Wadworth DATE EVENT Henry’s IPA (3.6%) 4th Football FA Cup Third Round Weekend We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with an ABV of 3.6% it’s a 6th Football League Cup Semi-Finals First Leg light bronze ale with delicate malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. 27th Football League Cup Semi-Finals Second Leg 20th – 22nd (February) Tennis Australian Open Bronze Malt £59.99 25th Football FA Cup Fourth Round Weekend PER 9 GALLON Balanced ●

February 2020 Wadworth 1st – 14th (March) Rugby Union Six Nations Tournament Horizon (4.0%) 2nd NFL Super Bowl Horizon is a great for those new to ale. e golden ale is packed with 100% malt and a blend of classic and New World hops. It oers 18th & 19th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg zesty, citrus and hop aromas and a crisp, tangy nish on the palate. 20th Football Europa League Last-32 First Leg 25th & 26th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg Golden 27th Football Europa League Last-32 Citrus £67.50 Second Leg PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Bitter ● Citrus

March 2020 Wadworth 6X (4.1%) 1st Football League Cup Final For many ale drinkers, 6X is the only option, so if you’ve never tried it, 4th Football FA Cup Fifth Round Weekend don’t wait any longer. Full bodied and distinctive, it’s a strong premium ale 10th & 11th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg with an ABV of 4.1% 12th Football Europa League Last-16 First Leg 17th & 18th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg Chestnut 19th Football Europa League Last-16 Second Leg Caramel £78.99 21st Football FA Cup Quarter-Finals PER 9 GALLON Full Bodied ● Nutty UPCOMING EVENTS January Beers


Wadworth DATE EVENT Henry’s IPA (3.6%) 4th Football FA Cup Third Round Weekend We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with an ABV of 3.6% it’s a 6th Football League Cup Semi-Finals First Leg light bronze ale with delicate malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. 27th Football League Cup Semi-Finals Second Leg 20th – 22nd (February) Tennis Australian Open Bronze Malt £59.99 25th Football FA Cup Fourth Round Weekend PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Bitter

February 2020 Wadworth 1st – 14th (March) Rugby Union Six Nations Tournament Horizon (4.0%) 2nd NFL Super Bowl Horizon is a great beer for those new to ale. e golden ale is packed with 100% pale ale malt and a blend of classic and New World hops. It oers 18th & 19th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg zesty, citrus and hop aromas and a crisp, tangy nish on the palate. 20th Football Europa League Last-32 First Leg 25th & 26th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg Golden 27th Football Europa League Last-32 Citrus £67.50 Second Leg PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Bitter ● Citrus

March 2020 Wadworth 6X (4.1%) 1st Football League Cup Final For many ale drinkers, 6X is the only option, so if you’ve never tried it, 4th Football FA Cup Fifth Round Weekend don’t wait any longer. Full bodied and distinctive, it’s a strong premium ale 10th & 11th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg with an ABV of 4.1% 12th Football Europa League Last-16 First Leg 17th & 18th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg Chestnut 19th Football Europa League Last-16 Second Leg Caramel £78.99 21st Football FA Cup Quarter-Finals PER 9 GALLON Full Bodied ● Nutty February Beers


Wells & Co Charlie’s Late Hop (3.6%) An English Pale Ale where malt sweetness is balanced crisp bitterness and wonderful Tropical fruit and citrus late hop notes

Pale Ale Tropical £75.99 PER 9 GALLON Citrus

Wells & Co Rambler (4.3%) Blending malt and rye perfectly with Chinook and Galena hops, this refreshing ruby red is fruity on the nose with an initial taste and lingering crisp hop nish

Ruby Red Fruity £79.99 PER 9 GALLON Malty


Over 140 years of expertise has helped grow a small family business in Bedford into one of the UK’s most respected companies and brewers. We take great pride in our heritage, still promoting the same values as our founder Charles Wells to this day, focusing on quality and innovation but keeping our customers at the heart of everything we do.

In 2017 we sold the old brewery site in Bedford and started the the search for a new Brewery location to continue our brewing heritage but focusing on small batch brewing of cask ales speciality ales and lagers . Fast-forward almost two years: we’ve brewed 22 exciting collaboration beers, received a huge amount of positive consumer feedback, and are now ready to take the project onto its next phase with the opening of the New Bedford Brewpoint Brewery in the summer of 2020. Price Fighter Feature Beer LocalLocal HeroesHeroes LangtonLangton -- LeicestershireLeicestershire AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy e e LaLangtonngton BrBrewewereryy waswas establishedestablished inin 19991999 atat thethe BeBellll IInnnn atat EaEastst LaLangton,ngton, rerelocalocatitingng toto o orperpe LaLangtonngton inin 20052005 ddueue toto incrincreaseeasedd prprodoductiuctionon cacapacipacityty.. HeHerere atat thethe LaLangtonngton BrBrewewerery,y, wewe prprododuceuce traditradititiononalal beerbeer usingusing ononlyly thethe nestnest ingringredienedientsts toto gigiveve thethe didisscerningcerning drinkerdrinker aa selectioselectionn ofof wellwell balancedbalanced andand distinctivedistinctive beers.beers.

InclinedInclined PlanePlane (4.2%)(4.2%) UnionUnion WharWharff (4.0%)(4.0%) AA RefrRefreshingeshing ambamberer colocolourureded bittbitterer wiwithth aa lighlightt AA fullfull bodiedbodied ccoppopperer colocolourureded aleale namednamed aeraer thethe o oralral nish.nish. AA lalatete addiaddititionon ofof thethe AmarilloAmarillo hophop famofamousus UUnionionn wharfwharf inin MaMarketrket HaHarbrbououghgh.. instilsinstils aa distinctdistinct cicitrustrus a avourvour.. FirstFirst BrBreweweded inin 2004,2004, andand namednamed aeraer thethe cacanalnal boboatat lili bubuililtt inin 19001900 atat FoFoxtxtonon Locks.Locks.

AmberAmber CopperCopper CitrusCitrus FruitFruit £76.59£76.59 FruityFruity £76.29£76.29 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN BalancedBalanced CitrusCitrus ●● Hoppy Hoppy CitrusCitrus


ThomasThomas LiftLift (4.4%)(4.4%) TTopop LockLock (3.9%)(3.9%) AA generousgenerous addiaddititionon ofof cacaramelramel maltsmalts denesdenes thisthis AA rerefrfreshingeshing goldengolden bittebitter,r, veveryry smoosmoothth andand criscrisp.p. deepdeep cheschestntnutut aale;le; wiwithth aa sweetnesssweetness onon thethe palpalatatee SingSinglele hhoppoppeded wiwithth BrBrewewersers GoGold,ld, gigivivingng aa sweetsweet whicwhichh isis oosetset byby pinepine andand cicitrustrus a avourvour notes.notes. isis andand maltymalty balabalancence toto aa rerefrfreshingeshing warmwarm weweatatherher alale,e, isis aa luluscioscious,us, full-bodiedfull-bodied brbrewew whichwhich willwill leleavavee youyou perfperfectect forfor thethe ssummerummer momontnthshs aheaahead.d. wawantntinging ananototheher.r.

