vol. 5, No. 6 WIkes-Brro, Pa., Thursday, March 27th, 1941


Hit To Be SPRING PROM Presented On PLANS SET April 3rd-4th The committee for the Spring Prom, to be held Friday evening, Groh Plays Lead April 25th, from 8:30 to 12:30, at In Major Production First Presbyterian Church House, has been appointed by Alfred Gi'oh, Henry Aldrich C-o-m-ing, general chairman. The committee Mother! heads are: Pete Seras, orchestra; "What A Life" is right! Just Art Frith, program and patrons: imagine, Henry Aldrich, the real, John Finn and Bud Owens, decora- always getting into trouble, Henry tions: Stevie Hoyniak, tickets; and Aldrich is coming to Bucknell Ruth Guarnaccia and Jane Bergh, Junior' College. publicity. To date no orchestra Once more Chase Theatre is in has been engaged. a whirl of excitement as the major FLASH production for- the second semester' At the Spring Prom, a queen goes into rehearsal. "What A Life" will be cho3en Every girl, at- by Clifford Goldsmith, played in tending the dance, is eligible. Don't at the Biltmore Theatre forget, the date is Friday, April 25. to a delighted first-night audience FLASH in April, 1938 and ran for more If you are in a quandary as to than a year. whom to ask to the Spring Prom, Betty Field, who has made a April 25th, your problem is practic- name for' herself in the last year' ally solved. A dating bureau," Parents Reception or' two, headed the cast as Barbara, headed by Tommy Brislin, will help Henry's high school girl-friend. solve your problem, Send all re- Sorority Plans Tea Date Set For Ezra Stone played the part of Hen- quests to Tommy Brislin in the Is Great Success ry Aldrich. Many people are fam- Beacon office. Include all necess- For Senior Girls A reception for the parents of Scholarship iliar withooth the character and ary information. This will he the Bucknell Junior College stu- Tests the actor', for Mr. Stone brings strictly confidential dents was held on Thursday and Henry to life on the radio networks High-school seniors and their Fr'iday evening in the reception The fourth annual Scholarship every Thursday evening at 8:30. advisors will be the guests of the room of Chase Hall. Because of competition of Bucknell University "What A Life" gives a pictur'e * * girl's sorority of the Junior College the large enrollment of students in Junior College will be held on Sat- of what happens in a principal's at tea on Friday, the twenty-eighth this year's Freshmen class, it was urday, May tenth. Seven scholar'- office in an average high school. of March at four thirty. necessary to have the reception two ships will be awarded to those re- The typical activities of the adoles- Camera Reveals It has been the custom foi' the nights and to entertain the guests ceiving the highest standing in the cent are humorously presented in Junior' College women to entertain in two groups. The students who examination. this delightfully different drama. Senior' girls from the various live within Wilkes-Bar-re came at There ale seven scholarships to The large cast of twenty-two Life At Bucknell schools of the valley. Dr. Farley seven-thirty while the students who be gi-anted: has not been fully selected but re- suggested to the committee that reside in the neighboring vicinities Two scholarships for $250 each, hear-sals have started with the hope The latest moving-pictui'e of the girls' advisors be included as came at eight-thirty. two scholarships for $200 each, and that the play will be ready for' pre- this valley, "Bucknell Junior' Coll- guests. Girls from the three city The students and parents had three for one hundred dollars each. sentation April 3rd-4th. ege in Review" presents typical high schools, from Kingston and an opportunity to meet and con- Those eligible foi' the examina- The cast includes the following: college scenes of glamorous co-eds Wyoming Seminary will attend this verse with the professors and their tions must be in the upper two- Alfred Groh, as Henry Aldrich; and handsome gents in their mor'e tea. A similar tea will he given wives who formed the receiving fifths of the graduation classes Doris Jones, as Barbara; Newsby pensive and jovial moments. The next month for the girls from the line. The tea table was decorated and must he recommended by their' Williams, Bea Hoyle, Nevielle pictures are in such beautiful hues high school of the outlying dis- in pastel colors, welcoming the respective piinCipals. Johnson, Hilton Edelman, Vincent that it would be difficult for Mother tricts. Spring season. Applications for- the examina- Seegar', Hilton Kerr', Harvey Nature to paint more colorful ones. The members of the reception The committee who assisted tions must be received not later Wr'uhle, Alfred Eisenprise, Phyllis A few of the best scenes in the committee are Ruth Guarnacia, with the arrangements consisted of than Thursday, May first. In addi- Kempinski, Jane Bergh, Char-lotte moving pictures are the rose-colored Jane Nagro, Jane Ber'gh, Florence the faculty, the members of the tion to applications for the scholar- Reichlin, Harry