Aurellua pfoplo have witneeaed for .Sttjcrs Si Plielps.—Hardware. Legal. many yearo. ' Mw. CondasHolIey recently return- STATiJ OF RGUBBN It. IHJU,KN, DE- censed. State of Mtchlsun, county of edfrntn theaoutheni part of the atato, :h«iii, as. At a session of tlio probate court ThnndAjj Tebriiarr-1^1888. E wlier^ alie haa been some time vialting HARDWARE ! for tho county nl Initham, boldun nt tho probata rolatlona and frleuda. ollleo, in the city of Mason, on tho SUltaday of, January, In the year ono thousand oltiht hun­ •ONONDAGA. dred and oiahty.three, John Bullen baa beautified the gen­ STRENGTH eral expreaalon or bis farm much by I'lOBOut, Uen, F, Oillatn, judno of probato. i In thu matter of tho uttute of Iteubon ' Jamea P. Townaend baa gone to the the addition of a building that he re­ The Public are reapoctfully iavited to call nnd examine R. Bullen, doceaaed. state pfNew York. cently purchaaed of Win. Webb and to vigoroutly push a bu.iiness, our Nkw and Widk Selkctkd Stock of HARDWARE, Onreadlnaend UIIhk tbo petition, dulyverl- , P. VanBtperhaa been visiting frleuda moved upon hia place. consisting of all thu latest styles in llod, of Jamim T. Bullen, prayinK that VOL. XXV.-NO. 6. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1883. ttrengtli to study a profession, ndnilnlstration nf enldeBtuto may bo eranlod to WHOLE NO. 125:. at St. Jpbna during tho paat week. Some time ago the houac of Charley lilekard J. Bullen, or some other suitable poreon, ' ' It ia aaid'that Win. Sohuflman ia Merrlieawaa entered during their ali- strength to regulate a hoiischoldj I Thereannn It ir ordered, that Monday, the Builders' Hardware, 20th day of February next, nt ten o'clock In the , atnrt for England on a visit. aence and the iiarty took therefrom $10 strength to do .t d.-;y's labor with­ forenoon, bo assigned lor tho huarliig of said pe­ Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Clins. Blanchard la In the city. Tlio Fnriiiera' Inatltiito. Geo. C. Ortfflth la going to attach li ill money. Charley could get no clue tition, and that tho helm at law ofsald docoasod, The llrat excitement In the senatorial Clothing—Broas, Lansing. out physical pain. All this repre­ Japanned and Iron ware. and all other persons Interested In said estate arc tiew 30 hbiso power engine to hia of the thief. But a few evcninga since J. S, Croaainan, of Williamatoii, haa vote occurred laat Saturday when six runulrud tonppear ut a session of said court,thun The farinera' Institute, which was mill. aa Mra. and Mrs. Merrllca were at one sents wJKit is waiitod, in tlie often I! Bird Cages, Cistern Pumps, lo be holdcn nt tho .probate ollleo, in tho city ol gone to Florida for Ills health, greenhnckera cast their votea for Mr, of their neighbora to spend the eve­ Mason, and show cause. If any there bo, why tbo called at tlie court-house to convene Ferry. Tliey were promptly cheek, heard sxpressioii, " Ch I I wish i Lead Pipe and Cast Sinks. Pl7flI.IMIIEO EVEHY TlIDIiaDAY, BV H. S. Willla hna had l)illa posted an- ning, they were wonderniiiy aurprlsed prayer of tho nelltlonur should not bo Rranted, Geo, A. Earlo has gone to hia home Wednesday morning, did not get to mated by three rcpuhlicaha who left had tha strength!" If you ara And It Is furllior ordered, tlint said petittouvr V. 3. TEFFT. In Canada for hia' tlrat vlait aince he iioiinclngtKat he ia proirared to buy upon their return to And, folded up l!l»u notice to the persons Interested In said es. inisinesa until nearly noon, owing to i-'eny. Ferry will never be elected by came so America, wheat,alid other, produce, thia wl very nicely and placed upon their ta­ brokci! down, have- not cncriry, or tatoof the pendency of suld potltlon, und the the snow fall and tho consefinont tar- greenback votea. hoarhiR thoiuof, by caiislnan copy of this order to help the market. ble, the aamc Identical $10 bill that waa yur, tl.SO ; tU moniha, 75 eenli; three