Hniinery.-J. X. Fuller. •riBTATK OF nARMEY c; baynbb; OK. X!i> ceased. State of Michigan, county or Ing­ ham, se, At a sonelon of the probate court for Itaao Swab and .wife hara .returned CLOSING OUT SALE the County of InRhain, lioldou at tho probato finbi$i V a VlBtt^ td ;tbelr oillco, In the ally uf Msbou, on tbe aoth day of June, In the year one thousand eight hnndrod Th«y ra^'rt the odui)twil*'a proeper- and eishty-throo. Present, Geo. IP. . alllam, ous'oonaltibn. HaTV^flnttibieing com- judge of probate. mehiBed a weelf; ajgo and'«teB;i si* *? In the matter of the estate of Barney C. Bay-. itt T«i«« BlM««r «!•••' ncr. dccoaaed. MedMl'ln K«ula«ky; seven feet hlffh. " .'••'"''Jwi'^-t*'' Un reudinit audnllng the petition, duly vorlflod, Millinery and Fancy Goods. ol Nelson B. Jones and James B. Porter, ' OKEM08. his thatspeclflc performance of a certain cou- trtct In wtltlnR niny ho decreoA, and that tbe ad- VOL. XXV.-NO. 28. inlnlstrators of said estate may ho authotlEcd MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1883. WHOLE NO. im» . J ' Eddie Taberhain is quite Bick. and directed to inulto and execute conveyances Having decided to close out my Entire Stock of ot tho real cuUilu duscrihcd iu said contract to • sirawb'tin'y.,plckihg Is all th^ go Just «ni«i» dmepd»,heaitbttrn. m«I>< the potltlonori). now. X ?-r;'V -jV; -./i, ;•, • — , Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 0th li*; kidney dlKaie, liver comphOnt, PERSONALS. Md^thiifrivcbhtestiM-inu .bludlug 'Mrs. Jas.'Keoflis^. very sick; -Her day of Augnst no.\t at ton o'clock In tho foronoou, . Several loads of wool came to Mason Stockbridge and Leslie bad but little . Jafilhg macliliies took place under the and other wotUng diieoMi. be asalRnod for tho hearing of said petition, Clothtng—Broas, Lansing. •i«coyg;y.,iJiii^yeTy|do«^^ •;; 3N/£llLHr AND OHM] at a session of said court, then to bo balden from Jackson'county last Friday, one rain the Fourth. (fuspiccs of the Kentucky AgrlculturaL Mrs. L. F. Bunnell was In town this at tlie prnbato, oillco In the city of Mason, from within three miles of Jackaon (ind Mechanical AsBpclatipnj < on the 'ji; iiuinber of oIirclMzens are going' afarosaiu: And It Is further ordered, that It will be for your interest to call 4nd examine my • PCBLISRED EVSnV TitDIWDAY, BV week. Vo Whom It May Coneern i ;furm of James B. ClBy;neur,:Lex' iaway to spendjtlie.Pjfiiiirth. ' said petitlonorg elve notice to the poraons city. They were not contracted in ad Stock before purohasing. All goods at Interested In said estate of tho' pendancy Mi's. F. M. Vandercoflk has been in On account of tho excessive wet weather CHILDREN'S SUITS. CHILDREN'S StTITS. ton, on the lOtli of Juhelj^t.j-ln yh' • "'^Mrs. Sherhiaiirof'thls place, spent of said potiUon and tho lioaring thetoot by caus­ V. J. TEFFT. vatice, but were brought here because during the last month I havo been unable to utdtotan6ed lost Sunday'with friends In Lansing. ing a copy nf this order to be publlslied In TuK tho city visiting fk'lenda. Mason is the best market they could soli OS many carrlugcs ns I would Ilka to und BOY'S SUITS. BOY'S SUITS. all Its rivals." It,, li^furtber stated BROWN'S InoiiamCouiitv Nkivs, a newspaper printed and , A partyflft'trien passed through this circulated in said connty of Ingham, for four Oat yssr, tl.SO; sia monlhi, 75 csalit Ihrtt Mrs. S. W. Turner lias been a guest reach. now have the largest stock of carriages and YOUTH'S SUITS. YOUTH'S SUITS. - that " the re8ult:v.wia;,tt,; mosti signal place putting up telephone wire last succesHive weeks previous to eaidday ofhearlUK. moalhi, 40 siali—la advaaos. ylatform wagons ever shown in Mason, nnd at J, H. Sayers' this week. triumph tbrtheJuBtly cijlebrirted TMc- weiik.'' »Tho wlreconhects Lanslngand ^SOME GOODS .AT ANY FRICE.^ (Atrnocopy.) G£U. P. QltLAH, A letter from Mra. J. C. Granger, of wiil sell tliem III greatly reduced prices. No MEN'S SUITS. SUITS FOR LARGE MEN. Corinlek j";ahdHbat|'tl),ere w*e an at­ 1271JW4 Judge of Probato. . ADVEMTItlNO RATES. 'I)etrolt.,c" ••• 'i '•: ' IROH Our navertlBinK rates made known at office. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Darrow have Georgetown, Kansas, announces the mistake about this. I mcau busiuess. Please tempt by its agents to; hull the Osborne Tliere was an.;extra town meeting DOXTT DSZ.A'7 FOU XTOW ZS Business eardi Sla line por year. gone to Marshall fur a visit. death, at his residence In that place, call nnd seo me and my stock nnd bo con SUITS POR EVERYBODY^ at macnine-tlirbugh,": and the article OIITGAGE 8ALK;-DKPA0LT BAVINti Monday, the result of which was a been made in tlie payment of two hundred Business loeals ftve cents per line eaeh and viiicod that you can buy the samo quality •closed'>vith tJib fallowing modest lan- 7-lnnr dollars nnd seventy cunts, now claim­ •very insertion. Prof. Derr is attending tho SUte J.uly 6, ut 0 A. M., of John DeWltt Da- carrlngo of mo at leaal ton dollars less than of largeiiiHiority in favor of tlie loan and M Harrlsge, birth, and dentli notices