Wilcox, Muriel sequences ft-nm the so successful Figlewski, Margaret Ichter. Those Student Council, and Margaret ship examination, applications for Reese. comedy, "Married for Money." on the refreshment committee are Bachman, Shirley Higgins, Margar- admission to Bucknell Junior Col- Though reduced to a pantomime, it Doris Thomas. Mat-ian Waters, et Johnson, Emma Kanyuck, Sally- lege should he submitted. is still an enjoyable hit of miniature Frances Lewis, Irene Owens and anne Frank, Charlotte Watei's, Sey- * * comedy. Other comedy scenes, Phyllis Eichler. mour Mintzer, Ben Badman, Fort'- * rather involuntary this time, are est Price, Steve Whitman and Geo- * University of Chicago the shots entitled, "Freshmen Strut * rge KuIp. Offers Scholarships To Their Stuff," Some of the Fresh- * Harvard College Business Students men who have all but forgotten * To Admit Graduates those first days of anxiety, frolic, Ralph Norbert Wins * Of Junior Colleges and fun (for the Sophomor'es, of Camera Club Contest Scholarships are being offered course) will recognize themselves Kiwanis To See by the School of Business of the The Committee on Admission of as bewildered looking young men Each month the Junior College University of Chicago to students "Only The Birds" who have and women, dressed quite ludicrous- Camel-a Club holds a Print Contest. Harvard University, impressed by completed the first two of years of college wor-k at the Junior ly; the men with dinks and differ- The prints are judged for interest, "Only the Birds" will he pre- the growth and development the ent colored aprons and the young print quality, composition, perspec- Junior' Colleges in recent years, has College. These awar-ds will be made sented on Friday for the Kiwanis on ladies minus all make-up, paint a tive, and permanency of appeal. amended the rules of admission so the basis of the student's schol- Club. This comedy by astic picture quite characteristic of Each characteristic is given from Esther Sag- as to allow those people who have standing and upon his merit as judged freshmen hazing. zero to ten points. The points are alyn, it will he remembered, was finished two year-s of distinguished by a committee at the University of Chicago. The Thespians also show glimp- then totaled up and the photo- one of the four one act plays pre- work in an accredited Junior Coll- For ses fr-om "Hedda Gabler." There grapher whose pr-mt has the high- sented last February 14th. 'rhe ege to enter Harvard College as several of those adjudged best qualified, the award will are a number of interesting se- est score wins the contest. comedy has as its subject the pro- Junior's. Heretofore, admission in- quences from last year's May Day In the last contest Ralph Nor'- blems of children whose parents with advanced standing had been clude full tuition, one hundred Festival. The other activities get bert won the first prize, a pack- both have careers in the movies. limited to those who had studied dollar's a quarter', for a per'iod of one A their share of much deserved pub- age of printing paper. John An- It was directed by Phyllis Kempin- in four-year- colleges. This amend- year. number' of half schol- licity. A scene of Charles Hender- thony's print took second place. ski. The cast included: Forrest ment is certainly a striking exam- ar'ships will also he available and son and his Club preserve for Two films were shown by Kusiak Price, Virginia Jones, Walter- Rulka, ple of the new anc greater place will be assigned on the same basis. the future one of Bucknell's most "Super Thrills in the News." and Ethel Farley, James Conyery, of the Junior College in the educa- The program of the Univer-sitys popular extracurricula.r nctivities. "War For France," Christopher- O'Malley. tional world. (Continued to Page 4) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 2 B U C K N E L L B E AC 0 N Thursday, March 27th, 1941 SONG THE BUCKNELL BEACON EXCHANGE B.V.J.C. Debaters When My comes Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania And birds fly, Sometimes in the life of an Editor Ruth Guarnaccia eidtor, there comes the time when Have Busy Season And winds hum he feels that all the world gangs During the past few weeks the Sports Editor Bob Patton up against him and his last day A lullaby, Bucknell Junior College Debating has just shown its evil-grinning face Reporters: And grass grows, on last years calendar. And on Squad has -engaged in a number Chris O'Malley, Jane Bergh, Henry Lewert, Ruth Lynn, such occasions, dear friends and of "battles of wit," in which, sad And wake, Katherine Freund, Phyllis Kempinski, Elizabeth Lance frogs gentle readers, an editor is tempted to relate, no decisions were made. Judging from the excellent work of Sallyanne Franks, Thomas Boylan, Alfred Eisenpreise, And Sun to coin a quip, joke or slip of mind, warms Hervey Wruble and Milton Edel- Mervin Wargo, Robert Mikulewicz, Murray Pincus, Shirley which by mistake or mental tele- A far lake; pathy turns out to be good. man in their Scranton University Higgins. contest from which they emerged When May comes Last week, your much-reading the winners, it seems regrettable Business Manager Marion Waters And sun comes, editor (what a Virgilian epithet!) that other debates were not decision was struck by such a concoction of debates, for in all probability the Business Assistance Lois Morgan and Jeannette Saums And frogs leap an editorial vacuum; in fact, he squad would have upheld the honor was struck three times, for the of Bucknell Junior College and And wind ADVERTISING RATES: hums, same contraption re-appeared in would have been awarded more One Column Inch .... 