, Arsenic & Phosphorus are used in LED to obtain different coliour of light. S.No. Material Symbol Colour 1 Gallium Arsenide GaAs Infrared(Invisible) 2 Gallium Phosphide GaP Red or Green 3 Gallium Arsenide Phosphide GaAsP Red or Yellow By: Navneet Pal Email:
[email protected] Page 1 www.uptunotes.com Output Characteristics- The amount of power output translated into light is directly propotional to the forward current If , more forward current If , the greater the output light.