AJ,PHAllF.TICAJ, I,lIlT "F BI RTllq Rer,l n t ~red 1 n lIe1/~. en f or the Yeo.r 1919

·-~------'---~~------B-(-O-on-t-.-) -- r:. - (oont) _c_ (oent.) --P- D'InnooAnze. Paele 11761 , (q.b~ta:jf:·fe"']!,~ii #~~~ Brine. 0onAtlln~e I,ouloe 11812 Ceffin.r.ladya EIAie #549 587 828 DipI1.squ'lle. An tonio 356 I Abbott. ~obert cuoker 586 Bredriok. ~hirlcy norethy r.ognwell. Jehn Alfred Jr ]1i'laatll. Eleanor Angela 324 'I 339 14 Ac~ettullo.Leonllrdo Antoni0696 Rrooka. Arthur'lernllrd Cehen. ~ylvia Beatrioe D1Zaoomo. Mary 480 AdamA. J,I111an FranaeR 474 llrookA. Pl1ul JT 156 cole. Oarl F.dlAen 515 906 Dodge. Gardner Murray 162 Ad'tmo. Rioho.rd Phillip 450 Brothera. Alioe Josephine Cole. Esther Winifred 291 Dedge. lIatlllie 373 Adoook.r,eerge Vlll11am 75 BreNn. Ann Hayward 684 Coleman. J.ouine 400 Dehorty. Jumeo Frllnois 235 \ Al'.l'y, 1lar.dy Rmith 209 Bro'"n. AUDtln CowleD .Tr 438 Collelli. Maria Oonatanza 27 Delan. James Anthony 129 ~Ahllronian. Sara" 385,. -own. Chllrlee Frederiek h 891 Celline. Anna Margaret 83 Donahue. William Hareld 300 Albllno. '!'rnnk .ToBoph 795:!h own. ~or""lia 1'I00ttan 831 Collins. Elaie 136 Donlan. Edward 62 Allp.~. o,h~rlee 7heo~ ere 554 Bro'lln. nore 'hy Leuine 434 Cellin". Riohard 629 Donnelly. :tildred Virginia 641 Allen.,Teremla;' !!ervln Jr 925 Bre'lln. ;furiel Fnrn~'IIorth 318 celllns. Virginia 33 Dorney. William Andre'll Jr 145 796 A11M. lIoel 807 Bre'lIn, Peter Crosby Cellins. Will lam Henry 451 Downey. Charles Fredr1~k 391 18 Allle. Ava 469 llre':m. Robert I,eBarren CempoBto. Jeneyh 723 DeNney. Katherine Fl~ming 102 Altieri. Albert JOA"pll 945 BreNn. "ltllnl~y Fairhllnke 415 Ceneooff. Morria 640 Doyle. Murtha I,01l19a 0113 Amp.n~ol:l. J,et~lnll 743 Brynon. ~hll"leo WllAen 127 Conley. Margaret Mary 270 Drapen. EmerAon 92 An~rea. .To.net,!Aar~uer1te 914 Arthur 1':d"llrd 79 Buok • Connelly. Helen Marie 76 Dr1'l~ol1. 1!arg(\ ret Anne 9'/5 Andre'll" ••- 4 lluokley. Allee Mllrtha 648 Cennolly. John Franoi" 44 Dug~u. Vincent Joaoph 2'/4 Andrews. olernllrd HUMell Jr349 llurke. Francla Joseph 540 Cenra~. llarbara Rit~ 964 180 nuggan. Corneliuo 614 Andre:"n.Co',rlea Vllnl;hrop 677 Burke. Henry .Toseph ~onrad. walter 1Iorman 982 Dug,,,,,n. wi11illm James 439 926 Andre~". Leonor~ 8a llurke, Mildred CenAidino. Mary Katherine 101 Duke. Alioo 462 AnneBe.Antolnette "lerp.noe 307 Burke. ")(llter FrllMi. 458 Ceeper. Elizabeth 78 tunmore. PrlD~illa Anne 689 Anneap.. Pletro 751 Burkholder. Dorothy !lay 939 Cooper. JameR Henry 147 48 Dun"". Edwnrd Robert 067 Anziovine. F.n1'loo 166 Burley (Rtillborn) Ceeper. RUBAel1 p.lllett 486 Dupuis. (StHl bc rn) 793 Arduino •.Toaoph 781 llurns. nen~ld llryee 839 Cerbett. Mary 1':llzaheth 266 777 Dupui". P~uline Rena 601 Armltlllt,e (Rt1l1born) 57 BurnA. Dero~hy Ed'llin'-l Corbett. Wlll11tm 1I0rton 421 n'Urbano. Antonio 512 Arnold, Cen"tnn~e 478 Burn". Jehn Charles 277 Cereor'ln. Mary M,~rg:tret 332 Durell. Alfre~ yp.ll~_,d 610 A"h~; on. Ruth 876 BurnA. John ThomnB 3rd 460 Corlis,. WHY Eleaner 783 883 Durkee. Viola Er1i th 108 Atkin~on. Dean Wesley 360 Burn~. lflry J!:llzl1beth Cormier. :ToBeph ArthuT 40 n,vyer. John 832 Atkinsol1. Eleanor RegerB 197 BurnA. Ruth Elizabeth 485 Cerney. ~"eAtsr 1.1 bert Jf 406 88 D,'lyer. Mo.rg~ret 829 AtNood. Bonnar Clarke 303 Butte!'B. Philip Whi teomb COU,lhlan. Charlea J!:r"est Jr 873 nllyer. Paul l1a thaniP.l ·129 Au~ein. Dora Annle 613 :Juttdek.Herbert IngerBell Jr 70 craig. Oeerge Pario 243 BUt.tA. Frederic HarrIngton 2nd 760 Cl'am. Bally 834 Crllndoll. Frederiok Jameo 577 Cr!~nton. Rebert Hoy Jr 222 _B_ Crioaey. l!url'1ng~,on Edgar 372 Crenin. Fr~nola Norm~n 498 Eagan. 1!a ry Jane #340 Bacoari. Riagie 668 Cronin. Joseph B'wten 755 Eago.n. Phillip 924 Bacoari. Luolllne 1 Crenin. ReMmary 902 Earle. Prudonee Ida 904 Baeon • .Teaiah F.aten 2nd 951 Cadmnn 304 Cronkhite. Leeno.rd \'Iolocy 3rd Eokert (Stillborn) 649 oaker. Derethy 987 Cafarelli. r,iev~nn1 461 287 Eekert. I rene Ji;l1za beth 351 Baldwin. lIorm." Wheeleok 35 CalkinB. Patrioia 173 Cresby. John Wesley 520 Edgarton. Cnarles Gardner Jr 100 llllnal'oft. :larh'lra Hale 895 Callanan, James FAward 745 Crosby. Margaret Elellnor 73 FAward". Prlsoilla 37 Banoroft. ~linor 390 C1lmp\1·,11. .Teaeph Aloyaius 323 Crewell. Alan 516 F.gan. r~la deD Fr~ncie 774 Bandlerll. I,avrronoe Hamil ton Cannon. William F.dvlllrd 624 Cugini. Carmiella 798 F.ggle"ton. Margaret Mary 239 907 Capell o. Albert 404 x Curtio, Bel!trioe /.\ury 685 Elliott. Frederie.k 282 ilanker -:i'i2..worl'flv 958 r.4p~ll c. .Tehn 405 cutter. Thelma 993 B11io. Hercort 319 Barbed o. l,eu~" 58 Capone 740 x Curran. nertrude 7 F.llis. Kenneth 93B Baringer. 1{on~y Jay Jr 31'd 316 Caperale. Vlrgilia 508 Enego~R. Phllip 392 BariBane. I,uoia 505 Callrio~ 10.. I.e"i B Frllnk 703 Eng. Virginla 572 Harker. 0eoily 'lelen 523 Capstiok. Rloh/lTd Barton ,Tr 636 .JL Bne. Irene M"ry 556 llarker. Hareld 787 Cardillo. Mary nraoe 816 l1rio"ol1. Frederick Geerge 152 llarker. Harl'let LoulDe 4G5 Ca rey. JameB /.\et :'i a 290 nalieandro.Dominio 310 P.rnat 164 Barner. James Robert 628 778 Cnrey. Rebert Paul Dane. ~lerbert Phillip 969 F.~b.breek. Frederiek Reed 845 llflrret t, :lailey Murgll.troyd 722 Carlet.on. Graoe r'trel1ne 579 n'Angelo. Clllrenoe 273 1':yrl" Helen 334 Barrett. MarR,net 1':l1z"beth 87 Cllrley. Vial ter .ToBeph 930 n~nielR.11:d'1I1n Ashton 720 Thlrry. 00nntunee 8B3 Carlin~. Albert F.rnBst 608 ])'~niela on. !lert I.ind".'l.r~ 314 Barry. .rohn 201 Caron. Edna 493 ll'Antonio.Cenoe3io 562 Barry. ,alph Allen Jr 333 Cnrter. M~rgaret 78a D'Attl1io,I,ina Bi~nea Maria 227 Bartl~y. Robert David 736 Caruso. Antonio nust,lvO 302 Dilu. 'lay Rpeoner 784 BateR. John 749 C'lrune. Pllul1ne 81 navia. norothy 658 Fallon. John Fr'lneie 525 Batey. Arthur .Tames 226 Carvelli. Vinoenzo 276 Davi". Ethal Vlr"ini~ 265 Farrar. Jllmea Edward 936 Baxter. 1.a'/lren06 J~mee 82 Cashman. Beatrice 766 naViA. Jean 119 Farrell. Edward 410 lleale, David PO'llars 754 Cav~nagh. Lila Jeeephine 36 I),\Y. '!'rededok LewiB 491 F~rrell. Joscph Juliuo 103 lleattiA.Mary Leuioe Judge 389 Ced \'OI1~, Donate 269 nay. Vl rgl nia 550 Farrell. Marjerie J,ouiBe 232 Benaon. Elizllbeth 91 Cedrone. Giovanni 71 DeAngolis. Franoesoo 279 FUl'rineten. Ilorothy 817 BcnAon.Marguerite Helen 981 Ces,trOntl. ,'elloe 769 Dearbern, Charleo Henry 21 Faulkner. Bsverley Je'~ 292 Bentlev.John Melvin Jr 941 Cotrone. Denat~ Preaea 490 DeBourke, Riohard 931 Feather. Barelay 354 Benyon. Jellnette 170 Cetron.,. ()ui~o 678 neokor. Myrtle Marie 803 Federico.. Anna 673 Benyen. Marion 169 Chamber1ctj n. F.d'Uard LaN!'onee 950 Degen(Stillbern) 309 Feeley. Aliee Gertrude 362 Benzaquin. Richard Albert 952 Champagne. Camille nerald 590 Delanoy. noorge Paul 1;93 Feeley, CharleB Ed'llIIrd 50 Beruhe. Mary 983 eh"n Her 571 Del"ne.,. Helen Marie 151 Feeley. Jehn Joseph 72Li Bost. 1':liz" beth 874 Ch(ln~ler. JameR F.dvlflrd 49 DeLueEl'. Ua ria Del era til 545 Feldhoff. Ilnrharn DeForest 732 Bielaki. Amella 901 Ch'~ncllel'. Joan !\artlett 692 DeI.uoe. 'Iunzie 01aoomo 1~1 Fennelly. Orrorge Harria 187 llin:elow. Ervin flonior 161 Chllrette. Rebert Oll~er 542 DeUalo. Giovanni 5 Fer~uAon. Eli~ubeth Clnrk 555 lliroh. T,eul Ae Wad"worth 589 Charin. Josoph l' 174 Demere. Jeseph lI,ugene Adel~rd "er{,uaen. J!:ve1yn Claire 920 I Black. 1':ilesn 220 Ch~rlton. Robert Wallio 802 428 "orgueon. John Joseph 591 Blaiadoll.1':lizabeth Al· 475 Chan~. P.leanor Williston 483 DeMiohele, Idll Anr-olEl 687 Forno.ld. Frl~nces HUDAell 877 frp,ida ChllBO. 11:mlly Caroline 409 Dempsey. Mtlrtin 256 Fe~nenden. Luoi1e 869 lllodgett. Barbara warren 53 Chllao, Hr.

~ote:_ ~n (xl nlgnifleo sn omln,low to ~e found at en~ of tho column. -_._._--_._-- -'- .. --- ._---_ .•. _--- -.- --.------.------._-_. __ ._ .. _--- ,, ------_.- ---'-11 (oont.) .!L.c oont.) H M. (oont.) Kelly( ~tl11 born) 11387 H'Ve~, Bnrbara l'utnam 11665 1 i ~or1. r.w:nl0:~:n::niP 117M Kelly, 1~arlon Fo. 293 MoGuire, Jnmes William #739 Hay"., La'"~el1~e Wnl-io 93 For~ • .,.111 hm 912 Kempton, Anne Payeon 442 l Il',yward, 110ri.I,ouiae 487 MoGurrin, Helen 28 Vornyth. r~t",,"ine 1':l1z·,beth 953 Kendall, Henry Rt'ea rna 947 MoHale, Catherine 23 He~t~oote (Rtillhnrn) 764 "orte. Pat d ok 481 Kent, Jamee Maynard 548 MoHugh, (~tillborn) 420 I Her"ert, Peter ,ToAel'h 821 cO"". l're~od ok ftU~\lRtUA ,TT 41 Kent, Wllllnoe Alvin 358 McInto~h, Mildred '/1 rginia 470 He'l/itt, ROR~r RImer 913 I;'O~tP.l"l r.al e 776 Kenyon, Ruth I.oui Be 267 MoKenntl, !Joeoph 80 Hi~kp.y, Janet ~elby 85tl rouF:n~e. Holena Rita 89 Keohane, tlnr:! ftflneo 394 Waokan~ie,Violet Chrlot.intl 497 1jigr:l nn, ~li ZOlbeth 602 FO\ln~ 11 nPo ooe Kerivan, Joneph .Tumen 701 MoKeon, Anntl Florenoe },ouioe 34 I Hlr,r:inR, HarTY Gifford :-0 '11 ~r. w11111.m ,To~~"ph 53 3 Kiley, Joeeph I .. 97 Haekin, Henry Franoio Jr 721 Fr,':mo iono. .ToR "ph 64 H1RKln., Jo~n 'rnnci~ B82 KitoheU. Abbott 705 MoLnup,hlin, Mnrguret Josephine 188 HI r,h,"'.n , J»lVld Ainnley 908 Friese, ~eannette 674 Kittredge, F:leanor J.ouioe ;~13 MoJ.end, Marl on Alioe 574 ProA t, 0] I're Frances 818 Hill, llnrhara 860 Kornfeld, Robert Jont,than 143 If.aeomoer, llary 961 Frye. Fdf/ln Loula 252 Hill, 'rnOAt .... endell 345 Krato'rl.lle ,Mnry 527 Ilo1,lah an , Lillinn Mile 417 Hit-hoock, Tloro'hy 804 FUTnellllJt. ~hc"leR Hall 499 Krueger, l'lorence Viet ori u 320 Ilo1\·"hon, Ruth 710 '!offnauer. Georf.'e Auetin 584 Kylo, Philip 1,lerrill ~05 Mol,jullin, !jobert Drummond 863 HoI brook, I(lJ ..~herine 892 LlaoNp.1l1, Ralph Milbury; .Tr. 954 l{olrlo.n, Rohe\·t llelrlen 123 Ua.ol'hoe, Neil Daniel 322' Gale, ~velyn 992 Holme", ,Te~net'e Julia lB3 Uaouot.y, paul 717' nnlello, Francie 631 Hol ... 'I.'.', RIlvmonrl ~"nl'.er 41G MoWhirter, George Alfred 1241 (l',llll"h~r, Paul 949 Hope'llell, Frederiok HIl,-1; lev 700 Madden, ~ornelius John 199 '1orner, Hel en ' nallan'., J(Ilt.herine r.eo.,l1a 762 865 Lalli, Ooorge 244 J.\ugnurelli,l1omenioo 797 G'lllant, !. 1':! All ce 910 Houn e, willi',m 733 I,amb, ,Tohn Ramuel Grundy 716 Mnguire, Edward Frllnoie 746 l{nnnten, 'rneAt ~h~~le" ~10 Gill vin, .TllmeR Pat ri ok 132 Lamkin, Catherine FolelLnar 557 Maguire, Walter 61 H01I.~on, Lel10y -n:dmunrl 157 m1 Gil rofal 0, R1 eon rd Alfred 193 J,Ilndl'Y, l~dw"rd Frllncls 321 Mahoney I Tpre "h Tt. ";J'b.mes r. 655 Ho',a rd, nonal~ Alan 513 Gatelv, ~lta 142 L.ne, Frank ~'eAley ,Tr. 212 Mahoney, Ma.ry Lillian 718 G"ttes; Alma J,a'IIRon 519 flowe, Arthl1r willian. 937 Maillet, Huhert Amedeo 522 Howe., nan!.l Ander"en 94,i LanRed, John JOAP-ph 32B Gntti, Loreto 543 Lapo\·te, Wilfred J.l oyd 1113 Makepeace, E1izl1beth Gertrude 45 104 Geegan, llora E.ther 195 HO'ltherine 824 riven", JORc1Jh Olive.r 809 Hurl ey, Rnymond 139 J.aone, Rill va taro 597 !;Iartin, Mary 59 1l01da rd, ;'red ~hllm\1erR 968 lIurl ey, Ruth 138 I,ovandor, HU'rry Bernard 962 Itnrulllo Adalgisu 77 Goddard, George Frerledok 214 Hut"haAon, ,Tohn OOl'ehnm 306 Lel'li., John Frunoia 8 Marzilli, Paolo Giuseppo 109 Hutnhl nnon, .Tohn o,t ronll ,Tr GoHno, Thoma" l'uRq,,,,le 253 236 Libbey, Frank Norman 159 ~las on, llen.j,~min I!anunond Jr 664 Goguen, Anita Loul," 861 Ull, Aud rey M.wie 466 l.Iaesimo, Edith Oraoe 196 Gol"y, ~ha-len Arthur 198 Lill, Robert Talford 467 (kno'lln flS "Ma. on") Goodal., 'IILtalie 393 Lim~, Isabelle 553 lI.a t thews, Julitl 971 Goo~hue, I'hoeh! Th!lyer 893 _I_ LipBohitz, Abraham Myers 927 Matteon, (Stillborn) 721 Goodl/in, ROfler DanielA 257 L1t tlehalo , Glennie Irene 928 Mattson, Elizabeth Mary 285 767 Gorgone, Ca~melu 799 Iadoni"l, r.armino Looke, Harriet Evelyn 194 JI.IlY, Ellzllbeth Rtevena 298 Gor,~~onol ~rllz1a '104 I>lrrol1ino, Mary 1I:lenora 12 Lockett, JOB"ph Frederick Jr 909 Maynard, John Garthl'rui te 203, 7np,hnm, Mll.ry F 691 Gorgune, Vir. tory 228 Lodge, John 2nd 737 l!.azzola. J,oreto l'asquale 443 Ir~ln, K~therlnc Vir~inin 412 Gorham, Barhara Benediot 560 Lombard, Ceoelia 989 I!uzzol,~, LUilli 660 Gould, }llellnor Ruth 271 laham, ltlt rvey r,r,3 Lombllrdi, FrederlDk' RI',ymond 98 ~:onde 1 Mary Agnes 346 Graoe, ~d'llartl Finley 430 Lombar(ll, 'lerll1'do 455 lledlio ott ,Mary 855 Grnoe, PhylliR Rdna 192 1 I,ombardo, I'rlln\( 9 li.oek, F.l1za bath Alden 758 Gl'll!1t, Philip Ber.,t\rd 620 Lone, "'rancin HUYOB 215 Me1an"on, Albert U:oseph 642 Graeso, Vinoenzo 593 .Taokoon. (~t1l1horn) 54 401 JnokROn, Arthur Fo 432 Lon"hot t om, I' runo i s J)OUglIlB Me ntlee, James Bruoe 851 Grellthelld, Oeorg·, 582 I.oeler, .Toseph Herbert 42 MerrH t, '3rooka l'almer 3M Grella, Giueeppill" 5118 Jaok.on. nll.!l1l 724 872 ,Tacke on, Ivy Ann 186 I,otka, Mela ).'el'rH t, Jenni helle 380 OreYAon, Mary Althea 509 Louther,LouiBe Rmeline 396 !.Iortin, I,ouioe 838 Grieve, FrunoeA Klltherine 573 ,Taooh"on, ;.",d~line 841 813 .Taqul th, !ladel1ne Marie 403 J.olve, MarJorio Chapin Menear, Harry 245 Griffin, Robert wendell 137 Lun1quiet, Frllnoi8 Irving 879 !.liller, Jean llrury 676 Grindnl, .Te',n Ifert'ill 500 JIl'lui~h, l'hhllrd Herbert 207 714 Jenlc1n", I!.yra Rlizabeth 615 Lupo, J\lioe UHler, John Allun 359 Ol'1nlo)" lIar.lorie Rita 203 J,upo, Anrp.lin.o, 651 Uiller, John ).IaBon 603 Grover, Ruth {Ano 995 .Tenkin", fltull.rt Randall 536 Lupo, V1Menzo 4 Jen"e, Gertrude 19 MHligan, George 532 G~OVOR, Quentin l1urwtlrd 453 J.upt.on, .Tume. Frederiok .Tr. 217 JcnninlJ", Alma 44(J Mit.ohello John Joeoph 935 Lynoh, Mrny l3IJ.rry 496 Uitehell, William 963 Jennine", Frank John 495 Lynoh, Norhert Cyril Jr. 205 Jewett, 'loie Franoee Monahan,Elaie 625 355 I.yonA, Claire F.l1zabeth e04 184 171 Moody, Jo'"n Winolow Johnoon,Karl Rrneet Lyonn, Mary Folizabath 329 !.loran, Mary F.ve1yn 158 Johnp' on, \'.'illiam Edwnrd 917 ('54 1.1 a rs.," , Mary Ellen G '!aokett, '''alter Paul 547 Joneo, h'thur wnlker Morgan, Mary Phyllis 775 Jonen, Brndford P.ertram 22 ,!ad~en, Loul A" nlfror~ 110 !Jorrell, lloro1;hy 919 .Tonee, Madel! M l'aula 822 Haffermehl,J.oulB'Iulentlne .Tr l.Iorr111, Robert Rook;rell 125 .TonAEt, ~umner Prencott n05 229 Morrioay 965 Haffey, .Tohn Auhre" 482 Jordan, Marie J,Dulae 375 MoAdnmR,Phll1ip J.• oore 757 459 Jordan, Ritn 230 I!orrio on, Ca the dne Franoeo Huhn, .Tohn Adllm 301 MoArdle, Rita .ToBoph1.ne 598 Morr.inon, Edwin 779 l{airr,h, l1uvld FraMi" 603 .Toyoe, Mo.ry Margnret 551 Mor.arthy, Alioe Irene 111 B54 MOOD, Holen Elizabeth 258 tlalfrey, Frano 1 B .Tos.ph 645 .Toyoe, Ruth Marie Mocarthy, Catherine Thereoa 633 413 534 Matt, Jeanne H!\ll, Oerll111ne MtHie IloOol1\'11le, Frlllloaa Lou1ee 889 Moulton, Robert Uerrill 150 Hanoook, rharleR Fod'l/ar~ 84<1 , 1I0Cuo 978 735 HankA, Thoodore Atan.l1sh 67 Muldoon, Robert l.IoDan1e1s, James '!enry 114 If.t\l,l~n, v.arr,llret Mary 780 712 ifanlon, FAilllrd }'redAdolc MoDermott, (ntillhorn) 617 Mullen, Mary Elizabeth 3711 Hanlon, l.'1l1fed !ltny 911 I 810 436 MaoDon'llci '"1.Je-tl.~""c-~L.I"£Ul"-J~ Llull en, Thomas WilHam 189 Hanlon, ?uth Aileen' 370 Kurtt, Mar,jorle Oartl'lJde MOnOll"ld, ~l1oe 561 708 Munro, :!larbara Verdene 667 Hannon, Margal'et '.nitll 426 K/lvanngh\, If.ary Agneo MaoDonald, Cntherine ldO 38 780 Knvana.'h. Wnlter 60 Murphy, (~t111born) HIll'dy, llnl 0 olm Ed'lIard MIlODon"ld, non~ld Afone 8G8 Murphy, Annn Joaephine 966 Hal'outuninn, ~uvnrt F."thor 27B Keofe, .Tohn .TOA"ph 254 i.lnce, Donald Howe Jr 447 240 Murphy, Fr~dilr1Dk Hugh 20 llal'ril1f:ton, RllBn ],(8('eline 972 Keegun J.loR!tlney, .Tohn Franoie 200 350 5G8 Keeno, Riohllrd Onrdner 729 Murph)', Margaret HartnAtt, Mltrgnret 1.1001111 VL'uy, 1'11ul1 ne 943 Ilurphy, Riohard 381' Hartf/ip" ),eoa Ua A\II~unta 402 Kellll'Nay, Charles Rdwin 6'/5 MoGourty. Clltherine 9811

Murphy, winifred 847 P11100n, Clifford Jlnl~olm 414 Sl Dane ,Margaret 601 Walen,Andrew Moso 973 lIurray, Ann Dorothy 595 Punter, Robart Henry 538 flrnlth. J.loyd Weoley 242 Walker, -- 56 J.!yl od, Andre'll ltarl 504 . ~'Nern, Go or§e Leo 437 Rmith, Mildred Rita 814 W'llker, J,oie Aliene 566 l!ye"rall., 1I:rneat 341 "0-':(.".:(", c1l.. -UL?, 'l~ S" Rortovik, Robert Andrew 464 "fallour, Chapin 886 ....9.!. Rostilio, James 826 Walsh, Stophen Herbert 165 Rpring, Joan Tower 441 Ward, Margaret Lllvinia 297 fu Quinlon, Daniel Franoia Jr 940 Aprlngham, Harriette Genevieve Wllrren, JlJlizabeth 711> q,uinn, James Robert 3G8 178 'Natal's (Stillborn) 994 lIo.gle, )/o,.m~n alllrl! .Tr 852 Broda. Mlkolia 308 We.ters. Mary Celeste 617 Hally, !1uth" 29 Atanley, Be~trice Louise 990 Watt, Robert Gordon e8l napol i tllno, Hugo F.rneBt 15 stanley, lIadine 255 Watts. Norman Enrlicott 233 liard one, Orlinda ·Wuia 690 Rtarbird, Winona Eleanol' 709 Waugh, l1ut.h Allnea 190 Neill -- 988 Ramsay, Vir~inia 219 Byeaoie, ~tanl~y Proctor 366 Weedon, Dani~l Reid, Jr. 823 lIeary, Bernard 878 Reynolds, 1'loreMo 1':lliot n5 !ltnnquiR t., -- 84 Wegert, Rheinhold 535 liess, Robert Carl 884 Reynolds, Margaret Helen 849 Stenhens. Charlee Honry Jr 765 Vleiea, Robert Arthur 706 Hewey, Oheeter Greenleaf 374 Rial, William young 468 fltevene~ Barbar~ 820 Wel burn, John Walter 237 liewhlJ.ll, Harry Dull 957 Rioe, Robert Thomas 69 Rtevena, RYolyn Our!.is 464 Vfeloh, Mary Ri ta 643 1Iiohole, l':rnest Beloher 870 Rioh, Gloria Elizabeth 311 fltavenn, lIanoy 864 Wallfor~, Irene Barbara 134 Nioholson, lIerlys Janet 427 RioMrdpon, John Baxter 484 Rtevenn, Ahirley Elizabeth 702 West, Hnl en Lee 801 llickeraon, Waldo Riohard 886 Rider. William Allen 140 stiokney, Ageneta Reta 11 WeRt,Mllry 489 JJ1001azzo, Alberto Ottavio 411 Rlley, Leo Jr 507 Sti~kney, Goorge Sidney Jr 444 V~ulen, Annie Georgina 47 lIoble, John Ravage 948 Riley, Ruth Ann 960 ntilea, Robart l':llB'l/orth 842 Whenler, Gor~on Bartlett 790 lIorton (Stillborn) 752 Roach, Thomas 31 Rtokes, Kevin 336 Whit~her, stetson 881 Noysa, Edward MlloArthur 167 Robertson, Frank Curtis 621 stone, B'lrbara VirgInia 885 White, Barharo. Louise 131 Nutt, Charles William 537 Robins, Anne Iloring 10 st onemetz. CharleR I,lIring 377 White, Esther Pearl 612 Robineon, J,ym~n lIewell 330 at otz. Mlld red Evelyn 148 V~ite, Harold Banoroft Jr 867 Roahe, Ge orge La",r~noe 46 stuart, :Franklin Horaoe 448 White, Leslie Renosnlacr 182 Rochefort ,Francie J·ohn 858 Rullivan, Ellen Winifred 179 White, Robert Coffin 539 Roklnn, Atephon 288 Sullivan, Gertrude 744 White, RU~Aell Beth 313 O'Connor, Joseph patrick 575 _kRose, Thelma Anna 979 Rullivan. John Jamer. Jr 17 Whito, Rtanley Allaneon 806 Offutt, Jeanne 634 Rosonkro.nz, Julius Sarnuel 32 S\:, livan, Williarn parker Jr 172 Wh1tf1~l i, (St.ill born) 730 0' f1ro.dy, Iaabel 652 Rouleau, 850 Sullo, LouIe Anthony 759 Whitney, Barbara 146 O'Hara, Franoia £4'7 Ruby, ,Virginia 55 Rupino, John Frunk 99 Whitney, Riohard Moren 348 Ohler. Ruth 697 Rumery, Miriam Louine 43 S·/IIc1ll, paul quinton 312 V~ittemore, Benjamin Bruoe 262 O'J,!O\ul\h11n, 1I:lizabeth Catherine Rus Bell, Mary 296 Swayne, Dorothy Alberta 942 Whit ten, Edmund Sumner Jr 707 115 RusBo, Ro"ina 792 WigllinR, Delmer Parker 425 Olivieri, Sarah Carmela 223 '1us AO, Vi to 7,.2 Wilder, Virginia 894 Olivigni, Uatherine Eliza­ 875 Rust, Albert EdYlo.rd Jr nli Wilke, John Wald 0 533 beth Ryan, Ann 331 li arne , Constanoe ~JllBtrran 622 O'Rourke, Helen 325 Ryan, Ann Christine 526 Williams, Esthor Whitt1bee 39 Orr, DoriA Fllirohild 679 Ryun, Franoi s .Tohn 887 Tal bot -- \191 Wingate, Margllret Mary 117 ot t, LaYIS on RoulA tone 680 Ryan, .Tohn will iarn 343 Taylor, Jane Harriet 449 WiRwall, Martha Holmes 564 *,~o5eY)bll'1+l, SylvlI'! 101> .;2.1 Tedesohi. Maria 529 Wi tUg, Charles Frederiok 647 Thayer, Donald Turner 94 Wojdaoz, Helen Alioe 663 Thayer, Jane Vining 353 Wolfe. Robert Ruseell 644 Thomas, Alioe Martha 168 Womboldt.Robert Fmmett 337 'Ihom'1n. Phyllis 662 Womboldt, Vinoent Paul 544 Paoelt, Aloysius 224 Aa~lnr, Arthur .Toseph 788 Thompson, Dora 980 Wood, Dustin CurtY/right 731 Paige, Dorothy Louise 218 BaltonRto.ll, Rosalie 967 Thompnon. lIarry Allieon 503 Wood, Gert rude 91l Palmas (Stillborn) 635 Aalvuoai, Cosidio 384 Thompnon, LO'llie Bradford 502 Vlood, 'RuDoall HO'llland 698 Panaggio, Giovanni Pa1rnina 272 Ralvuooi, Donato 181 Tift, Charlea F.dVlard 281 Woodbury, Robert LIlYlrenOe 226 Panella, Oiovannina 299 Sampson, David Winso:' 433 Tighe, Laurenoe Gotzian 974 Woody, Molver Wallaoe 635 Paoline, Angeline 576 Bo.nderRon, Rita Magdalene 352 Timbie, Riohard Henry 361 WriIJht, llorothy 344 Parillo, Guido 135 flanguineti, Anna 600 Timmone, Thomas JlJdv/ard 153 Wright, Emily Cutts 619 Parkhurst, Alfred Brainerd 133 AanRouai, JORoph Horaoe 379 'r! rrell. (Ati 11 born) 727 Wurtz, Selma Elizabeth 286 Parmenter, William Hunt 216 Sargent, Mareton FolRom 66 Tomb, Hugh MoKel by e66 Wyatt, F.dVlin II'honler 382 Parria. -- 105 flavigno.no, m1'~eat 25 Townsend. Irvine Up~on 3rd 984 Pasquale, Pietro 611 Bbardnllo, Josephine G07 ,Tracy, Alioe Thereoa 397 Patereon, LeRter Frederiok 862 Soandale, Tllom"D 376 Tranoa, Florenoe 827 Pate)', RO\hlrt Thayer 510 Aohaehl, Frank Head 880 Troy. Florenoe Louise 13 latterson, H!u'vey Aharp Jr 315 Sohipani, Imrno.oulatll 241 Trumble. Joocph .TamAn .424 p.'lul, 1I:dVlard Kenneth 578 flahrafft. George Frederiok Jr 923 Tudbury, Mary Antblline 753 yates. Franoia 26 Pilulish, Arthur 844 Sohumann, RO\lert Franoie 61G Tully, George Loughlin Jr 944 Yerardi, Angelina 585 Payne, Olive, Ellen 30 Roiul~ono, Giovanni 559 Turner, Gertrude Lowell G88 York, Katherine 605 Perkins, Franoie out tel' 890 floo.iel, Abrnhum 479 Turner, Mary l':lizabeth 121 YounG, F.mily 853 Perry, Esther 259 Ao ofield, Frana! s Webber 295 Turovor, Ramuol 897 Young, Fred Farrner 16 Perry, Marjorie Graoe 74 Soofield, .Tohn nheldon 871 Tuaoher, Joeoph WiHiam 326 Young, Quentin 130 Perry. Phyllis 471 Scott -- 112 ?ikoruD, FAward lYalter 623 PeMo"olido, Erneeto Giov'anni Ao ott, Barbaro. Floronoe 869 658 Ae'oring, Mildred Rohot'ta 463 Petero, Puul Edvlnrd d8 flennott, noro~hy ()ertl~tlde 120 .. Jl.!. Phillip~, June Martha 342 Rhanley, Clara 175 Philli pa, Thomas 289 Shaw, J,awrence 1101'1'111 626 UphM, J,Awio JlJrlward 738 piokard, Oeral<1ine 898 Rhaw, Marion 52 Upnoll, 1Uohard Maroun 748 Pipenbrink, Frederiok 383 Rhaw, Ruth Irene 100 pignatelli, Mnrio Miohele 470 flhe~llen, 11i ohllrd Ashl ey ,l\lodgett Plks. Cynthia At!lood 900 903 V. pike, 1I:dith Leighton 899 Rhera ton, .Toan TJawt.on 261 Pilla, Mary Josephine 843 Aher'Nco~, Al hert Penhe1'thy 905 Vaohon, J.orralne 155 Pieelli, Lorenza 177 , Mar,lorie l1ivolyn 423 Vanderaull, mliznbeth Ruth 747 Plympton, He!en Virginia 661 ~hlnnick, ~ll&abeth 488 VanTllaool, Wart'en Henry 113 Porter, Amy Gnoll 260 Rhumln, Irvi nIJ /Ilo.x 867 "ardaro, Mario. Roea 789 Porter, (lrll.oe 11 609 flhuntRr. Franais Br! ght Jr 728 Varney, Robert wile?n 456 Porter, Huntington 840 Aignore, Domenioa 61.33 V~naalotti, mloanor 627 Poener, Robert 275 Rilveir.l, J,oono.rd r.larknon 204 Veoohlono, Fiore ?94 ~owerB, Barbaro. Elizabeth 24 Rimondn. llJdward Ha toh P8G Veduoo io, FraMAR 1Iu1'iel 618 "'pozzi, .Tohn 82e Rimon!. llllena 1/001'la 206 Ver~i, Frllno8a 327 Pratt, Edith caroline 492 AirnpkiM, Hart·y Frederlok (1;\7 Verga '01, Margaret 570 Prlltt, Edwin Calumet 264 Aiato.re, Wilm!ne Hollia ;l65 Vininr" Ruth Alberta 268 Preoious, .Toseph !.Iaher 2 Rkl,dmore, .Tean 1>:1 roRe 3(\9 Prioe, Joan f1wenllyn 933 Slifer, J1:velyn Ulllnr 248 Prld e, Rally 477 flmith -- 920 P~ootor, Lillian 599 Arni th, Honry AUgUR tine .Tr 90 Proia, Oon<1ltta 347 flnyder, Alloe 107 Wade, \,lrp,lnia 934 Prudden, Peter Converoe 970 RomerA, Conotnnoe J1:mJly 395 Waldron -- 638 Puffer, Joal 672 [PAGE ;.67 J ,. 367 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEII ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

SEX AND NAME Of PARENTS. PLACE Of BIRTII OF DATE or DATE Dr rUll NAME Dr TilE CllILo, AND CONOIl'N RESIDENCE or OCCUPATION or PLACE Of BIRTH or Nu. PLACE Of BIRTII. COLOR (If olher Ihon whll,l. In Twlnl, PARENTS. fATilER. fATIlER • MOTlIER. olliTiI. .lc.l. • flnl Name or father. Malden Namll of Mothllr,

1 Jan 1 Bacoari Luoiano !.Ide 265 Adams et Giovanni Donata Cetrone 265 Adams Bt D•• ",.. to I San Donate Jan Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Neltton 'u,,,',, Italy Oaoerta Ital y Mass Mass Jan 2 Jan 1 Preoious Joseph 1035 Oh.'~~~n.~trArthur A Sarah J Cottrell 1035 Che Silk Dresser Bradford Yor'lt- I Brookline Mass St wd 5 N' at lid 5 NA",t.n'\ shire England. !