50c - Two Column Inches ... 75c And grass grows, three different important-looking laurels. columns which bore the resounding On March 7th, squad One Year: Column Inch .. $4.50 - Two Column Inches .. $7.50 the And birds mate, title, Exchange Column," thus journeyed to Penn State to attend And frogs splash leaving us in consuling darkness as the annual Freshman Debater's to the despairing inventor. Like Conference. Various other coll- Sun sets late; the measles, this joke is, even while eges sent student representatives my fountain pen is giving away its to participate in the forsenic dis- Winds dance life-ink to put down words for cussion concerning the United And birds fly, eternity and posterity, cropping up States' policy toward Great Britain here, there and everywhere, and dis- and a union of the Western Hemis- And grass grows claiming any responsibility f-or its phere nations. These colleges wel'e we hereby And grows high, pre-kindergarten humor, represented: Penn State, Bucknell reprint it with the compliments to University, Bucknell Junior College, When May comes the "Maroon and Gold." Juniata College, University of Scranton, University of Pittsburgh AD. If th.e person who Hosteling Thinking Straight And sun comes WANT and Allegheny State Teacher's stole a bottle of alcohol from our Wherever we 100kw, there are And birds fly. colleges. There's something about a cellar will return Grandma's ap- Harvey Wruble, Kathleen Win- great opportunities for having a pendix, no question will be asked." grand time and for acquiring know- soldier! That something that we Alfred S. Groh. termute, Milton Edelman and Phyl- We also found a very nice and lis Kcmpinski, the representatives ledge, if we would only take ad- feel at seeing these boys in uni- brand-new (?) definition for a per- from B. U. J. C., participated act- vantage of them. Hosteling is one form is, at this tense history-making * credit for nothing, * son who gets ively in the discussions on the event in which all young people period, not altogether pleasing. See- blame for ev.erything and lives in can easily participate. ing them now, marching through United States' Policy toward Great dark oblivion until he is needed, a Britain. Most significant was the Why not assemble a group of the streets of the city, one row of Letter To The Editor friend: young men and women and take khaki-clad American youths after general attitude of whole-hearted to the open road? This offers ex- another, gives one quite a different "A friend is a person who approval for much debated H. R. citement and adventure which can- sensation than that of the usual Dear Editor: walks in when all the world runs 1776, in whatever form it would emerge as a law. not be acquired by remaining in our holiday parade, when the school The Federal Water Service out." From ever-sunny California own 1oca vicinity. There are also bands and Masons, Moose and Elks (ask Bob Hope and the Miami Upon the question of Western Company has-- proposed the sale of many economic and social advan- add a bit of color in contrast to the Chamber of Commerce about it) we Hemisphere policy, it was decided tages to hoateling.- It pemits young drab uniforms of the regiment, and the Spring Brook Water Supply get the following outcry from a aft-er much heated debate that no people to become acquainted with cheerful, marching music contri- Company to the Lackawanna and scholastic : union of the United States and the many other youths and to learn butes to the mood of laughter and the Luzerne Counties combined for Of all disagreeable things and pests, South American countries should be how to adjust themselves to any gaiety of the clowd of onlookers. $49,500,000. The 1939 Amendment to There's nothing quite so bad as made. The basis for this conclu- type of group. Economically, the There was a silence and tenseness the Authority Act is the means by tests. sion rested upon the theory that cost is so little that it will not have about the crowd watching our re- which the proposed sale would be They are an evil that should be just as much economic and commer- any great effect on even the thrift- cent parade of soldiers. All that carried out. This, incidentally, is stamped out. cial advantage could be gained iest budget. could be heard was the steady left- the act under which the Chester A thing to be hated like a man without such a binding and entang- Hostels are located in many right