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S. Nofri, Cultures of Environmental Communication, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-00952-6, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2013

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Il Corriere della Sera Website www.corriere.it Il Corriere della Sera (2010). Berlusconi on the Italian press. http://www.corriere.it/politica/09_settembre_07/berlusconi_liberta_stampa_minora nza_cattocomunista_ca030b7e-9b7d-11de-88f0-00144f02aabc.shtml on 20.09.2010. Il Corriere della Sera (2009). Al Gore and environmentalism. http://www.corriere.it/Primo_Piano/Spettacoli/2007/07_Luglio/08/gaggi_ambienta lismo_sexy.shtml on 02.06.2009. Il Corriere della Sera (2009). Archivio Storico. http://archiviostorico.corriere.it/1996/marzo/06/Corriere_vent_anni_secolo_co_0_ 9603069573.shtml Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V. (2009) IV Quartal. http://www.ivw.de/index.php?menuid=52&reporeid=279 on 12.04.2010. http://daten.ivw.eu/index.php?menuid=1&u=&p=&detail=true on 10.03.2011. http://daten.ivw.eu/index.php?menuid=1&u=&p=&detail=true on 10.03.2011. IPCC (2005). IPCC special report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Prepared by working group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Metz, B., O.Davidson, H. C. de Coninck, M. Loos, and L.A. Meyer (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 442 pp. http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/special-reports/srccs/srccs_wholereport.pdf on 22.07.2007. http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/special-reports/srccs/srccs_wholereport.pdf on 29.01.2011. ISTAT http://demo.istat.it/pop2008/index_e.html on 13.03.2010. Italian Constitution http://www.governo.it/governo/costituzione/principi.html on 20.06.2007 http://www.governo.it/Governo/Costituzione/1_titolo1.html on 22.02.2011. Krav, the Swedish eco-label www.krav.se on 23.02.2011. Kuckartz, Udo (2004, 2006, 2008, 2010). Umweltbewusstsein in deutschland. 2010 http://www.umweltdaten.de/publikationen/fpdf-l/4045.pdf 2008 http://www.umweltdaten.de/publikationen/fpdf-l/3678.pdf 2006 http://www.umweltdaten.de/publikationen/fpdf-l/3113.pdf 2004 http://www.umweltbewusstsein.de/deutsch/2004/ergebnisse/ergebnisse.html Kuckartz (2004), in English http://www.umweltbewusstsein.de/englisch/2004/download/download.html Kuhlen, Rainer (2004). Informationsethik. www.kuhlen.name/MATERIALIEN/Publikationen2004/a05-kuhlen-AA.pdf on 15.06.2010. La Repubblica Website www.repubblica.it

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402 Internet References

Swedish multinational companies per person http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/wir2002_en.pdf on 06.03.2011. Swedish public opinion on George Bush http://www.globescan.com/news_archives/GlobeScan-PIPA_Release.pdf on 28.02.2011. The Guardian Website www.guardian.co.uk The Numismatist (1973), Volume 86. American Numismatic Association, 1973 Vols. 24-52 include the proceedings of the A.N.A. convention. 1911-39, p.1359. http://books.google.it/books?id=W0VmAAAAMAAJ&q=%22Coal+was+pressed+i nto+coins+in+the+early+1920s%22&dq=%22Coal+was+pressed+into+coins+in+t he+early+1920s%22&hl=it&ei=aP5sTc7_FI6SswaBneW9BQ&sa=X&oi=book_resul t&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA on 03.10.2010. The Times Online, November 9, 2005, “Oswald Hanfling - Philosopher much influenced by Wittgenstein who wrote lucid course materials for the Open University” www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article588059.ece on 01.10.2008. The Times Website www.thetimes.co.uk UK Environment Act (1995) http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1995/25/contents on 23.02.2011. UK National Rivers Authority http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/15/part/I/crossheading/the-national- rivers-authority-and-the-advisory-committees/enacted on 23.02.2011. Umweltforschungsplan 2011 und Forschungsrahmen des Bundesumweltministeriums http://www.bmu.de/forschung/ufoplan/doc/40881.php on 06.03.2011. UN Agenda 21 http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_28.shtml on 03.01.2011. http://www.gdrc.org/uem/la21/local-authorities.html on 10.09.2010 UNCTAD, World Investment Report (New York and Geneva: UN, 2002). http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/wir2002_en.pdf on 06.03.2011 UN Division for Sustainable Development http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/dsd/dsd_index.shtml on 12.02.2011. UNECE, Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, done at Aarhus, Denmark, on 25 June 1998, http://www.unece.org/env/pp/documents/cep43e.pdf on 22.09.1999. http://www.unece.org/env/pp/ratification.htm on 25.11.2009. UNEP (2010). UNEP yearbook 2010 http://www.unep.org/yearbook/2010/PDF/6_environmental_governance_2010_low .pdf on 16.02.2011.

