Hyundai Marine Service Center The Single Point of Contact for Hyundai Brand Ships Aftermarket Service


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New History in the World of Shipbuilding Ln_

HHI has 12% share of the world shipbuilding market. The shipyard had ground breaking in 1972 and has since delivered around 1,814 ships. HHI prides itself on its sterling record of client satisfaction.

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_f_f/ ‘WM? /_I__ Hyundai Mipo Dockyard____“__ Co., Ltd. ¥ _H“__ Premium Shipbuilder forH Mid-sized Vessels

Founded in 1975, HMD has now become a global leading shipbuilder, specialized in medium-sized vessels of high quality. Thus far, HMD has delivered more than 810 ships worldwide.

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$3__ ‘ Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Huge Strides in Productivity & Quality 7 I u Since HSHI became part of Hyundai Heavy Industries in 1999, HSHI secures the best competition by operating high-end automatic facilities and the world’s best on-land building system to build 50 ships annually. Aftermarket Service

Move towards a total solution provider


Greetings COO Message 04 Organization 05

Aftermarket Service of Hyundai Marine Service Center Technical Support Service 07 Optimization of Energy Efficiency Service 08 Retrofit & Modernization Service 10 Genuine Spare Parts Service 11

Hyundai Marine Service Center Global Networks 12 Hyundai Marine Service Center

COO Message

Hyundai Marine Service Center, New Horizons for Marine Total Services

Dear Our Valued Customers,

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) launched the “Hyundai Marine Service Center (HMSC)” in , by combining the service units of HHI and our shipbuilding affiliated companies, Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.

Kim Jeong-Hwan The integrated service center is networked with HHI’s overseas service Chief Operating Officer bases in Rotterdam, Dubai, Singapore and Houston, delivering prompt Shipbuilding Division solutions and comprehensive services for the benefits of our clients around the world.

Through the single point of contact, we will respond quickly and efficiently to our clients’ needs for quality services and products for Hyundai brand ships both during and after the warranty period.

HMSC is well-aligned to meet our clients’ urgent and follow-on demands by providing efficient, sustainable and optimal solutions in the field of technical support service, optimization of energy efficiency service, retrofit and modernization service, and genuine spare parts service.

We will continue to create more value for our clients by combining all our service resources to provide total solutions and one-stop service for all Hyundai marine products in the long run.

We are committed to this goal since we believe that our clients’ satisfaction and trust are our No. 1 priority. HHI





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Hyundai Marine Service Center HMD HSHI


Hyundai Marine Service Center

Aftermarket Service • Technical Service • Parts Sales

Warranty Service • HHI Warranty • HMD Warranty • HSHI Warranty Hyundai Marine Service Center

Aftermarket Service of HMSC Move towards a total solution provider

Aftermarket Service of Hyundai Marine Service Center (HMSC) helps clients extend the life of their ships even after the warranty period.

Our one-stop service center ensures that your Hyundai brand ships are repaired and upgraded to meet industry standards throughout its entire lifespan.

Get access to all the technical support you need, covering spare parts purchasing from original equipment manufacturers (OEM), performance optimization for long term efficiency and retrofits on demand.

Aftermarket Service of HMSC can identify, monitor, track and solve your problems through its integrated computerized feedback system for recurrence prevention.

Technical Support Service

Optimization of Energy Efficiency Service

Retrofit & Modernization Service

Genuine Spare Parts Service 06·07

Technical Support Service Well experienced and specialized experts for your ships

When you need expert service and quick, effective technical assistance, you can count on us.

With over 40 years of experience in shipbuilding industry, we know every corner of your ship and provide technical support tailored to Expert’s Supervision your needs.

• Expert’s Supervision - Dry docking works - Voyage and boarding at port Repair Plan (2D / 3D Design) • Construction Calculation - Structure analysis - Vibration measurement

• Design Works - Repair plan for hull damages

- Container storage plan modification Model Test by HMRI - Intact and damage stability calculation - Increase scantling draft

• In-depth Research with Hyundai Maritime Research Institutes (HMRI) - Model test - Material analysis Material Analysis by HMRI Hyundai Marine Service Center

Optimization of Energy Efficiency Service Cost and fuel consumption reduction through system improvements

Aftermarket Service of HMSC develops solutions that optimize ships’ energy efficiency through a joint research with Hyundai Maritime Research Institute (HMRI).

Aftermarket Service of HMSC can provide solutions to improve Bulbous Bow Re-design your ships in an efficient way using bulbous bow re-design, trim optimization, propeller re-design, and smart ship system.