of the marchers and the re- Water Deal was transacted. The hates the gout. ling thing as a union. different regions throughout the marks of the watchers, 'There's Vice-president of the Federal Water Just like the low little insects Hershey Junior College, Buck- world. If we prefer the cold cli- Bill!" "There's John!" all recognized Service Company and his cohorts in that crawl, nell University, Scranton Univer- mate, Canadian hostels will be our someone they knew. the deal were recently indicted for They never should've been invented sity, and Penn State leveled their best ammunition at the Bucknell choice and yet if we dislike frigid What's to become of these boys? graft. at all. This amendment permits the Debaters, and each encounter temperatures the sunny southern It is not well to be .either extremely They might be excused if they did appointment of an authority, brought out very effectively varied realms will be our destination. or pessimistic as to what us some good. optimistic questions of interna- Hiking, riding, horseback, bi- future might hold for them. known to the consumers only But half of the junk isn't even opinions upon the notice in import. day's the - tional cycling and canoeing are only well to think about it and through three understood It is It permits this authority to Debating against Hershey Jun- a few of the variety of ways in think hard and fast. Everyone of press. We just sit here and we sweat purchas.e a water property at a ior College at Hershey, Pennsylvan- which we can hostel. The accomo- us must awaken and look at the and we slave. which, it is clamied, is ia, on the question of a possible dations for a night's lodging are facts squarely and decide to do price And wish we had gone to a pre- the fair price. The bonds British Union, were Milton Edel- also so arranged that a good night's something and really do everything double mature grave. may be sold at a prviate sale, with- man and Harvey Wruble uphold- rest will be assured no matter we can to make it possible And th.e teachers just grins and or competition ing the negative. The return en- where we plan to spend the night. for each one of these uniformed out advertisement gloats o'er our folly same method by which the gagement at Chase Hall on Friday, Preparing our meal in the open, men to return happy, healthy and the And the low grades we'll get in sold to McNear, 14, upon the same issue, was really claims to be loads of fun triumphant, not triumphant in Chester bonds were the end, by golly. March indictment in handled by Milton Edelman and and the food is always more appe- warfare, but trimphant in peace. one of those under Yes, I'd stand up right now and case. Phyllis Kempinski in support of the tizing. The physical benefits we We must see that they do the Chester denounce the exam. has been suggested to the affirmative. derive from hosteling are very nu- not give their lives to save It But I've got one tomorrow, I gotta municipaltiies concerned, that they The contests with Bucknell merous. Not only do we have something they can not even pro- go cram. properties University were held in December plenty of exercise and fresh air but perly define. We must not let take over the water 1874, it is each of the four members of good wholesome sport as well. "catch phrases" and momentarily under the Act of which, and claimed, would cost far less than * squad engaged In separate de- Now, let's all take advantage pleasing ideas successfully urge us * the und.er the proposed transaction. Ac- bates upon the question of British of hosteling! When our summer to give up the lives of our youths cording to this act, a municipality PIANO RECITAL - Union. vacation finally arrives, let's don as they do urge us to buy a new twenty years after the crea- On March 16, four representa- our gypsy spirit and take to the gadget or a new car. We must may, Donna Tuhy, former Junior of a utility, assume control tives of the Freshman Squad of open and carefree road, to return realize that the spirit of militarism tion College Student, now a teacher at of property price based on Penn State visited Bucknell Junior to our community at the end of and preparation for war has more the at a Bucknell University in Lewisburg of construction, plus College. Kathleen Wintermute and our pleasant adventure, not only as significance than being a clever the cost an will give a piano recital there on of ten per cent a year Harvey Wruble debated for the ne- better citizens, but also as good theme for the new, military, spring allowance March thirty-first. Any of the cost, minus the dividends. gative, while Milton Edelman and Americans. styles for womens' clothes and on that Junior College people who are in- is claim.ed that if this course is Phyllis Kempinski debated on the jewelry. We must see that the It t.erested are cordially invited to at- followed, the cost to each family affirmative squad. * world regains its senses by being tend the recital. * $12 a year less, or a total The engagement with Scranton as completely sensible as possible