Jan , Higgins Harry Newton Hospt Harry J Julia Baasett 404 Ualn at Foreman waltham Mass Waltham Maee Jan Wd 5 Newton Ifal tham Mas~ Mass Jan .4 Jan 3 :'upo Vil100nza Vinoenzo Celeste Mele 1~60 . watertown Bai1ber Castelvetere San Maroo st Wd 2 (Deoeased) Benevento Italy Fogg1a Italy

I Naples Italy Jan 5 Jan 4 Dellaio Giovanni Illale 21 l:IellohllrTI~2i Andreano Raffae14 Rizzuto 21 Beeoher Ioeman Naples Italy I lid 6 Newton lid 6 Newton Mass Mass I Co lIayo JEIlI 6 Jan lj. Morgan Mary Ellen IFemal 40 Middle Bt John Cathe~lne UcUov~rn 40 Middle at Coremakor Co Mayo Ireland I lid 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton I lIass Mass WEll tham Masr. I NeIVton MaCe Jan 1 7 Jan Curran Gertrude Femal Rlohard M Uargare t .T We loh 42 Aubul'n- MachiniBt 7 l1ale Ave lid 3 Newton Maso iMale Jan 8 Jan 7 Le ,,18 John Franoi . 239 lVashin~~ James Jo Evangeline F Ahern 239 Waoh1ng- R R Brakeman Malden /dass I Olinton lIe.oo ton at lid 7 1ion at lid 7 Newton Mass NeIVton Maee IIUBsellaro Jan Jan 7 Lombardo Frank Male 139 Plne St Domenico Rosalina Tedesoo 139 Pine St Laborer Tun is Fr ano e i 9 lid 4 Nel'lton Wd 4 Newton Italy '1 I Mass Mass I .~ I I JIUI 10 Jan 7 Robills Anne Moring Femal Newton Hospt Sidney B France s Lord Kingston Mass Uin1stsr ~dbeboro N P Plymouth Mass Wd 5 Neni~~ 10101'1[13 "iB:.>oJ 13 ~Q.. '1'1 ...i-io- Jan 1 A~e." W~~~tJFemal Reta F Porter 1345 Centre Tinsmi th Needham Mass Boston(Hyde I 11 Jan 7 Stiokney A~ene;a 1 ~aw§olle~~g~t Norman S Wd IS Newton Park) /dass Mass Mass Famal Italy Ireland Jan Jan 8 Iarrobino Mary Elenor 152 Suffolk Pasquale Anna /d Ke IIey 152 Suffolk Chauffeur 112 I Rd Wd 6 Wd 6 Nel'lt.on I Newton Mass Mass I Co Kilkenny Jan Jan II Troy Florenoe ~'emal Nel'lton Hoopt James lIary Franey R-191~1 Beacon Gardener Co Waterford 113 Laui se Wd 5 Nelvton St lid 5 Ireland Ireland . Mass Famal Storo Keeper Goulding Russla Goulding '\1.1I•••• ~ Jan 14 JIUI 9 Cohen Byl via Beat ioe 89lj.6walnut B Joseph Gertrude Bernhardt 894 walnut Bt lid Newton Wd 6 NeITton Mass Mass Fraoso Telesill10 Benevento Italy Savona Genoa Jan 15 Jan 9 Napolitano Hugo Ernest Male 193 Adams st Lliohael 0 . Tereoa Stresoino 193 Adams Bt Painter Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Nelvton Italy Mass Mass Lowell Mass Berwiok Waine Jan 16 Jan 9 Young Fred Far~~r Male 171 Cypress t Fred F Cora Steohman 171 Oypress Chauffeur Wd 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton MasD Masl Boneya 1U1~i thgowshire Bouris Eaot .J~ 17 Jan 10 Sullivan John James IMale Newton Hospt John'J Florenoe MoKelliok 140 woroester Painter Wd 5 Nowton st Welleslay 800tlanu P E I Jr I MaBS !lass Boston Mass NelYton Mass Jan 18 Jan II Brown Robert Le IMale Newton Hospt Frank L Ednah A Shattuok 166 Fullor Rt Automobile Wd 5 Ne)yton Brookline BUBiness Barr~n Mau UaSB Lawrenoe Mass Oaribou lIains Jan Jan II Jenks Gertrude IFemal Newton Hospt Charlesi' Gel'trutle Oak 610 Watertown Wool 19 Vld 5 Newton st, Wd 2 I Maes Inverne 6& OB Jan 20 Jan 12 Murphy Frederiok IMale Newton Hospt John J Annie Livingston Hugh Wd 5 Newton N B !lass Male Easthampton Jan 21 Jan 13 Dear\)orn Oharles Hen y Newton Hospt I Charles T :Jae 0 Barnett 1~0 Jewett at Olerk Oambridge Mass wd 5 Newton Wd 1 NeIYton Mass Maso Mass Dridgetown N S Jan 22 Jan 13 Jones Bradford lIale 77 Oentral A e Albert J Lucy A Bishop 77 Central Insuranoe Port smouth N H Bertr Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Uass Mass 23 .• I,,~an 13~ =~~~~._n~e=.ibF=em__ ~l ~ ~~~?,~=§~u~~t :.~~~.F.;"r".:;':";;;'t.:;,:,:~'_'"1_=R=o~s~e_B_R_e_U_l.yy_~_,J.="';"'_ !~'~J!=Btn="=T=a~am=B_to=r=_J_s_o=r=an=t=o=n=pa==_I=c_o=c"_a~va_n,,===~,.j.,~J_an=.=.k==~" ..• _ I hereby certify that the above retufil is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, '."GO-; ~J [PAGE 36e: 1 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of JlEWTOll for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

""--~_'-'~.'~-~"_c..-.....,~,- ___ .__""~'~~"c~~'~~"'" •.• "~-,,,~~~~. ___ •• __ ~~cc· .-~._ •.. '~'~'_'- .'-~-"" .. '.' ' SEX "~D NAME OF PARENTS. RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION OF PLACE OF BIRTII OF PLACE Of BI~TII OF I DATE or 'I I DATE or rULL NAME or THE CIlILO, AND CONDI1IN No. I BIRTII. COLOR IIf olher Ihan while). III T.. lnI, PLACE OF BIATII. ~' .. .------PARENTS. FATIIER. FATIIER. MOTlIER. i RlCORO. I I Ilc,). ~1920 __ j " Newton Hospt -1-;R-s.-v-e-rda:: Telephone Te.t Deer Isle Maine' 24 Jan 13 POllers Barbara E11 za- Femal '~::::':F'lh"'I-~~l:::~':oo::o~"" Saoo Maine ; Jan beth wd 5 Newton Road Welloslex Man I Maal Farms Mass Ouare. di Pugll,a Jan i 25 Jan 13 Savignano Ernest Male 347Elllot St I Paul Angelina Toooi 347 Elliot Bt Millhand Avellino Ita.ly Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Italy, Mass Mass Catherine 14 Harding 86 Pennsyl- Machini at Needham MasB Oarrigaline : Jan 26 Jan 13 Yates Franois IMale 86 Pennsylva~ia Jam~s F 00 Cork Ireland: Ave Wd 5 Newton vania Ave Wd ! Mas~ No'vton l4a~D i Fernald I BasUioa Italy I Jan 27 Jan 14 Collolli Maria Constanz 118 Went st Domenioo Filomella l!aBoia ll~ West St Laborer Castelvetere j llalfor~oreltaly Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 N~'Rton Man Mass Oambridge 28 Jan 14 MoGurrin Helen Femal Newton Hospt John P ll~llh M Rookwell Park Road I Painter South Na tiok wd 5 Nelvton "7e11e91ey HUa MasB Kings Co N B Man Maos I Nowton Mass Newton Masa 29 Ruth Femal Newton Hospt Oharles E Marie A No 1 an 230 Walnut St Travoling I Jan, Wd 5 Ilewton wd 2 Ne\vton Sale amen Man Mass Congleton Ches- Jan 30 Jan 14 Payne Olive Ellen FemalJ 16 Shawmut Pi William J Alioe Hanoook 16 ShalVMllt Pk Oabinet Make~ Paignton Devon­ Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Nelfton i shire England ghire England I Mass Maa I I Newton Mass Jan 31 Jan 15 Roach Thomas Male I Newton Hospt I Thomas F Winifred 0 L~ary 1473-A Wash- Eleotrioian I Boston Mass Wd 5 Newton I in~ton St Wd JUS N R I Maes Newton Mass I 'ill Broadway Brasa Moulde Boston Maas Boaton Mass Jan I ~2 Jan 15 Rosenkranz Julius Balnuel Male I NC'.vton Hospt Harry J Martha Friedman ~'d 5 N')wton Arl1 n~ton IAas I Masa Jan 16 Collins Virginia Femalj 992 Cheotnut Maurioe J Sarah A MoAllister 992 Ohestnut Stationary OOrk Ireland Armagh Ireland Jan at Wd 5 Newto St Wd 5 Newto Engineer I Ma~s Mas Anna Florenoe 182 Beothove Thoma. Marie J LeBlano 182 Beethoven Painter Newton Mass Margaree ,0 B Jan Jan 17 MoKeon Femal~ I N B Louise : Ave Wd 'i Avo Wd OJ I Ne wt on Dass Newt.on Uass Jan 18 Baldwin Norma Wheelock Fomald Newton Hospt Ralph W Florenoe Olare Lus- 43 Hobson Bt Maohinist Lawrenoe Masl Lynn Mass Jan 35 Wd 5 Ncr/ton oomb Boston(Fanoui) Mass Masa Urlingford Co South Duxbury Jan 36 Jan 18 Oavanagh Lib Joaophine Female Newton Hospt James J LUa Reyno ldl 410 Washingto Driver Wd 5 Newton St wellesley " Amerioan Kilkenny Ireland Mass I Mass Hill 9 Maso !i:xpress" I Ashland Mass Jan Jan 19 ' Edwards Prisoilla Femali N6\vton Hoapt Alfred E Blanohe ~ Metcal! 34 Ricker Rd Civil Engine r Natiok Mass Wd 5 NelVton Wd 7 newton Mass Uass Halifax England Brookline Mass Jan 38 Jan 19 Murphy (Stillborn) Femal 75 Oourt at Eugene E Go rt rude A Mu rph y 75 Court St Brakeman Wa 2 Newton Wa 2 lIolTton Masa Uass Femal I King&Q,uoen's 00 Washington D 0 Jan 39 Jan 19 Williams Eather Whittib e 15 Virginia I John 0 I Ella M Burke 15 Virginia Driver (Blao1:) Road Wd 3 Ro~d Wd :3 Va Newton Mass NelVton Masa I Jan 20 Cormier Jo seph Arthur Malo 1111 Lexingto~ WUlie Mary Roach 141 Lexington Maohinist Ohetioamp 0 B II Eastern Harbor Jan St wd 4 Newton St wd 4 Nel'1to o B N S tla s tlas Jan Jan 20 FODS Frederiok Au- IMale Newton He sp b Frodor iok A Franoes B Walker 33g Oentral Si Manager Ohiohest or N H Ohestor Pa gustus Jr Wd 5 Newton Wd 4 Nowton Masa MaBB Jlln 20 Loaial' Josoph Herbort Male Newton Hospt Elie Rose Pelleti er 61 Olark Bt Soldier Traoadie Baker Laok Jan Wd 5 Nellton Wd , Ne:vton Glouoester 00 NBI MadaIYaaks. 00 NB Ma.u Mass Jan 20 Rumery Miriam Louise Femal 51 Lindan St Arthur F Therase. M Larrivee 51 Lindon at Machinist Biddeford Maine Williamsville Jan Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Neilton Oonn Mass Mass Galway Iroland Jan 44 I Jan el Oonnolly John Franoia Male 26e: Ne'~ton Jamea J Bridget Cgnpolly 261l lIelTton- Ohauffeur Galway Ireland ville Av lTd ville Ave Wd Newton Maas Nelvton Masa Fomal Woodstook Vt Jan Jan 21 Makep~aoe Ell zabeth Gertr (\Il Nelvton Hospt Leon I Violet L Wiloon 76 lIarvard AV Manager Mansfield Mass Wd 5 Newton Brookline Mas Man 3315 Cherry Bt Rattan Work Newton Masa Athenry Co Jan 46 Jan 21 Roohe George Lawrenoo Male 11'Id3;3S NOhertry ~ ~~lW,~L ",,' Annie E Delaney Gul\,ay Ireland! e" on mSiSSIUnl unl)' IIf j't(llUr. Wd ; Nel,ton Ma 8

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, C I "T v(fleillc 3G9 [PAGE 369 J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEW'l'ON for the Year Nineteen I-I undred and NII1ETEEN AI.L NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

No. D:I~~I~r rU~~~:~lrO:lh!:I;h~;I~~;e~ND' ":~~f,:~~;:, PLACE o~ ~IRTII~'- krl:.I·N·arne '~;'~h;,~~~~§f.~~lh::' ~~~·l~~~~i~~~.:;'~~ ~~~~~~~~~~; '~-1- '"~~·C;r~~II~;:.~·1I ~~r' "--I" ;~~';;M~~H~irll'~~~~r~~i~~~~~' [~.~--

~7 ··-:"-J::-2~-·t-Whalen -'---'A:~'::-::~rg:~:~F:mal; 203 wash1ng- i Lawranoe I Rena DeRooh~' 203 waslling- Linom~n Antigon1Bh N S II MlIO~UChe ~~t;-::o_t--- : Iton st Wd 7 I 'I ton Bt ",d 7 'I Je i INewton Mays Nowton Mass I I I i Jan 22 Burley (St1llborn) IMale I Newton Hospt I W111il.Ull J I Alioe E Lesslll'd ~l Chandler P'r Machinist I Cork Ireland I Woonsocket R I Jan I Wd5 Newton I Wd; Newton I I i I Mass I lh.ss I I I Jan 22 Chandler James Edward IMale 61 cresoent I William R Mary 14 Gilmore 61 Crescent St Teamster I Ne\vton !.laos I Newton Mass Jan I St Wd 1 Nelvton Wd 1 Newton ' I I I Ma~s Mass I I

50 Jan 22 Feeley Cha1'les Ed'/lard I'Male 61 Gardner Btl' Charles C Elizabeth Sher1dan 61 ill\rdner St i Polioe I Ne\vton Mass Wal tham Maas I Jan II Wd 1 Newton ,Wd 1 Ne\vton I Offioer I I lIass i Mass I '

'51 Jan 22 Murphy Thomas Joseph ,Male 0;3 west st James JAnna C, Murray , <;3 west ~t StoM-fitter I Boston Mass Newton Maes I Jan IVa 2 Newton ' \Va ::: NOllton I 1 lIaos I Mass

52 Jan 2; Shaw Marion ,FelDal~ Newton Hoept I John I ;\n1l!1. Fogarty ~~ ~:;~~~nkS 1Clerk I Boston Llass I Booton Llaeo I .Tan

5; Jan 2~ Blodgett Bal.'bara 'l.'arren IFemalj' ::.:,:'::. ,,,',,',. 1I Ad,,,,,,. '""n ::'::::::: I .... ''''or '''lbM U... !"" ... " .... i , Wd 5 Newton I At Iloston 'I I J~ MasB Mass I

Male 38 Winohesh%l Arthur 1:1 lIartha E Hary,er 38 WinClbsster I Driver of Halifax N S I Neilton Mass I Jan 5~ Jan 2~ I Jacl:aon (Stillborn) I (Black) , I st 'lid 5 I St 'lid 5 Nell~~r\ Coal Team I I Newton Llass I ~

Jan 2~ Ruby Virg1nia Femald Newton Hoapt Edwlll'd H Hazel !.I GoodnolV 16 Hyde st Lawyer Roohester 11 Y I East Jaffrey 55 I Wd 5 Newton 'lid 5 Ne)'lton I N H Llass MaSB Jan Jan 2~ Walker iFamal 1051 Chest- Phoebe J Walkor 1051,Ohestnutl I Oakington 56 nut at Wd 5 st 'lid. 5 NeIVto I lIaryland I NOlVton Mass , Mass I

Jan 25 Armitage (Stillborn) Femal I1s'Rton Hospt William J Jooephine Foley 28 Riverdale Polioeman Needham Mass i Boston(Hyde ,Jan 57 / 'lid 5 Neu~~~ Road welt~~:let 1 Park)l!aos , 57 Oak Ave Giarunalt1stoi Saraf1na Leohiara 57 Oak Ave Laborer Pet1lia Policastfo Pe~ll1a Poli- i Jan Jan 25 Barberio Louis 58 'lid 3 Nelvton I Wd 3 Newton Italy I oastro Italy , Mass I Mass I I Newton Hospt , John L Mary E Lynoh ~7 Clinton St I Machinist Natiok Mass Newton Mass Jan 59 Jan 25 Martin Mary iFemal j I 'lid 5 Newton I 'lid 2 Newton I I !.lass I Mass I

1 60 Jan 26 Kavanagh Walter IMale Newton Hospt I' Walter E Theresa Sul1ivll.n 120 Brooks St I Polioe Offio r In1etioge I' Boaton Mass 1 Wd 5 Nel'lton Booton(Br1ghtqn): Kilkenl)y Co I i Mass I Mass: I Ireland I Jan 61 Jan 26 Maguire Walter 2 ..I, Crafts st I' Charles Mary Conoannon 2"II .. crafts St Laborer 'I Co Fermanagh I,Galway Ireland 'lid 2 Ne~:~g Wd 2 NC~~~~ I I Ireland i Jan 62 Jan 28 DonlpJI Edward IMale 21 Bailey Pl Patriok J Mary Shields 21 Bailey Pl 'I Machine Shop I Galway Ireland I Galway Ireland Wd 2 Newton IYd 2 Neilton ' I Llass Mass i I I IMllle 192 Oaliforn a James H Laura II Shea 192 Cal1forni~ Teamster Watertown Maaa I Walthall! Mass Jan 6; Jan 28 Fowler William JO$qph St 'lid 1 Nen~1~ at 'lid 1 Na~~~4 i Jan 9 Morgan Pl I Vi to Camella cabozz1 q Morgan Pl II Laborer Roooadaspida Boeton Maes I 61> Jan 28 Frano10ne Joseph jMale Salina Italy i Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton I I : I Mass Mass 1 iFemal~ 31 wyman Bt Carpenter NelTton Maao 'I Kansae City Llo, Jan 65 Jan 28 KeJ.laway Mildred Lou~ se I Newton Hoapt Edwar.d T Florenoe M Cooper I Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 N~"ton to! I I Mass Mass I Male ' I Bo et on l4ass , Somersworth N H I;..ran 66 Jan 29 Sargent lIarston Foldom : Neilton I\ospt George B Ol~,ye Folsom 11 Hobaon at I Banker Wd 5 NelVton Boston(Br1ght1n) I Maes Mae B i I Wellosley lIass Wellesley Mass Jan Luoy r Froet 77 Morton St i Llanager(wooll I , 67 Jan ;0 Hanks Theodore Male 77 Morton at Harold B Standi h Wd 2 Nowton Wd 2 Neilton , Mass Mass I I I I Jan Jan ;0 Peters Paul 1290 Wash- 1 Solomon Catherine Doiron l290 IVaeh1ng- Gardener New GlasgolV IUllr Ruot1oovi11e 68 1ngton At 'lid 3 ton st 'lid 3 PEl PEl Newton Mass ~ NS'Iton Mass ! I ! 69 Jan ;0 Rio~ 1 ~n~s~~tiiWQ. ,r~~~tM3"~~., .~_~tt~ ~_E.~:~__ ~_ ~~~~~~oN~m;~~;~~~::"t~:~~.J ..s~~~.:~r:w: ,:",s". : ~,~n:,n~,~~,~,,~~~c~, ."~:n""~,,,,.~,u,,.", .• ",,1·· .. I hereby certify thai the above return is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. CIT Y. ,&lell!c r 1 ..... \' .,J" j [PAGEHO] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NE\\'TON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

SU AND OF PARENTS, RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION OF PLACE OF BINTtI OF PLACE or BIRTII OF DATE OF 'I DATE OF FULL~~'~E~;~;IE~~ILD' AND COhD1T'N RECORD. (II Twlft., PLACE OF BIRTtI, PARENTS, FATHER, FATIIER. MOTtIER, N:_'_~_ BIRTII'',__ ,_I _____,_C_O_LO_R_"r_o_lh'_' __th_'" whit,). IIc.), • flrlt Name of father. Malden Nam. or Mother •

121 Avalon Rd Bonds Haverhill MaBs Waltham MaBB Jan 70 Jan 31 Buttriok Herbert Inger­ NelVton Hospt ' Herbert I Marion Haaaett I soll Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Mas9 Mass San Donato Ban Donato Jan 71 Jan 31 Cedrone Giovanni ~3 Qen~40 JAaria Celluooi ~3 Kenilworth Gardener at St 'lid 7 Oaserta. Italy Caserta Italy

Catherine Flynll llt west Bt Foreman Natiok R I Glasgow soot­ Jan Jan 31 Mackin Henry Franoia llt West at Henry F 72 Wd 2 Newton wd ? NelY~on land Maso lIass Bessie V Turney ~2 Jerome Ave Cabinet U... :8" Yarmouth N S West Falmouth 'Jan Feb 1 Crosby Margaret "'"'",,-'" ~2 Jerome George W MaBS Eleanor Wd.3 Newton Wd 3 Newton MaDS lIass 25 Paul st Clergyman D1viding oreek Westerly R I JM 7~ Feb 1 Perry Marjorie Grace Newton Hospt Milton G Grace JIoore Wd 5 Newton Wd 6 NelYton N J Mass lIass Provide noe R I La ioester Enlll:l~.n\1 Jan Feb 3 Adoook George WilHam 23 Charles H Ada Smart 23 wetherell Painter 75 Bt Wd 5 Newton at Wd 5 Newto Mass

1'10.1 t ham Mas s Derbyline Vo Jan Feb 3 Connelly Helen Made g Raymond Pl Miohael T Harriet te II Molway g Raymond Pl Patrolman Wd 3 NelVton Wd 3 Newton Mass Mass - ~7 Langley Shoemaker Prov AQ.uila Prov AQ.uila Jan Maro111 Adalgisa El v1ra D1 Luoa 77 ~ag~;:,~tCJnBenedetto Rd Wd 6 N'Hto Italy Mass 279 F\tller, Bt Furn1 ture 1'I0rJoster Mass Manohe ster N 11 Jan 71l Feb ~ Cooper El1zabeth Hewton Hospt Ernest R Eether M Taggart Wd 5 Newton lid 3 Heltton Mass 'Mass 61 Kirlcatall Cotton tlrCIKelj LjL verpl)olLEnglllndl1'1l\tertown Mass Jan Feb And,.es Arthur Edward 61 Kirk Agne a !.I ltee~. 79 5 Ild \I'd 2 lIliiiitd!nEugen C .... Rd Wd 2 Newto _- Ml!,ss

Margaret Cody 30 H1gh at Moulder Milltown co Moyoulan Co Jan so Feb 5 MoKenna Jose-ph 30 H1gh at John Wd 5 Newton lid 5 Newton Kerry Iroland Galway Ireland Mass J.!8.SS City'Laborer Platan1a oat an- Platan1a oat an- Jan 51 Feb 6 Caruso Pauline 306 Cherry S Domen100 Rosa Cerm1nara 306 Oherry st Wd 3 Newton \I'd 3 Newton zaro Italy zaro Italy Mass Mass Auto Tire Lowell Mass west Aoton Mass Jan g2 Feb 7 Baxter Lawrenoe Jnmes Newton Hospt W11l1am J Flora I Lawrenoe Stow Mass Wd 5 Newton Vuloanizer Mass Arsonal Arlington Mass Galway Ireland Jan 1.13 Feb 7 Co1l1ns Anna Margaret Newton Hospt Miohael J Mary A Kane 11 Cresoent Wd 5 Newton Wd 1 lIelVton Mass Mass 76 cuehing st Buokle Fao- Goteborge SlIe'del~1 Bohus Sweden Jan g~ Feb 7 Stenquist Male NelTton Hospt Sven Gerda Haggstrom Wd 5 Newton lInl tham Mas s tory ~:ml)lo:rel! Mass Clerk Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan Feb S Fitzl!:erald Mary 36 Court st John J Mabel E Hapenney 36 Court st Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Mass Mass 112~ m,",.~,,,,~ Maohinist llontaguto Avel San Ingratta 'Jan 86 Feb 9 Andrews Leonora Femal Ne',Iton Hospt Louis Margaret P1sani Italy Wd 5 Newton St Wd Italy Mass' Mass Novena lIo00rmack 979 Chestnut Stook clork Sk1bbereen Co Lot 56 Little Jan Feb 9 Barrett Margaret 979 Ohestnut 1l1ohael W Pond PEl 87 Bt Wd 5 Newt n st wd 5 Cork Ireland Mnss Maas ep) Otis at Salesman' Boaton Uass Bo ston Maes Jan gg Feb 9 Butters Philip Whito 2g Otis St E.1gll1.· A Mal'y N Whi toomb Wd 2 Nowton I'd 2 Newt on Mass Mass Shipper Ar10hat N S Larry R1ver N S Jan ~'eb 10 Fougere' Helena R1ta ~6 Dalby st Freder1r.k J Josephine Pelr1no ~6 Dalby St Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton !.lass Mass Naperville III Mauha.lltown Jan Henry Augus­ Newton Hospt H Augustine Luo1a May ...!W.llh 37 Claflin Rd Teaoher Feb 10 Smith Iowa t1ne Wd 5 Nowton Brookline Mas Mass 9 Somerset Rd Man\lfacturor Ohio ago III Ch1oago III Jan 91 Feb 11 BUlison Elizabeth r'ema~e 9 Somerset Oharles F- Bessie Watt Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton Mass Mass Tailor Barre Ruoe1a 1I0gelew Russia Jan Feb 11 Drapen Emerson Male 332 cherry Ethel Anten 332 Cherry 92 ".," Wd 0\3 Nelfton 1J,,';io.'i"_.'.~~,,!.·~!'~1,_~'~'I Wd 3 Newton

I hereby certify that the above return Is correct according to the best of my knowledge and b~tief. [PAGE 371J 371 NINETEEN BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and ALL NAM,S TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

, No, "1 D:,~~,~r .;~~~~~~\,;~~!:,:,:~'~~;.·~N;·· •. , ~~:~!(;~ PLACE or DIATlI, •rlrsl Nam, 0' Falher, NAME or P:I~:,:T::m' 0' Molher, RE:~REtN;~,or OCC~:~~:~~ or rLACEr~~II~':,TlI or PLAC~~~,~':,TH or ~~~~R~~ ._ ...... -1-... __. ---+------.. -.--.. -----.------11-"'-",-~------+_----_l_------+-- _____/- ____+ ______1 ______J-l!120_+- ____ Klllyleagh Bo Jan I 93 I Feb 11 Hayes Lawrenoo 23 Keefe Ave Patriok J Mar:r II Flynn 23 Keefe Ave MaohiniBt K111yle agh Co Wd 5 Nelyton \'!d 5 Newton Down Ireland Down Ireland Mass Mas I StOok SUpsr­ visor Newton Mass Bherbrook P Q Jan 94 Feb 11 Thayer Donald Turner N8\Vton Hospt Harley P Marjorie W Turner 19 Whitman st Wd 5 Neilton W SomeJ:v1l1e (Uni ted prug Canada Maso Mass 00) " Biddeford Maine Needham Mass Jan 95 Feb 11 Wood Gertrude 1302 John Mary Connell 1;02 Boylston Maohinist I Bt Wd St Wd 5 I Dublin N H Belfast Ire Jan 96 I J1'eb 12 Fiske Helen Marie Newton Hospt Albert P Bessie F MoKenna 1;3 Robbins Meohanio Wd 5 Newton Vial tham Mass Mass Neilton Mass Chioago III Jan Feb 12 Kiley Joseph L ~l Everreen Joseph L Marion G Cas~idy Trainman 97 Ave wd ,,~,.tnl" Newton Ma~s San Donato uaOierl;a St Johnsbury Jan Feb 12 Lombardi Frederiok Ralr,.Mal.' 73-a Alliuon Raymond Oorinne E Wilkins spinner St Wd 1 Italy Vt I

I Oatharine Russo 1419 Fruit Formia Italy Me sdna Italy Jen 99 Feb 12 S\lpino John Frank Ma.le 1419 Vlasn;l.Jllg-1 Luigi I at Wd 3 Dealer

1 ~~~t~~ n~s~ Sl\irley Mass Somerville Mass Jan Feb 1; Edgeo.rton Charles Gal~d-l Male Newton Hospt Oharles G Mary Robbins 212 Ohestnut Bonds lIer Wd 5 Newton at Wd 3 IIA,.tn.l I I, MasS Boston Mass Newton Mass Jan 101 Feb 14 Considine Mary !(.. t:he,.itJ~·ema!.~ Newton Hoapt James D , Mary T Ferriok 220 Adams st Laundryman . Wd 5 Neilton ':'1l1tham Mass MasS I North "-'.~,._~•. '____ , Chioago Il.l1nois Jan 102 Feb 14 l'\rJwney 1~·el~lu.~ Neilton Hospt Walter F A Josephine Fleming .Lelnn~ Wd 5 Newton I Mass • Textile WOl~ker Co Leitrim Ire­ Nelfton Mass Jan 10; Farrell Joseph "UJ'~"" Male 260linton st Joseph P Mary 0 Oanavan 26 OHnton St Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton land Mass Mass 66 Green at Newton Mass Jan 10~ Feb 15 Howley Harold Josellb,'Male Newton Hospt Mary E Howhy IMCltnc,r 's ooclupllt10n Wd 5 Nel'lton Vld 2 Ney/ton Housework Mass Mass t?£.....:...... Idale 18 Rogers st Sa.muel F Mary E Hartling Rogars st Box Maker Groton II H South -A1ne&l!.1L 105 Feb 15 Parris Nova sootia Wd 7 Newton Wd 7 Newton 1 Mass Mass Mayo Ave Machine Tool South Weymouth Keene N H Jan Feb 1; Shaw Ruth Irene 11''''IIIIU.<\ Nelfton Hospt Burt Harold Bessie Adelaide 6; /) TId 5 Newton Walker Needham Mass Salesman Mass Mass Vilinsk1 Russia Vilinski Russi Jan Feb 15 Snyder Alioe Lana Oohen 1211.0hestnut Shoemaker 107 St Wd 5 Ne

650 Grove St Oarpenter Yarmouth N S Yarmouth N S Jan 106 Feb 16 Durkee Viola Ed!. th 650 Grove St Austin B Leti tia 0 Alien Wd 1~ Newton Wd 4 Newton Mass Mass Aroe Caserta Newton Mass Jan Feb 16 Marzil11 Paolo Giu 192 Adams St Giuseppe Angelina Esposito. 192 Adams St Deoeased Vld 2 Nelfton Wd 2 Ne'R~on Mass Mas a Chief Yeoman Boston Mass Johnston R I Jan llO Feb 17 . Hadden Louise Gi 6 B1ll1ngs D&na C Martha E Gifford 6 B1ll1ng~! Pk Park Wd 7 Vid 7 Newton USN Neilton Mass 1\aso Neilton MaBS St John's Jan Alioe Irene Josephina F Murphy 315 Aubul'n st Night 111 Feb 17 MoCarthy Wd 4 Newton Newfoundland Mass John Sloan Oatherine Conner a 4 M,,",LDQln Merohant SWbmpaoott Uaea Jan 112 Feb 17 A,lott Bo ROJ:bUl~}1) Marina

Newton Mass Jan 11; Feb 18 VanTassel Warren Henry 27 Faxon at Jameo Henry Ida M Buoklily 27 Faxon st Foreman Laoe Digby N S 1M 1 Nelvton I'Id 1 Nelvton Dyer Maes Mass 70 Freeman St Upholsterer Margaree Forka Wellesley Mass Jan ll4 Feb 19 MoDaniels James Henry James Marion Ryan Wd 4 Newton N S MaDs Ba11yahannon CQ Newton Mass Jan Elizabeth Thomas Delia A Burke ,.0'" .Bt Moulder of 115 Feb 19 0' Laughlin • Nolo 1'1 ... \ Nllm., RI1I1 Iron Donegal Ireland 1lilUni nnly or Vntlmr.

I hereby cerlify that the above return is correct aCfOlding to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 372 J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineken Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO DE GIVEN IN FULL, fULL NAME Of TIlE CIIILD, AND ." ~~~o:~~~l"e.~.~., •• ,.,~~~ ... ~, ••.• ~~.~. ~A'~~~7~;'~~;;"'~~~'"~~'~'"' ~"-~'E~~~;;;-~'~"~~~~PA~;;:;e""'1 "U~;~"~~~'~f:IH;II-~;"r" ;:~~~O;~;TH;-"'i .... DATE Of' DATE Of No. COLOR (If olhor Ihan while). , ,",'wi ... I' PLACE Of BIRTII. .-- .,.------.. - PARENTS fATllER I fATllER MOTIIEH. RLCORD. UIRTI!. .. ______. ______.. " .\,.1. I • Flral Nam, of f'lher. Malden N,m. of Molher. • • ..-L. . :_1920 __• I : , Meohanio Berthier Quebeo iBig Pond N S I Jan 116 Feb 20 Laporte Wllfred Lloyd /Jale I 22 Faxon St Edmund Azllda Poirrier 22 Faxon Bt 1 Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton Oanada Mass I , I Mass I Stratham N H Mount Bell i Jan Wingate Margaret Mary' Femalr 51 JeffersonlJohn P Margaret M Oarloy 51 Jefferson I Farmef 117 . Feb 20 Ireland I, , St Wd 7 NewtO[ Bt Wd 7 Ne\Vto~ I I Mass Mass I Jan Oaterina Fer1azzo 7~2 De dham Bt Farnlar Malfa Messina iMalfa Meooin~ 118 ! Feb 21 I Cinootta Giovanino : Male ' 7~2 Dedham st Angelo Itaiy Italy Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 NaITton Mass MaSD I Soranton Pa Lanuaster Pa Jan ' Feb 21 n!

1 Beeoher Pl Giusoppo Maria Giannetti 30 Buaoher Pl I Laborr,r Bellona Oasorta i Oaiazzo Oasorta Jan Parillo Guido ~ale 30 135 : Feb 28 i \I'd 6 Neltt on Wd 6 NeIlton I I Italy Italy I I !.lass Mas s ,Female 59 crafts St Wilfred Edith M BTay Holliston Mas, B1oyole Marlow Buoking- Marlow Fngland Jan Mar 1 , Collins Elsie I I Wd 2 Ney/ton Sale sman ~am England I !.lass

'I J 137 Mar 1 Griffin Robert wendOll'1iii Mate Newton !loopt I George A Ellen F G1tford White Pla.ins Oivil Engine~r Newton Mass Woods Hole Mass I an I I Wd 5 Newton I N Y I I ," I,~ '~H"~Y______"'~, ""Lb;~Hr~~;~;:~!11~r~E~ ...'::~'" '.. :':: __ ~5.~:'~'.~':~~·~:-~ .... :.:...... ~~: .... .1 ~':.~ ,u'. .., 'u hereby c'~rlify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. c , T'v..llle~!t [PAGE 373l BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEll ALL NAMES TO BE CIVEN IN FULL.


