UPCOMING EVENTS January Beers WADWORTH - DEVIZES January 2020 Wadworth DATE EVENT Henry’s IPA (3.6%) 4th Football FA Cup Third Round Weekend We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with an ABV of 3.6% it’s a 6th Football League Cup Semi-Finals First Leg light bronze ale with delicate malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. 27th Football League Cup Semi-Finals Second Leg 20th – 22nd (February) Tennis Australian Open Bronze Malt £59.99 25th Football FA Cup Fourth Round Weekend PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Bitter February 2020 Wadworth 1st – 14th (March) Rugby Union Six Nations Tournament Horizon (4.0%) 2nd NFL Super Bowl Horizon is a great beer for those new to ale. e golden ale is packed with 100% pale ale malt and a blend of classic and New World hops. It oers 18th & 19th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg zesty, citrus and hop aromas and a crisp, tangy nish on the palate. 20th Football Europa League Last-32 First Leg 25th & 26th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg Golden 27th Football Europa League Last-32 Citrus £67.50 Second Leg PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Bitter ● Citrus March 2020 Wadworth 6X (4.1%) 1st Football League Cup Final For many ale drinkers, 6X is the only option, so if you’ve never tried it, 4th Football FA Cup Fifth Round Weekend don’t wait any longer. Full bodied and distinctive, it’s a strong premium ale 10th & 11th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg with an ABV of 4.1% 12th Football Europa League Last-16 First Leg 17th & 18th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg Chestnut 19th Football Europa League Last-16 Second Leg Caramel £78.99 21st Football FA Cup Quarter-Finals PER 9 GALLON Full Bodied ● Nutty UPCOMING EVENTS January Beers WADWORTH - DEVIZES January 2020 Wadworth DATE EVENT Henry’s IPA (3.6%) 4th Football FA Cup Third Round Weekend We consider Henry's IPA to be one of the best; with an ABV of 3.6% it’s a 6th Football League Cup Semi-Finals First Leg light bronze ale with delicate malt aromas it is an easy drinking session ale with cereal notes and a lingering nish; just perfect. 27th Football League Cup Semi-Finals Second Leg 20th – 22nd (February) Tennis Australian Open Bronze Malt £59.99 25th Football FA Cup Fourth Round Weekend PER 9 GALLON Balanced ● Bitter February 2020 Wadworth 1st – 14th (March) Rugby Union Six Nations Tournament Horizon (4.0%) 2nd NFL Super Bowl Horizon is a great beer for those new to ale. e golden ale is packed with 100% pale ale malt and a blend of classic and New World hops. It oers 18th & 19th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg zesty, citrus and hop aromas and a crisp, tangy nish on the palate. 20th Football Europa League Last-32 First Leg 25th & 26th Football Champions League Last-16 First Leg Golden 27th Football Europa League Last-32 Citrus £67.50 Second Leg PER 9 GALLON Hoppy ● Bitter ● Citrus March 2020 Wadworth 6X (4.1%) 1st Football League Cup Final For many ale drinkers, 6X is the only option, so if you’ve never tried it, 4th Football FA Cup Fifth Round Weekend don’t wait any longer. Full bodied and distinctive, it’s a strong premium ale 10th & 11th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg with an ABV of 4.1% 12th Football Europa League Last-16 First Leg 17th & 18th Football Champions League Last-16 Second Leg Chestnut 19th Football Europa League Last-16 Second Leg Caramel £78.99 21st Football FA Cup Quarter-Finals PER 9 GALLON Full Bodied ● Nutty February Beers WELLS & CO - BEDFORD Wells & Co Charlie’s Late Hop (3.6%) An English Pale Ale where malt sweetness is balanced crisp bitterness and wonderful Tropical fruit and citrus late hop notes Pale Ale Tropical £75.99 PER 9 GALLON Citrus Wells & Co Rambler (4.3%) Blending malt and rye perfectly with Chinook and Galena hops, this refreshing ruby red is fruity on the nose with an initial taste and lingering crisp hop nish Ruby Red Fruity £79.99 PER 9 GALLON Malty LIMITED TIME ONLY We Are Wells & Co. Over 140 years of brewing expertise has helped grow a small family business in Bedford into one of the UK’s most respected pub companies and brewers. We take great pride in our heritage, still promoting the same values as our founder Charles Wells to this day, focusing on quality and innovation but keeping our customers at the heart of everything we do. In 2017 we sold the old brewery site in Bedford and started the the search for a new Brewery location to continue our brewing heritage but focusing on small batch brewing of cask ales speciality ales and lagers . Fast-forward almost two years: we’ve brewed 22 exciting collaboration beers, received a huge amount of positive consumer feedback, and are now ready to take the project onto its next phase with the opening of the New Bedford Brewpoint Brewery in the summer of 2020. Price Fighter