will be $1,543,141 a year less than the University on March 19, and the re- ourselves. of Resignation... cost to them under the price de- * * turn engagement scheduled for Harvey Wruble, who so ably * sired by the water company. some time in the future, will bring edited the Bucknell Beacon last * There are signs of glowing to determine whether or not the to a close a successful debating to proposal, in company dispose of its gas season. semester has been forced by cii- BULLETIN opposition this may cumstances to resign his position. - letters written to the city news- properties. Preparations are being Announcements will be posted The members of the staff wish to The newl94l-1942 Junior Coll- papers and in meetings of Civic made to send municipal represen- when the Scranton University vs. thank Harvey for the excellent ege Bulletin is completed. Any associations to discuss the plan. A tatives to Washington to attend the Bucknell Junior College debate will work he did on the paper during student who wants a copy may get hearing before the Securities and hearing. be held, and all students are warm- the past semester. It in the office at Chase Hall. Exchange Commission is scheduled A Student ly invited to attenci. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Thursday, March 27fh, 1941 BUCKNELL BEACON Pag3


Bucknell Junior College cagers This evening at eight-thirty in turned in the best record in the * * Irem Temple, the first program of history of the school this season, the Fourth Annual Bach Festival winning 15 of 23 starts and finish- will be presented. The concert will ing third in the Northeastern Penn- BS, Bowlers Win feature Baroque music played on a sylvania Intercollegiate League. Scranton Frosh, which captured its Baroque organ, harpsichord, re- third pennant, and Dickinson Junior League Honors corders, and stringed instruments. College, a newcomer to the loop The musicians will be costumed in this season, finished in front of the One of the big surprises of accordance with the period. Bisons and were the only loop the year took place when the Bach- On Friday and Saturday even- members to stop Coach Walter elor of Science team won the bowl- a Bach cantatas and Thomas's outfit, handing it half ing concert of of its eight setbacks. ing championship, turning back the an organ recital will be given. For One of the outstanding achieve- Bachelor of Arts and Physical Edu- the cantatas, the Bach Chorus will ments of the campaign was the cation in the play-offs. The team be augmented by the Wilkes-Barre- week-end jaunt into York State on was near the bottom when Slats Scranton Sinfonietta and distin- which the Bisons subdued Cornell Obitz joined it, but the veteran soloists. Ernest White, and Colgate yearlings. The locals guished tosser injected will play the played their best brand of ball of the necessary punch, noted organist, at Church on Sat- the season in defeating these two and it was not long before Ferris First Presbyterian highly-touted quintets. The Thom- Miller and Bob urday evening. Mikulewicz were on Bach Festi- asmen had to be hot in both The climax of the games a winning outfit. magnificent as the frosh fives kept pressing. val is reached in the "Passion of Our Lord According The Bisons tallied 11C points on that It seems instructor Joe Curley trip. to St. Matthew" which will be sung gave up thoughts of staging an in- by a great choir and soloists on dividual tourney. A few years ago Sunday afternoon. After the regular season, Thomas Di. Paul Gies, who is well a singles and doubles event brought recruited most of the players for an known to the students of the Jun- out entry in the Rogers tourney, now nearly tow score of keglars ior College, is responsible for the underway at the YMCA. He did and competition was keen since the whole Festival. Charles Henderson the same thing last year and the winners received small awards. will be a soloist on the Baroque outfit, sparked by Bucknell men, Bob Patton, now captain of the organ, Mrs. Eugene Farley on the gained the semi-finals. Because of harpischord and Chris O'Malley as AB team, was doubles victor with this showing the team was expect- in "The Passion". The men Bob Peters in the last tourney. ed to do as well again this year. and women of the college are Those were the days. act- Grier Carpenter John Finn Tom Owens It was inactive in the first round ing as ushers. as Frackville Mountaineers failed Tickets for the Fourth Annual Buckncll Junior College's three players and one of the athletic di- to appear and the locals were given The school is represented in the Bach Festival can be purchased by of is visiting stalwart cagers the past two rectors this city to in- a victory forfeit. Then in the sec- Wyoming Valley Teachers League students for one dollar. The regu- He years, Johnny Finn, Grier Carpen- terview players. was impressed ond round things began to happen. but athletic schedules have kept lar price is one dollar and a half. ter and Tom Owens, shown above, by the performances of the group The