Anonymous 17Th-Century Hungarian Dances)

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Anonymous 17Th-Century Hungarian Dances) U naseho barty C U naseho Barty C ÔÔ NAH-sheh-ho BAR-tee C (anonymous 17th-century Hungarian dances) Ubaldus C ü-BAHL-düss C (known also as Hucbald [HÜK-bahlt], Hugbaldus [hük-BAHL- düss], and Uchubaldus [ü-kü-BAHL-düss]) Uchubaldus C ü-kü-BAHL-düss C (known also as Ubaldus [ü-BAHL-düss], Hugbaldus [hük-BAHL-düss] and Hucbald [HÜK-bahlt]) Uber C Alexander Uber C ah-leck-SAHN-tur OO-bur Uber C Christian Benjamin Uber C KRIH-stihahn BENN-yah-minn OO-bur Uber C Christian Friedrich Hermann Uber C KRIH-stihahn FREET-rihh HEHR-mahn OO- bur Uber allen gipfeln ist ruh C Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh C Ü-bur AHL-lunn GHIPP-fulln isst ROO C (Wanderer's Night Song) C (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST]) Uber den selbstmord C Über den Selbstmord C Ü-bur dayn ZELLBST-mawrt C (On Suicide) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur]) Uber die dauer des exils C Über die Dauer des Exils C Ü-bur dee DAHÔÔ-ur dess eck- SEELSS C (Thoughts on the Duration of Exile) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur]) Uberlaufer C Der Überlaufer C dayr Ü-bur-lahôô-fur C The Defector C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS]) Uberlebenden C An die Überlebenden C ahn dee Ü-bur-lay-bunn-dunn C (To the Survivors) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur] Uberti C Antonio Uberti C ahn-TAW-neeo oo-BAYR-tee Uberto C oo-BAYR-toh C (character in the opera La donna del lago [lah DOHN-nah dayl LAH-go] — The Lady of the Lake; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE- nee]; libretto by Andrea Leone Tottola [ahn-DRAY-ah lay-O-nay toht-TOH-lah] after Sir Walter Scott [WAWL-tur SKAHT]) Ubi caritas C Ubi Caritas C ÔÔ-bih KAH-rih-tahss C (sacred music by Maurice Duruflé [mo- reess dü-rü-flay]) Uccellini C Marco Uccellini C MAR-ko oo-chayl-LEE-nee Uchida C Mitsuko Uchida C meet-s’kaw oo-chee-dah Uck kim C Kim, Young-Uck C KIMM, YÔÔNG-ÔÔK Ud C ‘ud C ood C (lute) Udbye C Martin Andreas Udbye C MAR-tinn AHN-dreheh-ahss EWD-bü Ude C Armin Ude C AR-minn OO-duh Udine C Jean d’Udine C zhah6 dü-deen Uf dem anger C Uf dem Anger C OOF daym AHNG-ur C (On the Meadow) C (a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL AWRF]) Ufficiale C oof-fee-CHAH-lay C (officer in the local constabulary; character in the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh- VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss- teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl- LEE-nee]) Ufficiale C Un ufficiale C oon oof-fee-CHAH-lay C (An officer in the local constabulary) C (character in the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Ugalde C Delphine Ugalde C dell-feen ü-gahld Ugarte C Floro M. Ugarte C FLO-ro (M.) oo-GAR-tay C (known also as Floro Manuel Ugarte C FLO-ro mah-nooELL oo-GAR-tay Ugarte C Roberto Ugarte C ro-BAYR-toh oo-GAR-tay Ughi C Uto Ughi C OO-toh OO-ghee Ugolina da orvieto C Ugolina da Orvieto C oo-go-LEE-nah dah ohr-veeAY-toh C (known also as Ugolino di Francesco Urbevetano [oo-go-LEE-no dee frahn-CHAY-sko oor-bay-vay- TAH-no]) Ugolini C Vincenzo Ugolini C veen-CHAYN-tso oo-go-LEE-nee Uhde C Hermann Uhde C HEHR-mahn OO-duh Uhl C Alfred Uhl C AHL-frayt OOL Uhl C Fritz Uhl C FRITTSS OOL Uhland C Ludwig Uhland C LOOT-vihh OO-lahnt Uhlig C Theodor Uhlig C TAY-o-dohohr OO-lihh Uhr C Die Uhr C dee OOR C (The Clock) C (composition by Carl Loewe [LÖ-vuh]) Ujfalussy C József Ujfalussy C YOHOH-zheff ÔÔEE-fah-lôôsh-shee Ujj C Béla Ujj C BAY-lah ÔÔEE Ukena C Paul Ukena C PAWL YOO-kuh-nuh Ulbrich C Maximilian Ulbrich C mahk-sih-MEE-lihahn ÔÔL-brihh Ulfrstad C Marius Moaritz Ulfrstad C MAH-rihewss moah-RITTSS EWL-f’r-stah Ulfung C Ragnar Ulfung C RAHNG-nar EWLF-oong C (known also as Ragnar Sigurd [SEE- ghewr] Ulfung) UllmannC Viktor Ullmann C FICK-tawr ÔÔL-mahn Ulrica C ool-REE-kah C (character in the opera Un ballo in maschera [oon BAHL-lo een MAH-skay-rah] — A Masked Ball; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Somma [ahn-TAW-neeo SOHM-mah] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Ulrich C Homer Ulrich C HO-mur ULL-rick Ulrich C Hugo Ulrich C HOO-go ÔÔL-rihh Ultima canzone C L’ultima canzone C LOOL-tee-mah kahn-TSO-nay C (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee]) Ultimo bacio C L'ultimo bacio C LOOL-tee-mo BAH-cho C (The Last Kiss) C (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee]) Ultimo festivitatis die C OOL-tih-mo fayss-tee-vih-TAH-tiss DIH-ay C (Gregorian chant) Ultimo ricordo C L’ultimo ricordo C LOOL-tee-mo ree-KOHR-doh C (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]) Ultimo romantico C El último romántico C ell OOL-tee-mo ro-MAHN-tee-ko C (a zarzuela [thar-thooAY-lah], with music by Reveriano Soutullo [ray-vay-reeAH-no sooo-TOO-l’yo] and Juan Vert [hooAHN VEHRT]; libretto by J. Tellaeche [teh-l’yah-AY-chay]) Ulvaeus C ull-V¦-uss Ulybyshev C Alexander