NAUTILUS MAGAZINE I Important to What's Cooking Nautilus Subscribers FOR NEXT MONTH? If you find an expiration notice attached to this space it m<:>ans that your subscription expires with this issue UNLESS your ren ewa l has crossed the notice in the mail. IF YOU WILL RETURN THE RENEWAL Since the prize article was How to Use BLANK WITH YOUR REMITTANCE SO THAT published m June NAUTILUS IT REACHES US BY THE 2oth OF THE MONTH Subconscious Miss Hazel Dean has received OF THIS ISSUE WE WILL CREDIT YOU WITH Power 13 MONTHS FOR $2.00. Extra month for prompt many letters and inquiries renewal. Or we will send NAUTILUS two years for asking for fu rther details on just how the dem­ $3.00 (3oc extra per year for Canadian postage; and onstrations she described were brought about. 6oc extra postage per year to foreign lands.) So, she has wri teen a compact little course of W E AFFIRM that the basic tr.;th of all relig­ three lessons on ··How We Made Our Dreams ions is one. And that this truth- ""derstood alld Come True." The first lesson starts with "How applied-frm, heals and prospers the individ11al We Began," and gives the theory by which -HERE AND NOW. they worked, namely, that there is a power in everyone that can do whatever we ask of it. NAuTILUS takes its name from the following verse "This power is as real as electricity, as real as from Holmes' poem, The Chambered Nautilus: your shoes, as real as the bread you put into BuiLD thee more stately mansions, oh, my soul, your mouth," she says. And so this first lesson As the swift seasons roll! will tell you how to use this power to make a Leave thy low~vault ed past! Let each new temple nobler than the last, demonstration. The title will be T HE SUB­ Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, CONSCIOUS POWER AND HOW TO USE IT 'Til thou at length art free, and it will be published in November NAUTI- Leaving thine outgrown shell by Life's unresting sea LUS. she loved. Married to him with a prayer of Do You Resent Most of us do. We like praise and thankfulness in her heart. You will Changes? to sit by the fire and enjoy enjoy reading JEALOUSY HEALED, by Elmer the Present if it is fairly R. Walker, in November NAUTILUS. tolerable. And we don't like to move outside the More Telepath Mr.. Landone is ju~t narrow routine of The Accustomed - unless Y getnng started on h1s we happen to be the inheritor of a pioneer telepathy experiences! Next month he will tell spirit! And yet, new energy and power, new us how " fo ur people - thousands of miles life, can come only through change - and the apart- definitefy, and approximately at the faith that makes us step out on a seeming void same hour, telepathically felt what was taking chat we may find the solid rock beneath it. place" in regard to a fifth person. This experi­ Much helpful material on this subject may be ence, THE MIND THINKS AND THE SOUL found in SO YOU DON'T LIKE CHANGES! FEELS REGARDLESS OF SPACE, will be which will be one of the special fea tures of published in November NAUTILUS. November NAuTILUS. There's More . Dortch Campbell writes: God's Plan We know that life is a never­ To Prayer "I got a letter the other For You ending succession of cycles. Than You Think day from an Illinois Whither do they tend? Do they woman who said she proceed according to a master plan? GOD'S sang and danced her prayers for four or five years PLAN FOR YOU IS PROGRESS, by Rose and they were always answered. There IS Umbreit, in November NAuTILus suggests an­ another half of prayer, I am quite positive, of swers to some of these questions. which we have scarcely reckoned with. Prayer is really not a thing asked for, but a thing done. She had set out with a pickax Singing and rhythmic acts are the material Overcoming to tear down her sweetheart'·s parts of it." Concerning the matter of guid­ Jealousy house! There was jealousy for ance, Dortch writes in part: "In that other side you! In fac t she was consumed, burning up with of prayer, having to do with divine guidance, it. So much so that she went, pickax in hand, I do know positively from long watching this to tell her story to a stranger. Yet, within thing called prayer that there is such. I know three weeks time she was completely restored that prayer directs to very mundane or material to a balanced life and later married to the man (Please turn to page 2, col. 2) 2. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE

(What's Cooking: Continued from page I) This Way Lies methods, which bring about a cure or solve a problem. They err who refuse a solution of their problem unless it comes direct from God. PEACE Within We are on the earth and I think we ou~ht to idealize most, if not all, material thmgs." "Never felt so quiet and peaceful. Can't Dortch's latest views on prayer will be ex­ praise this work enough."- M. B., Wis. So pressed in WHEN IN TROUBLE USE THE writes a student of 'S WHOLE OF PRAYER, which is coming in FOUR LESSONS ON HEALTH AND November NAuTILUS. SUCCESS. Others write: "Have left off tonic and sometimes walk over two miles a day. Instead of studying ABOUT Truth, or think­ Don't Don't fail to read the prize ing ABOUT Truth, these Lessons make you Overlook It offer which appeared in last know that you are LIVING TRUTH." month's What's Cooking? -M.S. B., Ga. "Strength increased. Haven't Some interesting guidance experiences are al­ felt so ALIVE for years." - Mrs. ] . H. D., ready coming in, but we hope there will be Ind. "Have accomplished every single thing I many more. We are sure these can be of real put on my written list of desires. Please send help to our readers, and we want to publish Lesson II."- G. H. C., Ga. "Was losing weight. Much depressed. Now gaining weight several of the best submitted. and mental attitude completely changed." - E. E. M., Ill. "Health and appearance improved. Eyes sparkle, complexion better." REDUCING IS FUN -G. C. L ., Md. "Am thankful for PEACE Mrs. F. S. McGraw reduced 33 pounds to her "ideal" AND HARMONY IN HOME and small weight by a workable scheme of weight control. She ate increase in income." - C. E. H., Pa. what the fsmily ate, or what she wanted, used no drugs and no fasting. Best of aU continuing this method one is helped to stay "slenderized .. ! Price of the Four Lessons and two Her system is in the booklet "Reducing Is Fun.'' booklets used with them, $1.60. THE Try it! Price 28c postpaid ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. The Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc. Holyoke, Massachusetts YOUR BIBLE BECOME A DOCTOR of PSYCHOLOGY or METAPHYSICS IN A NEW LIGHT Win the degree of Ps.D. or Ms. D. Teach the secret of contentment, happiness. Solve mental worries. You can know more of what It REALLY said­ Learn how to unfold spiritual powers. Experience In its orltUnal sources the revelation of truth. Chartered College. Individ­ ual help. Write for FREE booli:. COLLEGE OF For fresh understanding, for new revelations of UNIVERSAL TRUTH, 5651-F North Ashland beauty and truth- read THE SHORT BIBLE, AYe., Chicago. Ill. American translation in brief, by Edgar J. Goodspeed, Ph.D. It is the sa·me Bible you already know, condensed, but the original Greek has been translated into clear and understandable modern English. You can learn more about the real life and truth record ed in the Bible by the special aids this book con­ SPECIAL INTRODUCTION OFFER tains. And you get these helps in quick and convenient form. USE THIS COUPON and !l,et NAUTILUS Such aids as these: A brief text precedes each book of the Bible giving a brief history of the writer; facts 10 Months and the new Wee-Book, ALL about the state of mind of the people at the time it was written; the state of government at that time i Why the THESE AND MORE MY TREASURE book was written, etc. MAP BROUGHT ME- all for $1.25 The Bible will take on new and fascinating meanings for you with the aid of THE SHORT BIBLE. The (ForeiCn $1.85 - Canada $1.55) book will aid you in clear thinking and understanding of what has before seemed to you obscure and difficult . The Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. THE SHORT BIBLE contains 545 pages. It includes I surely want to read all the special features coming several pages that have never been in any Bible before. in NAUTILUS. Here is $1.25 lor NAUTILUS 10 months and the book free. in accordance with your Price, postpaid, cloth, $2.20 apecial offer. THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc. NG~ ...... Address ...... , ...... Holyoke, Massachusetts Ocl. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 3


Vol. XLV OCTOBER 1943 No. 12


PAGE House in the Hills (Page Poem) Pettis Montgomery 4 EDITORIALS ELIZABETH TOWNE 5 How I Get Daily Dividends from Prayer Judith Burden 8 Believest Thou? Lynne Terry 9 How a Dream Brought Me $16,000 . Anonymous 11 I Looked the Family Budget Squarely in the Eye Enid E. Schmid 13

God's Breath Elizabeth Cryder l)