ChestnutChestnut GoldenGolden

CaramelCaramel ●● Floral Floral HopHop £74.99£74.99 HoppyHoppy £74.99£74.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN MaltyMalty ●● Fruit Fruit SmoothSmooth ●● Crisp Crisp

£59.99 PhippsPhipps -- NorNorthamptonthampton PER 9 GALLON AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy PhippsPhipps NoNortrthahampmptonton BrBrewewereryy CoCompmpananyy hashas reretuturnedrned toto iitsts roroootsts inin aa ViVictctororiaiann brbrewewereryy inin thethe hearheartt ofof NoNortrthahampmpton,ton, 4040 yeyearsars aeraer Phipps'Phipps' BrBridgeidge StStrereetet BrBrewewereryy closedclosed..

The Brewery PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY Originally founded by Henry Alfred Wadworth, the business passed to his founding partner PhippsPhipps IPIPAA (4.3%)(4.3%) DiamondDiamond AleAle (3.7%)(3.7%) John Smith Bartholomew and is now in the fourth generation of ownership by the Bartholomew family. AA classicclassic blendblend ofof GoGoldingsldings && FuFugglesggles hopshops gigivesves thethe AA palepale amamberber haharvrvestest aleale broubroughghtt babackck toto lifelife frfromom characcharacteteriristicstic EnglishEnglish aleale a avoursvours toto theirtheir full-bodfull-bod-- frfromom Phipps'Phipps' 19th19th cencentuturyry,, leleatathherer boboundund brbrewewer'ser's Our skills and cra are hugely important to us, and this is all backed up by a state of the art Steinecker iedied beerbeer.. ee balbalanceance ofof bittebitternesrnesss andand sweetness,sweetness, boobooks.ks. isis isis thethe ooldestldest rerecicipepe wewe brbrewew totodaday;y; aa lighlight,t, alliedallied toto aa smoosmoothth hopphoppyy aeraer-taste,-taste, crcreaeatestes aa mostmost brbrigightht andand sparksparklingling aleale develodevelopedped inin thethe eaearlyrly 1860s1860s brew house ensuring that our beers are the highest quality and consistency possible. atat Phipps'Phipps' ororiginaliginal ToTowwcestercester BrBrewewereryy toto ooerer drinkabledrinkable pipintnt andand oourur agshi agshipp brbrewew.. rerefrfreshmeneshmentt toto thethe farmfarm woworkers.rkers. PalePale PalePale GoldGold

Wadworth HoppyHoppy ●● Spicy Spicy ●● Orange Orange £72.99£72.99 FruitFruit ●● Hop Hop ●● Floral Floral £79.99£79.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN Henry’s IPA (3.6%) GrapefruitGrapefruit ●● Malty Malty DrDryy ●● Crisp Crisp ●● Full Full Bronze PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY SEASONASEASONALL BecketsBeckets Ale*Ale* (4.5%)(4.5%) RedRed StarStar (3.8%)(3.8%) We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with Malt an ABV of 3.6% it’s a light bronze ale with delicate WeWe hahaveve craedcraed aa sweetsweet dadarkrk andand maltymalty pipintnt wiwithth isis isis aa deepdeep rered,d, nuttnuttyy 3.8%3.8% bittbitterer basedbased onon thethe ooldld honehoneyy thethe kekeyy coconsnstitituentuent,t, anan ingringredieedientnt ooenen NBNBCC rerecicipepe,, passedpassed onon toto usus byby PaPatt HeHeroronn whowho startedstarted malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with Balanced ● Bitter foundfound inin MeMedievaldieval ales.ales. BeBecket'scket's AleAle wonwon thethe bebestst atat NBNBCC inin 1954.1954. Pat’Pat’ss fafatherther waswas HeHeadad BrBrewewerer atat NBNBC’C’ss ArArtisatisann DrinkDrink awawardard atat 2015's2015's NoNortrthahampmptonshiretonshire PhoPhoenixenix BrBrewewereryy onon BridgeBridge StStrereetet befobeforere him.him. cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. FFoodood && DrinkDrink AwAwardsards.. DarkDark BrownBrown DeepDeep RedRed

MaltyMalty ●● Honey Honey £78.00£78.00 MaltyMalty £89.99£89.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN AVAILABLE JANUARY & FEBRUARY FruityFruity ●● Honey Honey BitterBitter BalancedBalanced *ALLOW*ALLOW 11 DADAYY TOTO ORDER,ORDER, NOTNOT HELDHELD ININ STOCKSTOCK Price Fighter Feature Beer LocalLocal HeroesHeroes LangtonLangton -- LeicestershireLeicestershire AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy e e LaLangtonngton BrBrewewereryy waswas establishedestablished inin 19991999 atat thethe BeBellll IInnnn atat EaEastst LaLangton,ngton, rerelocalocatitingng toto o orperpe LaLangtonngton inin 20052005 ddueue toto incrincreaseeasedd prprodoductiuctionon cacapacipacityty.. HeHerere atat thethe LaLangtonngton BrBrewewerery,y, wewe prprododuceuce traditradititiononalal beerbeer usingusing ononlyly thethe nestnest ingringredienedientsts toto gigiveve thethe didisscerningcerning drinkerdrinker aa selectioselectionn ofof wellwell balancedbalanced andand distinctivedistinctive beers.beers.

InclinedInclined PlanePlane (4.2%)(4.2%) UnionUnion WharWharff (4.0%)(4.0%) AA RefrRefreshingeshing ambamberer colocolourureded bittbitterer wiwithth aa lighlightt AA fullfull bodiedbodied ccoppopperer colocolourureded aleale namednamed aeraer thethe o oralral nish.nish. AA lalatete addiaddititionon ofof thethe AmarilloAmarillo hophop famofamousus UUnionionn wharfwharf inin MaMarketrket HaHarbrbououghgh.. instilsinstils aa distinctdistinct cicitrustrus a avourvour.. FirstFirst BrBreweweded inin 2004,2004, andand namednamed aeraer thethe cacanalnal boboatat lili bubuililtt inin 19001900 atat FoFoxtxtonon Locks.Locks.

AmberAmber CopperCopper CitrusCitrus FruitFruit £76.59£76.59 FruityFruity £76.29£76.29 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN BalancedBalanced CitrusCitrus ●● Hoppy Hoppy CitrusCitrus


ThomasThomas LiftLift (4.4%)(4.4%) TTopop LockLock (3.9%)(3.9%) AA generousgenerous addiaddititionon ofof cacaramelramel maltsmalts denesdenes thisthis AA rerefrfreshingeshing goldengolden bittebitter,r, veveryry smoosmoothth andand criscrisp.p. deepdeep cheschestntnutut aale;le; wiwithth aa sweetnesssweetness onon thethe palpalatatee SingSinglele hhoppoppeded wiwithth BrBrewewersers GoGold,ld, gigivivingng aa sweetsweet whicwhichh isis oosetset byby pinepine andand cicitrustrus a avourvour notes.notes. isis andand maltymalty balabalancence toto aa rerefrfreshingeshing warmwarm weweatatherher alale,e, isis aa luluscioscious,us, full-bodiedfull-bodied brbrewew whichwhich willwill leleavavee youyou perfperfectect forfor thethe ssummerummer momontnthshs aheaahead.d. wawantntinging ananototheher.r.

