CORRIGENDUM The selection list of the candidates those who have applied for Six Weeks Certificate Course in Sports Coaching 2021 uploaded earlier dated 18-06-2021 are rectified and posted again. Dr.I.P.Nagi Deputy Director NOTIFICATION It is notified to all candidates those who have applied for Six Weeks Certificate Course in Sports Coaching 2021 to send their representation, if any, same may be sent latest by 24-06-2021 through E-mail:
[email protected] Dr.I.P.Nagi Deputy Director SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA NETAJI SUBHAS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPORTS:PATIALA Dated : 22-06-2021 JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR Eligible candidates of 6 Weeks Certificate Course 2021 Candidates selected for the admission to Six weeks Certificate Course in Sports Coaching 2021 are advised to read the following instructions carefully and act accordingly: 1. Those who are selected are to register themselves online using link given below Registration will begin on 21-06-2021 and will close by 27-06-2021. 2. Course fee is to be deposited online by the candidate using S B Collect From 21-06-2021 to 27-06-2021 as per the details given below: Path of S B Collect: i) ii). Go-SB Collect (By enter top box) iii). New version→ select the check box→ Proceed iv). State of Institute→ Select Punjab v). Type of Institute→ Select Education Institution→ Go vi). Education Institute name→ Select Sports Authority of India Submit vii). Select payment category→ COURSE FEE FOR SIX WEEKS CERTIFICATE COURSE viii). Fill the form→ SUBMIT LAST DATE FOR DEPOSITING COURSE FEE IS 27-06-2021 3.