Internet References 403

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11 Appendix

11.1 E-Tables

Apart from the tables included in the body of this publication, all e-tables are avail- able on the website saranofri.com (password is “no”).

11.2 Conferences attended by combining disciplines and countries of the study

Country: Supranational United Italy Germany Sweden or other Kingdom Event: countries Political “Europe and science ECPR global politics” conference Pisa 2007 Bath 2007 ICA Dresden Communicati 2006 on science ECREA conference Hamburg DGPuK 2010 Zurich 2006 IFEJ Journalists’ Stockholm congress 2006 Intercultural NIC “Cultures communicati in Translation” on studies Reykjavík 2008 “Climate “Meeting the Change Sustainability future” Communi- research Lüneburg cation” 2006 Roskilde 2010 “LEONARD Interdisciplin O Local ary EU Agenda 21 project final Processes “ meeting Rome 2004 For practical reasons, the author only took part in conferences held in Europe and did not actualise all combinations.

S. Nofri, Cultures of Environmental Communication, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-00952-6, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2013

406 Appendix

11.3 System for the bibliographic research: Abulafia

Keywords in Italian: + “Cultur-a” Comunicazione Informazione (Mass) Notizie- Quotidiani- media a, coper- o, giornali- tura e, stampa Ambiente/ Ambiente + ambientale-i comunicazione, ambient-al- + Etc. comunica-zion- e (+ cultur-a) Natura/naturale-i Natura + comunicazione, natur-a + comunica-zion- e Ecologia/ Etc. ecologico-a-he-i

Keywords in German: + Kommunikation Informati- (Mas- Nachricht-en, (Tages) “Kultur-en” on sen)medien, Berichterstat- zeitungen, (Mass) Media tung Presse Umwelt Umweltkommu- (Umwelt-) nikation, Umwelt- Etc. + Kommuni-kat- ion (+ Kultur-en) Natur- (natürlich-e- Etc. s/n/r/m) Ökologie- (öko-

logisch-e- s/n/r/m)

Appendix 407

Keywords in Swedish: + Kommunikation Information (Mass) Nyheter-na, Tidning- “Kultur-er” Media rapportering ar-na, Presse-n Miljö Miljökommunikation, (Miljö-) Miljö- + Kommuni- Etc. kation (+ Kultur-er) Natur- Etc. (naturlig-a) Ekologi-


The words in the rows and columns were combined and the possible variations of them were taken into account when searching a digital database of e.g. a library. This made possible to find, for instance, by combining the query terms “Öko-“, “Kultur-“ and “Kommuni-“, a hypothetical piece of research titled “Ökokulturen kommunizieren”, which in German means “communicating ecological cultures”: the query chosen did not rely on word-tag systems, but rather on the single terms indexed and their derivatives, as explained in Chapter 5.

11.4 The codebook for the quantitative content analysis (excerpt)

Main units for the quantitative content analysis (as in Rössler 2005: 41ff): Sampling unit: All articles published in the national editions of the newspapers La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Frankfurter Al- legemeine Zeitung, the Göteborgs-Posten, the Dagens-Nyheter (including Stock- holm pages), the Guardian and The Times on the days listed in the table below, selected according to the criterion of the artificial week (56-57). All regional pages, apart from the Dagens-Nyheter, are excluded. Recording unit: One single article. Coding units: Formal units = Country, Paper, Day of Publication, Page of Publication, Section, Word count, Picture. Substantial units = Actor(s), Theme I, Theme II, Theme III.