Nelvton MaDS I 139 Mar 1 Hurley· Raymond Male 159 Oak at Wl11iam F Winifred A Norton 159 Oak at Maohinist Nel'lton Mass I (2nd born) TWIN W~ 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton I ~ Mass Mass I Nel'lton Mass ! 140 Mar 1 Rider "'III.~l-aIII""\;l:iHI~ Male Newton Hospt J Soott Louise A Davldson Salesman Stoneham Mass I lid 5 Nelfton , Mass

, 1111 Mar 2 Hughes Mary Femal 30 Rustio' at Mlohael Mary Burke 30 Rust io Bt Rubber Co Mayo Ireland Co Mayo Ireland Jan I Wd 1 llel'lton lid 1 Nowton Worker Mass Mass Cambridge Mass Waltham Mass Jan Mar 3 Gately Hi to. 70 Allison George R Josephine V Grant 70 Allison Bt Rubber "U'iliO. Wd 1 Newton Wd ), Newton Mass Mass Jan Uar j Kornfeld Robert Jona- Male 261~ Mill at Lc\ds F Ll1ian Beiterth 2611 Mill Bt Merohant NelT York II, Y Na.tohel Mh.s than Wd 2 Neilton lid. 2 Newton Mass Mass

Margeson Jean Newton Hospt J Parker Annle J Fliegel' 79 Rawso~ Rd Civil Engi Brookline Mass Denver colorad~ Jan Wd 5 Newton Jr Quinoy(wollas~on) Mass Mass Male Arlington Mat's.. Jan Mar 11 Dorney Willl~m Newtoll Hoopt William A Mab~l D Pettengill 2711 Belmont .Dental Rn~'"elln llelfton MasD Jr Wd 5 Newton '{fatel'town (U S N) Mass Newton Mass Jan 1116 Mar 11 'llhitney Barbara llellton Hospt Benjamln P Barbar a Farley Central Ave Lieutenant Medford Maso Wd 5 NcwtQn Weoton Mass A E F Mass Rookbridge Va. Jan Mar 5 Cooper Jamee lIenry Male 115 Curve Bt William M Bessie Moore 115 curve at Laborer Burlington N 0 (Blaok) lid 3 lIeltton Wd 3 Newton s MElSl[l Jan Mar 5 Stotz MUdre d ~v" 1 ~:~emaL~ 16 Rlvpr George J Josephine Greenough Miller's Machinist Turner's Falls Newton Mass Bt Wd &/0 NA,,,trln Mass

25 Btlllard Bt Wool-dea;Ler NSI,ton Mass Otlmbridge MaSD, Jan Mar 6 Follett Robert r~'or."o Male 25 Bsllard Wl11iam D Edna L Thurston 1119 Wd 6 Newton Wd 6 NeIlton Mass Mass Male Hudson Mass Somerville Mass I Jan 150 110.1' 6 Moulton Robert Newton Hospt Clarence L l&a1'10n Mer.rill Shipper Wd 5 Newton Mass Turloughmore Co Oambridge Mass I Jan 151 I 110.1' 7 Delaney Helen Marie 60 webster John F Mary L Webb 60 Webster at Gardener Wd 3 Nelfton Wd 3 Newton Glllwa.y Ireland Mass Mass South Sudbury Needham Mass Ja.n Mar 7 Erioson Frederiok Male 3!! Webster Frederiok G Laura A Oolll,ns 38 Webster. at Chauffeur George Wd ; Newton lid 3 Newton MaDs Mass MaDs Naw York N.Y Newl:on Mass Jan 153 Mar 7 T1m1l'.ons Thomao EdlT'ar~ Male 19-A Beeoh John J Anna B Burns 19-A Beeoh Bt Chauffeur Wd 1 Nel'lton Wd 1 Newton MaRS Mass 179 Chapel at Laborer AQuara Italy Aqu.ara. Italy Jan 1511 Mar B Mar1no (St111born) Male 179 Chapel Luoito NlooUna Cabozzl Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Mass MaGe I Bt Antoine P, Q.. Jan 155 . Mar !! Vachon Lorra1rl0 73 Faxon St Aloide Florence .Merobant 73 Faxon Bt Painter Bt John P, .Q. Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Nevlton Oanada Oanada Mass Mass Jan Mar 9 Brooks . Paul Jr Newton Hospt Paul Mary A Gilmore ~2 Parsons Bt U BArmy T~ls1 tGermany Aurora III Wd 5 Newton wa 3 NeITton Mass· Mass ADhevllle N. 0 Framlngham Massi Jan 157 Mar 9 Houston LeRoy Edmlun~ 7 Robinhood LeRoy Beulah M Wi se 7 Robinhood Fireman Rd lTd lj. Ne ..,tdn Wd 11 NeIlton (Bl Mass Loui obllrgh 00 Jan Mar 9 Moran llewton Hospt James J Br1dget O'Malley 287-a waah- Telephono Louisburgh Co Wd 5 Ne)'{ton ington Bt Wd Lineman Mayo Ire land Mayo Ireland Mass Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan 159 Mar 10 Libbey Fr ank No l'mnn 30 Linooln Oharles H Coralie H Meservey 30 Linooln st Insuranoe Boston Mass Wd 5 Newt.on Wd 5 llawton MaDS 1If1,98 I Fitohburg Mass Jan 160 Mar 10 MacDonald Oatherine llj. Green Bt Owen R Margaret A James ll~ Grean 6t Foroman 00 Londonderry Vld 2 Newton IVd 2 !lewton Maohinist Ireland Mass Mass I 161 liar 11 Bigelow J.o"",~o~,~~L~==,_~=~=~~==,_.I==L~~~~~~w:.;o.. n::~H!o~~s .• Pg.t.l!~C1Ea~rl~e~M~==.L~O_l1=V=O_N_iO_h_O=l~B=On~=.Ll~;.~E~J~~~J~~i:~~~:~n:s~:;~i"a"=J'.J.='1I=oo~n,=s.=o~ok=,e~:I, ~~awt_u_o==ke~:=l\~Iq !~~n~~.l I hereby certify that the above relurn is correct according to the best of my Imowledge and betief. [PAGE 37lj.l BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OI'I'Y of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

SEX ,.ND NAME or PARENTS, OCCUPATION or PLACE or DlRTH or PLACE 01 BIRTH or DATE or DATE or rULL NAME or TIlE CHILD, AND CONDlTtH RESIDENCE or No, COLOR (II olher Ihan whll,), '" hi", PLACE or BIRTH, PARENTS, FATHER, rATlIER, MOTlIER, OIRIII, ItC.), • flnt Name or Father. Malden Name or

I 162 Mar 11 Dodge Gardner Murray Male 16 Haze Leslie G Edith L Piok 16 Hazl,lhllrst Watohmaker Waltham Mass Black River Jan I Ave Wd 3 Ave Wd N6va Sootia Ne1'1ton Mass Laborer Pet1lla Poli­ Boston Mass Jan 16; i Mar 11 Gentile Theresa Mary "'!lm,,,. 225 R1v"r St Napoleone Banta. Guzzi 225 Rl ver S.t Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 lIelvton oastro Italy . Mass Mass Jan 161j. Mar 12 Ernst Male 1j.5 Eddy St Harvey N Annie. II Laughlin 1j.5 Eddy Bt Maohinist lIaho ne Bay N.s New.ton Mass wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton Mass Mass Portsmouth II H Boston Mass Jan 165 , M(lr 12 Walsh Stephen Herber Male Newton Hospt "Valentine S Ellzabeth a Wenning 201j. Grove St Salesm!Ul Wd 5 Newton 17d Ij. Newton Man Mass 166 Mar 1; .nc1ovino Enrioo Beatrioe Dontato 65 Oolumbi~ Laborer . Montaguto Montagut0 Je.n Ave Wd 5 Newt Avol11no Italy Avellino It~ly Mass Duluth Minne Welle sley Mllso Jan Mar 13 Noyea Edward MRllAr'1:ntJr Newton Hospt Edward S l'hylli s Cunnlngham Ij.oo Woroe ster 2nd Wd 5 Newton st Wellesley Maas Ariohat Nova Ariohat Nova Jan i 168 Mar 13 Thomas Alioe Martha 1j.3 Cook St Peter M Mary V T'!rri0 Ij.; Cook St Fisherman Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 NeIVtcn Sootia Sooti!!. Mass MaDS Jan Mar llj. Benyon Marion Newton Hospt Charles Alioe F Sm ger 35 Oarleton supt of Newton Mass Watertown /.lass (1st )' Wd 5 Newton Wd 7 Newton Fo;estry ) born Mass Mass \ Ne"ltbn i Supt of. Newton Mass watertown Mass Jan i 170 Mar llj. Benyon Jeanette Newton Hospt Oharles Alioe F Banger 35 carleton (and TWIN wd 5 NelVt on Wd 7 Newton Forest;y I born) Mass Mass (NeIVton) I n n I Kalmar ewe den Forlosa Sweden Jan 171 Mar llj. Johnson Karl Ernest 92 Mill Bt 'Ernest 0 Thyra E Petereon 92 Mill st Carpenter Wd 6 Nelvton Wd 6 Nel'lton Mass Mass Boston Mass Jan l72 Mar llj. SulB van William Parker Newton Boept William P Holen F Olifford 607 watertown Wool Newton Mass Jr Wd 5 Newton st Wd 2 Nn,.r.r.~ Mass Buffalo N Y Hazelwood Pa Jan Mar 15 Oalkins Patrioia ~ Farlow Rd Grosvenor Patty Phill1ps Il-9 Farlow Rd Lal,yer. I'Id 7 Newton IVd 7 Newton , Mass Mass I L1 thuania KUISB11l1 L1 thuania Rusei Jan I 17lj. Mar 15 Oharis Joseph P 38 Wetherell Jaoob Lena Kronal1 s 38 Wetherell Moulder st Wd 5 }Iewt Bt Wd 5 Maes Rosoommon 00 Look Hayen Pa. Jan Mar 15 Shanley Olara. 28 Sohool at Eugene J Olara Betze 1 28 Sohool st Conduotor I 175 Wd 1 Newton !/d 1 Newton Ireland Mass Mass Gardner Mass Jan 1176 Mar 16 Desroohers Louis Benjl1l1lin Male 92 Jaokson Joseph rn:L~lIP Roso E Domets 92 Jackoon Rd Oarpanter 8t croix P Q Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton oanada Mase Mass Laburer Ban Donato San Donato l1an Mar 18 Phalli Lorenza. R-190 AdwDs Antonl0 Antonia Pellegrlni R-190 Adame 177 St Wd 2 NA';,t.d" St wd 2 Newt Oaserta Italy Oaserta Italy s Glouoester Mass Newton Mass Jan 178 Mar 18 Bpringham Harriette Gen- ,'Arr"'" Newton Bospt Harry J Anna II Laughlin 17 Olarendon U S Army Wd 5 Nel'lton Ave wd 2 Mass NSlfton Mass

00, Kerry ue~'U\OI 00 Oavan Ir Jan 1179 Mar 18 Sullivan Ellen Jeremiah Oath~rille F Pr1,~oina;'a 838 Walnut Plasterer IVd 6 Newton Mass Jan 1180 I Mar 19 Burke , I!enry Jo seph U Henry T Ade 11e LeBlano ~g gu~~~g~ Machinist lIellton Mass Ma~s

Jan Mar 19 Sal '!llcoi Donato 231j. Adams St Loreto Donata Mazzola 231j. Adams St Laborer San Donato San Donato Wd 2 NOl'lton IVd 2 lIel'lton oasorta Italy Oaserta Italy Mass MaBS Jan 182 Frederiok 1..ona A Haddan 15 Belmont Bt Inventor Upton Mass Vinal Haven I'" Mar 19 White Maine IVd 7 Neltton Mass 1 Jan ! 183 Mar 20 HolmeD Jet.Ulatte "tJ,no Julia A Lol nos J, Prospeot St Chauffeur Riohmond Va Lanoaster 80 0 (Blaok lid 3 Newt on Ma.ss Jan Mar 20 Muody Joan Wlnslow 1'1 Helon M Brown 1788 Deaco Thomaston Me Brookline

I hereby certify that the above r,'tUnt is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief, [PAGE 375J 375 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETE~1I ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL, '.'"",.,,,,-,-,---,-,-,,,,,,-.,--,,. -- ""'"""'"~~~"~~~~~C~","'~~~.~_' """""""""'-r~~~~'"'~~'~'~"~~"'"~'~ I ,,;~;~ NAME OF PIOENTS, , AND , CONDIT'N RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION DATE OF FULL NAME OF TIlE CIIiLD PLACE OF BIRTlI, - No. (If I.), i luTwlul PARENTS, FATlIER, Bmlll. COLOR olher Ihan whl Ilt,l. • flrll Name of f.lher. Mllden Nlm. or Molher, ·····t---' I 18 Mar 21 Leone Annino Cesidio Antoni a Baccari 5 Murphy Ct Laborer 5 ••1. I",.ph,d 2 Newton O. Wd 2 Ne·.fton Mass Mass i 186 , Mar 22 I Jaokson Ivy Ann Femal 40 Winohestol William Harriet L Mullings 40 Winohester Janitor Nasville TF.ll1n Kingston I Jan , (Black) st wd 5 Uewto Jamaica B \V I St Wd 5 newtc n ass I I aSOj George Harris IMale 1213 Washing John P Sarah Buroh I 121; Washing- WcodIYorke r Mt Melliok Springfield 1117 !Aar 23 1 Fennelly Ill] Jan I ton Bt Wd 3 ton at wd 3 Queens Co Irelan~ I Newton Mass ! I Newton Mass I I Baker Clonmany Co Clonmany Co Jan 18e iAe- 23 MOLaughlin Margare t Jo se- : Femal 305 Auburn S~ Peter Mary Doherty I 305 Auburn at J phine Wd 4 Ne'Rton I Wd 4 Newton Donegal Irelan Donegal Irelan , Mass I Mass i I I Jlln 189 Mar 23 Mullen Thomas William Male I 55 Cottage St Thomas F Mary C Flynn 55 Cottage St Oarpenter Newton Mass i Wd ; Newton : Wd 5 Nel,ton Mass Mass St John's Ilew­ Jan 190 LIar 23 Waugh Ruth Ag naB Female 48 Butts St Daniel J Annie G Powers 48 ButtB st !Aaohini st Bt John's New­ Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton foundland foundland Mass Mass Castelvetere Jan 19 1 I Msx 211. De Luoo Nundo Giacomo Male 224 chapel a~ Gtaoomo Maria P Yaroesi 2:?4 Ohapel Bt Deceased Oastelvetere wd 1 Newton Italy Italy I Wd 1 NewtonMass I Mass : I Jan 192 , LIar 211. Grace Phyllis Edna i FemaU Newton Hospt I Frnnk S Esther Turnbull 7 Bacon st U S Army Newton Mass Bouton Mass i I Wd 5 Newton I \Vd 7 Nelito n I UIloSS !Aass I Knitter catanzaro Italy Qatanza.ro Italy Jan 193 Mar 25 Garofalo Riohard Alfred! Male 90 Los Angel~S DO)llenioo Sarah costanza 90 LOB Angele St 'lid 1 Newt n St ..d 1 Newto MaSS Mas I I I Jan 1911. Mar 25 Looke Harriet Evelyn Femal 111.7 Charles- Edgar A Harriet L Bllrnes 111.7 Charles- Line Repair Biddeford Maine I Dover N H bank Rd Wd 7 bank Rd lTd 7 lAan Newton Mass I Ilewton !lass Galway Ireland Jan 195 Mar 27 i GeegNl Nora Eo ther Fernal 36 Court at I Miohael !lary Connolly 36 Oourt St Taxi Driver I Galway Ireland i \Vd 2 Nel,ton \Vd 2 Nel,ton , Mass I Ricoia It aly Jan , l!ar 27 Massimo Edith Grace Femal 1~21 \Vatertow Frank A Rose Vassalottt 421 Watertown Eleetrici an Manhattan NeIY 196 York City II Y (Known as "Mason" ) st Wd 2'U'i Newt n St Wd 2 Newto Mass Mass , Chelsea. Mass Mar 28 Atkinson Eleanor Rogers Femal Newton Hospt I Arthur \'I Winifred Rogers 200 Hillside Bookkeepe r Needham Mass I Jan 197 Wd 5 Newton Ave lIeedham MasD I Mass I I 198 Mar 28 Golay Charles Arthur Male 27 Champa Bt I Leon L lAinp. M Roth 27 Ohampa St Maohini st Cortebert I Rosario - I Jan Wd 5 Nelfton \Vd 5 Newton tina S A I Mass I Mass I , I I Newton Masa NI'IVton Mass Jan 199 Mar 21l Madden Cornelius John IMale 11 Maple I Jeremiah T Margaret Kent 11 lAaple Cir- Engineer Cirole Wei 1 ole Wd 1 I Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan 200 liar 28 IAcElaney John Francis Male 266 Adl·.s St John E Margaret M Dargan 266 Adams st I Groaer Boston Maas oar 101' Ireland \Vd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton Mass Mass Booton Mass Jan 201 Mar 29 Barry John 'I Male 190 Tremont t James \V Anna A Walsh 190 Tremont S Letter Boston Mass Wd 7 Newton Wd 7 Nelfton Oarrier Uass Mass Pet ilia Polioas- Pet ilia Poli- Jan , 202 liar 29 Giordano Franois EdwardllMale 5 Oak Ave I Salvatore Maria Yerardi 5 Oak Ave Gardener \Vd 5 Newton I Vld 3 lIelfton tro Ita~y oastro Italy I Mass Mass Newton Mass 203 LIar 29 Grinley Marjorie Rita IFemalt 107 River st I ThomaB J Kathe1'ine A Olanoy 107 River Rt Laborer Boston Mass I Jan \Vd 3 Newr,on , Wd ; Newton I Mass !Aas~ I Male : 7S0 Boylston Printer Azores(Portugal) La~ewood N J Jan 204· Mar 29 Silveira Leonard Olarka1n I John J Emily Olark son Z~o ~051stQn St \Vd 5 Ntlwto Blue Prints I I NeIY~on Mass Mass Bridgeport N S I North Sydney I Jan 205 Mar 30 Lynuh Norbert Oyril Iuale' I 1316 Odntre Norbert 0 Aulena MoAuley 1316 Oentre Chauffeur Jr St Wd Uewt n St \Vd 6 Newto Oanada I a B Oanada 6 Mass

79 Pearl at Store-keeper Greeoe Sweden Jan 206 Mar 31 Andrews Male II Newton HO::: George Heltrid Swenson I \Vd 5 llewton I "d 1 Newton Mass Mass i Jan 207 I Mllr 31 4I Newton~ JDemonstrator II New IpsIYioh N H. Upton Mass j v 110 Ave Wd & Repairman 1 J6Q~~~: ~=_R1::rd~~e:~e~" ~~.~~. o,~~~!~~~~m:J'~':~:~~:'~~'~~~,~:n ,::.=. "",",,- ____ . ,,"-"'""...... _ ... "=-:..:..:..,~, ...... ===-'-'..,.:.=.~o=-~=~==. =,,~.-:.=<"'-""-=--'"= .:.1. I hereby certify that the above I'CllIrn is correct according to the best of Ill)' knowledge and belief. _./ f.! . _...... ,...... ~=;_.J.'dL'::!rJM~/::...... C.I... ::r: .. ¥_ '&kI!R [PAGE 376] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of lIE'II1'ON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL, N DATE ~F"'r' FULL NAME OF TIlE ClillD, AND -'~~"T~~D~~"'~~:c~~~;'~;::I~~- ~~~·~~-;~~.OFY;;~=-_~~_~~-~.- _r~-E-SID-E=HC-E-O-F--r~-O-C-CUF-~AP~TAHT-·zEIORH,~~~-fl' ·~P:~.CEF'A~T;H;E:RH-,;~;;"r--;l~AC~~M~OO-Trll~BEIRR~,;;:;,~""',I"l"~_~~DF,T __ 0. ___ ~ BIRT~J____ COLOR (If othe~ than while). ! h:IJ,~~nl' • nul Name or hther. Malden Name of Mother, PARENTS.. 20

I I 208 Mar 31 i Simoni Elena Haria F1emalalj 10 Meohanio Enrioo Cesartna Minelli 10 Meohanio Grooer Conto Italy Cento Italy Jan at Vld 5 st ..d 5 Newto Nelfton Mass Mass Jan 209 Apr 1 Agry Nanoy SIll! th : FemalL Ne·.vton Hospt George 0 Elizabeth M Smith 11 Playstead Salesman Woroeeter Mass Columbue Texao I r "d 5 Newton Rd Wd 7 I I Mass Newton Mass 210 , Apr 1 Houston Ernest Charles Male , 7 Robinhood Ernest 0 M Helena S Rollins 7 Robinhood Laboror Aohevtlle N C Newton Maes J&n (Blaok) II fId \Vd II- Newt n Mass Rd "d II- MassNewtor 211 Apr 1 Manning Earl Berry Male 1111- Henshaw s1 George P A Irene M Reinhalter 11-11- Henshaw st Eleotrjeian \Voburn Maee Philadelphia Pa Jan i "11 3 Newton Wd 3 Neilton I Mass I Mass I 212 Apr 2 Lane Frank Vlesley JrMale 311-1 common-l Frauk VI Jean I Morash i 3111 Common- Manufacturer Madison Conn Lunenburg N S Jan 1foR.lth Ave VI 6 I ~aa6t,~e4~gn M,s~hoe Finding Newton Mass i 213 Apr 3 Kittredge Elea,nor Louise:Femal~ 221 Linwood I Raymond E Mary H Marston I 221 Linwood I Bookkeeper II Framingham Mass Boston Maes Jan Ave Vld 2 New on Avo Wd 2 Newt~n I I Mas Mase, I ,Male , , Rosa Andersen 60 Derby St Watoh Factory Plymouth Ind Hadeel Norway Jan 214 I Apr II- Goddard George Frederiok, 60 Derby st George E Vld 3 Newton W!l. 3 Neilton I l!ass MBSS I Jan 215 Apr 4- I.ong Franoia Hayes : Male Nelfton Hospt Joseph F Maude A Hayes II- Glenmore Te Leather Framingham Maee Montreal Canada , Vld 5 Ne,yton Wd 5 No'aton ,Salesman Mase I !.lass Jan 216 Apr 4- Parmenter WllHam Hunt ~ Male Newton Ho spt Allan W Mabel M Gordon 1665 cantre S Salesman Baxonvi11e LtasR I Portland lJaine Wd 5 NOIVton Wd 5 Newton I I Mass !Lass Mae sa- Brooklyn N Y Quinoy(Wollasto ) Jan 217 Apr 5 Lupton James Frederiok I Male NOllton Hospt James F Haze 1 B Somo s 1~72 "Ug~e,gH~~~rg- Jr I lWd 5 Newt on oliuoetts ,Ive toral Review Co· Maes Mass Cambridge Uasp . 2 l'1alnut Ter Painter Blue Hill Me Cavan Ireland Jan 218 i Apr 5 Paige Dorothy Loui se IFemal 2 Walnut Tur Charles W Ella A Donnelly i I'Td 2 Newton Wd 2 Neilton I I Mass Mnss l 219 Apr 5 Ramsay Virginia Femal NeIlton Ho spt John W Ida F Boavor g Windsor Rd Builder' e I Glasgow Soot- Berwiok Maine Jan wd 5 NeIVton wellesley Hll o SUpplies , land Mass !Aaee , Fall River Mass Linooln R I Jan 220 Apr 6 Black Eileen female Nelfton Hospt Thomae H Helen Callahan 119 River St Ltachinist Vld 5 Nelnon I'Id 3 Neilton I Maoe Mase Jan 221 Apr 6 Boooabello Domenioo jMale 38 Beeoher P Lorenzo Pasqua D'Innoocnzo 38 ijeeoher p~ Laborer Navelli Italy Capociani Italy I I'1d 6 Nowton I Vld 6 Nowton I Mass MasR Jan 222 Apr 6 Oranton" Robert Roy Jr I Male Nelfton Hoept Robert R Mary A Harris 11-52 Lel(ington Nurseryman Brookline Mase weston Mase , Vld 5 NOlTton st 'Vld ~ NelVto I Mass Mass I San Maroo(Prov oggia) Meeoina Jan 22, Apr 6 Olivieri Sarah Carmela I Femal 102 Boyd at Felioe Mary C Brigancli 102 Boyd st Gro'oer \Vd 1 Nowton \Vd 1 Netfton Italy Italy Mass Mass ,/

2 wlll1!U11e Ct Mould~r Warsaw Ruesia Warsaw Ruseia. Jan 224- I Apr 6 Paoel t Aloysius Male 2 Williams Kazimir Nellie Elikofska Ct Wd 5 IVd 5 Newt on I Neilton Maee Mass Jan Apr 6 Woodbury Robert LawrenoelMale Nowton Ho spt Robert L Helene 0 Nellgent ~50 Cambridgo Builder Boston Mass lIalden Mass Wd 5 NOlVton At Boeton (Deoeased) Maes (Allston)14ass 83 High St Draftsman Hawiok Sootland Newton Maos Jan 226 Apr 7 Batey Arthur Jameo I Male 83 High Bt James Charl e Bertha F Kempton Wd 5 Neilton Wd 5 Nelfton I Mass Lta.os I Navell1 Aquila Jan 227 D' AttU10 Lina Bianoa Femal 1 Jaokson st Sebastian Anna Fedorioo 1 Jaoknon St Laborer Nav~lli Aquila loIaria 'lid 6 Neilton Wd 6 Neilton Italy Italy Mass I &aes Jan, 228 Ilpr 7 Gorgone Viotory I Male 22 Cottage pi Salvatore Conoetta Baooari 22 Cottage Pl Laborer Messina Italy Messina Italy I \Vd 3 NeIlton IVd 3 Nelvt, on I Maee loIass Piano tuner Newton l4aea Boeton Maso Jan Apr 7 , Haffermehl Louie ValOntinelMale NelTton Hoopt Louis V I Edith N Bevans 11-7 Cleveland I (Stillborn) Jr ~Wd 5 Newton St Arlington , I Mass I Mase I Foreman Nowoastle Co City of Cork Jan Foundry ~imeriok Irol nd Ireland 230J.~~:~~ .. ,I", Jordan _ 1,~~~:=_~~~_~~em~ ~~w;o~~i~i~:. ~i~1~~~,;:,,:::~,J~,~: G::a~~~. _J~II~dW5~·~n~g. I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my Illiowledge and belief, [PAGE 377J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMED TO OE GIVEN IN FULL, , ,_.-.",,,."-' -., ,-, --'l-·'=·~""'"'-'--' -,·.,,'..., .. -.... ·'.·.o.··--"',''',.. ,-=c- .. PL;~E~~;~;I;T-H· ~F,e'r~"D~~;'~~"'O'""' I ' SEX AND NAME or PARENTS, PLACE or BIATH or DATE Dr rULL NAME Dr TIlE CIIILD, AND i CONDIT'N PLACE Dr BIRTII, RESIDENCE or OCCUPATION or No, i BIATlI, I COLOR (If other than whit,), I 'oo To1 .., r N PARENTS, rATlIER, FATlIER, MOTlIER, I RlCORD ---i--- .___ _+ ___ .. ,. ______.______1 __ "'_,1,-+ ______+_O_I_flt_'m_eo_f_r._tho_,,+ __M_,_ld'_n _N._m,_o_fM_OI_h'_" ---1.------1--- 1---,-----11--*920 ' ----

! Jan 231 : Apr 8 Gentile RODe Femal 36 Oottage P Giuseppe Franoesoa Valente ,6 Cottage Pl Laborer Pot111a Poli­ Pet il1ll Poli­ tid 3 Newton wd 3 NelVton oaotro Italy oastro Italy Mass Uass Newton Mass Jan 232 Apr 9 Farrell Marjorie Fema1 Newton Huopt William 0 Mary E Purooll 11 Linooln Pl Sa1e~man Boston Mass Louise l'Id 5 Newton Wd ; Newton Mass !laos We ot Modford at Louis 1.10 Jan 233 Apr 9 watts Norman Male NelVton Hospt Lalvrenoo 1'1 Etho1 Osgood 176 warren Bt Wholesale Endi~tloot wd 5 Newton 'lid 6 Newtcn Dry Gonds Mass Mass MasB I ,1!a1e Wilmington N C Charleston Jan Apr 10 DeRosoet Frederiok !1 ~~h 69 P~lham Bt Frederiok N Helene Trenholm 69 Pelham St Manager sci Wd 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton Mass I Mass Male NeIYton Mass Co Galway Jan 235 Apr 10 Doherty IJames Frano1 26 Clinton 6 Thomas F Delia A Long 26 01inton at Gardenor Ire1a~d lTd 2 NolI'ton wd 2 NeIVt on I Mass Mass I Bridgeport Conn Jan 236 Apr 10 Hutoh1n~on John strong Male NOIlton Hospt Johr. S lUna Johnson 139 Colonial Advert~eing Danbury Oonn Jr wd 5 Newton Road Booton Mass (Br1ghton)Mae Three Rivers 1.110 Nevada Ohio Jan 237 Apr 10 We1burn John l"a1ter Male Neilton Hoapt Alfred P Oapitola M Steiner 14 Ricker T~r Automobile Wd 5 New;;on Wd 7 Neilton Bus1ne S8 Maes I Mass Manohester Eng- Salford Lan- Jan 238 Apr 11 Coffey Ada Franoes Fema1 Newton Hospt I Walter Franoes 1.1 Daniel 43 Cottage St Machinist Wd 5 Newton IVd 5 Newton land paahire England "!lass Mass Fema1 Newton Mass Bath N B Jan 239 Apr 11 Eggleston Margaret Marl Ru316 Cali­ Joseph T . Oather1ne B MoSheff ry R-316 Cali­ Freight fornia St wd fornia st wd 01erk Newton Mass I NeIlton Mass I Newt on Ms.as Jan 240 Apr 11 Keegan Mala Newton Hospt Agnes 1.1 Higgins 31 Middle st B & A RR Newton Mass wd 5 Newton wd 2 Nowton Mass, Maes Jan Apr 11 Sohipan1 Immaoulata emalel 11 Q.uirk Ct Giuseppe Gelaom1na Russo 11 Quirk Ct T8110r Benevento Italy Avellino Italy Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Mass Mass Jan Apr 11 Smith Lloyd Wesley Mala 33 Highland Alden W Olara G Holmes :3) Highland Aotor I Boston Mase Boo t~ n !Aass Ave I!d 2 Ave lTd 2 NOlvto Newton Mas s Mass I Publ10 Philadelphia Pa Philadelphia Pa Jan 243 April 1f Craig George paris Male 18 Fuller stJ William Oli er Holen M Sp1ttal1 18 fuller St 'lid 5 Nowton Jr wd 5 NoV!~on Aonountant i lIaBS !lass l.!a1e I 378 Boylston Vinoenzo Angelina con silvia 37!l Boylston Laborer Oast1g1ione Ita Oast1g1ione Jan 244 Apr 12 Lalli George Italy St "Jd 5 Newt n St Wd 5 NelVto Mass MaDS Union Maine wellesley Mass Jan 245 I Apr 12 Messer Harry Male Newton Hospt Harry S Lillian R Ke~man 156 River at Deoeased Wd 5 Newton Wd 'I NOIVt,on I. ldass lIass Male Rutland Mass Nowton Maee Jan 246 Apr 13 Lawless William Josse yn Newton Hospt W1lliam J 47 Davis Ave L10ense J 'lid 5 Na)yton 'lid 3 NOl'1ton Clerk !lass !lass coston Mase Boeton Mass Jan Apr 13 O'Hara Franois Male Newton Hospt John P Lillian Mabel Lowel 6 Upland Rd Sa1p. smlln ",d 5 Newton Boston (Br1~h ,on) Mass lAass Femal wynoote Pa Apr 13 Slifer Evelyn Mille Nowton Hospt George A Evelyn I, Miller 22lJ. Auburn­ Dry Goods Wd 5 Neilton dale Avo 'lid 4 Commission Mass Nowton Maas Rome Italy Jan Apr 14 Gentile Annina Fema1 66 Linooln R Gerardo Donata Buoo111i 66 L1nooln Rd Laborer San Donato Wd 2 Nel'lton Wd 2 Nelt~On Oaserta Italy Mass I Mass Caste1.vetere Caetelvetere Jan Apr 15 Bontempo Patriok Male 203 Chapel S Pasquale Conootta V1gnogna 203 Ohapa 1 at Florist J Benevento Ital Wd 2 Newton Wd I? Newton Benevento Ital Mass Mass Elizabeth F W1s­ 145S Beacon Commeroial Woodntown N J Boston Mass Jan Apr 15 Borton 01 ement \11 s- Male 145g Beaoon Olament A well At I'd 5 Newt n 'mll St Wd 5 New~o Autoe Mass Mass [PAGE nSl NINETEEN BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL. No, D:,~~,~r '.. r~~~~i:ir~~~;~~~:'~,i;,~ND .~~~~!l;:, ~~::~':~:'-~'~~~II'~~"r-'r" N'"',. ,·r··r·-"·h·'r:.~~;--R_EN~:-_-~~:'.- ~.~ R=,or-~"--~~~~:;J~~~~r"~r- '~~~;H~~,;~';-"~-';~AC~~II~~:;~';;"'''I~i~~Ri "'j .. ___ . ,... ~ .. __ ..... ______. ______~::...+---.---+--_ _+__ M_"_d'_" N_'m_,_or_M_'I_h"_' _-!______+- _____+- ______-!- ______-+],3£Q. __ L_

Newton !.lass Boston Mass Apr 15 I Keefe John Joseph 'Mala 61 H~nshaw Timothy F Sarah L Browne 61 Hanehaw St Police I St wd; Wd 3 Nowton Officer Newton Mass Mass 255 Apr 15 I Stanley No.dine Femal 111 Pleaoant Robart T Edna H Parsons 111 Pleasant Piano Highland Park West Hartford Jan , St Wd 6 NcV/t n st Wd 6 Ne~to Dealer Conn Conn I Ma s M1lford !laee Maynard Mass Jan 256 I Apr 16 i Dempsey Martin Male 4~9 washing- J Edward Helen E Punch ~~9 washin~::i Physioian ton Bt Wd 1 at Wd 1 lIelVto~ lIewton Mass , Mast 257 Apr 16. Goodwin Roger Danie ls IIIa1e Nelfton Hospt Thomas L Hazel IA Atkinson ~I! Mellen St U S Navy Newton Mass Needham Mass Jan Wd 5 Newton Needhwn Hei6h B Llass I i Femal Newton Hospt; Arthur E Lillian A Sanford 78 River Vie:rSFireman BOdton Mass Brookline Mass Jan 25S I Apr 16 Moss Holan Elizabet~ I Wd 5 NeIlton Road Booton Mass 1 (Brighton)Mas~ westbrook Maino NeIlton Mass Jan 259 Apr 17 i Perry Eother female I 17 Prospeot t Maxim J Helen R Keel~y 17 Pro$poot Bt Policeman Wd 3 Newton Wd3 NO\l~on Maas Maso I 260 Apr 17: Por ter Amy Bnell female 7 Henshalf Pl Harry 0 Ruth A Snoll 7 Henshall Pl Signalman Athol Mass. Me lro se High­ Jan Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 lIellton B & A RR lands :~ae s I I Mass I Eastern Mgr 197 I4t Vernon "Edward Valvo St John N B St John N B Jan 261 .' Apr 17 I Sheraton Jean Lawton mala 197 Mt Verno~ Robert L Edna A Lawton I Bt wd 3 llewt9 lUg Co \I I Bt Wd ; Newt n I , r Benjamin lIewton Hospt Benjamin A Emily A Ouny 1i2 Olark Lano BusinesD Ownbridge Mass Hortonville. Jan 262 I Apr 17 i 'llhi ttamore 1 Male Bruoe Wd 5 NOllton I'Ialtliwn Mass Manager Nova Bcotia I Mass Jan Maynard t;1'j Walker Bt Wilbur A Lulu M Binder 61i Walker St Bales Stony Oreek Lenni Penn 263 Apr ll! I John Gart~e.i tf Malel Wl1 2 Neilton wa 2 NOllton !.Ianager Pa !laoD Mass Boston Mass I Kennebunkport Jan 26~ Apr 19 I Pratt Edwin Oalumet Male 21 Taft Ave Dana F Edna LI \lagner 21 Taft Ave Salesman Wd 3 lIellton Wd 3 lIolfton Maine I Mass Mass, 265 , Apr 20 I Davia Ethel Virgini Femalf lIewton Hospt Frank !.I Blanohe E Tandy 17 Pleasant B Chauffeur Poton P Q Oanad Roosau Tunn~ J'.IIl Wd 5 NelVton I Wd 6 Nel,ton Man Mass Mo.ss I I 266 Apr 22! Oorbett Mary Ellla- Fomal~ NeIlton Hospt BartholomewlL Catharine M Whalen 4C;1 LOl(ington Btewnfitter Bt John's lIew­ Boston Mass Jan beth I wd:; lIellton at \Vd ~ Newto foundland Mase f Mas l Providenoe R 1 Boston Mass Jan Apr 22 I K~nyon Ruth Louise 1 Femal Nowton Hospt Frederic M! Llillicent A Hosley 6 Walnut Tel.' Tire··maker Wd 5 Nellton Wd 2 Newton Mass MaDs I I 26g Apr 22 Vining Ruth Alberta Famal Nelfton Hospt Leslie A I Besde \l Elkins 61 Richardson Ship-joiner I Havorhill ¥aos Gilmanton Iron Jan Wd 5 Newton S~ \Vd 1 Nellto I~ rke II H !lass Mass Jan 269 Apr 231 Cedrone Donato Male 24~ Adams Bt Orazio I Oarmela Gentile 2ljJ~ Adams Bt Ohauffeur San Donato San Donlloto Wd 2 Nawton IVd 2 NeIlton Oasorta Italy Oasarta Italy r4ass Mass Jan Margaret Mary Femal 210 Derby stl John F Nora 0 Dungan 210 Derby Bt II He::ne ss Make Waltham Mas s Kilkenny Ire­ 270 Acr 23 Conley ! land I Wd 3 Newton I Wd 3 NOltton I Masl 14ass I ! I I Brooklyn N Jan 27i Apr 23 i Gould Eleanor Ruth 'I'Femal 179 Tremont ~t !lerle E Marguorite Segroll 119 'fremont 8~ Effioienoy Nelf Haven Conn Y wd 7 Nowton I Wd 1 NeIlton Engineer I Llass Mass I Femal 76 West Bt Orazio Annina Tambascio 16 West Bt Pool Room Prov Benevento Pro v Boneven to Jan 272 Apr 23 I Panaggio Giovanina pal~1 Italy Italy mina I Wd 2 Neilton Wd 2 NOlyton . lias B 14ass I Popol1 Italy Oambl'idge Mass Jan 273 Apr 2~ D'Angelo Olarenoe 1 Male 11 Murphy Ot James Uargaret F Bouchard 11 Uu~phy Ot Street Oar I \Vd 2 NelVton wd 2 I/ellton Conductor I Mass Mass I I Jan 274 Apr 2~ Dugau Vinoent Male Uel,ton Hospt John J Margarnt Saulnier LOlfell Grovo Uaohinist G1lbert's Cove Churoh Point Joseph \'Id 5 NeIlton I WOol thwn Mass Nova Bootia Nova Booth; Mass

275 Apr 25 Pooner Robert !.Iale 36 Henshaw SHarry Essie Anten Kroogloe Mogile AZarovich IVd 3 IIUltton Russia Russia Maso

I hereby certify that (he above return is correct according to the bcst of my knowledge ilnd bcllef, CIT yf5Ie/l& [PAGEJ79 ] 379 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and IIINF.TEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL...... •, """.-""-O_"'~~·"·"r~'--' - : .- -"'" -.-r-- .,,,' .• ,-•.,,,. ,,-. ,.- o'oo"o,~~,~~_~_· .-'.--.. -~~'~--.'-'~''''~'----~.''-F-"~~~~~--- --.-, ... -,--,',"-,-.-,-~,-, .. -- ,._-..-,,,.,, DATE FULL NAME OF TIlE CIIILD, AND I i~~D\~'~ I NAME or PARENTS. RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION or PLACE OF BIRTII or PLACE or BIRTH OF DATE or I No. or BIRnl. . _____ COL~~or oth'~~~:~~~___ ":,:,~~ PLACE OF 8IATII. • Flnt N,m, of rather. Mlldon N,m, or Mother, PARENTS. FATlIER. '-h~-;-_FA7T1_IE_R',--._---+ ___M_OT_H_ER_. _ _~~~RD. 1 ______,-*_.-- • I K1dderminster '---1 1664 Oentre St Meat Cutter Y.erkahi~oE.nglan<1 Boston(Roxbury) Jan 277 Apr 2S : Burna John Charles Male l' New·on Hospt John Edith Cushtng 'lid 5 Newton I'd 5 Newton Mass Mass Mass Jan 278 Apr 2S : Haroutunian Zuvart Esther Femal 2411. Walnut S Yessayi H I.!a.krouhi A Nurgh1ziar 211.11. Walnut St Barber Marailh 1n Ma.vaoh in Wd 2 Newton 'lid 2 Nelyton Turkish Armenia. Turkish Armenia Mass Mass 279 Apr 30 . DeAngelis Fra.noesoo Male 20 Q.uirk Ct Giusoppe Cesidia TeJopesh. 20 Quirk Ot Paver San Dona.to San Donato Jan Wd 2 Nel,ton I'd 2 Newton Oaserta Italy Caserta Italy Mass Mass Male 280 Apr 30 Maroy Oli vcr Murdoo Newton Hospt Groovenor D Helen F Oarter 32 Rookledge Publi sher Boston Mass Boston Mass Jan Rd Wd "-_Newton I Wd 5 Ne~~iD '1Jass ;;81 Apr 30 i Tift Oharles Ed­ Male Newton Hospt Frank Lilly Teed 14 Peabody St USA Barre Vermont Newton Mass Jan ward Wd 5 Nel,ton Wd 7 Newton Maae !Jass I 282 ; LI"y 2 ! Elliott Frederiok Male 17 Winthrop Harold Bertha Bowman 17 Winthrop Av Linelnan for 1'Ihi tman Ma.ss Wal tbam Mass Jan Ave Wd 1 'Rd 1 Newton USA I Newton Maas Mass Newport N '! Jan 283 : May 2 I Hudson Rollo Sl!JII1lel I Male I Nel,ton Hospt Rollo S Arlene Ro~elle lf97 I'ard at Salesman Boston Mass J:r (TWIN Wd) 5 Newton I'd 6 Newton I 1st born Mass Ma.ss Jan 284 : Llay 2 ; Hudson Nanoy Newman !emale Ne·.,ton Ho 9pt Ro 110 S Arlene Rozelle Salesman Boston Mass Newport N Y WIN Wd 5 Newton ~F6"~~~tg~ (2nd brrn) Mass M!\ss Jan 285 • Llay 2 Mattson Elizabeth emale 45 Colemfln Rd Vernon L! Anna. M Oa.vanaugh 11.5 Co 1eman Rd Sal e sman Newton Mass Newton ijass Mary I Wd 6 Newton wa 6 Nelnon I Mass Maso I 286 I Llay 3 Wurtz Selma El1za- ~eme.lel Newton Hospt Frederiok 0 Daisy T Crist 106 Tyler Tel' N E Mgr'Welo~ Guelph OntariO Look Haven Penn I JNl both! Wd 5 Newton Wd 6 Nelyton Grape Ju',oe Co· Ca.llada I I Mass Mass i Jan 2S7 !~4 I Oronkhi te L~onard Wol- I Male Newton Hospt Leonard r- Orpah Glenoore Brow- Bradford Road Preaident& Mau1mein Burma~ Harvey ~rt col sey 3rb. I' \Vd 5 Nel'!ton ! ster welleSlals~lllG Treasurer N B Mass I I Jan 2SS May 4 Stephen Male 11.<; Meohanio Stephen Annie Yatalewioz1uti~ lft; Meohanio Dlaoksmi th Kovno Rusda Kovno Russia Illoklan wa 5 Newton st St 'lid 5 Newto Mass Mass I I I Jan 2S9 May 5 PhUlips Thomas Male I Nel,ton Hospt James D Agnes C Olark 970 Ohestnu t Sit Polioeman Nelnon !lass Newt on Mass Wd 5 Newton I'd 5 Newton I Mass MaB~ Florenoe Myle II Russell Road Carpenter Kings 00 Nova Kings Co Nova Jan 290 May 6 Oarey James Morris 1 Male HOI,ard ~~\V;o~e~~~~t Welle sluy Mass Sootia Sao tia Mass Bessie B Cozens 19 Woodward St Eleotrioian Newton ME'lss Det.roit Mioh Jau 291 1 Llay 6 Cole Esther Wini- remale Newton Hospt William M fred Wd 5 Newton I Wd 5 Newton i Mass Mass 292 Llay 6 Faulkner Beverley JeanfemalU Newton Hospt Claude H Margueri te I Me.oMath q6 Myrtle at Watdbmaker Rookford IllinOij Ha.wiok Soot­ Jan et e \Vd 5 Newton l'Ial tham Mass land Mass Nowto n Maao Johnson Vermont Jan 293 Llay 6 Kelly Marion E Fema 6 203 Lexingto Thomas W Ethel Greon 203 Lexington Street I 1. at Wd 11. NelVto at wd 11. NDlIton Laborer Mass Mass Newton Mass Jan May 6 Leaoh William Saul Male gO Dalby St Philip L Margaret J Bennett 90 Dalby at Shipper Nashua N H Vld 1 Newton Wd 1 Nelnon Ma6S Ma.ao Male Boston Mass Boston Mass Jan 295 I Llay 6 I Soofield Franoia Webb r l. 8 Vernon at Frank P Alioo M Webber 18 Vernon St Furniture wd 7 Nowton Wd 7 NOlfton Dealor I Mass Maso Newton Masa Jan 1 Russell Mary . emale 267 ChoX'ry St Frank Johanna Meehan 267 Oherry 8t Me.ohinist Throoptolm !lay 7 l Ontatio Oanada I (Stillborn) I I'/d 3 NSliton Wd ; Neilton I Mass MaDs I Oongleton Ohe s­ Riverdale Digby Jan 297 I May 7 Ylard Margaret La- ~emalel' 22; Elliot St Harry Eliza E Marshall 223 Elliot at Machinist I vini a Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Nelfton shire Engl and Co N S I Mass Mass emale Stoneham MaDs Jan 298 . May 8 May . Eli zabeth ste~ens 1 Newton 1I00pt 1 Kenneth S Franoes 0 Stevens 156 Woburn at r:lootrioal Newt on Mass 'lid 5 Newton \Vest Medford Engineer Mass I Mass Ja.n 299 May 9 Panella G10vann1na emd JI N~If:ton Hospt I'Laonardo Oeoelia Oapello 1111. Elliot St Me.ohinist Greoi Avellino Wei 5 Newton -Nolll r1r.l Nllmuntl \Vd 5 Nowton Italy I I Mass InlUnl o~'Y 01 rlllll~r. Mass __ ',' ".• _~,_.,"~"~'~ ~"="~ .. ,~,,,,"~~..;.",,,_-",,"'-'''''''=c.== __,. __ '-.. , ___.' ,-,.__ " ... ,"".·,r_="",.-~·,-,·._~,"".-'-' ,",,,-_,,, 1."_=""'.'''~L,,,,,=.c-r--,-, ..,.~_==-~..,t..<.''''''''''''''''''-==:I~&':I~=~·=r.=7''':~--=:'~==,,,,=_--=-.~=-==",-"-'-'~"""""'''='',,,-,"''''. ,~,.",~,--+."",'.-=.c...._.-,,, ...... ,.,.=,, I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 3S0] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NII1ETEEli ALL NAMES TO BE GlyEtl IN FULL.