ChestnutChestnut GoldenGolden

CaramelCaramel ●● Floral Floral HopHop £74.99£74.99 HoppyHoppy £74.99£74.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN MaltyMalty ●● Fruit Fruit SmoothSmooth ●● Crisp Crisp

£59.99 PhippsPhipps -- NorNorthamptonthampton PER 9 GALLON AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy PhippsPhipps NoNortrthahampmptonton BrBrewewereryy CoCompmpananyy hashas reretuturnedrned toto iitsts roroootsts inin aa ViVictctororiaiann brbrewewereryy inin thethe hearheartt ofof NoNortrthahampmpton,ton, 4040 yeyearsars aeraer Phipps'Phipps' BrBridgeidge StStrereetet BrBrewewereryy closedclosed..

The Brewery PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY Originally founded by Henry Alfred Wadworth, the business passed to his founding partner PhippsPhipps IPIPAA (4.3%)(4.3%) DiamondDiamond AleAle (3.7%)(3.7%) John Smith Bartholomew and is now in the fourth generation of ownership by the Bartholomew family. AA classicclassic blendblend ofof GoGoldingsldings && FuFugglesggles hopshops gigivesves thethe AA palepale amamberber haharvrvestest aleale broubroughghtt babackck toto lifelife frfromom characcharacteteriristicstic EnglishEnglish aleale a avoursvours toto theirtheir full-bodfull-bod-- frfromom Phipps'Phipps' 19th19th cencentuturyry,, leleatathherer boboundund brbrewewer'ser's Our skills and cra are hugely important to us, and this is all backed up by a state of the art Steinecker iedied beerbeer.. ee balbalanceance ofof bittebitternesrnesss andand sweetness,sweetness, boobooks.ks. isis isis thethe ooldestldest rerecicipepe wewe brbrewew totodaday;y; aa lighlight,t, alliedallied toto aa smoosmoothth hopphoppyy aeraer-taste,-taste, crcreaeatestes aa mostmost brbrigightht andand sparksparklingling aleale develodevelopedped inin thethe eaearlyrly 1860s1860s brew house ensuring that our beers are the highest quality and consistency possible. atat Phipps'Phipps' ororiginaliginal ToTowwcestercester BrBrewewereryy toto ooerer drinkabledrinkable pipintnt andand oourur agshi agshipp brbrewew.. rerefrfreshmeneshmentt toto thethe farmfarm woworkers.rkers. PalePale PalePale GoldGold

Wadworth HoppyHoppy ●● Spicy Spicy ●● Orange Orange £72.99£72.99 FruitFruit ●● Hop Hop ●● Floral Floral £79.99£79.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN Henry’s IPA (3.6%) GrapefruitGrapefruit ●● Malty Malty DrDryy ●● Crisp Crisp ●● Full Full Bronze PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY SEASONASEASONALL BecketsBeckets Ale*Ale* (4.5%)(4.5%) RedRed StarStar (3.8%)(3.8%) We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with Malt an ABV of 3.6% it’s a light bronze ale with delicate WeWe hahaveve craedcraed aa sweetsweet dadarkrk andand maltymalty pipintnt wiwithth isis isis aa deepdeep rered,d, nuttnuttyy 3.8%3.8% bittbitterer basedbased onon thethe ooldld honehoneyy thethe kekeyy coconsnstitituentuent,t, anan ingringredieedientnt ooenen NBNBCC rerecicipepe,, passedpassed onon toto usus byby PaPatt HeHeroronn whowho startedstarted malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with Balanced ● Bitter foundfound inin MeMedievaldieval ales.ales. BeBecket'scket's AleAle wonwon thethe bebestst atat NBNBCC inin 1954.1954. Pat’Pat’ss fafatherther waswas HeHeadad BrBrewewerer atat NBNBC’C’ss ArArtisatisann DrinkDrink awawardard atat 2015's2015's NoNortrthahampmptonshiretonshire PhoPhoenixenix BrBrewewereryy onon BridgeBridge StStrereetet befobeforere him.him. cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. FFoodood && DrinkDrink AwAwardsards.. DarkDark BrownBrown DeepDeep RedRed

MaltyMalty ●● Honey Honey £78.00£78.00 MaltyMalty £89.99£89.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN AVAILABLE JANUARY & FEBRUARY FruityFruity ●● Honey Honey BitterBitter BalancedBalanced *ALLOW*ALLOW 11 DADAYY TOTO ORDER,ORDER, NOTNOT HELDHELD ININ STOCKSTOCK

Northamptons Core Cask Partners Partnerships


Adnams Brewery has a long and rich heritage. Beer has been brewed on the same site as the present brewery for at least 670 years. We’re proud of our long history of brewing, and we are constantly experimenting with new, innovative techniques. We’ve developed a network of great friends all over the brewing world, and we’re keen to share our knowledge and learn from others too. Adnams brews a range of beers which reect our heritage but also challenge conventions. Each one has its own unique and vibrant character that will appeal to drinkers who cherish individuality and seek out beers with personality and style. We use locally-grown East Anglian grains of malted barley, rye, wheat and oats wherever possible, and deploy a number of di erent hop varieties from Britain as well as across the world – all of which contribute to our beers’ individual characters.

Black Sheep Brewery

In 1992, Paul †eakston dared to follow his heart and build a new brewery from scratch following the takeover of his family’s brewing ‡rm. Paul dreamt of a perfect tasting, quality Yorkshire bitter - light amber, grassy fresh with a hoppy bite - and Black Sheep Best Bitter was born. It has been and remains a top ten best selling beer brand nationwide, is by far the biggest selling beer brewed by Black Sheep and is the oŠcial beer of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. †e sixth generation of the †eakston family brewing heritage is now proudly part of the Black Sheep story with Paul's eldest two sons, Rob and Jo, now running the business. Black Sheep continues to brew much loved cask, keg and bottled beers in the time-honoured fashion, whilst going against the grain with a ow of new and experimental brews.

Bath Ales Brewery

Roger Jones began the company in September 1995 when he rented premises and a brew plant on the outskirts of Wincanton in Somerset, bringing together two other partners, Richard Dempster and Rab Clark. †e name Bath Ales was hatched in a sincere attempt to give the brewery an identity with the idea for the hare, inspired by the Westbury White Horse carved in chalk. In September 1997 the three partners purchased †e Masons Arms pub in Kingsdown, Bristol. †ey changed the name to †e Hare on the Hill. In February 1998, mainly with the monies from the Hare on the Hill revenue - the pub had been very successful - the brewery was purchased and moved to Siston Common, a location in East Bristol.

