Information for Year 12 students about next steps, June 2020 Ark Alexandra Academy During the w/c 15th June, Year 12 students attended a three hour pastoral session at the school, focusing on transition. There will be two further one-to-one meetings this term. The whole of year 12 has been divided up into eight groups. Only one group is permitted on site per day to ensure social distancing is always maintained. If there is any reason why students cannot attend due to Covid-19 -for example, if a member of the family falls into a high-risk category - please contact Donna Howell at
[email protected]. This term Year 12s will otherwise continue to work from home, accessing remote learning via ShowMyHomework and MS Teams when not in school. Letters with full details have been sent to all year 12 students and parents. Year 12s can access information, advice and guidance about post-18 options from Careers Leader Graham Morris
[email protected] or from Assistant Headteachers James Hamilton and Donna Howell. Letters have been sent to all Year 12 students with the dates and times of their attendance. Parents have also been informed. Students with SEND, EAL, ASL and vulnerable young people receive help from the iSEND faculty. Contact Charlotte Fautley (SENCO) at
[email protected]. Contact James Hamilton, Assistant Headteacher at
[email protected]. 1 Beacon Academy For information about Beacon Academy Year 12s’ learning please contact the Head of Year 12:
[email protected]. Mr Howarth and Mr Baker, Head of Sixth Form (
[email protected]) are in touch with SEND students.