boys couldn't find their old some members inactive on Saturday may enter Rider College next year, for the past two seasons. Finn is stride. Johnny Finn registered 12 afternoons. Since the coaches are it was revealed yesterday. The a graduate of GAR, Owens King- points but his mates were off sche- away with their teams over most of * * was interviewed this week, ston and Carpenter of Meyers, dule and as a result, wound up on the week-ends, the pin club usually visiting the Jerey campus for the While at Rider the trio met the short end of n 44 to 25 score plays with only four men. This is occasion. While there they engaged Grace Mathews of Plymouth, a with Central Slipper. a handicap right off the bat and it Robinson, Hughes in some basketball with other hope- graduate of Bucknell Junior Coll- shows up in the records as the club fuls for next year's team. ege, who is now attending school Making their final start under is in the second division of a 10- In Handball Finals Ridet' is seeking basketball there. the name of Bisons in that game school circuit. were Finn, Grier Carpenter and Buddy Owens. The former was Roy Tasker, Walter Thomas, Dean Robinson, hurler on last seventh highest scorer in the NEP Arthur Bernhart, William Schuyler, year's baseball team, who was the league this season and was unani- Curley, Obitz and Patton started darkhorse of the intramural hand- mously named to the circuit's all- the season but Obitz has given up ball turney, has reached the finals star team. Owens gained a place the sport for the time being. Tas- along with Loren Hughes, who also on the second team. ker is the most reliable performer was on underdog. Robinson elimin- Science Corner... ated Paul Labenda and Hughes and also the first to report for toppled Cy Mintzer, a favorite ac- Dave Derelevich, one of the the matches. When Tasker was cording to the experts. scrappiest players to ever don a away with the cagers, Prof. Bern- This is Robinson's first tourney. Pilofs ee± New Binoculars of the other eye. As a result, it is Bucknell uniform, set some kind of hart had his troubles trying to He took up the sport to develop declared, the observer obtains a a foul-shooting record for a Junior round up a team. The team is Binoculars which would enable his arm, which tired on him in the three-dimensional view. College performers when he was getting a bad reputation for re- pilots and bombardiers of planes closing innings of last year's con- For example, it is said if credited with sinking 17 of 18 tries porting late. One week It was an traveling at high altitude to see that tests. Robinson covers plenty of the airplane is going 180 during the season. Dave must have hour and a half behind time in re- their target in three-dimensional miles an territory and he makes his rivals hour and the disk rotates 16 missed that one shot. porting at Nanticoke. i'elief are disclosed in a patent revolu- dash all over the court with his tions per second before the eyes issued to John B. Bartow of Blue varied attack. of the observer, the The cagers are ending the reg- Bell, Pa. airplane will * Incidentally, Joe Curley, who have traveled eight feet during the * ular season in the intramural cir- At distances beyond 500 feet, the has been out of school dut to illness interval between successive viewings cuit. Three teams are battling for patent explains, the eyes see objects for quite a few days in the past of the object by the eyes. Thus, first place, AB, Commerce and Fi- in two dimensions, that is, without month, returned to the courts for the pilot sees the object with the nance, and Engineers B". The depth. Good three-dimensional re- the YMCA "B" handball tourney, same three-dimensional effect as first four teams will compete in the lief, which gives depth to the ob- Select Chorus but was eliminated early. though his eyes were separated by play-offs and winners will he ject being viewed, is lost by the a- Outstanding freshmen on this a distance of eight feet instead warded at the annual dinner of the eyes beyond this distance. of Assembly year's squad who are expected back the average distance of two Sings At Lettermen's Club The new three-dimensional bin- and next season are Derelevich, Elmo one-half inches for the normal oculars are designed to bring back pair Clemente, of eyes. The Small Chorus of the Buck- Effie Davis, Joe Kelly this third dimension in Moe Joseph of AB is the envy an unusual nell Glee Club is having an active and Danny Wilcox. Joe Monohan, way. In front of the eyepieces of of the other clubs. He has de- the other member of the squad, season, they will entertain at a veloped into the best shooter and conventional binoculars is mounted * Kiwanis luncheon. Aside from finishes this season. Thomas feted an aluminum disk with * is now the leading scorer. Carey a hole the earn.est practice and work, the the boys at a party at his size of one eyepiece. This disk Evans of the same outfit really following the last game of the Japanese Beetle chorus is having fun. Florence gets in Joe Monohan's hair. Carey