Fullers Brewery

Is a independent family regional brewery founded in 1845 in Chiswick, West London. 1845 is a year that will forever be Fuller’s. It was then that the partnership papers of Fuller, Smith & Turner were oŠcially signed, marking the start of something very special for London’s brewery scene. However, the Fuller’s story had been brewing long before then. Beer has been made in this part of the capital for more than 350 years, dating back to the era of Oliver Cromwell. Following incorporation, a wave of acclaimed ales came out of the brewery. Chiswick Bitter arrived on the scene in 1930. Into the ‘50s, London Pride took centre stage. †en, in 1971, ESB was launched. Awards started owing as freely as the beer, and we soon became the ‡rst brewery to win the CAMRA award with three separate brews.

Greene King

It’s our rich heritage of more than 200 years that has taught us how to brew award-winning beer and operate from our base in Bury St. Edmunds ever since the company was founded in 1799 by 19 year-old Benjamin Greene. As a company, we pride ourselves on consistently o ering exceptional value, service and quality to all our customers. †is ethos is central to everything we do in our business: the products that we o er, the ales that we brew, the a ordable prices that we charge, the team members who serve our customers. Partnerships Partnerships

Adnams Hook Norton Sitting in its beautiful, mellow Cotswold Hills landscape, Hook Norton is a proudly independent and Adnams Brewery has a long and rich heritage. Beer has been brewed on the same site as the present passionate family business that takes the very best of its hand-cra›ed brewing heritage and combines brewery for at least 670 years. We’re proud of our long history of brewing, and we are constantly it with a thoroughly modern approach, to create a range of real ales for today’s drinkers to enjoy. experimenting with new, innovative techniques. We’ve developed a network of great friends all over the brewing world, and we’re keen to share our knowledge and learn from others too. Hook Norton is one of only 32 family owned breweries and is the €nest example of a Victorian Tower Brewery in the country. Of course, the brewery is about so much more than just its fantastic range of Adnams brews a range of beers which reect our heritage but also challenge conventions. Each one award winning beers. We welcome over 25,000 visitors a year to our Visitor Centre and 37 of our has its own unique and vibrant character that will appeal to drinkers who cherish individuality and pubs are at the heart of many of local communities, serving great drink and food to the region. seek out beers with personality and style. We use locally-grown East Anglian grains of malted barley, rye, wheat and oats wherever possible, and deploy a number of di erent hop varieties from Britain as Robinsons well as across the world – all of which contribute to our beers’ individual characters. Based in the heart of Stockport for almost two centuries, a proud family of independent brewers, Black Sheep Brewery Robinsons is one of the most advanced and sophisticated breweries in the UK, with a worldwide reputation for . It’s also home to the largest hopnik in the world. From here we apply decades of In 1992, Paul †eakston dared to follow his heart and build a new brewery from scratch following the experience to create exciting new varieties and choices of „avour that will lead us towards our next takeover of his family’s brewing ‡rm. Paul dreamt of a perfect tasting, quality Yorkshire bitter - light award-winning beer. amber, grassy fresh with a hoppy bite - and Black Sheep Best Bitter was born. It has been and remains a top ten best selling beer brand nationwide, is by far the biggest selling beer brewed by Black Sheep Marstons and is the oŠcial beer of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. e foundations of our company were laid in 1890 when three breweries in the midlands came †e sixth generation of the †eakston family brewing heritage is now proudly part of the Black Sheep together to form Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries. We are now operate over 1,700 sites in the story with Paul's eldest two sons, Rob and Jo, now running the business. Black Sheep continues to UK, and the world’s largest brewer of Cask Ale. Our „agship Cask brand, Marstons Pedigree, is the brew much loved cask, keg and bottled beers in the time-honoured fashion, whilst going against the only beer in the world brewed using the famous ‘Burton Union’ system. In 2009 we invented grain with a ow of new and experimental brews. FastCask™, a system that makes it much easier for pubs to store and serve cask ales. We now operate €ve breweries producing over 60 of the country's best loved ales at our sites in: Bath Ales Brewery Burton on Trent (Marston’s), Oxfordshire (Wychwood & Brakspear), Cumbria (Jennings), Hampshire (Ringwood), West Midlands (Banks’s) and Bedford (Eagle Brewery). Roger Jones began the company in September 1995 when he rented premises and a brew plant on the outskirts of Wincanton in Somerset, bringing together two other partners, Richard Dempster and Sharps Rab Clark. †e name Bath Ales was hatched in a sincere attempt to give the brewery an identity with the idea for the hare, inspired by the Westbury White Horse carved in chalk. In September 1997 the Sharp's Brewery was founded in 1994 in Rock, Cornwall, when enterprising brewer Bill Sharp set three partners purchased †e Masons Arms pub in Kingsdown, Bristol. †ey changed the name to out on a mission: to make exceptional quality beer on the North coat of Cornwall. With a small †e Hare on the Hill. In February 1998, mainly with the monies from the Hare on the Hill revenue - micro brew plant and an ambition to brew 500 pints per week to pay the mortgage, Sharp's Beer was the pub had been very successful - the brewery was purchased and moved to Siston Common, a born. Brewed with time honoured brewing techniques and only the €nest quality ingredients, our location in East Bristol. beer developed a signature style that continues to this day; balanced, elegant, highly drinkable with a complexity of „avours and a moreish €nish.

Fullers Brewery Shepherd Neame e Faversham Brewery is home to Shepherd Neame, Britain’s Oldest Brewer. Nestled in the Is a independent family regional brewery founded in 1845 in Chiswick, West London. 1845 is a year medieval market town of Faversham in Kent, brewing has continued on this site for centuries. that will forever be Fuller’s. It was then that the partnership papers of Fuller, Smith & Turner were oŠcially signed, marking the start of something very special for London’s brewery scene. However, Using natural ingredients, such as mineral water from the town’s aquifer and local hops, our brewers the Fuller’s story had been brewing long before then. Beer has been made in this part of the capital produce Kentish ales bursting with character and renowned international lagers. Our brewers blend for more than 350 years, dating back to the era of Oliver Cromwell. art and science to produce award-winning beer we want you to enjoy time and time again. Following incorporation, a wave of acclaimed ales came out of the brewery. Chiswick Bitter arrived on the scene in 1930. Into the ‘50s, London Pride took centre stage. †en, in 1971, ESB was launched. St Austell Awards started owing as freely as the beer, and we soon became the ‡rst brewery to win the CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain award with three separate brews. Founded in 1851 by Cornishman Walter Hicks, today St Austell Brewery remains 100% independent and family owned. St Austell Brewery operates a growing and diverse business. Our brewery in St Austell produces many of the region’s most popular beers for sale in pubs, bars and supermarkets in Cornwall, Devon, across the UK and also overseas.

