www.denniskunkel.com Tour of the part 1 Today’s Topics • Finish Nucleic Acids Cells

• Properties of all cells – Prokaryotes and • Functions of Major Cellular – Information – Synthesis&Transport – Energy Conversion – Recycling – Structure and Movement

Bacterial cell Animal Cell 9/12/12 (Prokaryote) () 2 www.denniskunkel.com

Common features of all cells • Plasma Membrane – defines inside from outside

– Semifluid “inside” of the cell

• DNA “chromosomes” - Genetic material – hereditary instructions

– “factories” to synthesize 4

Bacterial (Prokaryotic) Cell Plasma membrane


Plasma membrane!

Bacterial ! chromosome ! Phospholipid bilayer Proteins 0.5 !m! Flagella!

No internal membranes

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1 Figure 6.2b 1 cm

Eukaryotic Cell Frog egg 1 mm

Human egg 100 µm Most and animal cells 10 m µ Nucleus

Most bacteria microscopy Light 1 µm

Super- 100 nm Smallest bacteria Viruses resolution microscopy Ribosomes

10 nm microscopyElectron Proteins 1 nm Contains internal organelles Small molecules 7 0.1 nm Atoms

endoplasmicENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM reticulum (ER) (ER) NUCLEUS NUCLEUS Rough ER Smooth ER nucleus Rough ER Smooth ER Nucleus

Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Centrosome

cytoskeletonCYTOSKELETON You should Microfilaments Intermediate filaments know everything Intermediate filaments in Fig 6.9 ribosomesRibosomes Microtubules Ribosomes cytosol GolgiGolgi apparatus apparatus Golgi apparatus Peroxisome

In animal cells but not plant cells: In animal cells but not plant cells: Lysosome Lysosomes Figure 6.9 Figure 6.9 Centrioles Mitochondrion lysosome Flagella (in some plant 9sperm) Mitochondrion Flagella (in some plant10 sperm) mitochondrion

Nuclear envelope Nucleus

Nucleus 1 !m Chromatin

Nuclear envelope: Inner membrane Outer membrane


Pore complex

Rough ER

Surface of nuclear envelope. 1 !m

0.25 !m

Close-up of nuclear envelope

Figure 6.10 11 12 Pore complexes (TEM). Nuclear lamina (TEM).

2 Ribosomes ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) NUCLEUS EndoplasmicRough ER Smooth ER Cytosol Reticulum ER Free Ribosomes Make Cytoplasmic Proteins Plasma membrane – Carry out synthesis Centrosome

CYTOSKELETON Membrane Bound Ribosomes Microfilaments Make Proteins to be Exported Intermediate filaments Microtubules RibosomesRibosomes

Large subunit GolgiGolgi apparatus apparatus TEM showing ER and ribosomes Peroxisome 0.5 !m In animal cells but not plant cells: Small Lysosome Lysosomes Figure 6.9 Centrioles subunit 13 Mitochondrion Flagella (in some plant14 sperm) Figure 6.11 RNA & Protein Complex Diagram of a ribosome

1 Nuclear envelope is Nucleus connected to ER Smooth ER Rough ER Smooth ER 2 transport vesicles • Synthesis of membrane lipids Golgi • Synthesizes steroids 3 Golgi pinches off Transport • Stores calcium Vesicles, Lysosomes, etc. • Detoxifies poison

Figure 6.16 4 5 Plasma6 membrane expands by fusion of vesicles.15 16

Rough ER Golgi Apparatus: Has attached ribosomes protein Processing, packaging and sorting center • Synthesis of – secreted proteins – membrane proteins Cis Trans Golgi Golgi Close Away To Rough From ER Rough ER

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