is rotated sixteen times a second by Figlewski had a party at her home straight season. He treats the team a dry-cell To control the of guarded the former St. Leo's flash tiny battery-operated spread the on Sunday evening, March 9, and every year but had ample reasons motor mounted the .Japanese beetle, methyl in two games and twice the varsity inside binocular bromide other members are planning to be to do so this one since the boys handle. When the hole in the disk is to be used in fumigating railroad squad member failed to break brought the little mentor greater hosts to the group during the re- through with a point. is over one eyepiece, light to the cars in which vegetables, grains maining of the school term. glory in the coaching profession. other eyepiece is cut of f. and other foods are shipped. Not Several of this year's outstand- With such an arrangement, as enough of the chemical will be used Equalling the Monohan-Evans ing scholastic performers may enter the plane travels along, the pilot's to cause ill effects. The procedure ,* * duel is the one belween Ben Bedman the Junior College next year. Off i- eyes see the distant object alterna- has been worked out by H. C. Dud- and Moe Altman. This pair nearly daIs expect about three good tively and successively at a fre- ley, J. W. Miller, Surgeon P. A. FOUNTAIN of youth idea has comes to blows every time they players to augment the holdovers quency Within the persistence of Neal, Senior Surgeon R. R. Sayers sprung up again. Doctors say that, meet on the court. They keep up and keep the Bisons in a high rat- human vision, it is pointed out. of the National Institute of Health, if experiments they have used on the arguments while working at the ing in the cage sport. Thus, one eye sees the object from officials of the Department of Agri- rabbits work equally well with cafeteria and one of these days Mrs. Most of the boys will have a a point spaced a considerable dis- culture and the principal manufact- man, the life span of a person Brennan will have to step in and short vacation from drills before tnce from the point of observation urers of methyl bromide. could be extended to 185 years. referee. starting baseball practice. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Page 4 B U C K N E L L B E AC 0 N Thursday, March 27th, 1941

at Lewisburg the week-end of May BEACON AROUND THE CORNER... Nutshel News. S. 9th. DRAMA - JORDAN The Mess of the Month: Fft," and "Fft-Fft-Fft". One day Men, don't forget the Smoker The Cap and Dagger Dramatic EM. 1871 The Tea-Dance on Friday 14. "Fft" came home very ill. " Fft-Fft" tomorrow night at 7:30 in Chase Society of Bucknell University p1.3- Didn't we have a good time play- said to "Fft-FftFft" you stay here Hall. Refreshments and Cigarettes. sented George Bernard Shaw's great ing pool? with "Fft" and I'll go for the doc- dramatic masterpiece, "St. Joan," The Man of the Month: tor. So "Fft-Fft-Fft" stayed with PAGEANT - on March 19, 20, and 21 with great MEN'S FURNISHINGS The snow man with the dual "Fft" while "Fft-Fft" went for the Preparations are being made for success. Lyn Swann, Broadway personality. doctor. the May Day Festival which is star, played Joan of Arc as the and The Moan of the Month: The doctor came and looked given each year by the combined guest artist. at HATS OF QUALITY The sopranos of the Glee Club, "Fft". "Hm," he said, "I'm afraid eurythmics classes. Each class hitting (?) A. poor little 'Fft" is going to die." elected two of its members to be * The Model of the Month: Now "Fft-Fft' and "Fft-Fft-Fft" part of the committee to write and * 9 West Market Street Lewert,---a dream of forgetful- cried because "Fft" was the young- arrange the pageant. University of Chicago ness. Mrs. Brennan will give all .est, and they had loved him dearly. SPRING FESTIVAL Wilkes-Barre, Pa. necessary recommendations. But finally "Fft" died and "Fft-Fft" - Offers Scholarships The Menu of the Month: and "Fft-Fft-Fft" had a wonderful General plans have been made (Continued from Page 1) Muna Mish on Moast. for him. for the Spring Festival to be held The Mouth of the Month: A short time went by when one School of Business is specifically Carey Evans, "Union Forever" day "Fft-Fft" came very ill. "Fft- adapted to the needs of those who Here, truly we can ask, "Is he man Fft-Fft" called the doctor and said arc interested in professional busi- ACE or a mouth-" "Come over right away my brother ness aducation beyond the Junior of "Fft-Fft" is very ill." The Moron the Month: last rehearsal one of the Tenors College level. HOFFMAN Ask Dr. Miller So the doctor came to look at Any person interested in this had Triplets! (for further informa- The Music of the Month: "Fft-Fft," when he saw him he announcement should see Doctor STUDIOS tion see Charlie Henderson.) HMM. Bach to Bach. said to "Fft-Fft-Fft" "I'm afraid Farley as soon as possible. The Mistake of the Month: poor little "Fft-Fft" is going to die!" Slip of the Month: One of our Portrait and Commercial Beacon deadline for Mar. 3d "Oh