
Assessment of the Medical Patient From Bradys’ Emergency Care 10th Edition

1. What is the first thing you should get when starting the SAMPLE history?

A.) Allergies B.) Medications C.) Signs D.) Age

2. What is the last thing done when performing a focused history and physician exam on a responsive medical patient?

A.) Conduct focused exam B.) Perform interventions C.) Take history of present illness D.) Take

3. Why should the of the unresponsive medical patient be gathered by the EMT-B in the field before transport?

A.) To cover all bases in case of legal action B.) To help the emergency room personnel C.) To create a paper trail on the case D.) To make a good record of the event

4. What is the second thing that needs to be done when conducting the focused history and physical exam on a unresponsive medical patient?

A.) Gather SAMPLE history B.) Obtain baseline vital signs C.) Gather history of present illness D.) Conduct rapid physical exam

5. What should be done with a patient who has difficulty breathing and who has an inhaler?

A.) Assist with administration en route B.) Instruct the patient to take the medication C.) Assume the situation is under control D.) Assist with administration and leave

6. What acronym is used to remember the questions to ask for the history of the present illness?


7. Which part of the body should be looked at for distention?

A.) Abdomen B.) Extremities C.) Chest D.) Pelvis

8. Which part of the body should be looked at for possible medical identification devices in the unresponsive medical patient?

A.) Chest B.) Pelvis C.) Neck D.) Abdomen

9. Who should be spoken to first when the patient is alert?

A.) Officer B.) Patient C.) Family D.) Bystander

10. What area should be focused on when performing the focused physical exam of a responsive medical patient?

A.) Adjacent parts to B.) Entire body C.) No focus is needed D.) Area of chief complaint

11. Which term should not be used when asking family members about medications that patient may be taking?

A.) Medications B.) Drugs C.) Therapies D.) Medicines

12. What is the third thing done when performing the focused history and physician exam on a responsive medical patient?

A.) Vital signs B.) SAMPLE history C.) History of present illness D.) FOCUSED physical exam

13. What should be determined if the patient has more than one complaint?

A.) Least bothersome B.) Most bothersome C.) Longest duration problem D.) All of them

14. Which part of the history of present illness would involve the question, “What were you doing when it started?”

A.) Time B.) Onset C.) Provokes D.) Radiation