Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Il-Kantilena by Pietru Caxaro Il-Kantilena Ta' Pietru Caxaro Interpretazzjoni Rinaxximentali

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Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Il-Kantilena by Pietru Caxaro Il-Kantilena Ta' Pietru Caxaro Interpretazzjoni Rinaxximentali Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Il-Kantilena by Pietru Caxaro Il-Kantilena Ta' Pietru Caxaro Interpretazzjoni Rinaxximentali. "Fuq il-konklużjonijiet ippubblikati fl-ewwel studju tiegħi dwar il-Kantilena (1992) bqajt matul is-snin nibni konklużjonijiet oħrajn li jissoktaw juru l- importanza storika ta' dawn l-għoxrin vers. Hemm l-importanza tagħha bħala xogħol letterarju bikri bil-Malti, imma wkoll, u wisq aktar, bħala dokument li jixħet dawl fuq dik li nixtieq insejħilha 'L-Istorja Tal-Maltin', f'kuntrast ma'dik li hi magħrufa bhala 'l-Istorja ta' Malta'. Fl-isfond tan- nisġa ta' elementi Għarbin u elementi Sqallin tinkiseb definizzjoni sħiħa tal-Malti bħala djalett li kiber u sar lingwa. Iżda wisq iżjed minn hekk, illum nikkonkludi li hemm ukoll il-muftieħ għall-għarfien etniku tal-istess poplu li jitħaddet ilsien li hu taħlita: Semitiku-Latin. Ir-rikkezza enormi tal-lingwa Maltija tiftiehem minnufih f'dan id-dawl: hi lingwa li stagħniet billi laggħet fiha stess żewġ kulturi kbar. Il-profondità tal-prezenza tal-wirt Sqalli turi li hemm livelli u kundizzjonijiet varji fir relazzjoni bejn iż-żewġ gżejjer." Oliver Friggieri. Il-Kantilena by Pietru Caxaro. Fr. Mark Montebello O.P. It- Torca tal-Hadd, 19 ta’ Lulju 2009. Pietru Caxaru u l-Kantilena tieghu. Il-familja Caxaru kienet wahda qadima f’Malta fis-sekli 15 u 16. Pietru Caxaru, membru ta’ din il-familja, kiteb dik li s’issa hija maghrufa li hija l- eqdem poezija bil-Malti, maghrufa bhala “Il-Kantilena” jew “Xidew il-Qada”. Bejn wiehed u l-iehor, din il-poezija nkitbet madwar l-1450. Pietru Caxaru, il-kittieb famuz taghha, miet fl-1485. Dan l-ahhar, bhal meta wiehed jistenbah minn raqda twila, il-“Kantilena” regghet gibdet interess tal- ghageb. X’siwi ghandu dan l-interess imgedded? Interess personali. Qabel xejn, nixtieq nghid ghala Pietru Caxaru u l-“Kantilena” tieghu ghandha tinteressanti mill-qrib. Hemm tliet ragunijiet ewlenin: l-ewwel, Pietru Caxaru hu midfun fil-knisja taghna tad-Dumnikani tar-Rabat. Infatti, Pietru ndifen f’kappella li l-bini taghha (meta kienet qed tinbena l-knisja) hallas ghalih minn butu stess. Pietru kien habib ta’ diversi Dumnikani eruditi li kellna f’dak iz-zmien. It-tieni raguni hija li dak li ‘skopra’ l-“Kantilena” kien Dumnikan ukoll: il-habib tieghi Patri Mikiel Fsadni. X’jigifieri ‘skoprieha’? Ghax ghalkemm il-“Kantilena” nkitbet madwar l-1450, hadd ma kien jaf biha sal-1966. Kien Patri Fsadni li sabha f’volum qadim fl-Arkivji Notarili, il-Belt, u ppubblikaha flimkien mal-Professur Godfrey Wettinger fl-1968. It-tielet raguni hija li, fil-manuskritt qadim li fih instabet il-“Kantilena”, Pietru Caxaru jissejjah “filosfu, oratur u poeta”. Bhalma taf, jien ili mal- ghoxrin sena nistharreg it-tradizzjoni tal-filosofija f’Malta u ghalhekk kull filosfu Malti jinteressanti mill-qrib. Dan Pietru tal-“Kantilena” hu wiehed biss fost ghexieren ohrajn. Dwar il-filosofija f’Malta, dan l-ahhar ippubblikajt ktieb bl-isem “20 th Century Philosophy in Malta”, u dwar Pietru Caxaru kont ippubblikajt ktejjeb bl-isem “Pietru Caxaru u l-Kantilena Tieghu” (1992). Ghal dawn ir-ragunijiet ewlenin, l-interess personali tieghi f’Pietru