Rtllq Rer,L N T ~Red 1 N Lie1/~

Rtllq Rer,L N T ~Red 1 N Lie1/~

AJ,PHAllF.TICAJ, I,lIlT "F BI RTllq Rer,l n t ~red 1 n lIe1/~. en f or the Yeo.r 1919 ·-~---------'---~~------B-(-O-on-t-.-) -- r:. - (oont) _c_ (oent.) --P- D'InnooAnze. Paele 11761 , (q.b~ta:jf:·fe"']!,~ii #~~~ Brine. 0onAtlln~e I,ouloe 11812 Ceffin.r.ladya EIAie #549 587 828 DipI1.squ'lle. An tonio 356 I Abbott. ~obert cuoker 586 Bredriok. ~hirlcy norethy r.ognwell. Jehn Alfred Jr ]1i'laatll. Eleanor Angela 324 'I 339 14 Ac~ettullo.Leonllrdo Antoni0696 Rrooka. Arthur'lernllrd Cehen. ~ylvia Beatrioe D1Zaoomo. Mary 480 AdamA. J,I111an FranaeR 474 llrookA. Pl1ul JT 156 cole. Oarl F.dlAen 515 906 Dodge. Gardner Murray 162 Ad'tmo. Rioho.rd Phillip 450 Brothera. Alioe Josephine Cole. Esther Winifred 291 Dedge. lIatlllie 373 Adoook.r,eerge Vlll11am 75 BreNn. Ann Hayward 684 Coleman. J.ouine 400 Dehorty. Jumeo Frllnois 235 \ Al'.l'y, 1lar.dy Rmith 209 Bro'"n. AUDtln CowleD .Tr 438 Collelli. Maria Oonatanza 27 Delan. James Anthony 129 ~Ahllronian. Sara" 385,. -own. Chllrlee Frederiek h 891 Celline. Anna Margaret 83 Donahue. William Hareld 300 Albllno. '!'rnnk .ToBoph 795:!h own. ~or""lia 1'I00ttan 831 Collins. Elaie 136 Donlan. Edward 62 Allp.~. o,h~rlee 7heo~ ere 554 Bro'lln. nore 'hy Leuine 434 Cellin". Riohard 629 Donnelly. :tildred Virginia 641 Allen.,Teremla;' !!ervln Jr 925 Bre'lln. ;furiel Fnrn~'IIorth 318 celllns. Virginia 33 Dorney. William Andre'll Jr 145 796 A11M. lIoel 807 Bre'lIn, Peter Crosby Cellins. Will lam Henry 451 Downey. Charles Fredr1~k 391 18 Allle. Ava 469 llre':m. Robert I,eBarren CempoBto. Jeneyh 723 DeNney. Katherine Fl~ming 102 Altieri. Albert JOA"pll 945 BreNn. "ltllnl~y Fairhllnke 415 Ceneooff. Morria 640 Doyle. Murtha I,01l19a 0113 Amp.n~ol:l. J,et~lnll 743 Brynon. ~hll"leo WllAen 127 Conley. Margaret Mary 270 Drapen. EmerAon 92 An~rea. .To.net,!Aar~uer1te 914 Arthur 1':d"llrd 79 Buok • Connelly. Helen Marie 76 Dr1'l~ol1. 1!arg(\ ret Anne 9'/5 Andre'll" ••- 4 lluokley. Allee Mllrtha 648 Cennolly. John Franoi" 44 Dug~u. Vincent Joaoph 2'/4 Andrews. olernllrd HUMell Jr349 llurke. Francla Joseph 540 Cenra~. llarbara Rit~ 964 180 nuggan. Corneliuo 614 Andre:"n.Co',rlea Vllnl;hrop 677 Burke. Henry .Toseph ~onrad. walter 1Iorman 982 Dug,,,,,n. wi11illm James 439 926 Andre~". Leonor~ 8a llurke, Mildred CenAidino. Mary Katherine 101 Duke. Alioo 462 AnneBe.Antolnette "lerp.noe 307 Burke. ")(llter FrllMi. 458 Ceeper. Elizabeth 78 tunmore. PrlD~illa Anne 689 Anneap.. Pletro 751 Burkholder. Dorothy !lay 939 Cooper. JameR Henry 147 48 Dun"". Edwnrd Robert 067 Anziovine. F.n1'loo 166 Burley (Rtillborn) Ceeper. RUBAel1 p.lllett 486 Dupuis. (StHl bc rn) 793 Arduino •.Toaoph 781 llurns. nen~ld llryee 839 Cerbett. Mary 1':llzaheth 266 777 Dupui". P~uline Rena 601 Armltlllt,e (Rt1l1born) 57 BurnA. Dero~hy Ed'llin'-l Corbett. Wlll11tm 1I0rton 421 n'Urbano. Antonio 512 Arnold, Cen"tnn~e 478 Burn". Jehn Charles 277 Cereor'ln. Mary M,~rg:tret 332 Durell. Alfre~ yp.ll~_,d 610 A"h~; on. Ruth 876 BurnA. John