City of Bangor. Mayor's Address; Also, the Annual Reports of the Several Departments, and the Receipts and Expenditures for the Municipal Year 1880-81

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City of Bangor. Mayor's Address; Also, the Annual Reports of the Several Departments, and the Receipts and Expenditures for the Municipal Year 1880-81 The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 1881 City of Bangor. Mayor's Address; Also, the Annual Reports of the Several Departments, and the Receipts and Expenditures for the Municipal Year 1880-81. Bangor (Me.) Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Bangor (Me.), "City of Bangor. Mayor's Address; Also, the Annual Reports of the Several Departments, and the Receipts and Expenditures for the Municipal Year 1880-81." (1881). Maine Town Documents. 1167. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY OF BANGOR. MAYOR'S ADDRESS; ALSO, THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS. AND THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 1880-81. BANGOR: B. A. Burr, Whig and Courier Job Office. 1881. CITY OF BAISTGOE. —++-— MAYOR'S ADDRESS; ALSO, THE ANNUAL EEPOETS OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS, AND THE EECEIPTS AND EXPENDITUEES FOE THE MUNICIPAL YEAR, 1880-81. BANGOR: B. A. Burr, Whig and Courier Job Office. 1881. MAYOR'S ADDRESS. Gentlemen of the City Council; The voters of our city caU us together this morning for the purpose of clothing us with authority to enter upon our offi­ cial duties as their municipal officers. As your Mayor, it is required of me to be vigilant and ac­ tive in causing the laws and regulations of the city to be executed and enforced, to exercise a general supervision over the conduct of all subordinate officers, and cause any viola­ tion of law, or neglect of duty to be punished, and to be a co-worker with you, in our several duties as members of the city council. The responsibilities incumbent upon us therefore, are diffi­ cult and laborious, and to perform them well and wisely needs our careful and candid consideration. During the past year, our city, through the favor of a Divine Providence, has been unusually free from epidemics, and the general health of the people good. I suggest three methods for the promotion of temperance: First—Principles of temperance should be taught at home and in our schools. Second—The influence of moral suasion. Third—The removal of the temptation. Home and school impressions upon the minds of youth are usually lasting, aud often adhered to through life. Moral suasion is doing its work faithfully, and I trust will be continued until its mission is fulfilled. Our law makers for the present have done their part in helping to remove the temptation. 4 MAYOB'S ADDBESS. [1881. Our taxes are a burden to our people. It becomes us to make every reasonable effort to lighten this burden as much as a wise administration will allow. The improvements we demand in our schools, streets, sew­ ers, water, fire and police are unlimited, and that none of these are perfectly completed is evidenced each year in peti­ tions for extending and enlarging them. I earnestly recommend to your consideration some plan of permanent improvement on our streets, such as your good judgment may dictate, after a thorough investigation. Full reports of our several departments will be placed before you. I invite your attention to portions of each, and quote largely from the report of our treasurer, which must be grat­ ifying to every voter who expects to keep our financial depart­ ment sound, and our standard of credit maintained. From the report of City Treasurer, the following abstract has been made: Abstract of City Treasurer's Account, rendered March 9, 1881. 1880. March 9, Balance of cash on hand, , . $14 490 30 1881. March 9. Amount of Treasurer's notes discounted, 80,000 00 Collection of taxes for 1873 to 1880, (inclusive) covering abatements and discounts, 275,910 88 Credits to various funds exclusive of appropriations, 54!867 11 Note of G. A. Hill paid, 115 00 Amt. repaid by Bangor & Piscataquis R. B. on account of coupons paid, 37 000 00 State of Maine for pensions advanced, i'o50 00 Amt. rec'd for redemption of real estate sold for unpaid taxes, 2,239 01 Total, $465,672 30 1881.] CITY OF BANGOfc. 5 CREDITS. 