Do What Comes to Hand Kathleen Lee 16 How God's Guidance Helped Me to Become a Writer Wanita Camp 17 It's Yoru:s for the Asking M argaret Miller 18 "And He Shall Have More Abundance" Ella Peet Freeman 19 Christ's :o How F; 2

VIEW~ 4 Success What':

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Published by THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. Copyri~~:ht, 1943, by THI!: ELIZADI!:TH TOWNE co., Inc. Entered in the Post Oltice at Holyoke as second class matter. 4 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE

~~~~~@l~~~~~~~*~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ID . I~ ~ HOUSE IN THE HILLS ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ By Pettis Montgomery I ~

~ Ten o'clock: the morning sun, ~ g Through energizing, healing beams, ~) ~ Glorifies these rugged hills- ~ ~ The house seems hushed in peaceful ® ~ dreams. ~ ~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~ I ~ 111 ·

. ~ L l~I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 5 Edztorials


No BLAST of air or fire of sun lifetime spent in praying for divine Puts out the light whereby we run wisdom, Solomon knew that it was Wich/irded loins our lamplic race, · from the heart that we should be An each from each cakes heart of grace ruled, not from the head. And spirit till his turn be done, And light of face from each man's face God is All Power, All Wisdom and In whom the light of cruse is one; Everywhere Present as LIFE; and life Since only souls chat keep their place moves out from the heart, not the By their own light, and watch things roll; head. And stand, have light for any soul. - Algernon Charles Swinburne God is One Life working His right­ eousness in and through the hearts of * all mankind. But ''man hath sought out many inventions" for defeating Out of the Heart Moves Your Life and his heart promptings in order to Healing satisfy his intellectual concepts and uT OF your personal heart, and ambitions. O out of the heart of the nation Jesus of Nazareth came into the and the world moves Life and Heal­ world to show us the way to get ing- not out of the head, with its back to LIFE and its infinite wisdom economic ambitions and pride, its and power through all the people. "As will to corner the world's money ye would that others should do unto supply for itself. (To corner money you, do ye even so to them.'' ''If any one goes out to corner oil, gold mines, man would be great among you, let land and other natural resources.) him be the servant of all.'' ''As a man Out of the heart comes life and that thinketh in his heart,'' - not in his healthy circulation of the money­ head - "so is he." blood which means adequate supply Life is action: ''Do the will of the to all the individuals in the country. Father'' -and the will of the Father The material-minded scientist de­ comes through the heart moving the fines the heart as a muscle made to head. pump the blood through the body for The big business heads of this coun­ three score years and ten or so. This try and all countries have "thought definition is not so very old. out many inventions" for mass pro­ The Bibles, written and unwritten, duction of unemployment -for shut­ of all the peoples of the world, refer ting off people from working, from to the heart as the emotional center of doing the will of the Father in their man, whence comes his widom, will, hearts. life, power. "Keep thy heart with all The only cure is for Congress and diligence, for out of it are the issues the State legislatures to provide an of life,'' said that wise old King immense and adequate public works Solomon. In other words, after a pro~ram plus unemployment insur- 6 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE ance to take care of all the men and liberation, freedom of action, pros­ women that have been turned off in perity to all its people. these last years; plus old age security Letting the head rule for its own insurance that will take in all of the aggrandize~ent brings exploi~ation men and women at the age when and starvauon or near starvatwn to industry lays them off. the millions. And the only righteous way to get There is Spirit in all mankind, and the money for this support is to tax through in-breathing and out-breath­ more and more heavily the incomes ing the ALL-Mighty Spirit man re­ in the two high brackets. There are ceives understanding. Think on these exactly twenty-six men- I wonder things. if there is a woman or two in the One God moving all mankind to group - whose incomes for 1930 co-operation of the world as a heaven were from five million dollars per for All of Us. Democracy, not dic­ year up to approximately thirty-five tatorship. Good circulation of good millions. One of the highest incomers things to All of Us. Purchasing power, was the former Secretary of the Treas­ money, to the millions, not only to ury. The second highest bracket in­ the 511 or so richest. cluded the incomes from one million Truth Treatment: Divine Spirit guides dollars per year up to five million me Now to speak the Word of Peace dollars per year, and of these there and Prosperity to All. were exactly 485 according to govern­ ment statistics, who received those * high bracket incomes in 1930. A Our New I.N.T.A. President Tells total of 511 men profited out of bank­ Us About the 1943 Congress in Chicago! ing and industry that year from one HAT 29th Congress of the Inter­ million dollars per year up to approx­ T national New Thought Alliance imately thirty-five millions. These which met at the Hotel Sherman in constituted the net incomes of those Chicago the last week of July was a 511. ' splendid one - congratulations all In addition to that they have used around. A post card from Ida Jane untold millions each year in throwing Ayers says: "A splendid Congress­ out old machinery for new, for the but a very busy one!!" express purpose of producing unem­ And Eleanor Mel; Mr. Brinkley, ployment and diverting that much of her co-worker in the Home of Truth, the payroll into their own capital Boston; Florence Frisbie, Headquar­ and net income. It is the HEADs of big ters Secretary from Washington, and industry who do these things: it their friend Mrs. Rosenberg, head of certainly is not the HEART of anybody the Nature Food Stores -they all that rules this policy. stopped on their way to Boston and Out of the HEART issues LIFE, right we had a splendid two hour's visit doing, prosperity for all. Out of the about the Congress. They all said it head issues concentration of wealth was even more than splendid! - and ever increasing starvation and "the best one ever." I believe it. inaction of 140 millions of people My first rejoicing letter about the who constitute this nation. Any Congress reached us just too late to country ruled from the heart brings go into last NAUTILus, so here it is, NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 7 exactly as Rev. Raymond Charles of the Detroit Unity Association Barker, head of the in come to the Congress unexpectedly. Rochester, wrote it; and He was They both took part in the meetings elected the new President! Send him and helped in the activities. your blessings - and your member­ "We all missed you greatly and not ship dues if you have not paid them. a day passed that we did not speak And if you know Raymond Barker our Word of Love to you for we knew already you will have a strong im­ that much of the time you were with pulse to send him a love offering for us in spirit and in treatment. his work in the Alliance this coming "New officers were elected and the year. Board remains practically the same Here is the new President's happy except that I was elected as President letter to us, and to all the New because Dr. Garns felt that he could Thought world: "My dear Elizabeth no longer give his time to the Alli­ Towne: I write to bring you the good ance. Rev. Ervin Seale of the Church news that the 29th Annual Congress of the Truth in New York City steps of the I.N.T.A. was a wonderful into my former place as 4th Vice­ success . Truth hungry people came to President. Carrick Cook of San Fran­ the Hotel Sherman for its meetings cisco and Ruth Chew of Canada were from all over the United States and re-elected for another three years, to Canada. The out of town register was the Executive Board. between three and four hundred dele­ "Next year the Congress goes back gates, and everyone entered into the to Louisville, Kentucky to the Brown spirit of the week. Among the out­ Hotel the last week in July. Rev. standing were John Seaman Garns, Maebel V. Carrell, Minister of the Dr. , Elizabeth Carrick Unity Church of Christ in Louisville Cook, Dr. Harry Granison Hill, Dr. extended the invitation on behalf James E. Dodds, Eleanor Mel, Ralph of her people. And next year we ex-. O'Day, Florrie Beale Clark, Amelia pect our beloved Elizabeth Towne to Randall, Paul LaPrade, Dr. L. Doug­ be at the Congress and to share her las Gottschall, Neville, and many fine consciousness with us as she has others. From Canada came Rev. always done before. Faithfully." - Emma Smiley of Victoria, B. C., Rev. . Ruth Chew of Calgary, Alberta; and Mrs. Hester Brunt headed a dele­ I wish all of our readers could have gation of six friends from Montreal, been here in Holyoke to visit with including Dorothy Sproule, one of Eleanor Mel and quiz her about the the poets of New Thought. We had a Congress! - and anything else in surprise in having Dr. Nona L. Truth. -She is a great person - and Brooks, President of the Divine Sci­ member of the . I.N.T.A. board for ence College of Denver, Colorado, years. I wish I were a first-class re- and Rev. Erwin E. Gregg, Minister ( Turn to page 28, Thank Y ou')