ThomnB 3rd 460 Corlis,. WHY Eleaner 783 883 Durkee. Viola Er1i th 108 Atkin~on. Dean Wesley 360 Burn~. lflry J!:llzl1beth Cormier. :ToBeph ArthuT 40 n,vyer. John 832 Atkinsol1. Eleanor RegerB 197 BurnA. Ruth Elizabeth 485 Cerney. ~"eAtsr 1.1 bert Jf 406 88 D,'lyer. Mo.rg~ret 829 AtNood. Bonnar Clarke 303 Butte!'B. Philip Whi teomb COU,lhlan. Charlea J!:r"est Jr 873 nllyer. Paul l1a thaniP.l ·129 Au~ein. Dora Annle 613 :Juttdek.Herbert IngerBell Jr 70 craig. Oeerge Pario 243 BUt.tA. Frederic HarrIngton 2nd 760 Cl'am. Bally 834 Crllndoll. Frederiok Jameo 577 Cr!~nton. Rebert Hoy Jr 222 _B_ Crioaey. l!url'1ng~,on Edgar 372 Crenin. Fr~nola Norm~n 498 Eagan. 1!a ry Jane #340 Bacoari. Riagie 668 Cronin. Joseph B'wten 755 Eago.n. Phillip 924 Bacoari. Luolllne 1 Crenin. ReMmary 902 Earle. Prudonee Ida 904 Baeon • .Teaiah F.aten 2nd 951 Cadmnn 304 Cronkhite. Leeno.rd \'Iolocy 3rd Eokert (Stillborn) 649 oaker. Derethy 987 Cafarelli. r,iev~nn1 461 287 Eekert. I rene Ji;l1za beth 351 Baldwin. lIorm." Wheeleok 35 CalkinB. Patrioia 173 Cresby. John Wesley 520 Edgarton. Cnarles Gardner Jr 100 llllnal'oft. :larh'lra Hale 895 Callanan, James FAward 745 Crosby. Margaret Elellnor 73 FAward". Prlsoilla 37 Banoroft. ~linor 390 C1lmp\1·,11. .Teaeph Aloyaius 323 Crewell. Alan 516 F.gan. r~la deD Fr~ncie 774 Bandlerll. I,avrronoe Hamil ton Cannon. William F.dvlllrd 624 Cugini. Carmiella 798 F.ggle"ton. Margaret Mary 239 907 Capell o. Albert 404 x Curtio, Bel!trioe /.\ury 685 Elliott. Frederie.k 282 ilanker -:i'i2..worl'flv 958 r.4p~ll c. .Tehn 405 cutter. Thelma 993 B11io. Hercort 319 Barbed o. l,eu~" 58 Capone 740 x Curran. nertrude 7 F.llis. Kenneth 93B Baringer. 1{on~y Jay Jr 31'd 316 Caperale. Vlrgilia 508 Enego~R. Phllip 392 BariBane. I,uoia 505 Callrio~ 10.. I.e"i B Frllnk 703 Eng. Virginla 572 Harker. 0eoily 'lelen 523 Capstiok. Rloh/lTd Barton ,Tr 636 .JL Bne. Irene M"ry 556 llarker. Hareld 787 Cardillo. Mary nraoe 816 l1rio"ol1. Frederick Geerge 152 llarker. Harl'let LoulDe 4G5 Ca rey. JameB /.\et :'i a 290 nalieandro.Dominio 310 P.rnat 164 Barner. James Robert 628 778 Cnrey. Rebert Paul Dane. ~lerbert Phillip 969 F.~b.breek. Frederiek Reed 845 llflrret t, :lailey Murgll.troyd 722 Carlet.on. Graoe r'trel1ne 579 n'Angelo. Clllrenoe 273 1':yrl" Helen 334 Barrett. MarR,net 1':l1z"beth 87 Cllrley. Vial ter .ToBeph 930 n~nielR.11:d'1I1n Ashton 720 Thlrry. 00nntunee 8B3 Carlin~. Albert F.rnBst 608 ])'~niela on. !lert I.ind".'l.r~ 314 Barry. .rohn 201 Caron. Edna 493 ll'Antonio.Cenoe3io 562 Barry. ,alph Allen Jr 333 Cnrter. M~rgaret 78a D'Attl1io,I,ina Bi~nea Maria 227 Bartl~y. Robert David 736 Caruso. Antonio nust,lvO 302 Dilu. 'lay Rpeoner 784 BateR. John 749 C'lrune. Pllul1ne 81 navia. norothy 658 Fallon. John Fr'lneie 525 Batey. Arthur .Tames 226 Carvelli. Vinoenzo 276 Davi". Ethal Vlr"ini~ 265 Farrar. Jllmea Edward 936 Baxter. 