11.4.1 Formal criteria for selecting articles:

Ǧ Date of publication

408 Appendix

All articles are published on the national, paper edition of the selected newspapers in the year 2006. The ‘artificial week’ principle (taking every 8th day starting from January 1st 2006) is hereby respected. Articles must therefore have one of the fol- lowing days as their date of publication:

January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 1st, 9th, 17th, 25th 2nd, 10th, 18th, 26th 6th, 14th, 22nd, 30th 7th, 15th, 23rd May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 1st, 9th, 17th, 25th 2nd, 10th, 18th, 26th 4th, 12th, 20th, 28th 5th, 13th, 21st, 29th September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 6th, 14th, 22nd, 30th 8th, 16th, 24th 1st, 9th, 17th, 25th 3rd, 11th, 19th, 27th

Ǧ Word count

All articles in the sample must at least count more than 29 words, headline includ- ed. Otherwise: if the text serves to describe a picture, the number of words is in- cluded into the word count of the article that picture refers to. If the text describes a picture without an article directly referring to it, or if it is a mere sentence without any other references (e.g. a quotation), it is then not coded. Ǧ Presence of UN thesaurus terms

Articles containing UN thesaurus terms (here at the end of the codebook) in the headline or in the first paragraph or subhead are selected, and discarded only if the rest of the article does not deal with an environmental theme at all and the term appears in the headline because, e.g. of a pun or similar.

Ǧ Format

The following text types are excluded from the coding: advertisements, obituary pages, corrections of printing errors or announcements.

11.4.2 Substantial criteria for selecting articles:

An article is a text that is graphically separated from the surrounding texts through empty space or through images, has at least one headline or a highlighted sentence that begins it, can feature pictures and graphics, and its text body can be distributed in columns. An author usually signs it.

Appendix 409

An article is not a picture caption that does not refer to any other articles present in the same page, it is not a long advertisement in text-form only made explicit through small margin notes, and it is not a text shorter than 29 words.

TOP-DOWN SELECTION If a readable database of articles without search function is available (e.g. paper archive or microfilm or cd-rom), the articles are formally selected if they tackle a matter corresponding to the general definition of ‘environment’ and ‘environmen- tal information’ partially taken from the UNECE Aarhus Convention and reported in Chapter 3. Environmental articles are those articles about the natural environment that can be influenced by humans or where humans might or do play a role in causing / having caused changes / problems / improvements. The strictly social environment is not considered as part of nature.

BOTTOM-UP SELECTION If, on the other hand, a digital database with searchable contents is available, the reference to select articles in this case is also the UN Thesaurus of Environmental Terms (Infoterra 1997). For deciding on the inclusion of ‘borderline’ cases like the ones listed below, the UN thesaurus and the definition of ‘environment’ are the main reference.

List of special borderline articles: - Anecdotes concerning animals or plants and their interaction with humans (e.g. articles about Bruno, the bear wondering between Germany and Italy) are includ- ed in the sample because they represent personal and individual cases, but still refer to the interaction of humans with the natural environment. - Articles related to the energy sector. These articles are included in the sample only if they refer to natural resources and sustainability aspects of energy production, whereas they are not included if they only deal with foreign policy aspects, like gas export agreements, and the consequences of those on the economy of a country. - Research on genetics. The articles dealing with this subject are included if they deal with the natural environment and not included if they only deal with man- kind and e.g. possible applications of new discoveries in genetics for health and similar. - Bird flu. Articles dealing with this topic are only included if they deal with direct consequences for animals, ecosystems and the environment. They are excluded if they concentrate on tackling financial consequences of the bird flu, health haz- ards for persons and only for them, economic and logistics aspects.

410 Appendix

- Space and astronomy. Articles from this field are not included, unless they refer to the interaction between the natural environment on the Earth and its atmos- phere or the interaction between mankind and the Earth atmosphere (e.g. articles on space pollution or articles on meteorological phenomena affecting the Earth surface are included, articles about the minerals on the surface of Jupiter are ex- cluded). - Weather forecast articles are included only if e.g. climate change or eventually the alleged causes for it are discussed. Simple weather forecast is not part of the sample. - Articles related to travelling and tourism are sometimes included only if they deal with natural habitats in detail or with eco-tourism issues.

In the following pages, a scanned part of the Thesaurus will help understand the way it is constructed. The following flow charts illustrate the processes of respectively selecting and coding an article in this study. The process varies for each newspaper, because the various sources differ both in searchability and format.

