That 100% Evil-Free Magazine from Citr 101.9 Fm
THAT 100% EVIL-FREE MAGAZINE FROM CITR 101.9 FM IHE KET_k BA3R) SKUNK ANANSIE -lirf.^s* £r^ "POST ORGASMIC CHILL" T p^6 ^3S ^ Produced by Andy Wallace (Nirvana, Jeff Buckley) - " -*^V^-^ Sonic Warfare fed through speakers. Absolutely Rivoting. - Q Magazine Skunk Anansie kicks your head sr^-.H^ in, then soothes you down. T/A** s s~*/A - Guitarist Sharp insights, stadium sized choruses - Its the album of their career. - Heat Experience the BETA BAND £#MF Featuring On My Hotel TV, Secretly, and the Sunday, October, 24th electrifying first single CHARLIE BIG POTATO. at Richard's On Richard's mr Local Features! COOLDOWN 9 Local Music HOSPITAL 10 RADIO BERLIN 13 Directory RADIOGRAM 15 BOSSANOVA 16 Inside! SUBMISSION HOLD 18 Columns! VANCOUVER SPECIAL 4 SEVEN INCH 4 INTERVIEW HELL 6 KILL YOUR BOYFRIEND 8 PALINKAS EATS 8 LOUDER THAN A BOMB 8 VlDEOPHILTER 20 UNDER REVIEW 24 editrix: REAL LIVE ACTION 26 barbara andersen CHARTS 29 robert horsman ON THE DIAL 30 ad rep: SEPTEMBER DATEBOOK 34 maren hancock production manager: tristan winch graphic design/layout: Comics! rob, joe dark production: GOOD TASTY COMIC 29 nick bradley, mike godwin, ann goncalves, christa min, cat moore, gabby resch, anthony schrag, erin shaw Cover! photography & illustrations: SUBMISSION HOLD = GOOD. PHOTO = JOE casey b, andrew dennison, DENARDO. DESIGN = ROB. joe denardo, chris frey, steven horwood, evan lee, © DiSCORDER 1 999 by the Student Radio Society of the University marc mousseau of British Columbia. All rights reserved. Circulation 15 000. contributors: Subscriptions, payable in advance, to Canadian residents are $15 nic b, mike c, julie c, pc, for one year, to residents of the USA are $15 US; $24 CDN brady c, glen d'c, bryce d, elsewhere.
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