BOOK REVIEWS Klaus Barthelmess. The Arts of Modern concerning the biological parameters of Whaling. Sandefjord, Norway: The the raw material, the whales, about the Whaling Museum, Publication 32, history of their products on the world’s
[email protected], 2007. markets and about the industry’s 58 pp., illustrations, bibliography. ISBN: technology and history. He envisioned 978-82-993797-5-5. his whaling museum as a research institution about the beginning of the This publication, accompanying Norwegian whaling industry, at its an exhibit, was published on the occasion scientific foundation, rather than at its of the nintieth anniversary of Commander end, as a memorial to a whaling industry C.R. Christensen’s Whaling Museum in that had long declined to insignificance, Sandefjord, Norway. With his keen as is the whaling museum in New interest in cetology, biology, art and Bedford, America’s once-leading whaling history, combined with his talent for port.” (p.5) writing, Klaus Barthelmess from Cologne, Apart from being an entre- Germany, seemed to be the ideal preneur, Lars Christensen was an art candidate to bring together a wide array connoisseur. His interest in architecture is of artefacts – at first glance, with no reflected in the museum building. Given apparent interrelationship other than the breadth of Christensen’s interests it is whaling. Barthelmess creates categories perhaps fitting that the author’s lengthy along rather unconventional lines and his introduction frequently reaches beyond catalogue presents the reader with a the particulars of the exhibit to discuss the colourful bouquet of topics, materials and broader historical development, and data regarding the artists.