Appendix 411

Selecting articles


Choose a newspaper

Is the yes archive on Read articles on key days paper?


Is the no Are UN archive thesaurus digital and no words searchable? present?

yes yes Search UN thesaurus term in database

Read article carefully

Does article deal with no Discard environment as article End in definition?

yes Double check date and formal selection criteria (national edition, minimum word count, no ads, etc.)

Is article no eligible?


Check again special cases versus definition as in codebook

Code and insert in SPSS file! End

412 Appendix

Coding articles


Code, in this order: - title and name of author (if present) - country and newspaper - date of publication

Code page number Æadd further page(s) if more than one page Code section Æ add further section(s) if more than one section Code word count

Code pictures and graphics Æ check paper edition, if digital edition does not show any

Are any actors mentioned in title or 1st paragraph? - if yes: code actors mentioned in title and 1st paragraph - if no: code actors of whole article

Is there a clear theme in title or 1st paragraph? - if yes: code 1st theme and eventually 2nd or 3rd theme(s) - if no: read whole article and code 1st, 2nd and 3rd theme(s) accordingly


Appendix 413

11.4.3 Formal coding units:

COUNTRY Italy 1 Germany 2 Sweden 3 UK 4


REP 1 CdS 2 SZ 3 FAZ 4 DN 5 GP 6 TIM 7 GUA 8


PAGE Insert page number, maximum two ciphers, if > 100 then ’99’

PAGE II Page number, if the article appears on two different pages. If the pages are more than two, the average of the page numbers (apart from the one where the article first appear) is coded.

SECTION Insert one of the numbers below

0 Headline page / First page / Headline Theme / Prima pagina 1 Themen des Tages / Tema / Primo piano / Ledare: e.g. Valet 2006 2 Politik / Gegenwart / Politica interna / Interni / Sverige / Insidan / Guardian home pages / Home news 3 Cronaca / Cronache 4 Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft und Umwelt / Economia / Economy / Business / Unternehmer heute / Ekopol GP / Ekonomi

414 Appendix

5 Ausland / Deutschland und die Welt / Außenpolitik / die Welt / Inter- nationales Mondo / Esteri / Guardian international pages / Overseas news / Utland / Världen 6 Feuilleton / Kultur / Literatur / Mode / Spettacoli & TV/ Culture / Cultura / Guardian Reviews Pages / Guiden GP / The Guide / Radio o TV / Guardian film and music pages / Arts / Books 7 Die Seite Drei / Die Dritte Seite / Die Seite 3 / Reportage / Terza pagi- na / Guardian society pages 8 Meinung / Commenti / Leserbriefe / Meinungsseite / Guardian leader / Guardian leader + comment and debate pages / Ord / Debatt sida / Läsarnas DN / Guardian Saturday Comment pages / Fria Ord 9 Europa 10 Guardian Home Pages (see note) / Home news / UK news 11 Wissenschaft / Wissen und Forschen / Wissen / Scienze / Guardian technology Pages / Natur und Wissenschaft / Natur / Vetenskap 12 Börse / Finanzen / Investmentfonds / Imprese & Mercati / Guardian money pages / Guardian financial pages / Börs och Företag 13 Brennpunkt / Zeitgeschehen / Features / The Times / Jetzt.de / Pano- rama / Inchiesta / L’analisi / Speciale / Guardian features pages / Fokus 14 Feinkost / Reise / Haus und Garten / Reiseblatt / Tempo libero / Tra- vel / Reisebeilage / Resor / Nyheter 15 Medien / Computer / Fernsehen 16 Horoskop / Sternstunden 17 Tagestipps / Salute / Body and soul / Health 18 Kinderteil (z.B. Kinderspiegel) 19 Bildung und Beruf / Stellenmarkt / Jugend und Wirtschaft / Karriere / Bildung / Guardian rise pages 20 Geschichte / Gedichte / Roman 21 Immobilienmarkt / Mietmarkt / Bostad 22 Motori / Technik und Motor / Mobiles Leben / Motor 23 Wetter / Tempo / Guardian weather pages 24 Sport / Leibesübungen 99 Other (Weekend, Två dagor, family, obituary, etc)

N.B. The Times: features: travel to be coded as travel (14), otherwise just as features (13) Dagens-Nyheter: Annons DN and Stockholm to be coded as other (99), Sverige as Innenpolitik (2) The Guardian: Guardian Home Pages are to be coded (2) or (3), according to whether the focus is respectively on a political issue or on other themes.

