(12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP22,989 P2 Zill (45) Date of Patent: Aug

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(12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP22,989 P2 Zill (45) Date of Patent: Aug USO0PP22989P2 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP22,989 P2 Zill (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 28, 2012 (54) MANGO TREE NAMED ‘C-20’ Primary Examiner * Susan McCormick EWoldt _ (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Jondle & Associates, PC. (50) Lat1n Name: Mangifera indica Varietal Denomination: C-20 (57) ABSTRACT ('76) Inventor; Gary Edward Z?], Boynton Beach, FL A new and diSIiIlCI variety ofmango tree (Manglfera indica), (US) ‘C-20’ Which is distinguished by the production of heavy and consistent crops of fruit Which are 454 g average Weight, ( * ) Notice: SubJ'eCP‘O any disclaimer{ the term Ofthis oblong With a bluntly pointed apex and a large lateral beak. Patent 15 extended or adlusted under 35 ‘C-20’ has a loW and spreading groWth habit With excellent U'S'C' 154(b) by 31 days' disease tolerance and a small and manageable mature height (21) APPL NO; 12/932,074 of 457.2 cm. The skin color is bright yelloW With a pink or crimson blush; thin, tender and adhesive skin, and a maturity (22) Filed: Feb. 17, 2011 date for harvesting and shipment of approximately mid June through July in South Florida. The ?avor is excellent, rich and (51) Int- Cl- aromatic, With a strong component of coconut cream, a A01H 5/00 (2006-01) creamy smooth texture With no ?ber or stringiness, a brix of US. Cl- ........................................ .. 21% and a long ?avor-life in storage' (58) Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. Plt./l59 See application ?le for complete search history. 1 Drawing Sheet 1 2 Genus and species: Mangifera indica. 5. Soft and melting ?esh With exceptional ?avor of coconut Variety denomination: ‘C-20’. cream and no ?ber. BACKGROUND OF THE NEW PLANT DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS The present invention comprises a neW and distinct variety This neW mango tree is illustrated by the accompanying of mango, botanically knoWn as Mangifera indica, and here photographs Which shoW the bloom and the mature fruit of the inafter referred to by the variety name ‘C-20’. ‘C-20’ Was tree in full color; the colors shoWn are as true as can be developed through a cross conducted in Boynton Beach, Fla. reasonably obtained by conventional photographic proce in 2000 between the female parent ‘ Edward’ (unpatented) and dures. The photographs are of 4-year-old plants groWn in the male parent ‘Gary’ (unpatented). ‘C-20’ Was selected as a Boynton Beach, Fla. in July, 2006. single plant in July of 2006 and Was ?rst propagated inAugust FIG. 1 shoWs the fully open bloom of a 4-year-old tree. FIG. 2 shoWs the exterior and interior of the mature fruit. of 2008 via grafting in Boynton Beach, Fla. The objective of the breeding program Was to develop a mango tree With DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW VARIETY superior tree siZe (small), disease tolerance, productivity and fruit quality. The folloWing detailed descriptions set forth the distinctive ‘C-20’ has been propagated for approximately three years characteristics of ‘C-20’. The data Which de?ne these char via grafting and has been found to retain its distinctive char acteristics Were collected from asexual reproductions carried acteristics through successive asexual propagations via graft 20 out in Boynton Beach, Fla. The plant history Was taken on ing from the mother tree. four- and ?ve-year-old trees groWn outdoors in Boynton Plant Breeder’s Rights for this variety have not been Beach, Fla. in July, 2006 through 2009. Color readings Were applied for. ‘C-20’ has not been made publicly available or taken under natural light. Color references are primarily to The R.H.S. Colour Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society sold more than one year prior to the ?ling date of this appli 25 cation. of London (R.H.S.) (2001 edition). DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION NEW PLANT The folloWing are the most outstanding and distinguishing 30 Classi?cation: characteristics of this neW cultivar When groWn under normal FamilyiAnacardiaceae. horticultural practices in Boynton Beach, Fla. Botanical nameiManglfera indica. 1. Small tree siZe; Den0minati0n.i‘C-20’. 