It’s our rich heritage of more than 200 years that has taught us how to brew award-winning beer and Timothy Taylor operate pubs from our base in Bury St. Edmunds ever since the company was founded in 1799 by 19 year-old Benjamin Greene. As a company, we pride ourselves on consistently o ering exceptional Timothy Taylor established the Brewery in the centre of Keighley in 1858, moving to e Knowle value, service and quality to all our customers. †is ethos is central to everything we do in our Spring, our present site, in 1863. e principle of not accepting second best was laid down and business: the products that we o er, the ales that we brew, the a ordable prices that we charge, the remains with us to the present day. is means that the very €nest ingredients are used to brew the team members who serve our customers. best possible beers, with Landlord winning many awards. Core Cask Extended Selection Core Cask Extended Selection

Adnams - Southwold Bath Ales - Bristol

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY Adnams Adnams Bath Ales Bath Ales Southwold Bitter (3.7%) (4.1%) Gem (4.1%) Prophecy (3.8%) Southwold Bitter is a beautiful copper-coloured beer, late and Old Ale is one of Adnams oldest beer recipes dating back to Gem is a quintessentially English beer, brewed with skill and Prophecy is a dry, bitter yet complex pale ale that will dry-hopped with fuggles for a distinctive, lingering hoppiness. 1890. Its dark red/brown in colour with an aroma of caramel passion using oor-malted Maris Otter barley and Goldings challenge the taste buds. It’s brewed using Columbus and and nutty chocolate. e to ee and chocolate also come hops from Kent. Chinook hops to provide contrasting fruit and pine avours through on the palate along with hints of red fruits, all and aromas. balanced by a smooth bitterness. Auburn Pale Gold Copper Dark Red / Brown Spicy Hop ● Malt ● Toffee Fruit Citrus ● Lemon ● Grapefruit Weighty ● Hop £76.40 Caramel ● Nutty Chocolate £76.99 £76.20 £76.20 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Sweet ● Bitter Grapefruit ● Dry ● Bitter Finish Dry ● Moreish ● Clean Malty ● Smooth ● Bitter

PRE ORDER ONLY Adnams Adnams Ghostship (4.5%) Lighthouse (3.4%) Ghost Ship is a pale ale with an assertive pithy bitterness, biscuit Lighthouse takes its name from one of the most iconic €avours and fresh citrus aromas. landmarks in Adanms home town of Southwold.

Amber Pale Gold

● Lemon Lime £83.90 Hoppy £60.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON ● Citrus Biscuit Malty

Black Sheep - N. Yorkshire Fuller’s Brewery - London


Black Sheep Black Sheep Fuller’s Fuller’s Best Bitter (3.8%) Pale Ale (4.0%) London Pride (4.1%) Fresh Tracks (4.6%) Wonderfully crisp with a peppery hop and a long dry, satisfying Brand new for 2019! Punchy & aromatic pint inspired by the Best known for it’s exceptional balance of malt Who says winter beers have to be dark and heavy? is is a light and hoppy IPA that says winter’s nish. e de nitive quality session beer. Uncompromised, modern beer movement whilst also staying true to our British and hops, giving rise to well-rounded avour. dark enough already... qua-able and moreish. and Yorkshire brewing heritage.

Amber Gold Pale Straw Amber Pale Gold

Smooth ● Balanced ● Fruity £77.90 Citrus ● Mango £72.29 Fruity ● Malts £95.00 Pine ● Citrus £88.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Malty ● Fruity Citrus ● Sweet ● Tropical Balanced ● Hops ● Malt Biscuit ● Stone Fruit

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Black Sheep Black Sheep Fuller’s Fuller’s Holy Grail (4.0%) Ram Tackle (4.1%) Hophead (3.8%) Swing Low (3.5%) A refreshing, full avoured golden ale with a fruity palate and a is 4.1% Ruby Ale is packed with 8 dierent English An extremely clean drinking pale golden ale with a strong oral Named a­er Englands rousing rugby anthem, this is a hoppy dry bitter nish. hops, giving beautifully rich, fruity characters throughout. aroma and elderower notes from the Cascade hops. is beer sessionable ale that will strike a chord with all fans of the A complex malt base adds a deant and charismatic layer is full bodied and full avoured yet gentle enough to make it a oval ball. to this robust ale! favourite session beer.

Light Amber Ruby Pale Gold Tan Elderflower ● Floral Flowery Hop Rich Fruit £75.99 Raisins ● Biscuit ● Caramel £74.99 £73.99 £73.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Light ● Elderflower Malty Fruit ● Bitter Finish Fruit ● Biscuit ● Malt

BUY 2 X 9G FROM THE BLACK SHEEP RANGE AND RECEIVE £5 OFF EACH CASK Core Cask Extended Selection Core Cask Extended Selection

Adnams - Southwold Bath Ales - Bristol

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY Adnams Adnams Bath Ales Bath Ales Southwold Bitter (3.7%) Old Ale (4.1%) Gem (4.1%) Prophecy (3.8%) Southwold Bitter is a beautiful copper-coloured beer, late and Old Ale is one of Adnams oldest beer recipes dating back to Gem is a quintessentially English beer, brewed with skill and Prophecy is a dry, bitter yet complex pale ale that will dry-hopped with fuggles for a distinctive, lingering hoppiness. 1890. Its dark red/brown in colour with an aroma of caramel passion using oor-malted Maris Otter barley and Goldings challenge the taste buds. It’s brewed using Columbus and and nutty chocolate. e to ee and chocolate also come hops from Kent. Chinook hops to provide contrasting fruit and pine avours through on the palate along with hints of red fruits, all and aromas. balanced by a smooth bitterness. Auburn Pale Gold Copper Dark Red / Brown Spicy Hop ● Malt ● Toffee Fruit Citrus ● Lemon ● Grapefruit Weighty ● Hop £76.40 Caramel ● Nutty Chocolate £76.99 £76.20 £76.20 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Sweet ● Bitter Grapefruit ● Dry ● Bitter Finish Dry ● Moreish ● Clean Malty ● Smooth ● Bitter

PRE ORDER ONLY Adnams Adnams Ghostship (4.5%) Lighthouse (3.4%) Ghost Ship is a pale ale with an assertive pithy bitterness, biscuit Lighthouse takes its name from one of the most iconic €avours and fresh citrus aromas. landmarks in Adanms home town of Southwold.

Amber Pale Gold

● Lemon Lime £83.90 Hoppy £60.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON ● Citrus Biscuit Malty

Black Sheep - N. Yorkshire Fuller’s Brewery - London


Black Sheep Black Sheep Fuller’s Fuller’s Best Bitter (3.8%) Pale Ale (4.0%) London Pride (4.1%) Fresh Tracks (4.6%) Wonderfully crisp with a peppery hop and a long dry, satisfying Brand new for 2019! Punchy & aromatic pint inspired by the Best known for it’s exceptional balance of malt Who says winter beers have to be dark and heavy? is is a light and hoppy IPA that says winter’s nish. e de nitive quality session beer. Uncompromised, modern beer movement whilst also staying true to our British and hops, giving rise to well-rounded avour. dark enough already... qua-able and moreish. and Yorkshire brewing heritage.

Amber Gold Pale Straw Amber Pale Gold

Smooth ● Balanced ● Fruity £77.90 Citrus ● Mango £72.29 Fruity ● Malts £95.00 Pine ● Citrus £88.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Malty ● Fruity Citrus ● Sweet ● Tropical Balanced ● Hops ● Malt Biscuit ● Stone Fruit

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Black Sheep Black Sheep Fuller’s Fuller’s Holy Grail (4.0%) Ram Tackle (4.1%) Hophead (3.8%) Swing Low (3.5%) A refreshing, full avoured golden ale with a fruity palate and a is 4.1% Ruby Ale is packed with 8 dierent English An extremely clean drinking pale golden ale with a strong oral Named a­er Englands rousing rugby anthem, this is a hoppy dry bitter nish. hops, giving beautifully rich, fruity characters throughout. aroma and elderower notes from the Cascade hops. is beer sessionable ale that will strike a chord with all fans of the A complex malt base adds a deant and charismatic layer is full bodied and full avoured yet gentle enough to make it a oval ball. to this robust ale! favourite session beer.