Appendix 415

SECTION II Section number as in the table above, if the article appears on two different sec- tions. The first will be First Page.

WORD COUNT The number of total words the article contains is counted, including headlines, author name, and additional headlines or quotes. If there is a picture accompanying the article whose caption counts less than 29 words, the caption word count is added to the total word count. The same is to be applied to schemes and info- graphics.

PICTURE Type of pictures relating to the article The pictures are coded only if they are situated directly close to the article or de- scribed by it. 00 No picture 10 Information graphics (Scheme or table, schematic chronology or list, Illustration of process and similar) 20 Photo 21 Photo of main person(s) 22 Photo of main theme or subject (animals, forest, etc.) 23 Photo of main object or symbol 24 Photo of main place 25 Other photo 99 Other type of picture

11.4.4 Substantial coding units:

ACTORS Actors and stakeholders here mean all the people, organisations, institutions, com- panies, etc, who take the floor, are interviewed, mentioned, talked about, or fo- cussed on. Only the actors in the headline and in the first paragraph of the article are coded, including headline, subheads and highlighted quotes or similar. If no actors appear within the first paragraph, the actors of the whole article are coded. Up to nine three-ciphered articles (repeatable) can be coded.

416 Appendix

Macro-level: Countries236 000 EU-countries or Europe 001 --- 002 Germany (or: Bayern, etc) 003 Italy (or: Sicily, etc) 004 Sweden (or: Skåne, etc) 005 United Kingdom (England, Britain…) 006 France 007 Other EU-countries (on date) 008 Other European non-EU-countries (like Norway, Switzerland, Romania, etc.) 009 Western countries in general (industrial- ised, rich, etc., countries, G8, OECD countries) 010 The USA (or: California, etc) 011 Canada 012 Australia 013 Japan 014 Other NIC than China and India (Newly Industrialised Countries or Big Emerging Markets, e.g. Philippines) 015 China 016 India 017 Korea 018 Russia 019 Least developed countries, Africa. 099 Other countries (example: Ukraine)

236 European non-EU countries (008) are all EU member states apart from those having an own category at the time the article is published. “009” countries belong to the OECD and are listed on http://www.oecd.org/countrieslist (11.11.2008). Other NIC than China and India (Newly Industrialised Countries or Big Emerging Markets) http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2010/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?sy=2008&ey=201 0&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=548%2C273%2C223%2C924%2C566%2C19 9%2C578%2C534%2C186&s=PPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=0&a=&pr1.x=67&pr1.y=16 (11.11.2008). The countries comprised in the category “least developed countries” (019) are listed on the UN website (as in http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm on 11.11.2008). The word Africa, sometimes comprising most least developed countries, is also coded the same way, and so are small developing island states and landlocked developing countries (http://www.unohrlls.org on 11.11.2008).

Appendix 417

Micro-level: People 100 Economists 101 Researchers/Scientists/Academics/Doctors 102 Experts/Technicians/Engineers 103 Politicians Opposition or other politicians237 104 Politicians Government 105 President/Chancellor/etc. 106 Journalists 107 NGO members or leaders or spokespersons 108 People „on the street“/citizens 109 Trade unionists 110 VIP persons or celebrities 111 Economy: entrepreneur 112 Economy: press spokesperson 113 Economy: CEO, president, member of board 114 Economy: workers’ representative 115 Economy: expert of a particular sector 116 Economy: employee or not clearly described 117 Economy: small company as in one-man company or enterprise (organic farmer, fisher, craftsman, etc.) 118 Spokesperson for citizens’ initiative or move- ment 119 Intellectual / Poet / Writer / Artist (living and dead) 120 Minorities 199 Other persons

Meso-level: Organisations and corporations 200 --- 201 United Nations, UN 202 UNESCO 203 UNEP 204 FAO 205 NATO or any national military body 206 Other international here unmentioned world- wide organisation or body 207 EU Commission

237 After the Swedish 17.09.06 election the SD became opposition party. After the Italian 09- 10.04.06 election the House of Freedoms parties became opposition.

