Anonymous 17Th-Century Hungarian Dances)

Anonymous 17Th-Century Hungarian Dances)

U naseho barty C U naseho Barty C ÔÔ NAH-sheh-ho BAR-tee C (anonymous 17th-century Hungarian dances) Ubaldus C ü-BAHL-düss C (known also as Hucbald [HÜK-bahlt], Hugbaldus [hük-BAHL- düss], and Uchubaldus [ü-kü-BAHL-düss]) Uchubaldus C ü-kü-BAHL-düss C (known also as Ubaldus [ü-BAHL-düss], Hugbaldus [hük-BAHL-düss] and Hucbald [HÜK-bahlt]) Uber C Alexander Uber C ah-leck-SAHN-tur OO-bur Uber C Christian Benjamin Uber C KRIH-stihahn BENN-yah-minn OO-bur Uber C Christian Friedrich Hermann Uber C KRIH-stihahn FREET-rihh HEHR-mahn OO- bur Uber allen gipfeln ist ruh C Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh C Ü-bur AHL-lunn GHIPP-fulln isst ROO C (Wanderer's Night Song) C (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST]) Uber den selbstmord C Über den Selbstmord C Ü-bur dayn ZELLBST-mawrt C (On Suicide) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur]) Uber die dauer des exils C Über die Dauer des Exils C Ü-bur dee DAHÔÔ-ur dess eck- SEELSS C (Thoughts on the Duration of Exile) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur]) Uberlaufer C Der Überlaufer C dayr Ü-bur-lahôô-fur C The Defector C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS]) Uberlebenden C An die Überlebenden C ahn dee Ü-bur-lay-bunn-dunn C (To the Survivors) C (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ¦SS-lur] Uberti C Antonio Uberti C ahn-TAW-neeo oo-BAYR-tee Uberto C oo-BAYR-toh C (character in the opera La donna del lago [lah DOHN-nah dayl LAH-go] — The Lady of the Lake; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE- nee]; libretto by Andrea Leone Tottola [ahn-DRAY-ah lay-O-nay toht-TOH-lah] after Sir Walter Scott [WAWL-tur SKAHT]) Ubi caritas C Ubi Caritas C ÔÔ-bih KAH-rih-tahss C (sacred music by Maurice Duruflé [mo- reess dü-rü-flay]) Uccellini C Marco Uccellini C MAR-ko oo-chayl-LEE-nee Uchida C Mitsuko Uchida C meet-s’kaw oo-chee-dah Uck kim C Kim, Young-Uck C KIMM, YÔÔNG-ÔÔK Ud C ‘ud C ood C (lute) Udbye C Martin Andreas Udbye C MAR-tinn AHN-dreheh-ahss EWD-bü Ude C Armin Ude C AR-minn OO-duh Udine C Jean d’Udine C zhah6 dü-deen Uf dem anger C Uf dem Anger C OOF daym AHNG-ur C (On the Meadow) C (a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL AWRF]) Ufficiale C oof-fee-CHAH-lay C (officer in the local constabulary; character in the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh- VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss- teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl- LEE-nee]) Ufficiale C Un ufficiale C oon oof-fee-CHAH-lay C (An officer in the local constabulary) C (character in the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Ugalde C Delphine Ugalde C dell-feen ü-gahld Ugarte C Floro M. Ugarte C FLO-ro (M.) oo-GAR-tay C (known also as Floro Manuel Ugarte C FLO-ro mah-nooELL oo-GAR-tay Ugarte C Roberto Ugarte C ro-BAYR-toh oo-GAR-tay Ughi C Uto Ughi C OO-toh OO-ghee Ugolina da orvieto C Ugolina da Orvieto C oo-go-LEE-nah dah ohr-veeAY-toh C (known also as Ugolino di Francesco Urbevetano [oo-go-LEE-no dee frahn-CHAY-sko oor-bay-vay- TAH-no]) Ugolini C Vincenzo Ugolini C veen-CHAYN-tso oo-go-LEE-nee Uhde C Hermann Uhde C HEHR-mahn OO-duh Uhl C Alfred Uhl C AHL-frayt OOL Uhl C Fritz Uhl C FRITTSS OOL Uhland C Ludwig Uhland C LOOT-vihh OO-lahnt Uhlig C Theodor Uhlig C TAY-o-dohohr OO-lihh Uhr C Die Uhr C dee OOR C (The Clock) C (composition by Carl Loewe [LÖ-vuh]) Ujfalussy C József Ujfalussy C YOHOH-zheff ÔÔEE-fah-lôôsh-shee Ujj C Béla Ujj C BAY-lah ÔÔEE Ukena C Paul Ukena C PAWL YOO-kuh-nuh Ulbrich C Maximilian Ulbrich C mahk-sih-MEE-lihahn ÔÔL-brihh Ulfrstad C Marius Moaritz Ulfrstad C MAH-rihewss moah-RITTSS EWL-f’r-stah Ulfung C Ragnar Ulfung C RAHNG-nar EWLF-oong C (known also as Ragnar Sigurd [SEE- ghewr] Ulfung) UllmannC Viktor Ullmann C FICK-tawr ÔÔL-mahn Ulrica C ool-REE-kah C (character in the opera Un ballo in maschera [oon BAHL-lo een MAH-skay-rah] — A Masked Ball; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Somma [ahn-TAW-neeo SOHM-mah] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Ulrich C Homer Ulrich C HO-mur ULL-rick Ulrich C Hugo Ulrich C HOO-go ÔÔL-rihh Ultima canzone C L’ultima canzone C LOOL-tee-mah kahn-TSO-nay C (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee]) Ultimo