dinesa of the fiirmera in coming Iti- feel as if li.'e was hardly worlli liv­ WE ARE GIVING ho publlsbcd In tho Inniiam Countv Nkwh, Oat The publication of The Dally Ob­ The anow storm which, in an ava­ " The church aquall haa aubaided. A stolen from them a few weeks previ­ a newspaper printed and elrculuted in said county monlM, 40 etnU—in idvanet. < gcther, • server, Ferry's Lansing organ, haa lanche of chilling wliltenesa, awooped compromise haa been efTected ^yhich ous, A atniiige coincidence, yet iiover- ing, ycu can lie relieved and re­ of InRbam, fur three successlvo weeks previous The exerelacH opened witli mnslo, lo said day of hearlnt;. ADVERTISINQ RATES. been diacoiitinued, down UjKJii us last Friday night, waa leavca the individual character of thelea-i, true. ^ SPECIAL PRICES "i'ralse Ye the Lord," by tlie Preaby- stored torobujthoallh and ttrength s (A true copy.) OEO, F, OILI.AM, OurndvortlNlnsriitea mado known ntolIICD, decidedly the most fortnldable of tho members na well 118 the good order of • Tink Bnrch, of Brockport N, Y„ terian choir, followed iiy prayer bv BualnesK cards 81 a line per year. season. Travel, whether hy rail or .the church aocicty Intact. by taking CROWN'S IRON D!T- On tlie above goods, and it will pay you to examine 1250W3 JudEo of Probate. BualnoHN locals Uve ceuta per Hue each and who lionght HO many liorscs about liere Rev, Mr. iJaldwin. Tlie I¥ext 30 X>a,yis. Miison Public School. team, waa aerioualy Impeded and buai- TEFiS, which is a t.-uo ionic—a tliese Goods and Prices, before pur­ •very Itmortlnn. lastaeaaon, la in town. Owing to the absoni;e of Hon. W, STATE OPllANCY ilAYNKa, DEOKAS- Marriage, birth, nnd death nntlcoa free, ness sufll'red in conaequence, Oa Sat­ chasing elsewhere. cd. Statu of MIclilKun, county of InKhntn, W. Root and ,Ioliii Holbrook, wlio . AUBEMUsT The following is the roll of honor for medicine ii;;iycr:.i!!j,' r(.'co,Tmc.-,ded Obituitry notices, roHoliitloiiN nf reapect, Those wiio wish seats for "Iloonis for urday u ruin came which congealed ss. At tt session of Ihu probate court for Ihc oards of thunka, etc., Ave centa a line. were lirst on the programme, tlieir WE HAVE GOT MORE STOCK THAN WE WANT AT THIS the past month, Tiie starred names {- county of InKham, holdun at thu probate afllee,lo Rent" to-morrow iilglit had better get and formed an ley crust capable of cut the legs of horses We have received our Our Fall Stock of the justly probate. Wong Chin Foo, tho slant-eyed lec­ tute adjourned until after dinner. .Ibieiiiost youngsters, bus taken up his .Mllllo Burnett.* MiiKiSio liurnii,''' to: rivi.ior.i St., Daltimorc In the matter of thu estutu of Nancy monoy can buy, lUtod for steum powor, a largo and covered the railroad tracks witli a WE MEAN BUSINESS! turer who apjieared twice In Mason Oliirii Iiavis,* r,conii Dudley, Diuiii;; ;Iic v..-.r I v.-.ns in­ Ilnyiies, deceased. AI'TEHNOON SE.S.S10N, coating of ice upon which tlie drive abode in Ohio. On rondlnt! nnd llllnR the petition,duly verhlcd, •iwortment of the latent styles of Typo, Hor- Eilltli Kiinfion," Mary FaiiHOti,* jured iu llic i.lo miicli by o iiiecc haa conimeiiced the pubiicalioii of a Chavlea Davis, formerly of this place Surah arcono," .Mliinio Hill,* of Abner Woodun, adiulnlslialor of said estate, dem, etc., enabling hh lo do .Tob Printing on The session opened with singing wheels of the engines revolved in Iniv Main,' cf a shell, ond liavc sullered prnylnf! for license lo sell lunl cstuto, for the Cliineso paper in Now York city. cheerful helplc.ssnes.s. Trains were de­ This Stock must be iSold ! but now of Petoskey, Is diingerously flruiiu IIiinltnKUiu, mm ffli Piiiii IM STOVES •hart notice, at low prlcoa, nnd in tho "Village BelLs." ^ Minnie .lucoljs,* I^utlo Jlurlilinm, fmm ilcvcrsliico. Aboul f.jur purpose of paying Uio debts of aald decenaud, layed on all roads. In many cases • sick witli erysipela-s. Delia I'lercc,* W. M. Webb, of