Caxaru u l-“Kantilena” tieghu huwa konsiderevoli. Interess imgedded. Dan l-ahhar saru diversi attivitajiet li jixhdu ghall-interess gdid li qam f’daqqa wahda fil-“Kantilena” ta’ Pietru Caxaru. Fil-5 ta’ Novembru, 2008, l- Akkademja tal-Malti organizzat lejla kom-memorattiva fil-knisja tag hna tad-Dumnikani tar-Rabat . Il-programm kien jinkludi l-qari tal-“ Kantilena” bil-Malti medjevali, id-daqq ta’ melodiji medjevali mill-Gukulari Ensemble, u tahdita fuq il-“ Kantilena ” mill-Prof. Alexander Borg, li jghallem fl-Università tan-Negev, Izrael. Il-poezija ta’ Caxaru nqrat mill-lettur tal-Gharbi fl-Università ta’ Malta, Dr Martin Zammit, skond ir-regoli fonologici li kienu mhaddma fil-Malti medjevali. Wara dan, fit-18 u d-19 ta’ April li g hadda , l-Akkademja tal-Malti u Palazzo Falson organizzaw zewg seminarji interessantissmi dwar il-“ Kantilena” fl-okkazjoni tal-Festival Medjevali fl-Imdina. F’dawn is-seminarji tkellmu ghadd ta’ esperti, fosthom il-Prof. Wettinger, il-Prof. Manwel Mifsud, il-Prof. Stanley Fiorini, Dr Martin Zammit u Frans Sammut. Dan tal-ahhar ghamel ukoll diskors iehor fit-28 ta’ Gunju li ghadda f’San Pawl il-Bahar. Fl-ahharnett, tliet gimghat ilu, fit-22 ta’ Gunju li ghadda, il-kantanta Doreen Galea harget CD bl-isem ta’ “Ommi” li l-kliem tal-ewwel trekk taghha msemmi “Xidew il-Qada”, huwa proprju dak tal-“Kantilena” ta’ Pietru Caxaru. Il-muzika hija ta’ Dominic Galea u s-CD giet prodotta minn Steve Borg u rrekordjata minn Manolito Galea. Kontribuzzjonijiet godda. Dawn l-attivitajiet kienu kollha interessanti fihom infushom u hargu ghamlu zviluppi godda f’dak li nafu s’issa dwar Pietru Caxaru u l-“Kantilena” tieghu. Forsi l-aktar originali, apparti s-CD sabiha ta’ Doreen Galea, kienu l-kontribuzzjonijiet ta’ Godfrey Wettinger u Frans Sammut. L-ewwel wiehed qieghed jissuggerixxi li Pietru Caxaru, li kien guvni, seta’ kellu tfal illegittmi minn wahda mill-iskjavi tieghu li kien jisimha Duminka. It-tieni wiehed qieghed jissuggerixxi, l-ewwelnett, li originarjament il-Caxarijiet kienu familja Lhudija, u t-tieni li, bhala stil poetiku, il-“Kantilena” ma hi kantilena xejn, imma Zagal, forma poetika maghrufa sew fi Spanja Gharabika. Ghal dan, Sammut jaghti evidenza interna fil-poezija stess. Bla dubju, dawn is-suggerimenti huma provokattivi hafna. Din hi s-sbuhija tal-akkademja: li tibqa’ tistharreg, thuf u tipprova tiskopri hwejjeg godda fejn ikollna l-apparenza tac-certitudni. Fil-kaz tal-Prof. Wettinger jista’ ghandna zvilupp ckejken fl-istorja personali ta’ Pietru Caxaru. Imma fil-kaz ta’ Sammut, ghandna wkoll interpretazzjoni ghal kollox gdida ta’ kif ghandna naqraw il-“Kantilena”. Jalla dawn il-kontribuzzjonijiet jghinu sabiex napprezzaw aktar ilsien art twelidna u l-istudjuzi tieghu. Multilingual Short Works Collection 025 - Poetry & Prose. This is our 25th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. (Summary by ToddHW) Chinese - 蜀道難 [Shǔ dào nán] - 2:29 李白 [Li Bai] Keywords: scenery, challenge, danger, desolation, dreariness, exaggeration, myth, legend, concern, depravity Link to Text. Chinese (read in historical Chengdu dialect) - 蜀相 [Shu xiang] - 0:50 杜甫 [Du Fu] Keywords: Chengdu, admiration, three kingdoms, regret, praise, lament, expectations Link to Text. Esperanto - La ovala portreto - 10:37 Edgar Allan Poe, translated by Albert Frank Milward Keywords: Esperanto translation of „The Oval Portrait” Link to Text. German - Das gemordete Kind, aus Lettische Märchen - 1:49 Victor von Andrejanoff Keywords: multilingual, german, fairy tale, haunt, ghosts Link to Text. Italian - Alla sera - 1:33 Ugo Foscolo Keywords: multilingual, italian, foscolo, poetry, sonnet, evening, darkness, death, peace, time, restlessness, war, patriotism Link to Text. Italian - Ben venga maggio - 2:24 Angelo Poliziano Keywords: multilingual, italian, florentine, florence, renaissance, ballata, angelo poliziano, de medici, tournament, spring, may, youth, love, pleasure, carpe diem, transience, brevity of life, vanita Link to Text. Italian - Inferno, Canto V - 9:16 Dante Alighieri Keywords: Paolo e Francesca, second level of Hell, lust, lovers Link to Text. Italian - In morte del fratello Giovanni - 1:26 Ugo Foscolo Keywords: multilingual, italian, catullus, foscolo, poetry, sonnet, death, grief, burial, funeral rites, exile Link to Text. Latin - Carmen CI - 1:52 Gaius Valerius Catullus Keywords: multilingual, latin, catullus, carmina, death, grief, funeral rites Link to Text. Latin - De Herotionte, Epìgramma V.35 - 1:38 Marcus Valerius Martialis Keywords: multilingual, latin, martialis, martial, epigrammata, epigram, death, child, grief Link to Text. Latin and French - Orientis Partibus - 4:10 Anonymous Keywords: multilingual, latin, french, medieval, feast of the ass Link to Text. Luxembourgish - Fréjorsdoft - 1:01 Michel Lentz Keywords: nature, spring, poetry, fun Link to Text. Macedonian - Т'га за југ [Tga za jug] - 2:00 Konstantin Miladinov Keywords: longing, lake, homesickness, sadness, natural treasures Link to Text. Maltese (medieval) - Il Kantilena - 1:50 Pietru Caxaru Keywords: oldest known Maltese poem, l-eqdem poeżija bil-Malti, xideu il cada, huakit hi mirammiti, Caxaro, the house that crumbled Link to Text. Polish - Bakczysaraj - 1:03 Adam Mickiewicz Keywords: podróź, historia, przyroda, przemijanie, poezja, sonet Link to Text. Romanian - Departe sunt de tine. - 2:04 Mihai Eminescu Keywords: Mihai Eminescu, Poezii, Departe sint de time, Departe sunt de time, Poezia romaneasca Link to Text. Spanish - La ardilla, el dogo y el zorro - 4:17 Andrés Bello Keywords: Poesía, Fábula, Andrés Bello Link to Text. Spanish - El león y el pastor - 2:20 Esopo Keywords: moraleja, fábula, agradecimiento Link to Text. Spanish - Remordimiento - 8:06 Eduardo Zamacois Keywords: suicidio, desamor, rompimiento, muerte Link to Text. Spanish - Solo - 2:36 José Campo-Arana Keywords: soledad, reflexión, tristeza Link to Text. The curious case of Maltese, the only Semitic language in the European Union. The special location of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and halfway between Africa and Europe, gave the country (which are actually three islands: Gozo, Comino and Malta itself) unique cultural characteristics within the European environment. There are megalithic temples built in the fourth millennium BC by a culture that disappeared a millennium and a half later. Around 700 B.C. the islands were colonized by Phoenicians, and in 218 B.C. the Romans arrived to stay (it is known that St. Paul was shipwrecked in Malta when he was taken prisoner on his way to Rome in 55 and spent three months there). These were followed by the Byzantines in the 6th century A.D., and later in 870 A.D. by the Aghlabids of the North African emirate of Ifriqiya in Tunisia. The Muslim presence in Malta continued with the Fatimid Caliphate and the Emirate of Sicily, which dominated the area from 909 A.D., until the islands were conquered by the Normans in 1091.
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