1.a'/lren06 J~mee 82 Cashman. Beatrice 766 naViA. Jean 119 Farrell. Edward 410 lleale, David PO'llars 754 Cav~nagh. Lila Jeeephine 36 I),\Y. '!'rededok LewiB 491 F~rrell. Joscph Juliuo 103 lleattiA.Mary Leuioe Judge 389 Ced \'OI1~, Donate 269 nay. Vl rgl nia 550 Farrell. Marjerie J,ouiBe 232 Benaon. Elizllbeth 91 Cedrone. Giovanni 71 DeAngolis. Franoesoo 279 FUl'rineten. Ilorothy 817 BcnAon.Marguerite Helen 981 Ces,trOntl. ,'elloe 769 Dearbern, Charleo Henry 21 Faulkner. Bsverley Je'~nette 292 Bentlev.John Melvin Jr 941 Cotrone. Denat~ Preaea 490 DeBourke, Riohard 931 Feather. Barelay 354 Benyon. Jellnette 170 Cetron.,. ()ui~o 678 neokor. Myrtle Marie 803 Federico.. Anna 673 Benyen. Marion 169 Chamber1ctj n. F.d'Uard LaN!'onee 950 Degen(Stillbern) 309 Feeley. Aliee Gertrude 362 Benzaquin. Richard Albert 952 Champagne. Camille nerald 590 Delanoy. noorge Paul 1;93 Feeley, CharleB Ed'llIIrd 50 Beruhe. Mary 983 eh"n Her 571 Del"ne.,. Helen Marie 151 Feeley. Jehn Joseph 72Li Bost. 1':liz" beth 874 Ch(ln~ler. JameR F.dvlflrd 49 DeLueEl'. Ua ria Del era til 545 Feldhoff. Ilnrharn DeForest 732 Bielaki. Amella 901 Ch'~ncllel'. Joan !\artlett 692 DeI.uoe. 'Iunzie 01aoomo 1~1 Fennelly. Orrorge Harria 187 llin:elow. Ervin flonior 161 Chllrette. Rebert Oll~er 542 DeUalo. Giovanni 5 Fer~uAon. Eli~ubeth Clnrk 555 lliroh. T,eul Ae Wad"worth 589 Charin. Josoph l' 174 Demere. Jeseph lI,ugene Adel~rd "er{,uaen. J!:ve1yn Claire 920 I Black. 1':ilesn 220 Ch~rlton. Robert Wallio 802 428 "orgueon. John Joseph 591 Blaiadoll.1':lizabeth Al· 475 Chan~. P.leanor Williston 483 DeMiohele, Idll Anr-olEl 687 Forno.ld. Frl~nces HUDAell 877 frp,ida ChllBO. 11:mlly Caroline 409 Dempsey. Mtlrtin 256 Fe~nenden. Luoi1e 869 lllodgett. Barbara warren 53 Chllao, Hr.<reld Rohert 682 DeRosl!et, Frederiok tl~oh Jr 234 J'l.kot~. Natll1ie 918 , Hlood. Henry Wl nthrop 126 Cheney. Oharles Willl/lm 2nd 955 Deflantis. GiorgIo 511 File. Tunker 472 Bleo~. Marion 1':thel 646 ChiaeJhia. Domlniak 338 lle~l.\nt1 a, Umbert 596 ,'l1lien, Antolne Leon Jr 630 llleom. ll!l.rney 457 '~1:lno. JOBP.llhl ns 530 Desrosiers, F.dwal'd I.oul." 665 F! "her. Janet Kondall 695 neaoabAllo.Demnni~e 221 r.in~etta, r.ievanino 1181 Ilearoohere. Loule !len.lllmin 176 go 1 Flnke. Hohn lAarie Bontempo, 'l1~ela 683 ~ivotto. Florenoe 715 DeAtefu.ne, 1Iioholus 7u8 Fitzgerald, Mary 85 llont~mpe. Patrl~k 250 r.iv~tto. Ml.tda caterino 95 DeRteph,C1no. r,lovannin(\ 546 Fitzgerald, Themas Clement 526 llorten. Clement Vlio"oll 251 CIa rk. Jean 92 DeWolf. lI.~ry 1':",ily 770 Fletoher. Jehn Ruanell 771 Tle~ten, F.l1zllbeth Helen 773 Cla rk, Owen Rohert ~en 83 DiCarlo.. Jllmoe ~eol1dg' 694 Fl1Mhhaul'(h, Rodn''ln Ferreat 592 Bou.hie, Annle Rltll 699 Clllrk, !'i~hard llrevler 80 Diefenderf.Janette ro,' ,ott 419 Fegg. Rebert Ells'llortll 837 Tloudrot. Phillip BrnDat 39B r1o.y+,e;1. Rdna Dorot.hy (;3 Dinian 1emeni~0. Lnurina 580 ,,50 Fogg. walter Atarolrd •• r 836 Bouzan. EdvlIlrd ClohenRY. Inez lI~ry 52 lliLeffi. r,iuoeppa 594 Feley. J'llme" Au"uotine Jr 896 noyn~on,)!.arg'lret ,Bro'lln 866 Cluno. Marle 11:velyn 93 Dilworth, .Tulia Florenoe 435 Follanob<1o.

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