Supreme Court of Bangladesh

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Supreme Court of Bangladesh Supreme Court of Bangladesh Cause List Index Page : High Court Division Date : 18/08/2016 Sl Court Name Honorable Judges' Name Jurisdictions 1 Main Building Justice Syed Muhammad [ : Court No. 8 Dastagir Husain And !" ; !" # Total cases : 132 Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman Miah $% #& ; !" $%' # ; Page : 1 - 5 "( !" ) * ; !" +,- ./ 012-. *34 ; !" #5/ # - . " #& ./ 6#78 9: 3/;< = #& ./ ; . > ? #4 > /@ A ।] 2 Main Building Justice Md. Mizanur Rahman [ : "( . Court No. 13 Bhuiyan !" $%' # ; !" ) * ; 3 Total cases : 11 9: . BC ./ 6#78 Page : 6 - 6 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 3 Annex Building Justice Syed A. B. [ D "( Court No. 2 Mahmudul Huq : ; And "( A #, A # (E), A Total cases : 99 Justice Farid Ahmed , ( ), # A # E Page : 7 - 12 1,FF,FFF E 6G A # ./ 6: 9: ? #34; : = * ; E = , ?: 2+ = ?H: "( 1,FF,FFF E 6G # ; : =, : * I3/;C #& 6J% 3 :" 9:; KFF2 / 3 2 / ( , KFF2) +-(), 8 ./ #; 6: #9, #!3 (9 :L) ?, 2,,, / / -1, 2,,2-. ? # ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: #34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 4 Annex Building Justice Tariq ul Hakim [ D "( E, Court No. 10 And M3, EN, 3 O% .PQR- Justice Md. Faruque (M. 9: 3 E ; Total cases : 159 Faruque) "( 3 E 9: ./ Page : 13 - 20 6#78 9: 3/;C =, #& ./ । . > ? #4 > /@ A ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 5 Main Building Justice Salma Masud [ D .& Court No. 10 Chowdhury 3 ./ E, M3, EN, And 3 O% .PQR-. 9: Total cases : 72 Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul 3 E ; E Haque Akondo 6 ?B ? Page : 21 - 25 ?#& ; 4 3/" , 2,,2 . +K(2)() S .PQ#E O% ' T 3UC =U # ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 6 Annex Building Justice Farid Ahmed D "( Court No. 25 And : ; "( Justice A. K. M. Shahidul A #, A # (E), A Total cases : 48 Huq , ( ), , , # A # E 1 FF FFF Page : 26 - 28 E 6G A # ./ 6: 9: ? #34; : = * ; E = , ?: 2+ = ?H: "( 1,FF,FFF E 6G # ; : =, : * I3/;C #& 6J% 3 :" 9:; KFF2 / 3 2 / ( , KFF2) +-(), 8 ./ #; 6: #9, #!3 (9 :L) ?, 2,,, / / -1, 2,,2-. ? # ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: #34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 7 Annex Building Justice Shamim Hasnain [ : "( 3 Court No. 32 And E 9: ; 3 9: . Justice Mohammad Ullah BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C Total cases : 99 । = #& ] Page : 29 - 33 8 Annex Building Justice A. F. M. Abdur [ D "( Court No. 23 Rahman ?S& 9: ; 33 2,K0 ?H: V#& V#& ' W Total cases : 16 ; 9:X ?S& V 2-1, Page : 34 - 35 ?H: *; " E 9:3 .Y PQE E KFFF ?S& *; 35E #/ ?(), 2,-Z-. ? #&; 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 "" #S ; =U : ; / \ 2,,2 / (2,,2 / 3 2+/ ) ?H: #& ; 3 KFF2 (KFF2 / 3 2 / ) ?H: # #& ; 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& । ] 9 Annex Building Justice Md. Abu Tariq [2] M, KF21 / " % 3 2F:ZF Court No. 1 E : > ?W ^8 * 3% ? T _T3 Total cases : 71 : > . M Page : 36 - 38 ।] 10 Annex Building Justice Md. Abu Tariq [ : "( . Court No. 1 !" ; !" $%' # ; !" # $% Total cases : 81 #& ./ I3/;C " #& ; !" ) * ; 3 Page : 39 - 42 9: . BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 11 Annex Building Justice Zinat Ara [ D .& Court No. 9 And 3 ./ "( / A Justice A.K.M. Zahirul a, E, M3, EN, ?Ab Total cases : 222 Hoque , 3/;C E 6: : ?Ab Page : 43 - 53 6J% E I3/;C ; 2,+F / 3 Oc ? # ; 2,22 / 3 #E5E " 02 () ./ K1 (8), (), (d) (e) #& # ; 4 3/" , 2,,2-. +K(2) () S .#E O% ' T 3UC =U # ; : ) * : 3/;C E ) ; M3 .PQR, 2,1,-. 