DATE Of fUll NAME Of TIlE CllllD, AND No, BIRTH, COLOR (If olher Ihan while),

Jan 300 May 10 , Donahue William Hnrold Male 1273 llashi on Hlll'ry L Ma.bel B MoNutt 1273 Washing­ Clerk Lynn lAass Yarmou th Nova St Wd 3 ton at 11'd 3 So~tia I I NeIlton Mass Newton UaBB 8g Lindon st Salesman Newton Mass Boston Mass Jan 301 May 10 Hahn John Adam Male Newton Hospt John Llargaret L Evans Wd 5 Newton Bostcn( Allst ) Textiles Mass Ma.ss Gardener Cape strano A­ oapestrano A­ Jan 302 May 12 I Cnruao Antonio Gus- Male I 10 Beeoher Antonio Onori ns Oastagna 10 Be~oher Pl tavo Pl Wd 6 Newt Wd 6 Newton quila Italy quila Italy Uass Ma.ss i Jan 303 May 13 Atwood Bonnar Olarke I Male lIe19ton Hospt r Clarke Eleanor Bonnar 237 Harvard Engineer Salem Mass North Adams Wd 5 NelVton Wd 2 Newton MasB Maso Mass

1 304- May 13 Cadml!lI1 Male i N~lvton Hospt Loys W Emma Ardolino M~~l~ngton Laborer Saokv1l1e N B Dorrie LeNcool Jan , Wd 5 Newton Ita], y Mass Ne',y'cn Ma.ss Salem Mass Jf1Il 305 May 13 I Kyle Philip Merril MalO I NelVton Ho spt Clinton TI Helen E Llerrill 119 Austin Ilt ~ppraisor Florenoe Mnea t Wd 5 Newton Wd 2 NBITton I : Mass lAass Woods Harbour Jan 306 May Ilj. Hutoheoon John Goreham i Male i Newton Hospt John g Mary H Goraham 12 Gibson at I Travolling Stcnehouse , Wd 5 Newton Needham Mass Salesman Sootland N B

Jan 307 May 15 Annese Antoinette iremal Newton Hospt Sabino Maria G Sauro 50 Gardner at Laborer Grottaminarda Newton Mass Floreno 1I1d 5 Newton IVd 1 Newton Avellino Italy , lAass i I Mass Jan 58 Mechanio Aleok Mart a Bashura 58 Meohanic SMoulder Grcdno I\us sill. Minsk Russia 308 May 151 Sroda Mikolia i Male st Wd 5 Wd 5 Newton Newton MaBS llass 309 May 16 Degen ('Hllb,,') I..... Newton Hospt Bertrand V lAary F OurtisH 10 Claflin Rd Investigator Brooklyn N Y Ban Franoisoo Jan ,~ Wd 5 NeIlton Brookline uasr Cal I I Mass I I Oastelvetere Jan 310 May 17 Dal1oandro Dominio Male 179 Adams Bt Cesidio Sarah DeLuoca 179 Adams st Laborer Al vi to Oaserta Wd 2 NelVton Vld 2 Nelyto 1\ I Benevento Ital Mass Mass Lee lAass Boston !.lass Jan 311 Mo.}' 17 Rich Gloria Eliza- Fomal Ne wton Ho spt Walter I Lillian Smith 35 oarleton S DenUst, beth I Wd 5 Newton Wd 7 Newton lAass lAass 312 May 17 alrall Paul Ouinton Male 110t; Edgar V El va May sanford 1105 "al.nut lAaohiniot I lAontreal oanada On the High Jan st tid n St md, 5 Newto (English Mass I National1 ty) Newton Hospt Russell 0 , Alioe Beth 311- garleton S Salesman Durham N H Roohester N Y Jan 313 May lS I White Russell Beth I I I'Id 5 Newton Wd 7 Newton i Mass Uass I 21 lAid land St Eleotrician Kristinehamn P1tea Sweden Jan 314- May 19 I Danielson Bert Lindmark I Mille Newton Hospt John D Agda M Li ndmark , Wd 5 NeIlton Belmont Mass Sweden I, Mass Li ttle Rook lIan 315 May 221 Patterson Harvey Sharp Mlllel Newton Hospt Harvey a Al1c6 L Sanders 100 Tyler Tor lAanager RR Pittsburg Pa Jr Wd 5 Nel'lton Wd 6 Nowton Del't"Walwort[ Arkansas Mass Mass Mfg Co" Jan 316 May 23 Baringer Henry Jay Jr I' Male NeIlton Hospt Henry J Ruth M Stobbins 122 Lowell Av Arohiteot ,Ohatham N Y Milford N Y 3rd Wd 5 II swton Jr 2nd Wd 2 New ton Mass 14asB I Male 18 Putnam Bt Oeoil II Floronoe Irene Rice IS Putnam st Physioian Kentville N B Salem Mass Jan 317 I May 231 Brady Norb ert Fr anc +s Wd 3 Newton I Wd 3 Newtcn I I Mass Mass Jan 318 May 25 Brown Muriel Farns-IFemal 170 Woodward Arthur F Helen Perkins 170 Woodward Manager lAer- Waltham Mass Beverly N J, worth st wd 5 Ne n St Wd 5 Nowto oantile y , Mass Mass Green Bay Philadelphia Pa Jan 319 May 25 Ellis Herbert Male Newton Hospt Luther A V101a A Bland 208 Ohorry st Porter (Blaok) Yld 5 NUlfton \Vd 3 N61vton Virginia Mass Mass Jan 320 May 25 Krueger Florenoe Vio-I'Femal Newton Hospt Herman 0 Florenoe Ii Roberts 4-2 Eddy St Ttaket Agent New York City Boeton Mass toria , , Wd 5 Newton Wd 2 New~on NY Mass LIMB Male I ' Alexander P Uary Frazar II nalby St Stoneoutter Ariohat N B Ariohat N a Jan 321 May 25! Landry Edward Frano s 11 Dlllby St Wd 1 Ilewton wd 1 Nawlt,on Mass oaSB !I 322 May 25 MlloPhee Neil naniel I' 1.\0.10 Newton Hospt Edwin J Blanohe L Shaokley 10 Oedar Gt Ioeman Marshfield Maso Norwood lIa~s Jan Wd 5 Nel'lton ______.,,,,,,.~,,,,,,,~,,,,~,,",,,,.~ __ .",,~.,_,,~_~~,,~~~_._~~ __~14aB8, .. II'J~~r~I~~"~l~~'~"-==-,_ __ ,~_==-= ~~~W~O~l!le~~~~s~~~ ,=-,1-__ ~__ ~~ __ .~. __ -1_I, ____ ,~~ __ ~.~~",,~,L I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. CIT YJI!e'/I!c [PAGE 3eil 381 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULl.. ·1 s~'~ ":'40" '-_._ .. ~_~_,o--c..:'~-"·--- NAMr. OF PARENTS, DATE or rULL NAME or TIlE CIIILD, AND I COMOIT'N HESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION or PLACE or OIRTII or PLACE or BIRTII OF DATE or No, OIAIII, _COL~~_~ o_lh_er._lh.In___ W_hl_I'I __ , ____ ._,Ir-'-.::·:,;::::,;:-:"'.'.:I_P_L_A.C_f_O_F O_IR_T._II.'-I:-'_FI:..:"I_N_.m_' _OI_Fa•. lh.':..:"+ ___M_'_ld'_' __N.:..:m,:..:o_1 M_OI_h':..:" _-il-__PA_R_EN_TS_, _-l__ F_AT_IIE_R_' __ F_AT_II_ER_'. ___ M_O_.TI__ IE.R_, __-+....l9 L-I-___ _ ,- +___ -+ __ 2I i Male Boston Mass Jan . 323 May 26 campbell Joseph A!OV'B1US 12 Waban at Joseph A Eva M Tyrrell 129 Norwood A Shipper Newton Mass Wd 1 Newton Wd 2 N"wton MaSB Mass Femal 1231 Oentre Eraamo Angela M a Liaconi 1231 Oentre Welder Elena Italy Somerville Massi Jan 321+ I May 26 i Di vaota Eleanor st Wd 6 N~.,t.tin st wd 6 N ..... ~ .. I Mass lIaaa I Leltrlm Ireland Galway Ireland I Jan 325 : May 26: O'Rourke Helen IFemali Newton Hoapt Peter Mary Flaherty 1+6 North st Ohaut'teur Wd 5 Ne" ton lid 6 Newton I Mass ! I lIaaa Watoh Fac­ Boaton Uasa Lanoalter "ng- Jan 326 MIlY 26 TUBober Joseph Willl~ Male 123 Auburn- Jaoob F Anna V Old1'ield 123 Auburn­ i dale Ave Wd dale .ve 'lid tory 111-nd : Newton Masl Newton Mass I ,;:di th Verdi 169 Tremont (Uother Boaton Mass Jan 327 I May 26 I Verdi Franoes Femal 169 Tremont It -- Wd 7 Newton 'lid 7 Newton Bookkeeper) lIass Mass 31 Fayette st Assembler Oam!)r 1dge Mas s Newton lIase Jan 328 lIay 28 I Lan sed John BOApph I ualel 31 Fayette S1 Louis W Alioe G Cody Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Nellton I Man Llass I I 1 : Femal~ Jan 329 May 28 Lyons Mary El1zabeth i 27 wildwood William A Mary G Orowley 27 1!11dllood Letter NOllton Mass Groton lIaBS ! Ave 'lid 3 Ave Wll 3 Oarrier Ne7lton Mass Newton lIasl Building Newton Man Jan 330 ; May 28 I Robinson Lyman Nowell Male ~ 10 Hyde St Winslow D Florenoe K Newell 10 Hyde Rt Information Stapleton N Y 'lid 5 Newton Wd 5 lIewton Stat1Bt1oa Mass rlass carpenter Booton Mas a Bo a ton L1aaa Jan 331 i Mu.y 28 Ryan Ann Femal 92 W Plne st James F Elizabeth M Havl­ 92 , Pine st Wd 1+ Newton land wd 4 Newton Maas Mass 00 Galway Ire- . Jan Mary Margaret Femal 29 ooyne Rd Thomas J Mary Bird 29 Ooyne Rd HOlllleman 00 Galway Ire- I 332 I lday 29 : OorC01'an . land land Wd 5 Newton wl1 5 Newton i Mass . i Mau Natiok Mass Boston Ma~s Jan ,I I Barry Ralph Allen Male Newton HOBpt Ralph A Lillian M Tuoker 1+2 Warwiok Rd May 31 I J~ Wd 5 Newton I lid 3 Newton I Maaa Uaaa I i lIachin1Bt lIanohelter lIanoboater Fng-I Jan 331+ lday 31 Eyre Helen remale 21+ Oaslpeo RA John Ellen Holroyd 24 Ossipee Rd Wd 5 Newton T Wd 5 Newton land Mau Mays 216 Elliot at Laborer Aetol1nla Palermo Italy Jan, 335 June 1 Geraci Antonl0 I MII-lo Newton Hoapt Oonoetto Giovanna Oooulll Wd 5 Newton 1I1d 5 Nelfton Messina Italy I Maas llass I 1!achinist Co Kerry U'e~"Ila Co Kerry Irelan Jan 336 , June 1 Stokea Kevin Male 55 Green st Patriok J Brldget M Mooarthy 55 Green Rt Wd 2 Newton 'lid 2 Newton I L1ass Uaas watertown Mass watertown Mass Jan Womboldt Robert Emmet Male 162 oali!or- John Jennie Rheridan Stenoiler 337 June 1 nia at lid 1 ~~~ Qtli£O{- Rubber co , Newto n Masa Neilton Mass camella Santillo 79 Border Rt Laborer Popol1 Aquila Popoli Aquila Jan 338 June 2 I Ohiaoohia Dominlok IMaie 79 Border Rt Antonio Italy wd 3 Newton I Wd 3 Newton (street) Italy I Maal Uesa ,Male I Arthur J Mary A Oormier 266 Adams st Oonl1uo tor Newton Mass Frianhead. Jan 339 June 3 Brooke Arthur Bernarr I Newton Hospt InverneliB 00 I Wd i/owton wd 1 Nowton 5 Mals N S I' Man I Needham Han Framingham L1aaB Jan .Tune 3 Eagll-n Mary Jano I Femalr lIewtonllospt John P Mary F Duoey 1375 washing­ Dent1at 'lid 5 Newton ton Rt Wd 3 L1all NeITton ldan Palnter Wal thSM Maas Ohelasa Mass Ja.n 341 June 3 Myahrall Ernollt Llale Nelvton Ho apt Erneat J G~adY8 J Ferguson 1+1+ Floyd st Wd 5 Newton Wal tham Llasa , Man Oataumet Maeo Nell York Oi ty Jan June 3 Ph1llips June Martha Femalia 69 Morton at Otia S Gladys K Oarroll 89 Morton At I wd 2 Newton Wd 2 lIewton N Y Maas r.asB I Boaton L1aes Qulnoy Mass Jan June 3 Ryan John 'IIill1am Malel NeITton Hoapt Qeorge B Mary II Dinegan 215 wesley Rt Edt trt I Wd 5 Newton wa 1 Newton lIass MaDs DOrothy oav1B 1226 Nort.h ClvU Sprlngfl~ld Provldonoe R I Jan I 341+ June 3 wright Dorothy Femal Newton Hoopt Harry S wd 5 Newton Oalvert St t r Mass Balt1more Lid Eng nee I I :1..I 345 ' June 1+ I hereby certify thnt the above return is correct according to the best of Illy Imowledge and belief, q(,,.) '... JO~ BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NIIiETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN III FULL.


Auto Repair- Nowton Mass IIp'resto1Ul Jan 346 June ~ Meade LI&ry Agnes ".m,.lA R;.105 Pearl' Timothy J AgndB M Tracoy R-105 Pearl St wd 1 Newton st 'tid 1 Iiewtonl fethard Co Lla.S8 Tipperary Ire 3~7 Juns ~ Proia Qenditta 116 West· at Paolo Theresll. NUarp'ipo 116, west at Laborer San Donato SanD9nato Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Oaserta Italy Oauerta Italy ,Mass MIlBO !3V/.. 060 ... 8,r Banker Linooln Llass 'l'hree Rivers 3~B June ~ Whitney Riohard~~ lIJ.tlemar JLe O;L1fford B SlLdie A For,te 1130 Albema:rlel Rd Wd 2 Newton

Meohanioal Plymouth bee Sterling Mass Jan 3~9 June 5 Andrews Bernard Russ Newton Bospt Fannie (I Llann ~ Oak st Wd 5 Nowton Braintree Engineor lIasB 00 00 Margaret 97~ ..alnut Oatheri ne Kelly 97~ Walnut st ' Laborer OC'rk Ireland Tipperary Ire- J~ 350 June 6 Murphy land st wd W"",tl." 'lid. 6 Newton 6 Mass I Irene lluohanan 3~ ohanning Overseer Passaic N J (lllbertville. Jan 351 June 7! Eokert Irene Elha-I Newton Bospt Ernest A !daBS beth wd 5 Newton lTd 7 Newton Llas8 Mass Steamfitter Somerville Mass Co Galway Ire- Jan "AnnAl" 27 schocl S~ Guy B Delia (lannon 27 school St 352 June 9 'Sanderson Ri ta Ungda­ land lene 1I'd 1 Newton 1I'd 1 Newton lIas8 JlIISS Randolph lIass Boston·Jlaee Jan 353 June 9 Thayer aane Vining F",oIllB .!Iewtcn Hoopt Bartley W Linda 11' Seaver 355 walnut at Physioian Wd 5 Newton 'lid 2 Nowtcn LlaBl Masl 129 'Langdon Arohitect Bingley England 11'& tham Mass Jan 35~ June 1 I Feather Barclay, Llaurice Bertha PutnElY Watertown

Elsie Kaye 32~ Elliot Eleotrioian Newton !lass Honley Yorleahir Jan 355 June 1 Jewett Elsie Franoe 32~ Elliot Ohandle: T England 'fId 5 Newtc.n 'lid 5 Newton LIllo"" Mass Prov Benevento Jan 169 Ohapel Pasq'lale Muianioo1a Bibbo 169 Ohapel at Foundry Prov Benevento June 11 DiPasquale Antonio Italy' Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Worker Italy Llass Mass North Pembroke Jan Newton Bospt Fonter L Ilertrude E Turner Port Jette Ship Yard Setauket L 1 Uawkins John Augul­ N 1 Mas's 357 I June 11 tus 1I'd 5 Newton N Y Manager Llaoa Jan Martha Petera \Unter st Contraotor L1skeard Il'nl~~s.nq Wi1l1amston 358 June Kent Wallace 'Alvin Newton Bospt John Llass i 13 Wd 5 Newtcn Natiok !lass I Llass

Me.rlUfaat:urer~ Shropshire Ontario oanada Jan l11ler John Allan Newton Hoopt Allan P Ida H Ander son 217 Ohestnut Wd 5 Newton Agent England Man BmoAYBri Olaronoeville Newton Mass AtkinBon Dsan Wssley Newton Hoapt Leon G Dorothy D Hamilton 35 Viotoria :: i ::::: Wd 5 Newton Oirole Wd 2 OanlLda I Llass Nswton Mass 27 Olark st Teacher Pittsfield Mass Pittsfield Mass Jan 361 June Timbie Riohard HOltrVI 27 Olark st William H Florenoe Hi'll 1I'd 5 Newton wd. 5 Nowton Llaaa Llaas Poliooman Newton !.IILsS Newton ilass Jan 362 June 1 reo ley Alice (lert NOl'/ton Hospt Franoie (I Lillian E Higba~ 26 ooole Bt ' Wd 5 Newton "d 1 Newton LIas a loIass Mary· Durkin 39 School .st Spinnel' Elland YOl~kshil~o roxford 00 !dayo Jan June 1 Llallinson Rita 'UiK' r.1,CiI ,.em,IU~ 39 school st Burton A Ireland Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton (Deoeased) Llaas !lass Marlboro Mass Sandwioh Mass Jan Merritt Brooks pA.1Lm"rl Newton Ho Qeorge N Lora. Pratt 5~2 oal1:Co June 1111 Wd 5 Newton St wd 2 lIawton! Llaos Jan Pauline RolTland Sapporo Oapt F1eld New London Oonn Kloto Japan Juno Sietare Wilmine Llol Newton Hospt William LI 1 Wd 5 Newton Artillery Llaao (DeoeaseJ) Boston loIaes Llontreal oanada Jan 366 June 1 Stecoio Stanley p""otb,,··-· NHwton Hoapt Clifford Dora thy Proo tor 11001 Wd 5 Newton Llna lIaldon Llaes Boston Mass Jau 367 Juno 1 Haskell William 530 ward At William A Margarot L Barry '517 Oommon_ Wd 6 Nelfton ltoal'th AVe Mass Newton Mass

I hereby certify that the above retlll'J1 is correct according to the best of my Imowlcdg:e and belief. C J T yrJ/e·y.1c [PAGE,51!3 J for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL. 'f--"""'-[ --'-.,' . . SEX "NO - ~,~-- ~'--~~~E O~P-;;;EN~~,~---- .~~, --- -~- RE~~~:;~;~ ~~~~U;~~O~ OF -1- PL~C~ OF OIRTII OF - I' PLACE-~ O;R;I; OF -- --'1' '-~~~~ ~~T~' ' DATE OF I FULL NAME OF TIlE CIIILD, AND ! '''OIl'N PLACE r IRTH N • Flral Nam. of F,lh". Mllden N,m. of Molher, PARENTS, , FATIIER, FATIIER, MOTHER, RlCORD, 0, alRTII, COLOR (If olher Ih,n while), l' 'nlie, ""~' I, 0 a , j i-- ---,---.------,------.-- -., Charles P Jean Ann Taylor 202 ceptral Chief lIachinL JackBonvllle -llanoheoter N H I, ,---' 369 Juno 201 ski~ore Jean Elrose remal 202 central F~- 1_;:0_ at ",d 4 st "d ~. iota lIate Neilton Maso Newton Maos U S Navy I Bo ston lIass Jan 370 June 21! Hanlon Ruth Aileen rem&l~l Newton Hoept Arthur J Nettie II 1I0Gregor 77 Lexington Milk-man Newton Uaos I lid 5 Newton at "d 4 NelltO! lIass IlaBl I Newton lIass Boston Uass Jan 371 June 21: MOGrath Rita ~nn Female Newton Hospt Patriok J lIary Thompson 40 North at llaohin1B1J I lid 5 Newton lid 6 Neilton i Uass Maos I Deoatur Illinoi Winona Minne­ J/Ul 372 June 221 Crisoey Harrington Edt Male Newton Hoapt Edgar B Rowena M Lattimer 62 HfU'vard st Salesman 1'/d 2 Newton sota gar lid 5 Newt'~n , Uass Uaso Grace H Berry 43 Union st Eleotr1oian Everett Mass Hyann10 Mass Jan 37) I June 22! Dodge Natalie remalt 43 Ur~on St John R , lid 6 NOIVton lid 6 Newton Uass Uass Plumber Athol Uaos Mad190n lIa1ne Jan , June 22i Newey Chester Green+ Uale 118 \iale Dt. I' Arthur F Uinnie U Greenleaf 46 Hale at . i leaf' ' lid 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Mass\ ' lIass General Bo ston lIas8 ! Marie Il Stuoklen 23 Alden Road AgB~t Boston Uass J&Jl 375 June 24: Jordan MlU'1e ~oulse Famal~ Newton HoSPt' \ --illil1Jil T I lIa~ertown Mae (rird I I lid 5 Nswton . I I i Mass I ' Insuranoe , I Petl11a PoU­ Pe~11ia poli- 1 Jan June 24' SOl1lldale Thomas Ualel 7 Luoas Ct Thomas Thereoa lIanarienno 7 Luoas ot . Laborer TId 3 Newton lid 3 Newton 'oastro Italy oastro Italy I I i Uass lIaBl I I Elmira N Y 377 June 251 Stonemstl Oharles Loring Male 359 Otis At Harry II rlora B Cooley 359 Otis At Banker & cambridge Mass' I Jan I I I'/d 3 NeIVton lid 3 113wton Broker I Mass Mass 1 I 169 Oyprese S Knitter Nat10k Uaos Newton lIass 1 Jan i 1159 Cypress Henry D Margarot T oalnan June 261 Mullen lIary Ells&- Femal lid 6 Nowton beth at I'd 6 Newton lAass lIass I I I Uale Emma A Charland 304 OIl.Uf'or­ lIea.vor HarriBville R I llarr1lJv111e R 1·1 Jan 379 June 261 Sanaouol Joseph Horao 304 oalifor- George H i nia st Wd 1 n1a Bt lid 1 ! Newton Mass Nel,ton Mass 1 27 Gerard at Ohauffeur Durham N 0 Bodford HUlB , 3S0 June 2s1 lIerr1tt Jenn1ebello irem&l 27 Geurd Ot S11jah Jane Peterson (Black) I j lid. 3 Neilton lid 3 newton " I Kaes Uass I Oahool Newton Mllss Newton Uass Jan 381 ! lIuna 281 lIurphy R10hard lIale 20. Lewis Ter~ Thomas ~ Gertrude L Leonard 20 Lewt s Ter­ raoo Wd 1 I race "tl 1 Teaoher Newton Mass I Newton Maso t l I Uale I 5 Braemore Rd lIanager Somerville Mass Nsltton lAass Jan 382 ! June 2s1llyatt Edwin lIheelsr I Newton Hoept GuyE lIargaret Wheelsr Wd 5 Nelyton Boaton(Br1gbt n) Mass 'Usss , , I I Salesman Albany II Y Bay Shore .' Jan 363 . June 30 P1epenbrink Freder10k I Uale Newton Hosptl Olarenoe Ada Ilm1th 125 Langdon Ave 1Iatertown I Long Island N Y I lid 5 Newton I Uass , Mass san DOnato San Donato Jan , 3S~ iIuly 2 Salvuooi Oeeid10 ualel 19 lIurphy Ot I Franoesoo R!l.f!aela Peruzl& 19 Murphy Ct Laborer . , Wd 2 Newton wd 2 Newton Oaserta Italy Oaserta Italy i I Mass I lIass Arlhen1a Turkey Armenia Turkey Jan July 3 ! Aharon1an Sarah Fomal~ '221 !11110t S, Leon D I,atun Mango1an 221 Elliot at 1I0ulder

I Balleyv11'1e lIa1T Grand lIanan N 366 July 3 I Kelley Pauline Esth,~emaltl :: :e::::::ol Samuel H1lda E Osborn :: :e::::::n Salesman st ~d 3 I st "d 3 Nawto 1, ,Newton Uan I UasD I Whi tepark Co Gail Ba1l1man1l1 00 Jan Kelly (Stillborn) I'Femalr' 27 Cl1nton sl John F Mary T Louf!hl1n 27 Olinton st Laborer way Ireland Galway Ireland July 3.I lid 2 Newton wd 2 No If ton I I Uass Mass NeITton lIass Gam~o New- . Jan July , l.Iarohand Oathe~1ne Iremal~ 161 Ohapel SI Albert J MargarotA Kelly 161 Ohapel at llaoh1n1st I 388 IIlI.de ' lid 2 Newton lid 2 Nelfton f'oundland 1 i Man MaliS I waltham Uass lIal tham L1ass Jan Bsa.ttie Mary Lou1se Femal~ Newton Hospt John H lIaJyL Judge 11'3 Taylor Rt 1 Vegetable July 41 Judge I lid 5 Newton wal~ham Uass Dealer I er Read1ng Mass Boston Mass Jan 390 July 5 Ba.noroft El1nor remal[ Newton :::;t I Edward 11 Grace M Dennison 37 Livermore LallY wd 5 NewtonMass, j HUlRoad s "ellOSlerMass ! Boston Uae& Newton lIass I Jan 391 July 5 Downey 1 .~~~~,~11~~c~~ MalO.!. ~r;O~e~;R: Jt~;'!f~N~~~~;:' L_ L_He~"~~~::~:<~."~ !t~a~iil~~_ ,S~~,~~: ~ __- ,-,,,-~~I..=.-",--='-""""'==' _,~_.,___ ._. __ .: I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. '.'(1,f ·~HJ-:f:' [PAGE 3gll-] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN III FULL.


Nelvtor. lIass Newton lIa8s Jan July 5 Enegess Philip lIale Newton Hospt Miohael J KathleanT Nolan Probation 392 1Id5 Newton O!Uoer Uaee South Dwc- ... Eleotrotvt.erl Boston lIaaa Newton Maea Jan July 5 Goodale Natalie Ne ..wton Ho apt lll1nry H 393 1Id 5 Newton bury lIass Uas8 Iraland Ir.a1and .Tan July 5 Keohane lIary Agnes •• roal .• Newton Hospt John .,Kath6rine -shea 105 Pearl st Laborer 1Id 5 Nelfton Wd 1 Newton lias 8 lIaaa 4 Nottingham Manager somen.ille lAasa Brookline Masa Jan Oonstanoe lIargherita 0 Ke 395 July 5 Somsra at ..d 6 Coal Co

. carrie Elkins 63 Gardner Teamster Selma oanada QUinoy Masa JIlIl July 6 Louther Wd 1 Nelfton ~a8s

Pearl St Lineman Fethard Co Northumberland Jan 397 July 6 Trauy Alioe There .... 1 87 Pearl ·st _ lIartin J - Carria Bart 87 Wd 1 Newton \'Id 1 Nelyton Tipperary England lIas8 lIaas 19-a Beeoh Bt Rubber Faa- Ariohat C B N S Ariohat 0 B NS Jan July 7 Boudrot Phillip Ernest 19-a Beeoh William 11 Agne 8 Bryant Wd 1 Nel'(ton Wd 1 Newton tory Maa. lIass Pot1l1a Poli­ Pet1lia Poll- . Jan July Gerarcn Samuel ;6 Oottage Giuseppe ROBaVertuoa 36 cottage -. IIaboror 399 7 oastro Italy astro Italy ~'. Wd 3 Neilton· Wd 3 Newton lIass LlaBa Jan 400 July 8 Ooleman Louiss Newton 1I0srt Geo~ge A Helen C Brodriok 411- Bowdoin at Superintende Boston lIass Newton Mass wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Mass Mass lIale July 8 Longbottom Franoh IlDUlgl!LS 244 oal Samusl Jennle ELandry 211-4 CaUfor- llaohinist - Woonsooket R I Ariohat N S Jan St Wd 1 ",,,.. on nia at wd 1 Newton Mass 4 Cheney at Laboror Goatynin Warsaw Gostynin Warnaw Jan July 101 Jlarhlg Leoadia Auftus+ 4 Cheney-St Gusta! Bertha lIattll Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Russia Russia Mas8 Mary Tonor known aa lias a Eaet J_a!!rey Bo oton lIaoa Jan July 10 Jaquith lIadel1ne Newton Hospt . Fred L ,lIargaret 1I0.Isaac 46 Hobson at . n:IPerintende Wd 5 Neilton Boaton(Bri) forftJ T N H MasB lass Connor Co' Platania Catun- Platanla cat an- Jan July 11 Oapello Albert lIale 51 Oali; Ave Giuseppe Fortunata Caruso 51 Oali; Ave Laborer lid 3 Newton 'lid 3 Nowton laro Italy zaro Italy (laHorn ) TWIN Mass Masa Platania Oatan­ Platania natan-! Jan 405 July II Oapello John' Male 51 Oak Ave Giuseppe Fortunata caruso 51 Oak Ave Laborer 1Id 3 Neilton Wd 3 Newton zaro Italy lIaro Italy (2nd) lIass born Llass Eleotrioal Boaton lIass North Gra!ton Jan July 11 Oorney Ohester Alber Male Newton Hoept Chester A Ruth Q King 12 sunset Jr wd 5 Newton watertown Engineer lIass Mass Fireman Newton Mass Iron H111 July 11 Laughlin Edward Franoi lIale 112 Norwood JUlin. ll' Bertha L Sh\l!el t 112 Norwood Ave 1Id 2 \'Id 2 Newton Quebeo oan~a Newton lIass Maso r~~ -t1wU ~4::tJ, ~.-!J-~.L' Ireland (1- 40g July 11 lAafu;;J- f-ernal. e Newt on 110 spt Miohael lIargaret Lydon Teamstor {~~ if' 1Id 5 Neilton lIa8. s .60 central at Teaoher of Brookline Mass Newton Masa Jan 409 _ July 12 Oha8s EmUy Caroll Relfton 110 I~t . Oaoar r lIary E Chandler 'lid 5 Newton 1I411eeley lias lIanual Tl"ll~11ng lIan 661 Dra!tsman Newton.llass Boston lIan Jan 410 July 13 Fure11 Edward ' lIals 661 Washing- Leonard J Charlotte L Sibley ton St 1Id 2 at wd. 2 Newton Newton lias. lIasa Plat~Lnia "at an- !ilio astro oa~~anl-l Jan 411 Ju~y 13 N1001azzC! Alberto Ott 655 Watert lIaria Soola~tioa 655 watertown Laborer Bt Wd 2 NBHjJr;!~ St Wd 2 Newt.nft lIaro Italy I lIaro Italy