Dmitrievich Ulybyshev C uh-lyeck-SAHN-d’r d’MEE-treeeh-vihch ah-LEE-bih-sheff Um gott was klagest du mich an C Um Gott, was klagest du mich an? C oom GAWT, vahss KLAH-gusst doo mihh ahn? C (passage featuring Ortrud [AWR-trôôt] and Elsa [ELL-zah] in the opera Lohengrin [LOHOH-unn-grinn], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur]) Um kalthoum C Um Kalthoum C OOM kahl-TOOM Um mitternacht C Um Mitternacht C oom MITT-tur-nahkt C (At Midnight) C (song by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Um schlimme kinder artig zu machenC Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen C oom SHLIMM-muh KINN-tur ar-tihh tsoo mah-kunn C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Umlauf C Carl Ignaz Franz Umlauf C KARL IGG-nahtss FRAHNTSS ÔÔM-lahôôf Umlauf C Ignaz Umlauf C IGG-nahtss ÔÔM-lahôôf Umlauf C Michael Umlauf C MIH-hah-ell ÔÔM-lahôôf Un alcade C Un Alcade C oon ahl-KAH-day C (a mayor) C (character in the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah- REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah]) Un amore cosi grande C Un amore così grande C oon ah-MO-ray ko-ZEE GRAHN-day C (song by Maggio [MAHD-jo] and Ferilli [fay-REEL-lee]) Un araldo C oon ah-RAHL-doh C (a herald) C (character in the opera Otello [o-TAYL-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Arrigo Boito [ar-REE-go bo- EE-toh] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Un araldo reale C oon ah-RAHL-doh ray-AH-lay C (a royal herald) C (character in the opera Don Carlo [dohn KAR-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by François Méry [frah6-swah may-ree] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meel dü law-kl’} kah-meey’ dü law-kl’] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur]) Un arbre C Un arbre C ü6-nar-br’ C (a tree) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell] and libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah- breeell go-teeay-veel-lar]) Un aura amorosa C Un’ aura amorosa C oon-AHÔÔ-rah ah-mo-RO-zah C (Ferrando’s [fayr- RAHN-doh’s] aria from the opera Così fan tutte [ko-ZEE fahn TOOT-tay] — All Women Do the Same; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO- tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay]) Un ballo in maschera C oon BAHL-lo een MAH-skay-rah] — A Masked Ball; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Somma [ahn-TAW-neeo SOHM-mah] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Un bel di C Un bel dì C oon bayl dee C (aria from the opera Madama [mah-DAH-mah] Butterfly — Madam [MA-dumm] Butterfly; music by Giacomo Puccini C JAH-ko-mo poo- CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP- pay jah-KO-zah] after David Belasco [DAY-vudd buh-LASS-ko] and John Luther Long [JAHN LOO-thur LAWNG]) Un bel di vedremo C Un bel dì, vedremo C oon bayl dee, vay-DRAY-mo C (aria from the opera Madama [mah-DAH-mah] Butterfly — Madam [MA-dumm] Butterfly; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after David Belasco [DAY-vudd buh- LASS-ko] and John Luther Long [JAHN LOO-thur LAWNG]) Un berger C Un berger C ü6 behr-zhay C (a shepherd) C (character in the opera Médée [may-day]; music by Marc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6-twahn shar-pah6-teeay] and libretto by Pierre Corneille [peeehr kawr-nehy’]) Un berger C Un berger C ü6 behr-zhehr C (a shepherd) C (character in the opera Pelléas et Mélisande [puhl-lay-ahss ay may-lee-zah6d]; music by Claude Debussy [klohd deh-büss-see] and libretto by Debussy after Maurice Maeterlinck [mo-reess MAHAH-tur-lihngk]) Un cabrito C oon kah-VREE-toh C (a medieval song of the Passover sung by the Jews
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    [To view this image, refer to the print version of this title.] Erik Ryding and Rebecca Pechefsky Yale University Press New Haven and London Frontispiece: Bruno Walter (ca. ). Courtesy of Österreichisches Theatermuseum. Copyright © by Yale University. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections and of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. Designed by Sonia L. Shannon Set in Bulmer type by The Composing Room of Michigan, Grand Rapids, Mich. Printed in the United States of America by R. R. Donnelley,Harrisonburg, Va. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ryding, Erik S., – Bruno Walter : a world elsewhere / by Erik Ryding and Rebecca Pechefsky. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references, filmography,and indexes. ISBN --- (cloth : alk. paper) . Walter, Bruno, ‒. Conductors (Music)— Biography. I. Pechefsky,Rebecca. II. Title. ML.W R .Ј—dc [B] - A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. For Emily, Mary, and William In memoriam Rachel Kemper and Howard Pechefsky Contents Illustrations follow pages and Preface xi Acknowledgments xv Bruno Schlesinger Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg,– Kapellmeister Walter Breslau, Pressburg, Riga, Berlin,‒
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