Tropical Dermatology: Venomous Arthropods and Human Skin
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CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION 1 56 2 57 3 Tropical dermatology: Venomous arthropods and 58 4 human skin 59 5 60 6 61 7 Part I. Insecta 62 8 63 9 Vidal Haddad,Jr,MD,PhD,a Jo~ao Luiz Costa Cardoso,MD,b Omar Lupi,MD,PhD,c 64 10 and Stephen K. Tyring,MD,PhDd 65 11 Botucatu, Manaus, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Houston, Texas 66 12 67 13 68 14 CME INSTRUCTIONS 69 15 70 The following is a journal-based CME activity presented by the American reflect the official policy of the American Academy of Dermatology. The information provided in 16 Academy of Dermatology and is made up of four phases: this CME activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the 71 independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to the diagnostic, management 17 1. Reading of the CME Information (delineated below) and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition. 72 18 2. Reading of the Source Article 73 3. Achievement of a 70% or higher on the online Case-based Post Test Disclosures 19 4. Completion of the Journal CME Evaluation Editors 74 The editors involved with this CME activity and all content validation/ 20 CME INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURES 75 peer reviewers of this journal-based CME activity have reported no 21 Statement of Need: relevant financial relationships with commercial interest(s). 76 22 The American Academy of Dermatology bases its CME activities on the 77 Academy’s core curriculum, identified professional practice gaps, the Authors 23 educational needs which underlie these gaps, and emerging clinical The authors of this journal-based CME activity have reported no relevant 78 24 research findings. Learners should reflect upon clinical and scientific financial relationships with commercial interest(s). 79 25 information presented in the article and determine the need for further Planners 80 26 study. The planners involved with this journal-based CME activity have 81 Target Audience: reported no relevant financial relationships with commercial interest(s). 27 Dermatologists and others involved in the delivery of dermatologic care. The editorial and education staff involved with this journal-based CME 82 28 Accreditation activity have reported no relevant financial relationships with commer- 83 29 The American Academy of Dermatology is accredited by the Accreditation cial interest(s). 84 30 Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical Resolution of Conflicts of Interest 85 31 education for physicians. In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support of 86 AMA PRA Credit Designation CME, the American Academy of Dermatology has implemented mech- 32 The American Academy of Dermatology designates this journal-based anisms, prior to the planning and implementation of this Journal-based 87 33 CME activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsÔ. CME activity, to identify and mitigate conflicts of interest for all individ- 88 34 Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of uals in a position to control the content