Aureliua, aaw a A. V. Wood then read a jiaper on Matio MiitliewM,"' and the chnixcs ofodaiinlsturlnR licr estate. BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! /ullu Scnvlllc, yearsaf;ollIjrou(jlituii paraly­ Thereupon It Is ordered, that Monday, the deluded robin occupying a cool perch pedigrees, Mr, Wood conllned him­ three and four, eiiginea were required To make room for our SPRING STOCK, Andy Eckhart is drawing logs for a Mnry l'owel.saii,« And aro making it lively on the Stove Question. Klllo Stevens, Ilolon .Sl4iiituii,« sis, M-hicIi ICoj-'t me iu bed six 'JOih day of Fubruary nuxt,at tun o'clock In thu forej on an elm Just west of N. H. Gardner'a, self strictly' to his subject discns.sing to furiilsli propelling power, and in . new bnrn, which he Intends to build JU'lon TubbN,* Come and ace us wliiie the grand nisii lasts, Wo do iiH good work uif enn be oblJiliicd any­ Jo.sle Thnmpsoii, niontlis, end tlic bert (.If.ctars noo^i, be assigned for Iho heorlnu of said petition a.s he drove into town last Tuesday. dillercnt breeds, the importance of u some Instances the trains had to be lliittin Woliili, f^ulii Tubbs, und that ihu bull's at luw of said decuased.and where, and piirtlea In need of coiiimerelul or during the coining spring. Slicrinnii Hunt,* in the city r-uid I could not correct register, and tracing the lines of abandoned. The train from Ionia on Frauds Deiisinoro, s all other persons Interested In said estate, aro fancy Job Prlntiug of any description uro Ahont lime for tiio teachera of tlie ' • The rallroud puff" has caused but lit­ GiKirito ,1owc;It," .loliii Van Ktt.eii,'" live. I."iulicrcd I'c-.Trr.illy from required to appear at a session of said court, a few celebrated short horns. tlie Detroit, Lansing & Northern road, -Don't buy a Dollar'is worth of- tle sensnlioii lieieabouts, tiie people Fred V'aiiijliii,* llii^ii to be holden ut the probate olllcc ip the city requested to cull, cxaniino al.ylcs, and obtain eastern part of the county to hunt up which was due nt Lansing .Saturday Wclili, .Tolin Kliniiicl. indij;;<:-stion, riid for ;ivcrl-.vo The pa|ier, which was full of Inter­ Ali'flt Webb,* • of Mason, and show chubu. If und there be, why prIccH before placlntf their orders. their old sciiool books anil get ready • being eonteiited with the trnnsportii- ycnrs could not col foir.l fond DURING the FALL est, was followed by discussion which morning, came pulling in conducted the uiiiyurof thu pel Itloner should not be Branted: Wk Quauantkk 1'isiii'kct Satiskactiox, riioM tliat "Old Pete," the mail horse, JllCliri'II OK.VDR, und for.T. l.ivi^o j-.uiliou oitiie lor that examination ut Dansville a by three engines about eleven o'clock Ana It Is further ordered, that snid petitioner Mas only stopped when it was choked CLOTHING, EATS, CAPS & FURNISfllNJ} GOODS, Nelll6 Wiilt,* Siillle Sherman,* Uive notice to the purnons Intercst.'d In suld es- week from Saturday. at night. Passengers took a train on ris'«<)Undaiitly able to. bo.stow, tiiucT/as un;ible (o r.' evi'n We shall ofler Special Tnducomenl.s to our Customers otr, participated in by R. .1. Bullen, r.ooru Orako, l.'icil Cliirh,* s into of the iieiidcney of snid petition, aud the the Detroit, Lansing & Northern, *AK. an1.d! .irpr - 'i..'! ' f 1i;''. (A triiecopy.) UKO, F. UII.I.AM, of a convention of protectionista to was that all farmers should iiot try to Carrlo naHscIt,* liiMwl Judge of Probate. Trains leave >fn.son as follows, by ClilcnKO orgaiii/.e for work. If protectionists keep pure breds, although they are train from tlie north on the Michigan Sell You Clothing at 1-2 its Value. -«ne 111 the sleigh. l.'lnyd nutlcr,* time, wlilcli In seventeen minutes slower than .Myrta llowUsli,* (.'alvlii Kurnaby, are to cope with' the present niethoda important to with grades, it Central road, wliich should have reach­ Xliiiililciis liulilwiii. onro A UK SAbli.