2,1 ?H: # ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ 3 ; . > ? #4 > /@ A ।] 12 Annex Building Justice Muhammad Abdul [ : "( Court No. 12 Hafiz 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ Total cases : 396 3 "" #S ; Page : 54 - 67 =U : ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: "( ?4G 1,FF,FFF E # ; 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 "" #S ; =U : = : * ; ?4G 1,FF,FFF E #& ./ . 3 :" 9: ?4G 1,FF,FFF E A #, A # (E) ; 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 : 3/;C = #& ।] 13 Annex Building Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed [ D "( Court No. 26 ?S& 9:; 33 2,K0 ?H: V#& V#& ' W 9:X Total cases : 12 ?S&; V 2-1, ?H: Page : 68 - 69 *; 2,+F / 3 O ? #& ; 2,2Z 2,,+ / 3 \ ?H: #&;/ \ 2,,2 / (2,,2 / 3 2+ / ) ?H: #& ; 3 KFF2 (KFF2 / 3 2 / ) ?H: # #& ;3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 "" #S ; =U : । 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #&।] 14 Annex Building Justice Md. Miftah Uddin [ D "( Court No. 7 Choudhury : ; And Total cases : 57 Justice A. N. M. Bashir Ullah "( A #, A # (E), A #, A # (E), Page : 70 - 75 1,FF,FFF E 6G A # ./ 6: 9: ? #34; : = * ; E = , ?: 2+ = ?H: "( 1,FF,FFF E 6G # ; f : =, : * I3/;C #& 6J% 3 :" 9:; KFF2 / 3 2 / ( , KFF2) +-(), 8 ./ #; 6: #9, #!3 (9 :L) ?, 2,,, / / -1, 2,,2-. ? # ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: #34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 15 Main Building Justice A. K. M. [ : Court No. 15 Asaduzzaman !" ; !" # And $% #& ./ I3/;C " Total cases : 242 Justice Zafar Ahmed ; #& !" $%' # Page : 76 - 84 I3/;C " #& ; !" $%' # 3 " # $% #& ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ ।] 16 Annex Building Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam [ D "( E, Court No. 33 And M3, EN 9: 3 Justice Md. Khasruzzaman E ; E 6 Total cases : 206 ; ?B ? ?#& 3 Page : 85 - 96 9: . BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ।] 17 Main Building Justice Zubayer Rahman [ : "( E, Court No. 14 Chowdhury M3, EN, ?Ab , // Q And A a 3/;C E 9: E Total cases : 172 Justice Md. Ataur Rahman ; Khan 3 9: . BC Page : 97 - 104 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& f ।] 18 Annex Building Justice Quamrul Islam [ D "( g Court No. 3 Siddique g , 3 O% .PQR- And . 9:3 3 E ./ Total cases : 289 Justice Razik-Al-Jalil "( ? T "6 3 3 Page : 105 - 117 E 9: ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& । ] 19 Annex Building Justice Md. Emdadul Huq [ : "( Court No. 8 And !" ; Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir !" # $% #& ./ Total cases : 253 ; I3/;C " #& !" Page : 118 - 125 $%' # I3/;C " #& ; !" $%' # ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ ./ 'h " # . ।] 20 Annex Building Justice Md. Rais Uddin [ D "( . Court No. 22 !" ; !" $%' #; !" # $% Total cases : 163 #& ./ I3/;C " #&; Page : 126 - 132 !" ) *; 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& । ] 21 Annex Building Justice Md. Emdadul Haque [ : "( Court No. 11 Azad 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 Total cases : 54 "" #S ; =U Page : 133 - 135 : ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: "( ?4G 1,FF,FFF E # ; 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 "" #S ; =U : = : * ; ?4G 1,FF,FFF E #& ./ . 3 :" 9: ?4G 1,FF,FFF E A #, A # (E) ; KFF2 / 3 L (3/) ? i 3/ 2,]K/ 3 L ? "[" #& ; 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 : 3/;C = #& ।] 22 Annex Building Justice Syed Md. Ziaul [ : Court No. 29 Karim !" # $% #& And ./ I3/;C " #& ; !" Total cases : 82 Justice Sheikh Md. Zakir Hossain $%' # I3/;C " #& Page : 136 - 138 ; !" $%' # ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ 'h " # . ।] 