Feature Beer LocalLocal HeroesHeroes LangtonLangton -- LeicestershireLeicestershire AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy ee LaLangtonngton BrBrewewereryy waswas establishedestablished inin 19991999 atat thethe BeBellll IInnnn atat EaEastst LaLangton,ngton, rerelocalocatitingng toto oorperpe LaLangtonngton inin 20052005 ddueue toto incrincreaseeasedd prprodoductiuctionon cacapacipacityty.. HeHerere atat thethe LaLangtonngton BrBrewewerery,y, wewe prprododuceuce traditradititiononalal beerbeer usingusing ononlyly thethe nestnest ingringredienedientsts toto gigiveve thethe didisscerningcerning drinkerdrinker aa selectioselectionn ofof wellwell balancedbalanced andand distinctivedistinctive beers.beers. InclinedInclined PlanePlane (4.2%)(4.2%) UnionUnion WharWharff (4.0%)(4.0%) AA RefrRefreshingeshing ambamberer colocolourureded bittbitterer wiwithth aa lighlightt AA fullfull bodiedbodied ccoppopperer colocolourureded aleale namednamed aeraer thethe ooralral nish.nish. AA lalatete addiaddititionon ofof thethe AmarilloAmarillo hophop famofamousus UUnionionn wharfwharf inin MaMarketrket HaHarbrbououghgh.. instilsinstils aa distinctdistinct cicitrustrus aavourvour.. FirstFirst BrBreweweded inin 2004,2004, andand namednamed aeraer thethe cacanalnal boboatat lili bubuililtt inin 19001900 atat FoFoxtxtonon Locks.Locks. AmberAmber CopperCopper CitrusCitrus FruitFruit £76.59£76.59 FruityFruity £76.29£76.29 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN BalancedBalanced CitrusCitrus ●● Hoppy Hoppy CitrusCitrus SEASONASEASONALL ThomasThomas LiftLift (4.4%)(4.4%) TTopop LockLock (3.9%)(3.9%) AA generousgenerous addiaddititionon ofof cacaramelramel maltsmalts denesdenes thisthis AA rerefrfreshingeshing goldengolden bittebitter,r, veveryry smoosmoothth andand criscrisp.p. deepdeep cheschestntnutut aale;le; wiwithth aa sweetnesssweetness onon thethe palpalatatee SingSinglele hhoppoppeded wiwithth BrBrewewersers GoGold,ld, gigivivingng aa sweetsweet whicwhichh isis oosetset byby pinepine andand cicitrustrus aavourvour notes.notes. isis andand maltymalty balabalancence toto aa rerefrfreshingeshing warmwarm weweatatherher alale,e, isis aa luluscioscious,us, full-bodiedfull-bodied brbrewew whichwhich willwill leleavavee youyou perfperfectect forfor thethe ssummerummer momontnthshs aheaahead.d. wawantntinging ananototheher.r. ChestnutChestnut GoldenGolden CaramelCaramel ●● Floral Floral HopHop £74.99£74.99 HoppyHoppy £74.99£74.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN MaltyMalty ●● Fruit Fruit SmoothSmooth ●● Crisp Crisp £59.99 PhippsPhipps -- NorNorthamptonthampton PER 9 GALLON AboutAbout thethe BrewerBreweryy PhippsPhipps NoNortrthahampmptonton BrBrewewereryy CoCompmpananyy hashas reretuturnedrned toto iitsts roroootsts inin aa ViVictctororiaiann brbrewewereryy inin thethe hearheartt ofof NoNortrthahampmpton,ton, 4040 yeyearsars aeraer Phipps'Phipps' BrBridgeidge StStrereetet BrBrewewereryy closedclosed.. The Brewery PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY Originally founded by Henry Alfred Wadworth, the business passed to his founding partner PhippsPhipps IPIPAA (4.3%)(4.3%) DiamondDiamond AleAle (3.7%)(3.7%) John Smith Bartholomew and is now in the fourth generation of ownership by the Bartholomew family. AA classicclassic blendblend ofof GoGoldingsldings && FuFugglesggles hopshops gigivesves thethe AA palepale amamberber haharvrvestest aleale broubroughghtt babackck toto lifelife frfromom characcharacteteriristicstic EnglishEnglish aleale aavoursvours toto theirtheir full-bodfull-bod-- frfromom Phipps'Phipps' 19th19th cencentuturyry,, leleatathherer boboundund brbrewewer'ser's Our skills and cra are hugely important to us, and this is all backed up by a state of the art Steinecker iedied beerbeer.. ee balbalanceance ofof bittebitternesrnesss andand sweetness,sweetness, boobooks.ks. isis isis thethe ooldestldest rerecicipepe wewe brbrewew totodaday;y; aa lighlight,t, alliedallied toto aa smoosmoothth hopphoppyy aeraer-taste,-taste, crcreaeatestes aa mostmost brbrigightht andand sparksparklingling aleale develodevelopedped inin thethe eaearlyrly 1860s1860s brew house ensuring that our beers are the highest quality and consistency possible. atat Phipps'Phipps' ororiginaliginal ToTowwcestercester BrBrewewereryy toto ooerer drinkabledrinkable pipintnt andand oourur agshiagshipp brbrewew.. rerefrfreshmeneshmentt toto thethe farmfarm woworkers.rkers. PalePale PalePale GoldGold Wadworth HoppyHoppy ●● Spicy Spicy ●● Orange Orange £72.99£72.99 FruitFruit ●● Hop Hop ●● Floral Floral £79.99£79.99 PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN PERPER 9 9 GALLO GALLONN Henry’s IPA (3.6%) GrapefruitGrapefruit ●● Malty Malty DrDryy ●● Crisp Crisp ●● Full Full Bronze PREPRE ORDERORDER ONLONLYY SEASONASEASONALL BecketsBeckets Ale*Ale* (4.5%)(4.5%)
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