Thnndajj Tebriiarr-1^1888. •ONONDAGA
Aurellua pfoplo have witneeaed for .Sttjcrs Si Plielps.—Hardware. Legal. many yearo. ' Mw. CondasHolIey recently return- STATiJ OF RGUBBN It. IHJU,KN, DE- censed. State of Mtchlsun, county of edfrntn theaoutheni part of the atato, :h«iii, as. At a session of tlio probate court ThnndAjj Tebriiarr-1^1888. E wlier^ alie haa been some time vialting HARDWARE ! for tho county nl Initham, boldun nt tho probata rolatlona and frleuda. ollleo, in the city of Mason, on tho SUltaday of, January, In the year ono thousand oltiht hun •ONONDAGA. dred and oiahty.three, John Bullen baa beautified the gen STRENGTH eral expreaalon or bis farm much by I'lOBOut, Uen, F, Oillatn, judno of probato. i In thu matter of tho uttute of Iteubon ' Jamea P. Townaend baa gone to the the addition of a building that he re The Public are reapoctfully iavited to call nnd examine R. Bullen, doceaaed. state pfNew York. cently purchaaed of Win. Webb and to vigoroutly push a bu.iiness, our Nkw and Widk Selkctkd Stock of HARDWARE, Onreadlnaend UIIhk tbo petition, dulyverl- , P. VanBtperhaa been visiting frleuda moved upon hia place. consisting of all thu latest styles in llod, of Jamim T. Bullen, prayinK that VOL. XXV.-NO. 6. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1883. ttrengtli to study a profession, ndnilnlstration nf enldeBtuto may bo eranlod to WHOLE NO. 125:. at St. Jpbna during tho paat week. Some time ago the houac of Charley lilekard J. Bullen, or some other suitable poreon, ' ' It ia aaid'that Win. Sohuflman ia Merrlieawaa entered during their ali- strength to regulate a hoiischoldj I Thereannn It ir ordered, that Monday, the Builders' Hardware, 20th day of February next, nt ten o'clock In the , atnrt for England on a visit.
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