-DKFAULT IIAVINO Mason time. Through tlckots east or west I lie/. Cliupiiiaii, for sale by .M. J. Murray, ticket agent of the free traders thi.s plan, or some was also agreed tliat many pure breds ed Lansing at!»: 1,5 p, M,, pulled out of MTOt'KIUtlDGE. l.iittio lleacocU,'" Nell Kclcliuiii, been iiiude In the conditions of a curtain the atatlon at 7 o'clock Sunday morn­ Mluortgnge ninde by .loiitlinn II. Tavlor and Oaru- aOINO NOICTIf. not Ml MOUTH. otlier that will promote organi/.atlon, arc made infertile for lireeding pur­ .Muy Lincoln,* If utile .Merrill,* .Mnll IbWp.m. Alva Unilyke, If voii want a gtmd Heating Stove buy the linu Taylor, his wife, ti) A. 1'. WlUlnins, d'llcd Mall 7:.'"« a.m. poses by too high feeiling. ing. Many Maaonitea waitetf at the Dayton Reeves haa returned from Grant .Moslier, Express .'5:11) p.m. Kxpress lOi.'ifla.m. must lie adopted. CHAS.BROAS, I'Jdwnril I'illioiui, Oliiuil llhuilos, ROUND OAK. the 171 Ii day of December, A. D. ISllil.and record­ idinslng depot all iiiglit. Others a complete ard ;i.ra 1 •-.jv ed In the oillcu of Ihe lleglster of Deeds for thu Way freight.. »:I5 n,m. Way freight,, 3:05 p.m. After music G. W. Phelps read a Keed City. Itcna Vail Dun.sen. Cliurllo Wlkox." It exeells auy .Stove in tlie Market for Beauty, Dniabiiily, and A warrant lias been issued for Irving sought hotels and drove down the fol­ Courty of hiKlinm and .Statu of Mlchlenn.on the paper entitled, "Sliall We Market our Hon. Joliii Farmer and Hon. R. I'. SIXTH nitADK, Indigestion, Dyjpcpsi?., M.iinri-.'., IS CHKAP IJJ PRICE. 21st duy of OcceiuUer. A. D. I.Sfill, In Xlber M of Turner, of Dellii, for failure to support lowing day. By Monilay all trains NeW Advertlneinciim Till* Week. Wool Washed or Unwashed'?" Mr. Bistioi) were in town one day last Eininn HaUlwIn,* .I«s«l. U. G. C. Knight who lias already tak­ Itiirt Walkor.* Frank Knell. to the oerves. ulo In such case iiiado and (irovidud, nollcu la ing race througli the woods. .\ war­ Hoyt favored wasliliig. B. B. Noyes, C'liiirl.^n* I.ociiIk. flvefcuaia. 'Tom. Kelley and is going into the liv- Cliiirllu .Miller,* Dora Hunt.* hereby given that on Kriiliiy, lli« !l7tli rll. A. I>, IMNll, ut eleven o'clock In the DryOid;iy his resignation as If you want Olassware, go to Ford's Ilazaar. At I ho now mill. All hard wood, 40 cents per Floyd Cliullorliin, tieii. Orlillii,''- (takes oaic nf tlie churcli. forty (10) ncrus, be Mic sninu nioru or less. tliuir eavir troiigli wagon. called early. we should wash and some .say we pastor of Ihe Presbyterian church, of conl, Husswoud und Elm Slabs given to pur­ Waller Ki^lelnim, Mauil KImiiiol, Dated l.unsiii.,-, Jan'v IVtli,D. I8S.t. If you want Crockery, go to Ford's ISti/uar. shouldn't. How am I to know'.' I this city, and has mado arrangements chasers ol wood, Frank Moliaii,* Goo. Moim, SA7EIIS & FHELFS 5lwi:i A, r'. NVII.I.IAMS, Mort.gnRcu. Flunk 1. Darling i.s editor of the C. M. Hiiodes was doubly surprised, lUNSYILI.E, ICatloNoxon, Frank I'liiree, slionld like to liave this matter set­ to engage in retailiiig hiMits nnd If yon want Tinware, go to Ford'a Daznnr, KiiWAUn CAiiiI.i., .\tloriiuy for Mortgagee. Soliliid-s' .nnllelin-,piil)li.slied at Cliicago .Ian. 'Ji'i. When lie came to ilinner lie •OOtr KKKLEIt * DtrUNINO. Cliira liobh,* Hen Squlors,* tled." shoes at iCalania/.oo. The oHIuers of look at 25 cent Towels, at Ford's Xow is the time. Meat is hy Iklilo H. .Sies'ens & Co. found aronnil his table every sister and Money to Vumn The mill-yard belonging to D. .les.sop Grace Tubbs, .MauiI 'I'liylor, ;iS'l'.\TIJ OK MAKY HOOVER, Mr. Cook thoughta proper comprom­ the church had a meeting last Mon­ Haziiiir. S7tf Klla Woideii. FiiniitHre.-lh y\\ & M. J. lliiek. ll ducciisud. tStntu of Michigan, county brotlier wllh their families and an aunt day evening and accepted tlie resigiiti- On real estate at the officeof J, M, Dresser, is nearly fiill. high, and the farmers give it I As will ho seeii fi'