tree. ,guag(S-: >''lohe by one djoes the ed tu be due and unpaid upon a certain ninrtgago kin, of consumption. Mr. Dakin was any man in tho state. Itespectfuiiy, Iron bridge. liearinK date tho eleventh doy of February, 1881, Obituary notices, resolutions.of renpect, teachers' association at Lansing. iMoGorikiick tln»- its victories until the cnriehei the blood «nd purifies the Mrs. Hasty, of Lansing, giive a very executed by Charles K. Granger aud Mory E. wrdi of tnanks, etc., Ave cents a line. a former resident of Dansvllle, and had L. PUANK CI.ARK. fliiaiuireiiehes from continent to conti- ^em; cures weakness, lack of Just remember that I shall still continue to carry Granger to Beth A. Paiidoclc, and recorded in the A ten-pound boy was horn to Mr. good. discourse on the subject of For­ many friends In this county. iieut unbroken and impregnable. No energy, etc. Try a bottle. the Largest aud Most Complete Stock of office of the register of deeds for Ingham county, aud Mrs. Dr. J. H. Lyon, last Thurs­ Cheeae. eign Missions at the ,M.£r church last state of Miclilgan, on the sixteenth day of tho TSE NEWS JOB BOOM ; trlclCB or devices can take away i,ts The examination of Mrs. A. S. Splondid full erenm oheeso only 12J4 cents, Sunday night. month and year above named, in Liber 51 of Is supplied with tho best machinery that day. mi Oie-Pn Clotli Hon • laurels." • , •. •' Mortgiigux, on page iSIl, which said mortgage was 127»tr Hunt & Ellis. -The high water-last week took off assigned by Sctli A. Padilnck to Ulinrlcn .f. llay- money can buy, fitted for steam power, a large Miss Grace Brown has been renew­ Noble and Scott Tice, of Onondaga, - More ornioreshabbyfalsehoods'were the bridge across the outlet known as ncr, upon the ninth dny of March, 1881!, nnd said assortment of the latest styles of Type, Bor­ ing old aciiualntaiices in Mason this charged Avith the abduction of Edith Ilnnritlnut nnranin*) Bisrsnlnal -11 ever cotulenscfl into tho same space.' 3Boots and Shoes! assignment was rccordiid in tbe register's oillco ders, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on Great roduoUon In prices ot furniture. Cull .'It ill a fact that tf contest was had as the Hardy brldge,also the culvert Just of liighuni eounty upon the same day it boars week. Goldsmith, account of whose arrest date, lu Mlier llfty of mortgages, on page J20; •hort notice, at low prices, nnd in the and bo convinced. 70tf TAVLoa .feBAKKK. west of Mr. Joy's. , BROWN'S appeared in the last week's News, was We have the largest and most complete line of 'Stated, but it is not a tact tliat "the Mi-8. M. McRobert, and Mrs. Lovlna In the City. Very Respectfully, and no suit or jirocoedlng at law or in chancery ' • McGormickoutdistanced nil its rivals;" K. D. Crittenden has taken tlie gen­ fttrmen! Imvlnii been iiistltutert to recover any part there­ BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! Coatsworth are visiting friends at had 111 part before Justice Ryan yes­ ' on tli(3 contrary it was fairly and cohi- eral agency of Tyler's lantern aiid Look at thoso Patent Gear Flint'Wagons, al of, and the power of sale therein -contained liav- terday, and adjourned to next AVed- pletely.defcatedby the No. II Osborne lamp-lightera, and can give agents a IRON J. L. FULLER. Ing become absolute by virliio of the statnto in We do OS good work ns cnn he obtained any­ Paw Paw, Mich., tliia week. IWOtf LASENUY d: DUNNINO'S. such case made and provided; Notice Is hereby where, nnd parties In need of cominerclal or nesday. ' twiuofbinder.astbe following dispatch splendid chance to work. given that upon lllittiir

ill AjymTIOXAL. LOCAL. flrom here," McCoiineH then . went Tiiere are three theories of the case. Common CoHttell Froeeedlngs. psople I* with Olesaos. VrArrests will probably &Ohtoand Wabnsb, and their Wcatern con- Groceries.—Hunt & Elite. By the giving, way of ono of the wire r As a moans of stiiyin;,!; the .spread ot out doors and toward the front of the The first is, that McConnell murdered D«,made. A phyilclsa was called taidreta uectiuiiB, In eunnuutluu with all uf which guy ropes on n powerful ilerrick on Walker's chulorn, llK auilioritli.H at Diiineltta have or- [omotAL.] Qleasim's.wunnds. >,The suit fur enticing-the through tickvia urn lieiiig printed, and they stone quarry at Juliet, III, Iho derrick was (lereil MiuiiiiialiliaiitH to leave tiii-lr ilwellings bouse. Price and concealed his body. But ,wlf" away Is now pending in/: the circuit court iirunuBU tu niiiku a sharp cuiuputitiim with thu Mabon, Mioh. i July 0, 1888. Michigan Centra). pruelpltatud upon a number uf wurkinuii. Malt nnd stay in li'lite, lliu lufectuil pHrlluii uf tliu Thursday, July 19, 188». After MoCounell left the house Price tho forest Is covered with a. thick un- Council met in regular session and it Kalsmubo connty. Rogi-ra aud .lohn Bloumqiicst were instiiiilly city has been partly dislnfecteil and jiurtly .. Work.on the Washington monument said to Dorn: "He had aa ax, did you dergrpwth. Saturday night was a was called to order by. President pro , Bay Oifcy acoldonts!