Repertories. Tinctoris, Gaffurio and the Neapolitan Context*
GIANLUCA D'AGOSTINO READING THEORISTS FOR RECOVERING 'GHOST' REPERTORIES. TINCTORIS, GAFFURIO AND THE NEAPOLITAN CONTEXT* In 1478 the Italian theorist Franchino Gaffurio moved to Naples. The two-year stay at the local Aragonese court was essential for his edu cation for he had the opportunity to meet Johannes Tinctoris, who by that time had completed many of his known treatises. It has long been recognized that Tinctoris deeply influenced Gaffurio's thoughts on sever al controversial topics, such as proportions and mensuration signs, and the mensura! treatment of counterpoint.' Echoes, and even literal quotations, of Tinctoris' statements and crit icisms resound in Gaffurio's famous Practica musicae in four books (Mi lan, 1496), and- even more strongly- in his two earlier versions of sin gle books of the Practica (book 2: Musices practicabilis libellus; book 4: Tractatus practicabilium proportionum), compiled as independent treatis es soon after his departure from Naples, in the early 1480s. Many years * This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper read at the Med-Ren Music Conference held in Glagow, July 2004. It is ideally linked to two previous articles on similar topics already appeared in these «Studi Musicali» (:XXVIII-1999; X:XX-2001). Wormest thanks are due to Bonnie J. Blackbum, Margaret Bent and David Fallows, for their many help ful suggestions and improvements. 1 On this subject see: F. ALBERTO GALLO, Le traduzioni dal Greco per Franchino Gaffu rio, «Acta Musicologica», XXXV, 1963, pp. 172-174; ID., Citazioni da un trattato di Du/ay, «Collectanea Historiae Musicae», N, 1966, pp. 149-152; ID., lntrod.
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