TERMINUS t. 17 (2015), z. 1 (34), s. 113–146 doi: 10.4467/20843844TE.15.005.4531 www.ejournals.eu/Terminus Áron Orbán
[email protected] Astrology at the Court of Matthias Corvinus* Abstract Th ough astrology played an essential role at the court of Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary (1458–1490), it has been a largely neglected fi eld of scholarship. Th is article provides a general overwiew of the issue, investigates the relations between astronomers /astrologers or humanists, the related primary sources and branches of astrology pursued at the court, and analyses some exemplary horoscopes. Th e investigation is based on a great variety of sources (including literary and visual artworks): poems for the king, chronicles, various horoscopes and iudicia. Th e most popular branches of astrology seem to be natal and catarchic astrology. Astrology was applied for various purposes: to forecast one’s fortune in general, to forecast political and military events, to support institute foundations. Royal patronage and political propaganda played a great role in the importance of this discipline. Even taking into account the popularity of astrology in Europe, the king’s personal predi- lection for the stars seems to have been remarkably strong. Key words: Matthias Corvinus, János Vitéz, Regiomontanus, Marcin Bylica, history of astrology and astronomy, horoscope, iudicium, humanist literature * Th is study is the revised English version of my article Judiciális asztrológia Mátyás király udvarában [Judicial Astrology at the Court of Matthias Corvinus], [in:] Mikro&Makro – Fiatal kutatók konferenciája 4 [Micro&Macro – Conference of Young Scholars 4], ed. I. Horváth et al., Budapest 2013, pp.