,.,, .. aFftrms the.-- - URITED NATIONS . w the- WORLD . - 8 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE How I Get -Daily Dividends from Prayer By JUDITH BURDEN

NLESS you have had the bitter re- with him and for all the blessings he U morseful days of utter despair, had given me. That seemed to annex adversity and disappointment day af- me to a thread that ran through the ter day in your life like I have had in whole day with perfect harmony. so many days, months and years of Things would unexpectedly emerge mine, you cannot really appreciate from every side to make the day a what beginning the day - each day better one, until I finally came to the -with prayer can do for you. conclusion that there was nothing At first when I tried it, it seemed to that paid dividends like prayer. create a certain amount of good for Of course, by now I am a definite the day, but it was not noticeable believer in praising what I have to enough to cause me to let it interfere attract more of its kind, or increase with major plans if they apparently its value in proportion to my need. needed attention first. Then suddenly, And in the mornings during my half with no apparent cause on my own hour of meditation I spend a goodly part, I began to realize confusion and portion of that time in praise. I praise disappointment on some days and ~y increase in spiritual understand­ success and pleasant events on others. mg. And why, I asked myself, when there I praise my increase in wisdom, in seemed to be no need for the unpleas- material gains, home environment, ant ones? health or whatever it is that I am It was then I began to check. To most concerned about at the time, my utter amazem~t I found the con- and then watch the improvement. I fusion was appearing on the days I cannot bless my things too much! I did not take time to pray, and the know this is the secret of happiness, better days on the days I took time and certainly the greatest investment for prayer in the early morning, re- I can make in any half hour devoted gardless of how busy the ensuing day to any thing, person or project. pr )sed to be. If you have not long been a New ·1 -soon learned that the greatest Thought student it may be hard to rewards for the day came on the days ./understand a law that requires bless­ when I did not meditate and pray ing something that may aggravate, hurriedly or madly just to say I did or even seem to be an adversiti But it, then to move on to something don't let that disturb you. Start right more exciting. Instead, the best events in blessing it. Bless it so fast that came on the days when I enjoyed the your mind cannot let any other time spent in communion with the thought but a blessing creep in, and Creator and was thankful right then watch the results. for the time I was privileged tO spend It took me several years to bless NAUTiiUS MAGAZINE 9 my old furniture into six rooms filled . works through innumerable chan­ with the kind I wanted, a small nels, and it works like magic. It has rented house into a lovely new home, worked for many in all walks of life, old clothing into new apparel, my and it will continue to work for child through two years of college, many, many more. All you need to unfriendliness in peofle to friendli­ do to be one of them is to start. Then ness, but I've done al this. watch your blessings multiply. Praise is the key to abundance. It I know that for you too there are is the natural law for increase. It dividends in prayer!

Believest Thou? By LYNNE TERRY

F YOU WANT God to help you, trust dreams will come true?" No, that is I him. If you long for your prayers not the nature of belief. Belief is one ro be answered, believe. Have you of the intangibles. It can be inspired ever tried to do something for some­ within us, but it cannot be forced one who didn't trust you? No good upon us. doctor will attempt it. When he sees A friend of mine had a beloved lit­ that his patient no longer believes in tle daughter who was taken suddenly him, he advises him to make a change. ill with diphtheria. My friend was a ·'I can no longer do anything for Truth student and Truth healing had you,'' a doctor famous for curing in­ never failed her. But the word "diph­ curables said to a patient one day. theria'' caused a numbing fear to take " But why?" demanded the man. hold of her. It was a terrible moment "You have cured many others of - a moment of indecision, of ex­ much worse ailments, so why do you treme fear for her child, and yet a refuse to cure me?" moment of intense longing to turn to "I don't r~fuse to cure you. You God for help that he had never failed refuse to let me cure you. You don't to give her. A peculiar sense of believe that I can cure you." "And I strength and poise began to come am right," retorted the man. "You over her. The fear gradually left her admit that you can't." and her mind became clear. She said And the doctor couldn't, for he had it seemed as though there was no one failed to overcome the man's distrust. but herself and God in all the world. "Believest thou?" inquired Jesus. She went to the little girl's room and Belief! What is this priceless thing sat down in a chair beside the bed. that can work such miracles for us, The child opened her eyes and smiled. and without which we perish? How ''You'renotafraid, areyouMommy?'' can we get hold of it? Is it something She whispered. that can be bought and paid for? Can "No, Dorothy, Mother's not we grasp it in our hands and cry, afraid." "Now I have you! Now all my "Then I'm not either. When will I IO NAUTILUS MAGAZINE be well?" we find that what we really believe "You're well now, dear. It's just in is the power of evil. that you and Mother must believe it Belief in God requires a certain more than we have believed anything relaxation of the mind, a conscious in all our lives before." letting go of negative thoughts. Then "If you believe it, I'll believe it become as a little child and trust God. too, Mommy." She smiled at her Rejoice that his perfection is being mother again and in a short time fell manifested in your life. Enjoy the asleep. The decision had been made. luxury of being well cared for, of Faith, complete faith, had come to having nothing to worry about. God bless these two. will not fail you. You may fail God, All night my friend sat by her but God will never walk out on you. baby's bed. But she felt no anxiety, His abundant supply of all good only a sense of exaltation and an in­ things, his love, his strength, his ward happiness that she had never power are all there for you to claim before experienced. She gave thanks at any time that you wish to claim to God that Dorothy was well. She them. "Whatsoever ye shall ask visualized her running about as usual, . in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." playing in the yard, romping with That is a perfectly plain statement, the other children. Morning came isn't it? But there are conditions in it. and Dorothy awoke. The fever was You, yourself, must make the claim gone and the child asked for her and you must believe. Try it. It isn't breakfast. so hard. You believed in your parents. ''I shall never doubt again,'' my You trusted them for your supply. friend told me. "My faith is com­ Then it shouldn't be so difficult to pletely established.'' She has found trust your Heavenly Father. The re­ the Christ within and has proven ward is great, for God has a way of that she has the courage to be true not only giving you what you ask for to that Christ. but of doubling and trebling the gift. A dear mother, whose only son is Turn Godward for just a month. For in Africa, confided to a small group of just one month put all your affairs in friends that she ·was no longer able God's keeping. Don't hold out one to trust God. It is so easy to say that problem or one pet worry. Just relax we trust. We sincerely think that we and believe with all your heart that believe in God's power to guide us God wants to care for you and that he and deliver us from danger, but when will. Then be true to that belief. One the real test comes we sometimes find month of this kind of a vacation and that our fear is greater than our be­ you will never want to return to the lief. We think we believe in God but old way of living.

