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Friday, July 6, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 1 The dependent IN Reformer Belize’s Rebel Paper Vol. 2 No. 26 Friday, July 6, 2007 $1.00 BlueBlueBlue notesnotesnotes forforfor blueblueblue votesvotesvotes This past Sunday’s turnout in Belize’s parties. Lobsterfest goers are the prime northern-most border town proved target audience for the Movement. Plus, once more that political cash handouts people have been frightened into think- to starving, marginalized Belizeans can ing that their kidnapping could be next, still buy the PUP a lot of love. At least if they get too close to Mr. Aikman. Just for the day. ask the womenfolk with families. Despite all the scandal of the past The PUP didn’t promise the people months, desperate Belizeans turned out of Belize anything new that they haven’t in droves to collect their “per diems”, promised before; and, really it was just food coupons, and refreshments from a political orgy of confidence building PUP street captains organizing the flo- measure for their insiders. tillas to Corozal. It was no lobsterfest, but busloads of people cashed in on the free-food, free liquor, and free t-shirts, not to mention free dollars. But is this lease-a-crowd just taking the money and planning to vote their mind during the General Elec- tion like they did during the municipal and village council elections? That has to have the PUP wondering. Do they really love us, or just the money? This thought has got to have them feeling blue because they really don’t know. Do they? Almost as blue as having Said Musa Ex-Deputy Prime Minister John Briceno is still Deputy PUP Party Leader! Derek Aikman at the launch of his lead their party yet again, with no real Covenant Movement. challengers being tolerated by the man territories they had before and were ef- who would be king for a third term. Not fectively neutralized from exercising any willing to play hypocrite, the one man bid for real leadership and all rebellious who could have been a viable contender, area reps were “Ralphed” in once more. BSIBSI ashesashes ffllyy and perhaps one of the few PUP’s left Yes, despite the bankruptcy of the who could inspire confidence in entire country, the PUP is somehow in Belizeans both at home and abroad, the money once more and ready to buy Mark Espat, steered clear of the whole votes from anybody who’s got one for convention charade. sale. Party before country — blue notes Why bother going, since everything for blue votes…long live Chavez and at this leadership convention had already his plata. been hashed out days before and vot- Covenant Movement, on the other ing by delegates as much a rubber stamp hand were a bit naïve, we think, to be affair as a Senate meeting on a “money forced to compete with both a festive matter bill”. Nope, absolutely no sur- lobsterfest and a big money national prises. Briceno & his crew retain the convention by one of the mass political Orange Walk residents subjected to flying ash from the smokestacks at BSI’s Tower Hill Sugar Factory (see Tidbits page 9). PNP Leader Will Mehia came all the way WTP’s Hipolito Bautista in solidarity from PG for Covenent launch. with Covenant movement members. Read Independent Online at http://belizenews.com/independent or http://tinyurl.com/245dpp Friday, July 6, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 2 General Manager LettersLetters toto thethe EditorEditor Freedom of major approvals for construction of the I asked for any and all documents BZ$105 million Vaca Hydroelectric upon which the permission and license Trevor Vernon Information? PUC Facility and has commenced activities were granted, if they were granted. Fails to Answer at the site.” Those are fairly straightforward ques- I asked the PUC if BECOL applied tions and requests that should not take Questions on the Vaca for the required permission to construct any time to answer. It is a simple ques- Dam and operate the Vaca Hydroelectric tion - was the law followed and, if so, Facility? I asked if a license and per- what was the decision based on? Over two weeks ago, I wrote Mr. mission had been granted by the Public Candy Gonzalez Editor Roberto Young, Chairman of the Pub- Utilities Commission? Cayo lic Utilities Commission concerning ap- proval for construction of the Vaca Hy- SPECIAL OFFER Karla Heusner Vernon droelectric Facility. Under the law, Belize Electric Company Limited for (BECOL) must apply to the Public Utilities Commission, PUC, for a license Independent Weekly and permission to build and operate the readers Vaca Dam. Design/Layout/ No such