• Bulbous Bow Re-design - Optimized bulbous bow shape based on operating condition Propeller Re-design • Propeller Re-design - Excellent performance in speed and cavitation behavior

• Hi-PSD (Pre-Swirl Duct) - Generating additional thrust and hull vibration by improving inhomogeneous wake distribution on the propeller plane J Hi-PSD (Pre-Swirl Duct) Hi-Fin • Hi-Fin - Reduced hub vortex cavitation to minimize erosion on the rudder

• Hi-Rudder - Installed additional thrust to reduce low pressure peak - Reduced cavitation to minimize erosion on the rudder

Hi-Rudder 08·09

Smart Ship

Smart ships provide safety and energy-saving solutions throughout the infrastructure, equipment and service.

Clients can use the smart ship service to monitor the ship equipment and navigation information status in real-time either outside the ship or in the control center.

Smart Ship Solution 1% ______I _ Qéh-F Smart Ship Service Center III I HHI I I ______‘ _ MG. Ship I I Platform I ‘IM If Basic Information UI _V HHI Vessel ll. Portal

• Basic Service - Basic information : location, freight, departure and arrival HiRASS - Voyage information : route plan, estimated time arrival (ETA), route history, engine RPM, rudder angle and propeller shaft torque - Virtual arrival : estimated time of berthing

• HiRASS (Hyundai Intelligent Route Assessment and Support System) - Shore-connected weather routing and speed optimization using global maritime satellite communication system HiSAFE - High-resolution weather forecasts and ship performance predictions - User-friendly interface on electronic navigational chart (ENC)

• HiSAFE (Hyundai Intelligent Safety Assessment and Support System) - Monitor ship motion and hull stress for safety - Support safe navigation based on design data and real-time motion - User-friendly interface for crews Trim Optimization UI Based on CFD

• Trim Optimization - Optimized trim using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) interpretation and optimal water placement to minimize hull resistance Hyundai Marine Service Center

Retrofit & Modernization Service Meeting sustainable requirements of your ships

II. __ Environmental issues are becoming a global concern. Many global and |_F|_____Hw__fi______MM1 ______\ \ local regulations have set safety and standards to control the level of emissions, which are expected to become stricter in the future.

Aftermarket Service of HMSC will continuously look for and develop new technologies for upgrading and keeping your ships sustainable Ballast Water Treatment System by retrofitting and modernization. _“______% _‘_ _ '

• Ballast Water Treatment System Before After - All vessels must meet the revised performance standard by IMO agreement. Lengthening / Widening

• NOx / SOx Emission Requirements - As pollution limits are regulated by IMO agreement, a special system is required to reduce pollutions.

• Lengthening / Widening

- Upsizing container capacities utilizing deck support is constantly under Drillship Modification research and development.

• Drillship Modification - 3D modeling, offshore pipe and structure analysis - Azimuth thruster easy maintenance - Operation database and documentation management - Living quarter upgrade - Marine equipment reinstallation - Drill system commissioning engineering 10·11

Genuine Spare Parts Service Efficient way to make your ships keep operating

Aftermarket Service of HMSC provides a stable, rapid and reliable @%@ supply of OEM spare parts throughout the lifespan of your ships.

Under the rapidly changing technological environment, you may experience difficulties to find suitable parts for maintaining optimal performance of your ships.

Aftermarket Service of HMSC is your choice for providing right parts in time for replacement.

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P_ _ §__‘ _’\f ~,x, I\a\I Our extensive local V\ \ \ supplier network quickly Genuine O offers the right spare Spare Parts parts you need including Service II low temperature and I___ I I high tensile steel plates for urgent hull repair.

\r Hyundai Marine Service Center Houston, U.S.A. Dubai, U.A.E.

Global Networks 15990 Norh Barkers Landing, Suite 175, Level 2, Unit 205, Emaar Square - BLDG.4 Houston, Texas 77079, U.S.A. Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O. BOX 252458, Dubai, U.A.E Headquarter T 1-281-578-2187 / E [email protected] T 971-4-425-7995 / E [email protected] Ulsan, S.Korea 1000, Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Rotterdam, Netherlands Singapore Dong-gu, 682-792, Ulsan, South Korea Schorpioenstraat 69, 3067 GG, #41-02, Suntec City Tower One, T 82-52-202-9060 / E [email protected] Rotterdam, The Netherlands 7, Temasek Boulevard, Singapore-038987 (For Warranty: E [email protected]) T 31-10-212-1567 / E [email protected] T 65-6337-2366 (EXT. 223) / E [email protected]

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