(1), 1993: 87-102 Wood Anatomy of Trees and Shrubs
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IAWA Journal, Vol. 14 (1), 1993: 87-102 WOOD ANATOMY OF TREES AND SHRUBS FROM CHINA. V. ANACARDIACEAE by Zhongmin Dong1 and Pieter Baas Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Summary The wood anatomy of twenty species be Xinying 1986; Deng & Baas 1990; Zhang Ion ging to eleven genera of Anacardiaceae Shu-Yin & Baas 1992; Zhong et al. 1992). native to or commonly cultivated in China is The Anacardiaceae are trees, shrubs, woody described in detail and a generic wood ana climbers and very rarely herbs, occurring tomical key is given. The wood anatomical mostly in the tropical and subtropical regions diversity pattern partly agrees with the tradi throughout the world and a few extending in tional classification into the tribes Anacardieae to the temperate zones. The familyis of con (Anacardium, Buchanania, and Mangijera), siderable economic value. It produces edible Spondieae (Choerospondias, Dracontomelon, fruits, gums and resins, tannins, dyes, drugs Lannea, and Spondias) and Rhoideae (Coti and also several timbers of commercial im nus, Pistacia, Rhus, and Toxicodendron). portance. The Chinese lacquer ware is derived Rhus, Cotinus and Pistacia are largely ex from Toxicodendron vernicijluum and allied tratropical and share a syndrome of ecologi species. Many of the plants of the lacquer cally correlated characters: spiral vessel wall producing group of the family are also poi thickenings (at least in the narrow vessels), sonous and cause bad skin allergy. oblique to dendritic latewood vessel distribu The classification and delimitation of the tion, ring-porosity, and narrow fibres. family is still a matter of debate. For this Within Toxicodendron two wood anatomi study we have adopted the concept of Cron cal types are apparent coinciding with a tem quist (1981), including Pistacia in the tribe perate (T. vernicijluum) versus tropical (other Rhoideae. species studied) distribution. Yet the generic Wood sampIes of eleven out of about six status of Toxicodendron, distinct from Rhus, teen genera of Anacardiaceae occurring in is supported by its frequent coalescent inter China (native or commonly cultivated) were vessel pit apertures. The ring-porous T. ver available for this study. The remaining five nicijluum moreover lacks the clustering or genera, Dobinea (of doubtful affinity), Dri oblique patterning of latewood vessels typical mycarpus, Semecarpus, Terminthia and Pegia of ring-porous species of Rhus. are represented by a single or a few species in Key words: Anacardiaceae, systematic wood China, and we did not succeed in obtaining anatomy, wood identification, ecological wood samp1es of these taxa. wood anatomy, China. Material and Methods Introduction Wood sampies were collected by the first This paper is part of aseries, in wbich the author and obtained from various institutional wood anatomy of trees and shrubs native to wood collections in China as follows: PUw: China is described and discussed family by Departrnent of Biology, Peking University, family. The general outline of this study is Beijing; CAFw: Beijing Institute of Forestry provided in previous papers (Baas & Zhang of Academia Sinica of Forestry; NFIw: North- 1) Present address: Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada KIS 5B6. Downloaded from Brill.com10/09/2021 03:51:19AM via free access 88 IAWA Journal, Vol. 14 (1),1993 western Forestry Institute, YangIing; NUw: pairs or in groups of three or four, 20% soli Department of Biology, Northwest Univer tary, somewhat rounded in outline, tangential sity, Xian. diameter 135 (70-200) )lm, walls 3-4 iJm Herbarium vouchers associated with the thick. Vessel members 400 (250-540) iJm sampies from NUw were identified by Prof. long. Perforation plates simple. Intervessel Hu, Department of Biology, Northwest Uni pitting nonvestured, alternate, bordered, poly versity, Xian. The sampies from PUw were gonal, 10-12 )lm in diameter with slit-like collected by a group of plant taxonomists and apertures. Vessel-ray pits large and simple, all the herbarium vouchers of them are depos round to oval. Vessel-parenchyma pits simple ited in South China Botany Institute (IBC). or with strongly reduced borders in clusters Other wood sampies are unvouchered, or of 2-5. Tyloses abundant. Fibres 800 (650- data referring to the herbarium voucher were 950) iJm long, nonseptate, average diameter not available. In the nomenclature we follow 17 )lm, very thin-walled, pits minutely border ed Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Vol. ed, mainly confined to the radial walls. Paren 45 (1) (Ming 1980). chyma vasicentric and weakly confluent, in Microscopic slides and macerations were 3-4-celled strands. Rays mainly uniseriate, made according to standard techniques (Baas occasionally biseriate, 13/mm, 7-10 (2-25) & Zhang 1986). Sampies for scanning elec cells or 0.1-0.9 mm tall with 1 row of mar tron microscopy were prepared after Exley ginal upright cell (Kribs' heterogeneous type et al.