I lIargaret LEgan 855 Common- Lawyer - Colohester Conn Co Kerry Ire­ Jan : 412 July 14 Irwin Kathorine S5~ Common­ wea th Ava weaih Ave Wd land ginh Wd Newton Ilellton lIaes 21j. Pearl S~ Broker At John N B !iloponaot lIass Jan : 413 July lIott ··IIJoanne '-Am ..... llawton Hoapt Loui0 P Graoe E lIayden I wd 5 Newton Wd 7 Newton IInsa lIaso lIale spri ngfield Jan Newton lIoopt Olifford II Bes8ieoowd 49 Bridges Boaton.lI.ass : 414 July Pulson Clifford Mau I oolm 1'I'd 5 .,,' 1Id 2 Newton I hereby certify that the above return Is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. . C I. Ty/lIeJlA 335 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL N,'MES 1'0 BE GIVEN IN FULL. . i'"~A~E O;~T'"~-;~:;;:;;;~;';;~:'~~~A:~~~'" g~:1~' -.~~:~;~~ 01 T:~ ~=-~~-; PARENTS. ~~~"~~SIDENC[ O~F" O;;:;~R O~' '~.~~ P:~~~~;;;~~:"~F=~"o .;~~;[.~';~,~;~~; . _.. ~"~T~"~;"''''''~'''- ,No. BIRn~ COLOR or olher Ihln whil.). h:,:.i~'" R.. Flral N,m. of Falher. Mil." Him. of MOlher. PARENTS. FATIIER. FATIIER. MOTlIER. RECORD.O 'T~~~ I';U1Y lJ Brown Stanley Fair- lIale Newton Hospt Edwin F Ruth· A lllalte J~80 Albemarle Bank Olark Newton lIass F1tohburg lIass J:: - ~ banks Wd 5 Newton Rd wd 2 lias 1 Newton lIass lj.16 July 1 Holway Raymond sanger lIale lj.; Newell Rd Wl111s L Elsia II George ,lj.; Newell Rd Jlaohiniat Boston lIas8 );Ioston lIa88 Jan Wd lj. Ne"ton Wd lj. Ne"ton Mass lIass lj.17 July 1 lIollahon Lillian lIae ramal~ 32; watertow Jooeph II Louise JI Smith 323 watertown lIach1n1st Bedford Jlas~ Lanoash1re Eng- Jan ~ st Wd 1 Newt n Gt ,.d 1 Newto land Jlan IIIoD. lj.1S July 1 lIarston Caroline Famal 20 ~elham st J Clarenoe Flora llaoauley 20 Pelham st Carpenter Boston lIaDs 1I1rra C B N S Jan l Wd 6 Newton wd 6 Newton Vas 8 'lias 8 Jan July lB Diefendorf Janette Cor­ FemliJ. Neilton Hoapt Se1r A Janette Corbett 1;3 suther­ Publisher's Buffalo N Y Conneaut Ohio bett wd 5 Newton land RdBos ttl! Represcntat ve lIaBB (Br1) Uass Galway Ireland, Jan lj.20 July 18 1I0Hugh (Stillborn) lIale Neilton Hoopt Patrick J Jooepb1nd ,lalsh 90lj. walnut st Tedmster Newton lIass Wd 5 Neilton Wd 6 Newton· Uaa. Man lIa1e lj.21 July 19i Corbet t William Norto . Neilton Hospt. will1am Ruth Allen . 1~ Gordon Ter Clerk Airdr1e Bootlan Boston lIass Jan Wd 5 Newton lid 7 Ne"ton Ma .. lIaas Femal lj.22 July 19 lIanter Edna Elhabet Newton Hospt John F Lo1a Parry 219 lie1rose ~ salesman Rellton lias. wd 5 Newton Wd lj. Newton lIaBS lIass Jessie E UoAllister 66 Austin Bt R R'Conducto Boston lIass somerville lIass Jan July 19i Bh1ne lIarjor1e Eve- Femal 66 Austin st Albert J lyn lId 2 Newton Ild 2 Newton lIass lIass July 201 Trumble Joseph James lIale lJ7 Bridge e Joseph A Jul1a II Wiuten 137 Bridge st Chaufteur , Newton lias s Bo'ston lIass' Jan Wd 2 Neilton Wd 2 Newton lIalo IIsss July 20 Wiggins Delmer Parker lIale S25 Centre S ".. Emily A Wiggins , ,,8250entre, Bt Ilotber-­ " Jan Vld 1 N!\wton D1otaphone -- wd 1 Neilton Operator ,: lIas8 liaea Femal , co Meath 'Irelan Co: RODoommon, Jan 426 July 21 H~nnon lIargaret An1t Newton Hoapt Bernard Catherine Oampbell llj. lIaple. Ter . Labo'rer wi! 5 Nellton lid. 1 Newton Ireland lIass lIaas Jan lj.27 N1oholoon lIerlys Janet Femal 2lj. River aide EUgene A Graoo F lIarUn 2lj. R1 vero1de Baggage ~,lIs11esley, Mass July 211 st wd lj. Agent Newton IAass D~"ron lj.!lI1S8 Wal tha,l1i lIaea Jan, lj.28 July 22 Demers Joseph Eugene lIa1e 22 l11ddle st Leon Rebecoa Theriault 129 Dudley flt Car con-,· . . Gardner lIa8s Adela d Wd 1 Ne~ton Cambridge Mas duo tor lIass Mala 2011 Beaoon B 'Riding lj.29 July 22 Dwyer Paul Nathan1e 2011 Beaoon JohnJ Jeseis I Bears Newton wd 5 II 88 Instruoto~ Tipperary Irel d Neilton II11,S8 Jan Rt Wd 5 Newt n (Fa.ther '9 Res'.' lIa88 Lex1ngtonAv Lake"ood N J) July 22 Graoe Edward Finley lIale 16 Ed1nborm wILl ter r. aelen J .Callahan 16 ,Edinboro T r Freight . Boaton,lIan Jell100 Tenn ._, Jan Ter wd 2 New on wd 2 Newton Handler Maas lias 8 / .New.ton:,lIaS8 _, Jan July 22 Hughes ,Phyllis lIary i;oenle ,53 Taft Ave Robert A Helen: A Blam1n 53 Taft Ave Auto Sale smsf! Watertown )(aes WdJ Newton "d 3 Newton MaBS Mass Newton lIass _ Jan July 2; Jaokson Arthur: E" lIale 15 Fre~erick liar tin 0 , Ida E Ross 15 Fred,eri()k Iron Workar Bathel"a1ne St Wd 2 Newt n Bt wd 2 Newto • lIass lIass RaUroad ,Newton )(ass winchester N H. Jan July 23 Bampson David 1I1nsor Male Newton Hospt Winsor G Pau11ne A 'woodbury 16 Rookwood ..d 5 Nowton l Ter wd ~ Clerk lIaal Newton aau Femal Spa1nard' 0 B,a1 North Yarmouth Jan Brown Doro thy Louis Newton Hospt Wil11am V Edith E lie sene 37 R1 vere1de Railway Wd 5 Neilton Bt watertown Postal Clerk Rewfoundh, nd i lla1ne, l lIass lIaes Feillal Newton Idaso Boston MasB Jan . lj.35 DUworth Julia' Floreno Newton Hospt George P Theresa MoKens1e ,29S Langley R Chauffeur wd 5 Newton Wd 6 Newton lIass lIaos Fema.1 Jan Kaitt • lIarjorie Gert Newton llollpt Bonny L 'franoes (loldbarg 5lj.3washingto 'l'dlor Kirohnef Russia Booton .lIl1ss rude "d 5 Neilton Bt w411osl13Y lias. . lIas8 at John' BNew­ Nowoastle N B Jan lj.37 Powero George ,Lee lIale Neilton Hospt .,patr.1ok J : Luoy ,lIorbr· , '. Bow 'Rt " ... -.. . Lineman I and , , foundland Wd 5 N'.'U ton IDIUlI'Note on11 flnl or N"mo Yalbcr, Wellesley MaB =>~..a=: as' rr:=n.=.~,...;.,~== • .." ...... ~ __~~ __ =~=-~=~ , I hereby certify thut the above, return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE3s6 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NElITON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO 8E GIVEN IN FULL, . "'.p-.-~'"'-'" ""i'-" '··~"'··-·--~~·~~·~·---·~-'·"~·~··--'~-~~T~'-~'l'~~"";"~'~-~'~"l-=~-'=~-=~~--'--~--"i·~~~~~'·""~'·~~~~~-·'~~"~"'~'f~~~~~''''"j"'~-~' ~.f"'~---.' , I M'~' N ! DATE Of I fULL NAME Of TIlE CIIIlO, AND ''''II'' PLACE Of DIRTlI, NAME Of PARENTS, RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BINTII Of PLACE Of BIRTH Of DATE Of .. ---1 __"J-~~-- _C_OL_O_R _111_'_lh._, _lh'_"_W_hll_')'___ +,_h~;,:~,~~_"',+- ______+-. f~lrI::.1 ::N'::m':.:'I:..:.f::'lio:::"::.., +--_.:::M:::,ld::,":.:N:::,m:., :::..I.:::M,:::lh:::.",:..-_+-- __P_A_RE_NT_S_, _-+ __fA_Tl_IE_R, ______I- __fA_Tl_IE_R, __---+ ___M_OT_HE_R, __ --l-...lS@_-+ __

Preocott Man Jan July 25 Brown Austin "n,.,.,. lIale Nowton Hoopt Austin 0 Eunioe Bart lett 710 Poultry Uan Suffiold conn wd 5 Newton At lIelleolr!Y lIaos lIaos Oork Ire land Boston MaDs Jan 1~39 July 25 Duggan wlll1am Jame Newton Hoapt cornelius D Ellen G lIaElaney 233 Highland Wool Mel~ohant lid 5 Newton Ave wd 2 !.laos Newton Maos Bank Teller Boaton )(ass west Fairlee Vt Jan lj.40 i July 25 Hunter Edward nAn,..,,,, Male 1590 oentre Edward 11 Ariolle H. South­ 1590 centra , I Bt wd 5 worth Wd 5 Newton I lIasa Waltham Mass Jan July 25! Bpring Joan Tower Newton Hoapt IIl!.l'shall C Marion Olark l~ Glen Road Troaourer Nowton Mass wd 5 Newton Wellesley HU ·C H Co' lIass llaBB I U S Navy Newton )(aes Waltham Mase Jan 442 July 2S1 Kempton Anne Payson Newton Hospt Kenneth P Pauline I Jaokson 26 IIDsamere wd 5 Nowton wd 2. Newton Iolass I L1aBS I 1131 Adams st Stone cutter S&n DOnato Oastelvetcfe Jan July 2S1 lIauola Loroto Pas­ \Uale 1131 Adams At Gerardo !laria DeLuoa quale Wd 2. Neltton Wd 2 NOl'lton Oaserta Italy Benevento Italy U&SIl lIass IUale July Stiokney George Newton aospt ,George B Grace D Wagner Weaton(Kendlll Foreman Plainfield N H Bridgewater N S Jan wd 5 Newton GreenllAaos loIaos Newton Mass July Follaneboe George Newton Hospt George 11 lIary E Uahe r 22 Lan?,ley Rd Cle~k Stoneham lIass lid Nel1ton t"'h,tc'ln) 5 ass 21[. Norway Dcal~r in Portland IaIaine Bosto.n(Hyde Jan 446 July Jennings Alml\. Newton Hospt Orawtord 0 Ruth Bope Wd 5 Newton Boston(Hyde Dy~ stuffs Park)Masa loIasll Park)lIaso Pepperell L1ass Newton Mass Jan, JUly Uace Donald Howe lIale 1120 oentra Donald H Thelma Burbaok Patent Jr st lid 6 lI~.t.t!n Ne~rton Attorney JlasD Uale Nowton Uaas Jan. July Stuart Franklin Hor""~ 39 Old C~::~~~ Raymond or IaIarguerite F lIatlODlIY 39 Old colony General,. Rd lid 6 N, Rd wei 6 lIewton Contraotor Ualle Kansas City Jan 449 July Taylor .emlu," Newton liospt Iiarry W Graoe Rhafer President Whi te ohuroh lid 5 Newton candy Co Kano&o IaIo • Mass Portland llaine Frankl1n Mass, Jan' 450 July Adams Riohard t'nl,J+LP 39 1I0ffat Rc1 John T . lIarion E Butler 39 lIoffat Rd Farmer wd 5 Newton Wd 5 !'Iewton Uass Uass Mary r Stubbert Waltham Uaes Newton MaBS Jan 451 July Oollins 1I1ll1am H.n,rv~llll. Newton Hospt Henry F 16 Beach St Conduotor Wd 5 Newton Wd 2 Newton Uas. lias a wayland uass Newton Maos Jan 452 July Gllfoyle lIarion 1I"'·"A.,~;'t-'-··T Newton Hoopt Philip E Oatherine Nolan 139 Hawthorn Gar age Uan Wd 5 Nawton Wd 2 lIewton lias II Uals Framingham lIass Barnet Vt Jan, 1[.53 Aug 1 Groves Quentin Dur- 110.18 Newton Hoopt Harry H lIabel E Davison 22 lIadison Engineer ward wd 5 Newton Wd 2 Newton lIaos Mass Jan Robert An,~~.," Male Newton Hospt Uar1nius F. Theren Uoores ~"";:;o!i 2 lIontfern Chia! Djarko Norway 1,~,wlll1ngate iug 2 I Sortev1k lid 5 Newton sta~~~right Engineer I ''Newfoundland Mass San Donato Jan Aug 3 Lombardi Gerardo Uale 11[. Murphy Ot AntoniO Oarmela DiRubh 11[. Murphy ct Lallorer San oonato wd 2 Newton 'Rd 2 Newton OasortlL Italy Caaerta Italy Mass lIass Male Alton N a westboro lIa08 Jan Varney Robert Nawton Hospt Lewis P Gertrude wilson 65 Olark At Dry Good. Wei 5 Newton wd 5 Newton lIerohant Ma.ss MillS lj.57 Aug lj. Bloom Barney Uale 70 Jefferson samuel Rose Cohen 70 Jefferson TaUor Vanella Russia Vanell~ Russia Jan st Wd 7 Ne wd 7 Newton !laSH lIass Uale , Newton Man Glengarry PEl Jan I 1[.5s Aug 4 Burka wal ter Frano a . Nelrtdn: aoapt Edward P Ann Florenoe Mac- 169 Cyproas I lid 5 NeKton DOnald Wd 6 Neilton I MillS MOBS Nuwt()n Uaas i 1[.59 Aug lj. Uorrloon Oatherina 16 Linooln Harold B lIary J Fi tcgera.ld 16 Linooln Rd Olerk Boaton Uass Franoe D Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Nowton I ~. ~s I 1[.60 I Aug 5 Burna John Thomas Newton Hospt John T Jr Ethyl MOdell 167 Lonll Real Estate N9wton Mass Boston Mass. Jan J "" __ L'7 ,~~ .~,L._~"=~ __ ..:....._=.=23r~d~JL~JL"!\Vld:25~.a~~~J~~~1~,:::' ..L~,~~.=_~,=....b=Wd=2=Ulu ...;." •.!~~~=,~==~J~~~~ __~~~~I=,.._==_,~.d...~~~,~~=",~ I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and betiel, CIT y(fle/tk 00'7v() [PAGE 387] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NmON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL, No. ·l·~':\':;-I~~~~::\,;~~'~':i;· i,@r:,~; :;,. ;-~N-'.~-'-~or-~r.-t~h-e~:-.N~~,...·;-·;;r ;:.~::::m~~OI:",,":~···~·"F~~RE~;~-D~=~;~.or ~ --o;i~~~~~~;~~r~·~~~~-~i~~~.;II~;o".,,:~p:~~~:~~,~~;~~~-. ''''~~~Ri~- r-~- .... ______.\<,). +-----+------4 ____+ _____-+-=--_____ l.920

1161 Aug 5 OafarBlli G10vanni Male 3lj. West st Giuseppe Luo1aPao11na 3lj. west'st Laborer Popo11 Aqu11a Popoli Aquila Jan wd 2 Newton Wd 2 linton Italy Italy !dass lIa .. Chauffeur Needham Mass Btoneh8.lll l4ass Jan 1162 I Aug 5 Duke Alioe remal Newton Uoept . George A Graao UOl.lu11en 72 1':l1is st wd 5 Newton Man lid 5 NeDAga remal Northampton Mas 1163 Aug 5 Sebrlng Mildred Robe til. Nowton Boatp Robert E l4abol Yeatman 630tl1 St Publ101ty Plal.nfield N or Wli 5 Newton I'd 2 Newton Maal Ualll remal 3lj. Old Englan OarAtaker of Rookport !lass Rookport Mase Jan 116lj. Aug 5 Stevena Evelyn Ourti s Newton Hospt Fred P Olive Hodgklns 1Wd 5 Newton Rd lid 6 Nowto Estato lAasl Mas remal U S Seorot Waeb1ngton D 0 Boston !lass Jan Aug 6 Barker Harriet Lou1 e Newton Bospt Harry L AgnllBRuass11 19 Elmwood Pk I 1165 Wd 5 Newton lid 2 Newton 60rv10e I loIaBB lIasl IIUton Llass Jan Aug 6 L111 Audrey loIarie Femal 10 U11 ton Av Ralph 14 Alioe II Talford 10 1411 ton Ave Meahanlc oambrldge loIaBB I 1166 Wd 3 Newton (1st born) TWIll Wd 3 Ne~:~~ Llass l4ale . Oambridge lIaaa MUton Mass Jan 1167 Aug 6 Lill Robert Tolfo d 10 1111 ton Av!. Ralph M Alioe II TolfoX'd 10 !l11ton Ave Meohan10 TWIN Wd 3 Newton "d 3 Newton (2nd born) Masa !.lass liar ion Oenter Jan wil11am Youn Male Newton Hoept Davld W . E. Jane .. ora1g q6 H111a1de ~ Chem1~t »g:~on lIest­ 1168 Aug 7 Rlal Wd 5 Newton Waterto'l!ll 'moreland 00 Pon Ind 00 Penn Man !.laBS Jan Aug 8 A1l1e Ava Femal 2313 wash- Abraham Ava· Mary 2;13 washing- M1ll Operati e Syria Syrla inp:ton !It wd lj. ton fit "d lj. Newton MaSI Newton !.!aaa remal 'Wellesley Oak Insuranae wellesley Hl11s Wellesley l4asa Jan Aug 8 MoIntosh M1ldr~d V1rg nia Newton Hoapt Ot1s 0 Olive Weloh wd 5 Newton bUok IIl1.ss Agent )lass : .. :.. ~

Eleotrioian oambr1 dge Mass Somerville Maos I Jan Aug 8 Perry PbylliS Femal 123 Rows Ter .. Olarenoe Franoes·Ferrelra 123 Rowe. Tel' lid II Nel'lton Wd lj. Newton l4aa8 lIa88 Aug 10 Fl1e Tuoker Male 102 Oharlesb nk Ashton rranoOB.N wiggln .B~ukley Lawyor Ransona Buokingh m winthrop Jan Road lI'd 7 WOBt V1rginia Co Va Newton Llaas Newton. Mass Jan Aug 10 l4urphy Thomas Henry l4ale 169 Adams St Henry J Bridget A Regan 169 Adams St Assembler watertown l4ass ~'O #51'f Wd 2 Newton I'd 2 Newton -" lAaaa Llass '--..., Aug 11 Adams Lillian Fran ramal Newton llospt Les11e L Luoy Franoeo W1swal 120 wiswall R carpenter Brattleboro Vt Newton ilass Jan wd 5 New.ton Wd 5 Newton Man Mass

Elllabeth Al remal Newton Hoapt Alfred 101 Marguerlte Jedrey Oolumbla St Teamster Ot1atleld llaine oape at lIary. Jan Aug 11 Blaisdell fre1da lid 5 Newton We 11e sley l4aa Nova RooUa lIaas Jan Aug 11 Pignatel11 Mar10 l4iohel l4ale 29 Florenoe. t AnUm\) Oorinua D' Agostlno 129 Flor~noe S Drlver 01vitaretenga Oiv1 taretenga wd 5 Newton wd Nomg Aqul1a Italy Aquila Italy II111S1 5 . Boatonl4ass Ne1'lt on .I111Ss _' . Jan Aug 11 PridB Bally remal Newton Hoapt Edward W Gladys. Wyman 67 Temple.Rt Wool Wd 5 NSlIton .,d NeUAgy lIaBS :5 Jan .. , Aug 12 Arnold OonstanoB remal Newton Hoopt seth', Bessie Johnson .22. Bellv1sta Phys1oianS, Wostminster Vt lid 5 Newton . Surgeon lias I Yit~s~gg,a~88 lalaty VUna Bielostook 1179 Aug 12 Boodel Abraham Newton lloept Benolon Rebeooa Ringer 76 Austin at Student IJan wd 5 Nowton 1'd 2 Newton niot RuBsia Rusa1a. Llan Jlass Oapestrano Italy Oarndonagh 00 Jan. 11180 Aug 13 D1Zaoomo Mary Femal 3 Jaohon st G1 uaeppe l4argaret Lafferty 3 Jaakson st Ioeman I I Wd 6 Newton I'/d 6 Newton Donegal Ireli~~ Uaos· Ilass Pro v Benevento Prov Benevento Jan ~-I -q() 1IS1 Aug 13 Forte Male 230 Ohapel S Orado Inooronata.Bibbo a30 OhapelSt Laborer ",d 1 Ne1'lt.on wd 1 Neilton Italy Italy I l4a80 Mass Llattross Newton l4aos Boaton Mass Jan I liSa Aug ~J Haffey John Aubrey lIale Nowton Hoopt John A l4arla A Lufkln 51 Hanshaw Bt IVd 5 Newton "d 3 Newton Naker l.Ia08 lIass Aug 14 Ohale Eleanor Will- Femal Neilton Hoopt William F Maude 'tr Olark 311 Temple st Bonds Oambridge l4ass Portland Maine Jan

•. _ c'" L"~o=~"'~~~=~~~~- l~~~,._~~.. ~.~_5_!~n~~L .i!I!~~"~.li~:' =~~ __~~=, •. =,!!_d~~,~D~~~= ~_m ... - I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of Illy knowicdge and belief. _. ______._ '3c;'"tt?-A~,I------.----.C.J::r..¥- ·(jIeJiIc ')Q 0) "JUU [PAGE ~8~ J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Ycar Nineteen I-I undred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.


Aug 111-' R1ohfll'dson John Baxter Newton Hoapt George r Jr Abbie R Baxter 50 Marshall Olerk Newton lIass stoneham Mass Jan "d 5 Nelfton 'lid 6 Newton lIal8 MaBB . 1Ie8twood.loIass Taunton Mass Jan Aug 15 Burns Newton Hospt William F Alloe E alieno .119 Langley Rd R R Clerk '!It1 5 Newton lid 6 Newton Mass ··Masa Newark N J Jan IIs6 Aug 15 Cooper Russell n 'IIestPine Henry'll Sadie A "iloon 73 WBst Plne Mlaa ?lorka 'JUtton Park St lid II He st 'tid II Newt NY Mas I Man Clyde. N. Y Soston ltas8 Jan Aug 15 Hayward Doris Loui se Newton Hospt James M Dora H Hadden 12 Linooln ",d 5 Newton Quinoy(Wollas . Maso MaDs i oambr%e Mass Jan i lies Aug 16 Shinniok Elhabetb remal John T M~rv Enos ,701inton St Chauffeur Neuton.Io!t!.Bs , wd 2 Neilton Mass

Aug 16 West Mary George a Dorothy 1I'0wler 2220hestnut Banker. Neilton Mass Ohioago III Jan Hill Rd..d 6 Newton Illiss Gt;IA'''''-L "..:.oe Marianna Desimone lSll,AdamB st .Bplnn~l' Sottltrati Newton Mass Aug 17 Oe~tbno. ~:?t&P~ssoa "AI""'~ lslI Adams st Loreto Italy ,o'I)".v,;:,."" 'lid 2 Newton "d 2 Newton litiS 8 UasB I , 1191 Aug 17 Day Frederiok 56 lIaEIIl1l1gtt)l\. Frank E lIadon H· Guild 56 r,!.shington Machinist. . Havbrh1l1 lIass Eastford Conn Jan I Puk 1Id 2 Park "d 2 Newton I/au Newton Nass Buperinte Somerville Llao Randolpb Verm011t! Jan I Aug 18 Pratt .. Edi tb nal~OJ.:lne Newton Hoapt Alfred a 21Uoreland "d 5 Newton Wd 6 Newton Post otfioe lIaes Man

Aug 19 Oaron Edna DyaD" . Josepb C Olementine 1I'romault 78 Dalby St Painter· St Naroisse P Q st Guillaume Jan 1Id 1 Newton Oanada P Q Oanada Mas 8 I Aug 19 Hurley JamssHenry James J DeUaO. Foden . a31:Soylston.. Machinist. 1Iellesley Mass Portland lIaine Jan· et wd 5 "e~!t 0:11

Aug 20 Jennings Frank John 231j.· Obullob "Riobard Etbel Appleby 231j. Ohurob st Janitor . skibberine Co stafford- Jan 1Id 1 Newton wd 1 Newton . 001'1£ Ireland shire England Mass lo!a08 Aug 20 Lynoh Ilary Barry Louise she 11ey 156 Bennlngt Contraotor Boston Mass Louisville Ky Jan st Wd 1 Newton Io!I!.S8 Aug 20 Ilaoken.io 16 Beaoon st .. Roy E Katberine.Uurphy 16 Beaoon' St Station Agen Newton MaDD Bay st Lawrenoe Jan 1Id 6 Newton wd 6 Newton N S Mau lIa88 Aug 21 Oronin Franois.No Newton Hospt Eugene F Lena: 0' Ne11- .3l2,Oherry Rt st Rwy oon- Oork Ireland NewBrunswiok Jan wd 5 Newton lid 3 Newton duotor Oanada NaSI Maes Springton PEl Jan Aug 21 Furneaux Oharles Hall Ilale Newton HosptOharles H Florenoe,G.MoPhee . 239 "asnlnl~to~ Ohauffeur Natiok.Mass lid 5 Newton St 7 1I~"'to~ Mass Salelll,lIass Jan 500 Aug 21 Grlndal Jean Merrill Femal Neilton Hospt Herbert" UarionL Merrill 5 linter ~t Aooountant Brooklyn N Y wd 5 Newton Salem Mass Ilua Port Ohester N Fort Edward N Y Jan 501: Aug 21 Sloane Margaret remal . Newton Hospt Douglas Sibyl Sander80n 328 Oabot at Salesman lid 5 Newton wd 2 Newton Mass Mass Boston MaDS. Jan 502 Aug 21 Thompson .Lewio.Brad- 11111 walnut. Oharles A Franoena L Noyes lllj.l walnut Physiolan RaakvUle N B (1st born) tord st I'/d 5 Wd 5 NeDiiD Jan . Aug 21 ThompBon Harry Alli Oharles A . Franoena L Noyes lll~l walnut Pbysioian Baokvl11e N B Boston.·Maos. (2nd born) Wd 5 N!l.wton Man Aug 22 lIylod Andrew rarl Male .Newton HoaptByron 11 St!.dl0 11: Mo aaman lne:f1"lC/. Bookbinder Norwood Ml!.ss Lunenburg Nova Jan wd 5 Nellton; Sootia lIaS8 Popoll Pro v Jan Aug 23 Barisano Luoia 20 Green ot Ernesto Rosa Lattanzio 20 Grean Rt TotUe Prov vnleila "d 2 !lew ton I'/d 2 !lewton Italy AQu1J.'I. Italy NaSI Nasa MalIS Jan 506 Aug 23 Gentael Peny Homer Jr Ella L Shopa 26 Bellefonte Penn State,'Oo11ege St .~~·f~el~::~~,.llleohanlaal• Engineer Penn

I hereby certify that the above return Is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 389J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year N inctcen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

SEX AND NAME or PARENTS, PLACE or BIRTII OF DATE or rULL flAME or TIlE CttlLD, AND CONDIT'N RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION or PLACE or BIRTII OF DATE Dr PLACE or BIRTH. N., COLOR (lr .'her Ihan whll.), luhlu, PARENTS. FATIlER. FATIIER • MOTlIER. BIRTlI, Ilt,l. • Flrlt Nlme or rather. Mllden Nam. or Mother,

Jan Aug 23 Riley Leo Jr 110.111 Leo. Anna Ii Dorsey 227 Jaokson. Salesman Boston lIase 1Id 1 Neilton . II&S8 G18a1 ChieU Anll1no Jan 508 Aug 2~ VirgUi& ~20 Wa.tertown Alfred lIary Nuti1e· ~20 watertown Bak,;r at wd 2 St lid 2 ,.~ .. ,~,,~ Italy Italy f lIas8 Dedh&JD lIass lesley lIilla Jan 509 Aug 25 Greyson lI&ry Althea Newton Hoapt Wll11am Elilabeth·O Fay 123 lIashing Ohauffeur . I lid 5 Newton st 1I411I1S1e1 lIa8S lIaae HUls lIaos Keene N Jan 510 Aug 25 Patey Robert Thayer lIale I Newton Hoopt Hedley P Harrie tte M Lane SaleBman 1I1f!li n ,,1& a wd 5 Newton !dau 201 Chapel at Hood Rubber Aroe caserta Rip&bottoni Jan 511 Aug 26 Desantis GiQrgio lIale 201 Chapel Joseph Miohaelina Ciarlo st 'lid 2 Newt Wd 2 Newton Co Italy Campobasso lias a Masl.l Donato Anna E Dell'Orso Laborer Pianella Tel~anlO Villa 8 Luoia Jan , 512 Aug 26 D'Urbano Antonio 11801 e Prov A'luila Italy Everett lIa8s Jan Aug 26 Howard Donalli Alan l!ale Newton Hoopt AllPoll r Emml'. J Bangs 20 Lake st Super1nten- .Boston loIass Wd 5 Newton 1Iinohester s dent loIaos ,.

20 Kompton Pl Stationary Danvers IIIL~s Iron lIounta1n .Tan Aug 26 lIarston Eln& Venioe 20 KOmPton George II Elna lIarie Frank 1I10h . TId 3 Newton 'lid 3 Hewton gngineer 1180.8 1100II8 rarmington N II Jan Carl Edison lIale Newton Hoopt Irving 0 Al~ie Way Berry 1139 Beaoon. . Chauffeur. Boston II!US 515 Aug 27 Cole wd b Hewton 'lid 5 Nelli9B /iau. Bost.on Uaes Jan 516 I Aug 28 Crowell Alan lIale 75 Royoe Rd Joeeph W Lotte. V P Lowell 75 Royoe Rd Automobilll· Newton IIILSS Wd 2 Newton 1Id 2 Newton SUpplies !dass Maes Newton Mass Co Sligo Ire Jan . 517 Aug 211 1Iaters lIary.Oeleste 565 Com~on- . John S Sarab A Jordan 565 Common- Gardener 111111.1 th Av~ weal th Ave "lid 6 lid 6 Newton Newton lIass Li verpool Nashua 11 H' . Jan Aug 29 Doyle lIartha Loui 19 Pennsyl-·, James F lIartha L LaM 19 Pennayl- lIaobiniDt 518 vania Avelld vania Wd 5 Newtcm lIass Newton Mass Woroester lIass Boaton·llaee· Jan 519 Aug 29 Gates Alma Lawson '~I.'U." 95 cresoent Louis II Lillian R. T "g,LO"'.. 1I1 95.cresoent Postman at wd ~ Newt-OJ) "lid 4· Newton lIass Colerain Mass 1I0ntioello Jan 520 Aug 30 Oro sby Jobn wesley lIale Newton aoapt Alva Howard tatbleen Blaok 303 Tremont lIerobant wd 5 Ne~ton 1fd 7 Newton !dau !dass Bo ston Mau winter ton New- Jan, 521 Aug 30 Huokins Jean lIadel1ne '"'.'U.D Newton aospt Harry lIadge Hieoook ~l Dwight at ShOll \lid 5 Newton Brookline lIanutaotlll'erl foundland loIau lIas8 Jan Hubert Amedee lIale 92 Dolby Bt Plaoide P Marie E A Roy 92 Dalby st ·lIaohin1et Eaatern lIarbor Weat Ariobat 522 Aug 30 Maillet Ohetioamp N S C B N S wd 1 New~ on, Wd 1 lfewtlln lIaos· MtUB lIarg4rllt C Rankin 72 oril Dount Banker Pittafield lIass Gloversvillll H Jan . Aug 31 Barker C8011y He10n l"enlal'el 72 O1'eqoont James II 523 "lid 6 Newton Avs wd 6 lIa.~ Newton lIass WoroDster Mass watertown !daBO Jan Aug 31 Clohessy InOi lIary 287-0. Wash- William F InOi M Flanders 2117-0. '·'lsh- llaohin1 at ington at Wd 7 ' lngton st Wd Ilowton Maos Newton Man h Ironpool Co Ba11yglennie 00 Jan 525 Aug 31 Fallon 60 ClintonSt Miohael J l1el11e E Byrd 60 cunton lIaohin t's 'lid 2 Nowton \'Id 2 Newton H~lper Galway Ireland Galway Ireland lIaea lIass lIalo Steam Fit Newton lIasB watertown MOose Jan 526 Aug 31 Flt,gerald Thomas Clemo II Pearl at Thomlls C Mary E Oona1dinll 8 Pearl at Wd 7 Newton lid 7 Nowton loIasa lIase Newton MaSD 1527 Aug 31 Ir&toville 7 Olark Pl EmU A Mary L 8.ampBon 7 Clark P~ Laborer NewY~rk. 01 ty Wd 2 NeY/ton Wd 2 Neltton N Y lIan II~SB • lIarydale Jan 528 Aug 31 Ann Chrio­ Newton Hospt Jameo"ll Georgina lIol)Onald . 319 Oberry Bl&oksm1th tine 1Id 5 Newton Ifd 3 Newton AntlgoniBh Co N S lIus Mass San Bartolommeo Jan Aug 31 Tedesohi Maria 111- Quirk at Antonio Luoia Luolana l~ Quirk Ct Laborer I 529 Wd 2 in G141do Italy ,I Wd 2 .'w,'""'''' I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE390 J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTOlf for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

NAME or PARENTS. PLACE or BIHTII OF PLACE or BIRTII or DATE or DATE or rULL NAME or TIlE CIIIlD, AND RESIDENCE or OCCUPATION or No. FATIIER. FATlIER. MOTlIER. RlCORD • BlRTIi. COLOR (If olher Ihan whilo). • Firat Name of rather, Maldon Nama of Mother, PARENTS.

Frlli t Dealer I Elena Italy Elena Italy Jan 530 Sept 1 Oiano Josephine 1223 n~.LIr.!:t.,,~Gaetano Josephine Boinic""~",u,, I st tid 5 lIan 28 Champa St pattern-makoJ Walpole yass Cohasset Llass Jan 531 sept 1 Hunting Robert Seaborne,Male I 2!!! Ohampa St Frank L Ella Stews,rt lid 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Mass lIaaa Ii 21 CottBge Pl Gardoner 00 Tyrone L.CL ..I' .. Newton Mass Jan 532 sept 1 Milligan George ~Male Newton Hoept James J IIBry A Mul'laney lid 5 Nowton Wd 3 Newton lIa81 lIass , , 1 WilHam R 21 Ciroui t Land New York N Y Bay of Islands Jan !'Iept 1 wilke John lIaldo ~ale 1 19 Circuit Evangeline U Uurphy wl1 5 Newton Appraieer Newfoundland ! 1 lid 5 Newton 1.111.11 I lIaas ,Femali Rookport N B Jan sept 2 Hall Geraldl ne Marie 29 Trc,wbridlll:el . Graoe Tower Chauffeur I Wells Kaine Oanada i .st "d I Silk Worker I Warsaw Poland Warsaw Poland Jan sept 2 'tIegert Rhoinhold Mele 331 Elliot Julia lIattis 331 Elliot St , lid 5 Nel'lton 'lid 5 liellton I uass lIaea , I Balesman [Montreal oanada Rookland Ma1no Jan sept 3 ' Jenkins Stuart Randall ;Male I Newton Hnapt J Stuart Aunita N Fales Hillside Rd 'tid 5 Neilton Wellesley , Mass I Je.n !Male I Louise B RandBll 11-65 woroester Bherbrooke P Q Newton lIas8 537 , Sept 3 Rutt charles lIilli~ Newton Hospt John 0 Oanada lid 5 Newton st wellesley I lIan Mass Woolen Work r Bristol England Florenoe Wass Jan ,53!!! Sept 3 Punter Robert Henry lIale I Newton Hospt Charles nelia Torrey 582 oontllll ,.d 5 Newton I lIeedham Mau Masa 1.ora Id Coffin 211ia COlllJllon .. Bookkeeper Boston Mass I Ilarnstable Jan Sept 3 White Rob~rt Ooffin IllIale I Newton Hospt lIalter H I (Osterville) 5 Neilton wealth lid II­ lid Neilton Mass I lias 8 , I. Mass Jan I ' g Idargarat Hart 65 Old Eng- Cha.u!!eur Athenry Co Gal- ! l.Iohi11 Co sept ~ Burke Franois Joseph'llIale 165 Old En - Henry S way Irelanf Leitrim land Rd 'tid 6 land Rd Wd 6 I Neilton lIaBB I Newton lIas8 lIale [ 903 Walnut St James P 903 Walnut St Oarriage St John'e New- SlI.okville N B Jan sept lj. lIurphy Sylvester Consuelo Bulger foundlBnd '[ lid 5 Newton tid 5 Nowton Pa:l.nter Man , Mass 1l:roy N Y Philadelphia Pa Jan : 511-2 'Sept 5 Oharette Robert Oliver lIale Newton Hospt Alphonse Eunioe P Hutohinson 29B Auburn- NBVY wd 5 Newton dBle Ave 'lid ~ lIass Newton \lass i Ban Donato san Donato Jan Loreto lIalel 203 Adams St Luigi DOnata coletti 203 Adams st Laborer 1 511-3 sept 5 Gatti Caserta Italy Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton oaserta Italy ! Mass \lass Jan ~7 Jaokson Rd Machinist watertown Mass Bradford rug­ sept 5 Womboldt Vinoent Paul Male 11-7 Jaoli:son Rl Franois G Annie 0' Grady land Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 Newton Mass lias" Ll~~lrtC)rR"At." 1 Vlll!o~to Cast.. ve~erel lIaria Dolorata Femal 258 Nevada S Antonio Luoia Pasquale 258 Nevada Bt Tire worker Sept 6 DeLuoa (Rubbar oo~ Benevento Italy Italy Wd 2 Newton 1 lTd 2 Newton I Mass lIass , Brooooli Ban Donato Jan Femal 2 Morgan Pl Filippo Oesidia Perun1 2 lIorgan Pl Laborer, sept 6 DeStephano Giovannina Wd 1 No)tton Ital~ caBerta Italy Wd 1 NegliS Mass Jan lIartha C Drooda t 232 wash- Foreman East oambridge Pittsburg Pa t Bept 7 I Hackett Walter Paul lIale 12;2 waah- J9hn T ngtoll $t 1'Id IIlSs ington st Wd 1 3 Newt on lias 3 Newton MaSSI Jlon !.'ary E Foley 11-7 Auburn St Llmdaoe.pe Newton llaGS St John' B New­ : 51ia sept 7 Kent James lIaynard lIale 11-7 Auburn st Ralph R foundland wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton Gardener I lIass lIass ABaembler Bantoport N B Arlington lIan Jan sept II Ooftin Gladys Elsie Femal Newton Hospt Franois B Elsie E Rhodes 11-80 Parker st , wd 5 Nel'lton '[ Wd 5 Nel'lton "Hood Rubber IIIt.BB uass co' Jan Katharine Reynolds 115 sargent Oltlrk Nowton Mass Ilalden l.Iaso 550 Sept !!! Day Virginia 115 Sargent t Frank A wd 7 Newton Wd 7 Nowton Mass lIaas Assistant Boston lIass woroester Maes Jan 1 sept 8 1 Joyoe' Mary lIargaret Famal 5 Alden Bt Edward W Grace M Fit.gorald 5 Alden Bt 55 Wd 6 Newton Wd ,6 N~wton \lanager

I '1 MaS8 lIus

1__ 8e~~~~i_~~~,11:_~_~I __ ~o~n__ IT~~~~~"_~j_~:~:I_ ~~~:~enii~:J~~;~~~~'f,;~~:- ~~:di",t,"h,~W1~1~b~uo~r.~~"~~"I,~_~""~~d_0",~6.~f,N0~tr.~td~~:.R~,sd·~I,_"U",~8_ .. ,N~a'VY_'~_~_'I_,,~om,~a,_"h,~a,~N,e"b_=r_~a,"s,k"_a'=~I_,"p.,a,,_l,l_n_eJr,~~lI~a=s,s",=~""_'_I=J~an,_,_. __ , 1 I liereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best 01 Illy knowledge and belief. [PAGE 39JJ 3a1 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FulL. 1 8[;-~~~ , --'"' DATE Of fULL NAME Of TilE CIIILO, AND I CONDIT" NAME Of PARENTS. RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIRTH Of PLACE OJ BIRTII Of DATE Of , No. BIRTII. ,; ___. __COLOROfOlh~~anw_hll_.)~, ____j--":,-:.;~~,-"1-_P_LA_CE_O_F_B_IR_TH_" -1-_' _Fl,_.I_N._m_IO_f f__ .I_h'_',+ __ MI_ld'_" N_.m.,_,f_M_'I_h"_, _-l___ PA_RE_N,T_S_, _--+ __fA_T_"E_R'_ ,_-+-__f_ATI_IE_R, ___ I--__MO_TlIER, ,-I, ,~§Jlt ,\ .. ____ _

, , 553 sept 9 I, Lima. Isa.belle 1 Fema.l R-8;; BoylRt n Antonio PAlma. 0 Lundberg R.S33 Boylsto /lason Oa.pe Verde ISla.ld El!karleo I' Ja.n liStWd 5 NeD~~~ St Wd 5 Ne~~~ Portugal Sweden

Jan 55~ Sept 101 Allen Oharles Tbeo+ loIa.le Newton Hospt I Oba.rles E Jea.nnette E Smith 2lj. Dale Bt Sa.leema.n Groton N Y j Somerville dore 'I' 'lid 5 Newton Wd 2 Newton Mall 8 loIa.ao ' Jbss Ja.n ! Sept 10: Ferguson Elhabeth ,I Femal Newton Hospt Eralsey 0 Gertrude Zein Webster Roa.d Sal"s Dept Detroit lIiohiga Boston Mass 555 Ola.rk Wd 5 Newton East lIil ton Leather I loIa.ss Ua.ss Business