Light Amber Ruby Pale Gold Tan Elderflower ● Floral Flowery Hop Rich Fruit £75.99 Raisins ● Biscuit ● Caramel £74.99 £73.99 £73.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Light ● Elderflower Malty Fruit ● Bitter Finish Fruit ● Biscuit ● Malt

BUY 2 X 9G FROM THE BLACK SHEEP RANGE AND RECEIVE £5 OFF EACH CASK Core Cask Extended Selection Core Cask Extended Selection

Greene King - Bury St Edmunds Robinsons Brewery - Stockport

SEASONAL Robinsons Robinsons Greene King Greene King Trooper (4.7%) Unicorn (4.2%) IPA (3.6%) Fireside (4.5%) A premium British Beer inspired by Iron Maiden and handcra- Dripping with heritage, it’s a magnicent, thirstquenching, Fresh dry hop, herbal character is provided by the mix of Masses of grapefruit and lemon citrus from the Cascade late ed at Robinsons Brewery. Malt ­avours and citric notes for a thoroughbred bitter. e rst of a bloodline that Challenger and First Gold hops. e use of crystal malt in the hop with herbal dry hop background from the copper hops. unique blend of Bobek, Goldings and Cascade hops give this deep continuesto this day. grist gives a satisfying to­ee/caramel note and the addition of a Sweetness and body comes from the pale and crystal malts golden ale a subtle hint of lemon. TROOPER takes its name from little black malt is enough to give a clean, dry ‚nish. and the black malt adds enough dryness and astringency to the Iron Maiden song which itself was inspired by the famous keep the beer refreshing. Charge of the Light Brigade.

Tawny Amber Dark Copper Deep Gold Golden

● ● £74.20 £76.99 ● ● £78.99 £69.99 Fresh Clean Hoppy ● ● Sweet Malt Zesty ● ● PER 9 GALLON Citrus Hoppy Malt PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Spicy Hoppy Malty PER 9 GALLON

● ● ● ● Hoppy Dry Refreshing Citrus ● Hoppy ● Malt Bitter Strong Roasted Malt Bitter ● Sweet PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL SEASONAL Robinsons Robinsons Greene King Greene King DizzyD Blonde (3.8%) CumbriaC Way (4.1%) Abbot (5.0%) Low & Behold (2.8%) Freesh, bright and full of zest, this straw coloured ale, with its' CuC mbria Way is a full-bodied beer with a superb mouth feel of Pale and amber malts contribute to a satisfying Horlicks and A pale ale brewed at only 2.8% but full of avour. Brewed distinctivedis sharp character and a herbal or perfume like aroma, is ririch malt and hops, complemented by complex aromas of spicy biscuity maltiness. Challenger and First Gold give a base note of with oats to give a rounded creamy mouth feel. inspins ired by the 1940's Memphis Belle style which was so iconic of hhops,o malt and tart fruit notes, culminating in a long dry citrus herbal hop and Fuggles as a late hop contributes the main ththee era. Paying homage to the American ‘nose art’ of WW2 nishn . fragrant fruity and oral and spicy notes. Fermented slowly, . aircra,air Dizzy acts as a reminder of home; much like the British Abbot Ale is complex, satisfying and warming. pub. Mahogany Light Golden Straw Pale Golden

£98.40 £51.99 ● ● £62.99 ● ● £73.99 Ripe Fruit PER 9 GALLON Nutty PER 9 GALLON Perfume Hop Herbal PER 9 GALLON Spicy Hop Citrus PER 9 GALLON

Malty ● Mature Oaty ● Malty Crisp ● Zesty ● Refreshing Rich ● Malt ● Hoppy

Hook Norton - Cotswold's Marstons - Bedford, Lakeland, Oxfordshire, Wolverhampton

PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Youngs Hook Norton Hook Norton Bombardier (4.1%) London Original (3.7%) Hooky (3.5%) Cold Turkey (4.0%) An iconic beer loaded with distinct English brilliance. e A refreshing ale, golden in colour, with a light, dry palate, a A subtly balanced, golden bitter, hoppy to the nose, malty on epitome of impeccable taste and great character. e rich, fresh, fruity aroma and a long, satisfying bitter nish. See in the rst month of 2020 with our dry and crisp ale. the palate - the classic session beer, eminently drinkable. full-bodied nectar is a lingering reward. Our answer to all of this dry January.

Auburn Amber Amber Amber Hoppy ● Soft ● Fruit £74.99 Citrus £70.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Grapefruit ● Zesty £84.99 Fruit Citrus £69.99 Malty ● Fresh ● Bittersweet Dry ● Crisp PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Clean ● Dry ● Moreish Dry ● Bitter ● Moreish

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Marstons Hook Norton Hook Norton Eagle IPA (3.6%) Saddletank (3.8%) Old Hooky (4.6%) Double (4.8%) e aroma is of freshly sliced apples. It’s amber hue is An oldie but a goodie. e recipe's been around for yonks. emphasised by a tight rich head. A complex nish of bitter Clear, bright and full ­avoured with a malty, biscuit taste. A beautifully balanced beer, fruity by nature, with a A charismatic combination of black and brown malts hops, nuts and citrus fruits. We named it aer the train that once brought hops and well-rounded body and the suggestive echo of Crystal Malt. delivering a dry toasted taste. Brewed to an original 19th malts into the Brewery. And then shipped the beer out. All century recipe. aboard.

Tawny Red Dark Ebony Gold Pale Amber Malt ● Fruity £88.99 Roasted Coffee ● Liquorice £93.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Citrus ● Sweet ● Grassy £69.99 Caramel £62.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Fruity ● Sweet ● Moreish Dry ● Burnt Oak Light ● Crisp ● Sharp Dry ● Bitterness Core Cask Extended Selection Core Cask Extended Selection

Greene King - Bury St Edmunds Robinsons Brewery - Stockport

SEASONAL Robinsons Robinsons Greene King Greene King Trooper (4.7%) Unicorn (4.2%) IPA (3.6%) Fireside (4.5%) A premium British Beer inspired by Iron Maiden and handcra- Dripping with heritage, it’s a magnicent, thirstquenching, Fresh dry hop, herbal character is provided by the mix of Masses of grapefruit and lemon citrus from the Cascade late ed at Robinsons Brewery. Malt ­avours and citric notes for a thoroughbred bitter. e rst of a bloodline that Challenger and First Gold hops. e use of crystal malt in the hop with herbal dry hop background from the copper hops. unique blend of Bobek, Goldings and Cascade hops give this deep continuesto this day. grist gives a satisfying to­ee/caramel note and the addition of a Sweetness and body comes from the pale and crystal malts golden ale a subtle hint of lemon. TROOPER takes its name from little black malt is enough to give a clean, dry ‚nish. and the black malt adds enough dryness and astringency to the Iron Maiden song which itself was inspired by the famous keep the beer refreshing. Charge of the Light Brigade.

