United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,731,479 Bod Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,731,479 Bod et al. 45 Date of Patent: Mar. 15, 1988 (54) N-SULFAMYL-3-HALOPROPIONAMIDINES Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Karl F. Ross; Herbert Dubno; 75 Inventors: Péter Bod, Gyömrö; Kálmán Jonathan Myers Harsányi, Budapest; Eva Againée (57) ABSTRACT Csongor, Budapest; Erik Bogsch, Budapest; Eva Fekecs, Budapest; The invention relates to new propionamidine deriva Ferenc Trischler, Budapest; György tives of formula (I) Domány, Budapest; István Szabadkai, Budapest; Béla Hegedis, Budapest, NH2HX (I) all of Hungary x^-sn-so- NH2 73) Assignee: Richter Gedeon Vegyeszeti Gyar Rt., Budapest, Hungary wherein (21) Appl. No.: 905,833 X is halogen, and to a process for their preparation. According to the 22 Filed: Sep. 10, 1986 invention compounds of the formula (I) are prepared by 30 Foreign Application Priority Data reacting a 3-halopropionitrile of the formula (III) Sep. 11, 1985 HU) Hungary .............................. 3423/85 51) Int. Cl." ............................................ CO7C 143/72 (III) 52 U.S.C. ...................................................... 564/79 58 Field of Search .......................................... 564/79 wherein (56) References Cited X is as defined above, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS with sulfamide of the formula (II) 3,121,084 2/1964 Winberg................................ 564/79 (II) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 905408 12/1986 Belgium. NH-i-NH. O OTHER PUBLICATIONS Wagner et al, "Synthetic Organic Chemistry', (1953), in the presence of a hydrogen halide. p. 635. Compounds of the formula (I) are useful intermediates Richter, "Text Book of Organic Chemistry,” (1952), p. 216. in the preparation of famotidine. Primary Examiner-Anton H. Sutto 1 Claim, No Drawings 4,731,479 1.
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