5Th International Symposium Invasive Procedures in Motion 2015 Minimal Invasive Pain Therapy

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5Th International Symposium Invasive Procedures in Motion 2015 Minimal Invasive Pain Therapy Centre for Pain Medicine 5th International Symposium Invasive Procedures in Motion 2015 Minimal Invasive Pain Therapy 16 / 17 January 2015, Nottwil / Lucerne / Switzerland en / 500 / 05.2014 / Swiss Paraplegic Centre | Centre for Pain Medicine | Mrs. Judith Sposato | CH-6207 Nottwil / Lucerne T +41 41 939 49 20 | F +41 41 939 49 30 | [email protected] | www.pain-nottwil.ch A company of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation U-14-120 www.pain-nottwil.ch 1 Introduction Main Topics After the great success of our last sym posium PRF-Basic Science Part 1 New Techniques & Neuromodulation in 2011 we are happy to announce that we Physics of PRF A New Technique for treating Facet Pain will continue the pursuit of expanding and Effects of Low E-Fields on Cells HIFUS sharing valuable knowledge on interventional Distribution of E-Fields during High Frequency Stimulation vs. Conven- pain therapy. Intravenous PRF tional Stimulation in SCS PRF in Laboratory Pain Models Minimizing Complications in SCS As usual the symposium will focus on Pulsed A Mouse Model for studying Effects Radiofrequency. In Pain Treatment PRF is go- of PRF on Cancer Intrathecal Therapy ing through a transformation from a method Bolus Application Trial in Intrathecal to modulate the afferent innervation to a tool PRF-Basic Sciense Part 2 / Therapy with Ziconotide to improve the pathological condition itself, Clinical Applications Part 1 Intrathecal Therapy in Non-Cancer Pain involving new approaches and techniques. Anaemia in metastasised Intrathecal Therapy in Spinal Cord On the systemic level, this exciting development has a spin-off to diseases that involve Breast Cancer and PRF Injury Pain pathology of the immune system, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. This option is Tissue Damage following PRF in Bolus Application in Intrathecal Therapy now in the phase of basic research and the latest news will be reported. Labora tory Setting Mode of Action and optimal Frontier Procedures / Discogenic Pain Furthermore new data in interventional Pain therapy including Neuromodulation and a criti- Parameters of PRF PRF in the Sacral Canal cal appraisal of different intradiscal procedures will be discussed by renowned speakers. Update on Transcutaneous PRF Case Report: Sacral Stimulation in PRF for painful Hands and Feet Sacral Pain On behalf of our team at the Centre for Pain Medicine, we would be delighted to welcome Intravenous PRF you to our 5th Symposium at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil by Lucerne, Switzerland Clinical Applications of PRF Part 2 Intradiscal PRF in January 2015. Heat RF in Trigeminal Neuralgia Heat RF in discogenic Pain PRF in Trigeminal Neuralgia Methylene Blue Injections in discogenic Epidural Stimulation for Diabetic Pain Sincerely, Polyneuropathy Epidural Application of PRF Markus Béchir MD, EMBA PRF for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Social Event Head of Department There will be a get-together dinner party on Friday, January 16 at 7 p.m. in the Swiss Prof. Menno E.Sluijter, FIPP En-Chul Chang MD, MSc, SSIPM Tim Reck MD, MSc, SSIPM Paraplegic Center. Consultant Symposium organizer Co-Organizer 2 3 Faculty General Informations Prof. Gosse J. Adema, MD PhD, Nijmegen, Netherlands Symposium Language Accommodation Sang-Ho Ahn, MD, Daegu, Korea Official symposium language is English. The Seminarhotel Sempachersee right next Prof. Nicolas Chua, MD, Singapour to the event site offers 150 hotel rooms with Registration and Fees up-to-date comfort. William E. Cohen, MD, Yankton, SD, USA Registration before In Lucerne, 25 km east of Nottwil, you’ll Timothy R. Deer, MD, DABPM, Charleston, USA September 1, 2014 € 350.– find more hotels in various categories. There Sam Eldabe, MD, Middlesbrough, UK Registration after are ample shopping facilities, restaurants, Prof. Serdar Erdine, MD, PhD, Turkey September 1, 2014 € 380.– museums, etc. Skiing stations are at close Prof. Sei Fukui, MD, Shiga, Japan Registration On-Site € 410.– distance. Prof. Salim Hayek, MD, Cleveland, USA Ulrich Kallenbach, MD, Nottwil/Lucerne, Switzerland Please register early via Internet: For inquiries and bookings please refer to: www.pain-nottwil.ch Seminarhotel Sempachersee, Nottwil Elliot S. Krames, MD, San Francisco, USA T +41 41 939 23 23 Gunther Landmann, MD, MSc, Nottwil/Lucerne, Registration fee includes: Admission to ses- www.dasseminarhotel.ch Switzerland sion, in-house exhibitions, free coffee, drinks Prof. Sang-Chul Lee, MD, PhD, Seoul, Korea and snaks during breaks, aperitif / dinner and Lucerne Tourist Board, Hotel Reservation Prof. Patrick Mertens, MD, Lyon, France get-together dinner party (Friday, January 16), T +41 41 227 17 27, F +41 41 227 17 20 Sumientra Rampersad MD, Nijmegen, Netherlands lunch Saturday, January 17. [email protected], www.luzern.com Tim Reck, MD, MSc, Nottwil / Lucerne, Switzerland Claudio Reverberi, MD, PhD, Vicomoscano di Casalmaggiore, Italy Olav Rohof, MD, PhD, BG Sittard Geleen, Netherlands Ricardo Ruiz-Lopez, MD, Barcelona, Spain Pietro Schianchi, MD, Lugano, Switzerland Prof. Menno Sluijter, MD, PhD, Nottwil/Lucerne, Switzerland Murray Taverner, MB, Frankston, Australia Alexandre Teixeira, MD, Porto, Portugal Prof. Bert van Duijn, MD, AB Middelburg, Netherlands Prof. Maarten van Kleef, MD, PhD, Maastricht, Netherlands Prof. Jan van Zundert, MD, PhD, Maastricht, Netherlands 4 5 Quick and easy ways to get to Nottwil Map Lake Sempach Basel−Lucerne SBB rail line Railway station Orthotec/Centre for Pain Medicine Pharmacy ParaHelp 4 Hall Sports 1 5 Swiss Paraplegic Foundation facilities Swiss Paraplegic Research SPC Sports Medicine Nottwil Orthotec Vehicle Adaptation 3 9 SIRMED 10 Seminarhotel Sempachersee 11 Swiss Paraplegics Association 4 12 Estate/Equine therapy Whether you are travelling by car or by pub- ance lic transport, Nottwil is quick and easy to Entr reach from any direction. Entrance 5 Entrance to indoor car park By train and bus GZI 8 Bus stop Nottwil railway station is a ten-minute walk 12 9 6 Reception away. Trains run every half an hour to and 10 from Lucerne and to and from Basel, Berne, 7 SHS Geneva and Zurich (via Sursee). Nottwil rail- Entrance 11 way station is accessible to wheelchairs. The Sursee Kantonsstrasse Nottwil Lucerne Nottwil campus also has its own bus stop (SPC) and is linked to the regional bus net- SPC = Swiss Paraplegic Centre GZI = Guido A. Zäch Institut SHS = Seminarhotel Sempachersee work. By car Nottwil is close to the A2 motorway (Basel– Lucerne). Leave the motorway by the Sursee exit and follow signs for Nottwil. 520 fee-paying parking spaces are available in the campus car park. 6 7.
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