
WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER | SCORE CARD This sheet not admissible as a memory aid on the practical exam. Scenario must include a positive MOI for spinal injury. 25 minutes Max.

Rescuers: ______Examiner: ______Traumatic Injury: ______Med/Enviro Issue: ______Start Time: ______Stop Time: ______

Scene Size Up ___ Assessed scene safety ___ Considered MOI ___ Took BSI precautions ___ Determined the number of patients ___ Verbalized a general impression based on skin color and respirations

Consent & Control ___ Gained informed or implied consent ___ Considered manual stabilization of the head

Life Threats ___ Assured airway is open & empty ___ Assessed the integrity of the chest wall & for adequate breathing. Performs lifesaving interventions as needed. ___ Assessed the patient’s radial and performed a blood sweep. Controlled arterial and treated for shock as needed. ___ Determined if there was a positive MOI for spinal injury ___ Exposed injuries

Head-to-Toe-to-Back Exam ___ Assessed the head, ears, and face ___ Assessed the neck, looked for medical tags, JVD, & tracheal deviation ___ Assessed the clavicles and shoulders ___ Assessed the thorax ___ Assessed the abdomen ___ Assessed the pelvis ___ Assessed the legs ___ Assessed CSMs in the feet ___ Assessed the arms ___ Assessed CSMs in the hands ___ Assessed the spine, flanks, and butt Assessed , Including: ___ LOR ___ HR ___ RR ___ SCTM ___ BP ___ P ___ Lung Sounds (If the patient was having difficulty breathing)

SAMPLE History ___ Assessed symptoms ___ Assessed OPQSRT for each medical complaint ___ Assessed allergies ___ Assessed medications ___ Assessed pertinent (D.A.S.H.) ___ Assessed last ins & outs ___ Assessed events

Focused Spinal Assessment (For patients with a positive MOI but no S/S of spinal injury) ___ Reassessed LOR ___ Reassessed sobriety ___ Assessed for distraction ___ Reassessed CSMs in all four extremities ___ Reassessed the spine from the base of the skull to the coccyx

Usability Tests ___ Rescuer moved affected area ___ Patient moved affected area ___ Tested to see if it’s load bearing

Treatments ___ Assured basic needs were met (e.g. nutrition & hydration) ___ Managed pain ___ Assisted with medications when appropriate ___ Reduced deformities ___ Splinted or supported injuries when necessary ___ Performed other treatments as indicated in the Handbook

SOAP Note ___ Verbalized a concise and accurate SOAP Note ___ SOAP Note included treatments to be performed ___ SOAP Note included an evacuation decision and plan

Critical Failures ___ Didn’t perform an ABC intervention ___ Didn’t stabilize spine ___ Couldn’t take vitals ___ Did not perform FSA correctly