Tawny Amber Dark Copper Deep Gold Golden

● ● £74.20 £76.99 ● ● £78.99 £69.99 Fresh Clean Hoppy ● ● Sweet Malt Zesty ● ● PER 9 GALLON Citrus Hoppy Malt PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Spicy Hoppy Malty PER 9 GALLON

● ● ● ● Hoppy Dry Refreshing Citrus ● Hoppy ● Malt Bitter Strong Roasted Malt Bitter ● Sweet PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL SEASONAL Robinsons Robinsons Greene King Greene King DizzyD Blonde (3.8%) CumbriaC Way (4.1%) Abbot (5.0%) Low & Behold (2.8%) Freesh, bright and full of zest, this straw coloured ale, with its' CuC mbria Way is a full-bodied beer with a superb mouth feel of Pale and amber malts contribute to a satisfying Horlicks and A pale ale brewed at only 2.8% but full of avour. Brewed distinctivedis sharp character and a herbal or perfume like aroma, is ririch malt and hops, complemented by complex aromas of spicy biscuity maltiness. Challenger and First Gold give a base note of with oats to give a rounded creamy mouth feel. inspins ired by the 1940's Memphis Belle style which was so iconic of hhops,o malt and tart fruit notes, culminating in a long dry citrus herbal hop and Fuggles as a late hop contributes the main ththee era. Paying homage to the American ‘nose art’ of WW2 nishn . fragrant fruity and oral and spicy notes. Fermented slowly, . aircra,air Dizzy acts as a reminder of home; much like the British Abbot Ale is complex, satisfying and warming. pub. Mahogany Light Golden Straw Pale Golden

£98.40 £51.99 ● ● £62.99 ● ● £73.99 Ripe Fruit PER 9 GALLON Nutty PER 9 GALLON Perfume Hop Herbal PER 9 GALLON Spicy Hop Citrus PER 9 GALLON

Malty ● Mature Oaty ● Malty Crisp ● Zesty ● Refreshing Rich ● Malt ● Hoppy

Hook Norton - Cotswold's Marstons - Bedford, Lakeland, Oxfordshire, Wolverhampton

PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Youngs Hook Norton Hook Norton Bombardier (4.1%) London Original (3.7%) Hooky (3.5%) Cold Turkey (4.0%) An iconic beer loaded with distinct English brilliance. e A refreshing ale, golden in colour, with a light, dry palate, a A subtly balanced, golden bitter, hoppy to the nose, malty on epitome of impeccable taste and great character. e rich, fresh, fruity aroma and a long, satisfying bitter nish. See in the rst month of 2020 with our dry and crisp ale. the palate - the classic session beer, eminently drinkable. full-bodied nectar is a lingering reward. Our answer to all of this dry January.

Auburn Amber Amber Amber Hoppy ● Soft ● Fruit £74.99 Citrus £70.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Grapefruit ● Zesty £84.99 Fruit Citrus £69.99 Malty ● Fresh ● Bittersweet Dry ● Crisp PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Clean ● Dry ● Moreish Dry ● Bitter ● Moreish

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Marstons Hook Norton Hook Norton Eagle IPA (3.6%) Saddletank (3.8%) Old Hooky (4.6%) Double Stout (4.8%) e aroma is of freshly sliced apples. It’s amber hue is An oldie but a goodie. e recipe's been around for yonks. emphasised by a tight rich head. A complex nish of bitter Clear, bright and full ­avoured with a malty, biscuit taste. A beautifully balanced beer, fruity by nature, with a A charismatic combination of black and brown malts hops, nuts and citrus fruits. We named it aer the train that once brought hops and well-rounded body and the suggestive echo of Crystal Malt. delivering a dry toasted taste. Brewed to an original 19th malts into the Brewery. And then shipped the beer out. All century recipe. aboard.

Tawny Red Dark Ebony Gold Pale Amber Malt ● Fruity £88.99 Roasted Coffee ● Liquorice £93.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Citrus ● Sweet ● Grassy £69.99 Caramel £62.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Fruity ● Sweet ● Moreish Dry ● Burnt Oak Light ● Crisp ● Sharp Dry ● Bitterness Core Cask Extended Selection

Sharp’s Brewery - Cornwall

PRE ORDER ONLY Sharp’s Sharp’s Doom Bar (4.0%) Atlantic (4.2%) A fresh and zesty ale with a hoppy, lemon and grapefruit aroma. Inspired by the Atlantic ocean o the north coast of Best known for it’s exceptional balance of malt and hops, giving Cornwall, Atlantic Pale Ale is brewed with new world hops rise to well-rounded avour. for a fruity, citrus avour and two types of malt for a delicate sweetness.

Amber Golden

Roasted ● Fruity ● Malts £87.95 Citrus ● Tropical ● Candy Floss £88.49 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Caramel ● Hops ● Malt Sweetness ● Fruity ● Balanced

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Sharp’s Sharp’s Coaster (3.6%) Sea Fury (5.0%) e fresh aroma of hops blends seamlessly with light Sea Fury is an exceptional example of the Special Bitter beer fruity-sweet notes. In the mouth the beer feels succulent and style, oering substance & depth of avour without delivers a good measure of hoppy bitterness. is is compromising balance & drink-ability. An aroma of inviting complemented by a light, almost honeyed malty sweetness. roasted and dark berry notes gives way to sumptuous, fruity, malty avour and a moreish hop nish. Amber Chestnut

Spicy ● Sweet Roasted Malt £71.53 Roasted ● Dark Berry £92.49 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Dried Fruit ● Roasted Sumptuous ● Full Malt ● Berry

Shepherd Neame - Faversham

Shepherd Neame Shepherd Neame Spitfire (4.2%) Masterbrew (3.7%) An infusion of three Kentish hops adorns this beautifully Delicate and devilishly drinkable, this quintessentially balanced, blood orange tinted British bitter. Hints of Kentish ale lays the county's hallowed, herbaceous hops on marmalade, red grapes and pepper are thrust from a a rm, biscuity bed of pale and crystal malt. Endowed with springboard of warm, mellow malts. an inviting amber hue and a tantalising toee-ish aroma, it's an enlivening English ale given its unassuming ABV. Light Amber Amber

Toffee ● Hoppy ● Soft Fruit £78.20 Toffee ● Hoppy £59.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Spicy ● Hoppy ● Bittersweet Dry ● Fruity ● Bitter

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY Shepherd Neame Shepherd Neame Bishops Finger (5.0%) Crossfire (4.2%) Fashioned on a rm, fruity foundation of Crystal malt, this rich, A light amber IPA with mid level bitterness and noticeable ruby-coloured Kent classic is full of mouth- lling fruit, prunes, apricot and citrus aromas plums and dried apricot spiked with palate-prickling pepper, cinnamon and a so bitter blood-orange nish.