—WmijH.vBlodo- tiiigcb ,annu'.il.vMiohigan state camp has come to a staiul still because the marble . A lire lit tno Daupliinc Conntv, Pa., kiiluii and seven utners seriiiusiy tnjuruil, uurucd. , et(,al)rakumanoti'tli(i Dutrbtt and |i»y City, pour-houre, dtstruyed every hullillng on tho notice it?" teni.Brown. Present Aldermen Brown. Irieetrug BtPetoBkisy, Joly 84 to August 13.' contractors cannot live up to their agreement. . Mile. Litta. tho .well-known concert Tlio I'aiiaina Star iiiiil Hor;vld of .Tunc moonless night. The middle of the railroad; wUoao Uoiiie wm at Muaijor's atatloD, It will'lk, about three years before the niouu- urimnds except tlu; laundry and scliuiil-lnnise. Binger, died in Blunmlngtoii, III,, a fuv/ drtva Clark, Marshall, Meban, Rayner and : attempted tu board a mbvlDs'etJKlnu at 'Bay /•About20,000-young eels have boon 23nay3 thu volciiuu (if Oiiiulope, Lake Nlcara- Bobert McConnell kills Dorn did not notice it. forest would have been the blackness deposited In tho null pond at Dlnioudule, log- munt is completed Tile (Ire was llrst d.acuvered in a large frame ago, \ AHFMTIONJF TEE LEG. Russell. City aud, uilBalug aU bold, (ell under the driv- btuble, siMlatud near the iiiuin Htniuttire, an giiii. Is In eruption. • When the crater llrst Frank Price in Me­ Meantime Irvin Ware bad arisen, ot darkness. It \» dlflicult to under­ Eli & Is. ; . inij-wlieelii aud «raB crushed to death, Georjro ham isounty. ' During the fiscal year just closed elegant building three sturies lilt:h, with a liriiku forth tliu peuple lied to thu cliurchea, TBeOld raniliy l>h>Nlelan at rnnlt- Minutes of lost meeting read and Dr. navid Kennedy tbe Huceeasriil dressed himself and come down. He stand how McConnell could have mur­ Linkuer, wheelsman o( the steam harico (I. 8. A young girl from Detroit, Miss there were r)3,4ll uppltoations for pensions, nn mansard i^uof, Tho stuhlu waa cunaumwl to­ fueling that, Ihu u hole Islanil would bu do- ridian—Jealousy approved. Hubbell. tried to walk on tho booinatick from STII.I. I1AI.1.0TI.S0, sM-ij.vuil. The valley of the Alrnis, lu Cauca, MiirBeon. Annie Ward, sscured cmpIoyinoBt in a hoti-1 in increase of 21S,(XX) over the previous year. gether with its contents and twu horBcs and wentoiit doors and listened to hear dered Price with an ax, conveyed tbe A remonstrance was received signed the barge to whuro ulino was (aateued, to loose Marshall some time ago aud has been there live mules. Till-, tieated slate on thu main Tlifl leRlsUvture of Nuw llampRhIrn resumed uruilliiuefi the center l8o It, : -slstaucu 'could reach ibim was, drowned. He account of tobacco, snult and cigars, under was a very high wind at the time, thu b'ulUling earth opeiiuil In inunv places, thrdwliig out a could tiear nothing. leaving traces of lils work. It is said E. Wyeth remonstrating against build­ of surplus clothing to a young lady acquaint­ thu new law, aggregates over •3,00U,lKI0. after an adjuiirnmeiit of lliree days. Harry Mr. Abrnm Ellsworth, of Port Ewon, Ulster ''hailed from Sandusky, O., and a-os about 9J> ance for 140, a purtlon of tho money being was soon destroyed. Tho fire Is supposed to Bingham w-a.i sllll aliuuil, 117 votes being cast very fine ^all>l In a liuatud state, whilst n sulv ing the walk ordered at last meeting yesrsold. county, N. Y. liad realized this truth. His Returning, Price asked him, "what that there are sink holes along Sloan's paid down and tho rest to bu paid in install­ .About $55,000 lias been covered back liavo been causeil by heated hay just placed in for him, and lO-l for Rulllns, The latter candi­ terriiiii.aii noise was heard riiaeiiihling that A MOST mm\m case. and asking tlmt a sidewalk be ordered tliu barn, but there Is a rumor that it wa., acci­ disease Involved tho whole of his thigh-bone, ments. A few nights ago, there being but tlO into tbe treasury out of appropriations made date Is Btuadlly liming ground. A paper is liit- madu by bulling water. At Turbo, on tho sliallldo?" "Go up stairs and go to creek in wlilch a body could he sunk to be built In accordance with the ordi­ • A German named MathiasBuohkro- dentally set un fire by une of tho employes Ingclreiilatcd amuiigUuUIns' men, pledging him (iulf of Urbii, the earth opi-nei) uml water is­ and tho sulTorlng man looked forward, not mer comuiltted suicide in Saginaw City by first paid on the goods, and fearing she would bo for salaries fur employes of thu treasury de­ bed," replied Irvin. and completely hidden. But McCon­ nance on walks. cheated out of thu clothing, Mies Ward stole partment fur the fiscal year. Inmiapliio or a cigar. Tho loss will reach tlieir suppurt, sued, ll()iidi..g tlie streets tu a depth uf two Without apparent reason, to deatli ns his only The Body as Yet trying tu cut bis throat and then haoiclng blm- nbunt tS ni,00O, und th»re is an Insurance uf On motion by Aid. Clark the action Oenulne Porcelain Tops. Tile Into the girl'* room and secured the articles. IOWA KEi> being given to (!om,.