As Regards the Transport Industry, in View of the Over-Capacity of Tonnage

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As Regards the Transport Industry, in View of the Over-Capacity of Tonnage C 147 E/20 Official Journal of the European Communities EN 20.6.2002 As regards the transport industry, in view of the over-capacity of tonnage in most of the main freight transport sectors and economic problems which arise as a result, the Commission is very cautious when assessing aid for the purchase of transport means. It therefore decided that such aid has to pass the Commission’s close scrutiny by way of State aid procedures and may not be subject to an exemption from notification. 6. The field of export credit is regulated by the (OECD) Consensus for officially supported export credits, Council Decision 93/112/EEC of 14 December 1992 extending the Decision of 4 April 1978 on the application of certain guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits2 (2), which has been implemented into Community law. In addition, general rules relating to State aid (namely, Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty) are applicable. Export guarantees have to be analysed and evaluated according to these instruments, in order to verify their compliance with Community law, irrespectively of whether they relate to SMEs or to other undertakings. (1) OJ C 235, 21.8.2001. (2) OJ L 44, 22.2.1993. (2002/C 147 E/019) WRITTEN QUESTION P-2482/01 by Joan Colom i Naval (PSE) to the Commission (5 September 2001) Subject: Drought and famine in Central America According to reports received by the questioner, the drought which has been affecting Central America for three months has destroyed between 40 and 100 % of the harvest of maize, beans, rice and sorghum in some areas and famine is affecting 1,6million people in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, according to figures supplied by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). Can the Commission say whether it has taken any steps to provide aid and what the result has been? Answer given by Mr Patten on behalf of the Commission (4 October 2001) According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation’s (FAO) Special Alert Report No 317 of 3 September 2001 (1) current estimates for Central America’s aggregate cereal output are of 2,3 million tonnes, some 8 percent lower than the last five-year average. This drop is largely due to the drought or unevenly distributed rains during the period June-August 2001 that followed abundant rains in May 2001. The cumulative effects of the successive natural disasters A Hurricane Mitch, earthquakes and drought A, the dramatic fall in the prices of critical export crops (coffee, banana) and the structural inadequacies of agricultural policies, contributed to the worsening of the overall poverty situation and food insecurity amongst large groups of the rural populations. All indications are that current food aid needs are being met by the governments of the region, through the use of strategic reserves and imports, complemented with food aid contributions made by World Food Programme (WFP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Until this moment the governments have not requested additional emergency relief and no appeals have been received from international relief organisations or non-governmental organisations (NGOs). However the continuation of the adverse agricultural conditions might will exhaust the governments’ capacity in the short run and may require additional donor support. 20.6.2002 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 147 E/21 The Commission is currently providing financial support in excess of € 2,2 millions to NGOs (through Euronaid) for the provision of agricultural inputs for El Salvador. The Commission is also considering the possible reorientation of some on-going projects and the use of contingencies to better meet the needs created by the present crisis. The Commission is following with attention the situation in the region through its Delegations with the support of the Food Security and ECHO’s resident advisors. Until 31 August 2001 the Commission could also rely upon high quality reporting and analysis provided by the former Technical Assistance Office of the European network for food safety (RESAL). (1) (2002/C 147 E/020) WRITTEN QUESTION E-2499/01 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (13 September 2001) Subject: Purely domestic considerations in the development of Laarbruch airport in Germany on the border with the Netherlands 1. Is the Commission aware of plans to develop the former British military airbase at Laarbruch near Weeze (Germany, North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf, Kleve) for use as a civilian airport? 2. Is the Commission aware that Laarbruch is close to the Dutch border and that the approach route to the landing and takeoff runway which lies in an East-West direction causes considerable nuisance to the village of Bergen (province of Limburg) and the De Hamert nature reserve on the Dutch side of the border? 3. Is the Commission also aware that in drafting these plans only the impact on the environment and economy on the German side of the border and the relevant German environmental standards have been considered so far and that the negative repercussions of the plan on the Dutch side of the border have been totally disregarded. Proximity to the border between the two countries has been used only as a means of propaganda to support the claim that the airport is a ‘Euregional’ facility which would benefit the Dutch towns of Venlo and Nijmegen? 4. Can the Commission confirm that there are also plans to allow flights between 11 p.m. and midnight and between 5 and 6a.m., which was not the case for the former military airbase or for regional airports in the Netherlands, as result of which those living in the area will find their sleep seriously disturbed? 5. What action can be taken to avoid an outdated approach of shifting environmental problems onto a neighbouring country and once again creating the impression that European cooperation does not help solve cross-border problems between two or more Member States? 6. What can the Commission do to ensure the democratic involvement of all interested parties and the proper weighing up of all the conflicting interests on either side of the Dutch-German border? Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the Commission (12 November 2001) 1. Following information received from the German authorities, financial support from the Structural Funds for work related to the conversion of Weeze-Laarbruch airport has been provided through the Konver II programme for North Rhein-Westphalia during the 1994-1999 programming period, of which the overall purpose was to support economic diversification in regions heavily dependent on the defence.
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