E vER Y thing the individual sees without him corresponds to his states of mind, and every thing is in turn intelligible to him, as his on­ ward thinking leads him into the truth to which that fact or series belongs. -Ralph Waldo Emersotl NAUTILUS MAGAZINE II How a Dream Brought Me $16_,000


ALL MY LIFE I have been subject to night in peace. And then I had the very fl_ prophetic dreams and in my same dream all over again. waking hours to swift, sharp pre-' I now decided that J arret did not monitions. As not one of these dreams know of the danger threatening my had proved to be a false alarm, I was father, and again I begged my hus­ duly impressed when a dream warned band to let me go home. But he me that someone was trying to injure wanted all his money just then for my father. business purposes. I dreamed I was on the avenue lead­ I had been studying Truth for a ing up to our old home. Everything few years and had already made sev­ was lovely, peaceful and prosperous eral quite outstanding demonstra­ . looking. The lawns were like emerald tions, so I again turned to God. I green velvet. Everything trim and in started an intensive campaign of perfect condition as of old. The front prayer, affirmation and visualizing. door stood open, but when I reached If I ever slackened in my good work the doorstep I was frightened to see behold, I had the very same dream all that the inside of the house was in over again! total darkness. I thought my father Janet continued to write me that was in danger, but I could not move. Father was in splendid health. I never Presently, along the hall came my doubted her, but I knew that in father. But oh, how changed! He some way someone was trying to limped as he walked, one eye was injure him. So I renewed my efforts inflamed and swollen, his white hair and now and then appealed to my and beard straggling and unkempt, husband; but he was adamant. My his clothes dusty and wrinkled. He husband disliked New Thought. He looked frail and ill and in a passion of thought it was a waste of time and pity and love I threw my arms about effort. So I did my praying when him. Just then someone struck him alone in the house, lest his strong savagely from behind me and I anti-Truth thoughts might interfere awoke. with the swift coming to the surface I knew this dream meant that some­ of the money I required to go home. one was planning to injure my father. On my part I did everything I could I asked my husband to let me go to make my going away easy on the home, but he would not. I then wrote family. I did a very thorough spring to my sister, Janet, who lived near cleaning. I put all clothes in order. I our old home, and told her of my kept things in such a state that I dream. She wrote back at once and could have walked out at a moment's assured me that Father was in his notice, once I had a new outfit of usual robust health and would prob­ clothes to wear abroad. I did every ably outlive the lot of us . Greatly little thing I could think of to make relieved and happy I went to bed that my feeling that I would go home sure 12. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE and certain. Each day, after my work moment I was never left alone a min­ was done, I went to the drawing­ ute with my father. I was too simple room, closed the door, sat down and to understand the many changes in relaxed. I then talked to God as Janet and the home. She had dis­ though he had been my earthly fa­ charged all the old servants and in­ ther. I gave thanks constantly for all stalled those of her own choosing. the good I had in life. I thanked God My father was no longer master in for the nice travelling coat I was go­ his own house. Janet filled me up ing to buy. I saw myself going aboard with such clever lies that I was con­ a White Star Liner, choosing my stantly bewildered. I never knew deck chair and enjoying all the fine what to think. meals that I would not have to cook One day, my father gathered us all myself. I enjoyed the thought of that trip in his study. From the safe in the wall home. he took his will and read it to us. I Then out of a blue sky came the was overjoyed at the amount I was money I needed. It seemed that the getting. Janet pretended to be, too. firm my husband worked for had the But she had other plans. After the very best year in their history and funeral Janet's lawyer produced a they gave my husband a slice of their new will wherein she was made the excess profits. ( It was the first and sole heir. My protests were laughed last bon us he ever received.) It at. I was simply a disappointed -·· amounted to exactly the sum I had woman! Janet ordered me and mine decided I would need to go first-class out of her house! I told her I would and suitably dressed. take up residence in the town and Arrived at home I found my father start an action against her for for­ looking exactly as ha had in my dreams. gery. This frightened her. She fol­ He was overjoyed to have me home lowed me into town and offered me again and begged me to stay with a check for $16,000 in settlement of him till the end. For my father was my claim against the estate. By now I dying. When Janet (my sister) saw knew I was no match for Janet and me sitting there in my father's study, her husband. I took the check and her face was a revelation. It was evi­ returned to America. dent she did not want ma home. I was So to my Guardian Angel, who shocked. We had always been loving urged me onward to action by repeat­ sisters, I had thought. But Janet had ing the dream so often, I owe the fact outgrown her girlhood. She was now that I got $16,000 of which I would her husband's wife and nothing else. never even have heard had I not gone Without asking leave, Janet moved to my old home. And without the back into the old home with two recurring dream I would never have servants and her children. From that made the effort.

ALL GOES onward and outward, nothing col­ lapses, And to die is different from what anyone sup­ posed, and luckier. · - Walt Whitmall NAUTILUS MAGAZINE I Looked the Family Budget Squarely in the Eye


F You HAVE faced insecurity, the in another state stopped over to spend I lack of adequate funds to balance a few days with me. As much as I your account, you will know how I enjoyed her company I could not help felt. One day, due to extended illness feeling that my plans were being in the immediate family, quite unex­ frustrated. Regardless of my anxiety pectedly there was thrown upon me I decided one thing was certain: I the responsibility of redeeming and would not let my guest suspect my caring for the family budget. financial embarrassment. That this On previous similar occasions when secrecy must be maintained not for faced by seemingly dire circumstances a few days only but for weeks I soon from which extraction was necessary, learned. My friend became ill and I had learned that to turn the tables, was unwillingly detained in my home to find inevitable success in apparent for weeks which grew into months. defeat, I had only to " stop, look and With the passing of time, while listen" while carefully considering, the doctor quietly explained to me "What have ye in the house." So, on that because of her age my friend was this particular day that is what I in grave danger, I grew more and attempted to do . more distracted. Remembering that Finally, with a prayer and alacrity "Man's extremity is God's oppor­ in my heart I moved my desk into tunity," I decided I would use all the better light as I calmly decided that Truth I knew to prepare my friend to there was only one thing for me to do: become well and do what more than I would undertake the strenuous task anything else she desired -complete (work which I knew would take me the journey to her beloved daughter's a long time) of writing salable manu­ home. scripts. With this decision my own attitude That months would pass before I completely changed. No longer did I would have the opportunity of sitting · think of my personal financial di­ at that desk to express the thoughts lemma. It now seemed, in contrast which I hoped would salvage the with what I had chosen to do for my situation confronting me did not en­ friend, of no significance. Somehow, ter my mind. Nor did it occur to me through my consciousness resounded that the necessary money could or the words, "He that loseth his life would be acquired in quite another shall find it." And I silently prayed way in far less time than I anticipated. that I might in some way " touch the The very next day a friend - the hem of his garment,'' knowing well best friend I have ever had -who that to do this would bring restored was traveling to her daughter's home health to my friend. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE Across my consciousness again and she was strong enough to resume the again flashed familiar words - yet long journey. But from that day she words that up to this time had never had an optimistic attitude, suffered held a tangible meaning: "Closer no pain and did not require medical than hands and feet.'' While contem­ attention. plating how I, or anyone else, who That to my own thanksgiving and had never feelingly realized the close­ praise for the blessings - belief and ness of these actively functioning restored health - that had come to members of the body could know that another through the acceptance of which is even closer- the Christ­ "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" I unconsciously walked to my desk could be added the healing of my own and opened it. There, on top of a pile need of supply I did not then know. of other communications, lay a postal But on the day before leaving my card which I had received months home, my friend's surprise gift to me before; and on the card, as if by was a personal check at which I chance, was written the name of a gazed in perfect astonishment, not practicing metaphysician. I called because of its size alone, but because the person whose name appeared on it was the exact amount I naeded to again the card over the phone. Never shall establish my financial sccttrity. Without I forget the smile of appreciation I knowing then, or to this day, that received from my friend when I told she had put into my hand the exact her what I had done. While explain­ amount of my deficit, she said as she ing to her that another person and I did so, ·'This is not only to express were praying for her, it was as if all my gratitude for all you have done that she desired had been given to for me, but it is to pay you for your her that moment. With a sigh of time which I feel might have been great relief she pronounced these used in some financially profitable words: " I believe." Then quickly way." followed a request for food, a relief From that experience I have from pain which did not return, and gleamed a more perfect understanding a normal temperature- the first she of God's promises: "All things what­ had enjoyed for many days. soever ye shall ask in prayer, believ­ Mter a thorough examination by ing, ye shall receive;" and, "He that the doctor in the afternoon of the doeth truth cometh to light." I have same day, his private comment to me learned again through this demon­ was: "What has been going on here? stration what every practicing Truth It is as if your friend has been given student knows, that the Father of us a new confidence, or shall we call all, because of his love which passeth it spiritual integrity? She will get our understanding, guides us (when wel '' we allow his way to become our would not have you think my way) in ways of righteousness which guest traveled the next day. It was always bring us his richest and ever about two weeks before she felt that present blessings.