Sept 11 Eno Irene /la.ry Fema.l 7 Fa.xon St Arohie H Ama.nda 101 Llaurloe 7 Faxon st Sp1nner Brooklyn Oonn Newton Mass Jan lid 1 Newton I lid 1 Nelf~on MasB !.IIl.BB I Ja,n 1 W111iam A Agatha R Eldredge 29~ oabot st Cba.uffeur Malden Mass south Harwioh 557 i Sept 11 La.mkin Ca.therine NeITton Hospt Elea.nor Wd 5 Newton , lid 2 lIewton loIa.os Ua.os Jlass 558 sept 111 Peaoosol1do Ernesto loIa.le 36 Adams Bt Amato F110mena Esposito 36 Adams St Banker Aroe Oa.serta Ricoia Oampo­ Ja.n ann Wd 2 NeITt on lid 2 Newton Ita.ly basso Italy Mass loIa.ss I Ioe Man V1 tulazio Italy Bellona Italy ! Jan 559 Sept 111 SOialdone Gl0V:::: I /lale 21 Beeober T r Tommaso I Maria. Boooio 21 Beeoher Te lid 6 Newton lid 6 lie If ton Mass Mass Femal Boston Ma.ss Boston loIa8s Ja,n ~ sept 12' Gorham Ba.rba.ra Ben - lj.l Berkeley t Thomas Margaret Benediot ~l Berkeley S Bank Olerk diot lfd 3 Newton lTd 3 tleuton Maso , Mass Sept 12:, lIoDDna.1d Alioe Fema.1 13-R Linooln Samuel L Mary Oloran l3:doinooln Rd Ba.ggage Man Newton Mass lIal tha.m Mass 2 I Rd Wd 2 Newton lid Nelfton M"ss Ma.ss I Oapestrano Capep~ ..no Sept 131 D'Antonio 00n08110 Ma.le ~106Langley d Antonl0 Arnest1ne Ardulno ~106Langley R Laborer lid Newton lid. Newton Aquila Italy .Aquila Italy MasR Jlass I Male Jan Sept 131 lIa1gh David Frano B Newton ijoapt George H Ruth E Allen 32 loIeobanl0 S Keoha.nio Neltton Ma.s s Newton Mass lid 5 Nel'lton Wd 5 lleJlton i Mass IIa.SB I Femal . 165 Grove st Physloian Boston Ma.ss Rookla.nd Kaine Ja.n Sept 131 1111111 all lIartha. Holm 8 Ntlwton Hospt Edward H Anna 11 Cobb lid 5 Newton Wollesley Mas Mass 210 Adams at Laborer Sa.n Donato San Donato Jan sept llj.1 Leone Antonetta Fema1 210 Adams St Peter loIa.ria Rufo lid 2 Nel'lton lid 2 Neltton Caserta Ita.1y Oaserta. Italy , MaRS Jlass Jan Sept 1lj. Walker Lois Allene Fomal 102 Inst 1 tu­ Charlea N Nell Kruse 102 Insti tU- Di vlni ty T1tusville Flori a DeFun1ak tion Ave Wd tion Ave lid 6 Student Spr1ng3 Newton Mass Newton !4at:l Florida Uale Newton !Lass Jan Sept 15 Dunne Edward Robe t Newton Hoapt Edward R Nellie T 1oI0C~Y 102 Rlpley st Oha.uffeur 00 Oork wd 5 NeYfton Wd 6 NeJlton Ireland ,I Mass l.Iass

Sept Hartnett lIargaret 3 Newland st Jeremiah Mary Xivlehan J Newland St Repalrer Mannis Co Kerry Ouldeenacore Jan 15 Femal~ 00 lid ~ Nel'lton lid lj. Newton Ireland Sligo Irel d Mass Mass , iI Porter Newbern 'II 0 Pamplin Va Jan sept 15 Lawson Tlmothy I M~el ~5-R Ourve a Timothy G Oota.via. Whee ler ~5-R Curve Bt George lid 3 Newton \I'd 3 Newton (Blaok) Mass Mass Ban Donato Jan 570 sept 15 Vergatl lIargaret Fema1 11 Asbmont A Em1dl0 Carmela. Oetrone 11 AB~mont Av Laboror Sa.n DOnato lid 2 Newton ,d 2 Newton Caserta. Italy Oaserta Italy MaRS Mass Paper Mtg Fra.nkl1n Fa.lls Melrose Mnss Jan 571 Sept 16 Ohandler Male Newton Hoept Langdon 11 Dorothy UaoNel11 ~lj. Cheswiok R wd 5 Newton Wd lj. Newton Agent ilL H' Mass loIa.os , Jan 572 Sept 18 Eng Vlrginla Newton Ho apt Nils S Ellen O'Connor 66 Mill St Builder Frederlooton 1 Oork Irela.nd Femal! Wd 5 Newton' wd 6 Newton Nor\;a.y Mass Mass F_emal Rubber Worke Deolloineo Iowa Ileteghan 'II S I Ja,n Sept 19 Grievo Franoos oa.ti 9 \l'illia.me BRay H Mary R LeBla.no 9 Wll11,a(s St er ne Wd 5 Newton {fd 5 N~\lton I Maos Ma.ss I Jan 57~ sept 20 1I0Leod Marion AllojFema.l Newton Hoopt Harold A Oatherine S Tomlin 6 Winthrop Bt Olerk Newton Mase 1 lIaltbam Mass lid 5 Newton 1111.1 tham loIa.ss Mass Yale I Newton loIaee Sopt 20 O'Oonnor Joseph Pa.trilk' 833 BOY1Dton~ Pa~riok J Julla T Da.ly 833 Boylston : 575 St TId 5 Nellto ·N,.. "'," N'm, "d st wd 5 Ne)'!to ..•.••.• __ . _~.,-,. _ _"-"".r"' •. =._,.,.._=_~ ..~"""""'_"",.~=_".-'''' •. ,,'''~ ;'""<''-+'''" ,"-"-',- .0."",.,," .-'_ "'-..".-'-" .. ;.c,,-'--~=Maa ""~_!~~L~.'!!~.~.!_'~~:.,..,.= ="-.==.-.='L~,== ..,_=.;=,-=,--_ '-"=,= ~"-""",,-, ... ~~.,-,,,,=MfIt" I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief, [PAGE 392) BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN

i 1.1111 Operat1 Popoli Italy IpopOl! Italy Jan Angeline 78 HAlO'"'''' Boni Antonotta Paoline 7S Hawthorn 576 1 Sept 21 I Paoline 1Id2 Newton st Nm.to" Mass

Salem Mass I Wal tham Mass Jan 577 ' sept 221 Crandell Frederiok : !.tale 317 " ... t'B'l"~o"nl Joaeph E Holen T MoCarthy 317 watertown Salesman James St Wd 1 At Wd 1 Newt Ilass Jan Emily Allen 393 Auburn St Cal' Re­ I Co Antrim Irelan Gagetown N B 578 ! Sept 22' Paul Edward Xen- '. lIale [. 393 Auburn neth' Wd If Neilton ord Ij. Newton pairer I Mass Mase I , Construoting I Boston !.tass .BOil Brtghton N yi Jan 579 sept 23, Carleton Grace Cl\ro- jFemalq 21 westbo'l!'nel Robert A Graoe C Slator 21 We stbourne line i Rd Wd 6 Rd Wd 6 Engineer I , ! Nsltton Mass I , , , Laborer I Peaoosaneonesoo PeSQOSan30nesoo ,Jan 5S0 Sept 23! DI.Gl.andome nl. 00 Laurlna ,Femalj' 1j.09 Lal)gley Lorenzo Fllomena Ilarianl lIo9 Langley Rd Wd b Wd 6 lIowton I Telamo Italy Tenmo Italy i Newton Muss - lIass Newton Mass Jan Harold C Helen ~ Bosworth 70 Auburn st Plano Tuner I Newton Mass 581 sept 23 I Hoyt lIarion Emma :Femal Newton Hoapt wd 5Nerlon Wd 3 Ns)!ton lias I lIasa New York NY Jan 582 Sspt 25, Greathead George lIale 1 Adams Tel' George H Ellen Bryson 1 Adams Tel' Ilaohl.nl.st Newton lIass wd 2 Neilton Wd 2 Neilton lIass lIass Sant a Ilarl a Bellona oaserta ' Jan 583 sept 25 Signore Domen10a iFemal 38g BOll!!ton Antonio Anna Amendola 38S BOllston Driver i !'It Wd , Hewto st Wd, Newto Capua Vetere Italy i Mass lias oasert" Italy I !.tale Boston Mas~ som6rvl.lle Mass Jan 5S11 I Sept 27 Hoffnauer George AuSti!;n I N~wton Hospt Edward J Athelia Il Hill 229 Auburn st Olerk wd 5 Newton Wd Ij. Ne."ton Mass Mass Pe t 1.11a Pol1- Jan 585 Sept 27 Yerardi Angelina iFema11 76 Border st Salvatore Felioe Bruno 76 Border qt Laborer Petill.a Poli­ Wd 3 Newton wd 3 Newton oastro Italy oastro Italy i I Mass Mass Franoes Tuoker Tu(lk~'r 16 Columbla superl.lItende t Brooklyn N Y Paget Bermuda Jan 51'16 i Sept 28 I Abbot t Robert Neltton Hospt Charles M Tuok~r Mal~ lId5 Newton at ~atertown of Manufaotu I.ng Mass Mass IIFomal • 509 Wash I. ngto Olerk Rathkeale Llme­ Ashton-Under- Jan 567 I sept 26, Brodr10k Shl.rley Ooro- I 8 Taft Avo Walter Maud Townley Lyne Cheshire thy .l wd 3 Newton St Boaton(Brl riok Ireland -England Ilass Ilass ~b""lt"7(i {w.e,. :J. f" Oolle Sanni ta Jan' Ii'< Gluseppe F110mena Yacobaool. 12 Cliriton St Laborer sturno Av"llino . ·8ep. e81 Grella Gl.useppina Femal 12 Oll.nton st Benevento , I r fW ~ v wd 2 Newton we! 2 Newton Italy I Mass Mass i Italy 16"7-.-\1 . I l Somerville Mass Brookllne Mass Jan 589 sept 291 Bl.roh Laube 21 Gray 011 l'Iarold W Elizabeth II Burdett 31 Gorham st i Asst Manager worth Rd Wd Ii Oambr1dge Mas Newton MaSB Berth1ervl.lle Jan Oamille 17 Dalby St Edmond Lilly Desros1ers 17 Dalby St Ilaohl.niat Berthl.erville 590 sept 29 Champagne Canada canada 'lid 1 Newton wd 1 Newton , MaRS Ilass I Newton Mllas Jan 591 Sept 29 Ferguson John Josoph lIale Newton ijospt John J Franoes Viola nOIPKl,~8 13 Beeoh st Maohin1st watertown Mass Wd 5 Newton Wd 1 Newton Ilass Mass I Phyllis lUlls 23 l:II.gh st Des1gner of Lookport N Y Newton Mase Jan 592 I sept 29 Flinohbaugh Rodman 23 Hlgh FIt Donald r n Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 NeIVton Maohinery Man Maas Prov Benovento Jan Giovannl Annunliata Zambella 73 west St I Shoemaker Pro v Benevento 593 I sept 29 GrasBo Vinoonlo lIale 73 West St Italy Wd 2 Newt,on Wd 2 Newton I Italy Mass Mp_ns I I. Au.;., /0 !.tale' 66 Hawthorn Nl.oola G Ilaria Vassalottl. 66 Hawthorn S I Storekeeper Aroe Oaserta Rl.ool.& Oampo- Jan ~r"" ~"f'·J" ! 591j. Illsp. 30 I D1Loff1 Italy basso Italy I St Wd 2 Newto'n Wd 2 Newton I lias a Mass Boston Mass Boaton Mass Jan Sept 30 !.turray Ann Dorothy 66 W11d"ood frank J Anna D Oosto.llo 66 W11dwood Salesman 595 I Ave Wd 3 Ave Wd 3 Newt n Newton !.lass Mass i A-lbE.~r Lu1g1 Basilia Iuo 9 Oottage Ct Traokman Aroe Oaserta Squl11anl Jan Oot 1 I DeSanth --U11t1)aA Yale 9 Oottage Ot Avo1l1no Itr.l! I I'Id 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Italy Mass 1 "'aau San Donato Jan Loreto Donatit. Ostrone 19 Jones ot Laborer San Donato 597 lOot 1 [-LeOne "." Salvatore Malo I 19 Jonea Ot Oaserta Italy Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Nel{ton Casorta Italy liass !.laBS Co Mayo Iro land Galway Iroland Jan 598 Oot 1 I1I0Ardle Rita Jose- 17 Winthrop Patriok J Catherine Gardiner 1'117 Blacksmith phine Wd 1 Ne)'!ton d .. _.'"'' ._" ...... ~.... -.~_~...•.• ~,~_=_~~..:.".~.=~l ...-_-_ •• j ..~:~_,~,:;Mi!i~l!:i'i~;'£~r~7£i"EJ~ ..... _-._"~~< •.• _~.=~L~:~_:JIi.!LoL~ .. ".,~.-.~.. ~,~'''.L ... ,_,.·.~~_,,~.,_~,,_~ .,~- ... """,~-~"..•. --~., I hereby certify that the above return is correct accordiug' to the best of my knowledge and belief. CIT y llle/lA 303 [PAGE 393] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEW'!'ON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL • . , BElt fiND rULL NAME or TIlE CIIILD, AND NAME OF PARENTS. RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION or PLACE or BINTII Of PLACE Of BIRTII or DATE OF DATE or CONDI1'H PLACE or DlRTlI. No. BIRTH. COLOR (Ir olher Ihan while). luTwju, PARENTS. rATlIER, rATHER, MOTlIER • Ile,l. • Flnl Namoor ralher. Malden or M,lh".

Oongleton OheB­ Boston Maoa Jan 599 i Oot 1 Praater Lil 11 an ~"rn!l.J." Neilton Hoept Jaaob Lillian N Dysart 19 Hunnewell Provision wd 5 Neltton Dealer Bhire I!Onlgu~C1 lIa88 lIellVNlo Yas

600 Oat 1 Sanguinet1 Anna 3300entu John B Susan Herliby 330 OBntre st Janitor Genoa Italy lIacroolll 00 Jan Wd 7 Newton Wd 7 lIewton Ireland lIaGs lIass

601 Oat 2 Dupuis Pauline Newton aospt Almanzor L Rena A Benoit Loom1a Inst Teacher Arotio Oenter R Port Royal N S Jan 5 Newton 'II1ndoor ':lonn lIass

. 602 Oat 2 Higgins Elhabeth Newton HOBpt Willard E Graco A Brown ~~ Walker Bt Bu11der Newton MaRS Oonoord N H Jan Wd 5 NelTton lid 2 Newton lIaaa lIass 603 Oat 2 1I111er John liason lIale Newton Hoapt Olarenoo R Helen Ii Smith 150 Harvard Agent WoOd.villo N 11 Buffalo N Y Jan I'd 5 Newton lid 2 Nel'lton Mass Mass

60~ Oat 3 Lyons Oll!.1re Eli Yary E lIoNwnll.ra 190 Langley Auto Trans­ Bouton Masa Boaton lIass Jan be wa 6 Newton portation Mass C.ft1 1/tAU'6 Oat 3 York ;lfl.ther1ne Newton Hospt Oharles P lIargarat 0 1I1tohell ~3 Oottage St :rU.cher. Millbury lIaQJ lIewton \.Iaaa . wd 5 No!!ton lid 5 Newton Maaa lIaas Jan 606 Oat ~ Lawrenae liar ~3 Parker George 0 Lillian II soott ~3 Parker st Meohanio Newbury Bel~ksbil~~ Edgc"rare Eng­ Wd 5 Neilton lid 5 Newton land

Oastelvetere Jan 60'7 Oat ~ Sbardollo JOlleph1ne 195 Adams St SOBsio Rosina Patuto 195 AdamD.St Laborer Aroe Oaserta Wd e Newton lid 2 Newton Italy ItU.y IIMS lIass Physioal 1I0ad Nebraska Duke Oentre Pa Jan 608 Oat 5 Oarling Albert E:r""~ atllale Neilton Hoapt Albort 011 ve Lemon 257 Church at Dirootor '1d 5 Newton wd 1 Newton Y U 0 A liaas lIass V111ag6 Green Jan 609 Oot 5 Porter Grace II Newton Hoapt George G Susan J Mitohsll 32 Chandler Olerk Dedham Yaso Wd 5 Neilton lid 5 lIelfton P E I lIaas IIl1aB Boston Maas Jan 610 Oat 6 Duro 11 Alt'red YII1- lIale Newton Hoapt Charle s II Harriet L Yelland ~3 LinoolnSt Budnen F.enovo Penn land Wei 5 Newton !~enoor II11S8 Uanl1ger Yass Oastelvot Oambuobiari Ja.n ! 61i Oot 6 Pasquale Pietro liale R-228 Nioola lIar1a 0 Magniotto R-228 Ohapel lie aver st wd 1 HAwt.nln st wei 1 Benavento nOLl v Oampobasso lias 8 Newton Mllso Italy i ;~ lIatiok Mass Newton Mass Jan 612 Oot 6 White Esther Newton Bospt ForrestT Tb~lma E Ohandler 1197 Washi ng- lIi th Tels- '1d 5 NelTton ton at Wd 3 pbone Co lIaaa liewton Mass Jan 613 Oat 7 Auooin Dora Annie 105 All1aon Germa1n Ellen Douoette 105 Allison Laborer Fdar's Head Friar'. Head Wei 1 Nel'lton wd 1 NAftton o B N a a B N B MaSG Maso . Foreman Port Hood Jan 61~ Oat 7 Duggan Oornelius Uala R.~6· Gardner Corneliua J Beatrioo !.IoNell R-~6 Gardner Tool Room Boston Uaas flt wd 1 H~I.,to~ at lid 1 Auto Shop Oanada. Newton Mass ( Newton Mass N.swton lIaos Jan 915 Oot 7 Jenkina lIyra Eli.I!.- 1~·ellla.Le Newton Hospt lIal tar F Maida E Dunn 57 Oook st P~trollDl\n beth wd 5 Newton lid 1 Newton lIaas lias 8 New York Oity Ja.n 616 Oat 7 Sohumann Robert Yale Newton 1I0spt Frank Jo Minnie ~ Braster 12 Farrington Buyer New York 01 ty '. Franois lid 5 Nel'lton NY N Y Mass (tne~g~la~8s !lawton Hoopt Frank H Jr Mary A Olanoy Newton Yass Jan 617 Oot 13 MoDermott (Stillborn) Male 52 Auburndale U S lIavy Waltham 'lIass 'll/d 5 Newton Av~ Wd 3 HAW'bin Maso Naple 8 Italy Ar10hat N a Jan 618 Oat 9 Veduoo10 ~e our~ndon Nioholaa Mary A Sampson ~~e 0Wr~ndon Polioeman Nawton MaGo Newton Mase Glenville oonn Booton lIass Jan 619 Oat 9 Wright Emily Outta Newton Hoapt Stephen E Emily Farley 251 oontral Reaearoh Wd 5 Nowton at wd ~ HA,,·t.~n Work Mass Aberdeen soot- Jan 620 Oot 10 Grant Philip Ber- Male IsabBllaPh1111pe S9 Parsone Bt OhauUeur Inverne so Soot­ .... land nard wa 3 Newton land Mass Springhill Jan 621 Oat 10 Robertson Frank Cur t i lIale E Bessie spenoe 26 Beeoher Pl Teamator Ohurohover II B wd 6 Newton N S

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge lind belief, / / / ( ~:>r}4. • >< [PAGE 3911-J NINETEEN BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NE'llTON for the Year Ninetccn Hundred and ALL NAMES TO SE GIVEN IN FULL,

DATE OF FULL NAME OF TIlE CIIILD, AND g~~D\~'~ NAME OF PARENTS, RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIATiI Of PLACE or BIRTII OF DATE Of No, BIRTII, COLOR (If other than whit.), h' hi'" PLACE OF BIRTII, • Flnt Nlm ..r Father, Malden Nlm"r Mother, PARENTS, fATIIER, fATHER, MOTlIER, lRlCORO, +___ -4______~------~~'I=c,I,~------~------~.------.~-- ______~------~~------~------~~920,--~--- Female . Boston Mass SyrllOusc N Y Jan 622 Oot 10 191111 ams Constanoe Esst- .Newton Hospt R Frederlok Dorothy II Llullan 3 Ridgemont St Insuranoe man wd 5 Ne~tOn BQston(Br1ghtcn) Agent lIass lIass Petro grad Russia Xovno Russia Jan 623 Cot 10 Zlkorus Edward llalter Male 1051 Chestnut Walter P Ro Be M Sml th 1051 Chestnut Truok St Wd 5 Newtop Bt lld 5 Newtol Chaut't'eur lIa88 Mast

11 25 Channing S1 Lawyer Ely Vermont Boston Mass Jan 62~ Cot 11 Cannon ll1ll1am Edward Male 25 Channil1g S~ James S lIary lIurphy 19d 1 Newton ,.d 1 Newton Mass 1.1110811 11 Washlngton llaohinist Waltham lIass Sale England Jan 625 Cot 11 Monahan Elsie ~emal 11 washingtoD Eaward J .Els1e Rayfu. Ter Wd 2 Tor Wd 2 Nswton lIass Newton Masa . Walpole N H Jan 626 Oot 11 Shaw Lawrenoe Merrih lIalE 78 Cypress st Henry S Jr lIary B Allen 7S Oypress st lIanufacturer Boston lIass . v;d 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton MilS. Mass Ricoia campcbass Riooia campo- Jan 627 Oot 11 VasBslotti Eleanor emalE ~17 llatertow~ Lou1s Conoetta Notartomasc 1117 watertown Contraotor Bt lid 2 Newto at lid 2 Newto ItalY basso Italy Mass Mas Glouoester Mass Lawreno.e Mass J3.n 628 Oot 12 Barner James Robert rMsle 62 AUburndalel Alexander H Anna T Thomas 62 Auburndllle Ifoodworker Ave wd 3 Newtoh Ave 1I'd 3 Newtcn lias 6 lI&ss Mary Gorham 116 Dedham At Teamster 00. Sligo Ireland Co Galway Ire- Jan I 629 Oot 12 Col11ns Riohard Male 116 Dedham at John' lld 5 Newton ..d 5 Nowton land lIass Mass 819 Beaocn St Eleotriohn st Mohe Oanada Biddeford Maine Jan 630 Oot 12 Fl11ion Antoine Leon JI Male Nel1ton Hoapt Antcine Leon El1sabeth Eliot ",d 5 Newton Bos~on Mas. M;,S8

Male 78 Border Fit Glovanni Franoeeoll Russo 7S Border at Laborer MontePaono MontePaone Jan Oot 12 Gale110 Franois catanzaro Italy lld 3 Newton wd 3 Newton {latanzar'o Italy lIass Mass. llamaUa S1011y Jan lIary Giovanni Mlohelina Belviso 360 Lan~ley R Laborer Datus.lia Stol1y I 632 Oot 12 Georgl0 Femal '~~O w~aggley wd6 Ne'wton Neltton Mass Mass Fema e 11: .Thornton 9 Ureman. Oity of Cork c~ Waterford Jan 633 Oot 12 MoCarthy cather1neThor sa 11 Thornton It JlIIDes J ' .. Catherlne MoGrath . 'Ireland J Wd t Nel1ton Wd 1 NeNton Ireland • MIlSS Mass Auditor Auburn N H Pittsfleld N ij Jan Oot· 12 Of:f'utt Jeanns . Femal 131 Windsor Edward P .Laura Borry 1)1 Wlndsor Rd lTd 5 Newtop Rd wii 5 NeiTto Mass )A.ass Roanoke Vr. Jan Oot 12 Palmaa (Stillborn) Male 35 Cl1ntonst John J Holan Prioe 35 .Olinton .St. Army. oambridge Mass (Blaok) wd 2 Newton wd 2 Newton Mass. lIass .. , .... Newton !:Iospt. Riohard B . Jossph1ne .13 Sage Aocountant Newton Ma.ss Bos~on Mass , Jan Oot 13 capstiok Rlohard Bartor Male 33 Aspen Ave Jr wd 5 Newton 19d 11- Nenton MaSQ Mass • Newton -,.IaBB Jan, 50 Beecher P Charles L Teresa B Callanan 50 Boeoher Pl . U 0 Repalr Boston lias B Oot Slmpk1ns Harry Frede­ Male 13 riok lid 6 Newton ",d6 Newton Uan Mass Mass

286 Melrose Salesman Waterto~ Mase Newton Mass Jan Cot 13 Waldron Iliale 266 Melrose Franois A Mary T Barrett st Wd 11- Bt I'd 11- Newton lIass Neilton !.lass Lowell Mass Arlohat N S . Jan Clayton : Edna Dorothy Fema130~ cal1forn a R10hard A Almena A Bissett 3011 call1or- Splnner at lld 1 n1ll at wcl 1 Neltton Mass' lIellton Mass oookBt 'tailor Russia' Jan 6110 ,Oot 111- . Morr1o lIale .. Newton !:Io~P.t Grogory ij Sadie Lillen Ij.~ Russh IVd 5N.llwMton) Wd 1 Newton ass MaDs

Anna G Murphy 26 Washburn Ohauff~ur Boston Ilass Newton, Maos Jan 6111 Oot l~ IIlldrcd.V1r-1Femal 26 Washburn t Charles P gini lid 1 Newton St Wd 1 Nelfto MaliS Mass Oambridge Maso Jan Oot 111- lIelanson .A1bert Joaep Male R-62 Elm st Martin P Graoe BRady Maohin1st Be.thufstN B ;' .Wd 3 Newton ;' Uan / Olaim Agent Newton Mass Jan,. 1ge1ch 1Iary Rita Femal Newton ijospt James P lIary J Hiokey ~ clinton st "Amerioan Waltham Mass Oot l~ lld 5 Newton Wd 2 Newton 'Express 00 Mass Mass llial ;6; Wash1ng- Willlam L Marya Qallahan 36; 19aAhing- 1st OlaaB st John.N B Glasgow Sco~- Jan 611~ Oot l~ 1l0lte Robert Ruase ton StWd 1 'N," FIn' N,m"n. ton at I'Id 1 Laborer . . . 'land ... -~="""'~-ri~=._~~.,b,.=".j"=!I.!HltOJklJ!!rlll!.1 . .:;:h';;;"~.;;,;!!..;;;:n,:.;,.;;"r;;;r';;:II";;·'--bL=~~=_====~ .._.Ne\'-tolWl.MII~=,-=~_I(~O ..OEi~b-_~"=~~~====d~~~~~ .. I hereby certify that the above return is correct accordlug to the best of my knowledge and belief, [PAGE 395] 395 for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEW':'ON ALL NAMES TO aE GIVEN IN FULL.

PLACE Of BIRTII Of DATE Of fUll NAME Of TIlE ClmD, AND ! g~:D:~,~I' NAME Of PARENTS. RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIRTH Of No. 1 COLOR (If olher Ihan while). Co,Io'"" PLACE Of BIRTII. PARENTS • fATilER. fATIIER, MOTlIER. BIRTII. _Ie,l. • rlrlt Name of father. Malden Nlme or Mother. .-. j I","---" ,----"'---"--::-'-----f----, ".----,,-,----,+------t------l------11------+-,-----+---:::---:-----+""';:''''--1------/I~ Oot Halfrey Franois Jes.~h Male 99 Faxon St Franois A ~ G Potter 99 Faxon St Maohinist NelVton Mass ?Ia 1 NeITton Wd 1 Newton Mass I I Mass Jan 6lt6 Oot Blood Marlon li'thel i Femalp Newton Hospt Walter E Joanna M Kilmain 93 River St Chauffeur Brookton Mass Wellesley Mass

i 'I Wd 5 Newton Wellesley Mas I Mass Munioh Germany Jan 6lt7 ' Oot 16 Wittig Charles Frederi0~ Malej 136 Clark at Fritz C Kunigunde Hoehn 136 Clark Bt Manager Dye New Brlluswiok 1 \'Id 6 Nel'lton \Vd 6 11ewton Co 11 J Mass Mass lIargaree C B Margaree C B Jan 648 I, Oot 17 Buokley Alioe Martha F~mal 22 Armory St Oliver L Mary A Ross 22 !rmory At Laborer wd 3 Nel'l',on Wd 3 Nel'lton N S N S Mass 14ass '. Asst Trl,asl1e~ Jan 649 'Oot 17 Eokert (Still born 1 Male Newton Hoapt WilHam H Alioe S lIourse 12 Hall Ave "S11as Pi n Arlington Mass Bolton Mass 1 Vld 5 Newton watertown I, Masa Jan Oot Bouzan Edward Male NelVton Hospt James A Mary W Moore Ioe Dealer western Bay Kildare PEl I'd 5 NeNton Newfoundland Mass Castelvetere Jan Oot 19 Lupo Angelina I Femal 25 Linooln Nioola Ihria 1'lImbasol0 25 L'\borer Caetelvetere \'Id 2 Newton Wd Italy ItlUf Masa Kei tley England Newt.on Mass Jan Oot 19 0 I Grady Isabel Newton Hoapt Miohael J Isabelle J Keegan 196 Chapel Liaohini st I'd 5 Newton Wd 1 Newton Mass Mass

Oot. 19 1I'0jdaoz He len Alio" 111 O~k at Miohael Viotoria Papagon 111 Oak Bt 5 Maohinist samoklinsk Salasow Poland Jan Wd 5 Newton Newton Mass ,Poland Mass Prinoe Edward Jan Oot 20 Jones Arthur Walker Male 500 waltham Arthur L Oarrie Walker 500 waltham Ohauffeur Medford Maes I'd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton Island Mass Mass Co Tipperary Jan Oot 20 Mahoney Male Jer~miah Anne Maokey 1*-7 Edinboro Oare-taker Co Limeriok St Wd 2 NO'1ft",1l Irelanil. Ireland

Wilmington Del Jan Tomb Hugh MoXe 1 by Male 167 Lake Ave John M Ethe 1 0 Frantz Manage: Johnstown Penn \I'd 6 NeIlton Mass ./.1 Newton Ma68 657 llp8B1e Robert Coward , Male 99 High st Glsl'eFlge B Beulah E Coward I'd 5 NeNton Ma.ss Olenoarr 00 Jan Oot 21 Davis Dorothy Femal JOB"ph B Ollthet'ine J Murphy 92* WA.·~oT't,nwnl Plumber Newton Mass St Wd 3 Kerry Ireland

Oot 21 Foote Peter Chapin Male Laura l.! Stedman Eleotrioal Greenwioh Conn Boston Mass Jan "1i:~~~:I' Engineer Jan 59 Allison At Conorct~ Ban Donato San Donato 660 Oot 21 Mazzola Luigi Male 59 Angelo Maria Mazzola I'ld 1 Ne)lton \'1d 1 New~on Maker Caserta 'Italy Caserta Italy MaDS Mass woroester lIass Marshall North Jan Oot 21 Plymnton Helen Virginia Femal NelVton Hospt Frederio K Naomi D Perry 661 Oarolina lid 5 Newton Mass Halifax N S Bridgetown N B Jan 662 Oot 23 Thomas Phyllis Femal 32* Elliot Peroy F lAabel M Joudrey 32* Elliot St Janitor \'Id 5 Nelvton Wd 5 Nea18n Mass Columbia Oonn !loston Mass Jan 663 Oat 2* Isham Harvey Male Nelfton Hospt Caspar Elvira T Harvey 26 Boylston Teaoher Wd 5 Ne)Tton IVd 5 Newton Mliss Maaa Woroester MasD Harrisburg Penn Jan 664 I Oat 2* Mason Benjami n HammOI}[ Male Newton Hospt Benjamin H Gladys Olark 9*6 Boylston ABst Div Jr Wd 5 Neilton Wd 5 NeIlton Manager Mass MaDS Ne\vton Mass Jan Edward Louis Male Newton Hospt Anthime L Bertha M \\'hi to 139 Bridg~ st Watohmaker Berthiervi11e 665 Oat 25 Desrosiers , P Q Oanada I'd 5 Ne)'{ton I'd 2 Newton Mllss Mass Ne'Nton Hoept Harold D Dorothy Putnam 337 \'1OodwarI1;; Salesman Oambridg~ Maos Boston Mass Jan 666 Oat 25 Hayes Barbara Putnam Femal~ Ateel I'd 5 Nelyton IVd 5 lIe\y~~~s 1 ~ass Bristol R I Hudson Mass Jan i 667 Oat 25 Munro ! I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. , , [PAGE 396] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NElVTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and JlINETEEl1 ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.


10 Olin ton St Oarpenter San Donato Val San Donato Val Jan 668 Oat 26 Ba.ooari Biagio Male 10 Olinton St Ce s1d10 Domenioa Gallo Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Comino Caserta di Comine a .. ,.~,1lt"­ Masa Masa Italy Italy Oat 26 Hoylo Helen Natalia Femal 331 Elliot John Augusta Breitenbaoh 331 Elliot st Moulder G.odno Russia Gostin1n Poland Jan wd 5 Newton Wd 5 NelVton Rusa1a lAaas . Mass Somerv.111e Mass Jan , 670 Oat 27 Leary Robert Thomas Male Newton dO apt Anson T Dorothy L BOIVles 31 Chester Rd Community Newark N J Wd 5 Newton Belmont Mass Seoretary Mass Petilia PoliO Jan Dot 27 Manfrey Fanny 19 Mague Pl Frank Ganta Yerardi 19 Maguo· Pl U 8 A Petllia Pol Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton tro Italy tro Italy Mass Mass Neilton !dabs Brookline Mass Jan Oat 27 Puffer Jean Newton Hoapt Lewis R Margaret Thayer Harvard Mass \Vd 5 Newton Maas Navelli Pro v Bellona Caserta Jan Oat 28 Feder100 Anna 116 Florenoe Luciano Luisa Amendola 116 Florenoe Laborer 673 St Wd 6 St Wd 6 Aquila Italy Italy Ne"ton Maes NeIVton Mass Ral',Nay N J Mound Oity Ksn- Jan Dot 28 Friese Jeannette Newton Hoapt George 1.1 Mlldred .. Simmons Ashland Mass Chemist Wd 5 NClyton sas Mass , Newton Mass Newton Masa Jan 675 Oat 28 Ke 11 away Charles Edwin Male Newton Hospt Arthur W Marian K Ireland 19 Wyman St Builder Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Newton Maas Mass Jan Dot 28 MUler Jean Dru;oy Newton Hoapt Leo J Ruth Drury 106 Tyler Tnr Salesman Oambridge Mass Boston !daso wd 5 Newton Wd 6 Nowton Man Maas Jan Oat 29 Andrews Newton Hospt. Charlea IA Bertha L Smith wyman st Attendanoe Newton Mass wal thwn Maas Wd 5 Newton Waltham Mass Offioer Mass Maoh1nist San Donato San Donato Jan Dot 29 Oetrono Guido Male 21 West. St Pasquale Annina Salvuoo1 21 West. st Wd 2 Newton \Vd 2 Newton Caserta Italy Caserta I~aly !.lass Mass Somerville Mas s Colorado Jan Dot 29 Orr Doris Newton Hospt Harry A Ruth D Hand 171 Cherry st Chauffeur Wd 5 Newton \Vd 3 NeIVton Springs (Jolo Masm MaSB 680 Oot 29 Ott Lawson Roul- Male 169 Tremont George J . Mary a Roul stone 169 Tremont Sparnaoh Ba'vaI~ial Upper Nine Mile Jan atone Wd 7 Ne)yton lid 7 Newton River N S Maas. Mllss Auburn N Y Jan 681 Dot 29 watt Robert Gordon Mal~ N~wton Hoapt George Gor­ Eli zabeth Eddy 123 Wren at Teller Bo ston Mass Wd 5 Newton don Boston(W Rn"h,\,.v Mass Mass Newoastle II B Jan Harold Robert Male Maude E Libby 1311 Jaokson Lewiston Me 662 Oat 30 Chase wd 6 Newton Mass

663 Oot 31 Bontempo N1oo1a Male 17 Jone a Ot N1o01a Theresa Grassi 17 Jones Ot "Hood fulbber Oaatelvetere Castelvetere Jan Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Co" Benevento Italy Benevento Italy Mass Mass Salem Uasa Detroit Mloh Jan Oot 31 Brown Ann HaywQrd Waldll H Franoe s M Grny 115 Avalon Rd Broker IVd 5 Newton· Mass st Joseph Kilkenny Ire Jan Oat 31 Curtis . John R Margaret M Walsh 200 Elliot at 140ulder Wd 5 NelVton Newfoundland Mass .' - UnknolVn Jan 686 Oat 31 ,Unknown Unknolvo . Unli.nolm Unknown Unknown

16 Sulliva.n Kh1tter Montaguto IlVOIU;~110 New York Oity Jan 687 Nov 1 DeMiohele Ida Angela Henry ROBe Pilani Wd 5 N0l.llaD Italy NY 70 Ash st Teaoher Wal tham Mass Weston Mass Jan 688 Nov 1 Turner Newton Hospt Harold R Daisy Hall Wd 5 NeIVton Waltham MaA S Mass Ruth Gay 1511 Harvatd Bond Busine Somerville Maoe Newton Mass Jan: Nov 2 Dunmore St \Vd 2 Ne

LO\iisa Nardone Ot Laborer Atina Oaserta Verv1ers Jan Nov 3 Nardone Orlinda Mal'ia I li'.,m a 1 Italy Belgium

I hereby certify that the above return Is correct accordIng to the best of my knowledge and beller. [PAGE 397J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CI1'Y of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL. D:I~~I~FI FU~~~:;lrO~h!:I~h;~I~~;.~ND ~~:1!i;;' PLACE OF 81~T"I~"~--':"r:~~::orc:a~c,:.;~~;-;:.~:.:~:::~~oM~~.:~_c~~-~=R~~~E:£~;,c_'~-~'-;-~~~::~~i~ OF PLACEr~~II~~.TII OF t. PLACEMi~II~;.TlIOFC"Oi~iRf~ cc,,_o_ . N°~_I . --1------.------"~ _. ______-+ _____ +- ______+ _____._-+ ______+______.___ . _____ ~_19,-"2"___+---

1 Nov Ij. i Ingham loIary F Femal 16 Columbia Alve Charles F Franoes M Byrne 16 Columbia A Machinist Newton MaDS Newton Mass Jan IlId5New t on Wd 5 Newton Mass Mass Fo- Uarie Louise Bart­ 25 R1dge Rd Inauranoe Andover Mass Boston Mass Jan Nov 5 Chandler Joan Bartlet M&le 25 Ridge Rd James R wa 5 Newton lett lid 5 Newton I Mass Maso Newton Mass Boston Mass Jan Nov 5 Delaney George Paul i Male 1j.g6 California John J Margaret Conroy 1j.86 Call!ornl& Insuranoe i st 'lid 2 Newto~ st ,.c1 2 Newto I Mass Idas Cape strano Italy Jan , Nov 5 DiCarlo James Coolid~eMale 61j. Jaokson Bt Emidio Annina Arduino 61j. Jaok son st Chauffeur Buso ie It aly I j wd 6 Newton lid 6 Reuton I4l\ss I Mass Femlll i Civil Engine r Newton Uass NBlTton Mass Jan ~ Nov 5 Fisher Janet Kendal~ Newton Hospt Ernest 11 Alioe L Atwood 263 Lake Ave I wd 5 Newton Wd 5 NeITton I . lIass lIaBS Italy Italy Jan Nov 6 Aooettullo Leonardo AII- Male 119 Chandler 11 Antonio Luoi a De lPre are 19 Chandlor P Laborer ton10 , wd 5 Nelttol. lid 5 11olfton ! LIas 8 Mass Bethel Conn Nowton loIass Jan Nov 6 Ohler Ruth iFemalJ 51 Hancook st Henry E Ethol Loring 51 Hanoook at Leather i I Wd Ij. Newton Wd Ij. Nowton I Mass Mass Nov 6 Wood Russell How-I loIale 969-r Chest- James A Edith P Jenkins 969-r Chest­ loIaohiniBt Glasgow Sootlan South- Dartmouth Jan' nut St wei 5 loIa8S land nut st lid ~ Rewton l4asfl Newton !Jass River Bout'geoia Pet! t de Grat Jan Nov 7 Bouohie Annie Rita IFemal 13 BoeQh st Barry F Arthomiae LeBlano S Beeoh Rt Dyer lTd 1 rlolfton lid 1 NelTton N S N S Uass Mass Jan 700 Nov 7 Hopewell Frederiok Male Newton Hospt Frederiok 0 Grace Burtley 12 Leighton.R lIe~ohant Springfield lI&ss Palmyra N J Hartley Wd 5 Newton Wellesley Mas Mass

Alloe 0 Xannaly 959 Chestnut I Chief Engine r New York Oity watertown Mass Jan I 701 Nov 7 Iorivan Joseph James Male 959 Chestnut JODeph E I at Wd 5 Nelftc n st wd 5 NelTton Navy N Y Uass Mas Femal 13 Mayo Ave Merohant Formia Italy Ga.etl. Italy Jan I 702 Nov 9 Stevens Shirley Elh NelTton Hospt Charla s Elizabeth Salemme bet wd 5 Newton Needham Mase lIasD P1againo Prov d1 Boeton Uass Jan 703 Nov 10 Capriooio Lewis Frank Uale 26 John St Anthony Agnes Verrooohi 26 John St Shoemaker wd 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton Balerno Italy Mass Mass Nov 10 Gorgone 113 Oottage Pl Filippo Sebastiana DhMuro li! Cot tage Pl Teamstor Messina Italy loIesuin .. Italy Jan Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton Mass lIass "'.... """1 , Statistioian Nov 10 Iitohell Abbott Male I NelTton Hospt Franoie R Jeannette Abbott 63 Wash1ngton Chioago III East Chioago Jan "1d 5 Newton Bt wollealey Ind Maua HUla Uaso Gfl:rm ..ny 706 Nov 10 Weioo Robert Arthur I ualeJ llj. Oak Ter Charles Anna Smith 85 N.Front Bt Laborer Sllitlerland Jan lTd 5 Newton Baltimore Ud Mass I Asheville N C Jan Nov 10 Whitten Newton Hoapt Edmund S Dorothy Sohartle 235 Cabot Rt Toaoher Holyoke Mass 707 Edmund Sum~~~ Male I WC1 , Newton Wd 2 Newton 1 MaBS lIass· Ga11lay Ireland Jan 70S Nov 11 Jtavanagh Mary Agnes Famal 27 Clinton S~ Daniel F Dslia 101 Ronayne 27 Clint~n Bt Motorman Galway Ireland I Wd 2 Neltton Wd 2 Neltton (Deoeased) Llass Mass Femal II Olaremont N'H. Jan Nov 11 Starbird Winona Eleanol Ne1Yton Bospt Chester B Winona E "ebator 13 Hol11a St U S Army Buffalo Y wd 5 Newton wd 7 Newton (Capta1n) Mas8 Mass Janitor Neilton MlLua 00 Galway Jan 710 Nov 12 Mo~ahon Ruth 'Fem~l 71j. Pleasant t Jeremiah E Winifred Finn 71j. Pleasant lid 3 Newton st Wd 3 Nelfto Ireland l4aes ),lao Newton Mass Biddeford Uain Jan Nov 12 Warron Elizabeth Femal 53 Lindon St William H Ann Agnes Sheohan 53 Linden st Grooery 17ll lid 5 Nowton 1ld 5 Neltton Clerk I iIISBH uaSB

I Nov 13 Hanlon Edward Frede- Male NelTton Hospt John F Vi<)let L !.ay 139 st 1Ul1 ford Manu!aoturer Newton Mas8 712 riok lid 5 Newton St ..d if. NOIYto Man Mas


I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 398 ] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEIlTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.


