New Thought Bulletin V19 N6 Aug 1934
®.11 letu lbougbt JuBetin ,'·/"' ,.. \. '. ' I OFFICIAL MAGAZINE }1 ··--:' ~~~~~~; OF THE August, 1934 Vol. XIX, No. 6 Inter-National Truth Alliance REPORT OF ANNUAL CONGRESS THE FREE WORKING OF GOD'S LAW PUBUSHEDBI_-M_o_N_TH~LY~~~--~--~~--~-s-~_rs_SUE__ s_A_YE~AR The International New Thought Alliance Rooms 3n-312 Ouray Building 805 G Street Northwest, Washington, D. C. "Entered as second·claas matter December 9, $1.00 a Year- 10 Cents per Copy 1920, at thepost officeatWaahington,D.C., under the Act of March 3, 1879.'' Juttrnnttnuttl Nrw Wqnugqt Alltttutr H lltJdquarteTs 811-Sl!t OtmAY B=mo, 805 G STREET N. W. WABmNGTON, D. C. Executive Board Auditor, WM. I. HoscuoUER, President, JAMES A. EDGERTON, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, ill. 1395 National Press Bldg., Wash., D. C. MRS. GRACE LIGHTFOOT PATCH, Secretary, Lucy McDONNELL, 3303 13th St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Headquarters Miss ELEANOR MEL, 1st Vice-Pres., DR. AMELIA A. RANDALL, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass. 2744 4th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. MRS. F. BEAL-CLARK, 2nd Vice-Pres., REV. C. W. MEACHAM, 215112 W. 12th St., Oklahoma City, 4308 Gano, St. Louis, Mo. Okla. 3rd Vice-Pres., MRS. MARGARET B. OMERLY, MRS. AGNES BARTON HASKELL, 8412 Navahoe St., Philadelphia, Pa. 179 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. Treasurer, W. E. WING, MRS. ERMA WELLS, Larkin Company, Buffalo, N. Y. Church of Truth, Spokane, Wash. PAST PRESIDENTS MRS. ELIZABETH TOWNE DR. THOMAS PARKER BOYD REV. MURREL G. POWELL DR. HARRY GRANISON HILL MR. LORENZO B. ELLIOTT REV. EDNA LISTER TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Official Roster--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Editorial by the President-JAMES A.
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