bacio C L'ultimo bacio C LOOL-tee-mo BAH-cho C (The Last Kiss) C (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee]) Ultimo festivitatis die C OOL-tih-mo fayss-tee-vih-TAH-tiss DIH-ay C (Gregorian chant) Ultimo ricordo C L’ultimo ricordo C LOOL-tee-mo ree-KOHR-doh C (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]) Ultimo romantico C El último romántico C ell OOL-tee-mo ro-MAHN-tee-ko C (a zarzuela [thar-thooAY-lah], with music by Reveriano Soutullo [ray-vay-reeAH-no sooo-TOO-l’yo] and Juan Vert [hooAHN VEHRT]; libretto by J. Tellaeche [teh-l’yah-AY-chay]) Ulvaeus C ull-V¦-uss Ulybyshev C Alexander Dmitrievich Ulybyshev C uh-lyeck-SAHN-d’r d’MEE-treeeh-vihch ah-LEE-bih-sheff Um gott was klagest du mich an C Um Gott, was klagest du mich an? C oom GAWT, vahss KLAH-gusst doo mihh ahn? C (passage featuring Ortrud [AWR-trôôt] and Elsa [ELL-zah] in the opera Lohengrin [LOHOH-unn-grinn], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur]) Um kalthoum C Um Kalthoum C OOM kahl-TOOM Um mitternacht C Um Mitternacht C oom MITT-tur-nahkt C (At Midnight) C (song by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Um schlimme kinder artig zu machenC Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen C oom SHLIMM-muh KINN-tur ar-tihh tsoo mah-kunn C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Umlauf C Carl Ignaz Franz Umlauf C KARL IGG-nahtss FRAHNTSS ÔÔM-lahôôf Umlauf C Ignaz Umlauf C IGG-nahtss ÔÔM-lahôôf Umlauf C Michael Umlauf C MIH-hah-ell ÔÔM-lahôôf Un alcade C Un Alcade C oon ahl-KAH-day C (a mayor) C (character in the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah- REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah]) Un amore cosi grande C Un amore così grande C oon ah-MO-ray ko-ZEE GRAHN-day C (song by Maggio [MAHD-jo] and Ferilli [fay-REEL-lee]) Un araldo C oon ah-RAHL-doh C (a herald) C (character in the opera Otello [o-TAYL-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Arrigo Boito [ar-REE-go bo- EE-toh] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Un araldo reale C oon ah-RAHL-doh ray-AH-lay C (a royal herald) C (character in the opera Don Carlo [dohn KAR-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by François Méry [frah6-swah may-ree] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meel dü law-kl’} kah-meey’ dü law-kl’] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur]) Un arbre C Un arbre C ü6-nar-br’ C (a tree) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell] and libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah- breeell go-teeay-veel-lar]) Un aura amorosa C Un’ aura amorosa C oon-AHÔÔ-rah ah-mo-RO-zah C (Ferrando’s [fayr- RAHN-doh’s] aria from the opera Così fan tutte [ko-ZEE fahn TOOT-tay] — All Women Do the Same; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO- tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay]) Un ballo in maschera C oon BAHL-lo een MAH-skay-rah] — A Masked Ball; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Somma [ahn-TAW-neeo SOHM-mah] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Un bel di C Un bel dì C oon bayl dee C (aria from the opera Madama [mah-DAH-mah] Butterfly — Madam [MA-dumm] Butterfly; music by Giacomo Puccini C JAH-ko-mo poo- CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP- pay jah-KO-zah] after David Belasco [DAY-vudd buh-LASS-ko] and John Luther Long [JAHN LOO-thur LAWNG]) Un bel di vedremo C Un bel dì, vedremo C oon bayl dee, vay-DRAY-mo C (aria from the opera Madama [mah-DAH-mah] Butterfly — Madam [MA-dumm] Butterfly; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after David Belasco [DAY-vudd buh- LASS-ko] and John Luther Long [JAHN LOO-thur LAWNG]) Un berger C Un berger C ü6 behr-zhay C (a shepherd) C (character in the opera Médée [may-day]; music by Marc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6-twahn shar-pah6-teeay] and libretto by Pierre Corneille [peeehr kawr-nehy’]) Un berger C Un berger C ü6 behr-zhehr C (a shepherd) C (character in the opera Pelléas et Mélisande [puhl-lay-ahss ay may-lee-zah6d]; music by Claude Debussy [klohd deh-büss-see] and libretto by Debussy after Maurice Maeterlinck [mo-reess MAHAH-tur-lihngk]) Un cabrito C oon kah-VREE-toh C (a medieval song of the Passover sung by the Jews

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