23 Annex Building Justice Md. Rezaul Haque [ : "( 3 Court No. 16 And E 9: ; 3 9: . Justice Muhammad Khurshid BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C Total cases : 151 Alam Sarkar । = #& ] Page : 139 - 145 24 Annex Building Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal [ : Court No. 18 And !" ; !" # Justice Shahidul Karim $% #& ./ I3/;C " Total cases : 265 #& ; !" $%' # Page : 146 - 154 I3/;C " #& ; !" $%' # 3 " # $% #& ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ । . > ? #4 > /@ A ./ % 'h '%5 ) * 3/;C 3 ।] 25 Annex Building Justice S. M. Emdadul Hoque [ : Court No. 34 And !" #, !" Justice S.M. Mozibur !" * ; 3 9: . Total cases : 26 Rahman BC ./ 6#78 9: Page : 155 - 155 3/;C = #& ./ 'h " # . । ] 26 Annex Building Justice Mamnoon Rahman [ : "( Court No. 14 And ? T #% !" $%' Justice K. M. Kamrul Kader # " # ./ 'h " Total cases : 18 ] # . । Page : 156 - 156 27 Annex Building Justice Farah Mahbub [ : "( Court No. 13 And !" ; Justice Amir Hossain !" # $% #& ./ Total cases : 139 I3/;C " #& ; !" Page : 157 - 162 $%' # I3/;C " #& ; !" $%' # 3 " # $% #& ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ ; . > ? #4 > /@ A ।] 28 Annex Building Justice Farah Mahbub [2- j, KF21/ " 'h Court No. 13 And ZPDFF dE +PD20 E #C ] Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul [ : "( E Total cases : 1 Haque Akondo ] #E * । Page : 163 - 163 29 Annex Building Justice A. K. M. Abdul [ : Court No. 15 Hakim !" ; !" # And $% #& ./ I3/;C " Total cases : 313 Justice Farid Ahmed Shibli #&; !" $%' # Page : 164 - 174 I3/;C " #&; !" $%' # 3 " # $% #& ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ ।] 30 Annex Building Justice Borhanuddin [ : "( Court No. 30 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 Total cases : 147 "" #S ; =U Page : 175 - 181 : ; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: "( ?4G 1,FF,FFF E # ; 3 "" ?( [ ; =U ?4G 1,FF,FFF E ./ 3 "" #S ; =U : = : * ; ?4G 1,FF,FFF E #& ./ . 3 :" 9: ?4G 1,FF,FFF E A #, A # (E) ; KFF2 / 3 L (3/) ? i 3/ 2,]K/ 3 L ? "[" #& ; 3 9: . BC ./ 6#78 : 3/;C = #& ।] 31 Annex Building Justice Borhanuddin [2- M, KF21/ " 'h Court No. 30 And K:FF dE +:20 E #C] Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif [ : : "( Total cases : 1 And ] Justice J. N. Deb Choudhury E #E * Page : 182 - 182 32 Annex Building Justice M. Moazzam Husain [ : "( E, Court No. 27 And M3, EN 9: 3 Justice Md. Badruzzaman E ; 3 9: . Total cases : 160 BC ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C Page : 183 - 189 = #& । ] 33 Annex Building Justice Soumendra Sarker [ D "( Court No. 28 And : ; Justice Md. Ashraful Kamal "( A #, A # (E), A Total cases : 42 , ( ); # A # E Page : 190 - 193 1,FF,FFF E 6G A # ./ 6: 9: ? #34 ; : = *; E = , ?: 2+ = ?H: "( 1,FF,FFF E 6G #; : =, : * I3/;C #& 6J% 3 :" 9:; KFF2 / 3 2 / ( KFF2) +-(), 8 ./ #; 6: #9, #!3 (9 :L) ?, 2,,, / /-1, 2,,2-. ? #; : +2 ? 22 = ?H: #34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #&। ] 34 Main Building Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee [ D .& Court No. 12 And 3 ./ "( '%k Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam ) ./ . : Total cases : 178 6J% 3 !" # " # ./ Page : 194 - 200 6W : 6J% !" # " # $% #& ./ !" # !" # 6J% " #& ।] 35 Annex Building Justice Md. Nuruzzaman [ : Court No. 4 And !" ; !" # Justice S. H. Md. Nurul Huda $% #& ./ I3/;C " Total cases : 217 Jaigirdar ; #& !" $%' # Page : 201 - 208 I3/;C " #& ; !" $%' # 3 " # $% #& ; !" ./ !" *34 ./ 6#78 9: 3/;C = #& ./ ; .
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