NAUTILUS MAGAZINE I Important to What's Cooking Nautilus Subscribers FOR NEXT MONTH? If you find an expiration notice attached to this space it m<:>ans that your subscription expires with this issue UNLESS your ren ewa l has crossed the notice in the mail. IF YOU WILL RETURN THE RENEWAL Since the prize article was How to Use BLANK WITH YOUR REMITTANCE SO THAT published m June NAUTILUS IT REACHES US BY THE 2oth OF THE MONTH Subconscious Miss Hazel Dean has received OF THIS ISSUE WE WILL CREDIT YOU WITH Power 13 MONTHS FOR $2.00. Extra month for prompt many letters and inquiries renewal. Or we will send NAUTILUS two years for asking for fu rther details on just how the dem­ $3.00 (3oc extra per year for Canadian postage; and onstrations she described were brought about. 6oc extra postage per year to foreign lands.) So, she has wri teen a compact little course of W E AFFIRM that the basic tr.;th of all relig­ three lessons on ··How We Made Our Dreams ions is one. And that this truth- ""derstood alld Come True." The first lesson starts with "How applied-frm, heals and prospers the individ11al We Began," and gives the theory by which -HERE AND NOW. they worked, namely, that there is a power in everyone that can do whatever we ask of it. NAuTILUS takes its name from the following verse "This power is as real as electricity, as real as from Holmes' poem, The Chambered Nautilus: your shoes, as real as the bread you put into BuiLD thee more stately mansions, oh, my soul, your mouth," she says. And so this first lesson As the swift seasons roll! will tell you how to use this power to make a Leave thy low~vault ed past! Let each new temple nobler than the last, demonstration. The title will be T HE SUB­ Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, CONSCIOUS POWER AND HOW TO USE IT 'Til thou at length art free, and it will be published in November NAUTI- Leaving thine outgrown shell by Life's unresting sea LUS. she loved. Married to him with a prayer of Do You Resent Most of us do. We like praise and thankfulness in her heart. You will Changes? to sit by the fire and enjoy enjoy reading JEALOUSY HEALED, by Elmer the Present if it is fairly R. Walker, in November NAUTILUS. tolerable. And we don't like to move outside the More Telepath Mr.. Landone is ju~t narrow routine of The Accustomed - unless Y getnng started on h1s we happen to be the inheritor of a pioneer telepathy experiences! Next month he will tell spirit! And yet, new energy and power, new us how " fo ur people - thousands of miles life, can come only through change - and the apart- definitefy, and approximately at the faith that makes us step out on a seeming void same hour, telepathically felt what was taking chat we may find the solid rock beneath it. place" in regard to a fifth person. This experi­ Much helpful material on this subject may be ence, THE MIND THINKS AND THE SOUL found in SO YOU DON'T LIKE CHANGES! FEELS REGARDLESS OF SPACE, will be which will be one of the special fea tures of published in November NAUTILUS. November NAuTILUS. There's More . Dortch Campbell writes: God's Plan We know that life is a never­ To Prayer "I got a letter the other For You ending succession of cycles. Than You Think day from an Illinois Whither do they tend? Do they woman who said she proceed according to a master plan? GOD'S sang and danced her prayers for four or five years PLAN FOR YOU IS PROGRESS, by Rose and they were always answered. There IS Umbreit, in November NAuTILus suggests an­ another half of prayer, I am quite positive, of swers to some of these questions. which we have scarcely reckoned with. Prayer is really not a thing asked for, but a thing done. She had set out with a pickax Singing and rhythmic acts are the material Overcoming to tear down her sweetheart'·s parts of it." Concerning the matter of guid­ Jealousy house! There was jealousy for ance, Dortch writes in part: "In that other side you! In fac t she was consumed, burning up with of prayer, having to do with divine guidance, it. So much so that she went, pickax in hand, I do know positively from long watching this to tell her story to a stranger. Yet, within thing called prayer that there is such. I know three weeks time she was completely restored that prayer directs to very mundane or material to a balanced life and later married to the man (Please turn to page 2, col. 2) 2. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE (What's Cooking: Continued from page I) This Way Lies methods, which bring about a cure or solve a problem. They err who refuse a solution of their problem unless it comes direct from God. PEACE Within We are on the earth and I think we ou~ht to idealize most, if not all, material thmgs." "Never felt so quiet and peaceful. Can't Dortch's latest views on prayer will be ex­ praise this work enough."- M. B., Wis. So pressed in WHEN IN TROUBLE USE THE writes a student of ELIZABETH TOWNE'S WHOLE OF PRAYER, which is coming in FOUR LESSONS ON HEALTH AND November NAuTILUS. SUCCESS. Others write: "Have left off tonic and sometimes walk over two miles a day. Instead of studying ABOUT Truth, or think­ Don't Don't fail to read the prize ing ABOUT Truth, these Lessons make you Overlook It offer which appeared in last know that you are LIVING TRUTH." month's What's Cooking? -M.S. B., Ga. "Strength increased. Haven't Some interesting guidance experiences are al­ felt so ALIVE for years." - Mrs. ] . H. D., ready coming in, but we hope there will be Ind. "Have accomplished every single thing I many more. We are sure these can be of real put on my written list of desires. Please send help to our readers, and we want to publish Lesson II."- G. H. C., Ga. "Was losing weight. Much depressed. Now gaining weight several of the best submitted. and mental attitude completely changed." - E. E. M., Ill. "Health and appearance improved. Eyes sparkle, complexion better." REDUCING IS FUN -G. C. L ., Md. "Am thankful for PEACE Mrs. F. S. McGraw reduced 33 pounds to her "ideal" AND HARMONY IN HOME and small weight by a workable scheme of weight control. She ate increase in income." - C. E. H., Pa. what the fsmily ate, or what she wanted, used no drugs and no fasting. Best of aU continuing this method one is helped to stay "slenderized .. ! Price of the Four Lessons and two Her system is in the booklet "Reducing Is Fun.'' booklets used with them, $1.60. THE Try it! Price 28c postpaid ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. The Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc. Holyoke, Massachusetts YOUR BIBLE BECOME A DOCTOR of PSYCHOLOGY or METAPHYSICS IN A NEW LIGHT Win the degree of Ps.D. or Ms. D. Teach the secret of contentment, happiness. Solve mental worries. You can know more of what It REALLY said­ Learn how to unfold spiritual powers. Experience In its orltUnal sources the revelation of truth. Chartered College. Individ­ ual help. Write for FREE booli:. COLLEGE OF For fresh understanding, for new revelations of UNIVERSAL TRUTH, 5651-F North Ashland beauty and truth- read THE SHORT BIBLE, AYe., Chicago. Ill. American translation in brief, by Edgar J. Goodspeed, Ph.D. It is the sa·me Bible you already know, condensed, but the original Greek has been translated into clear and understandable modern English. You can learn more about the real life and truth record ed in the Bible by the special aids this book con­ SPECIAL INTRODUCTION OFFER tains. And you get these helps in quick and convenient form. USE THIS COUPON and !l,et NAUTILUS Such aids as these: A brief text precedes each book of the Bible giving a brief history of the writer; facts 10 Months and the new Wee-Book, ALL about the state of mind of the people at the time it was written; the state of government at that time i Why the THESE AND MORE MY TREASURE book was written, etc. MAP BROUGHT ME- all for $1.25 The Bible will take on new and fascinating meanings for you with the aid of THE SHORT BIBLE. The (ForeiCn $1.85 - Canada $1.55) book will aid you in clear thinking and understanding of what has before seemed to you obscure and difficult . The Elizabeth Towne Co., Inc., Holyoke, Mass. THE SHORT BIBLE contains 545 pages. It includes I surely want to read all the special features coming several pages that have never been in any Bible before. in NAUTILUS. Here is $1.25 lor NAUTILUS 10 months and the book free. in accordance with your Price, postpaid, cloth, $2.20 apecial offer. THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc. NG~ ... .. ...... ..... ............ ....... .. Address . ...... , ... ...................... ..... Holyoke, Massachusetts Ocl. NAUTILUS MAGAZINE 3 PUBLISHED $2.00 A YEAR MONTHLY NAUTILUS 20c A COPY Magazine of New Thought Vol. XLV OCTOBER 1943 No. 12 CONTENTS PAGE House in the Hills (Page Poem) Pettis Montgomery 4 EDITORIALS ELIZABETH TOWNE 5 How I Get Daily Dividends from Prayer Judith Burden 8 Believest Thou? Lynne Terry 9 How a Dream Brought Me $16,000 .
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