|cl the peace when she was surprlscd'to learn that Leon, which emptied Into tho Atlantic, was Clark, Marshall, Meban—4; nays, has been and is disposing of them with the As Buonas tho firewa s dlsciivi-red, tho inmates platform remarkable fur its clear and consist­ conipletuly closed up and all ovei the district David Kennedy, of Rondout, N. Y., who was The Father of the Murdered : teesot the tnstltutloa for tbe dcat and dumb by she had committed a state's prison offense. promised rapidity. uf tue Insane department were released from ent prlnuiples, and lor thu clearness with Stuart Phelps'. Ware went out with carried to the river, it must have been Ruyncr and Russell—2. ' ,Qov:Begole jiad Robert W. Dullain of the Shu returned the goods aud on payment of thu movement uf thu earth is su contiuuuus consulted, lield a dtfloront opinion, nnd am­ Man Finds Blood on the their quarters. Some uf them fought violently, which thu aim and intentions uf thu party that the luhahitnols are emigrating. Price as he started ofT. taken across the railroad track. Tho A petition was received with 20 ' same place appointed in his stead. The costs was allowed to depart, which she did Postmaster Gresham will investigate aud a number were badly burneti; When or­ were aet forth, was adopu-d. The platform putated tho limb. Tho doctor tlien adralnls- Seat of the Boat in removal cause* much eurprlse to Flint. The Immediately for Detroit, glad to leave "such a the Louisiana state lottery, with a view ef as Tho Suez company announces terod freely his great Blood Specific FAVOR­ There is a wagon road running sand along tbe track would have re­ names iittaclied asking that a sewer be IMfPklir^iik,^^^::';: der was restored. It was discovered that twelve was enthuBlastically received, and the undursu- the Oedar Biver. governor will withhold bis reasons for tbe peculiar city." certalnlugfor himself whether it is a legitimate ut the insane charges W( re missing, and thev ment by the (larty uf the temperance principles that in casu of an agreement being made with ITE REMEDY to ulTurd tone and strength to south through the woods connecting tained the foot prints, agd Ware, who built commencing on Columbia street - : aame tiil the pest aeaalon of .the legislature. business concern. are supposed to have perished lu thu flames. whicli provides fur the sanctity uf the home as tlui Brltlsli g.vyerninent In regard tu matters by B. C. Rayner's and running to the Michml Rickey, a resident of Chester­ tho system, prevent tlio return of tho disease, the camp with the liighway. This sat on the wood pile would have heard. 'The next reunion ot the soldiers^ and field, Macomb county for nearly SO years, died There Is a sentiment prevalent that against the saloon was must heartily commend, coiicirnliig Ihe new canal the sun of De Lea- and Mr. Ellsworth remains to this day in the FULL DETAILS FUBNI8HED BY A culvert at second ward scliool liouse. cd. Buren li. Sherman was renominated fur sailors'ossocUtlun o( Soutbwettero Mlehlsan recently. Atturney-General Brewster is too expensive The health ollicer at tho port ot Now Bcps will, ut tho request of the Brltlsli mU tstry, bloom of hcatth. This gentleman's dlseaae SPECIAL REPORTER OF road makes quite a curve as it leaves Referred to the sewer commissioners. govcrniir, O, H. Manning was renominated for start fur London tudeflultelv conclude arrange­ The second theory is that McConnell wilt hi held at St. Joseph on the 83d, 38il am luxury for the United States government. York has ordered that all vessels coming from was offkprlng: ot foul blood, nnd Kennedy's TIIE NEWS. the Ware and Dorn shaiity, and the The following claims were presented Harry G. Wiley of Lansing, a Michi­ lieutenant goveruur, Pruf, A, Kerr of Linn was ments for prosecutlox of the work. scared Price away. But the men at Mthor August. C0I.N. J. Kelse*'of West ports un the east coast of the Mediti rrauean, FAVORITE REMEDY purllled tliablooduiid and allowed: Leroy. Calbuun caunty, will be colonel com­ gan miUtary graduate, has been made a major W. W. Corcoian is making an effort renominated for superintendent of instruction, route cnn be shortened by taking a Now do not let these m the Ist regiment of state troops. to hare the remains ot Francis Scutt Kev, the be taken tn quarantine, until a thorough er all by acclamation. After au informal ballot D The stencil atDaraiotta was noticable restored to bim the poweronco moro to onjrjy camp say that Price would not scare. G. L. Biirnaby Sol 12 manding; Jtfajur Harrison Bjule of Jackson, ainluatlon has been mado, and It the cholera Last Monday our city was startled straight cut through tho brush, strik­ The report. has reached Charlotte author of the "Star Spangled Banner," re­ Judge Heed was nominated for supreme court 10 miles off. Di-ad unimala by the acoru are his Bfo. Aro you sulfering from any discnao Besides, if this theory is true, why N. Sommervllle 6 00 Ueateiiant colonel; M. H. Humpbroy of Three should become epidemic in Europe aain Egypt, by the report that a man iiaiiied Frank Geo. Kellogg 500 dealers who only get that