Fabio P. Di Vita Greek Ships in Sicily During the 18Th Century
Fabio P. Di Vita Greek ships in Sicily during the 18th century: health practices and commercial relationships 1. Introduction The main aim of this work, conducted within the research project promoted by the Ionian University entitled Greek Shipping History, 1700 – 1821 , is to check the Greek mercantile traffic in the main sicilian harbours between the beginning of the 18th century and the first twenty years of the 19th century. To find useful archival documents I have researched in the archives of Palermo and Messina, where I have consulted the funds Suprema Deputazione Generale di Salute Pubblica , deposited in the archive of Palermo, and Deputazione della Salute, Regia Udienza and Consolato del Mare , conserved in the archive of Messina. By the analisys of the documents related to the working of the maritim sanitary system in the areas of Palermo and Messina it has been possible to check the presence of Greek ships, getting out useful elements as the name, the type and the flag of the ship, the name of the owner and/or the name of the captain, news about the crew, the origin of the ship and commodities transported. These news, opportunely rielaborated, permitted to verify, also, the sea-routes of the ships and the kind of commerce exercised by Greeks in these areas. It has been analyzed, also, the evolution and the way of work of the sicilian maritim health system in the Modern Age, examining important aspects as intervention and protection techniques, the subjects envolved in the administration of the Deputations, the economics resources, the costs of the offered services, the maritime activities needed to make possible operations of loading and unloading in the harbours of Sicily, and, in general, the received treatment for the ships coming from suspected areas.
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