TRUST thyself, every heart vibrates co that iron string. - Ralph Waldo Emerson NAUTILUS MAGAZINE out. for development of the soul as water "Just fine. And the company has is to the body. I had never counted ordered six more like it." on God as a partner before. Now I "But you, yourself," I spoke ques­ realize I couldn't continue without. tioningly, "you' relike a new person." his wonderful help." ''I used to carry all my worries in­ "Ask and ye shall receive." What side of me," he replied. "Now I talk a marvelous promise! things over with God. Faith is a And to know it's yours for the must for daily living. It's as essential asking!

''AND HE SHALL HAVE MORE when nurtured by the sun and the ABUNDANCE" kindness of warm rain. Try to think By ELLA PEET FREEMAN of some blessings that you never regarded before as such, naming the ITH WHAT are you blessed? What most cherished down to the smallest W have you that you genuinely delight you experience. For the more appreciate? Don't look now. But on you can recognize the more rich you second thought, perhaps you'd bet­ can become. Whoever will think ter. There might be a scrap of paper upon what he has, to him shall be and a stub of a pencil lying around. given; while the man who dwells If you will write at the top of the upon what he has not shall more paper, "I am blessed with" .. . than likely lose what he has. Al­ and go on down the line writing one­ though we may not realize it, this by-one the things you enjoy and for principle is working within us all. which to be grateful, you will no It grows with the use of it. doubt be astounded at your good for­ If you will take this attitude to­ tune. ''Whosoever hath, to him ward your ambitions and goals you shall be given, and he shall have more will find that others too will believe abundance; but whosoever hath not, and trust in you. You will give the from him shall be taken away even outward appearance of what you that which he hath." The instant wish to be and have. If you want you comprehend the meaning of these money, then you must find a way to words and apply them to your life give the impression of having it. You they will begin to achieve for you must assume that you already have with a power and force beyond all that which you desire. Make your . human control. manner a prosperous, happy one. You do understand? How can that Speak only words of encouragement, be taken from you which you do not praise and appreciation. At first it have? Only that which you have and may seem diffi cult. Be patient. We do do not consider worthy of thought not plant today and gather tomor­ or appreciation can be taken from row. The habit of praise will become you. But that for which you are involuntary. You may reap ever­ grateful and think happily upon increasing results as you go along will increase a hundredfold as quickly until your estate is boundless and as the. castor· bean in your garden your joy is undiminished: 2.0 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE

Christ~ s Essay on Success


How It Helped an Old Man to Go Near to the Top

ow To MAKE a living is often a there is an answer somewhere, and in H very serious problem with nearly that man's case I was thinking of The every person and is especially hard Christ's formula for making a living. for most of the elders. But I know a "What do you mean?" he man who put himself near the top of demanded. an enterprise when he was old and Not certain that I meant anything, about to lose his job and his home by I shook my head. For what can an doing an unheard of thing - he old man who is out of step with life stopped serving mammon and served and his boss and his home do to God. change over? But I finally said, "You When I first met Bob Davis wrong might read Christ's essay on success.'' living was written all over his face - ·'I never heard of it." deep fissures in his cheeks and eyes You will find it in Matthew, I told that were weary from looking out at him. Christ said to stop taking a hard world. He was cynical and de­ thought about what you shall eat, spised at the office where he worked or what you shall drink, or where­ and in town. It was about that time withal you shall be clothed. Perhaps he told me that his boss was an ig­ he meant that we ought to fling our­ norant fool. selves into life and let the problems ··He got rich quick,'' he said, ··and go. "I know you get back some sort it spoiled him. He is exacting, he is a of. power every time you :m life,'' I boor and he is inefficient. His ideas sa1d. won't work and I don't like him. It's He gave me a wan smile. ·'Maybe pretty hard for me. I can't work for you think that if I did that I would that guy much longer. But maybe I be arrayed like the lilies,'' he said won't have to- he will kick me drily. My answer, of course, was that out because I am getting old.' ' Christ said so. Bob Davis feared that his family He observed that he had often would leave him. heard it said that if a man worked for ·'I am about to lose my home, you God and not a boss everything would know," he said. ''I'm only a meal turn out all right, but, he added, ·'I ticket for them. I don't get any help have tried that and it won't work. " from my sons and daughters, for they I have tried that formula too - · are weaned away." praying and thinking you are work­ I said, "No man can serve two mas­ ing for God when you know in your ters." I was not giving advice and I heart that you are working fo r a hard was only thinking out loud because taskmaster! Life isn' t any sort of all problems intrigue me, and I know make-believe; I have no illusions re- NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 2I garding it. But I do know that the disfigured. That is why you tire; that Nazarene magnified life; he glorified is why you age. it; he lifted it up. Christ made life You are always looking at the sublime. But he did not put much heartbreaks when you ought to be emphasis on sorrow and sadness and looking at life. I have known for a troubles. long time that you get that at which Bob Davis was selling his soul for you look and that which you love. a mess of pottage, and I knew it, be- Life is, indeed, more than making a cause most everybody does that. But, living! Life is more important than · somehow, I gave him a little hope or even a home and a job. Life is more faith or inspired him. For he went than meat and raiment and every­ away and changed himself inside thing. When you learn this and begin himself. And after he had changed to serve life, the other things are inside, his environment changed- added. which is in accordance with a cosmic You positively cannot serve God law. And not so long after that he and the mammons of worry and fret paid for his home; his family loves and struggle because you are bound him, he is admired, he looks ten years to hate the one and love the other. younger and he is the crown prince at You cannot split your personality the establishment with which he is like that and succeed. Those who .~\'! connected. He did not work a miracle toilworn serve mammon. But he w11'0:.-c. either to bring all this about. He said takes life in his stride, in a rompin~t he got a printer to make him a beau- spiri t of play and love and laughter, tiful inscription and this he placed serves God. above his desk. Yes, I am quite positive that the That inscription, which was the Christ gave us a wonderful essay on twenty-first verse of the amazing sixth success. He was a great business man chapter of Matthew, explains that who understood the greatest of all "Whm your treasure is, there wilt your businesses -life. heart be also ." Bob Davis thinks as I do as he Bob said, ·'I made that verse the forges ahead in his seven-league boots prayer of my life and I live that_ of joy. It is a most remarkable thing prayer '' because nearly everybody insists on You worry, you scheme and you serving two masters. But Bob Davis plot to make a living. That is where has found some sort of God-sub­ everybody's treasure is and the heart stance. His role, far past seventy, also. That is why most everybody is , becomes him.

S wrFTLY arose and spread around me the peace and knowledge that pass all the argu­ ment of the earch, And I know that the hand of God is the prom­ ise of my own, And I know that the spirit of God is the brother of my own. -Walt Whitman 2.2. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE How Far Can You '"'"Tele-Pathn By BROWN LANDONE, F.R.E.S.