I, O. McCutcheon, secretary ot Montana moved to Washington. At present t>V Chicagu, IS 88 casualties all told. Including T>HYSICIAN AND SUKOEtlN. OFFICE and Price were the shanties, contain­ eaten fresh pork. It is stated that the liorcby nuUiurlzed tu draw his wiinaiil un llio , Being season of the cureof diseases are to be presented. Among million dollars. three deaths, five fatally wounded, siorc or New Hampshire legislature will remain un It costs Swit/orlaad $14 less to ship I III Cook Block, oppusilo tho Postolllee. construction material run daily to and from Xortherii railroad. Mr. Weinmeister ing several men. He might have city treasurer fur the suin of nno luiiidrcd the big cut near F«wsvllle. Tbe entire right of other subjects to be considered, those terrible less maimed fur life, aud five slightly injured. broken for some time, a prop-isitiun has been a pauper tu America than it dues tu feed him a Night calls answered ut tho olllce. inhabitants of the shtmty were busy dollars for tho purpose of rotjiliiliis the servi­ Mullen, commander of the ill-fated The chief instrument uf destructlun proved ttlOO auee tuples, by Senatur Blair and John B. caiupulgii In Mlsslssipiil frum the fact that the Varmers'mutual" come to the liouse and gone to his M. Fletcher, a former ConKregatloual minister Rupuiillcans and Deinoerals have uiiitid During tlio hours ending July 6, Sherifl" JlcKernan, went to Meridian By Aid. Clark: If you consult the in­ character. Nothing can be more refreshing per aiiuum, provliled he keei)s the agreement Gough. Clarence Buweii read a poem on "Our lliiru w.-ru lOil dniMistrumcholera utDaiiitetta I7IRE INSURANCK COMPANY OP ING- her son, Irvin, and untnarrled daugh­ room, at about four o'clock in the of this state, who died at Aruiada two or three than thu steamboat. ride to aud from (irosse eiiueernlugtho rciluquishiiien' ol the reserva­ iigalust thu Indrpundrnts, thr Kepnblleuns Ij ham county. Safest, cheapest, best. For last Tuesday. Sesolved, That a crosswalk of concrete nnd years since. The deed was committed with a Cuuntry," written fur the f.ccablun by Juhu uiiii OS at .MaiiBuriih, ter, Isabella, the other by Mrs. Ware's terest of your pocket Pointc every day. Asa summer jaunt It Is tion. Thu secretary also agreed to build u Ureunleaf Wlilttler, and the Rev. L. W. Bacon placing colored men in nui.iluatlun. Information write toO. F. Miller, secretary. morning, with a diflercnt shirt on, slono be built dlagunally across A street on razor, four Bashes being cut acrois the throat, Mason. Samuel Skadun, prosldciit,Dansvlllc. The writer interviewed him lasteve- tho north sldo of Mnpio street, tho width of very deiighlful and none appreciate it better school house and grist mill. The agreement also read an original contributlun lu vurse UJISETTl.En. Piopcsud ainendments to the Span­ son-in-law, David Dorn, and his fami­ sleeves rolled up, boots muddy half one of which severed tbe wind-pipe. is upon euiigrees appropriating u common crossings In city, and that G. Ilodloy, book you will call on than thoBu who make it most frequently. But form. ish cunatllutiuii provhlu fur the better proUc- ly. Mrs. Ware's son is about 22 years niiig. He had been doing detective now putting In such walks lu city, bo given Lawrence Uardlnger was arrested at sullleleut amount fur the purposes uaiiieil, On tho Cth inst,, Bingiinm received I km of personal rights aud the saercdneas ut JKWKI.KIt. _ way to the knees, nnd that he was the Grosse Pulnters and their friends and 84 votCB In the Nuw Hampshtrc senatorial con­ work and exhibited what appeared to tho contract at seven cents per siiuaro fool Tecumaeh by ulUcers Stevens and Cole, charged ut'ighburs further up the shore want aume- liume, and exleuUiiig religious tuleratlun. of age, and the daughter is 20. then asleep. Repeated calls lulling to nnd ully furnish slono fursnfd ci-o.ssliig, and with having raped Carrie CBunuu,B colored Tho treaty between the United States 'I he altornev general hos given an test, while Itolllns received 74, with eight other LIAS CUL'VlJll, dealer In watches, clocks, thlng speedier, mure frequent and good for About si.x weeks ago n fellow named be dried blood, whicli he had picked lliut the city clerk lie and is hereby author­ girl aged 15 years. The details of the crime und the British government concerning the liah- iplnion tothe secretary of the treasury that uaiidldates Bcalteriiig. It is repurteiTthat tln- A lii.spatcli from Copcniiiigen says a E Jewolry,sllvcrwnro,etc. Ropalrliigdoiic. arouse him, he was left asleep while a ized to sign 11 contract with above IJodloy un »luter as wcU at liummer. Hence the renewal the exportation of homlud whisky to Bermuda oil' the seat of the boat that is kept on are uuflt for publication. The sirl behiugs ery queotlon, expires July !i, 18S5. Ilullliis men have been in secret confereiici- prisoner named Nielsun, who was charged with Robert McConnell came from St. search was made for Price. All day part of ully as above, provided said liudley of tha much talked uf Detroit Shore Railroad, with a view to Ita re-impurtatiun for the pur­ recciitly with a view to agreeing upon a caiidl- eipinnil'iliig arson here, has cuufesaed that he will give (.