application, permission or An autographed copy license appears anywhere on the PUC of Karla Heusner’s Environmental editor or the BEL websites and we have not seen any notice in the paper as to an collection of columns application being filed, or a license be- Only $25 BZ William G . Ysaguirrre ing granted. After seeing the statement released by (including shipping) Belize Electric Company Ltd. Call, email or write to (BECOL), dated May 30, 2007, we requested information from the PUC. Independent Weekly BECOL wrote: “Belize Electric Com- now! pany Limited (BECOL) has received all Published by: Comments? Suggestions? Independent Publishing or want to share your thoughts & photos? Email us at Company (of Belize) Ltd. [email protected] P.O. Box 2666 For an online version of the INdependent Belize City, Belize Reformer visit us at www.belizenorth.com OR www.belizenews.com Telephones: (501) 225-3520 (501)600-1627 INdependentThe Reformer (501)664-1627 [email protected] P.O. Box 2666 Belize City, Belize (501)671-1964 YES! Send me my FREE T-shirt with my year’s subscription of the INdependent Reformer“Quote for BZ$60.00 inof Belize the (US$60.00 Week” international) Name (please print) Printed by: Address Apt. National Printers City State Zip New Road Email Address Belize City, Belize Payment Included Bill me later Prices for subscription and postage may vary for subscription outside Belize. Friday, July 6, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 3 Friday, July 6, 2007 The INdependent Reformer Page 4 ComingComingComing HomeHomeHome keep. You do have air conditioning, don’t being chopped off their futures as home only to find themselves regarded you?” citizens of the new global economy, as some sort of bank or lending agency. Part of me is sure they just don’t know many older Belizeans abroad feel For loans never to be repaid, in cash or how good they have it “up there” or how nostalgic about the land they left and goods. Their possessions just seem to walk away, the victim of the “E’neva Certainly they are not always wel- mid di use it anyway,” syndrome. Ra- tionalized by the “E could get wa next comed back with open arms; some- one when e go back up. Den tings cheap da States.” times it is more like open palms. I have met a few Belizeans who came By: Karla Heusner Vernon home but have already gone back again Every once in a while I get a query bad we have it “down here.” If they did, grow eager to spend their retirement disillusioned. Beaten down by a rougher from a Belizean abroad who is thinking they wouldn’t want to come back. time helping “develop the country.” lifestyle than they remembered or could of retiring “back home.” Most of the Or maybe they still would. Believing as Of course, there is no reason they get adjusted to once more— the heat, the time I am tempted to just shout: “NO! so many of us do that the grass is always should not. Should not come home, mosquitoes, the poor roads and capricious don’t do it! Stay where you are, you more verdant and luscious somewhere should not help improve or change service, the high cost of living, the threat are safer there! Save yourself while there else, that surely there is better grazing in things, or—most of all, believe they of bodily harm or constant break-ins. is still time!” the very place which we happen not to be can and should do these things. Belize Sometimes they just grow weary of But instead I usually say, very ratio- at the moment. If only we relocated, life on a whole does need them, being regarded as some sort of alien in nally, “Well, life here has its challenges would be better for us... Belizeans on an individual level do their own homeland. A person betwixt and I would recommend you not sell Besides, when a person is intent on do- need them. and between, not an American, but your house in the US for a few months, ing something, no amount of counsel will To me, it’s more a question of somehow no longer perceived as 100% see if you like it here again….’ counsel them out of it; they will hear what whether or not Belize and Belizeans Belizean, just because they have lived As I speak, I secretly imagine myself they want to hear and reject the rest as appreciate them when they do come. and loved and worked somewhere else. at their knees begging, “Please let me unnecessary negativity. Certainly they are not always wel- Somewhere else so many Belizeans come live with you, I won’t take up a So just as many young students and comed back with open arms; some- wish they were living and loving and lot of room and I can write up stuff you workers fervently believe every additional times it is more like open palms.