CIENCE at last is making kinder­ started up out of sound sleep and said, S garten experiments in telepathy; "Garrison has resigned," and then that is, testing the sending or receiv­ lay back again, sound asleep. ing of images or thoughts, to or from When my secretary woke me, I this person or that. told him it was silly, I remembered Telepathy means far-feeling; that is, nothing of it; and anyway, there was the feeling of the soul at a far dis­ perfect agreement between Wilson tance. This true telepathy depends on and Garrison. Yet next morning's the fact that your soul is infinite, and papers carried the headline, ''Garri­ this truth is of great value to man. son Has Resigned.'' Your mind often affirms, My soul is Another time in California I woke infinite! And if your soul also believed out of sleep, thinking of a young it, you would already have the abun­ opera singer in Chicago choking to dance of millions on earth and the death by blood in his throat. It im­ joys of heaven. pressed me so strongly that, after Usually however, you think of the arguing with myself, I finally got soul as something so s·mall that it is Chicago on the long distance phone, inside of your body. But instead, the reached his mother and when she told body is only the focal point of the me the young man had had a tonsil soul; and 5ince soul is infinite, it operation that afternoon I urged her reaches to Cairo and Guadalcanal, to phone the hospital. London and Bataan, Chile and Aus­ Next morning she wired me that, tralia, all at the same time.' Hence you unknown to the nurse who had left . can consciously contact any soul or him comfortable for the night, he had event of earth; and even reach to started to bleed, and that so much heaven, as we do in prayer. blood had flowed into his stomach, I repeat- telepathy means far­ and was beginning to fill his throat, feeling - feeling at a distance. You that if it had not been for the tele­ have experienced it; so have I­ phone calls he would have choked to perhaps thousands of times. And if death in another five minutes. one or two of my experiences will The soul does feel at a distance, help you to realize the greater truth even 2,000 miles away! that your soul is infinite, then it is Another case, out of many hun­ worthwhile to write of them. dreds. Three years ago a careless Before we entered the First World player dropped a bowling ball, full War we knew of no friction between weight, on the foot of my secretary, President Wilson and his Secretary of crushing bones of two toes and injur­ War, Mr. Garrison. Yet, one night ing the leg. On the sixth day the while I was lying on a couch asleep, injured blood vessels developed blood while my secretary was finishing poisoning. Two doctors put him on some work in the same room, I a sulfa drug, and by the eighth day NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 2-3 there seemed to be no danger at all. again intending to amputate the young. Often I work all night, then go to man's leg. bed about seven in the morning to I got rid of my visitors and tele­ sleep till 9 or 10. And the ninth phoned. ''Oh no,'' said the young morning I woke out of sound sleep, wife, ·'the doctor was here this morn~ knowing that those two physicians ing and has not mentioned amputa­ had decided to amputate that young tion for three days.' ' I then talked man's leg. l looked ·at my clock; it with the young man himself - the was 9:32 . I got the young man's home telephone was near his bed - and he on the telephone and heard his wife said, "No, they haven't said any­ crying as she answered my call : ''Yes, thing to me about it.' ' the doctors have just left; they insist I hung up, but could not get rid of on taking M -- to the hospital the feeling. So I phoned the surgeon; within an hour to cut off his leg." his office told me he w as at the hos­ I dressed quickly, and drove to pital. I called up the hospital but their home. I convinced the young could not get in touch with him, so I man that the operation could wait at talked with the superintendant and least another day, and soon the physi­ she informed me, "Dr. S-- has cians agreed that they would not just arranged for a room for the need to amputate it. young man, and plans the operation J Everything seemed to be going for nine tomorrow morning.'' well; then ten days later, when I was This time the doctors had planned working one night on manuscript at for the operation without letting the my desk at about ten o'clock, I saw young man or his wife know; yet the words ''they are going to cut off within ten minutes after the surgeon his leg." It startled me; I looked had arranged for the room at the closer and those words were not in hospital, I knew it telepathically. the manuscript at all. Nevertheless, Now please, my friend, recognize I again telephoned the young wife these experiences for what they are; and learned that the young man had they are no more personal than sun­ a· high fever, that one of the doctors shine of the sun is personal. The soul had been there and he had again de­ is te and its radiance reaches to cided that the leg must be amputated. all parts and people of earth. He had left at 9:45- ten minutes Telepathy is the far-feeling of the before I had "seen" the words on my soul. Its value is not found in sending manuscript. or receiving thoughts. Its supreme Again I objected and the young value is its response to all Infinite man refused to consent to the opera­ Intelligence which includes all in­ tion, at least for a few days. telligence of all individuals. If you think these were coinci­ Thus there can be true guidance dences, consider the third incident arid inspired wisdom and certainty of four days later. the peace and security that come from It was late afternoon. Two people knowing that the far-feeling of your from New England were calling. I soul will report to you whatsoever was not thinking of my secretary at your soul needs to feel at any par­ all. Then, clear as a telegraphic mes­ ticular hour of your life for your sage, I knew those two doctors were guidance, protection and power. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE Views and Reviews By WILLIAM E. TOWNE

Suggestion Frees Inner Power

ow M ANY times in our lives we opened the way by changing her H are jarred into doing something mental attitude. Before that change, we did not realize we could do, by feat· had chained her forces and kept force of circumstances. " Rising to her from success. To put it another meet the occasion," we often call it. way, she had been creating channels But the power was there - all the of failure through fear. More faith time. We just did not have the faith and self-confi dence turned her crea­ and the courage to use it. tive powers in the direction of success. Here are some instances : A corre­ John D. Quackenbos, M .D., who spondent writes that she used to wrote extensively upon the subject of watch an aunt of hers bake a cake man's subconscious powers some and was amazed at her procedure. thirty-fi ve years ago, maintained that ·'Never had I seen her refer to a recipe, resources far beyond the reach of the and never did she use such a thing as conscious mind may be brought into a measuring cup. She literally 'threw ' play through suggestion. He cites the a cake together, and I might add that case of a sailor who when ashore be­ never have I found another who came associated with a young woman could equal her in the artistry of writer from whom he received a baking." Our correspondent "got on suggestion to write fiction. Although her high horse" and made up her ignorant of the technique of writing, mind she did not care whether she he took up a pen "drew upon his could bake as good a cake as her seafaring experiences for material, aunt or not, she would go ahead fe ar­ and produced novels of sufficient leuly and try. And lo, the cake was merit to secure their acceptance by good. .And subsequent cakes also the foremost publishing houses." turned out well because of her fear­ Morgan Robertson, a novelist, less technique. Previously she had wrote: ' 'There is a mind state, be­ met only with failure. What hap­ tween sleeping and waking, when pened, I think, was that when she the far-seeing powers of the subjec­ adopted a more fearless attitude, her tive self may be projected through subconscious forces were fre ed to the working machine of the objec­ guide her and lead her to take the tive mind, the brain, and thoughts right steps to make her baking a evolved and the work performed will success. Of course if she had known be of superior quality to any that the nothing about baking, the results waking consciousness itself can pro­ would not have been the same, per­ duce at its best." haps; but in her case she used what Suggestion can greatly aid in cre­ she had to better advantage because ating self-confidence in those whose of the subconscious guidance. This work requires them to appear before guidance could not operate until she an audience. Dr. Quackenbos wrote NAUTILUS MAGAZINE of a patient of his who was leading attend to this part of the work to lady in a stage production. Previ­ pay at least in part the weekly salary. ously she had been considered only I found that he had received a sov­ mediocre in her work. She was self­ ereign in the morning. By means of conscious and full of doubt of her this sovereign, together with the own ability. After being prepared for one which I had received jttst at the her work by suggestion she arose to moment when it was need~d, we were stardom almost over night. Describ­ helped through this day." ing her own experience following her On another occasion he writes: first appearance after having received "This is perhaps of all days the most added confidence through suggestion remarkable as yet so far as it regards this actress said : ''As I walked before the funds. When I was in prayer this the