-ity six inonllis' time to be .^atl.sllcd to a very resprctablo colored family and beara iiahiikk nh<>i^ Charles to work at tho camp. He was tlie Cedar river, a little north of the an unblemished reputation. which is designed to be of narrow gauge and pose uf evading or dt-Iuy Ing payment of taxis late to support for senatur next week. <-i:i fire tu the Victoria ducks, Lunduu, in 1881, the search continued, during most of of tho solidity and lasting luituro. take in all the towns on the ehurcs of tbe Luke A Bradford, Pa., special of July 1, not an exportation within the nieaaing of the with a view |u ubtaining plunder. Thu opiniun '""^""henrv reed, a well-made, athletic fellow who al­ which time McConnell lay upon his camp. The blood is in the pcssession. During a heavy shower James Per­ law. The attorney general holds, however, Adopted as follows: Yc-aa, A ids. k Is. aud Kiver St. Clair as far at least as St. Clair says: About 8 oclock this liuretufure ciitertaiiiud rt-gardlng Ihe origin uf ::; lia'd realized a large Ish India, luusliig great damage to iiruucrty ^ , ---- SNELtr ~ by more peiisons than McConnell. He pendcuce by loading up a east Iron wagon thim­ tu Interest M, Hopkins, Senator Whiting and fortune. There waa such au entlru abaencu ul her to go witii him to various places, The ground bchinil the log gave no servo notice ve(inlred by section (C) six of ble with a half pound of powder aud tiring it. ex-Seuator .MeElrny in their project, hoping to III an approauhiug coal train. The paaeenger St. .Martin's convent in Bi:>wn county, Ohio, and Bi)iii« l.iaaul iile. The wutiraare nowsub- oidlniiiiee No. ('.'^iwo upon property owners the faiutett aort of niutlve for young Seamiiii'a USICAL DKAl.KH. OltflA-VS .-VNC indication tliat a man had lain there. thinks tlie body was taken into the Clotlxi:i:ig', The was blown lu all dlrectiong. One secure pledges sufllclent In ainuunt to warrant car was well tllleii, and the destructlou uf life m the 4lh Inst. Ou the same day, Bishop Miliiig, Irullic on railways was interrupted, I'lauu.s of the iiiusl uoleliratcd make, and oliered liimsuif to licrin iiiarrijigc. or rcsldeiilsowiiiiig iiropcrty or living on .=aUl ami limb was appalling, seven being instantly i'inkey of the Episcopal church, died nt act that nu doubt could be entertained fur a i'ive hundr.d liouoes have fiillen al sural. M boat and sunk in the river. Ho says .street between said Asli und Kim sirueus, and Ctips, iiud rt«on-.s piece about the size uf a half dollar pasted them in extending their line from Port Huron ninmimt that his mind must have given wav, iiiusiu luul luun-lmiidise kept con­ Slie disliked tiie man and declined his Generally McConnell was uncom­ through thu calf ot Mac's leg not far below the killed and utiiurs fatally Hurt. It Is not known CookeysvHIe, Baltimore cuuntv, Md. In tlii^ .Muiiy villages are (iLSlruyud liy ihe lIuLjds und that they, the above described pei-.soiis, bo to St. Clalr the prtseut, season, licpiirt sa\s aud .lial while suffering from cuntcstlun ui stantly un hand. Rouins oppnslto .Moody municative. that his sou and Lsabella Wnie liave glvnn until August 15th next to construct "knee; another struck him In the mouth, cut­ that they were not successful, but "report" in where the blamu for Ihe accident belongs, but eveidiig of the same day. Bishop .lohn .McCuI- ilidiisiiniisuf peuplu are liomeliss. Ilouse. suit. Still he seemed (juite attached FURNISHING GOODS. the bralii Induced by the sevure slruln'uf iiiiiiilli(i, sustained improper relations nt various snld walk. ting his lip In two, and a third made a had such matters cainiot u!«ay« Do given full cre­ stirviviirs are very uiiunliiiuus In the hellel li-ii, of the Catholic dlocusc of Davenport, A Ciiluiilla (lispiucli siiy.-i: Two hun- and devoted to her. that It waa tli* result of gross earelessnefs, Iowa, died In tlialclty after a lingering illness. he returnid home hurilidly, ran lu his sI•^u•r'^ After tiie day's fruitless search, . Adopted as follows: Yens, Aids, bruise ou Uls elbow. The wound near the dence. The Port Huron * Noniiwistern Nar­ ruum, anil there comuiiitt-d tliu act which lins ilrud members uf a trilju uf imtlvi's attacked a times, and tliat it was known by all GEO. M. HOYT, knee joint will iirobably inuke u cripple uf hini. Three notable Uvea are thus enildl, Mason IJiisliiess Directory. Last .Saturday aneriiooii another Ware, acconiyianled by Dan , lirowii, Clark, Marshall and Russell— row Gunge controls 'JUmlU-sof rallriittd, all Cliiuago union ijrinior.s, wliose tlircat turned a happy liouseliuld into une so grluf. lU-tiiclimiiit ut Hrltisli trun;):;, wiili-h with a po­ lier family. He scouts the idea that Makes prices AS low us any The Michigan air lino railroad at built within the past three years. The enter- to slrlUe lor inercsSLd compensation (recited stricken that sympathy seems aliiiusl iiiDckury, litical ageui had hcuii sum lo cliusli.