1881. March 9. Amount of Mayor's orders for year 1880-81, $314,395 33 State tax, 1880, 50,215 32 County, " 17,687 02 Coupons on city loan to B. & P. R. R. Co., 58,595 00 State pensions paid to residents of Bangor, 1,050 00 Refunded to purchasers, amount rec'd for redemp­ tion of real estate, < 2,239 01 $444,181 68 Balance on hand: Deposit at Merchant's National Bank, Boston $2,108 59 Deposit at Second Nat'l Bank, Bangor, 18,500 00 Cashin Treasury, 882 03 21,490 62 $465,672 30 Abstract of Collector's Account for the year ending March 9,1881. 1880. March 9. Balance uncollected for years 1873-9, as per account rendered this day, $47,915 97 Oct. 5. Commitment of tax for 1880, 275,181 03 March 9,1881, Supplementary collections 125 04 $323,222 04 CREDITS. 1881. March 9. Amount paid in to Treasury, including discounts and abatements $275,910 88 Balance of uncollected taxes this date, 47,311 16 $323,222 04 The amount of uncollected taxes shown above, is less than for many years, which is a gratifying evidence of the ability and disposition of our tax payers, to respond to their municipal obligations. Statement of Dues to the City of Bangor, March 9,1881. Cash balance of Treasurer's account $21,490 62 Uncollected taxes, 47,311 16 Sewer assessments, 1,045 05 Balance due from Bangor & Piscataquis R. R. on advances for coupons on city loan, $214,210 95 881 6 MAYOR'S ADDRESS. [I - The assessed valuation of the city for 1880, is as 1tollow.: ^ $g ^^ Real estate, 2 yjj ^6g Personal estate, ] Total, «9,084,528 Municipal real estate, including Water Works 7,740 00 $9,858,528. Statement of Beceipts and Expenditures, in the Several Departments. „ , „ t„ Amounts ADDtonriations Unexpended Overdrawn Departments,, fended. and credits. Balances.. Balances. Highway $16,288 04 $17,454 85 $1,166 81 School 30,564 73 30,568 83 4 10 paUper, 16,664 64 19,907 55 3,242 91 Salary,' 4.622 75 4,700 00 77 25 Incidental, 10,835 01 11,593 82 758 81 Interest, 20,881 73 21,818 71 936 98 Sewer, 4,467 25 5,281 81 814 56 Wateri 37,288 79 40,134 50 2,845 71 City Agency, 8,444 15 9,377 25 933 10 Gas, 4,351 09 4,500 00 148 91 Overlayings, 7,654 67 9,578 69 1,924 02 Fire, 15,201 08 14.744 10 456 98 Police, 8,009 81 7.985 69 24 12 Discount on taxes, 23,121 59 22,500 00 621 59 $208,395 33 $220,145 80 $12,853 16 $1,102 69 Abstract of above. Amount of appropriations and credits, $220,145 80 Amount expended, 208,395 33 Amount unexpended balance, $11,750 47 It will be noticed that the amount expended in the Pauper Department the past year is $16,664.64, which is $4,760 less than the average expen­ diture for the last nine years. Expenditures in Pauper Department. 1872 $21,795 05 1873 18.566 48 1874 22,831 32 1875 20,970 80 1876 25,012 12 1877 26,185 55 1878 21,094 03 1879 19i690 74 !880 16,664 64 $192,810 73 Average for 9 years .$21,423 00 1881.] CITY 01" BANGOR. 7 Liabilities of the City, March 9,1881. Municipal bonds due in 1881 $ 15,000 00 1882 21,000 00 1885 50,000 00 1892 50,000 00 1894 100,000 00 Water bonds due in 1905 500,000 00 $736,000 00 It will be noticed that $15,000.00 of the above matures the present year, and must be included in the expenditures of 1881. The City Holds Trust Funds, as follows: For Bangor Fuel Society $ 1,000 00 Home for Aged Women 25,000 00 Children's Home 40,000 00 Bangor Mechanic Association 12,000 00 Wakefield fund for indigent women 10,000 00 $88,000 00 showing aggregate direct liability for the City on Municipal Bonds and trust Funds to be $824,000.00. Railroad Loans. To the European & North American Railway Company due January 1, 1894 $1,000,000 00 The interest on these bonds is invariably provided for by the company, and no anxiety is entertained that the city will sustain any loss or inconvenience from this con­ tingent liability. To the Bangor & Piscataquis Railroad Co., due April 1, 1899, at 6 per cent $600,000 00 at 7 per cent 325,000 00 $925,000 00 As for several years past, the coupons for interest on these loans is paid directly from the City Treasury, which has caused a draft for the last year of $58,595.00. This has been reduced by the amount of $37,- 000 00 received from the net earnings of the road, making the net ad­ vance by city, $21,595.00. This receipt from the road is $11,000 in excess of that of the previous year, and an increase on the amount paid to the city for any year since the road defaulted on the interest. 8 MAYOR'S ADDRESS.
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