footlights, in view of the audi­ morning respecting them I was en­ ence, a strange sensation came over abled firmly to believe that the Lord me. I was conscious of an internal would send help, though all seemed elevation and expansion. I saw more dark as to natural appearances." He clearly and more confidently than I goes on to say that the orphans in had ever done. I felt inspired. My his care were without bread or milk. whole being became instinct with a Yet before the close of that day funds new and intense vitality.'' came in abundance to meet their This was a case where desire had needs. been rendered impotent through fear Prayer is the very best kind of sug­ and doubt. Suggestion freed desire to gestion, the best technique that one do its creative work and the powers can employ to free his own creative of the actress responded -instantly powers and relate him to the forces and generously. which can help him to realize his All earnest desire is a form of desires. What greater example could prayer. Through prayer the individ­ we have of the value of this method ual's own powers are often freed to than that given by J esus when he fuller use and at the same time he be­ prayed, ·'I thank thee that thou hast comes related to powers greater than heard me and I knew that thou himself which aid him. The prayer hearest me always,'' just before he itself acts powerfully to free the raised Lazarus from the dead? individual from his own limitations and to bring him that which he earnestly desires. In his diary the Rev. George Mueller recorded many instances of help received through TRUST prayer. Often it came just when it was most needed - but always, in LrFE loveth life and good; then trust his case, What most the spirit would, it must; it came - perhaps because Deep wishes in the heart that be, of his perfect faith. Here are a few Are blossoms of necessi ty. instances which he relates in his diary: " About two, the usual time A thread of law runs through thy prayer, Stronger than iron castles are; when the teachers are paid, a sov­ And love and longing toward her goal ereign was given with which I went Are pilots sweet to guide the soul. immediately to Brother T-- to -David A. Wauon 2.6 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE the most exacting of the many bosses that must be pleased in a large corpo­ Success In Prayer ration. This fine lady, who was a bookkeeper at one of the firms where Edit.d by W. E. T. and E. T. I made frequent calls, had not only noted something wrong, but had de­ cided to do all she could to change TOGETHER WE PRAYED my condition. One day she took me to one side and told me that ifi would AT FORTY-EIGHT I found myself out read a certain book she was sure it fl... of work, not after Pearl Harbor would do me a lot of good. I agreed when my abilities might have placed to read it and she brought from her me immediately, but in 1940, when desk a copy of a book having to do they looked at my age and turned me with Truth. After reading the book, down because of it. Just a month or and two or three others more ad­ so over a year before I had disengaged vanced in contents, I met this same myself from a truly wonderful com­ lady again and she told me of a Truth pany because my salary had remained magazine, for which I subscribed. level so long that even an increase of When, therefore, I found myself in twenty-five dollars was too enticing heavy debt, with a family of five de­ to be disregarded. The move to better pendents, out of work, and seemingly myself had been a poor decision and making no impression in my efforts had resulted in employment at the to become re-employed, it was most better salary for but one month, when natural to turn to Truth and prayer. I found myself almost compelled to In my destitute condition, I induced attempt a start in business for myself my wife to kneel and pray with me - with no assets other than a bor­ -for Land one had written, ''H two rowed $350. It was almost a foregone of you shall agree as touching any­ conclusion that I would fail, which thing they shall greatly desire it shall I did in four or five months. I man­ be done,'· as Christ had said before aged to avoid bankruptcy by signing him. The choice was the Lord's notes for my obligations amounting Prayer for he had composed this to over $900. It was in this condition prayer even as he had saia that two that I entered upon a new job. This praying together would realize their was suddenly taken from me eight aeslres. months later. During the time I was In our darkest moment of nineteen working, the salary rate had been so years of married life, when it seemed small that no reduction had been everything had gone to smash, all made in the indebtedness. hope gone, we began the daily habit A short time before the foregoing of PRAYING TOGETHER twice chain of incidents started, a student each day, before and after the regular of New Thought had noted in my and diligent search for work. Each demeanor a decided trend toward time of praying was carefully made nervous exhaustion, due to long years to include the request for a job and of over-investment of energy in the the Lord's Prayer. We also included daily tasks which as a result had al­ the promise of Jesus, that if two of us ways been done to the satisfaction of should agree upon what we asked, NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 27 believing we would receive it, then it would follow as the night the day HOPE AND HELP that we would truly realize our de­ By ERVIN KING sire. Finally, during each prayer, HBN RUNNING our life-race in war or we affirmed this belief that I would W peace, how much more help we will re­ ceive by holding on to hope. If our road is receive not only a job, but a better rough, with big bumps to jar and jolt, if we one than we could imagine in our then lose hope in the mix-up there's little help circumstances. for the journey's successful ending. Hazardous traveling goes on with no light lit Out of the blue sky one day there to guide us, our number is turned in, and we're came a phone call which caught up locked up for keeps. Then follows the junk pile. with me when I called my home be­ In the absence of careful watching and charg­ fore lunch. My old firm wanted me ing the vital storage batteries with strong doses to call. Negotiations were opened of peace, or war time faith and hope, our life­ light loses its power to direct on the right and in two weeks I was re-employed track, with the result that the machine goes out by the one big corporation for which of commission. The loss of hope drove us into I had the great regard of my life. But the darkened ditch. Our fighting days arc over. How important then that we strive to steer this is only a part of the good fortune clear of wrecking life-bumps by giving more that came in answer to our prayers. attention to the handling of our guiding The new work was in a new depart­ wheel of hope. When our road ahead is slippery ment entirely, and resulted in a com­ and full of ruts, with danger signals a-plenty, then must there be the greatest care and judg­ plete change of all activity in a field ment in our life-driving. Ever must the head­ intensely interesting and which has light be charged with a high class brand of prepared me for expert activity in a faith and hope. Therein is salvation. And so fiela which could hardly be affected only will we get the help that pulls us through. How many a life-race is lost - when the by the war, while my old activity for start was good - by not proper! y attending twenty years had been confined to a the storage tank when the going got rough. field severely cramped by the present Then, being knocked off the life-track by better trouble. And the salary was immedi­ managed and equipped life-machines, we travel the unpaved, unlighted ways, to end up as old ately fifty-per-cent larger than the style derelicts. one I had received before I found Constant recharges of life-giving hope would myself out in the cold. have helped to turn our losing Lizzics into It looked like a calamity if there prize-winning Packards. Faith and worlcs win, both in peace and war. ever was one when I lost the job, That we may come out speed kings in our poor as it was, in 1940. But it was life-racing, be it in war or peace, how essential truly good fortune. I had lost it at a that our goal ahead be never lost sight of. It is time when I would have hesitated therefore well for us always to remember that no one can run us off the life-track but our­ about leaving it to return even to my selves. old company, because my conscience There is more assurance of reward when we would have stood in the way. But, remember the sacred words: being discharged, I was free to go "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why wherever I might want to go; and doth he yet hope for? was I glad to go under such favorable "But if we hope for that we see not, then do conditions when the way was opened we with patience wait for it. " in answer to our prayers. - L. J. , Ill. It is up to us to do all in our power to keep our life-batteries always charged with a fuii OuR intellectual and active powers increase measure of strong, uplifting hope. So only can with our affections. we get the help to face all our trials, and come - R.alph Waldo Emmon through winners. 