This space is dedicated to all those Dobies who have shared our lives, homes and affection. Your memorials may be sent to us at
[email protected] and we will post them periodically. You may also send a photograph (jpg format) that we will post with your tribute. Buddy It is through tears Cindy that I write this at 3:30 in the morning. My beloved “Buddy” died at 3am less than a half hour ago. He had been in failing health for a couple of months. He used to lick his paws and legs almost to distraction. He was covered in lumps, some small, some larger. I needed to help him up the stairs as his hind legs were giving out on him for the last month. He was my little boy and I dearly loved him without reserve. For those who have never owned and loved a dog the pain of losing them is excruciating. I had gone to the vet a week ago saying I think he needed to be euthanized as his quality of life was non-existent. I know I may ramble a bit here but I’m still crying and shaking. His gums were turning white and he had a hard time defecating in the last two or three days. I slept downstairs on the floor with him this night and his breathing was labored and had a gurgling sound to it. I got up and was sitting above him stroking him with my foot when I noticed his breaths were getting shallow and he made a couple of twitching movements and then was gone.