2. Good and consistent productivity in South Florida; Tree: 3. Good disease tolerance; 35 Growth habiLiLoW, spreading and open. 4. Oblong to oval shaped fruit With lemon-yellow skin that HeightiLess than 457.2 cm. turns a pink to crimson blush When exposed to direct J?goriMedium to loW. sunlight and loW nitrogen and lemon yelloW to orange Regularity 0f bearingiRegular bearing except under ?esh; and extreme cold or Warm Winter conditions. US PP22,989 P2 4 Trunk: LengthiRanges from 10.0 cm to 15.0 cm. Diameteri25.4 cm at 6 cm height. Individual fruit weightiRanges from of 330 g to 600 g Surface textureiSmooth and regular. (average is 454 g). Color.4Gray to tan, RHS 198A to RHS 158B. Shape.4Oblong to oval with an undulating skin surface, Branches: a rounded base, slender stem with a squared insertion, HabitiSpreading and open. no cavity, and a bluntly pointed apex with a large SizeiVariable, due to the tree being pruned annually. lateral beak. Surface textureiSmooth. PediceliShape: Conical. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Color (one year old and older).4Gray to tan, RHS Stem cavityiLittle or no stem cavity depression. 198A to RHS 158B. Stem.4Color: Brown to gray, RHS 190C to RHS 198C. Color (immature, less than one year).iAgathia to Length: 10.0 cm to 15.0 cm. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Imperial Jade, RHS 142A to RHS124A. Seed.iShape: Oblong. Length: 9.5 cm. Breadth: 4.3 Leaves: cm. Thickness: 2.0 cm. Weight: 31.6 g. Color: RHS Length.*18.0 cm. 1 5 9C. Width.i8.5 cm. SkiniThickness: Thin, tender and adhesive. Smooth ShapeiLanceolate. ness: Moderately undulating. Lenticels: Numerous, AperiAcute with some twisting. large, russet lenticels. Color: Lemon to deep yellow BaseiBroad angular. with an orange to pink blush, RHS 12A to RHS 13A Margin .iSmooth to slightly wavy. with RHS 21A to RHS 29B if exposed to the sun; Shape in cross-sectionilncurved. 20 more blush color when fruit are grown under low PubescenceiAbsent. nitrogen conditions and with increased sun exposure ColoniUpper surface: Agathia to pea green, RHS and cool temperatures during development. 142A to RHS 149B. Lower surface: Agathia to pea FleshiTexture: Soft, melting and juicy with no ?ber. green with a slight more yellow tint, RHS 142A to Color: Lemon yellow to orange, RHS 12A to RHS RHS 149B. 25 21B. Fiber: Absent. Flavor: Flavor is like coconut PetioleiLength: 4.0 cm to 5.0 cm. Diameter: 0.3 cm to cream; rich, aromatic and sweet with a brix content of 0.5 cm. Color (mature): Willow grey, RHS 196A. 21%. Fragrance: Slight and pleasant. Texture: Firm. Color (immature): Burgundy to wine, RHS 57A to Softening: Time to softening (ripening) depends on RHS 58D. stage of maturity (3 to 10 days); softening is rapid and Flower bud: 30 uniform once it begins; ?esh ?rmness maintained for Length.i2.4 mm. several days at room temperature. Use: Fresh fruit, Surface textureiFirm and waxy. fresh cut or for pulp. Keeping quality: Above average Color.4Chinese yellow to salmon, RHS 20B to RHS shipping and shelf life. 27A. Disease and insect resistance: Good tolerance to anthracnose In?orescence: 35 (Colletotricum gloeosporioides). Moderate susceptibility GeneraliFlowers produced on multiple terminal to powdery mildew (Oidium mangiferae). in?orescence with thousands of individual ?owers Physiological conditions: Sap burn is not a problem in that typically set less than 1% in natural pollination. Florida, but in areas with severe incidence it is thought that Date of bloomiMid December to early March. there may be problems given the skin color. Flowers: 40 Width. *24 mm. COMPARISON WITH PARENTAL AND Width whenfully open.*4.8 mm. COMMERCIAL VARIETIES Petals.4Quantity per ?ower: 5. Color: White to cream to red with maturity, RHS 155A to RHS 159B to RHS ‘C-20’ differs from the female parent ‘Edward’ (unpat 171B. 45 ented) in that ‘C-20’ fruits in July, is shorter in height and has Sepals.4Quantity per ?ower: 5. oblong shaped fruits, while ‘Edward’ fruits in May to June, is PeduncleiPink, red or green, RHS 62A, RHS 64A or taller in height and has oblate shaped fruit. RHS 140B. ‘C-20’ differs from the male parent ‘Gary’ (unpatented) in Penduncle lengthi2 mm or less. that ‘C-20’ has oblong shaped fruit with coconut cream ?a Reproductive organs: 50 vored ?esh and has large leaves, while ‘Gary’ has oval shaped, Anther quantityi5 per ?ower. small fruit and a small leaf siZe. Anther coloniWhite, RHS 155A. ‘C-20’ differs from the commercial variety ‘Ataulfo’ (un Ovary quantityil. patented) in that ‘C-20’ has oblong shaped fruit, is shorter in Stigma color.iWhite and red, RHS 155A to RHS height and has a fruit skin with a pink blush, while ‘Ataulfo’ 1 5 9B. 55 has long and slender shaped fruit, is taller in height and has Fruit: fruit skin with no blush. GeneraliRipe for commercial harvesting and ship I claim: ment in approximately mid-June through July in 1. A new and distinct variety of mango tree named ‘C-20’ South Florida. Typically, the fruit is on the tree for ?ve as described and shown herein. to six months. 60 DiameteniRanges from 8.5 cm to 9.5 cm. U S. Patent Aug. 28, 2012 US PP22,989 P2 Fifi. 2 .
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