Nov 13 Lupo Alloe 262 Adams St Alessandro G1usepp1na Mana1na 262 Adams st Shoemaker Castelvetere San ·l4aroo· Fo wd 1 Nellton Wd 1 Nellton Benevento Ital Italy lIan lIaso 12 Cottage Nlo01a lIaria Panaggl0 12 Cottage Ot 14111 uperatll'e Oastelvetere Castelvetere 715 Nov Ilf. Italy Italy Wd 2 Neltton Wd 2 NeUl2Y MUS Jan , 716 Nov Ilf. Lamb John Samuel Grl,ndlY lIale 926 walnut John C H lIarie MaoDonl!.ld 926 walnut St Eleotr101an Southport Eng- Jud1que 0 B NS wd 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton land l4aslJ Ma811 watertown lIass Newton Maso Jan 717 I Nov Ilf. Maousty Paul Newton Haapt John E Elizabeth Hogan 23lf. Oherry Rt Printer wd 5 Nel!:tan Wd 3 Nellton lIall lIaOI Jan 718 I Nov Ilf. l4ahoney Mary Lilli 996 Oheltnut Dennia Lill1an I(addook 8 996 Ohestnut Fisherman North River Oarbonellr Rt Wd 5 at wd 5 New,toh Newfoundland Newfoundland

Male Boston UaBS Newton l4aBl Jan 719 Nov Ilf. Rust Albert 1£C1'U!~a Ne~ton Hoapt Alllo:t' E Wool Dealer Jr Wd 5 Nelfton Hass Somerville Maoo watertown lIas8 Jau , 720 Nav 15 Danlels Edwin Male 151 Edlnboro Oharles H lIary .E r Edward. Eleotr1oal f'lt ",d 2 l(eohanl0

Slfeden Ja.n 721 Nov 15 Mat t son (HUllborn) 11 Rloker Rei John R Halder M Brandt 11 Ricker Rd wd 7 Newton wd 7 Newton Masa Mliss General Manager B&rrett B&iley, Llurg ..... 31' Homer st . Carl A .1.I&thL Berton 31 Homer St .. Olaremont 11 H New York Oi ty Jan 722 I Nov 16 . "Boston' NY troyd .'tId 6 Newton Wd 6 Newton Reoord' Mass Mfoae Malta.. Messina Jan 723 Nov 16 'Oomposto Joseph .. Male .26 John st Franoesco lIarlannlnaSaltal­ .26 John'St Mason; _ Salina Messlna Wd 6 Newton amaoohio \Vd 6 Newton I Italy Mass Ioia.ss Asst Sales Jan Nov 16 Jaokson Dana Newton Hospt Howard X _.. Thelma. Rloe ,.100 Oharles Manager.Mrg Woonsooket R. I Bcs,ton Maos 'tid 5 Newton Field at Co Mass Provldenoe R Newton. Mass Liverpolll Engl Jan 725 Nov 16 Leahy "lnUred Femal 11 warwiok Rlohritd T wlnifrsd LloNamara 11 warwiok Rd Plumber Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Newton I&ass lIass Hazel Dosautels 2 Lllddle at . . Maohinist I s Newton Mass Fl tohburg lIass Jan 726 Nov 17 Feeley John Jose-ph 2 Middle Bt John A lIelper Wd 1 Newton Wd 1 !lewton Mass lIass Peru I&aso Jan 727 Nov 17 Tlrrell (St1l1born) Malo Newton Hospt Winthrop . Elizabeth II Hathella 1099 walnut Teaoher South ohatham ! Wd 5 Ne'l[ton Wd 5 Newton Ilaso I I&aso Mass i Franols Brlgh Male Newton Hospt Francis B Emily Lloyd 212 Tremont Iron &. St Phllad~lphla Pa Stafford ",ng;J."II

I hereby certify that the above return is comet according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. ')(J9,..J': ... [PAGE 399] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen I-I undred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

~"'-'~--' ,."',., "",,,"- ."~~,,,-~, T'. -"" •• ,-~-~~=--,~-~~--,~~,~="~". ~"-=-~--T-~~~~""'-"'~'""-~I~'~""-'~"=~""-'-"-="''''--' --.. ~~--.. -,'~,,= ~-.--"" SEX "ND DATE Of fULL NAME Of TIlE CIIILD, AND CONDIT!H NAME OF PARENTS, RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIRTH OF PLACE Of BIRTII OF DATE Of PLACE OF BIRTH, No, COLOR (If olher Ih .. whit.), '" Twlnl, PARENTS, fATHER, fATHER, MOrtiER, RlCORD, DlRTlI, lie,), • flrll Name of rather. Malden Name or Molh~r,

Nelfton Maea Boston Mass Jan , 737 Nov 25 ' Lodge John 2nd Male 17 Old Eng- David MOl~leYI Sarah B Luoas 17 Old Eng- Merohant land Rd 'lid 6 land Rd Wd 6 Ne'Rton Mass Newton Mass Philadelphia Jan 7313 Nov 25 Upham Lewis Edward Male Nel,ton Hospt Edward J)a"a,.~ Aileen Ferguson 165 Col line Offioe Mana- Boston Mass 'lid 5 Newton Jr IVd 5 Newton ager Pa Mass Masll Brookline Llass Needham Mass Jan 739 I Nov 26 MoGuire James willi Male Newton Hospt James F Mabel E Duke 15 Chilton P1 Laborer 'lid 5 Newton 'lid 5 NeIVton Maaa Mase SClull111n1 Veniers Jan 71J.O Nov 27 Oapone 25 MaguiTe Pasquale Emilia Nardone 25 Maguire ot Bookbinder 'lid 2 Newton 'lid 2 Newton Avollino Italy Be1giuID Man Mas8 Jan George John Male 392 Langley Aohilles ,Sa.nta Fonteoohio 392 l,flng1 ey Gardener Oapestrano Capestrano I Nov 27 DiMatteo Aquila Italy ltd Wd 6 N"w~"n Wd 6 Neilton AClUlla Italy "'e.s. "'aS8 Foggia Panni Naples Italy Jan ,742 Nov 27 Russo Vito [ Male 165 Cha.pe1 Frank Terese Sapienze. 165 Chapel Bt Laborer st 'lid 2 Wd 2 Newton Italy Mass I Bellona casarta Aversa caserta Jan Nov 2S Amendola Louisa [Fema1 309 Langley Paolo Assunta DellaRoooa Ioeman wd 6 NllIVton Italy Italy Maao Co Kerry Ireland Galway ITe1and Jan Nov 28 sullivan Gertrude Femal 357 Washing- Cornelius A Nora Maloney Uason ton 8t 'lid 1 Newton "'aBO Jan James Edward Male Newton Hospt J Edward MaryO Quinn Real Estate Newton Mass MelrORe "'ass Nov 29 Oal1anan Broker Wd 5 Newton I Mass I Male Boeton Mass Jan Edward Frano s Newton Hospt Edward F Ango 1a we loh 9 B1aokstone wool Businos waltham !.I ass i 746 No v 29 M&gui Te Wd 5 Newton Tanaoe 'lid 7 Mas8 Ilewton "'aSO Summi t Summi t Oolumbus Ohio Jan Nov 29 Vandersal1 Elizabeth Femal Newton Hospt Stanley B Leah M Talbott 21 Landsoer Uinister Ruth Wd 5 Newton BOBton(w~Jlt Ohio Mass Roxbury}MaSS Ij.q Rowe at COII.1 Broker Orwell Pa Boston Maos Jan : 71j.8 Nov 30 Upson Riohard Llarous "'ale Newton Hospt Russell '" Ida L Henau Wd 5 Newton 'lid ~ Newton Mass "'ass Budapest Hun- Jan John 10 Dalby st stephen Helen smith 10 Dalby st Shoemaker Budape st HUlngsLry: 71J.9 Deo 1 Bates "'ale gary lid 1 Ne'Rton lid 1 Newton Maso lAlus Liege Belgium I Jan Corio1ano Malo 75 Ors.ft s Rt Luigi "'aria Nardone 7d5 Ors.fts st Laborer Atina Italy , i 750 iDeo 1 Manoini "'iohe1e IVd 2 Newton W 2 NeIVton MS.8S lAs.ss I 56 Hawthorn Laboror Grottaminarda Ban E1ia caserla Jan 75 1 Deo 2 Annese Pietro Male I 56 Hawthorn Antonio Giusoppina Figlio- \Vd 2 Newton 11ni st \lid 2 NeIVto Avellino Italy Italy Maos Plumber Newton Mass Bt Albans Jan 752 Deo 2 Norton (Stillborn) em ale 92 North Rt John J Laura V IV111iams 92 North st vermln~ IVd 6 NeIVton Wd 6 Newton MaRS lIass 20 Harrison Registrar Peabody Mass Biddeford Maine I Jan 753 Deo 2 Tudbury Mary Anthoine 20 Harriaon Chester W Bess1e Anthoino Rt 'lid 5 St "111 5 "-il'~" (Institut~)

Bond ""J,t> Berwyn Penn Brookline Mass Jan 754- Deo 3 Beale David Powars Male Newton HORpt James M Sarah Tappan .'0<>\' \lid 5 Newton Mass Jan Drusilla Lewis 29 BreW8ter 01erk Nowton Mass Byraouee N Y 755 I !leo 3 Cronin Joseph Barton Male Newton Hospt Daniel D lid 5 NeITton lid 5 Newton Mass Mase Salesman Boston Mass London li!ng1and Jan Deo 3 Ford Gwendolyn 18 Hovey At William J Margaret E Tweddle 18 Hovey Rt Annie Wd 1 Ne)'ltc,n Wd 1 Neltton Maea Mase I Merohant Newt on Mass Halifax N S Jan 757 Deo 3 MoAdams Phillip Moore Male 1624 Oentre William M L F1oranoe I Anderson 1624- nentrc st 'lid 5 Rt 'lid 5 Noy! Mas Ohe at or Sale s Houtzdale Ponn Providenoe R I Jan 75S Dea 3 Meek Eli zabeth Al­ Newton Hospt Alden R Gertrude Morrison 39 don Wd 5 Nelvton Bo1mont Mass Engineer Maos Panni Italy Newton Mass Jan Deo 3 Sullo Louis Anthony Male 11-a Mary E Gingras 11-a St Mule spinner 759 'lid 1 Nellrton Wei 1 IJAW'+""

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. ·IOO [PAGE 400] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OI'1'Y of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and IIINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.


Jan 760 Dao ~ Butt. Frederio Harrington Male Newton Hospt Federio W Louise IUriok 9 Simpson Ter Llerohant Newton Mass Woroe stllr Lla88 2nd Wd 5 Nel'lton Wd 2 Newton Mass 1(0.80

Deo ~ D'Innooenzo Paolo Male 19 Gallba:rri Erne8to Paolino. oentalina 19 GaBbard Chauffeur 01vita.Retenga Nave 11i AQu1la Jan Ave Wd 5 Nev.t:on Avo Wd 5 Il,,,.tdn Aquila Italy Italy

762 Deo ~ Gallant Iatherine 7 P'ayette Pl Joseph 0 Margaret Davia 7 Fayette Pl Tire Maker Toronto PEl Belfast OoDoen Jan oella Wd 1 Newton 1\'d 1 lIeltton Ireland lIass lias a Gerity William 12 Linooln William J Florenoe L Bryson 12. Linooln Rd Olerk Newton Mass Newton Llass Jan wd 2 Newton wd 2 Newton Mass Mass

000 ~ Heathoote (Stillborn) Male Newton Hospt Georgo M Alloe Olive Phillip 53 No shobe Rd Lawyer 'Chioopee Mass Dedham Uass Jan Wd 5 Newton 1\'d ~ Ne!'lton Mase Mass Olergyman Lehlgh . Iowa Taooma wash Jan Deo ~ Stephens Charles Henry Male Newton Hospt Oharles H Rosit~ F Wilkins l~a Hawthorne Jr 1\'d 5 NO!'lton St Malden lIasa 766 1'eo 5 Oashman Beatrloe Newton Hospt Frank Annle Ginsberg 20~ Elliot St Grooer Vllin.ski Russla Vllinski Russla Jan Wd D Newton Wd 5 Newton Maos Mass 767 I Deo 5 Iadonlai Oarmine Wale 1~3 Brldge Pas'luale PasQual1'na Teooia 1~3 Brldg/l At Store Keeper Vltulano Bene- Bouton Mass Jan W4 2 Newton Wd ? lIewt.on vento It I Mass Mass 768 I Deo 6 Destefano Nloholas Male 22 wBat.St Uaetano Oarmela ·laros81 22 west at Laborer .. Oastelvetere Oastelvete~e Jan wd 2 Newtun IVd 2 Newton Benevento Italy Benevento Italy I . Mass I Mass Llale 19 Hale st Vinoonzo Antonetta Too01 .19 Hale At Contraoting Oerohl0. Aquila Orsara dl Pugl1 Jan 769 I, Deo 7 Cesarone Felloe lid 5 Nel'(ton Wel 5 Nel'(ton Mason Italy Avelllnu Italy ! lIan lIass lIal than; Maas Jan 770 Deo 7 DeWolf Mary EmUy 19 DalbY.st SUsan Del'!olf 19 Dalby st I'd 1 Newton Wd 1 Nelfton Mass Mass 771 Deo 7 Fletoher John Russell Male sa LIt Vernon Alfred V Josephlne G.Rusoell 88.Mt Vernon Palnter Derbyshlre Eng- Boston Mass Jan Bt Wd 2 lIe,.t. n'n st Wd 2 land Mas 772 De07 Hunting Prisoilla 191 1.1111 Bt Raymond 0 Thoo Gould 191 11111 at Buyer. Cambrldge Mass BOston Mass Jan I'd 2 Newton Wd 2 Nel'(ton lIass MaBS 773 i Dec B Boston Elizabeth 15 Winter st Charles Elizabeth MoAdams 15 winter ot Maohinist Maoole afield Cornwall PEl Jan Wd 5 Newton Wd 5 Nelfton England Llas8 Llass Male I 77~ Deo a Egan Charles Frano 8 201 washlng­ Charles F Annry B KelUr 201 washing­ Rubber Fao- watertown Maas Loohro& Galway Jan ton st Wd { ton at ...c\ , tory Operator Ireland Newton Llaao Newton Mass Jan 775 Deo II Morgan Mary Phylll s Nowton Hoapt Austen Marie E Burke 17 Orescent Soldier Newton Llaas Nowton Mass wd 5 Neilton Wd 1 Nennon Mass Mass Salmon Fal18 N Jan ! 776 nec 9 Foster Gale Llale Newton Hoopt walter H Alioe Y. Du four 80 Oolumbia. No"spapc:r-IDa*. Dovor N Ii wd 5 Nell.ton St Brookline lIass Mass Jan 777 Dec 10 Burns Dorcthy Edwl 21 Olark Pl Phillp L Franoe s IV H10ks 21 Olark Pl T1re Maker Maohlas M.aine Newton lIaos Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton Llase Man Jan 778 Deo 10 Oarey Robert Paul Male 102 RT.8.nH John F Helon G Olark 102 Rtaniford Mll.klllan Neilton Llass Bos~on Mass st wd at wd Ij.

779 Deo 10 Worrhon Edw1n Yale .Newton H08~t Homer Elizabeth DrOlrne llj.7 Newtonv1 salosman Plttsfleld II Ii Boston Maas Jan Wd 5 Nel'(ton Avo Wd 1 ilass Newton lAass Milllen Margaret Llary Annie MCDonough l367 Washing­ Gardener Co Galway Iro­ Jan' 780 Deo 10 ton st Wd > land Neilton Naes 781 Deo 11 Arduino JODeph Llale ~21 Langley Rudolfo Maria Roa1na Bon­ ~21 Langley Laboror Oapastrano Oastelvetere Jan Wd 6 Newton tempo Wd 6 Newton Abrun1 Italy Benevento Italy Maes Nass Newton Llass Jan 782 Deo 11 Oarter Margaret 16 Balcarres ....IlLUI> W Dorothy oarter 16 Balcarres Servioe Newton Mass I'Id 3 Manager

I hereby certify that the above return Is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. OJ T Y. ffle/llc 401 [PAGEI~Ol l BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NF.Vfl'ON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,


Mary. Degnan 1!-73 Grove St Paper Mill Co Galway Co Galway Ire- Jan I 7S3 Deo 11 Corliss Mary Eleanor 1!-73 Grove st James J Wd I!- Newton wd I!- Newton (Beater) Ireland land Mass MaBS Deo 11 Dau Newton Hospt Wal ter K Willie E Withers s Manage Philadelphia Pa Lynohburg Va Wd 5 Nowton Masa

Deo 13 D'Innooenzo Antonio Male 116 Florenoe Nioola Niooletta Sostilio Laborer Cape strano Cape strano I Jan at wd 6 II~.,.'\~

Teaoher Whately Mass Barton .Vt Jan 7136 Deo 13 Hardy Maloolm Edward Male Newton Hospt George E Lillian E Cobb wd 5 llewton Mas a Newton Mass Jan Deo ll!- Barker Harold Walter B Oatherine G Leehan Laboror Baltimore Md

. :1~/~~~~ I I'~IJ-\J;- Male Roland Lola V Bolli var Tire Worker Manohester Eng- LaRo,ve N S 7Sg Deo 15 Badler Arthur~ land

.Ban Prisoo Ban Prisco Jan Deo 15 Vardaro Maria Rosa Newton Hospt Angelo Angelina Pennaoohio 36 Cook Bt Laborer wd 5 Newton Wd 1 Newton Caser ta Italy caserta Italy MaBB Mass 230 Bellevue Arahi tect Antrim N H Chioago III Jan Deo 15 Wheeler Gordon Bart­ Male Newton Hospt Riohard H Dods J Bartlett 790 lett wd 5 Newton Bt ",d 1 Maos 55 Thomas Bt Teamster.: Berwicll: N B . Pasooag R I Jan 791 Deo 16 Marshall Evelyn May 55 Thomas Bt Charles 0 Mary E. Winsor wd 3 Newton Wd 3 Nswton MaBa IAass . Antonetta Liberto 12 Davis Laboror Monte Paone Petil1a PoliO Jan 792 Deo 16 Russo Rosina 12 Davis Giovanni Oourt Wd 3 Court lid 3 Pro v Oatanzaro tro Italy Newton Mass Newton Mass Italy Male Newton Hospt Amedee J Almanda 0 Benoit 16 Bpri Buper1ntet~ Arotic R I Port Royal 0 B: Jan 793 Deo 17 Dupu1e (Btillborn) . dent lid 5 Newton St Belmont Mass Mass Atena Caserta San Donato Jen 79 I!- Deo 17 Veoohione Fiore Ilale 20 Domenioo Giovannina Cotrone 20 Clinton st Laborer 'lid wd 2 Newton Italy Caserta Italy MasR R-59 Charles Fruit Dealer Elena Italy Elena Itf\ly Jan 795 000 18 Albano Frnnk Josoph Male R-59 Charles Giusepp.e Maria Maooni St lid I!- I!.w+~" St Wd I!- IIAw·t. n~

Belfast Ireland Jan Deo 19 Brown Peter Crosby Male 219 Common- ieith 0 Dorothea Bassett 219 Common- Musio In- Port Maitland !'leal th Ave 6 wealth Ave 6 atruotor N.B Newton Mass Newton lAasa 125 Adams Bt Laborer Ban Donato Val Ban Donato Val Jan 797 Deo 19 Magnarelli Domenioo Male 125 Adams Bt Donato Luoia Lombardi Wd 2 Newton Wd 2 NOI,ton di Comine Italy d1 comine Italy Mase Mass Ban Donato Cas- San Donato Cas-_ . Jan Deo 20 Cugini Carmiella 15 Maguire Carlo Antonetta Mazzola 15 Maguire Ct Laborer Wa 2 Newton Wd 2 Newton erta Italy ertn Italy Mass Mass Messina Italy MessiM Italy. Jan 799 Deo 20 Gcrgone Carmsla g6 Border at James Oarmela Tripolis 86 Border At Laborer wd ~ Newton \'Id 3 NewtoD Mass Mass Boston Mass JIfn sao Deo 21 Loi shman George Male 31~7 River Bt John E Winifred Kavanaugh 31!-7 River st Driver Boston Mass Wd 3 Newton Wd 3 NOlI ton (wal t ham U"U·IIUl ) Masa Mass \'111 ton Maine Millis Mass Jan Sal Dec 21 West Helen Lee Newton Hospt Rosooe Edith Riohardson 2 Piokering Bbhool Wd 5 Newton Needham Mass Supt Maso /loe ·Deo 22 Charl ton Robert wa11i Male Newt.on Hospt Roy H Ruth E Wallis 11 BigelOW Rt Business Cambridge Mass East Aurora N Y Jan Wd 5 Newton Mass CambriaiBs ager Medford Mass Jan 803 Deo 22 Decker Myrtle Mario 3 Summer at Andrew nOllrVl Christine 0 O'Dortne:~l 3 Bumlller Rt Maohinist Newton Unso Wd 5 Nel':ton \'Id 5 Newton Mass Nass

BOI!- Deo 22 Hitohoook . Dorothy Newton Hespt Russell M Mildred A Russell 652 Green Bt Jeweler Turnero Falls Malden Mass Jan Wd 5Newton Oambridge Uasp Mass Male g05. Deo 22 Jones SUmner Pr.!soot t Newton Hospt Fred P Ruth A Bmi th 165 Neshoba Manager Bt Paul Minn Port Oheater N Jan Wd Note nul Nftma IIn.l 5 Inlllil• onl, of rather, Wd 5

I hereby certify Ihat the above return is correct according to the best of my 1f119wledge and belief.

/" / ,/ ..l 'J" .., [PAGE 402J for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEElI BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.


Boston MaBS Jan 806 IDeo 22 Whi te Stanley Allanso'/l lIale 21 Chase St Allan S Gladys F. Smith 21 Ohaoe st Sales Manager Newton Mass \lid 6 Nel'lton wd6 Newton lIa88 lIi88 Bi tlis Turkey Jan 807 Deo 2; Allen Noel Newton Hospt Peroival R Winifred. H Knapp 1;1 Rol'/e St Draftsman Manohester N J 'lid 5 Newton lid 4 Nel'/ton Asia Mass Mass Newton Mass Jan 808 Deo 2; Clark Riohard Brewer Male Newton Hospt Irving G Ellen S Brewer Salesman Newton Mass 'lid 5 Nowton , Man Oharlott6v1l1e Jamaioa B 7/ I Jan 809 Deo 2; Gi vens Joseph Oliver Male Newton Hospt Leo J Ida MJones 27 Armory st Laborer (Blaok) wd 5 Newton 'lid 3 Newton Mass , Mass JeBoie Ann M~~~:dI125 I!;lli~n~i~~'~o"IR R Brakeman cape Breton Nova Cape Br!lton Ja.n '810 Deo 23 Macnonald _ at ~ sootia Nova sootia Mas Jersey City N J J.an I 811 Deo 25 Gill Elizabeth Barney .'.maLe Newton Hospt Na.ta.l1e Heok 108 windnor Banker, Boston Mass 'lid 5 .Ne\vton 'lid 5 Newton Ma8S MalS Newton Maso Jan 812 IIeo 26 Brine Conntanoe Louise Femal 67 Page Rd Edward D Elizabeth G Morrisey 67 Page Rd Manufaoturer Arl1ngton Mass 'lid 2 !lewton Wd 2 Ne)'!ton , MaBS lIaBS Nellfane Vermont Hinsdale N H Jan 81; Oeo 26 Lowe Marjorie Chapin Newton Hospt Oarlos B Rose 0 Mead 5 Henshaw st B1.I91ne S8 .,d 5 Nelften Wd 3 Ne\vton Ma.ss MaSB I Railroad Maine Ave (Well s- Freight oambridge Mass stanley N B , Jan 814 IDeo 26 Smith, lIildred Rita 69 Evergreen A MildradE Thomas Avo Wd If. ley Oaks) Brakeman Natick Mass I Newton Mass Josephina Ranoourt 24 ChandlerPl Barb~r Meooina Italy Messina ItalY Jan , 815 IDeo f!7 LaRosa Samuel Malo 24 Ohandler Gregory wd 5 Newton Wd5 Newton i Masll Mass Glouoester Mass Jan ! 816 Oeo 2t! CardillO Mary Gra.ae Newton Hospt Martin ,Christine Anderson 12 Woerd Av~ Oarpenter Oaserta Italy I 'lid 5 Newton Waltham Mau Mau i Jooephine Lawson Somerville Mass Jan IDeo 28 Farrington Dorothy Newton Hospt Robert D 126 Warren St R~al Estate Boston lIan , Wd 5 Newton Bas ,enl \D;~' m,CllI Mass Reading Mllss Jan 818 Deo 28 Frost Ol1ve Franoes Newton Hospt Leonard A Al100 II Ellellllood 2060 lIaS'nlrll~.C)~ Wal tham Mans 'lid 5 Newton St Wd ,I , Ilasa I I Custom Broker NOlTton MlIss Wal tham lias B .Jan 819 I Dec 28 I MoGrath Paul Oox Newton Hoopt II Augustin lIadeleine R Cox 14 Eddy St Wd 5 Newton Wd 2 NSlfton Man Maes lIelro.ae Mass Boston(Charlos- Jan 820 Deo 28 Steveno Barbara ••,DlU,. Newton Hospt ~'rank II Jr Marion Dearborn 54 Dwight st Sales Man 'lid 5 Newton Brookline MlIss own) lIass Ma!lS Newton lIass Pomquet Antigo- Jan 821 Deo 29 HerbeJ:t Petor Joseph 19 Dalby st Thomas A lIargaret Agnss UOI'lOJc. 19 Dalby at Laborar Wd 1 Newton wd 1 Newton nish Co N B Mass Mass Boston Mass Jan 822 Deo 29 Jones lIadeline Paula Nawton Hospt T Jennie OILeary Newton Mass Wd 5 lIewton lIass Newton North Bra.dforll MaOD Jan Deo 29 Weedon Daniel Reid Jr Newton Hospt Daniel R Robeooa H Newton 41 Waldorf Rd Eleotrioa~ 'lid, Newton Wd 5 Nswton Enginoar Oarolina. 10111.88 Mass Newton Mass lIayo Ireland Jan 824 Deo 30 MarUn Anna Catherine Newton Hospt D J Delia MoLaughlin 831 Boylston Oarpenter 'lid, 5 N~wton \Vii 5 Ne\fton Mas a Mass

49 Whi te Avo Laborer Oivita.retenga. Catignano Te Jan 825 Deo ;0 Pozzi John ~9 white Ave Fernando Maria. Domenioa Wd 6 Ne)fton DiGic,vllnni Wd 6 Newton Aquila Italy Italy lIass 1IMS Oapestrano Italy Oapestrano Jan 826 Deo 30 Sost.ilio James 339 Boylston Enrioo Anna Fam1ano 339 Boylston Laborer wd 6 NelTton wd 6 Newton Mass Mass Prov di Aquila Prov dUllulla. Jan t!27 Dno 30 TreaoA Florenoe 2S BGGoher Giovanni Anna j:la.ddar10 28 Beeoher Pl LaborGr ' : Wd 6 Newton Wd 6 newton Italy Italy IIli1u lIan I Ohelsaa lIass Jan i 828 Dea 31 Cogswell John Alfred Jr Newton Hoept John A Georgina E Golding North Soituate La.wyer Boston lIa.ss i_ Wd 5 Newt"" Mau I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 403 J 40~J BIRTHS REGISTERED In the OITY of NE1I'TON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN A~~ NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FU~~.

SEX ~ND rULL NAME or TIlE CHILD, AND NAME or PARENTS. RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION or rLACE or BIRTH or PLACE or BIRT\! OF DATE or DATE or COltDlT'H PLACE or BIRTII. No. COLOR (Ir olher Ihan whlloJ. II. Twin., PARENTS. fATlIER. rATHER. MOTHER. BIRT\!. Ilc,I. • flnl N.m. or Falh". Mllden N,m. or Molher. Jan 829 !Jee 31 Dwyer Margarot Margaret !.I Donovan 22 Webster Pl Postman Boaton Mass Booton Mass Wd 3 Newten Mass

I 7t"1,,"31 !J!1fi4. iJr~ !997 j+z'.JO~, ~ C/J~~, 4 1CIt'n.I'

I3ra n)( I ill.", Yo' 7,/ H'-'i'e ~

• Note Fint Hllmo Aud IntUit onll or r.tber,

I hereby certify that the above retlll'l1 is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4.fH [PAGE 1j.()1j.] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen I-I undred and NINETEEN




I hereby certify that the above retul'I1 is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,105 [PAGE 4051 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL. __ ._... _...... -- ...... _.. _ ··.··_._.T··_.·._._.~~·v~~~

209 Powder 209 Powder I House Boulev rd John M Mary L Burns House B0111e- Treasurer Fall River Mass Lawrence Mass Jan 8J2 Jan 10 Dwyer John Male I W Somerville vard W Somer- Mass ville Mass Columbus Ohio Jan Jan 13 Barry Constanoe IFemlll Yonkers N Y John Linool Ruth Reynolds Yonkers N Y Manufll.Oturer Boaton Masa

NelT England Bos~on Mass Jan Jail 16 Cram Sally Femal Baptist Hosp R JlI.Okaon Constanoe Southwort 257 waban Ave Lawyer Boston Ma.ss Boston Mass Wd 5 Newton Maaa I Washington Burgeon Loui sville Xy Boaton LIas a Jan 5J5 Jan 18 woody Molver Wallaoe Male Washington DO McIver Regina L Jone s D

Male Brooltton Mass Jan 5J6 Jan 19 Fogg Wal ter lltarbird Twin St Elizabeth s Walter S Lillian A George 10 Allston St Silk Merohan Wellesley Llass Jr lBt Hospt Boston Boston(Allato ) Mass Mass Brookton lIaoa Jan Jan 19 Fogg Robert Ell s­ Malel StEl1 zabeth' Walter 8 Lillian A George 10 Allston at )Rilk Llerohan Wellesley Llaaa worth Twin Hospt Boston Boston(Allsto 2nd Mass Mass Nell' York N Y Boaton LIas a Jan 8J8 Jan 21 Mertin Louise )'emal Elm Hill Hos t Rudolph Mary E Lanergan 200 Beeoh St Gen Manager Boston(Roxbu y) Boston(Roslin ale) Mas a Mass Newton Mass Jan Jan 26 Burns Donald Bryoe Male StEl1zabeth' Frederiok W Mary Edna Bryson s6 Charles­ Real Estate Newton Mass Hospt Bonton bank Rd ",d 7 Mass Newton Mass Mass Gen '10 s t Aooountant Providence R I Belmont Mass Jan Jan 26 Porter Huntington Male Phillips Charles H Emily M RiohardGon 19 Ridge Rd House Charle St Wd 5 Newton Bo st on Mas s MIUS Christiania. Nor Jan Jan 25 Jacobson Madeline Femal 215 Forest H la~ Joan Jaoobson 215 Forest Boston(Jamai a Hills at Boat n way Plain)MasB (Jamaioa Plai )Mass Rd Brookl1 ne Mass Framingham Mass Jan Jan 29 stiles Robert Ellawort' Male Faul!:ner Hoe t Winthrop A Aloy 14 Moore 11 Brae,·.Burn Auto Salea Boston Mass Wd Ij. Nelvton Manager Mass Main St Italy Jan Jan 30 Pilla Llary Josephine Femal Freeport Antonio Angel1ne Yarossi Main St Laborer Italy Penn Fre epor t Penn

GreeQe Greeoe Jan Feb 1 Paul1sh Arthur Male Main St John Amito -- lAd n st Laborer Cambridge Ida s Cambridge Mass Mass Gen Frederiok Oigar Manu" Brookline Masa Newton Llass Jan Feb 7 Estabrook Frederiok Reed Male Hospt Philli s Reed Leslie Bullivant 1j.1J Hammond S House Charle Wd 6 Newton facturer Mass St Boaton Ma s Eleotrioal Jan Hanoook Charles Edward Male Norfolk Va EdlTard l\rth r Elizabeth P Peter­ 25 Washburn A llngineer B,ooklyn N Y I ~rooklyn N Y Feb 7 Wd Ij. Nelvton (J;ly adoption IBy adoption) (By a.d~ption) (By adopUo ) (By a.doptio ) (BYadoption) man lias s (By adop t on)

emale Doore Hospt Patriok Winifred Gannon 60 Gardner ~t Grooer Co Cork Ireland Co Galway Ire- Jan Feb 8 Murphy Winifred A land Wa.tertown Wd 1 New~on Mass Mass Oi vil Engine r Newton Llass Llattapan Mass Jan Feb 10 Abbott Llarjorie Flora emale 1336 Ruther- Clark D Erma F Riohardson 1336 Ruther­ ford Av ford Ave Pi tt sburg Pa Pi t t sburg I!a Newton Uass Glaoe Bay Jan Feb 11 ReynoldD Llargaret Helen emale StE11zabeth' John J Margaret MacGillvar 6 Highland T6 Carpenter Hoopt Boaton Wd 2 NelVton Nova Sootia Mass MaDS Boston Mass Malden Mass Jan Feb 11 Rouleau Male Maternity Louie Josep Marion Elizabeth Ij. 7 Windermere Dept Mgr Hospt Malden Hanlon Rd Wd Ij. Bewto Mass Mas Fogo Portugal Groen Bay Va Jan Feb 16 Mendes James Bruoe Llale StElizabeth' Manup.l Fannift Taylor 33 Clinton at Laborer (Black) Hostp Bo.~ton lVd 2 Nel'lton Masa Mass Cotton Yarn Philadelphia 1'a Utioa N Y Jan Feb 19 Nagle Norman Clark Jr Male Utioa N Y Norman C Mildred Vansi ze lltioll N Y , Sohl t1ul SnllUl ntlll Salesman Inlllnl tllll)' tit t'nlhcr. _, ''--'-''.'''--'-'--~ .. _'''"'''' ~_",=_._"_ ,""--",. __ .'_''-~.''_. __ ''_ ~~___ '_. __ '~"'_-.C .•• .....: '-' '_'._'-'.'.• .>_ •••,., •••" __''''''''' "-.' -'_, •• = ,,--"-,,.=c.-.-_' .. H- '~,- '-'r.... "'-"'''''.,~-''==.=:r.''"'''-"'',-_-..--''=-=<._.-=. =~~."'''---.".. ~''-~,.-~ ...-~~'-.'"''~==,"-.,~--~.''".-,- ... ",..~--'''-'-' ..... ~-~''-=,=,..-"~ ..-= .. ,,-,...,~=.,,~=-=~-..-;--,,.,-=----, I hereby certify that the above retlll'l1 is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. [PAGso6 ] BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

--~[~-~~;_'-- ___ • ___ . __ .~_. ___ • __ ~ ...... ,.." '-~'-r~'-'----'''''''''''''''--'''',- __ ...... , _. __._ .... _' __ .•. -c.~~ ...... ,...... _"".-~'-.-_'_ ...... _"~I ~-~- .... --.~ .. ----.•. -.-. -.---.. ~ .. - "'---"_'---,-" ..... ,..., ... r-..,....,...... '".---'-,r-·-- ," - ..