-ie a relrac- young man, named Frank Price, aged came to ^la-son and notified .Slierift 4 ; nays, Rayner and Mcliiin—2. Clothing Hoii.ia In llio County. 6Uile prison convicts at S'llein, Ore., OIlOCKItN.^^ his son luis run away. liomco. Is washed out for nearly (lU rods. prUe has been very proll table to its pruji-etors great interest amuiig thu craft llirougl. .jiit the made a disporatc attack un tho ntllcers In an iiir.^ vlllugu in As-saiii. Tliu natlvus «cru re- 22, whose futiier, John I'rice, resides On motion council adjourned two —so much BO that liny are eager to build new eouiilr.v, liave r.uclded to defer posltlvi; iictlon At ICric, I'll., Albert Kiiliti liied u nul-i-il Willi the lots (It uU killud. Thu iiritish McKeriian, who repaired to the spot The 20 mile race ut Grand Haven attempt to escape. Thruc were killed an.l two revolver Irum a street car window and kllluil 11 UNNING & HALL, dealers In groceries, iShciitr JIcKcrnau returned to the weeks. lines, 'I'hey have a cutiiprelieuelve acheme until next, Outoliei. suffurod no io s ci-oekcry, and provisions. Ash street. near St. Charles, came to tlie camp. at once. He arrived at about nine on horseback between ,Mi6s Sfyrtle Peck and a ijumied, li;ight are r.t large. No uHieers Iltllu girl who was playing 011 tliu (.icewjilk. D camp yesterday afternoon, and will CuAS. H. IlAi.i., Clurk. ere woundi-d Hbhnd worked at the camp for two GEO. M. HOYT Mexican was won by Miss Peek in 4(1 minutes which Is capable of ludellnlte exieiislon Ivajisas stale prison lias been selcd- He claims he tliuuelil Ids ruviilver was imt Itii.ssiiin govornmcnt Iia.s ordorud A. IIOWARD it SON, dcitlors In groceries o'clock. Button went to tlie house .-siuIjIIbIiiiu.iiI there be joined by detective Jas. H. and Slisecolids. Thi' Mexican made IS changes threugliiiut the porlluns of the Lower Peniii- «d as the one In wlilcli Payiiiustcr Wnsson will Oliief of tlin Ncz Porcos Indians luailcd. .\lti.r his arri-Bl and Iiieurcuratlim his llie (,r rigid qiiaruiiilnu on ilie . and provlsloii.s. Pioneer stand. Call! months during the summer of '82, and first, when McConnell took a sudden I reeoinmend to those (a.s I Mais Stkbet, ' - Mason. lu one minute and tlireu-quurtcrs; Miss I'tck hUla nut reuclieil by railroads, Kvery inllc speiKl tlic next It] muiiths. aureus lo surreivler his reserviuion In Wash- brut.licr Fiaiik lu a 111 ot uxeilumeiit hanged lllacU Hiiilo prevuutllii. Inlrij.ii.ciiiuiur eliulura Baker, than whom Ingliam county have with Hay Fever, E!j''s ('roiiin made 19 changes in lour and a half minutes. tlii-y build pays lliL-ni directly ami mere Is hlineelf. liy vuhsuLi cumliig frum Egyut, uiid lias lurbid- having engaged this season to work alarm and a sudden departure. The At WillvCsbaiTC, Pa,, Uio Conyngliani nglun terrlliiry and nettle iiu the rescrviillon IMMt'i'N A.VIt NIIMKN. never had a bettor detective. The fa­ Balm. I have tried nearly- all roino- '*iu«o» r>.'ai:iii^i.vunj nuthliig that has ao built up I'uri Huniuas tlie Ballimuru mines are now Hooded, Thi.- 1-11 tliu ubual pilgriiiiitgi; tu .\Uecu. during haying and liarvcsting for Chnns^es have been luaiie intliesclied- iiljoiniiig. hv this aotloii of thu chief it. Is ei- Wil.soii Htiwai'd, wlio !-:illcil .rnlin slierift' remained at the shanty all dies, and give this a decided pioforenee nk'S 01 M uhlgau star mail routes, 34,M1 (Hart­ enterprise of these imn. That a Shore line watur is uve:- 300 feet deep in the lunni-r. The peeleil tliat2,litX»,(KK)acres of land will be thrown Kaln on an excurslmi train al -Mound C'iiy, A lorrililo inigudy Ims oucured at FULLER, denier In boots, shoes,mil­ ther went to Lansing last night and linery, and lancy goods. Sliiln street. Stuart Phelps, who resides about a niglit. Early lu the morning AIcCoii- over tliom all. C. T. Sti;i'1ii!nh, Hard­ ford to u,iwagiuo) and SljaOl (Traverse City to Irom Detroit n-ould Ue eiiually pnilltahlu there i-mbankiiieiit supportim; the i.iain track of tin- open for seltlunicnt, III., was taken from the PuliibKI emimy juil m Ulukiuhirl, near llcrliii. The wifu uf a siiiall was to repair to the camp to-day in Platte), ivhcreby the former gets three and thu Is uo reason to doubt, and lu thu luiereats of Ui'lawuru and Hudson eual road has caved In .Mimiiil City by a party ol almutail iiii-ii, drug­ r.lni|iki.-upur cut tiic ilirii(.ls uf her iwu ehililreii mile south of tlie camp, had come nell returned and was arrested. ware mercliniit, Ithaca, N. Y. Price latter two mall eiehaugea per week, all It la to bo hoped that the energetic mau and the track Ims fallen down and another Tiirco liiiiulrnd striking niiner,s all ged ahoul ,Vi yards and Ku.