2.8 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE Eliza beth· s Editorials with an attendance approximating (Continued from page 7) 100! These every day luncheons pre­ sided over by different leaders and porter so that I could tell you all the with different topics every day took things she said. She was very happy the place of the banquet which has over the entire Congress and the out­ always been a feature of previous come of the election. Dr. Garns who Congresses. Oh, I nearly forgot to was the President last year did not tell you that the attendance was wish to be re-elected unless the Con­ splendid at all the meetings. Chicago gress would agree to raise a lot of did itself proud in coming to the money so that teachers could be sent meetings and in many other ways. into the field. Of course there was Here's blessing them, every one, and nobody there who could promise so hoping to meet them in Louisville much money, so he withdrew his next July. candidacy for re-election. And with­ out any delay our distinguished Ray­ * mond Charles Barker was elected the Are War Profits An I llnsion? new President! He had done such a HERE really is a way to stop the splendid job as Director of that Con­ T war profiteers in their tracks, and gress that nobody could even think of I believe that the editor of justice anybody else to follow Dr. Garns. newspaper sees the light on this The Congress did make a splendid matter. Here is what he says about it: collection of money for our faithful "We have a 'Little Steel' formula Secretary, Florence Frisbie, to ad­ for wages. Whether labor likes it or minister at Headquarters in Wash­ not, the workers have been made to ington (1713 K St. N. W., Washing­ live up to it. What about a formula ton No. 6, D. C. ). The check that was for corporate war proS. ts? sent to Headquarters was for $1800. "The second World War, the com­ Not for years has the Alliance even mercial press keeps on harping, is not approached that amount as a gift going to yield a crop of overnight from the Congress to Headquarters! millionaires as did the first World So you can quite imagine that the War. Whatever corporate profits the whole Congress was delighted. Glory big war contractors are making, it is Halleujah! pointed out to us, are being gobbled The next Congress is to be the last up by the tax collected. Look at the week in July, in Louisville, Ken­ huge excess profits taxes the corpora­ tucky, and here's inviting All of You tions are compelled to pay out these to join us now and begin to save up days! to come to that Congress. We all "Any attempt to place a ceiling on think it will be still better than the profits, the warning rings again, Chicago one! would hamstring free enterprise and Oh, I wish I might tell you all would be little short of a national about the details of the program, the calamity. It would hurt the general speakers, etc., and the 7:30 A.M. community and would even injure prayer session presided over by Miss the war effort. Mel, and the splendid Friendship ''Comes the Survey of Current Busi­ Luncheons that were held every day ness, monthly publication of the De- NAUTILUS MAGAZINE partment of Commerce and discloses desire- not what special privileged proces­ sors want to make profits on. in its June issue that corporate profi ts 6. NO PAUPER"S OATH, no taking away - after taxes - for the first quarter from anyone the extra overcoat, or the little of 1943 were approximately 18 per business, or the old automobile or other tools cent higher than in the first quarter of of service or trade, or the little home (or farm) 1942. The new profits, calculated on mortgaged or not mortgaged, which he or she or they have been able to hang on to up to the the basis of present corporate tax present time. rates, amounted to $1,821,000,000 in 7. BEGIN THE PLAN ON THIS BASIS, $5 the first three months of the year. If Cash Dividends per week to every member of every fami ly group, and to every lone individual the boom goes on, corporate profits who is now without adequate income begin­ will reach nearly eight billion by the ning with all persons and families on relief or end of the year. with incomes too small to report for income ''In effect the analysis reveals that tax; then include families of small reported in­ Uncle Sam is paying the increased comes, and finally ALL citi'{ms. From richest 11 poorest, from the day of birth to dt~y of death. tax bill of major war industries and 8. THE ONLY CLASSES EXEMPTED: (1) thereby leaving a margin for con­ aliens, (2) persons imprisoned or hospitalized tinued profits' boosts. at public expense, voluntarily or involuntarily. "We return to our question: On Dividends to be reinstated immediately upon release. Remember that $5 a week for each and the basis of simple equality of sacri­ every one of us will enable every Americ11n f~~mi& fice- if a ceiling is put on wages, to live FREE, self-respecting, healthy, expressing why not place a ceiling on corporate genius and service each after his own FREE profits?'' spirit; also every fami& witt bt t~dding its con­ sumer! power to the WELL-BEING OF ALL IN­ DUSTRY AND BUSINESS: an inexhaustible * WELL of prosperity bubbling up from the bot­ DEMOCRACY'S DIVIDENDS tom forever. -Elizabeth Towne. 1. NATIONALIZE BANK CREDIT. Reduce still further the metal bases of money and use * Power, or Work-Power, Consuming Power, or National Property Wealth- or all of them THE IMPRISONED SPLENDOUR or either- as base for further issues of non­ interest-bearing Legal Tender paper. Issue TRuTH IS within ourselves; it takes no rise ENOUGH legal tender money based on the from outward things, what e"er you may CONSUMING power, WORK POWER and believe. CREDIT of the U. S. - which is better and There is an inmost center in us all, greater and sounder, than all the gold and silver Where truth abides in fulness; and around, in the world. Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in, 2. PAY DIVIDENDS ON WHAT? Pay them This perfect clear perception - \Vhich is truth. on wealth piled up by the collective working-and­ A baffling and perverting carnal mesh consuming power of all Atmricall citi"{JilS. Binds it, and makes all error; and to know 3. WITH NON-INTEREST-BEARING Rather consists in opening out a way NEW CURRENCY (or federal checks) pay $5 Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape, Week& National Dividend to EVERY citizen: Than in effecting entry for a light man, woman and minor from birth to death - Supposed to be without. rich or poor, unemployed or employed. -Browning 4. BEGIN WITH THE UNEMPLOYED: 30 NAUTILUS MAGAZINE Is There a New Thought Truth Club or Center in Your Neighborhood? If not , why not start o ne in your neighborhood? Why FAITH aces on our souls as a moral tonic; it ~~~d~r i;;dy~~~i ~b\W~~? ~~k afo~u ~~taF~e~io[~~ef£~ that t e lls how t o start a Cent e r, and which expla ins our cakes the free and fever out of our lives; it gives plan for FREE ADVERTISING of Centers and C lubs. the appetite and desire for noble living; ic removes despondency; ic gives energy, courage, The Elizabeth Towne Ca., Inc. hope, patience, and persistence; and in its HOLYOKE, MASSACHUSETTS highest manifestations it makes our live$ a blending of power, sweetness, and peace. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM - Jamu M. Pullman TO WIN MORE FRIENDS TO SOLVE WRITE ME If you desire t o become more "charming." popular and attractive a nd to win and hold friends you w ill find aid I will guide you in its SOLUTION through the law in the little book. "" CONVERSATION AND A MAG­ of CREATIVE PRAYER. Po•tcard requests will NETIC PERSONALITY." The author {a young not be answered. Encloseatamp. A ddress: DORTCH Boston lawyer) tried the met hods herself and found them effective. She planned to sell t he lessons as a $2.00 CAMPBELL, Box 832, Clarksdale, Mississippi. course. We persuaded her to let ua bring them o ut as a book inst ead. t o sell a t o nly SSe, postpaid. TH£ WILL YOU-PLEASE? ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. e A Doctor of Divinity write us1 "I read and re·read Nautilius in bed before I go to sleep. This practice has STUDY FOR THE DEGREE kept my faith in myself and in God. If I had not hod this pleasure I would have an impoverished life and maybe of D octor of Psychology (Ps.D.), Doctor of (pardon me) gone 'nuts.'" So you never can tell what good MetaphysiCAl (Ms.D.), or D octor of Divinity may come from passing on YOUR copy of Nautilius to some (D.D.), by correspondence. Write for further one who will really read it. Will you do this-please9 Or, information. better yet, send $2.00 for Nautili us one year to be sent to someone you know will appreciate it. THANK YOU/ THE COLLEGE OF DIVINE METAPHYSICS, INC. THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. Dept. I, 2811 N. llliuois St., lndiaoapoll., Indiana PRAYER IS THE POWER cf!andone fie/pd 7}ou t';l fhe One Power Which Reached (}oJ WITH PRAYERS OF THE SACRED PROMISE Health-Bedridden-NOW more active than in years. Harmony-Husband and I have found real Peace and Happiness again. TO SECURE Bus! ness-Thanks to God, our business is really improving. THIS AELP Eyes-Now writing to you, WITHOUT the aid af glasses. Drink-At )ast free from the bondage of liquor. {l) Write definitely just what your soul most Healing-Shot in stomach, hope abandoned after 6 operations. Now desires; and healed with the aid of Prayer. (2) Enclose $1 for lnstruc- _,...... ::.~ti~o~~~,;.;;,.j;;;;;;,;;;;,._O!!!!!I ______'"EN THE TIME is when you ore ASlEEP so your soul con l .u -- ~~-:1~17 .~~.:~~~: ~~_P..-._J_H_E ~~ EAN._5_ ,i,s ~ro ~ !ng ... ~~"!_t:! NAUTILUS MAGAZINE

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HENRIETTA LEE. D aily t reatments for Healt h To be Published in October: and Success $5.00 monthly. No interviews. 349 THE SEVENTH SPARKS BOOK 25c Wes t 58th, New York City (19) U!ritcfor a complete list HARRIET MARPLE, Metaphysician. 315 E. 8th St., Pawhuska , Okla. H ealth, Prosperity T reatments. Problem advice. Voluntary Offering. O rder now from your neares t bookstore or Unity Center. or directly from LINDA B. HUBER, D .O ., M s.D., E lizabeth­ town, Pa. Healing treat ments, two daily, any HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers problem. T wo D ollars mont hly. 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, N.Y.

CHARLES CALLAHAN , Metaphysician, 112 N. Postage extra Mont Clair, Da llas 11, Texa s. Practitioner. Coun­ selor. T eacher.