(1977). The recommended terminology III). Radial canals absent. Silica bodies (7-10 and procedures by the IAWA Committee iJm) and a few large prismatic crystals present (1989) were followed in descriptions and de in ray cells (Fig. 4). termining quantitative values. Fibre diameter, Note: Septate fibres were reported by many a character showing an interesting variation authors (Hess 1946; Kribs 1968; Mitchell & pattern within the Chinese Anacardiaceae, Mori 1987) in Anacardium, but in our mate was measured in macerations; average values rial no septate fibres were detected. are based on 25 measurements. Buchanania Spreng. (Figs. 5-8; Table 1) Generic wood anatomical descriptions Material studied: B. arborescens (Blume) Explanatory note Blume: Taiwan, PUw 852. - B. latifolia In the descriptions the sequence used in Roxb.: Hainan, PUw 986. - B. microphylla the first paper of this series (Baas & Zhang Engl.: Hainan, CAFw 14560. 1986) has been adopted. Besides the features Evergreen (B. arborescens) or deciduous mentioned in that paper, several other features (B.latifolia) trees from tropical forests. are observed and described here: average fibre Growth rings absent or faint. Wood dif diameter; radial canals - presence or absence, fuse-porous. Vessels 6-1O/mm2, mostly in shape in tangential section, cell wall thickness radial multiples or clusters, 8-20% solitary, of epithelial cells, number of epithelial cell round in cross section, tangential diameter layers and the diameter of the cavity; silica 115-165 (90-200) )lm, walls 3-4 iJm thick. bodies - presence or absence, shape and size; Vessel members length 400-410 (250-570) pith flecks - groups of large irregularly ar iJm in B. microphylla and B.latifolia; 730 ranged parenchyma cells. (630-770) )lm in B. arborescens. Perfora tions simple. Intervessel pits nonvestured, Anacardium (L.) Rottboell (Figs. 1-4) alternate, polygonal, or round in B. micro phylla, 7-11 )lm in diameter with oval to slit Material studied: A. occidentale L.: Hai like apertures. Vessel-ray pits and vessel nan, PUw 379. parenchyma pits similar, simple to indistinct Small trees, introduced and cultivated in ly bordered, round to elongate. Tyloses pres tropical regions of China. ent. A few vasicentric tracheids present. Fi Growth rings absent. Wood diffuse-por bres 1000-1200 (770-1300) )lm long, aver ous. Vessels very sparse, 5/mm2, usually in age diameter 19-23 )lm, very thin-walled, Downloaded from Brill.com10/09/2021 03:51:19AM via free access Dong & Baas - Wood anatomy of Anacardiaceae from China 89 Table 1. Variation in selected wood anatomical characters of Buchanania. VD VL IP SF PV SD RW B. arborescens 170 730 P + ± 1-2 B. latifolia 170 400 P + + 1-3 B. microphylla 120 410 R ± + 1-3 VD average vessel diameter (ILm). VL average vessel member length (ILm). IP shape of intervessel pits; P = polygonal; R = rounded. SF septate fibres. PV parenchyma vasicentric to aliform. SD silica bodies. RW= ray width. with minutely bordered pits mainly confined scanty vasicentric in 3-4-celled strands. to the radial walls. Septate fibres present in Rays 9-12/mm, with 1 row ofmarginal up B. arborescens in the vicinity of the vessels, right cells (Kribs' heterogeneous type III), mixed with parenchyma cells. Parenchyma in B. latifolia and B. microphylla 1-3 cells aliform, in 3-4-celled strands in B. micro wide, 10-15 (2-30) cells or up to 0.8 mm phylla; or in strands of up to over 8 cells in in height; inB. arborescens, mainly 1-2 cells B. latifolia; in B. arborescens parenchyma (text continued on page 94) Legends 01 Figures 1-31: Figs. 1-4. Anacardium occidentale. - 1, 2: TS, TLS, x 40. - 3: TLS showing typical interves seI pitting found in the Anacardiaceae; x 250. - 4: RLS showing silica bodies in ray ceIls; SEM, x 1750. - Figs. 5-7. Buchanania arborescens. - 5: TS, x 40. - 6: RLS showing prismatic crys tals in ray ceIls; x 250. - 7: TLS, radial canals (arrowed) in rays; x 40. - Fig. 8. Buchanania latifolia; TS, x 40. - Fig. 9. Dracontomelon duperreanum; TLS, x 40. Figs. 10, 11. Choerospondias axillaris; TS, TLS, radial canal arrowed, x 40. - Figs. 12, 13. Cotinus coggygria var. cinerea; TS, TLS, x 40. - Figs. 14-16. Mangifera sylvatica. - 14,15: TS, TLS, x 40. - 16: Crystals in ray cells; SEM, x 525. - Figs. 17-19. Pistacia. - 17. P. chi nensis; TS, x 40. - 18, 19. P. weinmannifolia; TS, x 40, TLS with radial canal, x 100. Figs. 20-28. Rhus. - 20,23,24,27,28: R. chinensis. - 21,25: R. potaninii. - 22,26: R. punjabensis. - 20-22: TS, x 40. - 23: Spiral thickenings in narrow vessels; SEM, x 900.- 24-26: TLS, x 40. - 27: RLS, druses in subdivided and slightly inflated ray cells, x 250. - 28: Druse in ray ceIl; SEM, x 2000. - Figs. 29-31. Spondias. - 29,30: S. lakonensis; TS and TLS, x 40. - 31: S. pinnata; TLS, x 40. Figs. 32-40. Toxicodendron. - 32, 33, 36-40: T.