^p^Tllllud to thu limb iiud llrud the liuiisu, then cut her iiwn ihruat. I .iiisvi:M.AarEoi;s. from St. Charles, and intended to ptiss The slicrifl' drew his revolver before company witli Prosecuting Attorney 50 cents. who have had tliu builUing of it in view will go iiuuse is In imminent danger. The inlliiw uf armed, tlirintctied to destruv the town of Ely, of a tree, lie had been sliul twu ui- three I'uverly was tliuniusu. Nichols. Tho call for a convention of prohihi- to trork at oncL—make their surveys, seeuie wiitur is cheeked. It will "take six weeks to Viroiunt. Giiy, Barston orih-rud nut the iiiil- LARK HOUSE, Win. IL Clark, proprietor. Suiuhay at the camp. he could induce McCoiiiicil to put on Messrs. Coleman, Son, & Fislier, times previous to being liaii.^eil, and was prob­ Kalamazoo, Mich., say: "Wo are tlouist to be held at Eutuu Rapids on the ].M,h the right of way, eulist the favor of business pump the water from thu mines, Ilia, himself al the head, Bu'. In order lo ably dead bufiire lie slriing up The builv 'J'lio ciiuiupliigiiu of Egypt ii!is caused ' lloHl one dollar it day In tho city. the handcufls. McConnell was taken before Justice of August says: ''At this convention a new the duatli uf 90 pur uunl. ol luu cattle. C In the evening Price "sat up" with men along the projected route and fliilaii up avoid further trouble the governnr also ti-le- was eiiilruly stripped of clolliiiig und left Ryan yesterday afternoon. In reply confident that Brown's Iron Bitters %.elBte central cuiumlttec Is tu be elected, plaus the line with as little di-lay as possible. Tho Pennsylvania senate has passed M. IlllKSSEU loans money, buys notes, Isabella Ware. Thoy sat in the iiiaiii gruphed the treasurer uf the luininc cuinpany hanging. Ills not known where tlic iiiub who For the week ending July S, tiiere . and luuke.s colloetloiis; also lire iiisur- Early Monday morning a reporter has merit." perfected for thoroughly organizlug the st»te resulutluns ri-qui-stlng congress to make the that they must be prepared to pay the men ut to questions he stated that be was gone trade dollar legal tumltr. did liie hauglng camu from. The whulr parly were 44 deaths trum yellow fever in Havana. Jiincougeiil. Over l,o\yc's bunk. Main street. room of the Ware portion of the Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy—a posi­ for prMilbttlon party work, provide for pa} ing The Denial Ooinnitsalon. unoc, were iiiaskiU. Some say they came by lucii- of Tin-; News visited McConnell at tho statu organizer and others who devote About $4.50,000 in taxes iiavo already house, Tiiey wore separated by only from Ware's, on the eventful night, tive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and Gnv. Begole has appointed A. F. Metcalf of motlve from Cairo. A tool: huiiae uf the Thu Paris Tetnp.s .says tlio covuuant RA'/.|.:L & MF.ll.VN, proprietors of olty the jail. His talk was of the brag­ their time tu thu work of nrgauizlni;, lo been paid Into the treasury ut Onto since thu Ex-payni«ster Wasson has been taken but two liours. That he fonnd Price, Kalnmaioo, J. A. Ruliinsou uf Jackson and Wabash read was brukuii luiu and a huav} mado by Fiuneu ami England nut to aunux the liiikury. Fresh bread, pies, and cakes. a thin partition from the room occu­ canker mouth. Parkhurst & Co. transact any other business which tlie cause Scott law was declareil constitutional. the i>eniteiiliary at Lansing, Kansas, toaerve New Hebrides shuuid b-j supplememed by ac- F gart, sniillug, sneering sort. He evi­ Geo, 11. Thomas of Detroit, as sxumlncrs in out his 18 months' sentence. He desired tu spike hammer Ltkun thcrulrum by the miib. and tried to hit him, but he yelled antl For dyspepsia aud liver complaint, rcprescutcd by the party may demand." As thev gathered around the jail the prisoner iiirdlngtuacumpany that has ixmght several Q.VtAYKltY S A PlUCl.rS, doiilera in liiirdwure, pied by Mr. and Mrs. Dorn. dently did not want to talk. He said dentistry undtr the law passsd at the late ses­ Manufacturing corporations at Sun- publish a statement before he entered the 5 stoves, tinware, nulls, glass, putty, etc. ran. That he started in pursuit, but you have ti jirluted truaraiitee on every Reports from the southern tier of cook, N. II, imported a good dt al of help from scl up a fearful howl, evidently uudurslanding uf the Island rlglits similar to thubc granted McConnell, Irvin Ware and others sion of the state legislature. The beard will prlsun, but the privilege was denied him. by Great. Britain to Uiu 111itlah North Burneo "Price is all right. He'll be around Viottleof Shiloh's Vitallzer. It never counties say that croDS arc much bettei than Sweden, aud because the immigrants refneeil the lueanlHg uf the noise. The crowd rubhed 0 FSI. 15K0WN, niniil'r. and dealer In ran intoa tree top and felldown. Just organize at once and send circulars to all prac­ Among tho recent interesting com­ cuinpany—thlB In order in counteract designs slept just above the room where Price in a few days. I guess there's enough fails to cure. Sold by Parkhurst & Co. . in tho counties lying north ol the Michigan ticing dentists lu the state, who shall send to to allow t'aelr passage money to be deducted In at the lower duor into thu jallur's rcsldeiici., C.*«V(idTc8",^vliipH, i'oljes, trunks, ole., etc, as ho was rising, Ware came up, and mercial cv<-nts Is a consignment of apples re­ making constable Olle and the