418 Appendix

208 EU Parliament 209 EU Council 210 EU Environment DG 211 Other EU body 212 Conservative party (CDU, etc.) 213 Democratic party (Unione, SPD, etc.) 214 Left wing party (Vänsterpartiet, etc.) 215 Liberal party (FDP, Forza Italia, etc.) 216 Green party (die Grünen, etc.) 217 Other party (Lega Nord, etc.) 218 City, regional or local body 219 Trade union (GEW, CGIL, etc.) 220 Consumers’ association 221 Other companies explicitly and only dealing with environment or ecology related matters (e.g. Ökotest) 222 Citizens’ initiative, no profit association 223 Company (multinational or very big)238 224 Company (middle dimensions) 225 Company (small or very small) 226 Media stakeholder (website, radio, etc.) 227 Research institute, university 228 Greenpeace 229 WWF 230 Friends of the Earth 231 Other global environmental organisation 232 Other country-specific envir. org. 233 National health or environment body/authority (and WHO) 234 Science journal / scientific medium 235 Power plant, waste treatment plant 250 National legislative body 251 National executive body/Government 252 National juridical body 299 Other organisation

999 Other stakeholder

238 EU reference for choosing whether a company is small, medium or big: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/facts-figures-analysis/sme-definition/index _en.htm on 20.01.2008.

Appendix 419


Up to three themes (non repeatable) can be coded, but only after having read the whole article. The main theme the article deals with is the theme that plays the most important role. To identify it, the whole text needs to be examined. The main theme usually appears in the headline, in the subhead or in enhanced headlines and captions along the page. It usually is mentioned by the end of the first paragraph and the actors mentioned and previously coded help in defining it. Themes II and III can be equally important, minor or secondary themes, depending on the article. They are coded by reading the whole article and trying to understand its correlated or minor themes, again also on the basis of other actors or issues mentioned. If an article seems to have several themes all equally important, up to three of those are coded. The ‘main theme’ in this case will be the one more directly referring to the headline.

000 No theme present

1 – Environment in general and the natural sciences

100 Research results concerning animals and their habitats 101 Research results concerning plants and their habitats 102 Research results concerning specific landscapes 103 Research results concerning ecosystems (rainforest, sea and coastal areas, polar caps, glaciers, coral reefs…) 104 Research results concerning environmental catastrophes or phenomena caused by humans 105 Research results concerning global warming and climate change 106 Research results concerning pollution (of water, air, seas, soil, etc.) 107 Research results concerning new energy technologies and production 108 Research results concerning biodiversity, or applied genetic engineering 109 Reports about the environment in the media or in books and similar (meta- category) mentioning new discoveries 110 New environment-related projects 111 New publications

199 Other scientific aspects of environmental themes than mentioned or other results/reports/studies/publications

420 Appendix

2 – Environment and the economy

200 Fishing industry and stockbreeding 201 Agriculture 202 Use of land and building sector 203 Sustainability, sustainable development, ecological sustainability 204 Economies of developing countries and their environmental problems or situation 205 Transport and mobility (vehicles, public means of transport, cycle lanes, etc.) 206 Industry and measures against environmental damage or pollution 207 Energy production and power plants (nuclear plants, etc.) 208 Raw materials, fuels and natural resources 209 --- 210 Costs of measures for environmental protection, innovation, eco-investments 211 Environment-related taxes (carbon tax, etc.) 212 World trade (international business relationships and trade) 213 Tourism and its economic aspects 214 --- 215 --- 216 --- 217 Food/drinks, environmental aspects of production or marketing

299 Other economic aspects

3 – Politics and juridical aspects of environmental themes (such as directives, laws, bills, debates, enquires…)

300 Politics and animals (hunting and fishing laws, etc.) 301 Politics and plants (seed patents, etc.) 302 Law on/for/promoting environmental conservation, esp. regarding land use 303 NGOs and NPOs as political actors (Greenpeace, WWF, etc.) 304 Environmental policy and or in developing countries 305 Climate policy (emissions, etc.) 306 Industry and measures e.g. laws against environmental damage or pollution 307 Energy policy 308 Resources policy (supplies, etc.) 309 --- 310 Environment related political project 311 International agreements (e.g. Kyoto protocol, UN-Programmes) 312 ---

Appendix 421

313 --- 314 Internal environment-related debate, illegality debate 315 EU environment-related debate 316 Other policies or prescription concerning chemicals 317 Other policies or prescription concerning food