Chestnut Brown Light Amber

Roast ● Toffee ● Berries £82.89 Citrus £75.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Rich ● Fruity Biscuit ● Sweetness Core Cask Extended Selection Core Cask Extended Selection

Sharp’s Brewery - Cornwall St Austell - Cornwall

PRE ORDER ONLY Sharp’s Sharp’s St Austell St Austell Doom Bar (4.0%) Atlantic (4.2%) Trelawny (3.8%) Proper Job (4.5%) A fresh and zesty ale with a hoppy, lemon and grapefruit aroma. Inspired by the Atlantic ocean o the north coast of Best known for it’s exceptional balance of malt and hops, A powerfully authentic IPA, Proper Job is brewed with a Best known for it’s exceptional balance of malt and hops, giving Cornwall, Atlantic Pale Ale is brewed with new world hops giving rise to well-rounded avour. blend of imported American hops. It is a real treat of a beer rise to well-rounded avour. for a fruity, citrus avour and two types of malt for a delicate with a growing reputation and loved by beer enthusiasts far sweetness. and wide.

Amber Golden Copper Gold

Roasted ● Fruity ● Malts £87.95 Citrus ● Tropical ● Candy Floss £88.49 Peach ● Apricot ● Toffee £77.50 Pine ● Grapefruit £98.10 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Caramel ● Hops ● Malt Sweetness ● Fruity ● Balanced Biscuit ● Caramel ● Jam Hoppy ● Grassy

PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Sharp’s Sharp’s St Austell St Austell Coaster (3.6%) Sea Fury (5.0%) Tribute (4.2%) Conversion (4.0%) e fresh aroma of hops blends seamlessly with light Sea Fury is an exceptional example of the Special Bitter beer Light, hoppy, zesty, easy to drink and consistently A robust pale ale that’s a good balance of malt and hops. fruity-sweet notes. In the mouth the beer feels succulent and style, oering substance & depth of avour without delicious. e zesty orange and grapefruit avours are Conversion is perfectly positioned to t with the rugby 6 delivers a good measure of hoppy bitterness. is is compromising balance & drink-ability. An aroma of inviting balanced with biscuit malt for this superb Cornish Nations Championships with a suitably rugby themed pump complemented by a light, almost honeyed malty sweetness. roasted and dark berry notes gives way to sumptuous, fruity, classic. clip. So, cross the try line with this stunning rugby themed malty avour and a moreish hop nish. beer, no need to refer this to the TMO! Amber Chestnut Amber Amber

Spicy ● Sweet Roasted Malt £71.53 Roasted ● Dark Berry £92.49 Orange ● Tropical £84.10 Citrus £74.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Dried Fruit ● Roasted Sumptuous ● Full Malt ● Berry Orange ● Grapefruit Toffee ● Grapefruit

Shepherd Neame - Faversham Timothy Taylor’s - W. Yorkshire

Timothy Taylor’s | Landlord (4.3%) PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Shepherd Neame Shepherd Neame A strong classic ale with a golden amber colour. It has a scent of caramel, light fruits and roasted malt hints. Slightly sweet, Timothy Taylor’s Spitfire (4.2%) Masterbrew (3.7%) summer fruits and a hoppy dryness. Golden best (3.5%) An infusion of three Kentish hops adorns this beautifully Delicate and devilishly drinkable, this quintessentially A crisp, amber coloured beer that makes a refreshing balanced, blood orange tinted British bitter. Hints of Kentish ale lays the county's hallowed, herbaceous hops on Pale Amber marmalade, red grapes and pepper are thrust from a a rm, biscuity bed of pale and crystal malt. Endowed with session ale. e smooth and creamy avour makes it a Citrus ● Hoppy ● Fruity £101.40 popular choice close to the brewery, and increasingly in springboard of warm, mellow malts. an inviting amber hue and a tantalising toee-ish aroma, it's PER 9 GALLON destination pubs across the country. an enlivening English ale given its unassuming ABV. Full ● Sweet ● Lingering Hop Light Amber Amber Light Amber (3.5%) Toffee ● Hoppy ● Soft Fruit Toffee ● Hoppy Timothy Taylor’s | Knowle Springs £78.20 £59.99 Gentle Hop £78.99 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Knowle Spring Blonde is full-bodied, brewed with Golden Promise barley PER 9 GALLON Spicy ● Hoppy ● Bittersweet Dry ● Fruity ● Bitter malt, Strisselspalt hops from Alsace, and UK-grown Minstrel, Cascade & Sweet ● Smooth Chinook hops. Easy-drinking with oral and grapefruit aromas, spiced orange on the tongue followed by aromatic citrus hop avours to nish. PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY PRE ORDER ONLY SEASONAL Straw Floral £89.99 Shepherd Neame Shepherd Neame PER 9 GALLON Timothy Taylor’s Bishops Finger (5.0%) Crossfire (4.2%) Zesty Landlord Dark (4.3%) Fashioned on a rm, fruity foundation of Crystal malt, this rich, A light amber IPA with mid level bitterness and noticeable A dark, strong beer that has a reputation as a 'Winter Timothy Taylor’s | Bolt Maker (4.0%) ruby-coloured Kent classic is full of mouth- lling fruit, prunes, apricot and citrus aromas Warmer'. Wholesome and satisfying, this mellow beer has a plums and dried apricot spiked with palate-prickling pepper, A well-balanced, genuine Yorkshire Bitter, with a full body and depth leaving a pleasant fruity a erglow cinnamon and a so bitter blood-orange nish. measure of maltiness and hoppy aroma – Boltmaker is rst choice for the discerning drinker – on both sides of the Chestnut Brown Light Amber Pennines. Dark

Roast ● Toffee ● Berries £82.89 Citrus £75.99 Copper £89.95 Fruity £101.40 PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON PER 9 GALLON Citrus ● Spicy Hop ● Fruity Rich ● Fruity Biscuit ● Sweetness Malty Roasted ● Malty ● Bitter Finish

Northampton Depot

LWC Northampton ● Imperial House ● Spencer Bridge Road ● Northampton ● NN5 7DR

Our depot currently delivers to:

Northamptonshire ● Bedfordshire ● Buckinghamshire ● Cambridgeshire ● Leicestershire ● Coventry To place your order please call 01604 750 040 24 hour answer phone service available

LWC (Middleton) Northampton Terms and Conditions LWC Northampton, Imperial House, Spencer Bridge Road, Northampton NN5 7DR 1. All offers are available from 1st January to 29th February 2020 unless otherwise stated. 2. All offers are subject to regional availability and prices are Tel: 01604 750 040 exclusive of VAT. All prices are subject to supplier increases. 3. We will not accept orders where they would breach a beer tie or other contracts that the buyer Fax: 01604 750 809 (24 Hour Answer Phone Service) holds with a third party. 4. E & O.E. 5. This brochure is not intended as an inducement to breach any contract, which may exist between a tenant & their Email: [email protected] landlord to purchase beers or any other products. In such cases only those products, which are excluded from such agreements, should be considered. 6. We treat the buyer placing an order with us as the buyer’s confirmation that there is no such tie. All prices featured may be subject to duty increase. www.lwc-drinks.co.uk 7.