DATE Df FULL NAME Of TIlE CIIILO. AND I CONDIT" NAME OF PARENTS. RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION OF PLACE Of SIRTII Of PLACE Of DIRTII Of DATE OF No. BIRTII. COLOR (II olher Ihan whiM. I ":,!.i~"'· PLACE Of UIRTII. • filii Nam. of r.lh~. j---M~d;;'N.~.-;rMo~~~.---- PARENTS. fATlIER. fATHER. MOTlIER. I RlCORD. I 1920 Feb 23 Young Emily IFema1 Mass Gen James HerbeJt Irene Hamilton 19 Baldwin St Physioian Amesbury Mass . Philadelphia Pa I Jan Ho spt BOJiton I Wd 7 NOl\:·on , ! Mass I Mass Jan Joyoe Ruth Marie Fema.l StEl1zabeth I Thomas A I Agnes B Kelly ~s Calit'orni Real Estate Waltham Mass ! Boston Mass Ho spt Boston flt I'd 2 New~o Broker I Mass 11118 Jan Feb 27 Med.l1oott Mary Fema.l 611 Ocean Av William H I Sarah A Allen 611 Ooe an Ave Inouranoe Long Meadow:: Long Meadow. , Brooklyn N Y Brooklyn N Y Servioe Mass Mass I I Export Man­ Jan Feb 28 Hiokey Janet Selby i Fema.l Cambridge Edward V Mary Rook Belmont St ager Gillett Boeton Ma99 i lIarlboro Mass Ho apt Cambri ge llatertolln Ma.s Safety Ra.zor I no i Mass i Feb 28 White Harold Ban­ Ma.1e Ma.ss Homeo­ Ha.rold B Doris Olds 1060 saratoga Theologioal Cambridge Mass : Gouverneur N Y Jan 857 i Student oroft Jr, pa.thio Ho spt St Boston ! Boston Mass MII.s9 (Or ent Heights) Jan Mar 3 Rochefort Franois John i Male StEl1za.beth I' Hamil ton F Ma.ry A MoBride llj. 7 Tremont 8 Photographer London OntariO : Boston Mass I Ho spt Bo s ton Wd 7 Newton Canada ! Mass Mass . Femal Shelburne Co Jan Mar 3 soott Barbaro. Florenbe Faulkner Hos t Irving 0 Leah Crowell 101 Greaton Vooational Amesbury Mass 859 Oounsellor Non sootia I Boston Mass Y~e ~~ s~g~) Mu

860 Mar 7 Hill Barbara. Femal Forest Hills DaVid F Nell Olark 19~ waban Ave Insuranoe Exeter Maine Ashland III Jan Hospt Boston I Wd 5 Newton \lass Mass

861 Mar 8 Goguen Anita. Louise Fema.l Doore Hospt Irenee La.ura Brouillette ~6 Oal1forni Barber Cooagne II B Woroe ster lIass Jan Wa.tertown at Wd 2 Newto Canada Man lIass Jan 862 Mar 8 Paterson Lester Fred.- Male L Morse Lester A Margaret Gibb 3S7 Lowoll Av Plumber Newton Mans Edinburgh eriok Hospt Natiok Wd 2 New·on Soot land ,I M!\sll Mass ,I : Ma.le Mass Gen Hos t I Jan Mar 9 MoMullin Robert Drummon~ Phillips Roy A Crete Kimball lj. Olj,kl1ood. Te r Contraoting Denni son Ohio I Newton Mass Wd Eo Newton Engineer j Houae Ohllrle St Bo st.on lola s lIaos Jan Nanoy Matern1 ty Bernard W Helen Fre~man 1013 Beaoon S Building Newt.on Mass Oambr idge Mass Mar 16 Stevens !Femal I Ho spt lIalden I Wd. 6 Ne)yton superv1abr,. Masll Mass Hillsdale Mioh Jan Mar 19 Horner Helen i Fema1 Nelli England. Ralph B I Helen Evarts 170 Warren st Naval Denver Col Bapt Hospt IVd. 6 Newton Offioer U S Boston Mass Mass Salem Mass Jan 866 Mar 25 I Boynton Margaret Brown Famal Mass Gen Hos t Nehemiah J~ Eleanor M Brown 12 Parkman St Cotton Goods Brookline Maso Phillips Ho!.l e Brookline Broker Charles St B s ~on Mass Mass Jan 867 Mar 26 Shuman Irving Max Male Boston Lying lIorris Ida Tilly Levine 361 ~ashingto Bottler Vl1na Russia Boston Mass In Hospt I St Wd 1 NelY';O Boston Masa Mas

668 Mar 28 MacDonald Donald. Stone 'Male Riverbank Forrester Elizabeth Stone 387 Powder Editor Ha.vorhill Mass Ualifax Vermont Jan Ho apt. Boston House Bouleva d. lIan Somerville lola II Jan Mar 29 Fessenden LuoUe Femal Oambridge , Thomas A D Paulina. Baldwin 116 Winthrop d Manufaoture Washington 0 0 Ridgewood N J Ho.pt Oambri e Brookline Mas Paint & Mass Varninh, Life Ins\l­ Randolp'b Mass Chelnea Mass Jan 870 liar 29 Niohols Ernest Beloher Male Whidden Mem­ Bryant Elsie L Fogg 10 Grand Vicw Q'ria1 Hospt Rd. Chelsea ranoe Agent Everett Masa Mass

I Jan Apr 2 Soofield. John Sheldon Male New England Harry 0 LOlliso S Fisher 1j.02 New'on­ Furniture Booton MasB Newton Mass 1m Bapt Hospt villo Ave Wd. Traveling Booton Mast Neilton Man Broker Strzyzow Jan Apr 5 Lotka Ad.ela emde 2 Washington Pietro Anna Bozek 2 Washi ngton Laborer Tarnu Austria St Welle a1ey st Wellesley Auotr1a lIass MaDs Jan 873 Apr 9 Coughlan Oharle s Erne at 15 Hobart St Ohar1es E Hester S MaoDougall 15 Hobart St Automobile Li verpool Eng­ Longreaoh Jr Boato\l(Bri­ Bo ston IBr1gil to n) Tester land. N B Oanada ghton)Maas Mass Jan Apr 19 Beat Elizabeth Femal Minneapol1 s Boston Mass Minn

Fe­ Apr 28 Olivigni Oatherine Eliza male 875 beth

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of illY knowledge and belief. [PAGE 1I.07J 407 l3lRTI-IS REGISTERED in the CrTY of NF.·ryON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL. NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL,

: SEX AND NAME OF PARENTS. DATE OF DATE or FULL NAME OF nlE CIIILD, AND 1 CUNOIT'N ------.------. -.-.------1 RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION OF PLACE OF DIRTII OF I PLACE OF DIRnl OF No. hI Twlnl, PLACE Of DIRTlI, MoniER • DIRnl. COLOR (If olher Ihan whll.). • Firat Name of rather. Malden Nama or Mother. PARENTS. fATIIER. fATIIER. I .It,l, .-'-.- .. -- .... -1------_._-_... _-\------.. ---.----.-- .-... -.----.-. ------t .. ;;t"'-..-.--I-.--.----- i Law Student Lynn Mass Boston Mass Jan Apr 21 Ash ton Ruth Mass Homeopa- Charles 0 Rachel Swain 676 I thio Hospt Bo ston Masa 877 Apr 22 Fernald Franoea N E Baptist George H Franoes R Burleigh Lawyer woroester Mass Tavares Florida Jan Russc Hospt Bos~on Jr Mllss Staten Is Manager Oarthage N Y Ithaoa N Y Jan Apr 2; Neary Bernard I Male Staten L ••Lan,~ James E Helen 0 MOAlllster N Y N Y Magazlnes I , , Male Apr 28 Lundquist Franois Irving Conoord st Hl1dlng Annie Dorri ty Conoord at Tool Maker Gothenburg 611e- Bonton Mass Jan I, 879 Aah19.nd Mass Ashland Mass dan ! I Gladys Head 33 Windormere salesman Utioa N Y Ienosha Wis Jan SSO May 2 I 60heehl Frank Head I lIale Eliot Hospt Walter H I Boaton Mass Rd 'lid 4- >lAW •. "''' Buslness Ad- Brookline Mas minlstrator Bath N H Olinton Mass Jan g81 May 2 Whitoher Stetson Malc Olinton Mass Soott Elizabe th S Bhaw ChM~~~fa Anna J MoLaughlin 3 Cook St PatternMaker Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan May 7 Higgins John Franois StEllzabeth' James L Hospt Boston 'lid 5 Newton Mass Mass Real Estate NeITton Mass Newton Mass Jan g8J I May S Burns Mary Elizabe Kemal StEllzabeth' Robert J Margaret J Dronnan 139 Norwood Hospt Boston 'lid 2 Newton Salesman Mass Mass 110; West­ Salesman Montreal Oanada Newton Mass Jan 8g~ May 11 Neu Robert Carl Bay state Oharles A Hazel IA Funk bourne Ter Hospt Boston Bltookl1ne lAas Eleo Supplie Maas Boston Mass Boston Mass Jan Mal' 12 Stone Barbara Vlr­ Metoalf Hosp Wl11hm F Alma I.! Puttlok S4-96lammon- Insuranoe ginl winthrop wealth Avo Wd 6 Mass Newton Mass Hospltal Male 201 Callfornl Deoeased Yarmouth N S Newton Mass gS6 Nlokerson Waldo Rioharf Oambridge Arthur E Elaie M Weldon May 13 at 'lid 1 Newt' I Mass 11.8 Eddy St Letter- Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan May 13 Ryan Franola John Male StElizabeth' Dennls T Anna 0 Reynolds Hosot Boston 'lid 2 Nowton oarrier Mass Mass Sprlngfield Jan ggg Ma.y 14- Wallour Chapin Male wesson Charles IV Franoes A Chapln 37 weutbourne Stfltlstiolan Harrisburg Pa ad wd6 Ne B~~ln~~md , Sandwioh Mass Portland Me Jan May 28 MoOonville Franoes Loui e Po).'tland John P Louise F Hanson Portland Me i Malne

Male Bolivar Pa Jan May 30, Perklns Franois Outt~r Mass Abram 0 Phyllis Hammond 29 Wamcsit Rd Cotton Broke Boston Mass thi0 Hoapt Wd 5 NClvton Boston Man Mass Jan Brown Oharles Freue.«.,. Harley Ohafles F Annle G GrccnITood gg Jewett At Typewrlter Boston Mass June 2 Bostoll ster} 'lid 1 Nel'(ton Repair-man Mass Oambrldge Mass Jan June 4- Holbrook Katherine Oambridge Donald Katherine Darllng 169 Washing­ Banker Newton Mass Hoatp oarnbr1111te ton Bt Wd 7 NeITton Mass Banker Brookline Mass Lanoaster Mass Jan June Goodhue Phoebe ,,,,,,.•• ,,. Faulkner Franoia Nora F Thayer Lanoaster 9 llll.ton Maaa

Arlington Mass Boston Mass Ja.n June 10 Wilder Vlrgini~ Philadelphia. Frederiok G Ethel Fessenden Philadelphia Stook&sond Pa Pa Broker

Boston Maas La.ITrenoe Mass Jan June II Banoroft BlU'bara. Hale !'eUla1l N E Baptiet Willls G El eanor R Fic ld 24- Lorlng st Broker Hospt Bonan Wd 6 N0iJiiD Newton Mass Oambridge Mass Jan June 1 Foley James Augus- Male StEli~abeth' James A Rose A Enos 37 Olinton st Chauffeur tine Hoo):t Boaton Wd 2 NOlvton Mass Mass Jan June 17 Turover Samuel Male 130 Grand St Abram Till1e stern 130 Grand St Glove Manu- Russla Austrla. Gloversvi 11e faoturer . G10Vers*ipe N Y Jan Helen Liston Eleotrioal portland Maine Fort Worth June 1 Piokard Geraldine Engineer Texa.

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,()n '':~.Jr...,) [PAGE 4


Jan Pike Edith L~igh Cambridge Waldo F Arde lle R Ohll.so 1619 Oentre Civil &IB:lnl'~. Oambridge MaSB Cambridge Mass 899 Hospt Oamb- Wd 5 Newton ridge Mass Mass Oambridge Mass Cambridge Ma.SB Jan 00 Pike Cambridll:e Waldo F Ardelle R Ohase 1619 Oentro Civil Eng1 9 HOapt Oimb­ Wd 5 NeIlton r1C1ge Man Mass Samokleneka Veeoooa Austria. Jan 901 Bielski Amelia 1j.6 Highland Peter Yadwriga Vruble ~6 Highland Machinist Ave Needham Neodham Man Austtia MasD Boston Mua Jan Cronin Rosemary' • a,n ..'.~ Faulkner Ho William J Helen A Bru.nt 29 Rioker Rd Au to Sale a·· Boston Man 902 Boston Ma.ss wa 1 Newton man MaDe Mags Qen Ho 171j. Temple st loIedioa.l Montolair N J Brookline Maag Jan 90; July 6 Shedden Riohard ASIl.LeIY Phillips William M Ruth H Blodgett HOllae Charlo st lTd 3 Newton Student Boston MaSll Mass P1ttaburg(Ne1l Jan July Earle Prudenoe Ida r'emlu~ N E Baptist Henry 0 Ida T Waldie 51 Weatbourne Bond Providenoe R I Hoapt Boston Rd Wd 6 Salesman Brighton) Pa Mass Newton Mass Male Wal tham Mas s \'Ia.l tham Ma.s a Jan July Sherwood Albert Pel,bert~lv Waltham Luke 0 Myrtle B Sanderson ~31 Albemarle Die Maker WOol tllam Rd Wd 2 Ne

Abbey Co Ga11la.y Jan 906 July Brothera Alloe Jo sephi Hamilton Walter P Nora M Trll.OY lSel3 Ohaufteur St John N B St Wd 3 Ir

Boston ~II.SS Jan 907 July Bandiera Lamonoe Hami Oushing Ho Joseph L Ilrll.Oe H Daniels .01 Newton- Broker's Te Boston Mass ton Boston Mass ville Ive Wd egrapher lIowton MaSll Bristol England Battle Creek Jan 908 July;l Highman David Ainsley Male N E Baptist H Ainsley Helen M Henning 1150 centre Vice Presi­ Ho.pt Boston id 6 Newton dent Touriot J.lioh Mas /lass Agenoy Boston Mass Jan 909 July;l Lookett Joseph Frede­ Male N E Bo.ptist Joseph F Mildred II Hood e61j. Lake Ave Lawyer Bo.ston Mass riok Ho spt Bo ston \'1d 5 Newton Mass Ma8S Prinoe Edward Prinoe Edward Jan Aug 1 Gallant Mary Alioe Prince Ed- FrOonk Oatherine Diron Prinoe I!Idlla,rd MlI.Ohinist 9J·0 ward. Island Island Isl&nd Island

Polioe r Newton Mass Newton Mass Jan 911 Aug 1 Hanlon Mildred. Mary StElizabeth' Edward L Franoes King 2S Oourt at Hoept Boston Wd 2 NeIYton Ma.ss Mass Coaohman Galway Ireland Galway Ireland Jan 912 Aug; Ford. William Male StEl1zabeth' Patriok J Margaret Canavan 28 Oourt at Ho spt Bo II ton Wd 2 Ne}tton Mass Masl! 21j.4 Townsend Ever6tt Mass Jan 913 Aug 8 Hewitt Roger Elmer Male New England Hazel W Hewitt Iloapi tal at Boston(Rox Boston Ma.aa /lass Newta n liass \'Ial tham Mass Jan Aug 9 Buok Wal tham Ho Roy C Nettie E Butler 19 Milton at Salesman Waltham Mass Wo.l tham Mass

6e1 Harvard st Editor D1xtil'lld Maine Bloomfield Ol.\lll,d:a Jan 915 Aug 10 Raynolds Florenoe El Hart HQlpt Howard. G Lotta Wetmore Boston Mass Wd 2 Ne}tton Mas II 61j. Eldredge Deoeased German town Pa Pi t t sburg Po. Jan 916 Aug 15 Leonard Wallaoo Minot N E Baptist Wallll.Oe M Dorothy L MaoLure Hoapt Boston Jr lTd 7 Newton (Liellt USA Maso MaBe Chauffeur Co Donegal Irol BtEspr1t C B Jan Johnston William Edward Male So Huate William DollenaMoKinnon lj.3 Union Bt 917 Aug 16 Wd 6 Newton Canada Maaa Lawyer 1.01le 11 liass Boston Mass Jan 918 Aug 17 Fickett Na.talie N E Bo.ptist Ralph 8 Freda Ridlon 51 Plymouth Hoapt Boeton Wd 5 Newton Mass Mass water town Mass Waltham Mass Jan 919 Aug 20 1Iorrell Dorothy StElizabeth' Stephen M Anna J Kelty 137 Bridge st Expresa Hospt Bo aton Wd 2 Newton BUSiness M"as MaB9 Neilton Mass Jan 920 Aug 21 Smith Glover Hoopt Joseph H Anna J Beirne 1125 Ohestnut Trainman Newton liaaa Needham Mass St Wd 5 Ne

Northampton Mass Newton MasD Jan 921 Aug 26 Olark Jean Edwin 0 Alma H Murray 22 Park Bt Vld 1I1l1fllon Mass A )

I hereby certify that the above relul'Il is correct according 10 the best of my knowledge and belief. 409 [PAGE 4091 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the OITY of NEWTON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULl..

DATE Of rULL NAME OF TIlE CIIIlD, AND ~~~o:~,~ NAME OF PARENTS, RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION OF PLACE or alRTII or PLACE Of SIRTII or DATE OF N., PLACE OF OIRTII, COLOR .Ih" Ihan whll.), In Tw,!ftll • Flnt Name or father, Malden Name or Mother, PARENTS. fATtiER, FATIIER, MOTlIER, DIRTlI, or tit. , -1------1------1------1------1------1----·· ------+~"-'"-"-- -1------Jan 922 Aug 25 Hunt Oatherine Estel Piedmont Frank L Edi th Lupton 19 Ourrier at Divinity Adairsville Ga Atlanta Ga itorium Atlanta Ga Student Atlanta Ga St Albans Vex'molrtt Jan 923 Aug 27 Sohrafft George Frederi Mal Puritan Lane George F Bertha L Bro~ 66 Kirkstal1 Treasurer Boston Mass Jr Swampsoott Wd 2 Ne"ton Mass Mass 924 Aug 211 Eagan Phll.lip Male 2 Ivy St John Alma Dalton 2 Ivy St Sale oman Boaton Llaos Boston MaDS Jan Bnston Mass Boston Mass

Sept 3 Allen Jeremiah Mervin Male N E Baptist Jeremiah M Dorothy Luoas 561 Oaliforni Bank Clerk Nowton Mass Boston Mass Jan Jr Hospt Boston St Wd 2 !lA'IItr,lI Mass 926 sept 5 Burke Mlldred Fe 26 Thomas J Annie F Cummings 1463 nal1n1ngl;qn Polioeman Newton Mass Dover Mass Jan St Welle_Qley St 1Id:.3 Nlll'lj; Mass Mass Jan 927 Sept 6 Lipsohitz Abraham Myers Male StEl1zabeth' Nathan Jennie Marovi tz 131 Bridge qt Junk Businos Kovno Russia Kovno Russia Hospt BORton lVd 2 Ne1l'l+,on Mass Maso Jan 928 Littlehale Glennie Irene Glover Hospt Frank W Glennie L Marshall Ij Summer Bt Machinist Port land Maine So Range Digby I'Id 5 Ne"ton Co N S Needham Mass Mass Boston Mass Jan Ferguson _Evelyn Claire Femal Forest Hills Donald a Anna Karlbourne 73 Olark at Bond Bale Boston Mass Hospt Boston Wd 5 Newton Mass _Mass Jan 930 Carley Walter Joseph Male StElizabeth' Walter E Martha J Muse 299 Centre st Eleotrioian Newton Mass Newton Mass Hospt Boston Wd 7 Nelfton Mass Mass Jan 931 DeBourke Riohard Male StMargaret's Patriok J Agatha M Clair 611 Hartford Palnter & St John's New- Needham Mass HosP:t Boston Bos~on(llor­ paper-hanger foundland I,lan ohester)Mass Boston Mass Jan 932 Clune Marle Evelyn Hart Hoapt J Frederiok Agnes U Norton Real Eatate Boston Mass Boston Mass Waukesha Wis Jan 933 Prioe Joan Gwenllyn Faulkner Wilson P Mary Edith James 9 Arlington Musioian Waukesha Wie Boston Mass Wd 7 Nemon Me.ea Jan Oot 2 Wade Virginia Famal N E Baptist Walter Doris Ethel North 541 Cali!or- Dentist Morley England Woonsooket R I Hospt Boston nia St Wd 2 Mass NelVton Mass Raoine Ohio Boaton Mass Jan 935 Oot 5 Mitohell John Jo sepll Male StElizabeth' Perry N Helen Lane 10 Linwood at Steam En!~ine~r Ho spt Boat on Boeton(Rox) Mass Mass llolVton Mass Jan 936 Oot 7 Farrar James Edward Male Waltham Ho James E Helen A Sullivan 63 Gardner St Ry Conduotor Boaton Mass Wd 1 Nel'lton Mase Cambridge Mass l'I'al tham Mass Jan 937 Oot 11 Howe Arthur william Male David F Mary A Grant 70 Alli son st Hood Rubber Wd 1 Newton Co Mass Jan Oot 12 Ellis Kenneth Male l'Ia1 tham Ho Oharle s E Oarlotta C Small 46 Jerome Ave Maohinist canton Me Dixfield Me Wal tham Mass Wd 3 Nel,ton Mass Oot 15 Burkholder Dorothy May Bay state Frederiok 0 Eva P Bender 143 Norwood Manager OntariO Canada W~rrenhurst III Jan 939 Hospt Boston Wd 2 Newton Mass Mass Frenohport 00 Jan Oot 15 Qui nlan Daniel Franois Male Mass Homeo- Daniel F . Anna M MoManus Ij Washington Stenographer Newton Mass Mayo Ireland Jr pathio Hosp~ Ter Wd 2 Boston Maas Newton Masa Jan Oot 20 Bentley John Melvin Jr Male Hart Private John M Edna. W Cooper 439 VlaElnll1gt'OI) Bond Bale Somerville Mass Fort wayne HOBtp Boston st Wd 1 !I~\vtn!\ Indiana Mase Oot 22 Swayne Dorothy Alberta Fe Oaroline A Reid 1112 Oommon- Supt Farm Morley N Y Bt John N B Jan \'feal th Ave Wd 6 Nelvton !lau Oot 25 MoGillivray Pauline Sohofieldl s Mary E Oooney 2305 Washing- .Oarpenter Antlgonish N S Newton Mass Jan Hoept Welle ton st Wd 4 Mas Newton Mass Philadelphia. Pa Jan Oot 211 Tully George uOllgl!U ~ Male StEll Mary K MoOarthy Physioian Mllford llase Hospt _:.e','" <,n,_.,'"'' IIlul ~d

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE l~lO 1 BIRTHS REGISTERED in the @ITY of NE'~~ON for the Year Nineteen I-I undred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVE N IN FULL.

SEX AND NAME Of PARENTS, fULL NAME TIlE CIIILO, AND CONOIT'N RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIRTII Of PLACE Of BIRTII Of DATE Of DATE or or PLACE Of BIRTII, ... - ... -.-.... -~- .---1 No, In twin., PARENTS, fATIIER, fATtIER, MOTlIER, RECORD, BIRTlI, COLOR 01 other thon while), I ttc.), • Flut Name or rather. Malden Name or Mother. t,·· 1920 I Foreman Gas Campomaggio Albano Potenza Jan Nov 1~ Altieri Albert Joaeph I Male StEl1zal:>eth Joacph Filomena Rag~io Italy Hospt Co Potenza Haly

I Male Dye & Boston Maos St Paul Minn Jan 9lj.6 Nov 11 HOIIC8 Daniel Andersor Faulkner Clarenoe G Emily 0 Anderson lSS Common­ Hospt Bos wealth Ave 6 Cleansing Ma.n Newton Ilass Washington D C Geneva N Y Jan Nov Ilj. Kendall Henry Stearns Male Boobey Hospt Albert S Harriet R Means 73 Parker St Arohiteot Boston Masa Wd 6 Newton Yass North Troy Vt Somerville Mass Jan Nov 16 Noble John Savage Male N E Bapti at Albert F Franoes J Wilson 1196 Centre Treasurer Hospt Bo Wd 6 Newton & Gen Mgr Yasa Milk Co Nelfton Mass Waterbury Conn Jan Nov 22 Gallagher Paul I Male Dale Rest Bernard L Flora LaPalme 169 River St Bldg Oon­ HOlllpt Wal Wd 3 New~on traotor Mass Mass Jan , Male Boston Mass E Webster Jennifred Noble 15 Page Rd Eleotrioian Weymouth Mass Portland Mai ne Nov 23 Chamberlain Edllard Lallr (By adCllpt ion) (By adoption) (By adop'10n) (By A~"""~' (By adoption) rr~s~(~~w~8~p~ ~~~ adopt.ion lIass Gen Ho Montevideo Jan PhilliplJ William H Mary F Clark 95 Temple St Iton&steal Nelfton Mass 951 Nov 25 Bacon Jooiah Eaton Male Uruguay B 2nd Charles St Wd 3 Nelfton Bo s t.on Maas Man Gibraltar Spain Kansas City Jan Nov 25 Benzaquin Riohard Albert Male Matthew D Bessie L Quimby 15 Bonad Rd Grain 952 Wd 3 Newton Mo Mass Coaohman Galashiels Waterford Ire- Jan Nov 25 Forsyth Oatherinc El Morse Hospt Robert M~rie Powers 91 Rookland - land 953 zabe Natiok Mass Natiok Mass Sootland

Chauffeur Barton N S Boston Mass Jan Nov 26 MaoNeill Ralph Milb~~y Male BtElizabeth' Ralph M Loui ss Hathaway lj.J Union St Hoapt Wd 6 Newton Oanada Yass Male ABst Mgr Katharine Yendell Ilj.7S Beaoon Walworth Somerville Mass BOBton Mass Jan 955 Nov 29 Cheney Faulkner Ho Harold W Boston Mass Wd 5 New+,on Co Mass Nov 30 Leary Anna Marie Oarney Hospt Alfred J HelenaHollard 23 Peabody Physioian Lallrenoe Mass Newfields N H Jan Bo ston Mass Wd 7 Nowton I49.B9 Real Estate Boston Mass New London Jan 957 Dco 2 Newhall Harry Bull Male Faulkner Ho Oheever H Margery Bull 262 Beaoon Boston Mass wd 6 Nelvton Conn Masa 26 Hillside Bank Clerk La.oolle Quebeo Boston Maus Jan 958 I Dco 6 Banker Mass Homeo- Lyman V Graoe G Pasoal pathio Hoapt Wd 5 No,,'o~ Canada Bo ston Mass MaslJ Oaserta Italy Caserta Ita),y Jan 959 Deo 10 Civetto Maria Oateri 17 O~k St Nioola Maria PasQual1na. 17 Oak St Laborer Wal tham Ionturno se \Val tham Mas s

Maas Gen Ho Boston MasR Claremont N H Jan Phillips Franois B Eva. Crain lj. Bradford Produotion 960 Dea 15 Riley Ruth Ann Wd 5 Nelf'on Engineer "gImes st Mass ~oar.on Man Boeton Yass Jan Deo 21 Macomber Mary Donald Harriet F Seaver 15 Temple St Physioian Boston Mass Wd 3 Newton Mass Ja.n 19 Greon St Garage Stenstu Fra.jil Varmland Swe­ Deo 2S Levander Harry Bernard Doore Hospt Adolf B Ruth E Johnson den Watertown IVd 2 Nell',on Slfeden MaDa Mass Co Longford Jan Jan 2 Mitohell William StEl1zabeth' Patriok J Ellen Yar sden ~~ ~a~endon Gardener Boston Mass Hospt Rewton Mllss Ireland

Upper Lallave Edinburgh Jan Jan lj. Conrad Barbara Rita Howard F Yary 0 Murphy SS Pla~stead Ohip Oar- Rd Wd 7 penter N S Sootland Nelfton Mas a Newton Ma.ss Jan Jan 5 I Morrisey Walter L Nellis F Orough lj. Remiok Ter Sheet metal Newton MasR Wd 7 NOlfton Worker Yass Millh Mass Jan Jan 10 Murphy Oharlu M Mary A 'l'oomey Watohmaker Bo ston lIasa

Boston Mass Jan 967 Jan 11 Saltonstall Rosalie Mass Leverett Alioe Weoselhoeft Lieut USA Neilton Mase Ho apt 1'1~,. t. t'~ ._;,;,~~:,.!.::.~"':i':''''!1: :.:nlu1 ··,I··~··~"'·· I hereby cerlify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE 411J ·:tn BIRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of lIEW1'ON for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL, ------.-----.------,-.---- ... ------.----.- ._-_.__ .. _----,. ------_._--- I sn AND NAME Of PARENTS. RESIDENCE Of OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIATiI Of' PLACE Of BIATtI Of DATE Of DATE Of fULL NAME Of TIlE CIiILO, AND I CONOIT'N PLACE Of DIRTII. ..------.----1 No. COLOR (II olher Ih .. whll.). ! luTwlnl, PARENTS. fAlIiER. fATlIER. MOTIIER. RtCORO • BIATtI. I tIc.). • flrlt Name or Father. Malden Name of Mother, 11920 Madbury N H Swampsoott MaSSi Jan Jan 12 Goddard Fred Chambersl Male Fenway Hospt Fred 0 Helen F Feeley 993 Washingt Physioian Bos~on Ma.ss St Wel. 2 Nelfto Mass i '. I Male Llbo Russia Jan Jan 211 Daile Herbert Ph111~p StElizabeth' Henry Anna D Rivk1nd 41!7 Storekeeper Kovno Russia Hospt Boston at I Mass Brookline MaDs Newton Mass Jan 970 Jan 29 George Katharine Nel~ DeaBriaay Robert H Katharine H Amea 300 Highland Oapt USA Hospt Boston Wd 3 Nel'(ton son I Man Mass Rathkenny Co Jan 971 Jan 31 Matthelll Julia I StElizabeth' John J Oatherine T Owens 325-a Cherry Chauffeur Rathkenny Hospt Boston St Wd 3 Newto Co Meath LrCI~allq Meath Ireland I Mass I Uao i. Fe Co Cork Ire- Jan 972 I Feb 5 Harrington Ellon Madelinr StElizabeth' Miohael J Hannah M Mannix 2223 Waoh1ng- Woolen Mill Bantry Co Cork Hospt Boston ton at Wd 4 Emp Ireland land Mass Newton Mau New York N Y Jan Feb25 Wale a Andrew Moss Male Quincy W Isabel A Guilbert 21 Sylvan Ave Merohant Boston Mass Wd 3 Newton Mass 233 Grant Av Captain USA St Paul Minn Newton Mass Jan 974 Feb 26 Tighe Laurence Got­ Baptist Ho Laurenoo 'l He ster Ami th Boston Maos Wd 6 Nel'lton dan Man

Feb 28 Dr1acoll Margaret at Eli zabeth' Miohael F Sar ah T Ho gan 263 Cherry St Cooperage Boston Mass Li ttle ~~~k Jan 975 Hospt Boston wi! 3 Newton Mass Mass I Lieut U 8 A Ohioago III Boston Mass Jan 976 Apr 10 Prudden Peter conversf N E Baptist Theodore M Evelyn Converse 270 Park st lIospt BOllton Wd 7 Nel'lton Mase Mass I Emerson Hasp Stewart K Marian Berry 40 Sylvan Ave Eleotrioal MoPherson l'.aJUII~ Bel!l\Bt Maine Jan 977 Apr 12 Gibilon Hugh EllBwortl Bo ston Mass Wd 2 Newton Jobber - ldaBa H Jan 975 Apr 27 McCue Male StEl1zabeth' H/\rry G He len R Howard 26 Playstead USN Fa.irmont W Va Newfields N Hospt Booton Rd Wd 7 11A",+.n;' Mass Mass 15 Olinton St Foreman Gardner Man Boston Man Jan 979 May 9 Raile Thlllma Anna emale Boston Ly1 Harry J Gertrude F Lynoh In Hospt Wd 2 Ne17ton Boston Mass Mass New Bodford Ja.'l 980 May 26 Thompson Dora P'e Faulkner Ho Leslie P Margaret Hathaway 123 Jaokson Arti at Medford Mass Boston Mass wd 6 Newton Mass Fe Boston Mass Boston Mass Jan I 981 May 28 Bellson Marguerite Hel n Boothby Ho Edlfin F A Mary M MoAree 15 Viotoria. Teacher Boston Mass Chole Wd 2 Newton Mall Piotou Co Jan 82 June 9 Conrad Walter Norman Male StEl1zabeth' Albert baa Florenoe Emmeline 51! Plai'stead Carpenter Lunonberg Co 19 Hospt Boston Mao Donald Rd Wd 7 Novll. soot NovlL sootia Mass Jan Juno Berube Mary StEl1zabeth' Aml!.ble L H Mary E Delaney 14 Emera14 St Barber Fall River Mass Nelfton Mass Hospt 30ston Wd 2 Newton Maso MaliS Cambridge Mass Jan June Townsend Irving Upson Mal Faulkner Ho Irving U J Dorothy Arno ld 57 Bellevue Bond 8alea­ Washi ngt on D C ;rd Boston Mass iVd 1 Nelfton man MaBS I Tullamore Kings Jan July MoGourty Catherine Femal StElizllbeth' James H Bridget Helen Byrne 51! Cherry Pl Plumber & Newton Mass Hospt Boston Wd 3 Nnl'(ton Engineer Co Ireland Masa !4aS8 Lawrenoe Maas Jan 986 July 29 Simonds Edlu.rd Hatoh Male N E Baptist Raymond A Luoy Chase 15 woodwlll'd Mueioill.n Marlboro Mass Hospt Boston Wd 5 Nelfton Man Masa Vllna Russia Jan 987 Aug 17 Baker Dorothy StElizabeth' Harry Esther Whi te 14 Middls St Maohini st Vllna Russia Hospt Ball ton Wd 1 Nel,fton !4asa 41!.S8 Framingham Mass Framingham Man Jan Aug 20 Neal StElizo.beth' Ohr1 stopher L Mary A Rurna Govornment Hospt Boeton Employoe MaBS Ireland Jan Aug 30 Lombard Ceoelia StElizllbeth' Louis G Eleanor M Greely ,, ____ 7 __ n Chautf eur Spain Ho spt Bo ston Man -Jan 990 Oot 7 Stanley Beat-rioe Loui Albert A Beatrioe L Thompson ~~ Machinist Roohester N Y Boston \.lass

I hereby certify that the above relllf'l1 is correct according to the best of Illy knowledge and belief. OJ.:, 1')~ [PAGE 41a 13IRTHS REGISTERED in the CITY of NE"I10N for the Year Nineteen Hundred and NINETEEN ALL NAMEs TO BE GIVEN IN FULL, -_ .. _--_ .. -,...... "....,....-.- .. --~.·-~~l=;[-K-~;· NAME or PARENTS. or rUll NAME or TIlE elIlLD. AND I CO,"IT" RESID~C~- ~;~~ATtO~ "'-;::C~;'DIHT~~~l'~PlACE Or-~IRTII DATE or DATE or PLACE or 81RTII. No. I COLOR or other than while), fl. Twlnll PARENTS. fATIlER. rATIlER. MOTtIER. . RECORD • BIRTtI. i etc,). • Flut Name of father. Midden Name or Mother. .-- - 1920 --- --_._------. ------Jan 991 Oot 22 i Talbot emale Faulkner Hos t Montgomery H. Louise cooper 15 Agawam Rd Clo salesman Fall R1ver MaBs j Denver Colo Boston Mass Wd ~ Nel'!ton Llaaa 57 Floral St Lbborer K1ngston Jama10 Kingston Jama10 Jan 992 I Dea ~ I Gale Evelyn emale Boaton Ly1ng Joseph N Ethel M Peart In Hospt Wd 5 Newton BWII BWI (Blaok) Boston Ma.ss Mass 79 8horne- Vioe Prea1- Dracut Mass Coata Rioa Jan 993 Deo lS Cutter Thelma ~emale Mass Geo V1otor M Florenoe DeJongh HOS~i tal oliffe Rd Wd dent Fruit Co Bos on Mass NOlvton Mass 61 Highland A Inspeotor - Newton Mass Brookline Mass Jan 4 i Oot ~ Waters (Stillborn) Male BtElizabeth I Thomas F Adeline M Murphy 99 Hospt Boston lTd 2 Newton Arsenal MaBS Mass New Ipsw10h N H Jan Aug 19 : Grover Ruth Mae emale 675 Western George E Bertha F Banger 20 Rioker Ter JAaohini st Rookport Mass 995 Ave Ioynn Mas Wd 7 NeNton LlaSB I r:!~,/el.i'l '" '/" j . 71?tti~ I

I hereby cerliry that the above return is correct according 10 the best of my knowledge and belier. ~fo.11 i /--n1~7::A-(-c-_;h-1-1~<-V ;j;r 71j-;~?:r_~"-' 19Ifft-..L_wtd. -I--t-<. tY,

'. NolO nn\ Nnmo and !nIUII 01111 ot rather,

I hereby certify that the above return Is correct accordIng to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGEtll41 l3lRTI-IS REGISTERED in the for the Year Nineteen Hundred and

SEll AND NAME Of PARENTS. RESIDENCE OF OCCUPATION Of PLACE Of BIRTH Of PLACE Of BIRTII Of DATE Of DATE Of i fULL NAME Of TIlE CIIiLD. AND CONOI1'N PLACE Of BIRTII. ------,::=-::~:~~--.--.. ---.- fAlIiER. MOTHER. RlCORD. No. (If '" Y"lu, PARENTS. fAlIiER. BIRTH. COLOR olher Ihan whll,). tle,l. nul Name of rather. Malden Nlme of

I hereby certify that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. [PAGE J BIRTHS REGISTERED in the of for the Year Nineteen Hundred and ALL NAMES TO BE GIVEN IN FULL.

······1SU AND ' rULL NAME or THE CHILD, AND CONDIT'H NAME or PARENTS. RESIDENCE or OCCUPATION or PLACE or BIRTH or DATE Dr PLACE or BIRTH. I No. III Y"III, PARENTS. rATlIER. rATHER • BIRTH. COLOR (Ir olher Ihan whll.). lie,), • nnl Nam. or ralh". Mild .. Nlma 01 Molher.




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1 I I ' I / / ' ( ! ! -'

t Nota ntal !hmo And InIU.1 unl, or Yfllhllr, .. __ ,~I..,_ ...... """,


I hereby certIfy that the above return is correct according to the best of my knowledge and belief. CITY OF NEWTON,MA

BIRTHS 1917-1919