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126 Notizen I(E)-l,2-Difluoro-2-(pentafluoro- Discussion A6-sulfanyl)ethenyl|phosphonates We have found that organic phosphites (la and Holger Wessolowskia, Gerd-Volker lb) will react with l,2,2-trifluoro-l-(pentafluoro- >„6-sulfanyl)ethylene (2) [5] to give the first F5S Röschenthaler*-3, Rolf Winterb, and group containing alkenylphosphonates, 4 a, b, Gary L. G ard*b [1] which are moisture-sensitive colorless liquids a Institut für Anorganische und Physikalische (Scheme 1). The (E) isomers exclusively were found, Chemie der Universität Bremen, Leobener Straße, D-2800 Bremen 33, F.R.G. derived from the intermediates 3 a, b in which there b Department of Chemistry, Portland State is maximum repulsion between the phosphonium University, Portland, Oregon 97207, U.S.A. and sulfanyl groupings [4], The 70 eV El mass spec Z. Naturforsch. 46b, 126-128(1991); tra show no parent molecular ion, but for 4 a the ion received June 15, 1990 [M + 1]+ was found; this has been observed in a few cases, for similar compounds [ 6]. For 4b the 1,2,2-T rifluoro-1 -(pentafluoro-A6-sulfanyl)- ethylene, Silylated Phosphites, Phosphonates [M -CH 3]+ fragment was obtained in keeping with results reported for O-trimethylsilylated phos For the first time SF5 containing organic phos 3)2 phonates, SF5CF = CFP(0)(0R')2 have been phonates, e.g. for CF3CF = CFP(0)(0SiMe [7], prepared from trimethylsilylphosphites, In the IR spectra, substitution of one fluorine (R'0)2P0SiMe, (R1 = Et, R1 = SiMe,) and atom in 2 by the phosphonate groupings decreases trifluorovinylsulfur pentafluoride, SF5CF = CF2 considerably (as expected) the C=C stretching fre in an Arbuzov type reaction.
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