no!" said "Fft-Fft-Fft," professors in a recent lecture in- Photographers --we meant March 17th. (Or did that can't be. You see I already formed us that decent drama was Compliments of: we?) have one "FIt" in the grave." much different than that of a cen- The Muddle of the Month: At last, that time you have all CAMERAS & PHOTO SUPPLIES Eurythmics classes portraying been waiting for has arrived (and tury ago. Side-Hill Cow Crackers: COMMUNITY 'the sun." we don't mean Spring!) The gentle- 32 West Market Street Side-Hill Cows can tell when it is The Moral of the Month: man who is always right has at MOTORS Wilkes-Barr., Pa. Mif Mthe Mshoe Mfit, Mwear last made a mistake! In translat- going to rain because they are Mit!! ing his German lesson, he was des- educated in the University of Ham- In the absence of our regular cribing the appearance of a charac- burg and they know their weather feature editor who got that would ter and misinterpreted one word - prognostication from the ground God-I-were-an-apple-blossom" feel- result, quote "Her dress reached UP. ing and went away for the week- to her knuckles" unquote (the word These modern gals let their CRAFTSMEN grow: end we have been very fortunate was ankles) which all goes to prove fingernails Ad Infinitum or in securing Miss Katherine Mac that he is human and we all make else Bitun ENGRAVERS DEEMER & CO. and mistakes. The baby's motto: A little Tal- PHONE Soupe, well known spinster TOWN HALL BLOC.' columnist, write brief Goofy definitions of prohibition cum is always Walcum candid to a WILKES-BARRE, PA.I 33676 Beacon eye-view of campus per- "Water, Water, everywhere, and SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES

sonalities. not a drop to drink" Ah yes, which A monologue . . . a conversation be- This, boys and girls, is the reminds us of the good old days tween a man and his wife. 'well-here-it-is-at-last-issue" of the before that when water was used Corona Portable Typ.writ.rs Bucknell Beacon. to take a bath in. Why don't you put your hand over KEY STORES CO. I wonder if Dr. Tasker knows your mouth when you yawn? Cash end Carry Tobacco Jobbers 6 WEST MARKET STREET The time is quickly drawing he had a large audience in the 0 yeh! and get bit? 80 E. NORTHAMPTON STREET near when the engineers will come girl's lounge rooting for him during WILKES-BARRE, PA. out of hibernationwhy? Do you the snow-ball fight the other day? Hey, kid, can you tell me how I can WILKES-BARRE, PA. think they would let anyone else That double feature entitled find Main street? Phone 2-4155 occupy the first rows at the pag- "Johnson and Johnson" is getting Sure, Ask somebody. eant? along fine these days. Dr. Miller has been giving his Things we never expect to see: A guy who thinks he's the whole psychology class I. Q. tests We Hervey Wruble with his hair under cheese . . . usually smells like it. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. hope he won't turn states evidence! control Si Kasnikowsky de- ... F. E. PARKHURST Where Fine Printing Is Produc.d Communication by mail has feated in the pool tournament There's one fellow who can never Inc. 29 NORTH MAIN STREET taken the girls' lounge by storm Owen without Finn and vice-versa keep his mind out of the gutter WILKES-BARRE, PA. these days -- the latest letter was Lois without bangs . . . Paxon a street cleaner. GENERAL INSURANCE written on the back of a calendar without his pink cheeks . . . Char- Phone 3-1114 the one before on a shopping lotte Richlin without a big smile. O Baby, there's honey on yor lips! bag - aha! We know the author Ode to Spring (or should I O bee-hive yourself. Miners National Bank Building too say Sprig?) Wilkes-Barr., Pa. In reading our psychology (yes, "March 21, the first day of Spring I've been sleeping like a log. we actually opened it) we came When all the hoids are on the wing You wood Phone 2-7145 DRINK MORE MILK! across an unusual piece of Quaker Aw nertz, to me that sounds absoid man. psychology. Quote "Everybody is I thought the wings were on the I owe my life to that IT5S GOOD FOR YOU a bit queer except me and three, and boid!" Did he save you from drowning? at times thou are a bit odd me- Yes, we know you've heard it Naw, naw, he's my father. JOSEPH HOGARTH thinks." unquote - Subtle - eh what? before, Just thought we'd re Commercial Photography story mind you of it Optimist: One whose glass is half Have you ever heard the 228 HAZLE STREET WOODLAWN of three kitten? Well, if you Have you heard the modern full. the WILKES-8ARRE, PENNA. have, you can skip this part and definition of a parasite? We quote Pessimist: One whose glass is half if you haven't, put on your boots "One who goes through a revolving empty. * FARM DAIRY and start wading door on another man's push" Hogarth Stands for "Once upon a time there were News Flash! There were three The only man who lives on the fat Finest of Service three kittens, named 'Fft," "Fft- additions to the Glee Club at the of the land is a girdle maker.



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