399 Other political or juridical aspects

4 – Environment and the (civil) society

400 Animals and the society 401 Plants and the society 402 Hunting and fishing and ecosystem or nature conservation issues 403 Demography and sustainable development issues 404 Diseases and epidemics, fires, draughts and other hazards 405 Lifestyles and impacts on climate 406 Waste, pollution and recycling issues 407 --- 408 --- 409 --- 410 Cultural events (charity concerts, Agenda 21 initiatives, initiatives for chil- dren that mainly deal with an environmental or ecological theme, etc.) 411 Environmental education and awareness raising (explicitly and about it) 412 Consumers 413 Recreation and tourism 414 Demonstrations and protests 415 Opinions about environment-related themes among the population (priori- ties in the society, behaviours, popular books and new non-scientific publications, etc.) 416 Poisoning or danger because of medicines, drugs, materials - Exposure to dangerous substances, lights, noises, other types of pollution than above 417 Health-related issues (like organic versus non organic food)

499 Other themes concerning environment and the civil society

998 Not detectable 999 Other environment-related theme

422 Appendix

Theme Scheme for practical use The symbol “—“ means that rows and columns are merely intersected, so for example the intersection of “science” and “animals” will result in theme 100, scien- tific results on e.g. research on animals.

Science 1 Economy 2 Politics 3 Society 4

00 Animals -- Fishing -- -- 01 Plants -- Agriculture -- -- 02 Landscapes -- Building sector Land use Hunt and fishing 03 Ecosystems -- Sustainability NGOs Sustainable dev 04 Catastrophes -- Developing c. Developing c. Diseases 05 GW Climate -- Transport -- Lifestyles 06 Pollution and -- Measures against -- Waste waste 07 Energy -- Production -- 08 Biodiversity -- Resources -- 09 N Discovery -- 10 N project -- Investments -- Cultural events 11 N publication -- Taxes Kyoto etc Education 12 Trade -- Consumers 13 Tourism -- -- 14 Protests -- Internal debate Protests 15 Debate EU debate Opinions 16 Chemicals -- Danger 17 Food -- -- Health

99 Other 199 Other 299 Other 399 Other 499 Other 999 other or none

Appendix 423

Thesaurus for the term search – one-page excerpt

424 Appendix

11.5 Guideline for the interviews

Semi-structured interview, English version: The research study is introduced. Author’s name and research subject are men- tioned. Permission for recording is asked. A formal approach is avoided, so the question order below is merely indicative.

Formal questions: How long have you been working for …? What is your position? What contract do you have? Do you work for other committers? Why do you work as a …? Have you ever lived abroad, do you know any foreign languages? How did you start to deal with the environment? E.g. university, private activi- ties, etc.

Substantial questions: 1) What is your job like, what do you like best and what would you change? 2) How do you write a news item? Which sources do you use? Does your background play a role there, in your opinion? 3) What are the factors playing a role in the way you select and write news items? Have you experienced any difficulty or pressure in this respect? 4) Which readers do you have in mind and what are your intentions towards them? E.g. simplify, etc. 5) How has your job changed over the years, especially with respect to the Inter- net? 6) As for environment, what kind of differences do you see between the different papers in …? How do you assess your newspaper? 7) How would you judge your country’s environmental tradition? 8) As for environment in the media of …, have you noticed any change over the years? 9) As for the other EU countries and environment in their media, what come sto your mind? Are you in contact with your colleagues abroad, or do you read what they write? 10) What are the future challenges of your profession? How should good envi- ronmental communication be?

Appendix 425

11.6 List of interviews

ITALY La Repubblica: Antonio Cianciullo on October 25th, 2010, at 16:00 Il Corriere della Sera: Giovanni Caprara October 8th, 2010, at 21:30

GERMANY Süddeutsche Zeitung: Michael Bauchmüller on November 21th, 2010, at 12:00 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Richard Friebe on December 15th, 2010, at 16:20

SWEDEN Göteborgs-Posten: Niklas Aronsson on November 25th, 2010, at 12:00 Dagens-Nyheter: Karin Bojs on November 11th, 2010, at 13:00

UK The Guardian: John Vidal on October 23th, 2010, at 11:30 The Times: Lewis Smith on November 29th, 2010, at 12:00